IBA MBA Viva Compilation

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IBA MBA Viva Compilation

(upto 63rd Intake)

Compiled By
Tawkir Mahmud Tusher-63D

Academic profile:
BBA General from BUP
Graduation Year: 2019

Relevant Information:
I was in completely formal attire wearing a deep ash color blazer and pant, sky blue shirt, a black tie, a
black color belt and a pair of black shoes. Wearing mask was mandatory then. I had my hair cut and shave.
I had a file carrying all my original academic documents required to attend the viva.

There was a Mam, chairing the board, along with 3 more faculty members, all of whom were male.

Interview Session:
I asked permission to enter into the room and conveyed salam to all. Sir, sitting first to the door, asked for
the form I had been carrying. Then I was told to have my seat placed at the center, in front of the board

Mam: Introduce yourself.

Me: I, Tawkir Mahmud Tusher, was born and grew up in a middle class family in Gazipur. In 2008, I joined
Faujdarhat Cadet College. I completed both my SSC and HSC from Faujdarhat Cadet College. Then I
appeared ISSB and awarded with Green card. I joined BMA- Bangladesh Military Academy on 1st January,
2015. I was commissioned at the end of 2017 passing the hardest 3 years of my life. In the meantime, I
also had my BBA degree from BUP. In initial part of 2019, I had an injury and had to leave Army in the mid
of 2019 serving Bangladesh Army for 18 months. Then I set my target to have an MBA from IBA and
started preparing myself for that.

Sir-2: You were in Military! Which long course?

Me: Yes, Sir. 75 BMA Long Course.

Mam: What was your Major in BBA?

Me: Mam, I didn’t have any major. We were the first long course that was incorporated with academic
curriculum. So, the authority couldn’t arrange so much for us. Things were on process then.

Sir-3: So, you completed 2 years of your undergrad in Bhatiary and 2 years at BUP campus in Mirpur?
Me: No, Sir. Entire 4years tenure I was in BMA, Bhatiary- first 3years as officer cadet, and final 1 year,
after commission, as officer.

Sir-3: Okay. What is your future plan?

Me: Sir, I want to have my MBA from IBA.

Sir-3: (smile)I understand that. Then?

Me: Sir, I want to pursue my career in teaching profession.

Sir-2: Defend your aim.

Me: Sir, I revealed my keen interest in teaching and instructing during my training. If I had been in
Military, I would have tried my level best to do very good in various courses so that I am selected as
instructor in any of the Military institutions. Moreover, from the childhood, I have grown up seeing my
mother as a proud teacher. All these facets impelled me to set my aim to be a teacher.

Sir-3: What is your CGPA in bachelors?

Me: Sir, 3.47. Sir, possibly I will not be eligible to be a faculty in public universities, but I will try my level
best to embellish my result in MBA.

Mam: I think we are done. Look at the table and tell us when the result will be published.
Me: Mam, on 14th February.

Mam: Thank you. You may leave now.

Then I stood up carefully, conveyed salam to all and left the room without making any extra sound.

Few points to focus on:

1. My intriguing background story helped me dictate my entire viva.
2. The mock viva sessions helped me a lot. I faced almost all the expected questions in the main viva
3. I was confident and fluent enough throughout the session.

Jahin Tahsin Monami- 63D

Academic Profile:
Bachelor and Masters Subject: Public Administration
University: University of Dhaka
Graduation Year: 2018, 2019

Relevant Information: There were 3 members in my board: Mohiuddin Sir, Momen Sir and Tasneema mam.
Most of the questions were asked by Mohiuddin Sir and Momen Sir.
Attire: Formal dress-up with cotton salwar kamiz and flat shoe. I kept my mask on and tried to speak in a
clear voice

Interview Session:
Me: Assalamualaikum Sir and mam, may I come in?
Mohiuddin sir: yes, come in and sit.
Mohiuddin Sir: So Jahin Introduce yourself.
Me: I’m Jahin Tahsin Monami. I’ve completed my graduation from Department of Public Administration,
University of Dhaka.
Momen Sir: Why MBA, why not try for BCS?
Me: Sir I believe having an MBA will give me a greater edge to being a public servant. My undergrad subject
is majorly focused on how the public sector in Bangladesh work. An MBA will broaden my knowledge and
opportunity all sectors. Also, Bangladesh government sector is in the New Public Management phase and
adopting a various practice from private sector, an MBA will add value to me.
Momen Sir: So why public ad, why didn’t you get a BBA?
Me: Sir I got selected for Public Administration according to my merit list. I attended the IBA BBA exam but
didn’t get selected.
Mohiuddin Sir: Ok so you wanted to get a BBA
Me: Yes sir
Momen Sir: So Jahin, you graduated in 2019, what did you do in the meantime.
Me: Sir I’m preparing for both public and private jobs along with providing part-time tuitions online.
However due to pandemic most of the recruitment processes are either closed or are going slow. I’m in the
second phase of Transaction Service Officer recruitment from IFIC bank.
Tasneema Mam: So, you’re already in the process, if you get selected at IBA what are you going to do? Are
you going to leave the job?
Me: Yes mam. I’d choose IBA as getting an MBA degree from here will help me start my career from the
senior level position as an MTO
They were nodding in agreement to my answer.
Momen Sir: Tell me 6 principles of Good Governance
I answered
Momen Sir: What’s accountability
I tried to properly answer this question however sir was not satisfied and he explained to me what
accountability is in governance, I listened to him attentively and acknowledged my mistake.
Then Momen sir got a call and he left the room for a while
Mohiuddin Sir: Jahin tell me some positive things pandemic brought us
Me: Sir one of the positive features of pandemic is that the elderly generation has become more
technologically efficient. My parents who didn’t have any faith in online shopping before are shopping
groceries and medicines online in the lockdown.
Mohiuddin sir was smiling positively the whole time and I felt pretty confident about that time.
Tasneema Mam: So, you said you are in the recruitment process of IFIC bank. Tell me something about the
Banking Industry.
Me: Mam I know the current interest rate of Banking industry, around 4 %. Other than this I do not know
that much about industry, the banking industry.
Tasneema Mam: Alright. Sir do you have anything else to ask?
Mohiuddin sir and Momen sir agreed they are done with questions
Mohiuddin Sir: Alright Jahin. Your result will be published on 14 February. You can go now.
I looked at all the faculties and thanked them for their time.

