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BI-WEEKLY Volume 24, Number 23 - June 10, 2011

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Oklahoma Civil Rights Activist Clara Luper Dies
Oklahoma civil rights activist and educator Clara Luper
-- was best known for organizing a 1958 sit-in at a segre-
gated Katz Drug Store in downtown Oklahoma City -- died
Wednesday night at her home in Oklahoma City. She was
Luper, who was celebrated as a pioneer of civil rights in
Oklahoma, organzied a protest that lasted several days
and ultimately resulted in the integration of 38 Katz Drug
Stores in Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa.
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett requested that all fags
on city property to be fown at half staff in honor of Luper
and her contribution to the city.
In a statement issued from his offce, Cornett described Lu-
per as a great Oklahoman and a great American.
While her accomplishments are too many to list, her lega-
cy is easily defned, Cornett said in the statement.
She made Oklahoma and the United States of America a
better place to live and was a shining example of the dis-
tinctly American idea that while we might hail from many
cultures, we are one people.
Throughout the 1960s, Luper worked with the local chapter
of the National Association for the Advancement of Col-
ored People, to stage sit-ins and non-violent protests which
ultimately led to the desegregation of restaurants in Okla-
homa City.
In an interview with CNN affliate KWTV, Lupers son,
Calvin, said his mother was surrounded by family at the
time of her death.
He added, though shes known for organizing the single sit-
in, his mother was dedicated to making the life of citizens
in Oklahoma better.
Now we have to step up to the plate and accept the respon-
sibility and do what Mom wanted us to do, and that would
be to carry on her legacy of honesty and do anything else
that would make our city and state a great place.
Luper is survived by her two daughters, a son and grand-
About Clara Luper
Clara Luper, known to many as the Mother of the Civil
Rights Movement, took her place at the head of the Okla-
homa Sit-In Movement, August 19, 1958. With courage
and persistence she taught that non-violent activism is the
way to freedom.
Main Focus
Mrs. Luper speaks with audiences of all ages. She tells of
the challenges, set-backs, and victories of the early activ-
ists, how far weve come in America, and of dreams yet to
become a reality.
Mrs. Luper speaks to audiences in churches, high schools,
universities, prisons, sororities, juvenile homes, throughout
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the state of Oklahoma, and beyond.
Political Involvement
~Organized various State and Local Political Campaigns.
~A candidate for the United States Senate in 1972.
~Leader of various Voter Registration Drives.
During Mrs. Lupers extraordinary career, she has received
471 awards and honors. The most recent is the passing
bill 2715 by The House of Representatives to name a state
highway in her honor.
Special Achievements
~1st African American Vice President for the Oklahoma
City Social Science Teachers Association.
~1st African American Vice President of the Oklahoma
County Teachers Association.
~1st African American student to enroll in the History De-
partment at the University of Oklahoma.
~Wrote, Produced and Directed the movie Brother Presi-
dent, the story of Dr. M.L. King, Jr.
~Rebuilder of Freedom Center, Home of the Civil Rights
Monument, after it was bombed.
~Founder of the Black History Monument and Wall.
~Founder of Freedom Center Inc.
~Co-Founder of The Miss Merry Christmas Pageant.
Civil Rights Involvement
~Leader of Americas 1st Highly Publicized Sit-In in
Americas History in 1958.
~Leader in the Oklahoma City School Integration Fight.
~Leader of the March to Lawton, OK to integrate Doe
Amusement Park.
~Participated in the Historic March on Washington, D.C.;
Selma, Alabama and every other major march in America.
~Arrested 26 times in Civil Rights Activities.
~Led Tulsas frst Freedom March to integrate public ac-
~Organizer of the Oklahoma City Sanitation Strike.
~Wrote BEHOLD THE WALLS, a 346-page book.
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Five Areas Of Focus To Help Secure Your Retirement
(ARA) - In helping Americans refocus on retirement plan-
ning, sometimes returning to the most fundamental truths
is the best route.
"These truths tend to get lost when we are bombarded with
information about retirement in the general media," says
Robert Fishbein, a vice president in Prudential's Tax De-
With that in mind, Fishbein shares the fve "back to basics"
1. Save more
Americans have not saved as much as they need to for re-
tirement. To ensure you are not part of the savings problem,
start by considering all of the retirement savings and other
savings options available to you. Some savings vehicles,
like your 401(k), IRAs and Roth IRAs, probably come
to mind right away. Others may be less apparent, such as
life insurance (while the primary purpose of life insurance
should be for protection, the cash value of life insurance
may be used to supplement retirement income) or an em-
ployer-sponsored savings program.
Once you inventory your savings options, make sure you
are using them to the maximum extent possible. It is a good
practice to "pay yourself frst" and contribute savings di-
rectly from your paycheck so you are left with the balance
for day-to-day expenses.
