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Model Questions



Question The total number of degenerate states in the fourth excited state of Hydrogen atom while
discarding spin states would be:
A 25
B 16
C 5
D 6

Question The variational method in perturbation theory, when applied to obtain the value of the
ground state energy :
A gives energy value higher than or equal to the exact ground state energy
B always gives exact ground state energy
C always gives energy values lower than the exact ground state energy
D gives energy values which is sometime higher than or sometime lower than the exact
ground state energy

Question -------is a method for obtaining an approximate solution to a time-independent one-

dimensional differential equation, in this case the Schrodinger equation.
A The WKB approximation
B Heitler-London Theory
C Fermi Golden Rule
D None of the above

Question Time-dependent perturbation theory, developed by ---------, studies the effect of a time-
dependent perturbation V(t) applied to a time-independent Hamiltonian H0.
A Paul Dirac
B Fermi Golden
C Heitler-London
D None of the above
Question --------- comprises mathematical methods for finding an approximate solution to a
problem, by starting from the exact solution of a related, simpler problem.
A Perturbation theory
B Einstein's Theory
C London Theory
D None of the above

Question One of the most important applications of ---------- is to calculate the probability of a
transition between states of a continuous spectrum under the action of a constant (time-
independent) perturbation.
A Perturbation theory
B Einstein's Theory
C London Theory
D None of the above

Question Which theory or rule can be used for calculating the transition probability rate for an
electron that is excited by a photon from the valence band to the conduction band in a
direct band-gap semiconductor, and also for when the electron recombines with the hole
and emits a photon?
A The Fermi golden rule
B Einstein's Theory
C London Theory
D None of the above

Question ------------ is a “semiclassical calculation” in quantum mechanics in which the wave

function is assumed an exponential function with amplitude and phase that slowly varies
compared to the de Broglie wavelength, λ, and is then semi-classically expanded.
A The Fermi golden rule
B Einstein's Theory
C London Theory
D The WKB approximation
Question In a scattering event by a spherically symmetric potential, only P-wave scattering occurs.
The angular distribution of differential cross-section is proportional to:
A Constant

Question A plane matter wave scatters from a small target. The Optical Theorem tells us that
A only the l=0 partial waves contribute to the scattering cross-section.
B the total scattering cross-section is proportional to the imaginary part of the scattering
amplitude in the forward direction.
C the total scattering cross-section is proportional to the imaginary part of the differential
scattering cross-section in the forward direction.
D All of the above

Question A system of three non-identical spin ½ particle (with spin operators 1 2 and 3 ) are
governed by the Hamiltonian . 3. B is a constant . Largest eigenvalue
of this system and the associated degeneracies are
A and 4
B and 4
C and 4
D and 2

Question The spin of the Dirac particle is always :

A ½ only
B ½ or 0.
C 1 or 0.
D ½ or 1.

Question The spin of atoms and molecules is the sum of the spins of----------, which may be parallel
or antiparallel.
A unpaired electrons
B paired electrons
C valence electrons
D all electrons

Question  x ,  y, z are the Pauli spin matrices. Which one of the following relations is true ?

A  x  y = i z

B x  y = z

C  x  y = −i x  y

D x y = y x

Question If the matrices , and have their usual meaning , the value of [ is

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