• Revise basic topic related to your subject
• If you’re not sure about something do not bluff
• Make sure that you’re having a conversation with the faculties. It’s better not to speak in a rigid
and rehearsed manner.
• WHY MBA- prepare the answer suited to your career choice
• Your body language should be confident and polite.
• Try to look at all faculties in the board even if only one of them asked you a question. Don’t just
address one person in the room.
• Keep a steady eye contact and smile at them.

Yeasin Arafat Plabon - MBA 63D

Background: BBA in Marketing, JnU.

Passing Year: 2020

There were 4 members in the board. 1 female and 3 males.
I entered the room wearing a mask.

Attire: Formal Navy Blue suit, White Shirt, Blue Tie.

Interviewer 1: Hand over your information form.

Me: Did Accordingly.
Interviewer: Please be seated.
Me: Thank you.
Before I fully seated, one interviewer (4) from the right side asked, '' Tell me in 30 seconds, why we should
take you".
Me: I got blanked for a few seconds. Then I told actually why I want to join IBA.
Interviewer-4: Well, it’s ok from your side but tell me something from our perspective. Why should we take
Me: well, as i am a business graduate, my background matches with IBA. In addition to, I want to be a
corporate leader. MBA program of IBA was also established for producing corporate leaders. Hence, my
goal matches with that, IBA might be successful in achieving its goal by taking me.
Interviewer-1 who checked my information form loudly said BBA Marketing. (It was actually to inform all
the board members. Due to COVID protocol, they were seated maintaining distance).
Me: Yes, Sir.
Interviewer-3 (female one): What do you mean by corporate?
Me: Corporate means local and Multinational companies such as UBL, Nestle, Marico, BAT, MGI, ACI.
Interviewer-3: What about others?
Me: (I actually messed up with public and private sector). Those are Govt. organizations. I prefer corporates
(Actually I meant private sector).
Interviewer -1: Who defined this definition of Corporation?
Me: (I got scared and understood my mistake) Actually it is my perception.
Interviewer -1: You Should have told Private Sector.
Me: Yes. Sir, actually meant that. My mistake.
Interviewer 1: How many P's are in Banking Industry?
Me: As banking is under service industry, there are 7P's in service marketing. Hence banking has 7P's. 3
Additional P's than Product Marketing.
Interviwer-1: Name those
Me: People, Process, Physical Evidence.
Interviewer: What are the other 4P's?
Me: Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
Interviewer-4: What is brand equity?
Me: Answered.
Interview-2: Can you please explain brand equity with real life example?
Me: Did Accordingly. Examples were Coca cola and Pepsi.
Interviewer 4: What is marketing myopia?
Me: Answered.
Interviewer 2: What is Demarketing?
Me: Answered with real life example. (Grateful to my mentor Fouji sir who taught me many things including
this one)
Interviewer-4: What is 3 graded marketing (I actually couldn’t hear that perfectly)
Me: Is it 3 layers of product?
Interviewer-4: No. (Sir repeated the question)
Me: Sorry Sir. I don’t know it. I will learn it. (after the interview, i checked it on Google, I couldn’t find
anything like that)
Interviewer 3: Why is companies stand for?
Me: For profit.
Interviewer 3: Is profit is the only goal of a company?
Me: No miss. Profit is the primary goal but not only goal.
Interviewer 3: What are the other goals of a company?
Me: Company has responsibility for its stakeholders, Environment. Company's goals also perform these.
Interviewer- 3: And responsibility to whom? (miss asked for more examples)
Me: Environment.
Interviewer -3: What do you mean by environment?
Me: In businesses, Environment includes everything. There are two broad types of environments. One is
micro and the other is macro environment. Companies have responsibility to both.
Interviewer -3: ok fine.
Interviewer-1: Your result will be published on 14th February,2021on our website. Keep your eyes on our
Me: Thank you.
I left the room...Due to COVID protocol. The interviewer seated maintaining distance. They were also
wearing mask. Due to mask, I have struggled to listen them but fortunately I could manage it.
During the whole interview,They were in boring face. There was no change in their facial expression.

My Strategy: I was good at my background relevant knowledge so I tried to drive them to ask me more
academic questions so that I can crack the interview and Alhamdulillah...