2. Spend less
Over the last few years we have started to see the emer-
gence of a new, more cautious perspective on spending
and debt. You can manage your spending by creating and
following a budget. This way you can track your infows
and outfows and understand how much you really spend
on coffee, dining out or vacations. By living within your
means, you will always be in the position of strengthening
your fnancial position.
Saving more and spending less seem like such obvious
components of planning for a successful retirement, yet
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Page 11
we tend to focus on other things because they are so hard.
Many people spend their retirement planning energy on
thinking about investment return, since it requires less per-
sonal sacrifce. Ultimately your chances at a successful re-
tirement probably depend more on how much you save and
how much you limit spending than on any other investment
and tax tip.
3. Protect income
Life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance and
long-term care insurance are all ways that we protect our
income or assets.
* Life insurance can be used for estate planning purposes,
but its fundamental value proposition is protecting your in-
come earnings potential so dependent family members will
not be destitute upon your premature death.
* Disability insurance works similarly to life insurance but
in the context of an injury or sickness that precludes your
* Health insurance helps to minimize the risk that your cur-
rent income will be consumed by unanticipated or extraor-
dinary health care costs.
* Long-term care insurance helps to minimize the risk that
your assets will be depleted by a chronic illness or disabil-
All of these insurance products not only enable you to live
or support others but to preserve your retirement assets.
4. Diversify
"Diversify" is used here in a broad sense that includes in-
vestment, fnancial advisor, fnancial institution and tax di-
versifcation. In its most simple form, this area of focus is
really the lesson we learn at an early age not to put all of
our eggs in one basket.
Investment diversifcation means deploying a strategy that
mixes investments among bonds and different types of eq-
uities, such as growth or income focused stocks or mutual
funds, as well as across domestic and international markets.
Investment manager diversifcation is about the risk of be-
ing exposed to one individual. Similarly, because you are
relying on the full faith and credit of a fnancial institution,
you will want to ensure the company is on solid fnancial
You should also diversify your assets with consideration
for their different tax implications. Some assets are tax-
deferred, like a traditional IRA. Some are tax-free, like a
tax-exempt bond or a Roth IRA. Some require distribu-
tions that start at a certain age, like a traditional pension
plan or traditional IRA. And some require no mandatory
distributions during the owner's lifetime, like a Roth IRA.
The tax attributes of your retirement assets are critical to
understand since they will ultimately determine how much
after-tax income you'll retain.
5: Guarantee income
Guaranteeing income is a way you can lock in an income
stream to minimize and manage investment risk and lon-
gevity risk. The frst step in terms of guaranteeing your in-
come is determining how much income you will need in
After you identify your income goals, consider what as-
sets you have that provide guaranteed income. Start with
Social Security and any traditional pension plan, and con-
sider how you could adjust the start time of those lifetime
payouts to enhance how much guaranteed income you can
receive. Then, based on this analysis, you can decide how
you might need to supplement your existing guaranteed in-
come position -- for example, with an annuity that provides
additional guaranteed lifetime income or delaying your So-
cial Security payments to the full retirement age. For many
the unfortunate reality may also include working longer
than originally planned.
Diversifcation does not guarantee a proft or ensure against los-
es and cannot eliminate the risk of investments losses.
Investors should consider the contract and the underlying port-
folios investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses care-
fully before investing. This and other important information is
contained in the prospectus, which can be obtained from your
fnancial professional. Please read the prospectus carefully be-
fore investing.
A variable annuity is a long-term investment designed to cre-
ate guaranteed income in retirement. Investment returns and the
principal value of an investment will fuctuate so that an inves-
tor's units, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the
original investment. Withdrawals or surrenders may be subject
to contingent deferred sales charges.
Insurance policies and annuity contracts contain exclusions,
limitations, reductions of benefts and terms for keeping them in
force. Your licensed fnancial professional can provide you with
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complete details.
All guarantees, including optional benefts, are backed by the
claims-paying ability of the issuing company and do not apply to
the underlying investment options.
Prudential Financial, its affliates, and their licensed fnancial
professionals do not render tax or legal advice. Please consult
with your tax and legal advisors regarding your personal circum-
Life, long-term care and disability insurance are issued by The
Prudential Insurance Company of America and its affliates
Newark, NJ. The availability of other products varies by carrier
and state.
Variable annuities are issued by Pruco Life Insurance Company
of New Jersey, Newark, NJ and distributed by Prudential Annui-
ties Distributors, Inc., Shelton, CT. Both are Prudential Financial
companies and each is solely responsible for its own fnancial
condition and contractual obligations. Prudential Annuities is a
business of Prudential Financial, Inc.
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College Graduates: Six Financial Survival Tips For The Working World
(ARA) - Despite a turbulent job market and economy,
if you are a recent college graduate, there is much to
be optimistic about as you leave campus and head out
into the real world. No one ever said life on your own
would be easy, but post-graduate financial bliss can be
a reality.
