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Learning Logs after the end of each round

Round 1:


Budget for the round

 Profit -162
 Change in total income, % -33.43


 Demand deposits
 Interest offer, basis points
 Retail 40.00
 Private 80.00
 Deposit withdrawal price, %
 Retail 1.50
 Private 1.50
 Fixed-term deposits
 Interest offer, 12-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 250.00
 Private 280.00
 Interest offer, 24-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 320.00
 Private 345.00

 Credit products

 Margin, bp
 Mortgage loans
 Retail -12-month 125.00
 Private - 12-month 75.00
 Retail - 5-year 175.00
 Private - 5-year 150.00
 Consumer loans
 Retail 400.00
 Private 350.00
 Point of sale credit
 Retail 400.00
 Private 350.00
 Credit cards
 Retail 400.00
 Private 350.00
 Lending terms
 Expense to income - Mortgage loans 55
 Expense to income - Consumer loans 33
 Expense to income - Point of sale credit 33
 Loan to value, % - Mortgage loans 75
 Maximum maturity, years - Mortgage loans 30
 Loss of life

 Sales channels

 Point of sales network

 Sales personnel allocation 10
 Cashback, % 6.00
 Corporate sales
 Sales personnel allocation 25
 Marketing management
 Deposits 30.0
 Consumer loans 35.0
 Credit cards 35.0


 Interest offer, basis points 65.00
 Margin, %
 AAA 100.00
 AA 125.00
 A 170.00
 BBB 275.00
 BB 1100.00
 B 1700.00
 C 0.00
 Other lending terms
 Lending terms Strict
 Competitive positioning
 Sector targeting Emphasize domestic
 SME products Cater to most needs


 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets Yes
 Debt capital markets No
 Mergers & Acquisitions Yes
 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets 4.75
 Debt capital markets 2.40
 Mergers & Acquisitions 1.50
 Advisory fee 125
 Income statement, k €
 Promotion 250

 Investments - Services

 Portfolio management
 Segment - Private All potential customers > 100k€
 Segment - Institutions All potential customers > 250k€
 Management fee - Private 1.00
 Management fee - Institutions 0.75
 Advisory services - Private 25
 Brokerage services
 Account 1.50
 Premium services - Retail 7.50
 Premium services - Private 3.75
 Transaction fees - Retail 0.23
 Transaction fees - Private 0.15
 Personal selling & events 100
 Media & advertising 100
 Personal selling & events 100
 Media & advertising 100

 Personnel allocation

 Hiring & layoff

 Retail 80
 SME 30
 Corporate 20
 Investment 25
 Back office 18
 Personnel policies
 Employee compensation and performance pay
 Compensation Competitive compensation (+ 35%)
 Performance pay Modest performance pay (up to 20% of wage)
 Profit share, % 0.00
 Training program priorities and budget
 Sales development Yes
 Products & services No
 Internal processes Yes
 Regulatory compliance No

 Training time per new employee, days 30

 Training time per old employee, days 15
 Management relations and HR development
 Management relations and HR development Periodic performance reviews and follow-up

 Internet banking services 250

 Customer service processes and experience 250
 Systems development Tech bellwether


 Risk management policies

 Risk management budget 4 000
 Overdue credit allocation 12


 Interbank lending 0
 Treasury bonds, € 5.0
 Foreign bonds, $ 3.0
 Long-term bonds @ B 15 000
 Subordinated debt @ B 5 000
 Share issue (+) / repurchase (-), K shares 0
 Dividend payment 0


The results were as expected. We did fairly well in terms of shareholder value creation. Our loan
book grew significantly. Our AUM was the highest among all. Regulatory capital was more than
expected. The strategy to give cheap loans worked very well

Round 2:


Budget for the round

 Profit -8 702
 Change in total income, % -57.84


 Demand deposits
 Interest offer, basis points
 Retail 60.00
 Private 110.00
 Deposit withdrawal price, %
 Retail 1.50
 Private 1.50
 Fixed term deposits
 Interest offer, 12-month fixed term deposits, basis points
 Retail 260.00
 Private 300.00
 Interest offer, 24-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 335.00
 Private 355.00

