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sss ‘mn ; ise investigates shadows and how they Change during a day. ve places @ stick in the ground, ‘ne height of the stick is 0.9m, stick (a) Aslan measures the length of the shadow at different times of the day. What two instruments does he use? aed ee emanants FAI {b) Astan's young brother pulls the stick out of the ground, Aslan carefully replaces the stick and checks that the height is the same. Why must the stick be the same height? (c) Here are Asian's results time of day shadow {onal of stick 1000 36 1400 20 1200 5 L 1300 20 4400 30 Use the results in the table to describe how the shadow changes between 1000 and 1400 mets (2) Sue.85 2014 & oxeeivonts (urn over gH 0000 ! cael is exploring electric circuits (9) Draw aline from each picture to its circuit symbol picture circuit symbol Pa] 6] 9 i e -&- 3) Michaei then builds the circuit shown in the circuit diagram below. +t (b) He decides that the lamps are too dim and he wants to make them brighter. Tick (v) the box next to the one thing that will make the lamps brighter, add a switch to the circuit add another lamp add another cell make the wire longer ia) 185 2016 e cesenzionie Turn over _| aN ice surrounding test tube boiling water heat Water boils in the flask as shown in the diagram, A liquid collects in the test tube (a) The volume of water in the flask decreases (goes down) as it is heated Why does this happen? (b) What travels through the glass tubing? (1) (c) What liquid collects in the test tube? (d) What colour is the liquid that collects in the test tube? (1) (e) Why is the test tube surrounded by ice? ke zo a cxtsozionte {Turn over | wl it Earth 24st June (2) Where will the Earth be on the 21st September? Put the letter S in the correct box on the diagram, ) (b) Where will the Earth be on the 21stDecember? Put the letter D in the correct box on the diagram. 0 () The diagram shows rays of sunlight travelling towards the Earth. Earth rays of sunlight (On the diagram: Put the lette# Y on the Earth where itis day. Put the letter Z on the Earth where it is night. 2 Sucies ore & saeozonure tum over_| ie + aesz2410 \ Aa : rt of the water cycle. 8 The flow chart shows Pa! ater droplets in : clouds process BB rain ‘water vapour process A jakes ‘er | fan PT sea water b os ae (a) What is the name of process A? (b) What is the name of process B? (c) Sometimes itis so cold that the water in a fake becomes ice. What is the name of this process? (d) Sea water is boiled in a beaker for a long time. What would you see? eucies 3 a i HY 1 ii a vei plants Nave a ie cycle, garth ite cl, al complete the life cycle using the following words, pollination Seed dispersal Sots grovith to flowering Seed production 2 (©) Write down one way how seeds can be dispersed? a 1) — g rans Tumover | 3 te are useful when you moasuro things. @) Complete the table. ‘The first two have been done for you. quantity unit symbol distance metre m time second s force mass . weight (2) (b) Different equipment are used to measure things. Which piece of equipment can be used to measure the volume of sound? 0 Seesa0i3 = & ceva Tum over 407 + se230196%6* “MOE : t £43 Sergio wants to purify some water. The water contains some of the following: '* small sticks of wood * sand * salt (a) First Sergio removes the small sticks of wood, Which piece of equipment does he use? Circle the correct answer. alflask evaporating dish © magnet ~—_— sieve. tt) (b) Sergio then fiters'the water. ‘Complete the sentences about filtering, Choose words from the list. colourless _ insoluble soluble solution —_white ‘Sand is removed by filtering because sand is in water. Salt passes through the filter paper because salt is in water. 2 Next Sergio heats salt solution to form steam. The steamn is then condensed, ucts 2019 a od = ‘silt / Whats Me name o he process that makes stea ft cc ‘OM salt solution? m {¢) What happens to the steam during condensation? 14 Erik and Xavier investigate how high a rubber ball bounces on different surfaces. They drop a ball onto different surfaces. {a) What equipment do they use to measure how high the ball bounces? a {b) Eric and Xavier drop the ball from the same height. What else did they do to make their investigation fair? 1 (c) Here are their results. en a hace height ball bounces in cm concrete 74 grass 60 mud 53 tarmac 64 Write down the surfaces in order of how high the ball bounces, Start withthe highest first. highest lowest "1 [evs & ceovons {Turn over_|

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