HRM Ôn Thi 2

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People who take responsibility for HRM activities in an organization:

+ HR specialist
+ HR manager
+ Staff/functional manager
- A line functions
Type of employees: HR staff
Activities HR manager have to do in this function: have the
authority to control/supervise all the HR staff in his department
- A coordinative function
- Type of employees: all staff in a company
- Activities HR manager have to do in this function: answer all the
question about the HR problems for all employees/staff in a company.
- Staff function
- Type of employees: another department’s managers
- Activities HR manager have to do in this function: give advice for
another manager about the process relevant to the Human resource
HR job duties
- Recruitment & selection
- Compensation & benefits (C&B )
- Training & developing
LIST of duties:
+ search for recruitement
+ select people suitable for the company
+ provide expert advise
+ training/ talent retention
+ look after safety needs
+ deal with conflicts in the company
+ make sure people being paid fairly
+ helping people to achieve their carrier path

JOB TITLE : name of the job

JOB holder: people who takes the job title
*DEFFINITION OF JOB ANALYSIS: research and collect all the
information (duties and skills requirements of a job, personalities of the
person who you should hire for the job) about the job title then arrange them
into 2 part : Job description and Job specifications.


2. HR staff must find out the sources to get the info (They can get info from
the manager/customer/co-worker/job holder)
3. select representative positions (only use in some cases when the company
has too many employees) help saving the time, money, people for the
4. begin collecting info
5. verify the information with the worker and supervisor to prevent incorrect
information of the job holder.
6. develop a job description and job specification.
What information do you collect?
1. Experience
2. Skills
3. Knowledege
4. Work activities/ duties.
5. Humand requirements:
- Job-related knowledge and skills: (education, training,
work exp).
- personal attributes:
(Aptitudes, physical characteristics, personality, interests.)
Methods of collecting JA information:
+ observation
+ Interview
+ Participants’ diary
+ Questionnaire
INTERVIEW: (oral responses -> oral inquiries )
1) Structured interview: the HR manager/staff must design a list of
questions. After that they can ask the job holder questions based on the
list only, not allowed to ask questions outside the list. (for new HR
2) Unstructured interview: depends on the situation or skills of the HR
manager/ interviewer. Don’t rely on script (for experienced HR
3) 3 ways to ask/interview job holder:
- Individual interview with each employee (HR specialist -> 1 job
- Group interviews with groups of employees who have the same job. (1
HR specialist/ a group of people in HR department -> group of job
holder )
- Supervisor interviews with one or more supervisors who know the job (
HR staff ask the direct manager of the job holder to collect the
information). (HR manager -> 1 supervisor of job holder)
PARTICIPANT’S DIARY/ keep a log : nhat ky cong viec cho job holder:
Ask the job holder to write down a diary for 1 day of work then give it
back to the manager.
- Better Self-reporting skills for job holder.
- Remember what was done earlier. Improve the memory for the job
- can use dictating machines and pagers (voice recorder) while working
- time-consuming for both the job holder and the HR manager
( mostly for the job holder).
QUESTIONNAIRE: questions for job holder
Design the format -> deliver the format to the job holder and ask them to
fill in the form.
1. Open-ended questions: about the opinion of the person asked
2. Closed-ended questions: YES – NO questions. Have specific answer
for the question
- use a spectific questionnaire
- Follow a structured form (pg.80)
- List duties in order of importance or frequency of occurrence (the
information must be arranged in order)
Use the eyes to observe while he/she is working and take note while the
person is working to collect the information.
- May be combined with interviewing because many job activities are
not observable for the
- Used for observable activities: all the activities, behavior of the job are
shown outside and easy to observe (interactive job as teacher,
reception, customer service, sale person,…).
- Not suitable for mental activities: (accountant, IT developer, designer,

JD: duties and responsibilitites
- work activities (*)(most important in JD)
- Job context
- Performance standard (expectation from the manager)
JS: requirements for the job
- human requirements
- Skills (*)(most important in JS)
Job descriptions writing rules
1. job Identification can’t change the position
2. Job summary
3. Relationships

