Transparent Solar Cell

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Transparent Solar Cells

Submitted By:
Greeshma Araveti
Reg No.: 21BEC0543

1. Introduction
2. Energy Scenario
3. Environmental Impact Of Solar Power
4. Principle Of Operation Of Solar Photovoltaic
5. Advantages Of Solar Energy
6. Disadvantages Of Conventional Solar Panels
7. Transparent Solar Panels
8. Advantages Of Transparent Solar Panels
9. Conclusion

The sun is an excellent source of energy. The Earth receives 16 x 1018 units of solar
energy every year, 20 times more than the human need on Earth. Some Solar Energy
causes water evaporation, which leads to rainfall and river formation etc. Some of them
are used in photosynthesis which is essential for life on earth. Man has long tried to use
this infinite source of energy. But he has managed to gain only a small part of that power
to this day.

Wide categories of solar energy use to heat and cool residential and commercial buildings.
A. The conversion of chemical and biological organisms into solid fuels and gases.

B. The conversion of solar energy into electricity.

In this project we use solar energy to generate electricity, using solar cells.

The solar cell receives solar energy. Solar cells operate on the principle of photovoltaic
effect, using solar cells. Basically the cells are set in an open and consistent manner.


Significant changes in the power conversion system are expected due to a shortage of
standard fuels. Shortage of fossil fuel fuel will increase significantly. The main reasons
for the above are increased demand for electricity, population growth, rapid
technological advancement.

It is worth mentioning here that the use of indiscriminate trade power has led to serious
environmental problems such as air and water pollution. A person, when he begins to
use other sources of energy should remember, his place of residence. The construction
of a new source of sustainable energy, with low costs instead of energy from rapidly
depleted fossil fuels is an essential requirement for human survival.


Solar energy is a major source of energy for all renewable energy sources and will be one
of the most important sources of energy, especially when other sources of energy are
depleted. Solar energy can provide all the current and future energy needs of the earth
through coordination. This makes it one of the most promising sources of energy.

Solar energy can be a great source of energy. Its capacity is 178 billion MW which is
20,000 times more than the world demand. The energy emitted by the sun on a hot day
is about 1kw / m2. The problem with the use of solar energy is that its availability
varies greatly over time. Differences in availability occur daily, due to the night-time
cycle and at certain times of the year due to the earth's orbit around the sun. In
addition the fluctuations occur somewhere due to local climates. Consequently the
energy collected when the sun shines should be stored for use at times when it is not

Efforts have been made to harness the power of the propeller to emit as much energy as
the main carriers in order to generate electricity. However due to the need for more
space and the uncertainty of availability at a consistent level this approach becomes

Photovoltaic cell is a device used to generate energy that converts sunlight into electrical
energy. Thus the energy produced can be stored and used.
In 1968 Drs. Peter Glaser of the U.S. He published a theory that focused on the fact that
in the orbit around the earth, 1.43 KW of solar energy is probably one square meter
larger and more continuous than any other square meter in the world. that is, even if
perpendicular to the sun can only get a limit of 1 kw. His idea was to convert sunlight
into electricity in order to convert radio frequency signals to light in the earth carrying
vital energy levels. This gas is the catalyst for a massive solar cell cycle in geostationary
orbit. A ground antenna station can convert this radio frequency into another wave that
can be inserted into the local grid.
The use of solar energy that enjoys great success today is:

1) Heating and cooling of residential buildings

2) Solar water temperature

3) Sun-dried agricultural and animal products

4) Solar distillation on a small public scale

5) Production of salt by evaporation of seawater or inland waste

6) Solar cooks

7) Solar water pumps

8) Food refrigerator

9) Transformation of bio and wind energy, which is an indirect source of solar energy

10) Solar panels

11) Solar power generation


3.1 Air pollution

This may be due to chemical reactants used in storage or natural heat transfer fluids.
The emissions of CO, SO2, SO3, hydrocarbon vapors and other toxic gases should be
calculated, with their magnitude not high. The fire hazard associated with the most
effective natural hot liquid exists. Human tissues when exposed will be destroyed as a
result of high dynamic dynamics.

