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- WB61A 4880

THIS AGREEMENT made this 17TH day of May, 2022.

-B E T W E E N –
1. Habibur Rahaman, S/O. Late Lutfar Rahaman, by Religion- Muslim, by
profession– Business, residing at Vill. Pukurpara, P.O. Mahipal, P.S.
Kushmandi, Dist. Dakshin Dinajpur, hereinafter called the SELLER of the
“FIRST PART” ( which expression unless repugnant to the context, shall
include his heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns).
2. Ramen Haldar, S/O. Late Amulya Chandra Haldar, by Religion-
Hinduism, by Profession- Business, residing at Vill. & P.O. & P.S.
Kushmandi, Dist.- Dakshin Dinajpur, hereinafter called the PURCHASER
of the “SECOND PART” ( which expression unless repugnant to the
context, shall include his heirs, executors, administrators, representatives
and assigns).
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WHEREAS the First Party i.e. Seller being the Registered Owner of the Vehicle
bearing Registration No. WB61A 4880 [THREE WHEELER (PASSENGER)],
Chassis No. MA1LE2FYSG5J81309, Engine No. R6H2807060, proposed to sale
the said vehicle and the party of the Second Part i.e. Purchaser intending to
purchase the said WB61A 4880 [THREE WHEELER (PASSENGER)] enters into
an agreement on the terms and conditions herein below.


1. That the sale price of the vehicle bearing No. WB61A 4880 [THREE
WHEELER (PASSENGER)] is fixed at Rs. 1,70,000/- (Rupees One Lakh
Seventy Thousand) only, the party of the Second Part i.e. Purchaser paid of
Rs. 1,70,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Seventy Thousand) only in cash in favour
of the party of the First Part i.e. Seller.

2. That in performance of his part the Seller has delivered the custody of the
said THREE WHEELER (PASSENGER) in running condition, in favour of
the party of the Second Part i.e. Purchaser including its connected papers
and also executing a General Power of Attorney to that effect in favour of
the party of the Second Part i.e. Purchaser.

3. That the party of the First Part shall be bound to transfer the ownership of
the concerned vehicle bearing No. WB61A 4880 [THREE WHEELER
(PASSENGER)] in favour of the purchaser.

4. That the seller shall sign all necessary documents which required to play
the THREE WHEELER (PASSENGER) smoothly from the date of this

5. That as per agreement, That on and from the date of this agreement neither
the seller nor his legal heirs claim of the said THREE WHEELER
(PASSENGER) from the purchaser in any manner and the Fist Party i.e.
Seller has handed over the said vehicle being No. WB61A 4880 [THREE
WHEELER (PASSENGER)] to the Second Party i.e. Purchaser, and
henceforth the Second Party is liable to maintain all relevant papers i.e.
R.C. Book, Tax Token, Route Permit, Insurance etc. in connection with the
above noted vehicle.

6. That if the Second Party i.e. Purchaser does not maintain relevant papers
i.e. R.C. Book, Tax Token, Route Permit, Insurance etc. in order to ply the
said vehicle and if there any accident occurs by the said vehicle, then the
Second Party will be bound to take all liabilities.

7. That from the date of this agreement to the date of changing the ownership,
if any accident occurs, than the registered owner shall be bound to make all
necessary arrangement if required from his part.

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8. That if any criminal proceedings arise in respect of the said vehicle, in

between the time of ownership change, all responsibilities and all expenses
in respect of the said THREE WHEELER (PASSENGER) will be carried
by Second Party and the first party or the registered owner will not be held

9. That before changing the ownership all liabilities regarding the THREE
WHEELER (PASSENGER) on Road shall be lies upon the Second party.

10. That a Xerox copy of the agreement will hold by the first party and the
original copy will retain to the second party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties of the First and Second part

have hereto set and subscribed their respective hands the date, month
and year first above written.


1. Signature of the Seller


Signature of the Purchaser


Both parties are identified by me,


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