4. Responsibilities and duties (most

important in JD writing).
*Must collect all the needed information for this section.
5. Standards of performance. (not so important bcuz the supervisor is
busy and don’t have enough time to provide the job holder the
information they needed)
6. Working conditions and physical environments

Allowed to change the position

1. Job indentification: basic info about 1 job tittle:
a. job tittle
b. supervisor
c. date completed the job identification
d. approvals
e. supervisor’s title
f. salary
g. grade level/ID staff.
h. Quick introduction about the company (background, history,…)
2. Job summary: about the general nature (major functions or main
- Have to write down the main functions/main activity of the job by a
paragraph from 2-3 sentences.
3. Relationships: (authority of job holder): 2 ways of showing
Identify whether the job holder has:
- A supervisors
- Subordinates (cấp dưới)
- Peers (coworker/employees who has the same level)
- Customer
- Partners
4. Responsibilities and duties (collecting all the info from the least
important info to the most important info about the activities the job
holder has to do)
*Longest part in JD

5. Performance standards
6. Working environment/equipments/… for the job.
Don’t need to follow the structure
All the info related to the skills, requirement,….


Writing job specifications:

1. Skills on the job
2. Knowledge of and for the job
3. Length of experience for the job.
4. Attitude for the job
5. Preferences (optional)
6. Presentability
7. Age, gender, physical ability.
HR Planning (Hoạch định):
+ set the overall HR goal
+ estalishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals (HR strategy for
long-term plans
HR tatics for short-term plans)
HR planning: main responsibility of the HR manager. They have to
estimate/forecasting/calculate the employment need (total number of
employees in the future).
- find solutions to fill the open positions vaccancies.





HR PLANING phải làm gì

 Defining the organization’s goals
 Establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals
 Developing plans for organizational work activities.

Relationship between HR planing and the organizational goal

HR planning have a strong relation to the overall goals

Divide the goal into small subgoal (5 blue boxes).

Each blue subgoal then divided into another subgoals(yellow boxes) for each
department. Example: HR plans (blue box)-> strategy-> tatics.
Helping the organization to achieve the HR goal in the future.
If you don’t do the planning -> can’t achieve the organization’s goal in the
Employment planning and forecasting: HR planning has a strong relation
to the hiring process. (Decide whether if the company needs more employees
or not).


Step 1: fiding out HR needs(1):
Identify aproximate he demand of employees by using some
sddsds techniques.
Total number of employees need in the future.
Step 2: Supply(2) of candidates:
Identify the sources where the company can find enough candidate for open
position :(through colleges, newspaper, websites,…)
Step 3: matching need and supply:
If Need(1) = supply(2) --> no actions
Need > supply  shortage  solutions
Need < supply  surplus

Step 1: forecasting HR needs

- Trend analysis: the accuration is not high
study of the firm’s past employment needs over a period of years to
predict future needs.
Identify whether if the number increase or decrease -> identify average
point for increase or decrease.
- Ratio analysis: the accuration is not high
A forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using
ratios between a casual factor (sales volumes) and the number of
employment needs.
- Scatter plot (điểm phân tán): VERY HIGH ACCURATION
A method based on 2 variables:
 The size of the company: = (assets, customers)
 Employees need to serve for the size of company.
- Computer forecast:
use software packages to determine future staff needs.
- Managerial judgment (phán đoán của nhà quản trị):
o Top – down approach:
Example: CEOs estimate the total number of employees needed
in future and then divide into smaller ones for each department.

o Bottom-up approach
Example: Functional managers must estimate the number of
employees for their own departments and then transfer the
number for CEOs. CEOs make the final decision about
employment need for company.
STEP 2: Forecasting supply of candidates:
Identify the sources to find the candidates
- Internal candidates: are the current employees in the company. If you
have a vaccancy you can ask the employee to move to the position.