 Credit products

 Margin, bp
 Mortgage loans
 Retail -12-month 140.00
 Private - 12-month 90.00
 Retail - 5-year 190.00
 Private - 5-year 165.00
 Consumer loans
 Retail 415.00
 Private 365.00
 Point of sale credit
 Retail 415.00
 Private 365.00
 Credit cards
 Retail 415.00
 Private 365.00
 Lending terms
 The expense to income - Mortgage loans 60
 The expense to income - Consumer loans 33
 The expense to income - Point of sale credit 33
 Loan to value, % - Mortgage loans 75
 Maximum maturity, years - Mortgage loans 30
 Loss of life

 Sales channels

 Point of sales network

 Sales personnel allocation 15
 Cashback, % 6.00
 Corporate sales
 Sales personnel allocation 35
 Marketing management
 Deposits 35.0
 Consumer loans 35.0
 Credit cards 30.0


 Interest offer, basis points 65.00
 Margin, %
 AAA 110.00
 AA 130.00
 A 175.00
 BBB 280.00
 BB 710.00
 B 1350.00
 C 0.00
 Other lending terms
 Lending terms Strict
 Competitive positioning
 Sector targeting Target domestic
 SME products Cater to most needs


 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets Yes
 Debt capital markets Yes
 Mergers & Acquisitions No
 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets 4.50
 Debt capital markets 2.20
 Mergers & Acquisitions 1.50
 Advisory fee 125
 Income statement, k €
 Promotion 250

 Investments - Services

 Portfolio management
 Segment - Private All potential customers > 100k€
 Segment - Institutions All potential customers > 250k€
 Management fee - Private 1.00
 Management fee - Institutions 0.75
 Advisory services - Private 25
 Brokerage services
 Account 1.50
 Premium services - Retail 7.50
 Premium services - Private 3.75
 Transaction fees - Retail 0.21
 Transaction fees - Private 0.15
 Personal selling & events 100
 Media & advertising 100
 Personal selling & events 100
 Media & advertising 100

 Personnel allocation

 Hiring & layoff

 Retail 85
 SME 32
 Corporate 22
 Investment 27
 Back office 20
 Personnel policies
 Employee compensation and performance pay
 Compensation Competitive compensation (+ 35%)
 Performance pay Modest performance pay (up to 20% of wage)
 Profit share, % 0.00
 Training program priorities and budget
 Sales development No
 Products & services Yes
 Internal processes No
 Regulatory compliance Yes

 Training time per new employee, days 35

 Training time per old employee, days 20
 Management relations and HR development
 Management relations and HR development Periodic performance reviews and follow-up


 Internet banking services 250

 Customer service processes and experience 250
 Systems development Tech bellwether


 Risk management policies

 Risk management budget 4 000
 Overdue credit allocation 15


 Interbank lending 0
 Treasury bonds, € 5.0
 Foreign bonds, $ 3.0
 Long-term bonds @ BBB 25 000
 Subordinated debt @ BBB 15 000
 Share issue (+) / repurchase (-), K shares 0
 Dividend payment 0

In this round, we went with the same strategy. We decreased our interest rate on loans further due
to which NIM (Net Interest Margin) was further reduced. Our loan book also grew significantly but
since we had a low-interest margin, our profits plummeted significantly.

Round 3:


Budget for the round

 Profit -15 685
 Change in total income, % -52.81


 Demand deposits
 Interest offer, basis points
 Retail 110.00
 Private 160.00
 Deposit withdrawal price, %
 Retail 1.50
 Private 1.50
 Fixed-term deposits
 Interest offer, 12-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 260.00
 Private 300.00
 Interest offer, 24-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 330.00
 Private 350.00

 Credit products

 Margin, bp
 Mortgage loans
 Retail -12-month 200.00
 Private - 12-month 150.00
 Retail - 5-year 250.00
 Private - 5-year 230.00
 Consumer loans
 Retail 480.00
 Private 450.00
 Point of sale credit
 Retail 470.00
 Private 425.00
 Credit cards
 Retail 480.00
 Private 425.00
 Lending terms
 The expense to income - Mortgage loans 50
 The expense to income - Consumer loans 33
 The expense to income - Point of sale credit 33
 Loan to value, % - Mortgage loans 70
 Maximum maturity, years - Mortgage loans 30
 Loss of life

 Sales channels

 Point of sales network

 Sales personnel allocation 25
 Cashback, % 6.00
 Corporate sales
 Sales personnel allocation 35
 Marketing management
 Deposits 40.0
 Consumer loans 30.0
 Credit cards 30.0