3.1.1 Land Use

Solar plants need a lot of land and the collection field produces unusual exploration in
large areas. This may cause disruption to the local ecosystem.

3.1.2 Noise and Temperature Effect

The heat effects of solar plants are small. These systems actually eliminate the
pollution of the environment associated with the burning of fuel. A certain reduction in
the natural temperature budget or balance will occur when the electricity generated is
transferred elsewhere. Solar systems do not add any new sound to existing ones in
these industrial or service areas.

3.1.3 Major Advantages of Solar Cells

1) Solar cells directly convert sunlight into electricity using a photovoltaic effect without
going through a heat process.

2) Reliable solar cells, modular, durable and generally free of repair and therefore, are
suitable even in remote and remote areas.

3) Solar cells are quiet, efficient, and compatible with almost all areas, respond quickly
to solar radiation and have a life expectancy of 20 years or more.

4) Solar cells can be found in the operating environment so no distribution network is


3.1.4 Major Disadvantages of Solar Cells

1) The efficiency of solar cell conversion is limited to 10 percent. Large solar cellular
modules are needed to produce enough useful energy.

2) The current cost of solar cells is relatively high, making it economically competitive
with other conventional methods of producing energy for earth's energy, especially
when energy demand is too high.

3) Solar energy is slow and solar cells generate electricity when the sun shines and in pro
portion to solar energy. Thus, some form of electrical storage is required which makes
the whole system more expensive. However, in large installations, electricity generated by
solar cells can be fed directly into the grid system.

Solar energy can be directly converted into electricity through photovoltaic effect, namely
the conversion of light into electricity. The generation of electromotive energy due to the
absorption of ionizing radiation is known as photovoltaic effect.

Energy conversion devices used to convert sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic
effect are called solar cells.

Conversion of the image of voltaic energy is one of the most famous unconventional
energy sources. A photovoltaic cell provides available solar energy in a way that will
provide clean, diverse, renewable energy. This lightweight machine has no moving parts,
is well maintained, does not produce dirt, and has a lifespan similar to that of
conventional gasoline.

Photovoltaic cells capture solar energy and convert it directly into electric current by
separating electrons from their parent atoms and accelerating them across a single-path
electrostatic barrier created by work between two different types of semiconductor

4.1 Photo Voltaic Effect on Semiconductors

Semi conductors are non-conductors or protectors. The effect of voltaic imagery can be
seen in nature on a variety of factors but semiconductors have shown excellent
performance. When photons from the sun are absorbed into a semiconductor they
create electrons much stronger than the electrons providing a ride on a crystal base.
Once these electrons are formed, there must be an electric field to attract these higher
electrons to flow out of the semiconductor to perform a useful function. The electric
field in most solar cells is provided by a combination of materials with different
electrical properties.
To understand more about the function and properties of semiconductors, let us
briefly consider. Semi conductors are divided into
1) Extrinsic semiconductor

2) Interinsic semiconductor.

Semiconductors in their purest form are called intrinsic and when impurities are
added they are called extrinsic. Some external semiconductors are divided into p-type
and N-semiconductor.

4.2 P-Type Semiconductor

When a small amount of pentavalent impurities (e.g. Gallium, Indium, Aluminum, and
Boron) is added to the internal semiconductor, it is called a p-type semiconductor.

In p type semiconductor, where electrical power is applied externally, the holes are
directed to the wrong electrode. So it is currently produced.
4.3 N-Type Semiconductor

When a small amount of pentavalent impurities (e.g. Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth,

Phosphorus) is added to internal semiconductors it is called N type semiconductor.

When using an external electric field the free electrons are directed to the constructive
electrode. So it is currently produced.

