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A Submarine Navigator for the 218‘ Century

K. M. Hays, R. G. Schmidt, W. A. Wilson, J. D. Campbell, D. W. Heckman and M. P. Gokhale, The Boeing

Company, Battle ManagementKommand, Control 8 Communications and Strategic Systems, Anaheim, CA

North Pole Transit. A milestone in the history of
Recent advances in technology on multiple fronts will navigation was achieved on August 3,1958 when the
enable new and improved approaches to precision submarine USS Nautilus transited the earth’s north
navigation of submarines. pole. The Nautilus found its way under the polar ice
using a modified Autonetics (now Boeing BMC3&SS)
Improvements in interferometricfiber optic gyro N6A inertial navigator.
(IFOG) technology have made it possible to use
IFOGs in a high accuracy navigator. The use of
spherical gimbals for improved temperature control
and inertial instrument error autocompensation has
been made practical by computer-controlled
machining. The use of sonar in certain covert
situations will become more prevalent, facilitated by
lower power sonar systems and advances in signal
processing technology. Satellite based altimetry will
make it possible to compensate for gravity deflections
using lookup tables. Satellite attimetry will also allow
us to make tables of gravity anomaly and ocean depth
available to the overall navigation process.

Using these advances, it is possible to use measured

gravity anomaly from the ship’s IMU and sonar
soundings from its sonar array to estimate and correct
navigation position errors. A navigator is currently
being developed at Boeing that will incorporatethese
new developments as well as the traditional velocity
log, pressure depth meter, and Global Positioning
System aiding.
Figure 1. Photocopy of USS Nautilus ship’s
The new inertial navigator outputs, as well as the set log showing position at the North Pole
of currently available navigational aid outputs, are
combined in a series of filters that allow for the Kalman Position Fix Processing. In the March
detection and removal of transient errors to fumish the 1960 edition of the Transactions of the ASME, R. E.
best available position, velocity and attitude to the Kalman published the first description of what was to
ship’s systems. be known thereafter as the Kalman filter[’]. In the
early 1960s the processing power of digital computers
was adequate for the real-time computational load of
LEGACY small Kalman filters useful for navigational position fDc
The First SINS. The development of the first Ships
Inertial Navigation System (SINS), the MK 2 MOD 0 By late 1963, Autonetics had programmed and tested
was accomplished during the late 195Os, a period of a position u
fc processor employing a Kalman filter that
technological development in the industry that may be was deployed and tested on submarines with SINS
best described as revolutionary. Nuclear power for systems. The new filter made much better use of the
propulsion, solid fuel for rocket motors, and inertial external position reference data that the submarine
guidance for missiles and submarines were new could gather when it occasionally came to periscope
engineering achievements. The transistor was depth to expose an antenna, compared to earlier
replacing the vacuum tube and digital computers were techniques. These filters enabled more accurate
making analog computers obsolete. computation and compensation of the inertial

0-7803-7251-4/02/$10.00 0 2002 IEEE 179

navigation system's drift rates and biases allowing an internal light source and beam splitter. The light
extension of the time interval between resets. beams travel through a shared optical fiber several
kilometers long wound into a coil. The physical
MINI SINS. Miniature SINS (MINI SINS) were rotation rate causes a very small (typically less than a
deployed by Autonetics in dual systems (DMINS) on nanoradian) proportionate phase shift of the
attack submarines in the 1970s. These systems were interference pattern due to the Sagnac effect. The
based on gas bearing suspension spinning rotor measurement of such small phase shifts requires
gyros. The MINI SINS systems also made more special phase shift modulationtechniques.
extensive use of Kalman filtering techniques than the
original SINS systems. A dozen years ago, there was no indication that an
Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyro (IFOG) could meet
ESGNs. Finally, the successful development of solid the stringent performance requirementsof a strategic
spherical rotor precision gyros with electrostatic submarine navigator, nor was there any such
suspensions (ESGs) was achieved in the 1970s. The projection for the future. But by 1994, IFOG technical
ESG's essentially frictionless high-vacuum papers indicated a range of possible improvements
suspension allowed a 216,000 RPM rotor spin rate. that could increase the performance levels to those
The resultant high angular momentum and motional required by a strategic submarine system[21.These
stability enabled a further advance in the precision improvementswere enabled by advancements in
performance of inertial navigators for strategic missile polarization-maintainingfiber technology, solid state
submarines. laser technology, thermal control of fiber coils, and the
advent and proliferation of erbium-doped fiber

This is fortunate since the ESG is the most critical and

costly component of current SSBN inertial navigation
systems. ESGs are extremely expensive to
manufacture and repair. Furthermore, the ESG has
now been in production for more than 25 years and
system-level electronic components are difficult to
replace because they are rapidly becoming obsolete.

