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Hearts, Hands & Voices Project

Grade 5 2011 This unit has been designed to coordinate your participation and what you have learned in music and art class, as well as in the homeroom. The purpose of this unit is to explore the concept of expression through music, art and written language. We will be studying FOUR movements in art, which consist of Pop, Cubism, Abstract art, and Impressionism. You will be exposed to all four movements and learn the principles behind each one. Then you will research a movement that you particularly enjoy and create an original piece, in art class, based on the same style or perhaps on a particular artist. The following are examples of artists from each type of movement: Pop art ~ Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, Wayn Thiebaud, Claus Oldenburg and Robert Indiana. Abstract art ~ Jackson Pollock, Franz Kilne, Willem de Kooning, Adoph Gottlieb, Mark Rothko, Helen Frankenthaler, Wassily Kandinsky, Barnett Newman and Frank Stella. Cubism art ~ Cezanne, Picasso, Braque, Gris, Delaunay, Leger, Duchamps and Mondriaan Impressionism art ~ Monet, Van Gogh, Renoir, Manet, Pissarro Once you have selected the artistic movement and have begun your original piece, you are to choose a piece of music that represents the style. In order to choose your piece of music you will need to justify your selection in a proposal, using the following language as part of your reasoning: form, rhythm and melody. Finally, you will need to create a short written piece that describes the kind of emotions you are trying to evoke in your art and music selections. This can take on many forms, and can include a descriptive paragraph or a poem. Once you have completed all three components of this project, you will make a short presentation to the class. In this presentation you will need to share the information about the art movement and perhaps the artist you based your work on, you will play the piece of music for the class and explain why this piece represents this movement, and then you will read your written composition inspired by the piece. Proposals Due: Friday May 27th Presentations: Friday June 10th

Hearts, Hands & Voices Written Proposal Name:_______________ Artistic Movement:

Describe the movement you have researched or the artist you are going to base your original work on. Explain why you have selected this for your project.

Music Piece:
Describe the song or artist you have decided to use to represent your original art work. Using the appropriate language, explain why it is an appropriate piece to use for your project.

Written Composition:
Describe what kind of composition you are going to write, in order to express the emotions that you are trying to show through your art and through your music selection.

Heart, Hands & Voices Assessment *

The artwork has a developing sense of clarity and completeness. A sense of the artists style is developing The artwork expresses a developing sense of thought and feeling

The artwork has a developing sense of clarity and completeness. The artists style is imitated The artwork expresses an idea that is appropriate to the artists means of expression

The artwork has a greater sense of clarity and completeness. The artists style is incorporated The artwork expresses ideas that reflect the artists means of expression

The artwork is clear and complete. The artists style is expanded upon in a personal way The artwork expresses complex ideas of expression

Artistic Piece

The artwork lacks clarity and completeness. The artists style is not imitated or incorporated The artwork expresses some feeling without development

Music Piece

The student uses inappropriate musical vocabulary to justify their choice of music ie; form, rhythm and melody The student describes with very limited clarity, the feelings conveyed in the musical piece The purpose of the writing is unclear The writers voice is not evident The vocabulary is limited or used inappropriately, with few descriptive words Uses simple ideas that have little connection to the piece

The student is able to use limited musical vocabulary to justify their choice of music for the art piece ie; form, rhythm and melody The student describes with limited clarity, the feelings conveyed in the musical piece The purpose of the writing is fairly unclear There is some evidence of the writers voice Limited variety of vocabulary used inappropriately Uses simple ideas that are connected to the are piece

Written Composition

The student is able to use the appropriate musical vocabulary to justify their choice of music for the art piece ie; form, rhythm and melody The student describes with clarity, the feelings conveyed in the musical piece The purpose of the writing is clear There is evidence of the writers voice Some vocabulary used appropriately Uses partially developed ideas that are connected to the art piece

The student is able to use very appropriate musical vocabulary to justify their choice of music ie; form, rhythm and melody The student very clearly describes the feelings conveyed in the musical piece

The purpose of the writing is clear There is a clear evidence of the writers voice Wide variety of vocabulary used appropriately Uses developed ideas that are well connected to the art piece

The student is able to use highly appropriate musical vocabulary to justify their choice of music ie; texture, form, rhythm and melody The student describes with exceptional clarity, the feelings conveyed in the musical piece The purpose of the writing is clear & engaging Writers voice is clear and sustains the readers interest Extensive vocabulary creates images Uses welldeveloped, interesting ideas

Written Proposal

The plan is poorly stated Proposed ideas were not followed through Shows little vision of the final product

The plan is stated briefly Proposed ideas were somewhat followed through Shows a part of a vision of the final product

The plan is clearly stated Proposed ideas were followed through Shows a clear vision of the final product

The plan is very clearly stated and shows some extra consideration Proposed ideas were followed through with extra effort Shows a very clear vision of the final product

The plan is very clearly stated and shows a lot of extra consideration Proposed ideas were followed through with exceptional effort Shows an exceptionally clear vision of the final product

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