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Plaridel Street, Reclamation Area, Mandaue City

GAS Strand
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Gale Firm
Cahirfinian, May 2021
*Rosemarie Wagas *Angelo Jaromohom *Angelica Ponce *Marilene Kilkig *James Eric

Research Abstract
Super Typhoon Rai, also known as "Odette" in the Philippines, was the sixteenth
storm to batter the country and the strongest in 2021. After Typhoon Odette struck Cebu, it
had a devastating influence on the Cebuanos. People did not expect Odette to destroy so
much infrastructure and kill so many lives. As a result, we believe that catastrophe
preparedness and awareness is one of the most pressing concerns in our communities. Our
research is about an unexpected disaster that requires rapid action. The purpose of this
study is to design an app that generates awareness and mindfulness informational
interventions for use with catastrophes in order to increase disaster knowledge and
self-efficacy in disaster coping. Gale Firm is a safety app. Firm denotes business and Gale
indicates powerful wind or typhoon.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters induced by climate change pose
an increasing threat to nations (CRED 2018). Disaster strikes often over the world and is no
longer seen as a unique occurrence. Typhoons are the most common natural hazard in
subtropical East Asia (Fok and Cheung 2012). People did not anticipate Typhoon Odette to
cause so many casualties in terms of physical, emotional, and financial aspects when it
slammed Cebu. There has been a significant loss of changes, particularly in Cebu.

Disaster preparation refers to activities and steps undertaken ahead of time to

guarantee an effective reaction to the effects of catastrophes (Paton 2019; Dasgupta et al.
2020). When calamity occurs, preparedness boosts people's ability to cope, adapt, respond,
and recover. As a result, the expenditures associated with natural catastrophes can be
decreased (Paton 2019). Therefore, we are focusing on disaster preparedness. The main
reason is that disaster preparedness is one of the weakest links in the risk management
system in Mandaue City. We chose this study because it is important, particularly because
safety is one of the most critical things we can do in the event of an unexpected disaster.
This research is vital because it may allow us to understand more about preparedness
circumstances, it will promote awareness and contribute to safety, it will aid people in their
lives, and it will have an influence on others in numerous ways.

Stage 1- Empathy Stage

Due to the arrival of typhoon Odette, which brought heavy rain and severe winds, many
individuals lost their houses or family members. As a result, we devised a set of questions
based on the four categories of quadrants: Quadrant 1 Think and Feel, Quadrant 2 Say and
Do, Quadrant 3 Hear, and Quadrant 4 See, to elicit information from them about their
experiences, including whether they took any precautions in advance of the storm and what
they did during and after it. In which we identify the users' needs and what measures we
should take to assist them obtain a better understanding of disaster risk preparedness,
including what to do and prepare when a typhoon strikes their area that will help them to
be secure and safe.

Stage 2- Define Stage

All of our respondents are residents of Mandaue City, who mostly need a safe and
secure evacuation center, disaster risk programs, and government assistance in
providing relief items because they think the government should intervene before
and after the typhoon. Users are typically in need of two things. First, disaster risk
programs in order to understand what they should prepare for and what they must
do if a typhoon affects their location. Second, a safe and secure evacuation facility is
necessary since people who have also been evacuated frequently argue. Finally, the
government should guarantee that the relief materials will be distributed directly
to the people.

There are several problems in our POV problem statement that require resolution. The first
item on the agenda is to locate a safe and secure evacuation facility. Second, the majority of
those affected by the storm face unequal distribution of relief products and support. Third,
the people lack knowledge on what to do and what to prepare before, during, and after a
typhoon, especially those who live in the mountains and do not have a cellphone. They have
no idea what to do and what to prepare if the typhoon hits and they are not able to have an
update about the typhoon.