Conversely, IFOGs make use of modern fiber optical

and electronics technologies and have no moving
parts. During the production phase, IFOGs are
expected to cost less than the repair of the present
Electrostatic Gyro Navigator (ESGN) systems were ESGs. But, an IFOG will not be a one-for-one
initially deployed in 1983. Taking advantage of replacement for an ESG in a precision navigation
progress in digital computers, they also used large system. IFOGs have very different operating
Kalman fitters for both system calibration and position principals than ESGs and will accordingly require a
reset processing. The ESGN systems continue to new mechanization approach as discussed later.
represent the state-of-the-art in precision navigation of
Submersible Ship Ballistic missile Submarines
(SSBNs) to this day.

element (length x diameter)
IFOGs for Precision Navigation. An Interferometric DfOduCt and volume
Fiber Optic Gyro (IFOG) is a rotation rate sensor with
no rotating mechanical parts. IFOGs are often
configured to provide angular-output by using digital
electronics to do the mathematical integration. An drift by a factor of of bias, scale factor, &
IFOG senses rotation rate about its input axis by
forming an interference pattern between two nearly
coherent counter-rotating light beams generated by an

the Global Positioning System (GPS), various sonar
data, and data from various kinds of maps can all be
used to advantage in limiting navigational error growth
and are generally utilized. Dependence on extemal
references that could compromise the ship’s
requires precision cost of fiber expected to covertness will be greatly reduced with the planned
machining drop FOGN system design, compared to currently-
Loss of technology New technology attracts deployed systems.
base is imminent I new engineers
I EM Log. Errors in the ship’s position or velocity tend
to drive coupled sinusoidal variations in these errors
Micromachined Accelerometers. Accelerometers as a consequence of the change in the diredion of
based on flexure-suspended proof masses have gravity vector due to the earth’s curvature. These
proliferated. Simple, inexpensive and low-precision Schuler oscillations have a characteristic period of
silicon and polysilicon accelerometershave made about 84 minutes. An electromagneticwater velocity
their way into such high-volume applications as sensor (EM log) along the keel of the ship is
automotive airbag deployment sensors in recent commonly used to damp the system velocity in order
years[31. Their precision predecessors, typically made to attenuate the growing Schuler frequency
of micromachinedquartz, have been in existence for oscillations in velocity and position.
over two decades.
The EM log sensor is subject to ocean current errors
A precision quartz accelerometer includes a thin proof and ship’s side slip errors as well as miscalibration of
mass with pickoff capacitor plates and attached the sensor. When the ship is not turning and the
electromagneticforce rebalance coils, suspended ocean current is constant, it is possible to use biased
between opposing top and bottom magnet stators. EM log reference data to damp out inertial navigation
lntemal heaters and sensors and/or the system velocity errors that oscillate at the Schuler
accelerometer‘s mounting environment control and frequency. However, when the ship tums or enters or
limit variations in the temperature. This reduces leaves an ocean current stream, large transients in
errors due to thermal effects in various mechanical the EM log reference velocity that cause degradation
components and in critical interface electronics. of the overall system velocity are seen.
The electrical capacitance, and hence the separation These transient events are difficult to model using
between the accelerometer’sproof mass and each gaussian techniques, which makes it difficult to create
stator plate is held constant by a feedback loop that a filter to reject them. However, the difference
measures the capacitances and controls the currents between the biased reference velocity and the system
in the rebalance coils. This approach gives excellent velocity can be monitored. It can be assumed that the
linearity and dynamic range. Accelerometers of this ship has encountered a large change in ocean current
design are employed in today’s ESGN systems and in or has turned with a badly calibrated sensor when a
other inertial measurement systems used for marine change in the difference occurs faster than a normal
navigation. Schuler frequency oscillation.
Damping and Reset Mechanisms. All inertial As it takes several minutes to make this
navigation systems, including the Fiber Optic Gyro determination, the ability to retroactively remove the
Navigator (FOGN) systems contemplated for use on effect of damping prior to the detection of the transient
SSBNs in the future, have small but inevitable noise is required to remove the effect of the eatly stages of
sources and imperfections that cause navigational the transient on the system’s accuracy. With the
inaccuraciesto grow with time. The rate at which an memory capacity and processing power available in
inertial navigation system’s navigational errors would modem digital computers this is readily possible.
grow following calibration and absent any extemal Using this technique can greatly improve the accuracy
references would cause it to exceed acceptable limits of the system’s overall estimate of the ship’s velocity.
well before completion of a typical patrol.
Independent external references must therefore be GPS. The satellite-based Global Positioning System
used to reset or augment the inertial system’s (GPS) provides fix informationwith an accuracy of
estimates of position, velocity, and of its own non- several feet over the entire earth’s surface in most
idealities. External references such as the ship’s EM cases. To get a GPS fix, submarines must be very
log (water velocity sensor), its pressure depth sensor, close to the surface because the employed radio

