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Percentile Classes
Table of Content

Exercise 01 : Percentage……….……..11
Exercise 01 : Solutions………….……..20
Exercise 02 : Past Year Papers……..27

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Value of percentage always depends on the quantity to which it refers: Consider
the statement, “65% of the students in this class are boys”. From the context, it is
understood that boys from 65% of the total number of students in the class. To
know the value of 65%, the value of the total number of student should be known.
If the total number of student is 200, then,
The number of boys =130;
It can also be written as (200) × (0.65) =130.
Note that the expressions 6%, 63%, 72%, 155% etc. Do not have any value
intrinsic to themselves. Their values depend on the quantities to which they refer.

To express the fraction equivalent to %:

Express the fraction with the denominator 100, then the numerator is the answer.
Example 1:
Express the fraction 11/12 into the per cent.
11 2
11 12 × 100 91 3 2
= = = 91 %
12 100 100 3
To express % equivalent to fraction:
a% =a/100

Example 2:
Express 45 5/6% into fraction.
5 45
45 % = 6 = 275 = 11.
6 100 6 × 100 24

Increase value
Increase % = × 100
Original value

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Example 3:
Rent of the house is increased from Rs 7000 to Rs 7700. Express the increase in
price as a percentage of the original rent.
Increase value = Rs 7700 – Rs 7000 = Rs 700
Increas value 700
Increase % = × 100 = × 100 = 10
Original value 7000
∴ Percentage rise = 10%
Decrease value
Decrease % = × 100
Original value

Example 4:
The cost of a bike last year was Rs19000. Its cost this year is Rs 17000. Find the
per cent decrease in its cost.
Decreas value
Decrease % = × 100
Original value
19000 − 17000
% decrease = × 100
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= × 100 = 10.5%.
∴ Percentage decrease = 10.5%.
If A is x % if C and B is y % of C, then A is × 100% of B.

Example 5:
A positive number is divided by 5 instead of being multiplied by 5. By what per cent
is the result of the required correct value?
Let the number be 1, then the correct answer = 5
The incorrect answer that was obtained = .
The required % = × 100 = 4%
5 ×5

x% of a quantity is taken by the first, y% of the remaining is taken by the second

and z% of the remaining is taken by third person. Now, if A is left in the fund,
then the initial amount
A × 100 × 100 × 100
= in the beginning.
(100 − x)(100 − y)(100 − z)

x% of a quantity is added. Again, y% of the increased quantity is added. Again z%

of the increased quantity is added. Now it becomes A, then the initial amount
𝐴 × 100 × 100 × 100
(100 + 𝑥)(100 + 𝑦)(100 + 𝑧)

Example 6:
3.5% income is taken as tax and 12.5% of the remaining is saved. This leaves Rs.
4,053 to spend. What is the income?
By direct method,
4053 × 100 × 100
Income = = Rs 4800.
(100 − 3.5)(100 − 12.5)

If the price of a commodity increases by r%, then reduction in consumption, so as

not to increase the expenditure is ( × 100) %.

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If the price of a commodity decreases by r%, then the increase in consumption, so

as not to decrease the expenditure is ( × 100) %.

Example 7:
If the price of coal be raised by 20%, then find by how much a householder must
reduce his consumption of this commodity so as not to increase his expenditure?
Reduction in consumption = ( × 100) %
= ( × 100) % = 16.67%
100 + 20

If the original population of a town is P, and the annual increase is r%, then the
r n
population after n years is P (1 + ) and population before n years =
𝑟 𝑛
𝑃/ (1 + )
𝑟 𝑛
If the annual decrease be r%, then the population after n years is 𝑃 (1 − ) and
r n
population before n years = P/ (1 + )

Example 8:
The population of a certain town increased at a certain rate per cent annum. Now it
is 456976. Four years ago, it was 390625. What will it be 2 years hence?
𝑟 4
Suppose the population increases at r% per annum. Then, 390625 (1 + ) =
r 2 456976 676
(1 + ) = √ =
100 390625 625
r 2
Population 2 years hence = 456976 (1 + )
= 456976 × = 494265 approximately.