4.4 PN Junction Silicon Solar Cell

The PN junction is formed from a semiconductor piece by distributing p-type material on

one side of the part and N-type material to the other. It contains both types of
semiconductor materials. A N-layer is placed near the rays of the sun. As the N-layer layer
is smaller, light can penetrate it. Solar energy will create free electrons in the N-type
material and holes in the p-type material. This condition creates a voltage with the
crystal. Because the holes will go to +ve region and holes will travel to the -ve region. This
driving force is one of the main technological objectives in making solar cells.

Advantages Of Solar Energy:

No green house gases

Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy:

The main advantage of solar is to avoid greenhouse gases produced by fossil fuels. The
first and foremost advantage of solar energy is that it emits no greenhouse gases.

Solar energy is produced by emitting solar radiation - a process that is free of smoke,
gas, or other chemical products. This is a major driver of all green energy technologies,
as countries strive to meet climate change obligations in curbing air pollution.
The Italian solar park Montalto di Castro is a good example of a solar offering to prevent
pollution. It avoids 20,000 tons per year of carbon emissions compared to gasoline power

Infinite Free Energy

Another advantage of solar energy is that in addition to the initial installation and
storage, solar energy is one hundred percent free. Solar does not require expensive and
sustainable consumer goods such as oil or coal, and requires much lower performance
than conventional power generation.

Low costs are direct and indirect - fewer workers working in a power plant as the sun
and the conductors of the solar semi conductor do all the work, and no equipment
should be removed, refined, and delivered to the power plant.
Decentralization of power

Solar energy provides distribution in many (sunny) environments, meaning resilient

communities. Oil, coal, and gas used to produce ordinary electricity are usually
transported across countries. These transportation costs have a number of additional
costs, including financial costs, transportation costs, and road costs, all of which are
avoided by solar.
Of course, zoning has its limitations as some areas receive more sunlight than others.

Going off the grid with solar

Solar Barn

Exit the grid is a great benefit to solar energy for people in isolated areas. Solar energy
can be generated or turned off in the grid.

Grid means the house is always connected to the state power grid. An inactive grid has
no connection to the power grid, so the house, business and anything powered by it
depends solely on solar or solar-hybrid. The ability to generate electricity without a grid
is a major benefit of solar energy for people living in isolated and rural areas. Energy
costs and the cost of installing power lines are often very high in these areas and many
have frequent power outages.
Solar jobs

An important and very beneficial aspect of solar energy production is that it creates jobs.
The EIAA says the European solar industry has created 100,000 jobs so far.

Solar projects come in many forms, from the production, installation, monitoring and
maintenance of solar panels, to research and design, development, cultural integration,
and policy activities. The book Natural Capitalism has a very positive view of the benefits
of green design hiring and the ingenious way to use resources. The book suggests that
while green technology and increased employment are costly, much more money can be
saved through the use of simple but highly efficient resources.

Solar avoidance of politics and price volatility

One of the great benefits of solar energy is the ability to avoid the politics and price
fluctuations that are reflected in the growing oil markets. The sun is an unlimited
commodity that can be found in many places, which means that the sun avoids price
and political fraud that has doubled the value of many minerals over the past decade.

Saving the eco-system and livelihoods

Because the sun does not rely on fossil fuels, it does not cause the destruction of forests
and ecosystems that occur through the mass extraction of fossil fuels. Destruction
comes in many forms, from destructive use of acceptable extraction methods, to
irresponsible practices in high-risk areas, to hazards. Major examples include the
Canadian tar sands mines which include deforestation of the Boreal forest (which
accounts for 25% of the total forest area), and which create toxic pools from the product
large enough to be seen in the atmosphere.

Disadvantages of Conventional Solar Panels:

Solar does not work at night

Apparently the great evils of solar power generation revolve around the fact that it is
not permanent. To produce solar panels must have sunlight. So energy must be stored
or available somewhere at night.

In addition to the daily fluctuations, solar production declines during the winter
months when there are fewer hours of sunlight and much less sunlight.

Solar Inefficiency

A common criticism is that solar energy production is not enough. Currently, the
efficiency of a solar panel - the amount of solar energy that a solar panel can convert
into electrical energy - is about 22%. This means that a large amount of extra space is
needed to produce more electricity. However, efficiency has improved significantly over
the past five years, and efficiency of solar panels should continue to increase slightly
over the next five years. At the moment, low efficiency is a misnomer for solar.

