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Institute of Management, Nirma University


Summer Internship 2022

Interim Report

Submitted by
Soumiya Bisht
Task list with Timelines

Timeline Tasks

Observe and study the workplace and the

Week 1 activities in the workplace.

Develop a structure for the research. Design a

survey to conduct a customer satisfaction
Week 2

Collect customer satisfaction data through a

Week 3 survey

Analyse the results and understand the areas

requiring improvement in their efficiency.
Week 4

Conduct a time motion analysis by talking to

personnel from the particular area to gauge
Week 5 - 6
existing gaps.

Place recommendations regarding the

Week 7 - 8 improvements that can be made in the process.

Revision of the recommendations with

organisational guides and presentation of the
Week 8
Progress Report

The internship is a research-based project. The allotted project regarding time motion analysis
is to be conducted in the Business Loan Group of ICICI Bank. A time motion analysis will help
to improve the efficiency of the department and its productivity.
The tasks that have been completed are as follows:
Week 1 – The task for first week of internship was to observe and study the activities and
processes in the business loan group of ICICI Bank.

During the first week of internship, various discussions regarding the office space, process and
activities happening in the department was conducted. I interacted with the staffs to understand
the process of BLG department. The scope of the time motion analysis was also discussed. I
was able to understand that the BLG process had three stages, namely: pre-login, login and
post-login stages. The project and its structure were also discussed.

Week 2 – Second week tasks included deciding on the structure of the project and designing a
questionnaire for customer survey.

Structure of the project was decided during the second week of the internship in consultation
with the project buddy. The process and activities that are performed was discussed with the
staffs. It was decided to conduct a survey to ascertain the satisfaction of the existing BLG
customers. During the week, a questionnaire was designed to ascertain the satisfaction. I also
got the opportunity to perform eligibility check of the customers for products like GST OD and
other products.

Week 3 – Collecting the feedback of customers was the major task for the third week.

Initially, a discussion was conducted regarding the appropriate mode for conducting the survey.
To send the survey form to customers or to call the customers and take their responses directly
were the two options. It was decided to call and take the responses directly from the customers.
This also helped to understand the grievances and satisfactory matters the customers have.

Week 4 – Task for the fourth week was to analyse the results and understand the areas
requiring improvement in their efficiency.

Discussions regarding the result from the survey took place. It was found that majority of the
sample customers were satisfied with the services provided by the bank. The delays or
inconveniences, if any were due to reasons from either the customer or the bank. These
situations helped in identifying the problem areas and also in finding the direction to bring out
the solution for the problem areas. This week also gave me the opportunity to learn about
platforms such as iCOS, and iDisburse which are used to prepare documents and carry out the
sanctioning process.
Week 5 - Conduct a time motion analysis to gauge existing gaps and improve the efficiency of
the work process.

With all the information available so far, discussions were made with the executives to
understand the process of loan sanction in the business loan group of the bank. The probable
solutions were discussed with the organisational guide as well. The guide provided valuable
feedbacks on the same.

The tasks to be completed in the following weeks of internship are as follows:

Week 6 – Conduct a time motion analysis to gauge existing gaps and improve the efficiency of
the work process.

Discussions need to be conducted to find further areas of improvement in the process of the
business loan group of the bank. Analysis of the findings so far needs to be done. This is to
find solutions to problem areas found in the process, if any.

Week 7-8 – Placing and revising final recommendations with the organisational guides for
improving the efficiency of the working process.

Final recommendations and suggestions need to be placed during the last weeks of internship.
The solutions for the issues identified in the analysis of the process needs to be placed.
Presentations of the project are also scheduled during the week.

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