Example 9:

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The population of a city increase at the rate of 4% per annum. There is an

additional annual increase of 1% in the population due to the influx of job seekers.
Find percentage increase in the population after 2 years will be:
(a) 10
(b) 10.25
(c) 10.55
(d) 10.75

(b) The net annual increase = 5%
Let the initial population be 100.
Then, population after 2 years = 100×1.05×1.05 = 110.25
Therefore, % increase in population = (110.25-100) = 10.25%

First Increase and then decrease:

If the value is first increased by x% and then decreased by y% then there is
(𝑥 − 𝑦 − 100) % increase or decrease, according to the +ve or –ve sign

Example 10:
A number is increased by 10% and then it is decreased by 10%. Find the net
increase or decrease per cent.
10 × 10
% 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 = = 1%
i.e. 1% decrease.
Average percentage rate of change over a period.
(New Value − Old Value) 100
= × % where n = period.
Old Value n
The Error
The percentage error = × 100%
True Value


In the value is increased successively by x% and y% then the final increase is
given by (𝑥 + 𝑦 + )%

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In the value is decreased successively by x% and y% then the final decrease is

given by (−𝑥 − 𝑦 − )%

Example 11:
The price of a car is decreased by 10% and 20% in two successive years. What
per cent of price of a car is decreased after two years?
Put x = -10 and y = -20, then
-10-20+ = −28%
The price of the car decreases by 28%.


The percentage of passing marks in an examination is x%. If a candidate who
scores y marks fails by z marks, then the maximum marks 𝑀 =
A candidate scoring x% in an examination fails by ‘a’ marks, while another
candidate who scores y% marks gets ‘b’ marks more then the minimum required
passing marks. Then the maximum marks 𝑀 =
In an examination x% and y% students respectively fail in two different subjects
while z% students fail in both subjects then the % age of student who pass in both
the subjects will be {100 − (𝑥 + 𝑦 – 𝑧)}%

Example 12:
Vishal requires 40% to pass. If he gets 185 marks, falls short by 15 marks, what
was the maximum he could have got?
If Vishal has 15 marks more, he could have scored 40% marks.
Now, 15 marks more then 185 is 185+15 = 200
Let the maximum marks be x, then 40% of x = 200
40 200 ×100
⇒ × x = 200 ⇒ x = =500
100 40
Thus, maximum marks = 500
Alternate method:
100(185 + 15) 100 × 200
Maximum marks = = = 500
40 40

Example 13:
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A candidate scores 15% and fails by 30 marks, while another candidate who
scores 40% marks, gets 20 marks more then the minimum required marks to pass
the pass the examination. Find the maximum marks of the examination.
By short cut method:
100(30 + 20)
Maximum marks = = 200
40 − 15


If the sides of a triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus or radius of a circle are
increased by a%, its area is increased by %
If the sides of a triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus or radius of a circle are
decreased by a %
Then its area is decreased by %.

Example 14:
If the radius of a circle is increased by 10%, what is the percentage increase in its
Now, radius is increased by 10%
10 (10+200)
So, Area is increased by = 21%

Example 15:
If the length and width of a rectangular garden were each increased by 20%, then
what would be the per cent increase in the area of the garden?
(a) 20%
(b) 24%
(c) 36%
(d) 44%

Solution: (d)
Le the original length and width of the garden be x and y units, respectively.
Then, the original area = x × y = xy square units
New are = 1.2x × 1.2y= 1.44xy square units
1.44xy − xy
% increase in area = = 44%
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If A’s income is r% more than that of B, then B’s income is less than that of A
by ( × 100) %
If A’s income is r% less than that of B, then B’s income is more than that of A
by ( × 100) %
If the both sides of rectangle are changed by x% and y% respectively, then %
effect on area = 𝑥 + 𝑦 + (+/- according to increase or decrease.

Example 16:
If A’s salary is 50% more than B’s, then by what percent B’s salary is less than A’s
By direct method,
B’s salary is less than A’s salary by
50 50
( × 100) % = × 100 = 33.33%
100 + 50 150

Example 17:
Ravi’s weight is 25% that of Meena’s and 40% that of Tara’s. What percentage of
Tara’s weight is Meena’s weight.
Let Meena’s weight be x kg and Tara’s weight be y kg. Then Ravi’s weight = 25%
of Meena’s weight
= × x … . . (i)
Also, Ravi’s weight = 40% of Tara’s weight
= × y … . . (ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
25 40
×x= ×y
100 100
⇒ 25x = 40y
⇒ 5x = 8y ⇒ x = y
Meena’s weight as the percentage of Tara’s weight
x y
= × 100 = 5 × 100
y y
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= × 100 = 160
Hence, Meena’s weight is 160% of Tara’s weight.

