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Name: Angelo Jaromohom Section: Escoda

Second Semester
Quarter 4
Module 2

Democratic Interventions in Political and Social Institutions


What’s New?
1.Homework is banned-This regulation, in my opinion, is not useful to all pupils since we have
no way of knowing or accessing whether or not that person or someone truly knows and
understands their courses.
2.No bullying- For me, this rule is the most beneficial to all students because everyone can feel
like they belong in one group or that they are accepted for who they truly are. Most importantly,
it will protect those students who are constantly bullied at school and will give them the
confidence to go to school without fear or worry.
3.No cellphones allowed- For me, this rule is good for all students since it prevents them from
being distracted in class and from doing anything strange in class, especially at test time.
4.English only policy- For me, this rule is good to all students since it will help them improve,
practice, and be confident in speaking English, which is the universal language that everyone
utilizes anywhere they travel, especially while conducting job interviews or applying for jobs.
5.Students have preferences in their classes- For me, this rule is good to all students since it
allows them to find and explore another style of learning that is pleasant for them and allows
them to study with their own preferences while remaining legitimate and dependable.
What’s more?
Activity 1
School Rules Why do you think it is a What makes a good school
good/bad rule? rule?

All citizens should follow That's a bad rule. The major Being respectful
the same religion reason is because it looks like
we are forcing people to
practice the same religion,
and they do not have the right
to practice their own faith.

Committing a crime is A good guideline since It's a beneficial regulation

wrong committing a crime is since it can keep individuals
penalized by law and against from committing crimes.
God's will.

Spreading rumors or This is a bad guideline since

gossips it might injure the person
about whom you are chatting.

Street vendors should Good rule since the meals

not be allowed at the they offer and the noise the
school premises vendor might make can harm
the learner.

Late submissions of This is a bad regulation since It's a good law since it limits
school project shall be it may become their practice street vendors so that they
tolerated to submit work late. don't harass kids.

Activity 2
Father Mother Church School Mass Media

Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

Understanding Caring Values Learnings It has the

potential to
boost the

Provider Strong Guidance Respecting It can connect

with our loved

Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative

Rigid Discipline Impatience Lack of listening Bully Spreading

Overprotective Always use Talkative High standards Spreading

comparisons and expectations Disinformation
for all students

Activity 3. Brief discussion

Why do we brand people as “positive” or “negative”? Pls. elaborate
-We brand people as positive or negative because we have different characteristics. A
positive person focuses on the positive aspects of their life, finds joy in the little things, and
believes that while there are many things they cannot directly control, they can manage what
they choose to focus on. However, A negative person is someone who thinks and speaks in a way
that highlights all the negative aspects of themselves, other people, or events.

What have I learned?

What This lesson taught me that as a critical
consumer, we should not be easily duped by
things that are advertised since it is the only
method to interest us. Furthermore, as critical
consumers, we should only purchase items
that are really required to utilize.

Who This is applicable to all of us, especially in

these epidemic times when it is extremely
difficult to locate and generate money.

Where We can use this mentality when buying

products in any malls or sari-sari stores.

When The time we choose and decide to buy some


Why It is necessary to be a critical consumer in

order to be intelligent enough in terms of
consuming things when purchasing items and
to avoid being easily duped by anything that
might put you in danger or risk in certain

What can I do?

a.I've heard of a situation where a young person or kids breached a school rule and were
punished harshly, despite the fact that I was only in the tenth grade. The situation is as follows:
the entire class of section Amber is found cheating on the final exam by their adviser, and they
are punished by having to take the test in the heat of the sun because it occurred in the early
b.The example that I have heard happened locally when a young person breached the law and
received a sentence that I believe was too light was when the young guy was caught by barangay
authorities stealing food from a sari-sari business in our sitio. After a few hours of questioning,
the officials let him go and left him with a message that would transform his life. The officials
decided to forgive him since the child only does that and is obliged to do so because his younger
brother is hungry and their parents can't give them money because they are just homeless and
their parents don't have employment. Nonetheless, the officials paid for the cost of the food he
stole, and the young man learnt his lesson and did not steal again after being caught.

Assessment/ Post-test

Additional Activities
Undemocratic Practices Viable alternative in the achievement of the
societal collective goal

Poverty Mastery goals on handling country that

improves the life of cetizen.

Gender biases SOGO Bill and create a country that promotes

gender Equality

Racial Inequality Creating performance–avoidance in terms of

Activity 2. Draw a collage about the slogan; “Democracy: Engage for change”.

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