- External candidates: have to spend a lot of time and money to recruite.

Some company prefers external to internal candidates: marketing,
events, security

1. Qualifications inventories: the company will have the records to store

these information of the employees: education, career and
development interestes, knowleged, skills,… the record will be updated
monthly or monthly. The manager can use the info from the record to
find the suitable person for the vaccancy position.
2 ways to stores the information:
- Manual : stored in the warehouse.
- Electronic records: pros: easy to find. Cons: can be hacked.
2. Personel replacement charts: company records of the most important
employees used for promotion of CEOs and vice-president of the firm.
- Promotability
- Present performance

1st step to do when deciding to recruit:

HR planning-> identify if the company need employee or not.

Process of recruitment and selection:

Stage 1: recruitment :
The HR speciallist must use some techniques to attract as many candidates
with the right skills as posible to send CV to the company.
Sources of candidates:
Internal :
o Advantage:
 Stronger comittment to the company (loyalty)
 Foreknowledge of candidates’ strenghts and
 Candidates have a stronger commitment to the
 Increase employee motivation
 Less training and orientation required
o Disadvantage:
 failed applicants become disconnected
 time wasted interviewing inside candidates who will not be considered
but they don’t agree to move to the open position.
 it’s not suitable for some job which need new ideas or creativity
1. qualification inventories
2. Personnel replacement chart / succession planning:
 Promotability
 Present performance
3. Job posting: posting open position: The HR department have
to design the help-wanted ads the publicize on the internet or
the bulletin board
4. Rehiring former employees:
Cons: - negative attitude (in some cases): demand too much.
-Makes other employees feel unfair, demotivated

Cons: take time and money for the recruiment and training process
1. Advertising:
o Headline: - big enough
o Open position
o Briefing introduction to company
o Main duties & requirements
o Contact info
a. The media choice
i. Newspaper: local and specific labor markets
ii. Trade and professional journals: specialized employees.

News paper Trade magazines

Junior staff All level of managers
Local workers Senior staff
Experts / specialists

iii. Radio (for driver recruitment) and television

2. Employment agencies:
3 types of employment agencies:
o Gorvernment
o Non-profit agencies
If the company need employee and use 2 of the above -> free, no
money needed
o Commercial agencies
Must pay fees
Stage 2: selection
Using some tools like tests or interview to screen out unqualified CVs
Content of the interview questions: (4 types)
1. Job-related: HR manager/interviewer must prepare a list of questions
related to the knowledge, major, skills, duties about the open position
which the candidate wants to apply for.
Ex: How do the company’s HR need influence strategic planning?
2. Situational: interviewer must prepare a list of the questions based on
the given situation and ask the interviewee. The situation FOR THE
FUTURE and ask the candidate for the solution/way to solve the
Ex: If one of the managers under your supervision made a serious mistake,
what would you do?
3. Behavioral: interviewer must prepare a list of the questions based on
the situation already ocurred in the past and ask the interviewee how
they handled the problem.
Ex: Tell me about a situation in which you had to get around a major
obstache to complete a project.
4. Stress: questions seem to be rude or impolite to the interviewee (jobs
that is high pressure and for the high-level position usually use this type
of question)
Ex: In your CV, I see you have a period of working abroad, let me ask why
you returned to your country to work did not continue to stay there. Is it
because of the environment is not suitable or are you incompetent to continue
to compete with everyone there?