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Exercise 01
1. Which number will fit in place of?
𝑜𝑓 1450+ ? = 200% 𝑜𝑓 450.
(a) 40 (b) 30 (c) 28 (d) None of these

2. 11% of which number is 33?

(a) 300 (b) 330 (c) 110 (d) None of these

3. If two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% of a third number, what is
the percentage of the first number to the second?
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40

4. There are five boxes in a cargo hold. The weight of the first box is 200
kg and the weight of the second box is 20% higher than the weight of
the third box, whose weight is 25% higher than the first box. The fourth
box of 350 kg is 30% less than the fifth box. The difference in average
weight of the four heaviest boxes and the four lightest boxes is:
(a) 51.5 kg (b) 75 kg (c) 37.5 kg (d) 1125 kg

5. Two-third of one-seventh of a number is 87.5% of 240. What is the

(a) 2670 (b) 2450 (c) 2205 (d) 1470

6. The digit at unit place of a two-digit number is increased by 100% and

the digit at ten places of the same number is increased by 50%. The
new number thus formed is 19 more than the original number. What is
the original number?
(a) 22 (b) 63 (c) 24 (d) None of these

7. The owner of a boutique decides to calculate the percentage of

customers who purchase hats. If 40 per cent of the store’s customers
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decide to purchase items, and of those customers 15 percent purchase

hats, then what per cent of the store’s customers purchase hats ?
(a) 4% (b) 6% (c) 15% (d) 24%

8. Groundnut oil is now being sold at Rs 27 per kg. During last month its
cost was Rs 24 per kg. Find by how much % a family should reduce its
consumption, so as to keep the expenditure same.
1 1 9 1
(a) 11 % (b) 11 % (c) 11 % (d) 9 %
9 11 10 10

9. 10% of the inhabitants of a village having died of cholera, a panic set in,
during which 25% of the remaining inhabitants left the village. The
population is then reduced to 4050. Find the number of original
(a) 5000 (b) 6000 (c) 7000 (d) 8000

10. Chunilal invests 65% in machinery, 20% in raw material and still has Rs.
1,305 cash with him. Find his total investment.
(a) Rs. 6,500 (b) Rs. 7,225 (c) Rs. 8,500 (d) None of these

11. When the price of a pressure cooker was increased by 15%, the sale of
pressure cookers decreased by 15%. What was the net effect on the
(a) 15% decrease (b) no effect
(c) 225% increase (d) 2.25% decrease

12. When the price of a radio was reduced by 20%, its sale increased by
80%. What was the net effect on the sale?
(a) 44% increase (b) 44% decrease
(c) 66% increase (d) 75% increase

13. When the price of sugar was increased by 32%, a family reduced its
consumption in such a way that the expenditure on sugar was only 10%
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more than before. If 30 kg were consumed per month before, find the
new monthly consumption.
(a) 20kg (b) 25kg (c) 30 kg (d) None of these

14. If 10 % of an electricity bill is deducted, Rs 45 is still to be paid. How

much was the bill?
(a) Rs. 50 (b) Rs.60 (c) Rs. 55 (d) None of these

1 1
15. The ratio of salary of a worker in July to that in June was 2 : 2 , by
2 4
what % the salary of July more than salary of June. Also find by what %,
salary of June was less than that of July.
1 1
(a) 11 % and 10% (b) 10% and 11 %
9 9
(c) Both 10% (d) None of these

16. In a housing society, 30 per cent of the residents are men over the age
of 18 and 40 per cent are women over the age of 18. If there are 24
children living in the housing society, then how many total residents live
(a) 32 (b) 80 (c) 94 (d) 112

17. There is an increase of 30% in the production of milk chocolates in Amul

Dairy in one month. If now it is 9100 milk chocolates per month, what
was it one month ago?
(a) 10,000 chocolates (b) 9000 chocolates
(c) 8000 chocolates (d) 7000 chocolates