Md. Yousuf Ibraheem Rabee - 63 D

Board 6 : Momen Sir, Mohiuddin Sir and another mam( I couldn’t recognize her for the mask):
Me: May I come in sir?
Mohiuddin Sir: Yes, Please sit down.
ME: I came inside and sat down. Thank you sir, Assalamu Alaikum.
Momen sir: Wa alaikum Assalam. what’s your name?
Me: told.
Momen sir: So,When did you graduate?
Me: 2019 sir.
Momen sir: So you didn’t join anywhere? Is it because of covid?
Me: Sir, I was taking preparation for IBA. I got a couple of jobs. But the overall job conditions were not
favorable for me to take preparation for IBA. and, I wanted to finish my study first.
Momen Sir: But you will lag behind from your classmates. You may have to call some of them “sir”, who
joined before you.
Me: Sir, I needed an MBA degree, as it will help me at the later part of my career. I can not have both at the
same time. I have to sacrifice something.
Momen Sir: Still, you know we are going through 3rd industrial revolution and 2 years can make a huge
difference. Anyway, tell us why should we take you.
Me: (I was a little unprepared). Well, Sir I am punctual and hardworking (Knowing that it is a bad answer,
but that’s what came in my head), and I am…..
Momen Sir: So you are hard working?? Tell us something that proves that you are a hard working person.
Me: Sir. I got selected for the viva (another bad answer lol, But I didn’t want to waste time thinking much)
Momen Sir: What was your CGPA during your undergrad?
Me: Sir 3.21.
Momen Sir: What was the highest Cgpa in your batch??
Me: Sir it’s 3.84 ( Actually it was 3.94 I guess)
Sir: So, who is more hardworking? You or he?
Me: Sir, During the first few semester I wasn’t really focusing on my cgpa and I ended up with a average CG
of 2.95 during the first 5 semester. And I really had to work hard in my last 3 semester to bring it to what it
is now.
The madam: So were you involved with any extra-curricular activities for which you couldn’t achieve a
better cgpa?
Me. (This part is filled up with blatant lies about all of those clubs and competitions that I never participated
:p )
Momen Sir: There are lot of people who do all these things and still maintain a good CGPA. Ok, we are done
with you. Does anyone else have any question?
Mohiuddin Sir: Sir, I have a question. This is related to your subject. Do you know anything about Quick
rental Power Plant?? In 2011/12 it was highly criticized. So, what is a quick rental power plant and why it
was criticized??
Me: Explained what is a quick rental powerplant.
Mohiuddin sir: yes, from it’s name it understandable that we can rent power quickly from it. But why was
it criticized.
Me: Sir, because it doesn’t deliver power all the time like a base load power plant. And it is not cost
effectiveto do so. And Bangladesh had a real crisis of Electricity at that time. Only quick rental power plants
could not be a solution. We needed base load power plants.
Mohiuddin sir: Ok thank you. You can leave now.
Me: Thank you sir, Assalamu Alaikum.

Fahim Shahriar - 63D

Background: MIST(EECE)

There were 4 teachers in my viva board(including Sutapa mam and Fairuz sir)

Q:Introduce yourself
In my answer I said something like my goal is to do MBA from IBA
Q:Why your goal so small?
Explained it was just a small step towards my goal
Q: Why many engineering students have low cgpa these days?
Some questions about elon musk, bitcoin by Fairuz sir
Q: Why do u want to do MBA?
Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I mentioned something about owning my own business in industrial automation.
Q: What advantages mba will give you in that?
Q: How will you beat competitors?
Muntasir Azad-62D

Academic profile :

Bachelor Subject : Computer Science and Engineering

University : Brac University

Graduation Year : 2018

Relevant Information :

There were 4 members in my viva board. My dress up was completely formal as I was wearing a deep
blue suit, formal pant and also a tie. I cut my hair short and was clean shaved. I was holding a file
containing all my original academic documents during my viva. After the assistant had instructed me to
enter into the viva board, I walked in, gave salam and waited. Then I was told to have a seat by one of
the board members.

Interview Session :

Board member: (while seeing my academic profile ) Okay, so we have another engineer here. Can you
name a leader who completed MBA after doing engineering?

Me: Sir, I know about some leaders but I am not sure whether they completed MBA after doing
engineering or not.

Board member: Tell me about a global leader. Me : Sir, Mark Zuckerberg . He is the founder and chief
executing officer of Facebook.

Board member: So is he an MBA graduate?

Me: No sir. He is a drop out.

Board member: Why do you want do an MBA?

Me: Sir, I want pursue an MBA degree because I want to bring a change in myself and I also want to
become a leader.

Board member: Why do you have to do an MBA to become a leader? People can become leaders by
studying political science also. There are other ways too.

Me: Yes Sir, I am not denying the fact that people from other discipline can also become leaders but I
think by doing an MBA is the most efficient way for me to become a leader. While doing an MBA degree
I can learn about persuading people, making rational decisions and working in a team.
Board member: I see that there is no work history in your profile. What did you do in 2019?

Me: Sir, actually in March of this year I went to Germany to do my masters on Data Science.
Unfortunately, I had to come back in August as I became severely sick.

Board member: Are you alright now? Was the weather too cold there?

Me: Yes mam, I am completely fit now. The temperature was bearable. I had no problem adapting

Board member: When did you decide to go for IBA? after coming back?

Me: Yes mam, after coming back I decided to sit for IBA admission test and prepare myself accordingly.

Board member: What will you do if we do not take you this year?

Me: I know the next intake will be after one year so I will have to bear patience. I will try again in the next
intake and in the mean time I will do data science courses from online platforms such as Coursera since I
still possess interest in that area and no university in Bangladesh is providing learning platform on this

Board member: You already wasted one year by going to Germany and you are saying you will waste
another year waiting for IBA. Your friends will go a long way ahead from you. What are you going say
about that?

Me: Yes sir, I am lagging behind. If I can pursue an MBA degree from IBA,I will be able to make extra
ordinary progress and catch up with others.

Board member: You can also do well without doing an MBA.You see Shehzad Munim of BAT doesn’t
have an MBA degree but he is the managing director now. Don’t you agree?

Me: Yes mam, you are right.

Board member: Okay you can go now.Your result will be published on 28th December.

Me: Okay mam.I am looking forward to it.