Solar inefficiency is an interesting issue, as efficiency is related. One can ask

―unfficiency compared to what? ‖ And ―What determines efficiency? ‖ Solar panels
currently have an efficiency of up to 22% of radiation, yet they do not create a carbon-
produced and unwanted carbon product. regular discharge, refining, and transport -
all weighing on the scale of efficiency.

Storing Solar

Solar energy technology has not yet reached its full potential. Although there are many
solar drip feed batteries available, these are currently expensive and bulky, and are
more suitable for smaller solar panels than larger solar farms.

Solar panels are bulky

The solar panels are large. This is especially true of high efficiency, solar modules of
silicon crystalline wafer solar. These are large solar panels covered with glass. New
technology for small solar panels with very thin film, and recently developed such as
applications such as roof tiles and ―amorphous‖ flexible solar modules. Too bad the
thin film currently does not work better than crystalline wafer solar.

One of the biggest disadvantages solar energy - COST

A major obstacle to the spread of solar energy is the cost of installing solar panels. The
high cost of installing a solar solar system or building a solar farm is high. What’s
even worse is that installing solar panels has a huge downfront cost - after which
power comes in for free.

Imagine having to pay today in advance for the next 30 years. That is the worst factor
in solar energy production, especially during the recession.

At present a mega watt of solar energy costs more than twice the mega watt of
ordinary electricity (direct costs vary depending on the location). it is expensive, but it
became even more so when the right energy supply was installed.

Transparent Solar Panel

A few years ago, the U.S. has already become a growing player in the solar energy
industry, with states such as New Jersey and California seeing solar panels mounted
on rooftops from warehouses to warehouses. Researchers at the University of
California at Los Angeles hope to reduce this new energy source to a roof where people
can't see it - the windows.

Seeing through the Solar

The UCLA group, led by professor of materials science and engineering Yang Yang, has
developed a new type of solar technology known as polymer solar cells, which relies on
larger complex molecules to absorb light and convert it into electricity. Polymer solar
cells offer many exciting benefits that may be more than ordinary crystalline silicon
solar cells, or solar cells with thin film made of materials such as gallium or
amorphous silicon.

Central to these advantages is that polymers, a wide range of plastic molecules and a
range of other natural and synthetic materials, can be made specifically to direct
certain attractive features. In general, this has meant creating lighter, more flexible
solar cells than the heavier, stronger silicon. But Yang's team also focused on creating
polymers that will directly direct infrared light instead of the visible spectrum
absorbed by many traditional solar panels.
The result was a thin film consisting of light polymers capable of absorbing invisible
parts of sunlight and a silver nanowire net that acts as a single machine electrode and
a layer of titanium dioxide as another. According to Bloomberg, these cables are only
around 0.1 micrometers.

Spreading Solar as far as possible

This new type of solar cell offers a wide range of exciting prospects for the future of
solar energy, highlighted first and foremost by the fact that each building can be
designed with windows facing south that can absorb some electricity without
disturbing public opinion. .

If the process was cheaper or more widely available, such windows could be installed
throughout the building, absorbing infrared from the surrounding area. These types of
applications will not require major overhaul, they just require owners to install a film
over the existing glass window.

"It is my dream that everyone's window could be a solar panel in the future," Yang told
Bloomberg. "It could be very cheap."

However, windows are not the only possible application for this technology.
Transparent solar cells can be used in all types of purchased electronics, helping to
recharge batteries with wasted energy from the back light just as tools are used.

"These results open the possibility of having transparent polymer solar cells as additional
components for portable electronics, smart windows and photovoltaics integrated with the
structure and other applications," Yang said.
Improving cost-benefit picture

One of the major disadvantages of solar power is that it usually does not cost much the
current electricity prices, but that image has gradually improved as technology advances
and efficiency increases. back to efficiency from between 10 and 20 percent on most
technologies in the market, depending on which technology customers choose, to about
4 percent.