18. In a college election between two rivals, a candidate who got 40% of the
total votes polled, was defeated by his rival by 160 votes. The total
number of votes polled was
(a) 900 (b) 800 (c) 700 (d) 600

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19. A scooter costs Rs 25,000 when it is brand new. At the end of each
year, its value is only 80% of what it was at the beginning of the year.
What is the value of the scooter at the end of 3 years?
(a) Rs 10,000 (b) Rs 12,500 (c) Rs 12,800 (d) Rs 12,000

20. A number is increased by 10% and then reduced by 10%. After these
operations, the number:
(a) does not change (b) decreases by 1%
(c) increases by 1% (d) increases by 0.1%

21 If the price of sugar is increased by 7%, then by how much per cent
should a housewife reduce her consumption of sugar, to have no extra
(a) 7 over 107% (b) 107 over 100%
(c) 100 over 107% (d) 7%

22. Shobha’s Mathematics Test had 75 problem i.e., 10 arithmetic, 30

algebra and 35 geometry problems. Although she answered 70% of the
arithmetic, 40% of the algebra and 60% of the geometry problems
correctly. She did not pass the test because she got less than 60% of
the problems right. How many more questions she would have needed
to answer correctly to earn a 60% passing grade?
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7

23. Lucknow bound Shatabdi Express has a capacity of 500 seats of which
10% are in the Executive class and the rest chair cars. During one
journey, the train was booked to 85% of its capacity. If Executive class
was booked to 96% of its capacity, then how many chair car seats were
empty during that journey?
(a) 78 (b) 73 (c) 72 (d) None of these

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24. A salesman’s terms were changed from a flat commission of 5% on all

his sales to a fixed salary of Rs. 1,000 plus 2.5% commission on all
sales exceeding Rs. 4,000. "If his remuneration as per the new scheme
was Rs. 600 more than by the first scheme, what were his sales worth?
(a) 10,000/- (b) 11,000/- (c) 12,000/- (d) 14,000/-

25. It costs Re.1 to photocopy a sheet of paper. However, 2% discount is

allowed on all photocopies done after first 1000 sheets. How much will it
cost to copy 5000 sheets of paper?
(a) Rs. 3920 (b) Rs. 3980 (c) Rs. 4900 (d) Rs. 4920

26. A student X passes his examination with 515 marks, having scored 3%
above the minimum. lf Y had obtained 710 marks, what % would have
been above the minimum?
(a) 40% (b) 42% (c) 50% (d) Cannot be determined

27. Ravi’s salary is 150% of Amit’s salary. Amit’s salary is 80% of Ram’s
salary. What is the ratio of Ram’s salary to Ravi’s salary ?
(a) 1 to 2 (b) 2 to 3 (c) 5 to 6 (d) 6 to 5

28. In a shipment of 120 machine parts, 5 per cent were defective. In an

another shipment of 80 machine parts,10 per cent were also defective.
For die two shipments combined, what per cent of the machine parts
were defective?
(a) 6.5% (b) 7.0% (c) 7.5% (d) 8.0%

29. The sum of two numbers is 28/25 of the first number. The second
number is what percent of the first?
(a) 12% (b) 14% (c) 16% (d) 18%

30. In a class, 40% of the boys is same as ½ of the girls and there are 20
girls. Total number of students in the class is:
(a) 70 (b) 45 (c) 35 (d) 25
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31. In a competitive examination in State A, 6% candidates got selected

from the total appeared candidates. State B had an equal number of
Candidates appeared and 7% candidates got selected with 80 more
candidates got Selected than A. What was the number of candidates
appeared from each State?
(a) 7600 (b) 8000 (c) 8400 (d) Data inadequate

32. By reduction of 20% in the price of oranges, one can purchase 5

oranges more for Rs. 2.50. Find the reduced price of the oranges per
dozen. Find also the original price.
(a) 120 paise, 140paise (b) Rs. 0.8, Rs 1.5
(c) Re 1.0, Rs 1.5 (d) Rs 1.2, Rs. 1.5

