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Itroduction to Management
lecturer: Phan Hoàng Hà
Name: Bùi Thị Hoàng Anh Student ID : SS170766
Class: MGT103 Period: Fall 2022
Email :

Date of submission : 10/6/2022 thành phố hồ chí minh

I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
a. Purpose of this assignment .................................................................................................................. 3
II. Reflect Theory X and Theory Y in real-life ............................................................................................... 3
a. Theory X in real-life............................................................................................................................ 3
b. Theory Y in real-life............................................................................................................................ 3
c. Identify and analyze success/ failure regarding experience ................................................................... 3
III. Understading of manager and employee behavior in workplace/organization settings ............................... 3
IV. Conlusion ............................................................................................................................................... 4
V. Reference list ......................................................................................................................................... 4

I. Introduction
a. Purpose of this assignment
Since humans exist and gradually coalesce into an organization, management problems have also begun to
emerge. The more complex, diverse, and crowded society is, the more important the role of management.
So, to better understand, one has given views and generalizations about the theory X and Y.
The study was conducted on 101 scholars of a Turkish junior university [1] Theory X and Medical Theory
are two completely opposite management strategies developed in the 1960s by Douglas McGregor when
he worked at the MIT Sloan School of Management in his book " The Human Side of Business "[2]. After
the analysis, I concluded that the application of the theory of X and Y in the life scroll is very important
and it leads to success.
II. Reflect Theory X and Theory Y in real-life
a. Theory X in real-life
According to Mr. Douglas McGregor, Theory X is based on assumptions that employees are people who
are considered to be less ambitious, less likely to push themselves with the job, and less intelligent than
those in more senior positions.
In my experience when I was the leader of a team project, between me and the members didn't know each
other and only met on Google Meet. When I work with individual members I find that most people are
lazy and avoid work, actively taking the job, and always needing someone to force, control, and intimidate
the member, "Do your homework," , "Submit your paper on time on day A or I'll say to the teacher to
deduct the score", "You don't have self-respect",” They only work because they are forced to do it" and
the members" don't have the motivation to hope to do it in order to achieve the success of their own
Therefore, it is not surprising that X-theory managers closely monitor each person's own groups. They use
the "stick and carrot" approach to get people to do their job. That is, when managers want to motivate
employees, they have to give them a "carrot" to make them happy when they are given gifts, money and
vice versa, if you want to pressure, you have to use the stick.[3]
b. Theory Y in real-life
Medical theory is the exact opposite of the X theory that I talked about earlier. According to Mr. Douglas
McGregor, the Y doctrine is that people who are considered do not naturally enjoy work, but work is a
natural part of their lives.
An example from my own experience, with Y theory is when I get a part-time job for a company. From
my observation, I found that employees are all people who are always actively looking for new customers
for the company, trying to sell products that are houses or villas, and taking responsibility for their own
mistakes. When working as a manager, there is no threat at work and everyone has the ability to change
themselves for the better and better for the company they work for. Approaching medical theory is
absolutely advisable because it is easier to succeed in life.
c. Identify and analyze success/ failure regarding experience
Each way of managing achieves certain success when applied correctly, suitable for people or the
environment. In fact, both theories have their own challenges and disadvantages. As is the practice of
medical theory, three-fifths of people work on time, but Y gives people too much freedom so that the
other two-fifths will be lazy and management must apply X theory to strictly manage them, I didn't get
the trust, but it ruined my reputation in the long run. But in general, theory X is better suited for long-term
use and is most likely to succeed than Y for repetitive tasks.
Similar to Y theory is easy to use, but it carries many risks, especially managers who do not know how to
use Y theory properly and properly and lead to unexpected failures and management cannot be avoided.
III. Understading of manager and employee behavior in workplace/organization settings
As far as I know, when we first work as managers, most of us should apply X theory as best. I just need to
control the management of the work and divide it accordingly to the staff, and speak on time. But theory X is
not always used at work, especially in an organization that works on independent ideas, and their own distinct
initiatives, and requires little direction.
Most managers should apply theory X because it is easy to use, easy to achieve the desired results. In addition,
it is easy to manage employees who do not have a work ethic and even have to use strong measures to
promote the working process, the work progress of employees. However, theory X is often unmotivated and it

is difficult for employees to express their own personal opinions and views. Meanwhile, when applying Y
theory, managers will treat their employees more gently, improving the productivity and work ethic of
employees, especially those who have a positive attitude at work.
IV. Conlusion
According to the things that I mentioned, we should use both theories at the same time, to easily manage
employees, thereby achieving the best job performance. Because in the working environment there are always
many different types of employees and the manager should be skillful, flexible use of the theories X and Y.
V. Reference list
[1] Volume 01 Issue 05: (2012) Sep.-Oct 2012 by Oya iamtekin Aydin.
[2] D. McGregor (1960) The Human Side of Enterprise, McGraw-Hill, New York.

[3] African Journal of Economic and Management Studies Vol. 7(Iss 3):pp. 328 - 345
[4] Griffin, R. W. (2016). Fundamentals of management. Mason, OH: South Western Cengage Learning.

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