frequencies are strongly attenuated by water. The use short fixed frequency transmissions. But, since
accuracy of GPS would be more than sufficient for the most active intercept systems are fast Fourier
needs of SSBN navigation if covertness and reliability Transform (FFT)-based and search for up to many
during wartime scenarios were not significant thousands of frequencies and pulse lengths,
concerns. introducing pseudo-random noise (PRN) waveforms
can defeat this search strategy. Use of PRN
The ship uses the independent position information to waveforms requires more bandwidth than current NSS
reset its position estimates and to adjust its calibration systems exhibit. But, recently developed transducer
of the inertial measurement system’s predictable technologies are more efficient over wider frequency
imperfections. To do this, a Kalman reset filter is bands in comparison to cumently deployed
typically used. Without another independent, absolute transducers.
position reference, any submarine with a less-than-
perfect inertial navigation system, even a FOGN Another approach is to reduce transmission side lobe
system of the future, must periodically rise near to the levels and to use a narrower main beam. Increasing
surface and expose an antenna to get a GPS fix. the number of transducer elements in the projector
can reduce side lobes, but this can become cost
But, the nuclear deterrent value of an SSBN is limiting since the reduction level is a function of the
magnified by a potential foe’s uncertainty as to its square of number of transducer elements for two
location. Because GPS fu<es potentially reveals the dimensional arrays.
submarine’s location, in wartime they are obtained
only occasionally (several days), with inertial A third covertness enhancing approach is full control
navigation used between fixes. of the transmission direction. This can be
Future FOGN navigation systems will continue to accomplished by beam forming. Current NSS
make use of GPS at times when covertness is not at a projectors generally project acoustic energy
premium. In light of the above concem and given the downward relative to the submarine. A steered beam
additional possibility that signals from GPS satellites could be directed downward when the submarine is
might be jammed by an enemy, other sources of not level and away from the location of a potential
independent position reference information such as threat receiver such as another submarine, a ship, or
map-based gravity assisted passive navigation and a shore installation.
sonar bathymetry are being developed.
The operating envelope of current NSSs is also
Sonar. Current navigational sonar systems (NSSs) limited by the submarine‘s operations, including the
support navigation systems by providing independent submarine’s attitude and speed, and by the local
depth and velocity measurements. Depth is ocean depth. The restrictions on the NSS usage due
measured by measuring the travel time for a sonar to submarine attitude can be overcome by beam
pulse to reach the bottom and retum while velocity forming as described earlier. Velocity measurement
can be measured by two fundamental techniques: using correlation processing limits the current NSS
observation of the Doppler shift in the returns and because a submarine’s hydrophones must be
performing sonar correlation processing[41 between separated by a distance proportional to its lateral
individual hydrophone elements. The NSS generally speed to do correlation processing. This effect can
has covertness requirements. Covertness is currently cause the necessary array size to become excessive
obtained by using very short transmissions, by when the submarine is traveling at high speeds. This
transmitting minimum power into the water, and by problem can be partially overcome by making the
providing low side-lobe levels for the transmitted pulse pairs required for correlation processing closer
pulse. together, up to the limit imposed by time spreading of
the return pulses reflected back from large portions of
Current technologies and those expected during the the ocean floor. Placing additional hydrophones at
21‘‘ century promise significant improvements in greater separation distances can greatly relieve the
NSSs. These improvements include increases in resulting velocity restriction.
covertness, submarine operating envelope, and NSS
measurement accuracy as well as bottom slope Measurement accuracy for correlation velocity
measurement capability and reduced cost for the NSS measurement can be accomplished by: increasing
itself. the number of hydrophone pairs for which correlations
are processed and by processing correlation functions
The first approach to increased covertness is the use that depend on time separation. The first of these
of more covert waveforms. Current NSSs generally techniques requires more elaborate receiver arrays