33. An inspector rejects 0.08% of the metres as defective. How many

metres will he examine to reject 2 metres?
(a) 200m (b) 250m (c) 2500m (d) 3000m

34. In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8 years of age. The
number of students above 8 years of age is 2/3 of the number of
students of 8 years age which is 48. What is the total number of
students in the school?
(a) 72 (b) 80 (c) 120 (d) None of these

35. A positive number is by mistake divided by 6 instead of being multiplied

by 6. What is the % error on the basis of correct answer?
(a) 3 (b) 97 (c) 17 (d) 83

36. From the salary of an officer, 10% is deducted as house rent, 20% of
the rest, he spends on conveyance, 20% of the rest he pays as income
tax and 10% of the balance, he spends on clothes. Then, he is left with
Rs. 15,552. Find his total salary.
(a) Rs. 25,000 (b) Rs. 30,000 (c) Rs. 35,000 (d) Rs. 40,000
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37. Mr. X, a businessman had the income in the year 2000, such that he
earned a profit of 20% on his investment in the business. In the year
2001, his investment was less by Rs. 5000 but still had the same
income (Income=Investment+ Profit) as that in 2000. Thus, the percent
profit earned in 2001 increased by 6%. What was his investment in
(a) Rs.1,02,000 (b) Rs.1,05,000 (c) Rs.1,50,500 (d) Data inadequate

38. If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, the area is diminished by

(a) 36% (b) 20% (c) 19% (d) 10%

39. Anthony got 30% of the maximum marks in an examination and failed
by 10 marks. However, Amar who took the same examination, got 40%
of the total marks and got 15 more than the passing marks in the
examination. What were the passing marks in the examination?
(a) 35 (b) 250 (c) 75 (d) 85

40. In an election between two candidates, 75% of the voters cast their
votes, out of which 2% of the votes were declared invalid. A candidate
got 9261 votes which were 75% of total valid votes. Find the total
number of votes enrolled in that election.
(a) 16080 (b) 16800 (c) 18600 (d) 16008

41. Peter could save 10% of his income. But two years later when his
income is increased by 20%, he could save the same amount only as
before. By how much percent has his expenditure increased?
2 1
(a) 22% (b) 22 % (c) 23 % (d) 24%
9 3

42. A screw driver and a hammer currently have the same price. If the price
of a screw driver rises by 5% and the price of hammer goes up by 3%,
then how much more will it cost to buy 3 screw drivers and 3 hammers ?
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(a) 3% (b) 4% (c) 5% (d) 8%

43. A company bought a total of 60 computers and 20 printers to modernise

billing operations. If the price of each computer was three times the
price of each printer then what per cent of the total cost of the purchase
was the total cost of the printers ?
(a) 10% (b) 11% (c) 15% (d) 20%

44. What is the total number of candidates at an examination, if 31 % fail,

and the number of those who pass exceeds the number of those who
fail by 247?
(a) 605 (b) 560 (c) 650 (d) 1,650

45. In an election between two candidates, the candidate who gets 30% of
the votes polled is defeated by 15,000 votes. What is the number of
votes polled by the winning candidate?
(a) 11,250 (b) 15,000 (c) 26,250 (d) 37,500

46. In measuring the side of a square, an error of 5% in excess is made:

The error % in the calculated area is,
1 3 3
(a) 10 % (b) 10 % (c) 1 % (d) 25%
4 4 4

47. If A’s salary is 25% higher than B’s salary, then how much per cent is
B’s salary lower than A’s ?
1 1
(a) 16 % (b) 20% (c) 25% (d) 33 %
3 3

48. In the month of January, the Railway Police caught 4000 ticketless
travellers. In February, the number rise by 5%. However, due to
constant vigil by the Police and the Railway staff, the number reduced
by 5% and in April it further reduced by 10%. The total number of
ticketless travellers caught in the month of April was:
(a) 3125 (b) 3255 (c) 3575 (d) 3591
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49. The total population of a village is 5000. The number of males and
females increases by 10% and 15% respectively and consequently the
population of the village becomes 5600. What was the number of males
in the village?
(a) 2000 (b) 2500 (c) 3000 (d) 4000

50. An empty fuel tank of a car was filled with A type petrol. When the tank
was half-empty, it was filled with B type petrol. Again when the tank was
half-empty, it was filled with A type petrol. When the tank was half-
empty again, it was filled with B type petrol. What is the percentage of A
type petrol at present in the tank?
(a) 33.5% (b) 37.5% (c) 40% (d) 50%

