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A personalised benefit illustration for


This is a personalised benefit illustration generated at the request of the respected prospective client.

Prepared by: Jitendra Nirmal

BBRM | Jitendra.Nirmal@Kotak.Com
M: 7506389128
Key Features

Get high life cover at affordable price

3 Plan Options to choose from based on your need

Choice of Payout Options depending on your family's


Enhance your life cover at important milestones and get

additional protection with optional riders

The mentioned points are only the salient features of the plan / riders please refer to the brochure(s) and policy document(s)
for specific details on all terms and conditions.
Benefit Illustration


Policy year 1 8 29

Lumpsum of

Death Benefit

Higher of (Sum Assured, 11 times Annualized Premium#, 105% of all premiums* paid till
the date of death)

The above illustration is for a 46 year old healthy Male, non smoker who has chosen the "Life" Option with Immediate Payout
Option and a sum assured of ₹2,00,00,000 and PT/PPT of 29/7 years with annual premium of ₹1,98,400#. The diagram is
exclusive of rider benefits and premium, if any.

#Premium excludes underwriting extra Premium, loadings for modal premium, Goods and Service Tax & Cess, as applicable
and Rider Premium, if any
*This shall include extra premium paid under the policy along with Step-Up Option fees
You may avail of tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 10(10D) of Income Tax Act, 1961 subject to conditions as
specified in those sections. Tax benefits are subject to change as per tax laws. You are advised to consult your Tax Advisor
for details. The given illustration is an extract of a separate, more detailed benefit illustration. For full details, please refer to
the Benefit Illustration.
The features and illustrations given here are for demonstration purpose only. Please check with the agent for official
documents before concluding sale
Plan Details

Customer Details

Name of Life Insured Sanjay

Age of Life Insured(in years) 46

Gender of Life Insured Male

Tobacco User No

Policy Details

Name of the product Kotak e-Term Plan

Unique Identification Number 107N104V02

Basic Sum Assured ₹2,00,00,000

Amount of Installment Premium ₹1,98,400

Amount of Step-Up option fee NA

Policy Term(in years) 29

Premium Payment Term(in years) 7

Premium Payment Mode Yearly

Premium Payment Option Limited Premium

Plan Option Life

Payout Option Immediate Payout

Step-up Option No

The features and illustrations given here are for demonstration purpose only. Please check with the agent for official
documents before concluding sale
Plan Details

Payable throughout
Premium the Premium Payment

Base Premium(Yearly) ₹1,98,400

Total Rider Premiums ₹0

GST & Cess ₹35,712

Total Yearly Premium(incl. GST & Cess) ₹2,34,112

Rider Rider Rider

Rider Name Rider SA
PPT Term Premium

Kotak Permanent
Disability Benefit Not selected

Kotak Critical Illness

Plus Benefit Rider(UIN: Not selected

The features and illustrations given here are for demonstration purpose only. Please check with the agent for official
documents before concluding sale
Benefit Illustration

End of Policy Year Premium# Death Benefit

1 1,98,400 2,00,00,000

2 1,98,400 2,00,00,000

3 1,98,400 2,00,00,000

4 1,98,400 2,00,00,000

5 1,98,400 2,00,00,000

6 1,98,400 2,00,00,000

7 1,98,400 2,00,00,000

8 2,00,00,000

9 2,00,00,000

10 2,00,00,000

11 2,00,00,000

12 2,00,00,000

13 2,00,00,000

14 2,00,00,000

15 2,00,00,000

16 2,00,00,000

17 2,00,00,000

18 2,00,00,000

19 2,00,00,000

20 2,00,00,000

21 2,00,00,000

22 2,00,00,000

23 2,00,00,000

24 2,00,00,000

The features and illustrations given here are for demonstration purpose only. Please check with the agent for official
documents before concluding sale
End of Policy Year Premium# Death Benefit

25 2,00,00,000

26 2,00,00,000

27 2,00,00,000

28 2,00,00,000

29 2,00,00,000

The features and illustrations given here are for demonstration purpose only. Please check with the agent for official
documents before concluding sale
Presented by
Jitendra Nirmal
M: 7506389128

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