and many more hydrophones, while the second measurements. But, because the submarine's depth
requires a significant increase in sonar signal is an external vertical reference, no compensation for
processing capability. Using transducers for both anomaly-induced errors is necessary because the
transmit and receive and innovative array designs can INS's vertical channel is heavily damped using the
achieve the first of these and the use of modem array submarine's depth gauge. Recent studies at Boeing
processors such as the PowerPC 7400, and whatever have shown that anomaly can actually be utilizedto
is sure to follow, can achieve the second. The aid the precision navigator by serving as a fix source.
potentialincrease in measurement accuracy for Anomaly is measured using the INS accelerometers
correlation velocity measurement is currently being and depth gauge. The anomaly measurements are
studied by simulation at Boeing. used to estimate and correct INS errors by locating
position on anomaly maps. These passive "gravity
The ability to measure the bottom slope in addition to fixes" are ideal for submarine applications since they
bottom depth is advantageous in regions of great are entirely covert.
bottom variability such as littorals. The ability to
measure bottom slope can also be useful for m a p
based navigation as described later. Bottom slope PRECISIONNAVIGATOR
measurement can be accomplished by steering the
transmitted beam in addition to performing signal Improved IFOGs. Honeywell has been working on
processing to sense the shape of the reflected beam, IFOG development under contract with Boeing and
i.e., beam forming on the retum. Using the same with the U.S. Navy. The goal is to develop IFOGs
array for both functions will make this affordable. with appropriate performance and size for precision
marine navigation. The successful progress to date is
The final future NSS issue is affordability. Cost can embodied in the Advanced Development Model II
be reduced through broad use of Non-Developmental (ADM II) IFOG. The primary ADM II goals were to
Items/Commercial Off-the-shelf (NDVCOTS) reduce the Angle Random Walk (ARW) to strategic
components and integration of the NSS transmit and navigation system requirements, and reduce the
receive functions. Aside from the transducer array electronics size such that three gyros will fit into a
itself, the NSS could be constructed with essentially Boeing-designed platform's form factor. Figure 3
all NDI/COTS components. The only exception is the shows an ADM I1IFOG that met the size requirement
availability of analog front-end electronics suitable for by combining the optical components and electrical
future NSSs, however only minor changes to current circuits in one package.
products would be necessary.

Gravity Maps. Mass attraction from geographical

features such as sea mounts, escarpments, and
trenches causes local gravity to differ from the
reference ellipsoid model. The deflection of the plumb
bob from reference ellipsoid vertical is called
'deflection." Deflection is indistinguishable from
horizontal acceleration to an inertial navigation system
(INS). The horizontal (level) channels of an INS's
level channels are thus sensitive to deflection.
Deflection at Schuler-band frequencies causes
velocity errors, whereas position errors result when it
occurs below the Schuler-band. An uncompensated
low-frequency deflection of one arc minute will result
in a position error of one nautical mile.

The INS is compensated for deflection using a lookup Figure 3. ADM-II IFOG
table or a gridded map. Errors in the deflection map
comprise a large part of a precision navigator's error Instrument level tests of the nine completed ADM II
budget. gyros as well as system level tests using three ADM II
IFOGs mounted in a mechanized platform with three
The vertical component of the local mass attraction is ac~elerometers[~]l indicate that the ARW is within
called the "anomaly." In submarine INS applications reach of the SSBN accuracy requirement. Figure 4
anomaly causes errors in vertical acceleration shows some performance data gathered from a

system used to test ADM II IFOGs in a navigation is adequate for use in a future precision FOGN
configuration. system. The A I 88 EMA, which is a temperature-
controlled magnetic force-rebalance accelerometer
with micromachined quartz flexures and proof mass,
is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 4. Performance data from advanced