Chapter 8: training and developing employees

Employee orientation (onboarding):
- What kind of employees should company organize an employee
orientation for?
o New employees/newcomers/new hires.
- How long does a comapany organize an employee orientation?
o 1 day – 1 week (*depends on the size of the company, the number
of newcomers)
A procedure for providing new employees with basic background
information about the company
1. Employee benefits
2. HR policies
3. Daily routine
4. Safety regulations
5. Company operations (structure, departments of the company)

6. Facilities tour (equiments,…)

Purpose of orientation:
- Make employees feel welcome and at ease (make employees have more
motivation, creating a bond to the company therefore work more
effectively in the future).
- Understand the organization (understand the rules, regulations,
Know what is expected in work and behavior (make employees know the
goal, the strategy of the company)
Training process
2 kind of people in training process:
 Trainers (manager/suppervisor/exprerienced staff)
 Trainees/Learners (newcomers/new employees)
Deffinition of training: training = teaching new staffs
The process of teaching/sharing the knowledge for new
employees/current employees the basic skills they need to perform their job.
So then they can perform the task effectively
1. NEED ANALYSIS: the trainer have to prepare the training plan
(primary step in 5step training )
a. Identify the skills and the knowledge needed to put in the training
process. (interview/questionaire employees)
b. Calculate/estimate the total number of trainees.
i. Identify the location/time/date/money to organize a
training class.
- Estimate budget for training
ii. Choose the trainer:
c. Inside company
- can save money for the company
d. Outside company (consultant)
- Spend a lot of money to hire consultant
2. Instructional design
- Trainers have to prepare all the learning material (textbook, test, slides,
3. Validation
- Send the information of the training proposal to the authorized person
(top manager) for approval.
4. Implementation
- Begin the training class
5. Evaluation & followup
- Identify the effectiveness of the training program
- Evaluate the performanced of the trainees after they have finished the
traning program.

1. For staff
- On-the-job traning: make employees learn by doing the job. working
while learning as the same time *(suitable for the jobs which does not
important in a company, does not affect the avenue of the company)
o EX: HR/marketing/sales
 Types of OJT
 Coaching or understudy: assign 1
person( supervisor, senior staff, experienced staff)
to support learner (no extrapay for the helper), 1 –
1 between a supervisor and trainee. However, the
supervisor/exprerienced staff does not have the
responsibility with the learner. THE SUPERVISOR
 Job rotation: move employee to another position to
improve the skills/knowledge of the job.
 Observing the supervisor: observe the supervisor
while they working to learn the skills.
- Inexpensive
- Learn by doing - Immediate feedback
- Off-the-job training: - employees have to stop working
asdasdasdasdassda for a period of time to take
asdasdasdasdassda training classes
- particular training program,trainers
o Apprenticeship training: (combination between lectures and
 A structured process by which people become skilled
workers through a combination of classroom instruction
and OJT.
o Lectures: this is a quick and simple way to present knowledge to
large groups of trainees
Cons: hard for trainees to absord all the
knowledge/information. NO PRACTICE – ONLY
o Programmed learning (1 kind of lecture):
 Presenting questions, facts, or problems to the learners.
 Allowing the person to respond the way they solve the
 Providing feedback for the best sollution to solve the
o Reduced training time
o Self-paced learning
o Immediate feedback
o Reduced risk of error for learner
o Audiovisual-based training: audiovisual based training
techniques like DVDs, films, powerpoint,…
 Advantages:
o To illustrate following a sequence overtime
o To expose trainees to events not easily
demonstrable in live lectures.
o To meet the need for organization wide training
and it is too costly to move the trainer from
place to place
o Simulated training: training employees on special off-the-job
equipment so training costs and hazards can be reduced. (for jobs
like: doctors, pilots,…)
o Computer-based training (CBT): buy a software that helps
the trainees to train
 Advantages
o Reduce learning time
o Cost-effectiveness
o Instructional consistency
o Increase retention and trainee motivation
o Distance and internet-based training
 Online training (teletraining): a trainer in a central location
teaches groups of employees at remote locations via TV