Then I gave salam and walked out of the room

Tahjib Abdullah Rivoo

Academic profile :

Bachelor: Banking and Insurance, Dhaka University

Graduation Year : 2019

Interview Session :

: Assalamualaikum. May, I come in.


ভাইভা ব ার্ডে ৪জন ছির্েন (১জন ম্যাম্, ৩জন স্যার)।

াম্ বের্ে ১ম্ স্যার- উছন হাছস্খুছি। স্ উত্তর ছনচ্ছিে। supportive.
২য় স্যার- উছনও স্ার্ ার্টে ভ ছিে। উত্তর শুর্ন ম্াো নাড়র্েছস্ে.
৩য়-ম্যাম্, ুরা স্ম্য় bored look ছনর্য় ছিে। েখর্না গার্ে হাে। স্ উত্তর্র বনছে াচে gesture, posture.
৪ে:ে র
ু া টাইম্ বম্া াইে র্ট র্স্।

: Have a seat.

Give your student form.

ম্যাম্্:So, Tahjib Abdullah Rivoo? Right?

: Yes, ma'am. Rivoo

ম্যাম্্: So, is it from Buddhodeb Guho..?

: Yes ma'am it's from Buddhodeb Guho's write-up

(শুরুর্েই ভয় াওয়ায় ছির্স্! আজ র্ন্ত

ে এে accurately বেউ আম্ার নাম্ এর background ের্ে ার্র নাই। আছম্
স্ুন্দর ের্র স্াজায় ছনর্য় বগছস্োম্ আম্ার নার্ম্র অে ছে,
ে বোো বের্ে ম্া া া নাম্ ছনর্স্...স্ প্ল্যান াি)
ম্যাম্্: So, Rivoo, you can do your MBA from DU in 1year. Why IBA?

: My Department's focus is only on banking and insurance industry. I want to increase my focus
ম্যাম্্: So, where do you want to work?

: I prefer multinational companies.

ম্যাম্্: Why multinational?

: Multinational companies work in more than one countries. I think it will make me efficient.

ে স্যার ুরা টাইম্ বম্া াইে র্ট র্স্ আর আম্ার ছির্ে ফার্ে ফার্ে োোইর্স্। এই এে জায়গায়
aggresively question েরর্ো): So you think local companies won't make you efficient? They are
becoming multinationals as well. I think you know about it.

: Yes sir, I'm aware of it. If I start my career at a multinational company it will definitely give me an upper
hand in future to work at a local company.

১ম্্ স্যার: So Rivoo, tell me about current banking industry of Bangladesh.

: (এটা ধরর্ জানোম্। recent news ছির্য় ুরা industry এর ধারণা ছিোম্,বস্ই স্ার্ে CRR, AD ratio বে Govt.বেম্ন
change এর্নর্ি বস্টাও েোম্। Overall এেটা positive outlook ছিোম্)

১ম্্ স্যার: Do you think Bangladesh is investment friendly?

: I'm optimistic of investment scenario. For example, people are not keeping their money in banks.
Private Banks offer 6 to 7% FDR. On the other hand, national savings certificate offers almost 12%
interest rate. Govt recently reduced this risk free rate. It will attract people to keep their money in
private banks.

১ম্্ স্যার: Do you think bank is the only investment sector?

: No sir, there are stock market, real estate..

১ম্্ স্যার: What about these sectors?

: I don't have enough recent knowledge about stock market ( যাাঁচাইর্ে আটোয় র্া ,োই আর্গই াি), but I
think real estate will do better in near future. Govt.is implementing 10 mega projects such as-( ৪টার ম্ে
নাম্ েছস্োম্). After implementation, I think real estate investment will increase.

ম্যাম্্: Ok. What do you do apart from studies?

: I practice stand-up comedy at Naveed's Comedy Club. ( I also played football for my department. We
became Inter batch champion in 2017. এগুো বেউ ম্নর্র্াগ ছিচ্ছির্ো না। ২য় স্যারটা ১ম্ স্যারর্ে গুোয় আস্র্ে
আস্র্ে চ্ছজগাস্ েরর্েছস্ে বোোয় ের্র? Naveed's Comedy Club, It's very prominent)
১ম্্ স্যার: Make us laugh.

: Sir, It's my first time to tell a joke in viva board...

১ম্্ স্যার: No problem. We do everything first time(আরও ছে ছে র্ে বর্ন অভয় ছিচ্ছিে)

: And, sir, I do bangla stand-up. So, can I speak in Bengali?

১ম্্ স্যার: Sure sure.. even you can stand-up because you are a stand-up comedian.

: I'm ok here sir (ম্যাম্ যা ারটা ভার্ো ম্ে ছনর্েছস্ে না। োই আর িাাঁড়াই নাই)

(এর র বের্ে ুরা ভাইভা আম্ার াাংোয়)

