Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags

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Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are commonly seen in the market. These bags are available in various
sizes and come handy while shopping. These are light and inexpensive. This is the
reason why these are being used extensively. However, it is important to understand
that as convenient as these are to carry and use these are equally harmful for the

Hazardous for Health

The pollution caused due to plastic bags impacts the human beings and animals directly
as well as indirectly.Animals open eat plastic bags lying in the garbage. These bags can
cause severe damage to their digestive tract and cause various illnesses. Birds, fishes
and various marine creatures also eat the plastic content that floats in the air and water
and incur various diseases. Humans who consume these creatures having illnesses are
likely to incur serious illness.Besides, animals and marine creatures even tend to gulp
plastic bags as it is and are often suffocated to death. Large number of innocent
animals die each year because of plastic bags.

Major Cause of Land AND WaterPollution

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. These are not good for use mainly because they
create a lot of waste. These use and throw bags are a challenge when it comes to
disposing them off. They break into tiny pieces and remain in the environment for
thousands of years and add to land pollution.lastic bags are extremely light. People litter
these bags carelessly. These are easily blown by the wind and enter the water bodies.
Besides, most of our packaged food comes in plastic packing. People who go for
picnics and camping carry such food and throw the waste plastic bags in the seas and
rivers thereby adding to the water pollution.

Effects of Plastic Bags on Plants

Trees and plants are an integral part of our environment. They are a source of the life-
giving oxygen and one of the main reasons life is possible on our planet. Unfortunately,
we human beings are ruining these beautiful creations of God. Among other things, it is
the plastic bags that are causing immense harm to the flora.The chemicals present in
plastic bags contaminate the soil. They make the soil infertile and hinder the growth of
plants. These are thus interfering with agriculture which is the major occupation of our
Thus, plastic bags are ruining our beautiful environment and have become a threat to
our health. It is high time we must stop the use of plastic bags. We must think about the
bigger scenario rather than convenience of a few seconds. It is not that difficult to keep
a cloth bag with us as we head to the market. This will go a long way in keeping our
environment clean.

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