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The chaplain (C), Sr Mary, visits the sick in a hospital. One of the patients (P) is Patrick
(not his real name), a 72 year old married man with one son has a serious illness of the
liver. He has been undergoing different tests to assess his suitability for receiving a liver
transplant. He has been waiting for a procedure (tap) to remove excess fluid which is
causing discomfort below the stomach. Patrick regularly receives Holy Communion.

On entering the ward I noticed Patrick lying on the bed with a swollen lower stomach. He
is very happy to talk and he greeted me in a friendly manner as I entered. He lay upright
and his breathing is a little difficult. He talked in an unemotional matter of fact way.

P1: Hello Sister, how are you?

C1: Not too bad Patrick after the weekend. How are you doing?

P2: Not too bad. Look at these rosary beads a friend gave me from Rome. They are easier
to use that the silver ring I have there (points to what he had been using).

C2: They are beautiful, Patrick. I love the cross. You say the rosary then?

P3: Yeah, every night. When the son was younger we used to say the rosary together.

C3: It’s a beautiful prayer. I used to say it with the family years ago too when we were
living in the Middle East! (Patrick looks dazed).
So how are you feeling, Patrick. Did you get the tap done?

P4: No, I’m still waiting. It might happen today, a few doctors were in earlier – they said
they would do it later.

C4: You’ve been waiting a few days now.

P5: Nothing I can do (long pause). I don’t think I’ll get the liver transplant.

C5: Right (nod with concern).

P6: On account of my age – its harder to get. I’ve had tests – I did the breathing test the
other day and it was hard.

C6: (Silence) – How are you feel about that?

P7: I think it will be hard on the wife and son when I go – I wonder how they will cope.
(Pause) My son is very technical, he can do many things with his hands. He did a year of
civil engineering in ---- Technical College outside of Cork. When he had to draw up
some plans for the extension of the house, the planners said it was an excellent job.
(Pause) He doesn’t show his emotions. Last year when I was told I needed a liver
transplant my wife said he got violently sick.

C7: Silence

P8: I help my son to fit the hubcaps on the car (Patrick explained the difficulty of putting
them on) – I can do a professional job of it, he can’t!

C8: (Pause). You want to do as much as you can with him in the time you have?

P9: Yeah. (He looks straight ahead, eyes watering a little).

C9: It must be very painful. (Pause) How are you coping?

P10: Nothing I can do (pause).

C10: What is the hardest thing for you?

P11: The waiting…the uncertainty…

C11: Uncertainty about the liver transplant?

P12: Yeah.

C12: Would you like me to talk to one of the doctors to find out more?

P13: No…I’ll wait.

The conversation carried on as Patrick shared more of his past work, ending when Patrick
gave permission to keep him in the prayers.

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