Level 1 Unit 2 Worksheet

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Name _____________________________________________Class _________ Date________

Worksheet Unit 2 Level 1

What’s this: Vocabulary

Hairbrush Cellphone Wallet Fan Key Pen Purse/Pocket book Umbrella

Book Clock Television Desk Chair Table Backpack

Eraser Wastebasket Pencil Sharpener Marker Stapler Notebook Comb

Articles: a / an Use a / an for singular countable nouns noun= sustantivo

This is …… Listen and Use a for consonant sound / use an for a vowel sound

This is _____ hairbrush. This is _____ orange. This is _____ wallet. This is ____ apple.

This is _____ pen. This is _____ umbrella. This is _____ chair. This is _____ eraser.

This is _____ cellphone. This is _____ English class. This is _____ key. This is _____ encyclopedia.

What’s this…?

Julie: WOW! Mary what’s this?

Mary: It’s a cellphone.
Julie: Oh it’s amazing! Thanks!
Mary: You’re welcome.
Jim: Julie open my present next.
Julie: Huh uh Jim, what’s this?
Jim: It’s a purse. Do you like it?
Julie: Well it’s … different. Thanks Jim.
It’s beautiful.
Plural - s - endings

Check the sound you hear.

/s/ or /z/ /iz/ /s/or/z/ /iz/
Hairbrushes Markers
Cellphones Desks
Wallets Chairs
Erasers Clocks
Pens Watches
Oranges Books
Umbrellas Keys

This/these What is/what are it is/they are

This is…. What is…. It is…. What’s …. It’s …. are used for singular.
These are …. What are …. They are …. They’re …. are used for plural.
This is an eraser. What is this? What’s this? It is an eraser. It’s an eraser.
These are erasers. What are these? They are erasers. They’re erasers.

What ______________? What _______________? What ______________?

___________________. ____________________. ___________________.

What ______________? What _______________? What _____________?

___________________. ____________________. ___________________.
This/ These questions with be
Is this your pen? (verb be comes first before the subject)
Is this is used for singular Are these is used for plural
Is this your eraser? Yes, it is. (note with yes, it is NOT yes, it’s)
No, it is not. No, it isn’t. No, it’s not.
Are these your pens? Yes, they are. (note with yes, they are NOT yes, they’re)
No, they are not. No, they aren’t. No, they’re not.

Circle the correct words.

A: Is / Are these your keys? B: No, they aren’t / isn’t. They is /are Carl’s.
A: Are this / these your sunglasses? B: No, it’s / they’re Jun’s sunglasses.
A: Is this / these David’s umbrella? B: No, I think it’s / they’re the teacher’s umbrella.
A: What’s this / these ? B: It’s / They’re an eraser.
A: Are this / these your pens? B: Yeah, it is / they are. Thanks.

Classroom Vocabulary

White Board File cabinet folders map window laptop

Poster watch printer calendar ID card pencil holder

Scissors CD player projector door wall briefcase

Now ask your classmates questions about different items in the classroom.
Use: Where is / Where are Example: A: Where is the pen? B: It’s on the desk.
A: Where are the students? B: They are in class.
Write three sentences and answers asking where something is.

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Speaking: Ask your classmates questions about different items in the classroom.
Julie: Where is the teacher? Mark: She is in the classroom.

Where are you from?

What is your favorite food?

Who is teaching class?

Put the words in the correct order to make a question.

1) teacher’s last is our name what ? _________________________________________________________________

2) from grandparents your where are ? _______________________________________________________________

3) cat how Danna’s is old ? _________________________________________________________________

4) today not who in class is ? _________________________________________________________________

5) your how English is class ? _________________________________________________________________

6) friend is Geraldine’s who best ? _________________________________________________________________

Write the correct question word or words in the blank.

1. ________________________ your name?
2. ________________________ is the airport?' 'It's five minutes away from here.'
3. ________________________ time is it?
4. ________________________ one is the platform for London?
5. ________________________ are you doing tomorrow night?
6. ________________________ far is Manchester from Bristol?
7. ________________________ are you?' 'I'm doing great, thank you.'
8. ________________________ are you? 'I'm at the office.'
9. ________________________ is making dinner?
10. ________________________ are you going tomorrow?

Speaking: Ask you classmates a wh question for each wh question word.

Example: Possessive adjectives
Where is (I) my book?

Here is (we) our teacher.

She goes to school with (she) her brother.