: আছম্ ছম্র ুর বের্ে গুেস্ার্ন ছগর্য় ের্ম্ছড েছর।োই আছম্ শুরুর্ে ছম্র ুরর্ে এেটু চাই।( joke টার summary
এম্ন ছিে- আম্রা ছম্র র্ু রর বির্েরা অর্নে ভা ছনর্য় োছে, Netflix বিছখ এম্ন স্ট্যাটাস্ বিই! আস্র্ে আম্রা স্ াই
ন্ধুর্ির হাে া ধইরা, বফস্ র্ু ে োভ ছরএক্ট আর ের্ম্ন্ট এর ছ ছনম্র্য় Netflix এর াস্ওয়াডে বনই)
(স্যাররা হাস্ে। ম্যাম্ বো হাস্র্ া না জানা েো)
ম্যাম্: আিা আম্ার্ে এেটা চ্ছজছনস্ ুঝান। (বিছখ স্যাররা এ ার ম্যার্ম্র ছির্ে োোয় আর্ি অ াে হর্য়)। আছম্
অর্নে ফান োছভাং াস্ন,
ে আছম্ foreign comedy ও বিছখ। আ নার ক্লা স্ম্পর্েেও আছম্ জাছন। এটা গুেিান-২
বিফস্ বটছ ে এ হয় না? (ম্াো নাড়োম্)। আছম্ এেটা চ্ছজছনস্ ুচ্ছঝ না, আ নারা audience বে বেন চ
াঁ ান? এই বর্
আ র্নও ছম্র ুরর্ে চ
াঁ াইর্েন। foreign comedian রাও চ
াঁ ায় বিছখ। ছক্লন ের্ম্ছড ছে হর্ে ার্র না?
: ম্যাম্ ছ র্িছি audience রা এগুোয় offended হয় না। ওরা এটা fun ছহর্স্র্ ই বনয়। ের্ আম্ার্ির audience
offended হয়। এজনয আম্রা খু এেটা ঘার্ট না audience বে। আছম্ও বর্ ছম্র ুরর্ে চ
াঁ াইছস্, আছম্ আস্র্ে
ছনর্জর্ে চ
াঁ াইছস্। োরণ আম্ার ছনর্জর াস্াই ছম্র ুর। বস্ট্জ এ উর্ে ছনর্জর্ে চ
াঁ াইর্ে audience এেটু ফ্রী হয়।
ম্যাম্: (এই প্রেম্ হাছস্ ছির্য় ) ও আ নার াস্া ছম্র ুর! োইর্ে র্েে আর্ি, োইর্ে র্েে আর্ি।
(২য় স্যার– হযাাঁ, ওর াস্া ছম্র ুর বো )

ম্যাম্: আিা, আম্ার্ে আর্রেটা চ্ছজছনস্ ঝ

ু ান। আছম্ স্ারাছিন বস্ািযাে ছম্ছডয়ার্ে বিছখ ছম্র ুর্র অর্নে েস্ট্!
ছম্র ুর্রর বির্ের্ির ছ র্য় হয় না....(হাইস্া ছিছস্ আছম্)। এে েস্ট্ ছের্স্র আ নার্ির? আছম্ ছম্র ুর্র োছে না। জানার
জনয আরছে। (ম্যাম্ও হাস্র্ের্স্)
: ম্যাম্ ছম্র ুর্র বো এেটা বম্র্রার্রে আর্িই.....
ম্যাম্: আর্িই? ের্ হে?এখার্নও বো হর্ি!
: আরছে ম্যাম্, বম্র্রার্রর্ের োজ হর্ি!( াছে স্যাররাও আম্ার ক্ষ হর্য় ছে জাছন েে- আর্রহ.... )
বম্র্রার্রর্ের জনয এেটা জযাম্ আর্গ বের্েই ড়ে। ২নম্বর বস্ট্ছডয়ার্ম্ বখো হর্ে ২নম্বর্রর বরাড োগায় বিয়। েখন
আ ার জযাম্ র্ড়। আ ার াছণজয বম্ো হর্েও ছম্র ুর্র জযাম্ র্ড়।স্ ছেিু ম্যাম্ ছম্র ুর্রর উ র্রই র্ায়। এজনয
ম্যাম্: আিা আিা। (আর্ি ার্ি োোয়)ok, you can go now.
: (িাাঁড়ায়) Thank you. Thank you for this lovely session. Assalamualaikum..
(এে েিম্ ছ র্ি বগছস্)২য় স্যার: এই নাছভি'স্ ের্ম্ছড ক্লা এখন বেম্ন চের্ের্স্?
:আল্লাহ ছির্ে ভার্োই চের্ি স্যার। recently বিখোম্ ব ইছে বরাড আর উত্তরায়ও বিা েরে।র্ছিও আম্ার ব িী
information বনয়া হয় ছন।
২য় স্যার: ওহ, র্াে☺
(ছ ির্ন বহাঁ র্ট ছগর্য় িরজা োগাচ্ছি, েখনও বিছখ স্ াই আম্ার ছির্ে োোয় আর্ি । বেম্র্ন হাাঁর্ট, িরজা োগাই
োও বির্খ ম্র্ন হয় )

{ভাইভা ব ি বফ্রন্ডছে ই োর্ে। আছম্ র্র ভছেে হওয়ার র জানর্ে ারোম্ আম্ার ব ার্ডে র্ারা ভাইভা ছির্স্ োর্ির
এর্েেজর্নর স্ম্য় এর্েেজন supportive ছিে। অর্নেটা role play এর ম্ে। English এ খু fluent ছিোম্ না
ভাইভার্ে আছম্। nervous ছিোম্ খু োরণ undergrad এ খু েম্ ভার্ো ভাইভা ছিছস্। ওইগুো বভর্ ব ি ভর্য়
ছিোম্। nervousness এ ছেিু ছেিু জায়গায় গ্রাম্ার ভুে েরছস্ বর্টা আছম্ ছনর্জই োর র ঝ
ু র্ে ারছস্। ের্ োরা
এস্ বেয়ার ই েরর্ না। আ র্ন েো ুঝাইর্ে ারর্েই চের্স্, আর্রেটা প্রশ্ন িুর্ড় ছির্ ।
আ র্ন েম্ন বস্ন্স ছির্য়ই ঝ
ু র্ে ারর্ ন ছে ছে প্রশ্ন ধরর্ে ার্র আ নার্ে। ঐগুোই ঝাোই ের্র বনন ছেভার্
ের্ ন। বর্ম্ন, আম্ার নাম্ আনেম্ন। এটা ছনর্য় চ্ছজগাস্ েরার ছস্ছ ছের্ট অর্নে। আছম্ underweight ও। োই,
প্রেম্ বির্খ আছম্ শুেনা বেন এই প্রশ্ন েরর্ে ার্র। এস্র্ র উত্তরও স্াজায় রাখছস্োম্। এোর্ডছম্ে এর ব ছস্ে
ছেিু চ্ছজগাস্ েরর্ । extracurricular োের্ে বস্টাও চ্ছজগাস্ েরর্ । ঐ related knowledge রাখর্ ন।
ম্ে ভাইভা অ িযই ছির্ ন বোোও। এটা ছফ্র হয় স্ খার্ন এ াং এটা effective ও
Amitabha Barua-62E