These six tips from Thrivent Financial offer a starting
point for recent graduates who are ready to put their
education to work for a secure financial future.
Get real about your paycheck
Compared to the minimum wage jobs you survived on
through college, the annual earnings at your first post-
graduate job may give you dollar-sign eyes. Don't be
fooled though; after taxes, benefits, living expenses
and student loan payments, your remaining monthly
spending money could amount to less than half of your
gross income. Being realistic about your paycheck
doesn't mean you can't have any fun, though. That new
car may have to wait a while, but with smart budgeting
you can still enjoy some of the finer things in life with
a clear conscience.
Your credit score matters
Thought you were done worrying about test scores?
Think again. Whether you want to get an apartment,
mortgage, car or a new job, your credit score says a
lot about you and can make or break you when try-
ing to move forward with these important steps. Free
credit reports are available at www.annualcreditreport.
com, and for a small fee you can also obtain your credit
score. Examine your report regularly for accuracy, and
pay off any existing credit card debt as soon as possi-
ble. Credit card interest is wasted money, and outstand-
ing debt can hurt your credit score.
Look out for yourself first
After expenses and taxes, your paycheck may look too
slim for comfort, but protecting your assets, health and
income with insurance is worth the additional cost. If
you have an apartment, renter's insurance is a relatively
inexpensive way to protect your possessions. Health in-
surance is also a must, whether you get it through your
employer or stay on your parents' plan. Your paycheck
is worth protecting, too. Disability income insurance
is not just for those with physically demanding jobs,
as most beneficiaries are on disability from illness, not
injury. Preparation for the unexpected comes at a small
price considering the costs associated with the alterna-
Save for the fun stuff
Again, being responsible with your finances doesn't
mean you can't have any fun. You have worked hard to
start your career, and deserve to reward yourself. The
best way to spend smartly is simply to spend less than
you have. Diligent saving allows for the occasional
splurge without having to feel guilty or anxious about
your decision to spend. Consider directly depositing a
certain amount from your paycheck into a savings ac-
count for a "fun fund."
Save for the grown-up stuff, too
Your parents' nagging may start to quiet now that
you've graduated, but their retirement planning advice
is worth listening to. Start investing now; you won't re-
gret it. As you barely scratch the surface of your career,
retirement seems a long way off, but successful inves-
tors understand that the longer your assets remain in-
vested, the greater their potential for growth. The cash
you forfeit now will pale in comparison to the amount
you'll end up getting back at the end of your career if
you start as early as possible.
Don't pass up free money
Many employers offer pretax savings through their
retirement accounts. Because your retirement contri-
butions come out before taxes, your taxable income
is decreased, saving you money. For example, a $100
contribution from your earnings to a pretax retirement
account would reduce your paycheck by only $75 if
you're in the 25 percent tax bracket. If your employer
matches a percentage of your retirement contributions,
it is wise to contribute the maximum amount of their
match so as not to pass up on "free money."
Money is just one of many aspects of adulthood that
college graduates must meet head-on to start living
independently. Personal finance may seem daunting,
but don't be discouraged. The above-mentioned tips
boil down to common sense: spend less than you earn,
stay protected through proper insurance, maintain good
credit and save for the short and long-term, and you
will be off to a great financial start in the next chapter
of your life. For more financial tips and advice, visit
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Page 18
*Customer Cash offer good on select 2010 (and prior year) models between 12/29/10-6/30/11. **Finance offer subject to credit approval, applies to purchases of new Yamaha Motorcycles,
ATVs & Scooters made on a Yamaha Installment Financing loan account from 12/29/10-6/30/11. Minimum contract length is 24 months and maximum length is 36 months. Minimum
amount fnanced is $5,000. Fixed APR of 3.99%or 12.99%will be assigned based on credit approval criteria. Monthly payments per $1,000 fnanced based on 36 month termare $29.52 at
3.99%and $33.69 at 12.99%. Offer good only in the U.S., excluding the state of Hawaii. Dress properly for your ride with a helmet, eye protection, gloves and boots. Do not drink and ride.
It is illegal and dangerous. Yamaha and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation encourage you to ride safely and respect the environment. For further information regarding the MSF course, please
call 1-800-446-9227. ATVs with engine sizes over 90cc are recommended for use only by riders age 16 years and older. Yamaha recommends that all ATV riders take an approved training
course. For safety and training information, see your dealer or call the ATV Safety Institute at 1-800-887- 2887. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: Always avoid paved surfaces.
Never ride on public roads. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing; never carry passengers; never engage in stunt riding; riding and alcohol/drugs dont mix; avoid
excessive speed; and be particularly careful on diffcult terrain. Professional riders depicted on closed courses. 2011 Yamaha Motor Corp. U.S.A. All rights reserved.
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Page 19
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Page 23
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