(They) Their father works in a car factory.

The possessive adjectives in English (also called ‘possessive determiners’) are: my, your, his, her, its, our and
their. They say who something belongs to.
• I have a bag – this is my bag.
• You have a cat – that is your cat.
• He has a car – it is his car.
• She has a book – it is her book.
Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:

(You) ______________ laptop is very expensive. (He) _____________ favorite hobby is tennis.

(I)_____________ husband and I want to go to Paris. We want to see (it) __________ historical monuments.

Leila likes (she)_______________ dog ! (It) ______________ name is Bobby.

Choose the right possessive adjective:

Two students didn't do _____________ mathematics homework.
I have a car. ___________ color is black.
We have a dog. _____________ name is Pancho.
Nancy is from England. _____________ husband is from Australia.
Ann and Nadia go to a high school. _____________ little brother goes to primary school.
Alan has a van. ____________ van is very old.
We go to a high school. ______________ high school is fantastic.
I like singing. ____________ mother sings with me.
François and Alain are French. ___________ family is from France.
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns also say who something belongs to, but they replace the noun. So, we use them alone. In
this case, we don’t use ‘its’. In English, the possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs.
• I have a bag – this is mine.
• You have a cat – that cat is yours.
• He has a car – it is his.
• She has a book – it is hers.
Fill in mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.
A: Is this my book? B: No, it's _____________. Yours is over there on the desk.
A: Do you really think that it was my fault? B: Yes, of course it was _____________.
A: Is this our neighbors' dog digging in our garden? B: Yes, it's _____________.
A: Who left that mobile phone on the shelf? Is it my brother's? B: Yes, I'm sure it's ____________.
A: Is this my glass? B: No, it's not ________________. It's mine.
A: Those are your kids' bikes, aren't they? B: Yes, they are. They are ______________.
A: Whose sunglasses are these? B: They are ____________. I was looking for them for some time.
A: Is that your car in the driveway? B: No. We parked ___________ on the street.
A: Linda is looking for her keys. Are these hers? B: Yes, they are ____________.
A: This is your parents' car, isn't it? B: No, it's _____________. I bought it last Tuesday.
A: Someone forgot this umbrella? Is it your brother's? B: Yes, I think it's ____________.
A: Does that red SUV belong to your parents? B: Yes, it's _____________.
Choose the correct word. Mixed exercises Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
1. Is this cup (your / yours)? 2. The coffee is (my / mine).
3. That coat is (my / mine). 4. He lives in (her / hers) house.
5. You might want (your / yours) phone. 6. The new car is (their / theirs).
7. She cooked (our / ours) food. 8. Don’t stand on (my / mine) foot!
9. She gave him (her / hers) suitcase. 10. I met (their / theirs) mother.
11. Is this (their / theirs) coffee? 12. Is the flat (her / hers)?
13. The grey scarf is (my / mine). 14. That red bike is (our / ours).
15. We should take (our / ours) coats. 16. That is (my / mine) car.
17. He dropped (my / mine) bag. 18. Are these phones (their / theirs)?
19. These cakes are (our / ours)! 20. Are those children (your / yours)?
Descriptions of people

Appearance Personality
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________

Describe your classmates: Use both personality and appearance

A. Look at each picture and match the adjective the at best describes it. Choose from the list. Write the number on the box.


b e a u t i f u l x a b c WORD BANK
d e f g h j k l m n o p f beautiful helpful lazy
s f r q t h s h y l o a r smart friendly honest
c h o n e s t v z d s h i good crazy respectful
f b c e f y u r t p m t e funny shy happy
r o p a u s t d c v a i n
Choose the appropriate ADJECTIVES from the WORD BANK.
e f r t n w l w i q r k d
s z u r n o n a n o t i l 1. My friend is very ___________ because he always tells
p g a g y X c w z j g l y jokes.
e s e l b w u i k y a m j
c g u t h r c e u b g u q 2. Students study hard to become ________________.
t s o w d w z r p i o p u
3. I want to be a ___________________ person.
f j r o g x v t a m k j h
u z x y d l s e l z a e a 4. I don’t like ___________ people because it annoys me.
l m g a g a g o o j y r p
s a e t a n g a i s i u p
h q h e l p f u l i l k y

Describe the people you know:

1. Your Father – My father is ____________________________________________________________________


2. Your best friend – My best friend is ____________________________________________________________


3. Your favorite sports athlete – My favorite sports athlete is _________________________________________


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