However, the team is already exploring the same technology that could make that
number up to 11 percent, at the current level in the market. Yang told Bloomberg that
he hopes to eventually reach a cost of between $ 10 and $ 15 per window, and apply the
cheapest spray applications available for large-scale production.

Extremely Thin

The polymer molecules are in a plastic solar cell, which causes sunlight to be converted
into electricity. They form a very thin layer, as thick as one-tenths of a millimeter. This
layer of polymer can only convert a small part of the color spectrum, for example blue
light, into energy. That is why Hadipour has tried to make solar cells composed of two
layers; a layer that can absorb blue light, and on top of that a layer that can absorb
other color spectrum, for example red light. This increases the profitability of the solar
cell. The accumulation of plastic solar cells is a trivial matter, as you have to find a way
to keep the layers separate. However Hadipour succeeded in the end, through a special
layer of separation. He was one of the first researchers in the world to succeed in
developing such a ‘polymer tandem solar cell’.

Solar Cell as a window:

Hadipour also worked with a transparent solar cell. A normal solar cell contains a thin
layer that reflects light and enhances the absorption of light, but you cannot see it.
Hadipour looked at the obvious thing that absorbed enough light. He eventually
discovered a fluorescing device that could hold light, so you could use a solar cell as a
window. Large offices with large windows can create a lot of energy because of these
types of solar cells.


According to Hadipour, the possibilities for solar solar cells are endless. ‘Plastic solar
cells are lightweight and flexible. We can make them in all kinds of sizes and forms and
in different colors. You can attach them to you as a coat, so you can reload the mp3
player with solar power. We can also combine solar cells with LED (Light Emitting-
Diode). Then you can produce energy during the day and shine at night. ’Hadipour
estimates that the first plastic solar cells will appear on the market within two years.
Progress has now come at a rapid pace.

New Energy's solution differs from Solar Window coatings, namely:

• Use the smallest active solar cells in the world, with a smaller rate
¼ the size of the rice grains, and have been shown to generate electricity successfully in
a peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy of the
American Institute of Physics;
• Sprayed to see through glass using a novel, a patented process presented in AZoNano’s
(peer-reviewed, Journal of Nanotechnology Online; Dec. 20, 2009),
―Nanotechnology Thought Leaders Series;
• Do not require expensive high-temperature or high-vacuum production methods, but
instead, they can be sprayed on glass at room temperature;
• Generate electricity through natural and synthetic light sources, which are 10 times
more efficient than modern commercial solar technology and films 10 times smaller; and
• Measure less than 1/10 of the thickness of the thin films (only about 1/1000 of human
hair thickness).

Our Solar Window technology - capable of generating electricity from glass windows - is
being developed for use in the estimated 5 million American buildings (Energy
Information Administration) and more than 80 million single houses.

First of Its kind Organic Solar Array:

Our Solar Window technology uses an organic solar array composed of a series of very
small solar cells measuring less than ¼ the size of a single grain of rice. They are built
using hydrogen-carbon-based materials, and they produce electricity efficiently, as
shown in a peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy of
the American Institute of Physics.

New Energy's organic solar array contains:

• Desirable electrical properties such as silicon, however they consume the best energy
by ‘visually absorbing’ photons in the light to produce electricity, and are accessible
through new polymer cooling applications;
• High-absorption structures found in New Energy's tiny solar cells, allowing the
development of very thin film, only 1 / 1000th of a person's hair thickness, or 1 / 10th of
micrometer; and
• The main advantage is that the smaller films are significantly thicker, measuring a few
micrometers, thus preventing visibility.


The demand for energy is growing. So solar energy is a hot topic over the last few years.
Silicon solar panels are still very expensive. In Groningen researchers are working to
develop a cheap solar cell that can be made of plastic. Afshin Hadipour has found a way
to make invisible solar cells made of plastic that can act as a window at the same time.
In addition, he developed a mechanism to increase the efficiency of plastic solar cells.

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