 Interest offer, basis points 65.00
 Margin, %
 AAA 120.00
 AA 140.00
 A 190.00
 BBB 290.00
 BB 720.00
 B 0.00
 C 0.00
 Other lending terms
 Lending terms Strict
 Competitive positioning
 Sector targeting Balanced approach
 SME products Cater to most needs


 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets Yes
 Debt capital markets Yes
 Mergers & Acquisitions No
 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets 3.00
 Debt capital markets 2.00
 Mergers & Acquisitions 1.50
 Advisory fee 135
 Income statement, k €
 Promotion 250

 Investments - Services

 Portfolio management
 Segment - Private All potential customers > 100k€
 Segment - Institutions All potential customers > 250k€
 Management fee - Private 0.85
 Management fee - Institutions 0.75
 Advisory services - Private 25
 Brokerage services
 Account 1.20
 Premium services - Retail 9.00
 Premium services - Private 4.00
 Transaction fees - Retail 0.08
 Transaction fees - Private 0.10
 Personal selling & events 100
 Media & advertising 100
 Personal selling & events 100
 Media & advertising 100

 Personnel allocation

 Hiring & layoff

 Retail 85
 SME 35
 Corporate 50
 Investment 35
 Back office 30
 Personnel policies
 Employee compensation and performance pay
 Compensation Competitive compensation (+ 35%)
 Performance pay Modest performance pay (up to 20% of wage)
 Profit share, % 0.00
 Training program priorities and budget
 Sales development Yes
 Products & services Yes
 Internal processes Yes
 Regulatory compliance Yes

 Training time per new employee, days 40

 Training time per old employee, days 25
 Management relations and HR development
 Management relations and HR development Periodic performance reviews and follow-up


 Internet banking services 250

 Customer service processes and experience 250
 Systems development Tech bellwether


 Risk management policies

 Risk management budget 4 500
 Overdue credit allocation 20


 Interbank lending 0
 Treasury bonds, € 5.0
 Foreign bonds, $ 5.0
 Long-term bonds @ A- 40 000
 Subordinated debt @ A- 10 000
 Share issue (+) / repurchase (-), K shares 0
 Dividend payment 0


We continued with the same strategy of selling cheap loans to high-grade corporates because we
wanted to build a strong loan book. We also attracted good deposits because of attractive interest
rates. We were losing shareholder value because of minimal profits but we thought we can cover it
up later.

Round 4:


Budget for the round

 Profit 379
 Change in total income, % -17.16


 Demand deposits
 Interest offer, basis points
 Retail 65.00
 Private 110.00
 Deposit withdrawal price, %
 Retail 1.50
 Private 1.50
 Fixed-term deposits
 Interest offer, 12-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 250.00
 Private 280.00
 Interest offer, 24-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 300.00
 Private 330.00

 Credit products

 Margin, bp
 Mortgage loans
 Retail -12-month 150.00
 Private - 12-month 140.00
 Retail - 5-year 200.00
 Private - 5-year 180.00
 Consumer loans
 Retail 400.00
 Private 380.00
 Point of sale credit
 Retail 420.00
 Private 390.00
 Credit cards
 Retail 420.00
 Private 380.00
 Lending terms
 The expense to income - Mortgage loans 65
 The expense to income - Consumer loans 35
 The expense to income - Point of sale credit 35
 Loan to value, % - Mortgage loans 75
 Maximum maturity, years - Mortgage loans 30
 Loss of life

 Sales channels

 Point of sales network

 Sales personnel allocation 25
 Cashback, % 6.50
 Corporate sales
 Sales personnel allocation 35
 Marketing management
 Deposits 30.0
 Consumer loans 35.0
 Credit cards 35.0


 Interest offer, basis points 65.00
 Margin, %
 AAA 85.00
 AA 110.00
 A 130.00
 BBB 200.00
 BB 900.00
 B 0.00
 C 0.00
 Other lending terms
 Lending terms Balanced
 Competitive positioning
 Sector targeting Target domestic
 SME products Cater to most needs


 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets No
 Debt capital markets Yes
 Mergers & Acquisitions No
 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets 3.00
 Debt capital markets 2.00
 Mergers & Acquisitions 1.50
 Advisory fee 135
 Income statement, k €
 Promotion 500

