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1. Freedom is also required for those who have oppressed others in the past, according to the film.

They have the right to it as well, for a thief of another's liberty is also a prisoner of the same. As
a result, both the oppressor and the oppressed are prisoners. The oppressor is not free either.
The brave guy is the one who overcomes his fear, not the one who does not experience it.
According to Mandela, every man has responsibilities to his country and community.

2. Only the freedoms of mind, conscience, and opinion are truly unrestricted. Everyone is free to
think whatever they choose without fear of government intrusion as long as their thoughts are
kept secret. Freedom of expression is restricted, particularly when it comes to moral standards
violations and the dissemination of messages that encourage hatred and violence. The right to
free exchange of ideas and information includes the freedom to access information. Today, it is
critical that children have this privilege, albeit in a way that protects them from ideas and
information that may have a negative impact on their psychological development. New
communication capabilities, the removal of taboos, and the proliferation of knowledge that
exposes the world's realities and crimes to all, encourage young people to engage in extreme
behavior. As a result, it is vital to limit and filter such information, as well as to provide young
people with information that is both enjoyable and beneficial to their growth.

3. According to Mandela, freedom is indivisible because it is always turned into a communal aim of
the people of that country or state. It's something that no one can take from you or anyone else.
"To be free is to live in a way that respects and advances the freedom of others," Nelson
Mandela said.


1. In my own experiences of some social issues where freedom is compromised, in family setting, I
do not have my own freedom and will to make my own decisions which I think is good for my
well being and my mental health because I have apparently strict parents. In the community,
poverty I think is one of the issues where freedom is compromised for the reason that people do
not have the capability to eat what their stomachs really craves, to wear what they think fits
them good, and to have the stuffs which can make their lives easier. In the Philippines promptly,
the most disturbing issues that we, Filipinos may all have encountered is discrimination. In this
country, people cannot express themselves more, cannot wear the clothes that they think are
good looking and fashionable, do not have the strong will to be confident and accept their flaws,
and most of all, cannot let themselves come out of their shells in terms of gender since some
uneducated and ill-mannered Filipinos would then discriminate them and make them loose their
confidence which can lead to people being faced-down thinking that what they are now, is
enough. But the real thing is, there is more to themselves that they can unleash if not because
of the ugly mindsets of some Filipinos.

2. Freedom in my own perspective is having the will and capability to do whatever you want, to
express what you truly feels and to have the voice to stand for your own right as a human being.
Responsibility on the other hand is the job that we need to do and to accomplish as a person. As
a human, everyone of us has a certain responsibility which we have to do as long as we’re living
in this planet. It is important in ethics since it teaches us the proper way of handling things with
limitation and respect.

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