Developing methods for managers

*Why use “developing” but not “training”
- Provide more skills and knowledge
- Help the manager work effectively and efficently
- Help they have more confident to prepare for higher managerial
Any attempt to improve current or future management
performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or
increasing skills.
2 kinds of management development:
- Managerial On-the-job training:
o Learn the job by actually doing the job
o No training program or trainers
- Off-the-job management training.
o Stop working in a period of time so that they can participate in
the training course.
o Training class, programs.
- Mentoring/coaching/understudy approach:
 The trainee works directly with a senior manager or with
the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible
for the trainee’s coaching.
- Job rotation:
 Moving a trainee from department to department to
broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak
points. (have to move them to the same level as the job
they’re doing)
- Action learning/observing:
 Management trainees are allowed to work full-time
analyzing and solving problems in other departments.
*Role playing:
 Creating a realistic situation in which trainees assume the
roles of person in that situation. (this help improving the
skills for the manager).
1. Seminar and conference :
Many training companies and universities offer Web-based (online)
and traditional management development seminars and comferences.
Topics range from basic finanacial skills to assertiveness training to
quality management.
2. University-related programs:
Provides a means for conveniently coordinating all the company’s
training efforts andd delivering Web-based modules that cover topics
from strategic management to mentoring.
3. Behavior modeling:
o Modeling: showing trainees the right(or “model”) way of doing
something. (the trainees will watch a video/instruction to see the
right way to operate something)
o Role playing: having trainees practice that way.
o Social reinforcement: giving feedback on the trainees’
o Transfer or learning: Encouraging trainees apply their skills on
the job.

4. In-house training center

A company-based method for exposing prospective managers to
realistic exercises to develop improved management skills. (using the
company’s human resourse to train for the trainees help improving their
management skills.)
(usually for big company that has a lot of managers)
5. Executive coaches (for TOP MANAGER)
An outside consultant who questions the executive’s boss, peers,
subordinates, and (sometimes) family in order to identify the
executive’s strength and weaknesses to design a signature training
program for this training
*This method is used for TOP MANAGER.

6. Management games
 Teams of managers compete by making computerized decisions
regarding realistic but simulated situations/games. (related to
Performance deffinition:
Final result of 1 person/or many people after them/they completed their
1. Individual performance: result of 1 person
2. Group performance: result of a group of people
3. Organization performance: performance = profit/revenue of the
Appraisal deffinition:
Evaluate/measure the final outcome/result of 1 person after they completed
the task/duty.


Is the process, first, the company have to set the performance standard
for a duty/task, after that the company have to evaluate the performance to
compare between performance standard(P) and the actual performance(A) to
find the gap/variation.
If P > A: good, find solution to motivate the person (promotion, pay raise...)
P < A: bad -> design training course, punishment.
Step 1: define the job and its standards (main duty in the Job description)
or define standards by using SMART Goals (specific, measureable,
achievable, relevant, time based)
Step 2: measure employees’ performance against these standards
1. Graphic rating scale: has 2 part:
- The trait = performance
- The scale demonstrated by:
a. Number
b. Word
c. Combination between number and word
Wide range, general graphic rating scale:
Pros: can be used for many types of jobs
Cons: cannot evaluate exactly because its too general.
2. Paired comparison method: ranking employees by making a chart of
all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicating which is
the better employee of the pair.
Pros: more accurate than graphic rating scale
Cons: time consuming
3. Management by objectives (MBO):
The HR manager don’t care about the process of the employees while they’re
working, just care about the goal/final results.
 Step 1: set overall goal
 Step 2: divide into subgoals
 Step 3: discuss the individual goal (MBO)
 Step 4: review goal achieving
 Step 5: Give feedback
4. Alternation ranking methods: put the highest-ranking employee’s
name on line 1. Put the lowest-ranking employee’s name on line 20.
Continue untill all names are on the scale.
5. Critical incident method: the supervisor will keep a log of positive and
negative examples (critical incidents) of a subordinate’s work-related
behavior and then reviews it.
6. Behavioral observation scale (BOS)
Same as graphic rating scal but The trait related to behavior/observable action
Jobs suitable for using BOS: jobs that has a lot of interactions. (lecture, flight
NOT SUITABLE FOR BOS: accountant, manager, …

Step 3: provide feedback to the employees so that they can improve their
performance (organize an individual interview to give the employee their

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