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3 Required difference = 75 kg
1. (b) 𝑜𝑓 1450 + ? = 200% of 450
200 3
➔ ? = × 450 − × 1450 =
100 5 5. (c) Let number be x
900 − 870 = 30 2
Then, × × 𝑥 =
1 240 ×87.5
3 7 100
2. (a) Let the number be x. then Or = 87.5 × 2.4
11% of x = 33 Or x = 2205
11 3300
➔ × 𝑥 = 33 => 𝑥 = =
100 11
6. (d) Working with options, we
3. Let the third number be 100,
then the first and second
numbers will be 20 and 50,
20 Obviously, (d) is the correct
Required % = × 100 = 40%
50 option.

4. (b) Weight of the 1 st box = 250 7. (b) 15% of 40 = 6

Therefore, weight of 3rd box = 27−24
8. (a) %change in rate = ×
250 kg, 24
Weight of 2nd box = 300 kg and 100 = %
weight of 4th box = 350 kg For fixed expenditure, %
Thus, weight of 5th box = 500 kg change in consumption
∴ Average weight of four % change in rate
= × 100
heaviest boxes 100 + % change in rate
1400 100/8 100
= = 350 𝑘𝑔 = × 100 = %
4 1 9
And average weight of four 100 [1 + ]
lightest boxes 1
= 11 %
= 275 𝑘𝑔 9
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Now, new price=0.8x, new sale

9. (b) Let the total number of = 1.8 y
original inhabitants be x. then, Then, new revenue collected =
(100 - 25)% of (100-10)% of x = 1.44xy
4050 % increase in revenue =
75 90 0.44 𝑥𝑦
=( × × 𝑥) = 4050 = × 100
100 100
27 = 44% increase
> 𝑥 = 4050
4050 × 40 13. (b) Since, expenditure = price x
=𝑥=( ) = 6000. consumption
∴ Number of original inhabitants ∴ 110% of 30 = ×
= 6000. new consumption
110 132
➔ × 30 = ×
10. (d) Let he had originally Rs x. 100 100
then 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑛
65% of x + 20% of x + 1305 = x ➔ New consumption = 25 kg
0.5x 0.2x + 1305 = x
➔ 0.15x = 1305 ➔ x = Rs. 8700 14. (a) Let the bill be Rs x. then
∴ His total investment = 65% of 90% of x = 45
8700 + 20% of 8700 ➔𝑥= = 𝑅𝑠 50
= 85% of 8700 = Rs 7395
15. (a) Let the salary of July be Rs
11. (d) Net effect on sale = 5
(common % change)2 2
− 9
100 And the salary of June be Rs 𝑥.
−(15)2 4
= = 2.25% decrease Required percentage
5 9 5 9
𝑥− 𝑥 𝑥− 𝑥
12. Let the original price be x and =2 4 × 100 and 2 4
9 5
sale be of y units. 𝑥 𝑥
4 2
Then, the revenue collected × 100
initially = x × y

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100 100 20. (b) Let the original number be

= % 𝑎𝑛𝑑 %=
9 10
1 100.
11 % 𝑎𝑛𝑑 10%
9 Then, the new number = 100 x
1.1 x 0.9 = 99
16. 30% of the residents are i.e. the number decreases by
children. 1%
∴ 30% of the total residents = 24
∴ Total number of residents in 21. (a) % reduction in consumption
the society % change in price
24 =
= × 100 = 80 100 + % change in price
× 100
7 7
17. (d) Let one month ago, = %= %
100+7 107
production be x chocolates.
Then, 130% of x = 9100 22. (b) Number of questions
9100 ×100
=𝑥= = 7000 attempted correctly
chocolates = (70% of 10 + 40% of 30 + 60%
of 35)
18. (b) Let total number of votes = (7 + 12 + 21) = 40
polled be x. Questions to be answered of
Then, votes polled by other questions = 45 – 40 = 5
= (100 - 40)% of x = 60% of x 23. (b) Seas in executive class = 50
Now 60% of x – 40% of x = 160 Seats for chair car = 450
20𝑥 Booked seats in total = 425
= = 160 => 𝑥 = 800 𝑣𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠
100 Booked in executive class = 48
Therefore, seats booked in
19. (c) After first year, the value of chair class = 425 – 48
the scooter = Rs 20000 = 377
After second year, the value of Empty seats for chair class =
scooter = Rs 16000 450 – 377 = 73
After third year, the value of
scooter = Rs 12800