prototype system-level fiber-optic gyro navigator
using ADM II gyros. Horizontal axis is in hours.
A set of successors to the ADM II gyros, the ADM
III/Block I IFOGs, are in development at this writing.
The ADM Ill will be designed to meet system level
thermal stability, ARW, and form factor constraints
appropriate to the advanced spherical gimbal platform Figure 6. Electromagnetic Accelerometer
described below. Figure 5 shows the current and
expected comparative progression of navigation error By taking advantage of the improved, thermally stable
performance of deployed systems and the FOGN environment that will be provided by the planned
system. FOGN‘s inertial instrument platform it may well be
possible to use less costly accelerometers that do not
include individualintemal temperature regulation.
e Error
Fast Attack Submarine (SSN) Spherical Gimbals. Modern computer-guided
Requirement machining techniques have made possible a spherical
Limit due solely to ARW of Ring gimbal system that can provide the FOGN’s inertial
Laser Qyros instruments with a more stable thermal environment
Realized Tactical ESGN than what had previously been possible. Figure 7
Performance shows a pattially-disassembled set of nested spheres
that comprise such a gimbal set.
I Limit due to ARW of ADM II IFOGs i
The innermost sphere in the gimbal set will be the
SSBN Requirement mount for the FOGN system’s IFOGs and EMAs, each
Realized Strategic ESQNlExpected of which will have an appropriately shaped cover to
Strategic FOQN Performance complete the spherical surface. This spherical
platform will rotate inside a second spherical shell,
Expected Limit due to ARW of
Production F O G S
separated by a very close, uniform gap. This second
sphere will, in turn, be contained inside a third sphere
Small Error separated from it by a similar gap.

Figure 5. Comparative Perfonnance of The small inter-sphere gaps effectively limit

Navigation Systems uncontrolled thermal convection and yet provide
adequate thermal conduction between the spheres.
Initial data show that the inertial instrument mount
EMAs. Because submarine navigation systems are temperatures will vary less than 0.05 OC as the
heavily damped, the performance available from spheres rotate under the developed FOGN
present-day Electromagnetic Accelerometers (EMAs) autocompensation mechanization policy.

consequence of these rotations, each inertial
instrument experiences an identical amount of
gravitational influence (g and g2> over each complete

Finally a constant, additional precession rate e,

imposed about the vertical axis, defined as
8, = (Ahn C&,,)sine,, where A,, is the
longitude, 8, ab,,,
is the latitude and is the
earth's rotation rate. This Foucault precession
effectively makes the average angular rate about the
vertical axis over a complete cycle equal zero with
respect to inertial space.

The net result of these motions is a reduction in the

Figure 7. Spherical Gimbal Set impacts of several types of possible small errors or
(about 14" diameter) drifts as is seen by considering the case of gyro bias
error. If an IFOG were to misreport its rotation rate by
a small but constant amount there would be little or no
Modem torque motors and slip rings designed net error because, under this autocompensation
specifically for this application are used to move the policy, each gyro spends equal amounts of time with
spheres and maintain electrical connections to the its input axis oriented in opposing directions. The 3:l
outside world as the spheres rotate. Maintainability ratio of the horizontal and azimuthial axis rotation
features such as a common torquer and slip ring rates also facilitates identification and removal of a
design for the entire gimbal set, as well as a half- large class of slowly-varying inertial instrument effects
spheres that can be disassembled in the field have by fitting the error signatures to simple waveforms
already been designed into this next-generation related to the autocompensation policy and its
gimbal approach. harmonics using a coherent Kalman filter.
Mechanization. To attenuate effects due to errors in Earth Rate Decoupling. Residual coupling of
estimates of such things as IFOG angular rate bias, horizontal components of the earth's angular rate with
scale factor, and input axis misalignment,the inner the above basic autocompensation policy can still
instrument mount platform will continuously proceed result in some earth rate-driven errors. The Earth's
through rotational and other perturbative motions rotational rate can give rise to navigational position
under normal operation. error growth by coupling through gyro scale factor
errors and misalignmentscaused by such things as
Autocompensation Policy. The envisioned system- creeping in machined metals and gimbal servo
level autocompensation motion for the FOGN system nonidealities
includes sets of fixed-rate gyro platform rotations
about a horizontal axis. Each of the three mutually To further reduce these errors, the earlier
perpendicular IFOG input axes forms an angle of autocompensationmotion described above can be
54.73" = tan-' & with this horizontal platform perturbed by adding latitude-dependent,small
rotation axis. The spherical platform's rotation amplitude (mill radian) harmonics to reduce the
direction is reversed following each set of six correlation between earth rate and the effect of gyro
complete revolutions. scale factor and misalignment estimates.