Stage 3- Ideation Stage


1. listen to weather An app that can A device that is A gadget that

updates and provide all the offered to the doesn’t need a
advisories to stay up information, community that will charger and battery
to date on warnings announcements and help and update to function so you
and evacuation that can update you them when there’s won’t need a place
preparations in your before, during and disaster coming. to charge it to get an
area after a disaster update or
without needing a announcements
signal. when there is a

2. Research on how Increasing the App to identify the A remote control

to be prepared in degree of situations of that once pressed
the event of a technology available individuals can guarantee safety
crisis and develop to provide Drones in times of among
emergency reaction that may support difficulties. individuals.
plans for your disaster risk
family. management at any
stage of disaster
before, during, or
after a disaster.
3. The government’s Another amazing An app that can be A Portable Solar
responsibilities idea to the used without using Stoves for heating
include emergency an internet frozen or pre-
broadcasting preparedness list is connection and can packed foods
disaster weather an inverter provide information Solar ovens can be
predictions and generator with a about the disaster your lifesaver
improving the large fuel tank, more that is coming. during the days
shelter system in power, and minimal after the hurricane
areas prone emissions. when there’s no
to natural disasters. power.

4. Establishing a Panels for Typhoons An app that can A new invention is a

framework and assist you determine wind-resistant
for communities to Storms, as well as whether typhoon bed that
lessen Wind Abatement you are now in can be bolted to the
their exposure to Screens Storm danger, in a safe floor. The patent
hazards and Shutters are an location, or makes no mention
cope with disasters. advanced level of need to find a means of water proofing,
security for your to get out of a which is concerning
home and family dangerous given the recent
that you may want environment. floods in the
to explore. It’s also area.
worth noting that
storm shutters
provide an added
layer of financial
protection while
protecting you from
costly hurricane

5. Stay at home with A house that is A gadget where they A house that will go
the typhoon can cover their underground when
family. proof. house to protect there is a typhoon
from the typhoon. coming.

6. A barangay An alarm that will A gadget that will A robot or device

announcement make a loud noise to help the community that will provide the
to the community. inform everyone on what to do and family with all the
that there is a what to prepare things that are
disaster coming like when there is a needed when there
a typhoon. disaster coming. is a disaster coming.
7. We already know Investing in A lifeboat cannot A lifeboat with
that technology to start if no one is camera sensors that
rescuing people is improve the available to start the can scan the area to
important equipment of engine. But what if see if there are
to us any one of us rescuers for there was a lifeboat any stranded
in times of example a that could start persons amid
disaster. Equipment lifeboat we know on its own, without flooding, and a boat
and tools that this useful to the requirement for that can start on its
are the most saves life when a human to start the own.
effective to use there’s a typhoon engine.
in rescuing, and also and we
there’s a cannot avoid that if
lots of high tech there’s a typhoon
equipment/tools comes the
exist. floods.

8. Giving relief A machine that can an app that may A wishing machine
goods and also pack relief products supply and cater for that can fulfill the
assistance to those and count money, as peoples necessities wishes of the
who have well as a machine after the disaster. wishers.
been affected by the that can deliver Just open the
disaster. relief goods or applications and
money to persons select whatever you
who have been want, such
affected by tragedy. as foods, clothing, or
anything else; you
do not need to pay
for it; simply
order it, and it will
be delivered. These

9. In the event of a All typhoon victims A device to locate A house that can fly
crisis, social will be helped persons who have in the event of a
media platforms can through the Pabahay been buried by land flood or landslide,
be used to publish program. as a result and a house that is
announcements on of a landslide. impervious to storm
disaster damage.

10. Make an When you’re in a An ambulance that Government invent

emergency plan panic and can’t can float when there a device that can
on how to reconnect figure out where to is a flood to rescue cover the whole city
and go, you need a the injured. to prevent the
reunite with your device that has typhoon in
family. a blue dot and you destructing
have to follow that infrastructure.
dot to get to the
evacuation center.

We divide the ideas we came up with into four categories: most rational, where they
already exist, most delightful, where they already exist but with a twist, darling, where they
are 80 percent impossible but 20 percent doable, and long shot, where the product is
impossible to manufacture or attain. We, the Cahirfinian, have gathered with open minds in
order to develop as many ideas as possible in order to solve our problem statement and
generate our top ten solutions. We base our solutions on our problem statement and the
demands of our respondents/users, as well as our own observations.
CRED (2018) Cred Crunch 52 - Economic losses, poverty and disasters: 1998–2017. publications
Fok, L., and L.T.O. Cheung. 2012. Evaluating the impact reduction strategies for the tropical
cyclone hazard in Hong Kong. Asian Geographer 29(2): 121–129.
Paton, D. 2019. Disaster risk reduction: Psychological perspectives on preparedness.
Australian Journal of Psychology 71: 327–341.

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