Good Day, Everyone. I am Amitabha Barua from MBA,62nd intake. Here I am going to share how my viva
experience was,

I faced the Momen Sir’s(Managing Director of Pride Group Ltd) viva board.

Me: May I come in, Sir?

Moment Sir: Please come in.

There are 4 persons sitting there, from the left it is zakaria sir, second one I don’t remember, then 3rd
one is Momen Sir and last but not least, Sutapa Mam.

Me: As-salamu alaykum , Sir

Viva board : Wa alaykumu s-salam.

Momen Sir : Please be seated.

After sitting down –

Momen Sir : So , Another engineer?

Me: Yes, Sir.

Zakaria Sir: So second engineer from the morning. ( With a smiling face)

Me: Yes, Sir.

Momen Sir: Okay, now tell me about yourself in 1 minute.

Me: I am Amitabha Barua……………….(finished it around 30 second)

Momen Sir: So , you have worked as an engineer in a MNC. Why you left the job?

Me: Sir, My father’s operation was due. So, I need to take some time off due to this reason

Momen Sir instantly again asked: Give us the real reason. Your father’s operation cant be the only
reason you left.

Me : Sir, as I worked as an assistant project engineer in Unilever Bangladesh Limited, My growth came to
hault roughly around 1.5 yearsso I need to shift for a better choice too and my project was also completed.
Though My contract was going to be renewed, I opted for better opportunity.

Momen Sir : So, Why pursuing MBA degree ?

Me : Sir, As I have seen the culture of MNC, engineer tends to hit a ceiling in there career after 35-40
years of their age. Also I have faced problems during my project work making financial quotations for

Momen Sir interrupted me and asked : So, come for an MBA 10 to 12 years from now. Why are you
pursuing now? you don’t need an MBA degree right now. You can go to your job and after 10-12 years
from now come for an MBA degree.

Me: Sir, as right now I worked as an entry level position engineer, I have the least amount of pressure
compare to the pressure I am going to face after 10-12 years later. The responsibilities will be fiercer
when I am climbing the vertical ladder of any MNC. As, I have already set my goal to reach for a better
position 10 -12 years later with an MBA, why not do that MBA right now when I have the least amount
of pressure and responsibilities? Furthermore, my line manager also pursuing his Executive MBA from
IBA, He also encouraged me to get my MBA from the best institute of Bangladesh.

Momen Sir: Okay, understandable.

Sutapa Mam : So, what kind of problem you faced in projects about financial quotations?

Me: I have to make BOQ, SOQ for 3rd parties also while working there. Sometimes when I am working
with our finance department I have faced multiple problems regarding finance due to lack of depth in
this subject.

Momen Sir : Are you working somewhere right now ?

Me: No , Sir. But, I will be joining as Project Engineer ……………

Momen Sir : (With a smiling face. For the first time in the interview) why did not you tell us about that in
the first place ? I am switching job that’s why I left the previous one.

Me: Sir, actually I did not get that job when I left my previous one. So, if I say , I left previous one for this
one , it would be a lie.

Momen Sir : Okay . Today is 26th , you will get your result day after tomorrow. Check it from website.

Me : Yes, Sir.

Momen Sir: Your viva is finished. You may go now.

Me: Thank you, Sir and Madam.

By the way, Momen Sir radiates intimidating aura. He will see right through you and your words. So,
don’t lie for a single thing and always smile in the viva board. Best of luck to everyone for viva.
Tasnimul Hasan. MBA 62D

Me: Good Afternoon. May I come in?

Zawad Sir: Good Afternoon. Please take your seat

While I was sitting down SNK asked me “Why should we take you? What makes you different from

I got very nervous and I replied “I am very determined to complete my MBA within the shortest possible

SNK: What do you mean by shortest possible time?

Me: 2 years

SNK: Everyone is going to complete it within two years. How does that make your different?

At that point I realized my answer was way wrong and tried to overcome.

Me: Actually sir have around 1.8 years professional experience. As MBA is a professional degree so I
think I will have an advantage and it will be easy for me to corelate my studies with my professional

SNK was not convinced at all. Rather he looked very disappointed.

Zawad Sir: Tell us about yourself

I talked about my education, job experience and extracurricular activities within 1 minute.

Zakaria Sir (Not sure though): You completed your under grad from MIST. So will you get any advantage
if you pursue your MBA from BUP?

Me: No sir

Zakaria Sir: Why are you choosing IBA over BUP?

Me: I think IBA has better a pool of teachers and their experience will help me to learn more.

Zawad Sir: I can see from your biodata that you were involved with various automobile competitions.
How much do you know about automobile?

Me: I think I have reasonable knowledge

Zawad Sir: What is a hybrid car?

I answered precisely and my answer was correct. From his expression it seemed like he liked my answer.
Zawad Sir: Can you name 5 automobile companies from Bangladesh?

