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FNCE 2021 Session: One Size

Does Not Fit All: How Mindful

Eating and Healthy Weight-loss
Strategies Can Coexist
Keri Gans, MS, RDN, CDN, Lisa Stollman & Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, CDN

PowerPoint by: Elena Gonzalez

Dr. Lisa Young PhD, RDN, CDN
Presentation Topics
• Obesity prevalence
• Importance of a patient-centered
• Our role as RDNs
• Globally recognized nutritionist
and portion control expert • Healthy weight loss strategies
• Adjunct professor of nutrition at
NYU, international lecturer, and • Portion control and awareness
RDN in private practice
• Author of Finally Fully, Finally Slim • Eating mindfully and intuitively
(Center Street, 2019) and The
Portion Teller Plan (Crown, 2006) • Healthy habits and mindset
Obesity Prevalence and Patient-Centered
Obesity prevalence
• According to the CDC, 42.2% of adults are obese in the U.S.
• ~75% of the population in the U.S. are affected with being overweight and/or having obesity
Importance of a patient-centered approach
• Discussing weight loss with patients can lead to improved health outcomes and reduced incidence of
chronic disease. However, diet restrictions are not always the right method for weight loss
• What is a diet? Foods that are regular provided or consumed
• A patient’s individual health needs and desired health outcomes or goals should be the driving force
behind all healthcare decisions
• Providers should aim to treat patients from a clinical perspective, as well as an emotional, mental,
spiritual, social, and financial perspective
RDN Role and Weight Loss Strategies
Our role as RDNs
• Advocate for patient with compassion, connection, and communication
• Honor their lifestyle and food preferences
• Foster a positive body image
• As future RDNs, we can help patients build acceptance of their own bodies, and
address unrealistic standards even while helping our patients lose weight
Healthy weight loss strategies
• Enjoying foods from all food groups
• Avoid restrictive, low-calorie diets
• Eat what you love
• Satiety is key - incorporate protein, fiber and healthy fats into meals
• Weight loss counseling is not just focusing on “energy in, energy out”
Intuitive Eating
Eating mindfully and intuitively
• Give your full attention to your eating experience
• Appreciate your food, note when you are satisfied, and avoid eating impulsively
Tips for mindful/intuitive eating:
• Eat slowly
• Think about the food your eating
• Unplug from phone/computer during meals (50% higher chance of over-eating)
• Recognize internal feelings of hunger and fullness
• Some people benefit from focusing on portions and food groups, while others
may benefit from focusing on feelings and hunger level; it will vary from person
to person
• “When we taste with attention, even the simplest foods provide a universe of
sensory experience, awakening us to them”
- Jon Kabat Zinn (Coming to our senses)
Portion Control & Awareness,
Healthy Habits and Mindset
Portion Control and Awareness
• Large portions lead to overeating
• Eating appropriate portion sizes at each meal was found to be the most common element of a
healthy eating pattern
• Choose smaller portions and avoid calorie-dense, ultra-processed foods
• Change portion size norms (portions are up to 5x larger than they were in the past)
Healthy Habits and Mindset
• Establish sustainable habits that fit for you (personalize it)
• Consider sleep, stress, social life, and other factors
• Try to plan meals in advance
• Pay attention to your emotions along with food choices
• Avoid ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking
Practice Applications
• Be an advocate for the patient and meet them where they are
• Help patients cultivate a positive relationship with food
• Educate patients on portion control and mindful eating
Lisa Stollman – Chronic Diseases of Obesity:
Strategies to Improve Health
Presentation Topics
• How overweight/obesity influence chronic
• The relationship of obesity on covid-19
• Strategies for helping patients with weight

• How a plant-based diet can help patients lose
Nutrition entrepreneur and
• CEO of Lisa Stollman
weight sustainably and improve health
• Created a digital nutrition • Practice applications
• Has a private practice that
specializes in diabetes and
preventative nutrition
How Overweight/Obesity Influence Chronic
• Obesity-related conditions are among the leading cause of
preventable and premature deaths in the U.S.
• Prominent chronic diseases:
• DM2 – obesity and elevated blood glucose
• Cancer - obesity and DNA changes, chronic local inflammation,
estrogen and insulin are drivers of cancer
• Heart disease - obesity and related insulin resistance are associated
with many coronary risk factors that increase the progression of CHD
Obesity and COVID-19
• Obesity increases the risk of severe illness from Covid-19
• Obesity is linked to impaired immune function
• At least 30.2% of Covid-19 hospitalizations were attributed to
• Being obese reduces lung capacity, making both breathing and
ventilation more difficult
Strategies for Helping Patients with Weight
• Preventative medicine: eating well, moving our bodies, getting
sufficient sleep and taking the time to relax
• We can talk about weight loss with patients, but let them bring
it up
• Tips:
• Meet patients where they are at
• Don’t recommend restrictive diets
• Teach them mindful eating skills
• Teach them how to eat well as a sustainable way of life
• Motivate your patients to practice positive self-care
Plant-Based Diet as a Sustainable and Healthy
Strategy for Weight Loss
• Benefits:
• Increased satiety due to fiber
• Decreases blood glucose
• Lowers lipids
• Lowers blood pressure
• Decreases cancer risk due to fiber and micronutrients
• Many plant foods are excellent sources of vitamin C and zinc, which enhance
• Plant foods help nourish the gut microbiome, which further boosts the immune
• Sustainable for weight loss:
• Lower in calories, fiber results in early satiety
• Keeps blood glucose stable, which also helps reduce hunger
• Major nutrients/components: fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts
Practice Applications
• Meet your patients where they are to help attain their health goals
• If your patient desires weight loss, teach them how to adopt a healthy
eating and lifestyle routine that is sustainable
• Teach your patients the importance of adding more plant foods to their diet
• Avoid restrictive diets
Strengths & Limitations
Strengths Limitations
• Promotes body positivity • Did not discuss possible
socioeconomic barriers that may
• Gives helpful alternatives to a
hinder individuals from utilizing
calorie restrictive diet
this approach to weight loss (ex.
• Focuses on overall wellness in food access, overcoming social
addition to nutrition
norms, income, environment)
• Gives advice to RDNs on how to
approach weight loss with
Takeaway Message
• Weight loss methods such as FAD diets and calorie
restrictions are not sustainable for individuals who
have a desire to lose weight
• A wholesome approach that includes intuitive/mindful
eating and portion control awareness will promote
weight loss and improve your overall well-being
• A plant-based diet has numerous benefits for weight
loss, and contains satiety inducing nutrients (protein,
fiber, and healthy fat)
• RDNs have a role in patient’s weight loss journeys,
but we must approach the topic with positivity and

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