 Investments - Services

 Portfolio management
 Segment - Private All potential customers > 100k€
 Segment - Institutions All potential customers > 250k€
 Management fee - Private 0.80
 Management fee - Institutions 0.75
 Advisory services - Private 25
 Brokerage services
 Account 0.80
 Premium services - Retail 7.50
 Premium services - Private 4.00
 Transaction fees - Retail 0.07
 Transaction fees - Private 0.10
 Personal selling & events 150
 Media & advertising 150
 Personal selling & events 200
 Media & advertising 200

 Personnel allocation

 Hiring & layoff

 Retail 85
 SME 35
 Corporate 55
 Investment 45
 Back office 40
 Personnel policies
 Employee compensation and performance pay
 Compensation Competitive compensation (+ 35%)
 Performance pay Risk takers' dream package (up to 75% of wage)
 Profit share, % 0.00
 Training program priorities and budget
 Sales development Yes
 Products & services Yes
 Internal processes Yes
 Regulatory compliance Yes

 Training time per new employee, days 35

 Training time per old employee, days 20
 Management relations and HR development
 Management relations and HR development Active HR development and open involvement


 Internet banking services 250

 Customer service processes and experience 250
 Systems development Tech bellwether


 Risk management policies

 Risk management budget 5 000
 Overdue credit allocation 20


 Interbank lending 0
 Treasury bonds, € 5.0
 Foreign bonds, $ 7.5
 Long-term bonds @ AAA 40 000
 Subordinated debt @ AAA 10 000
 Share issue (+) / repurchase (-), K shares 0
 Dividend payment 1 250


We learnt that all this time we were catching up with the competition. We had no differentiating
factor and we were not good in any single business line. To attract loans, we shrank NIM which
backfired. Rate cuts which we were doing were not proportional to the volume which we were
expecting. This was the biggest learning

Round 5:


 Budget for the round

 Profit -10 192
 Change in total income, % -29.43


 Demand deposits
 Interest offer, basis points
 Retail 75.00
 Private 110.00
 Deposit withdrawal price, %
 Retail 1.50
 Private 1.50
 Fixed-term deposits
 Interest offer, 12-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 265.00
 Private 280.00
 Interest offer, 24-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 320.00
 Private 330.00

 Credit products

 Margin, bp
 Mortgage loans
 Retail -12-month 100.00
 Private - 12-month 90.00
 Retail - 5-year 120.00
 Private - 5-year 100.00
 Consumer loans
 Retail 350.00
 Private 340.00
 Point of sale credit
 Retail 350.00
 Private 320.00
 Credit cards
 Retail 350.00
 Private 320.00
 Lending terms
 The expense to income - Mortgage loans 65
 The expense to income - Consumer loans 35
 The expense to income - Point of sale credit 35
 Loan to value, % - Mortgage loans 75
 Maximum maturity, years - Mortgage loans 30
 Loss of life

 Sales channels

 Point of sales network

 Sales personnel allocation 30
 Cashback, % 11.00
 Corporate sales
 Sales personnel allocation 35
 Marketing management
 Deposits 40.0
 Consumer loans 30.0
 Credit cards 30.0


 Interest offer, basis points 100.00
 Margin, %
 AAA 80.00
 AA 100.00
 A 110.00
 BBB 160.00
 BB 460.00
 B 0.00
 C 1000.00
 Other lending terms
 Lending terms Strict
 Competitive positioning
 Sector targeting Emphasize domestic
 SME products Cater to most needs


 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets Yes
 Debt capital markets Yes
 Mergers & Acquisitions No
 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets 1.50
 Debt capital markets 1.00
 Mergers & Acquisitions 0.80
 Advisory fee 100
 Income statement, k €
 Promotion 650

 Investments - Services

 Portfolio management
 Segment - Private All potential customers > 100k€
 Segment - Institutions All potential customers > 250k€
 Management fee - Private 0.25
 Management fee - Institutions 0.75
 Advisory services - Private 15
 Brokerage services
 Account 0.50
 Premium services - Retail 6.50
 Premium services - Private 2.50
 Transaction fees - Retail 0.04
 Transaction fees - Private 0.04
 Personal selling & events 200
 Media & advertising 200
 Personal selling & events 250
 Media & advertising 250

 Personnel allocation

 Hiring & layoff

 Retail 85
 SME 35
 Corporate 55
 Investment 45
 Back office 45
 Personnel policies
 Employee compensation and performance pay
 Compensation Competitive compensation (+ 35%)
 Performance pay Risk takers' dream package (up to 75% of wage)
 Profit share, % 0.00
 Training program priorities and budget
 Sales development Yes
 Products & services Yes
 Internal processes Yes
 Regulatory compliance Yes

