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cars on the road because local residents use itto park on, and ifthey can't ind a space, we get some angry phone calls! So thank you in advance for your understanding ‘about this, Now, as I'm sureyou're all aware, the village's divided into two zones. The larger zone, at the front of the complex where we are now, Is the family zone, The children’s play area is here, between the main car parks and Sandcastles restaurant, where we're sitting now. Of ‘course, everybody is welcome in this part. Then on the other side of theriver, we have the adults-only zone. Texpect those of you who've checked into this part are hoping for a peaceful holiday, so those of you with kids ~ please do try to make sure they understand that they shouldn't cross the river. Down the far end ofthe adult zone is another -estaurant and attached bar. As you'd expect, that’s also for adults only, but i's open’at_~ Junchtime, so those of you with kids taking part in our Kid's Club activities don’t need to miss out. You can get yourself an excellent lunch there while we're ‘entertaining your youngsters. Now, the path running alongside the river ~ that leads down to the teach, as 1 expect you've all discovered already. And of course ou lovely barbecue area is down there, on the sand. Oh, one last thing -I hope you all remembered to bring everything youneed, but ifthere’s anything you've Forgotten, you may well find it for sale in our mini- market. It's easy to find, right next to this restaurant, and just a few steps rom the swimming pool. You can't miss it IV@ units, preparing to answer 2, Exercise 3 Narrator: Youwill hear a speaker talking toa group of Tocal peoplewho have come to hear about the arrangements for a boat show. First you have some time to look at Questions 11 to 15. Listen carefilly to the frst part ofthe talk, and answer Questions 11 10 15. Speaker: Good afternoon, ‘Thanks to you all for ‘attending this planning meeting for this year's boat show. As you all know, it’s the biggest boat show in the country, and this time we're expecting more visitors than ever before. So we need to make sure everything's properly planned and runsas smoothly as possible. t's look frst atthe plan of the main show area. Does everybody have that? Good, Those of you who have ‘been involved with previous boat showshere will notice that we've made some major changes. Instead of having several entrances, we've deciced to have just one large one for vistors, and a small service entrance off to one side for exhibitors ard technical personnel. This means that ifyou're a visitor, the frst thing youtl see when you enter isa digital informaticn board showing the events of the day. Beyond that are some steps, and you godown these to the main display area, passing the first-aid tent on ‘your left and then the main snacks andrefreshments area on the right. Last year's catering wasn'ta great success, tobe honest. It made very little money for the show, and we're hoping to do much bester this year, with a much wider range of produets. And on the Se subject of spending money, we're also going to install ‘a couple of cash points just behind the refrest- men: area, We don’t want people running out of cash while they're here! Anyway, going back to the main route through the show ground, the steps lead down to the exhibition area, Now, before you reach the boats, you're going to s2e the stands of the smaller ‘companies whe make sails, navigation equipment, nautical paint ...that kind of thing. The suppliers. in other words, rather than the boat-builders. We've arranged it like this because last year, the ccmpanles with those stards complained that very few people visited them. This year, you'll have to go right past their stands in o-der to get to what most pecple will have come to see ~all the very latest boat designs. So, there you have it, Quite a different layout to last year. Narrator: Before you hear the rest ofthe talk, youhave some time to lock at Questions 16 to 20. Now listen, andanswer Questions 16 to 20. Speaker: We've also made some changes to te ticketing arrangements. This year, we've started selling tickets six months in advance instead ofthree, ‘and have already sold a lot, although this may be because we're ectually reducing the cost of tickets this year. That's right, you heard correctly. We've cut the ‘cost of normal tickets. We're also selling e-tickets online again this year, despite the technical problems ‘we had last time. Then, they were a little cheaper than. paper tickets.'The price of the online tickets remains ‘unchanged, and they now cost the same as @ paper ticket. Why are we reducing prices when everbody else is raising them? A criticism in the past has been that tickets are tao expensive, and we want tomake the show affardable for everybody. To compensate, swe're raising the fees slightly for the exhibitor’ stands, and well also add a bit to the price of the ‘brochures. Taey sold extremely well last year,and nobody seemed to think they were too expensve. ‘Another big change, as I've no doubt you're all aware, isthat we've extended the show by two deys. As well as increasing ticket sales, we're hoping th.s will help to cease some of the problems we've had in recent years \with traffic congestion in the surrounding area, Connected with that, we're also hoping tc encourage ‘more local people to leave their cars at home >y halving the price ofthe special shuttle bus from the city centre. ‘Those are all the main points. I think. Are there any. questions so far? >® units, rocus on formats 1, Exercise 3 ‘Tutor: Iunderstand why you want to do ‘Twentieth- ‘century Amtezican novels’, but the problem is that the seminars coincide with the seminars for ‘Nineteenth- century poetry’, and you said you wanted todo that, too. ‘Student: Whatif did ‘Medieval Poetry’ and “‘Twentieth- ‘century American novels’? That's possibile oa the timetable. ‘Tutor; Well. yes. itis, but all your other courses have focused on the 18th century and later. If you do a Audio transcripts

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