In addition, the horizontal axis about which the Measured laboratory results using a platform with this
platform revolves is also precessed about the local perturbed autocompensationpolicy and large,
vertical axis at one-third of the platform's rate about intentionally introduced IFOG scale factor trends have
the horizontal axis. This vertical precession is recently validated some earlier modeling results.
reversed after each set of two complete revolutions. They indicate that the introduction of small additional
The inner and outer rotations are phased so that motions such as these policy perturbations is effective
reversals about one of these axes occur at intervals in reducing navigational position errors driven by the
halfway between reversals about the other. As a

earth’s rotational rate acting through specific types of on ship navigation data gathered near the Blake
instrument errors. Escarpment where there is large gravity deflection,
particularly in the east-west direction. Comparative
Gravity and Bathymetric Maps. Maps useful in results of the analysis indicate that today’s satellite
aiding compensation of marine precision navigators maps (“Altimetry-only”) can already provide adequate
are derived from a variety of sources. Long deflection data to obtain relatively good position
wavelength gravity (anomaly and vertical deflection) performance, comparable to the position accuracy
maps are obtained from satellite altimetry. Short obtained using full tactical gravity maps. This
wavelength gravity is generated from survey ship situation can be expected to improve further with
gravimeter data. Short and long wavelength data are advances in satellite altimetry. The portion of the
combined to form maps for high-accuracy submarine error budget of future IFOG-based navigators that
applications over very broad regions of the ocean. must be allocated to map errors caused by gravity
Bathymetric maps are also derived from survey ship deflection survey ship location errors will be
sonar data gathered over more limited regions. accordingIy reduced.

Satellite Altimetry-Based Gravity Maps. Maps Fusion of Reference Data. The presence of multiple
generated from satellite altimetry data can be used to sources for the same information presents an
compensate the low frequency deflection that affects opportunity to improve the accuracy of the overall
INS position error. Such maps are created by first navigation system of the future. The FOGN inertial
using satellite tracking to estimate a satellite’s position navigator provides a basis for navigation with very
and altitude above the earth reference ellipsoid. The slow error propagation. This will allow thorough
satellitethen sends a microwave radar pulse to the smoothing and filtering of extemal reference sources
sea surface. The return time of the reflected pulse is before their data are used.
used to calculate the distance from the satellite to the
sea surface. The Sea Surface Height (SSH) is then Overlapping Data Examples. The water velocity
calculated and results from many satellite tracks are sensor, NSS velocity, and GPS velocity all give
averaged to attenuate time-varying effects such as measures of velocity. Gravity anomaly measurements,
tides, currents, atmospheric conditions, and NSS bathymetry, and GPS measurements are
instrument noise. Gravity maps of anomaly and correlated with position error. The sonar options are
vertical deflection are derived from the averaged rarely used for submarine navigation due to the need
geoid heights using geodesy techniques. for covert operation. However, with the advent of
lower power systems this may not be as large an
Satellite altimeters have high registration accuracy at issue in the future.
long spatial wavelengths and provide relatively dense
and uniform worldwide coverage. However today’s Gravity-Assisted Passive Navigation. The
altimeters resolve gravity features down to only 25 or difference between the vertical acceleration sensed by
30 kilometers. [6*71 For submarine applications, higher the accelerometers and the acceleration predicted by
spatial resolution is needed in order to compensate an anomaly map can also be used to form an estimate
velocity for deflection. of position error. [*I The effectiveness of the Gravity-
Assisted Passive Navigation (GAPN) approach
Combination with Survey Ship Data. Gravimeter depends to some degree on the data averaging and
data gathered using survey ships are used to get map-matching algorithms and filters that are
short wavelengths corresponding to the Schuler band employed. The vertical acceleration measurement
where the INS velocity is sensitive. Gravity deflection also depends heavily on the availability of good
maps for high accuracy submarine applications are pressure depth readings.
made by combining long wavelengths from altimetry
and short wavelengths from surveys. Ship surveys Boeing has studied GAPN for several years and
are expensive and are limited in the extent and obtained very positive results by applying it to data
density of coverage. As altimeter maps become gathered by surface ships and by SSBNs. Figure 8
increasingly accurate, they will become more common shows the relative performance of an existing ESGN
in submarine navigation. system at sea, without resets over a period of several
weeks (upper graph), and using GAPN-based resets
Future Navigators and Satellite Altimetry. Boeing (lower graph). The relative position error levels are
has performed an analysis to evaluate the feasibility of indicated on the vertical axis. The constant red lines
using an altimetly-only map to compensate for gravity are indicative of the maximum tolerable error level.
anomaly and deflection. The analysis was performed GAPN clearly provides position reset data sufficient to