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24. (c) Let his sales be worth Rs x. Total defective machine parts in
then, both the shipments = 120 x 5%
1000 + 2.5 % of (x-4000) = 5% + 80 x 10% = 6 + 8 = 14
of x + 600 14
Therefore, required % = ×
5𝑥 2.5 (𝑥−4000) 200
= − = 1000 − 100 = 7%
100 100
= 2.5𝑥 + 10000 = 40000 29. (a) Let the numbers be x and y,
30000 then,
𝑥= = 12000
2.5 28 28
x+y= 𝑥 => 𝑦 = 𝑥 − 𝑥 =>
25 25
25. (d) Total cost = Rs. [1 x 1000 + 𝑦= 𝑥
(100 - 2)% of 1 x 4000] 𝑦 3
➔ =( × 100) % = 12%
= Rs. (1000 + 0.98 x 4000) = Rs. 𝑥 25
(1000 + 3920) = Rs. 4920
30. (b) 40% of boys = 20/2 girls
Marks of y ➔ 40% of boys = 10% girls
26. (b) =
Marks of x Total no. of boys = 25
100+% above minimum of y
100+% avove minimum of x Total number of students = 25 +
710 100+𝑦 20 = 45
➔ =
515 103
710 ×103
➔ 100 + y = = 142 31. (b) Let the number of
➔ y = 42% candidates appeared from each
state be x.
27. (c) Let the salary of Ram be Rs The, 7% of x -6 % of x =80 =>
100. Then, salary of Amit = Rs 1% of x = 80
80 and Salary of Ravi = Rs 120 ➔ x = 80 x 100 = 8000.
Ratio of Ram’s salary to Ravi’s
salary = 100 : 120 = 5 : 6 32. (d) Let original price be Rs x per
orange. Then, reduced rate =
28. (b) Total no. of machine parts in (1-0.2)x = Rs 0.8x
both the shipments = 120 + 80 = 2.50 2.50
∴ − =5
0.8𝑥 𝑥
200 25 2.5 1
➔ − = 5 => 𝑥 =
8𝑥 𝑥 8
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Original price of oranges per 15552×10000

=𝑥=( ) = 30000.
1 64×81
dozen × 12 = 𝑅𝑠. 1.5
And Reduced price = Rs (0.8) 37. (b) Let his investment in the
(1.5) = Rs 1.2 year 2000 be Rs. x
Then, income in 2000 = Rs. [x +
33. (c) Let the inspector examined x 120
20% of x] = Rs. 𝑥
metres, 126
Then 0.08% of x = 2 Income in 2000 = Rs. [ (𝑥 −
𝑥 ×0.08
➔ =2 5000)]
200 120 126
Or x = = 2500 metres Now, 𝑥= (𝑥 − 5000) =>
0.08 100 100
120𝑥 = 126 (𝑥 − 5000)
34. (d) Let the number of students => 6x = 630000 => x = 105000.
be x. then,
Total number of students of 8 38. (c) If the radius is diminished by
years and above 8 yearss r% then
= (100 - 20)% of x = x = 80% of 𝑟2
Area is diminished by (2r - )%
x 100
∴ 80% of x = 48 + 2/3 of 48 => = 2 x 10 - = 19%
𝑥 = 80 => 𝑥 = 100
39. (d) Let the maximum marks be
35. (b) Let the number of x. then, x.
6𝑥−𝑥/6 35 Then, x x 30% + 10 = x x 40% -
% error = × 100 = ×
6𝑥 36 15
100 = 97.2% ➔ x × 10% = 25 or x = 250
Therefore, passing marks = 250
36. (b) Let the total salary be Rs. x. 30
× + 10 = 85
Then (100 - 10)% of (100 - 100

20)% of (100 - 20)% of (100 -

10)% of x = 15552 40. (b) Let the total number of votes
90 80 80 90 enrolled be x. then, number of
=> ( × × × × 𝑥) =
100 100 100 100 votes cast = 75% of x. Valid
15552 votes = 98% of (75% of x).
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∴ 75% of (98% of (75% of x)) = Therefore, % increase in price =