Me: Yes sir. Walton, Runner, Pragati, Rancon, ACI. But they are mainly focused in manufacturing
motorcycle. There is no automobile manufacturer in Bangladesh.

Unknown Maam: Why are you trying to pursue MBA instead of an MS in Mechanical?

Me: I think I will do better in Marketing.

Maam: Why?

Me: Then I explained my previous job responsibilities and my achievement in those jobs.

She didn’t pay any attention at all. After that Zawad sir told me you may leave now. Best of luck!
Shakibul Islam, MBA 62D, roll 49

Okay. So, I was in Board 4 chaired by Professor Saiful Majid Sir.

I entered and greeted them and they asked me to take the seat.

Faculty 1: So, Shakibul Islam, I see here you went to Rajuk Uttara Model College, is that correct?
Me: Yes sir
Faculty 1: Tell me, what are some of best features of this college?
Me: Told
Faculty 1: Do you consider Rajuk to be the best college in Bangladesh?
Me: Yes sir, I do.
Faculty 1: Why?
Me: Answered
Faculty 2: But if a student, let's say from Rangpur says his college is the best college, will he be wrong?
Me: Answered and seemed like they were satisfied
Faculty 3: So Shakib, I see here you studied Physics in Jahangirnagar. Can you tell me what are alpha,
beta and gamma rays?
Me: Answered
Faculty 3: Can you describe quantum physics in a sentence?
Me: Answered
Faculty 4: Do you know for which work The Nobel Prize in Physics was given this year?
Me: Told
Faculty 4: Can you name the recipients?
Me: There were 3 recipients, I told 2 names and had forgotten one. I apologized.
Faculty 1: (Laughing) Seems like you are more interested in physics than business.
Me: smiled. Didn't know what to answer.
Faculty 2: Okay Shakib, check your result in the website on the 29th.

I thanked them all, again greeted them and left the room.
Mudasser Wahab - MBA62D

-Assalamu Alaikum and a very good morning!

Sutapa Mam: Walaikum Assalam.. Take your seat and pass me the paper.

Shakil Huda Sir: So you're from Dhaka University.. Health economics? Oh.. You should definitely go for a
PhD abroad.. You'll have a better career! No need to come to IBA

- (smiling) No sir, currently I am not in a situation to go abroad due to personal reasons! And I want to
switch my career path!

Mam: Why do you want to switch your career path?

- the jobs in my field are mostly research oriented! And I'm not interested in research! So I'd like to
pursue an MBA and work in the corporate sector.

Mam: why? You don't know anything! The field is expanding! I think you should not switch!

-i agree mam! Many of my seniors are working at organisations like icddrb, WHO. But as I've said, I'm
not interested in research!

Mam: then where would you like to work after your MBA?

- MNCs or private banks or even first class govt. jobs

Shakil Huda Sir: What do mean by first class govt jobs?

- jobs in 9th grade salary and above according to pay scale 2015

(he smiled and nodded)

Mam: Why have you studied health economics? Why didn't you try anywhere else?

- Answered

*meanwhile, Shakil sir left the room.

Mohiuddin Sir: What's the difference between economics and health economics?

- Answered

Mam: Did you apply for 41st BCS?

-yes Mam

Mam: You know, recruitment in BCS takes a lot of time. If you get selected in BCS.. What are you going
to do meanwhile?
- Answered

Mam: so tell me.. Did you attend any coaching centre? Which one? (this question was asked a bit
aggressively :p)

- Answered (I was a student of Capstone. They all smiled and seemed like they appreciated the fact that
I didn't lie :p )

Mam: (with a smiling face) What's wrong with Saifurs nowadays :p

Mohiuddin sir replied.. Mam ora akhon BCS niye byasto.

Mohiuddin Sir : So you have attended mock viva too? .. How many questions have you got common
today? (they all laughed :p)

-not a single one sir :p

Mam: so How is our health sector doing?


I noticed that Khaled Mahmud sir was busy with his phone and didn't even look at me the entire time!
Then out of nowhere, he asked-

What about our nutrition sector?

Answered, but could have answered better. Missed a few important points. He didn't seem satisfied! Mam:
Ok.. You may go!
Hasan Mahmud Niloy – 62D

Me: May I come in?

T1: Yes. Please have a seat. Me: Thank you. (Looked a bit nervous, the teachers might have noticed that)

T1: (To break the ice) What’s the temperature outside?

Me: (Nervously) Sorry mam, I haven't checked it today.

T1: It's okay, take a guess. Me: Probably 20 or 21 degrees. (Felt less anxious after answering)

T2: Where did you complete your undergraduate from?

Me: Accounting & Information Systems, University of Dhaka.

T3 (Chairman of Board): Why does it include “Information Systems”, not just “Accounting”?

Me: It used to be called “Accounting”, but after integrating the application of accounting softwares in
the curriculum the name was changed to “Accounting & Information Systems”.

T2: What is the accounting equation? Me: A = L + OE.

Chairman: What is the biggest asset figure in the financial statement of a bank?

Me: Umm…… (I was not sure)

Chairman: Which of these two is an asset? “Deposit” or “Loans & advance”?

Me: Sir, “Deposit” is part of liability and assets include “Loans & advances”. The latter is the biggest
asset of a bank.

T4: What is the difference between accounting profit & economic profit?

Me: Accounting profit shows how much revenue is left after covering all the costs & expenses and
economic profit considers opportunity costs unlike accounting profit.

Chairman: Okay, you may leave now. Check your result on 28th.

Me: Thank you sir. Assalamu Alaikum.

Chairman: Walaikum assalam.

