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MultiSensorialMedia (MulSeMedia) Technologies White Paper

You are requested to write a literature review (White Paper) on MulSeMedia

Technologies. The following are the guidelines for writing the paper;
- Follow the rules of technical English writing.
- Follow citation and referencing rules, preferably IEEE style.
- Use of figures, diagrams, pictures, schematics to explain ideas will get
bonus marks.
- Use paraphrasing as much as possible, avoid “Copy-Paste”.
- Maximum length of the paper is 10 pages, Arial Font 14 pt, 1.5 line spacing.
SAME FORMAT of this document!
- Submit in MS word format maximum by 07-MARCH-2022.
- Submit as a word document.
- Discussion of your work will be held on 14-MARCH-2022 during class.
Each student will be given 10 minutes to talk about their work.
- You must address the following section headers in your paper:

1. General Introduction
You should write this using your own words and after you have read and
written the rest of the paper, i.e. at the end!

2. History Of MulSeMedia
Focus on the origin of MulSeMedia term, other used terminologies for
MulSeMedia, who was the first one to make a MulSeMedia system, first works
and application, etc.

3. Human Senses with Relevance to MulSeMedia
Focus in this section on human body senses and how a MulSeMedia system
tries to mimic them, what sensors and components can be used to do that,
what goals and benefits can be achieved from mimicking human senses, etc.

4. Fundamentals Of MulSeMedia
- Focus in this section on how a system can be classified as MulSeMedia
- Focus in this section on terminologies, basic structure, components,
interconnections inside a MulSeMedia system.

5. Related Fields of Knowledge

Focus in this section on the technology, engineering and scientific fields that
are related to MulSeMedia. Try to say how are they related, what is this
knowledge used for in a MulSeMedia system. In other words, what knowledge
should I study to understand or make a MulSeMedia system?

6. State-of-the-art of MulSeMedia
- Focus in this section on the current state of MulSeMedia, where did
researchers reach, etc.
- Focus in this section on famous fields of applications.
- Focus on in this section on some significant/important research works.
- Focus on in this section on some examples of MulSeMedia systems or

7. Future Trends of MulSeMedia
Try in this section to cite some open questions, recommendations, issues,
challenges faced by other researcher. This should be written in a way that
opens the door for future research work that can be in this field.

8. Summary
This section should be written using your own words and based on what you
understood from the readings and knowledge gained throughout the

9. Glossary
Glossary of terms used in your paper.

10. References
List of references used in your paper based on IEEE style.


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