limit position error growth. It has the additional benefit system both with and without reference velocity use,
of being entirely covert. we may remove the error caused by the reference
velocity transient some time before it can be detected.
Data Fusion and Data Reliability. The accuracies of
each of the available position and/or velocity How to Choose What to Use. This process of
measuring systems can differ greatly. Combining choosing the best subsystem requires the use of
accurate information with information subject to larger multiple filters, one of which is periodically initialized to
errors generally does not improve the overall the best system filter and is then extrapolated without
accuracy, so the best approach to combining the data the suspect subsystem inputs. For example, the
position error estimates due to acceleration and
bathymetry vary with the rate of change of the
anomaly or the depth. Covariance matrix elements
can be combined to give a figure of merit for each
solution. The subsystem-derived estimate should be
applied to the system only when its figure of merit
indicates that the estimated position error variance is
less than the equivalent variance of the natural
system propagation.

When the system model is simple as in the case of

the fiber optic gyro navigator, the multiple filter
Figure 8. Radial Position Error Growth processing is not an onerous task given modem
without GPS Resets. Lower chart is with digital computers. The logic of data fusion can be
GAPN, upper chart is without GAPN. seen to depend upon a good understanding of the
is the use of a hierarchy in which the data from each subsystem behavior. The design technique for a
system am used in order of estimated accuracy and system is well defined but each system will culminate
availability. For example, when NSS-derived velocity in a different design.
with respect to the bottom is available, the EM log
would not be used to damp the system velocity.
Instead the NSS data is used to damp the system REMARKS
velocities and the EM log is used to estimate ocean
currents in the event that the NSS velocity becomes With predictable improvements in IFOG technology
unavailable. and other types of sensors and transducers used for
navigation, a broad range of practical options for more
As another example, consider that a ship's depth robust precision navigation algorithms is becoming
meter requires periodic maintenance and becomes available. Wflh the tremendous increases in computer
unavailable for short periods. The combination of NSS processing power and memory, it becomes both
bathymetry and bathymetric maps can provide a possible and desirable to merge the relative
depth reference during this period. When NSS advantages of multiple navigation sources into the
bathymetry and the ship's depth meter are precision navigators of the future.
simultaneously available, the difference between
predicted soundings and NSS bathymetry can be Boeing, in collaboration with others, has created the
used to estimate position error in a manner similar to current state of the art in SSBN navigation and is
GAPN. continuing to pursue development of a IFOG-based
precision navigator that will also make use of multiple
Transient Detection and Removal. When the navigation sources in a deliberate way, to give the
solutions of two subsystems differ by more than the best available future performance in terms of
expected amount then an error in a measurement is accuracy, covertness, robustness, and affordability.
likely. The assignment of this error to a subsystem is
based upon the probability of a transient occurring in Initial characterization of the navigation performance
that subsystem. For example, when a velocity log of ADM II IFOGs was completed in 2001. Delivery of
measurement suddenly begins to differ from the the successor ADM Ill IFOGs will be completed in
inertial velocity, we might assume a transient in the 2003, followed by the production version in early
reference velocity system has occurred since inertial 2006. The first fiber optic gyro-based navigator for
errors normally change very slowly. If we keep a precision navigation of strategic missile submarines is
short time history of the system errors for the inertial planned for deployment in 2009.

The Boeing Company and the authors gratefully
acknowledge the continued support of the U.S. Navy.
The authors also wish to thank Mr. R. Dahlquist for his
insights and comments.

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