Md. Towhidul Hoque – MBA 61E
Me: May I come in sir?
S1: yes come in young man! Have a seat please!
Me: (seated) thank you sir.
S1: so you are from Ahsanullah University.
Me: yes sir.
S2: which subject?
Me: EEE sir.
S3: Did you have your lunch today? (she smiled!)
Me: yes maam. (smiling) s3: where? In IBA canteen? Me: no mam. (smiled)
S3: at home?
Me: yes mam (smiled again)
S1: so, do u know about Ahsanullah? Who was he? Why is you university named after him?
Me: (was bullying myself inside) sir he was a donor. Donated n raised fund for educational institutions. S1:
r u sure?
Me: no sir. I am not sure. Sorry about that.
S1: don’t you think you should know that? you should know the one to whom your University is named
Me: yes sir I think I should have known it. My bad sir. ( i was feeling horribly low inside)
S3: again, ur cgpa is too low. Why? Why didnt you study well?
Me: answered accordingly with full confidence. (seemed like they were satisfied with the answer)
S1: so u are a hopeless person with a very bad result. And then u came here. We don’t take hopeless failured
Me: no sir I am optimistic. I m not hopeless.
S2: (he suddenly started talking) why do u think so?
Me: (told about my previous academic success story confidently. Though they didn’t seem satisfied with
the answer.)
S3: do you know about "departhive divident"
Me : sorry sir. I don’t know. (even i dont know it till now -_-)
S2: have you ever heard about it?
Me: no sir. (they seemed surprised, and I felt that I am out already -_- )
s1: so u mentioned u did a lot of tuitions. Which subjects did u teach? Me: physics, chemistry, math, english
S1: can u tell me the relation between math and physics?
Me: we need math to prove physical findings.
(they all laughed a lot and said it is not the relation)
Me: sorry sir, i cant find a way to explain the relation right now. S2: okay. Do you know which subjects will
you be taught here? Me: yes sir.
S2: mention some. Me: answered
S1: okay. Tell me something about finance and marketing. Tell me anything u know about it. Me: ( i don't
know what i answered, but they all laughed at me)
S2: okay. That's it. U may go now. Check result at 5 pm on monday. Me: thanked them and left the room.
There was another sir sitting beside them. He just kept looking at me whole the time but didn't say a word.

I think body language and way of delivering is very important. Proper expression is the key. I tried to stay
funky n keep a smile on my face whole the time. Be smart and confident, whatever u know the answer
or not. :-)
Mashrur Amin-62D

Jawad sir, SNK and 2 other faculty I don’t know yet. (Board#2 was it right?)

Faculty 1: So, you are from NSU? NSU is way too crowded with thousands of students. How many
students graduate from NSU every year? What do you think?

Me: Sir 400-500 I think. (I don’t know what I was thinking)

Faculty 1:( laughs loudly) add another zero gentleman, at least 5 thousand students graduate every year
from there. Say what?

Me: (By that time I totally got what he was trying to do) I smiled gently.

Faculty 2: So, you already have BBA in marketing, why do you think an MBA in marketing will help you? (
I still don’t know how and why she assumed I will major in marketing in MBA)

Me: (2 sentences about why an MBA from IBA never hurts and how can I learn about marketing even
more from here, kind of scripted answer but made it look like not rehearsed at all haha)

Faculty 2: Did you try in IBA for BBA?

Me: No, mam.

Faculty 2; why not?

Me: Mam, I did not have proper idea about IBA back then.

Faculty 1: Ok tell me about inclusive economics, what is it?

Me: Answered confidently whatever came to my mind.

Faculty 2: Asked another definition on global issue which I don’t remember.

Me: Sorry mam, I don’t know.

Jawad sir: Ok Gentleman, you may go now.

I was a little astonished, wasn’t sure if I should leave or stay for a while. Sir smiled and said hey, you did
great, don’t worry. I smiled. Said thank you sir and mam.Goodbye.

SNK did not say a word during the entire period, was writing or taking notes or may be analyzing.
Sayed Mohammed Shareque Zaman-MBA 62D

My viva lasted for around 10-15 minutes. I greeted the faculties with a Salam and asked for permission
to take a seat.

1) Have you stated working or looking for jobs after graduating? -Told

2) Where do you want to work after getting the MBA degree? - Told

3) Name a few companies you want to work in. -Told

4) You are from a subject which is research based. Why do you want to move to the particular industry?

5) Why do you want to work in a industry which harms the environment? - Explained with a counter

6) Give a solution to tackle the environmental problem. - Told

7) Final question, how many AEZs are there in Bangladesh?- Told

Took permission to leave with a Salam. Fixed the chair. Took a few steps back facing the faculties and

Tips: Dress up and carry yourself smartly. Be respectful. Listen to the questions carefully before
answering. Difficult questions might be asked don't get flustered. Answer confidently with a smile.
Rahat Khan-62D

My viva was scheduled at 9 am in board 1. There were at least 6 faculty members. I didn't know any of
them but now I know that person sitting in the middle was Mrs. Sutapa Bhattacharjee. She asked me
the majority of the questions.

The questionnaire basically revolved around my job experience. Why I left the job, why IBA, what will I
do with my MBA degree etc. There were only a few factual questions. I made a terrible mistake
answering one of those questions and a faculty member pointed out my mistake. I apologized and they
moved on.

My feeling of these viva is that these don't test our knowledge rather our mentality. There were no rude
questions towards me and most of the answers depended on my view point. In case of non
factual related questions, I felt that whether my answer is right or wrong is not that important as long as
I'm committed to it. I greeted them with salam while entering the room and also did the same
before leaving. I had maintained a smile (not like a crazy person though) during the interview. I didn't talk
back or challenge their view point.

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