9261 24/600 x 100 = 4%
75 98 75
=( × × × 𝑥) = 9261
100 100 100
43. (a) Suppose price of the printer
➔ x = ( )= =P
16800. ∴ Price of a computer = 3P
Total cost of 60 computers =
41. (b) Let original income = Rs. 180 P
100. Then saving = Rs. 10 and Total cost of 20 printers = 20 P
expenditure = Rs. 90. ∴ Total cost of the purchase =
New income = Rs. 120, New 200 P
saving = Rs. 10. Thus total cost of the printers in
New expenditure = Rs. (120 - 10% of the total cost.
10)= Rs. 110.
Increase in expenditure = Rs. 44. (c) Let the total number of
(110 - 90) = rs. 20. candidates = x
20 Then, number of passed
∴ Increase % = ( × 100)% =
2 candidates
22 %
9 = (100 - 31)% of x = 69% of x
Now, 69% of x – 31% of x = 247
42. (b) Let the original price of a ➔ 38% of x = 247
screw driver and a hammer be ➔
𝑥 = 247 => 𝑥 =
Rs. 100 each 100
247 ×100
Then, price of 3 scre drivers and = 650
3 hammers = Rs 600
Now, after increase of 5%, the 45. (c) Let the total number of votes
price of 3 screw drivers = 315 be x
And after 3% increase of price ∴ votes polled by winning
of 3 hammers = 309 candidate
Increased price of 3 hammers = (100 - 30)% of x = 70% of x
and 3 screw drivers = Rs. 624 Now, 70% of x – 30% of x =
➔ 40% of x = 15000
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15000 ×100 49. (c) Let the number of males be

➔x= = 37,500
x . then,
Number of votes polled by
Number of females = (5000 - x)
winning candidate
∴ 10 of + 15% of (5000 – x) =
= 70% of 37500
70 ×37500 (5600 - 5000)
= = 26250 10 15
100 = 𝑥+ (5000 − 𝑥 ) = 600
100 100
= 10𝑥 + 75000 − 15𝑥 = 60000
46. (a) If side is increased by a%,
= 5x = 15000 = x = 3000.
area increased by
(2𝑎 + 100
)% 50. (b) Let the capacity of the tank
52 1 be 100 liters then, initially a type
=2×5+ = 10 %
100 4
petrol = 100 liters
After first operation:
47. (b) Let B’s salary be Rs 100,
A type petrol = (100/2) = 50
Then A’s salary = Rs 125
125−100 litres.
% lesser = × 100 = B type petrol = 50 litres
× 100 After second operation:
1 A type petrol = (50/2 + 50)= 75
= × 100 = 20% litres
B type petrol = (50/2) = 25 litres
48. (d) Number of ticketless
travelers in April After third operation:
5 A type petrol = (75/2) = 37.5
= 4000 × (1 + ) (1 −
100 litres
5 10
) (1 − 100) B type petrol = (25/2+50) = 62.5
21 19 9 litres
= (4000 × × × )=
20 20 10
3591 ∴ Required percentage = 37.5%

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Exercise – 02
Past Year Questions
1. A shopkeeper reduces the price of a pen by 25% as a result of which the
sales quantity increased by 20%. If the revenue made by the shopkeeper
decreases by x% then x is …(IPM Indore 2019)

2. A candidate scoring 25% marks in an examination fails by 30 marks while

another candidate
who score 50% marks gets 20 marks more than those required to pass.
The pass percentage is (JIPMAT 2021)
(a) 30% (b) 33% (c) 35% (d) 40%

3. A mixture of alcohol and water contains 35% alcohol by weight. if 25 g

water is added to such a
mixture of 100 g, then the percentage of alcohol in the mixture is
(JIPMAT 2021)
(a) 25% (b) 28% (c) 30% (d) 32%

4. A man pays 40 times the annual rent to purchase a building. The rate %
per annum he derives from his investment is (JIPMAT 2021)
(a) 2.5% (b) 3.33% (c) 4.0% (d) 6.67%

Exercise – 02
1. 10 2. d 3. b 4. a

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