 Training time per new employee, days 40

 Training time per old employee, days 25
 Management relations and HR development
 Management relations and HR development Active HR development and open involvement

 Internet banking services 100
 Customer service processes and experience 100
 Systems development Tech bellwether


 Risk management policies

 Risk management budget 5 000
 Overdue credit allocation 20


 Interbank lending 0
 Treasury bonds, € 5.0
 Foreign bonds, $ 7.5
 Long-term bonds @ AAA 50 000
 Subordinated debt @ AAA 20 000
 Share issue (+) / repurchase (-), K shares 0
 Dividend payment 2 500


This was the first round when our interest costs outweighed the interest income and hence, we
made losses. Our ROE went negative. But considering that many of our competitors had made
losses, we were relaxed and we decided that we will go all-in in our next round. Our biggest learning
was that this strategy never works. These types of decisions come in desperation and frustration.

Round 6:


 Budget for the round

 Profit 4 709
 Change in total income, % 21.67


 Demand deposits
 Interest offer, basis points
 Retail 32.00
 Private 70.00
 Deposit withdrawal price, %
 Retail 1.50
 Private 1.50
 Fixed-term deposits
 Interest offer, 12-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 185.00
 Private 240.00
 Interest offer, 24-month fixed-term deposits, basis points
 Retail 220.00
 Private 270.00

 Credit products

 Margin, bp
 Mortgage loans
 Retail -12-month 70.00
 Private - 12-month 55.00
 Retail - 5-year 80.00
 Private - 5-year 60.00
 Consumer loans
 Retail 280.00
 Private 220.00
 Point of sale credit
 Retail 270.00
 Private 210.00
 Credit cards
 Retail 300.00
 Private 270.00
 Lending terms
 The expense to income - Mortgage loans 75
 The expense to income - Consumer loans 45
 The expense to income - Point of sale credit 50
 Loan to value, % - Mortgage loans 80
 Maximum maturity, years - Mortgage loans 30
 Loss of life

 Sales channels

 Point of sales network

 Sales personnel allocation 30
 Cashback, % 11.00
 Corporate sales
 Sales personnel allocation 35
 Marketing management
 Deposits 15.0
 Consumer loans 55.0
 Credit cards 30.0


 Interest offer, basis points 125.00
 Margin, %
 AAA 130.00
 AA 140.00
 A 145.00
 BBB 220.00
 BB 295.00
 B 650.00
 C 810.00
 Other lending terms
 Lending terms Loose
 Competitive positioning
 Sector targeting Balanced approach
 SME products Cater to most needs


 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets Yes
 Debt capital markets Yes
 Mergers & Acquisitions No
 Service pricing
 Equity capital Markets 1.45
 Debt capital markets 0.95
 Mergers & Acquisitions 0.55
 Advisory fee 75
 Income statement, k €
 Promotion 800

 Investments - Services

 Portfolio management
 Segment - Private All potential customers > 100k€
 Segment - Institutions All potential customers > 250k€
 Management fee - Private 1.00
 Management fee - Institutions 0.75
 Advisory services - Private 25
 Brokerage services
 Account 0.50
 Premium services - Retail 6.00
 Premium services - Private 3.00
 Transaction fees - Retail 0.04
 Transaction fees - Private 0.06
 Personal selling & events 100
 Media & advertising 100
 Personal selling & events 180
 Media & advertising 180
 Personnel allocation

 Hiring & layoff

 Retail 100
 SME 65
 Corporate 30
 Investment 45
 Back office 30
 Personnel policies
 Employee compensation and performance pay
 Compensation Competitive compensation (+ 35%)
 Performance pay Modest performance pay (up to 20% of wage)
 Profit share, % 0.00
 Training program priorities and budget
 Sales development Yes
 Products & services Yes
 Internal processes Yes
 Regulatory compliance Yes

 Training time per new employee, days 25

 Training time per old employee, days 10
 Management relations and HR development
 Management relations and HR development Things will work out on their own


 Internet banking services 300

 Customer service processes and experience 300
 Systems development Tech bellwether


 Risk management policies

 Risk management budget 5 000
 Overdue credit allocation 25


 Interbank lending 0
 Treasury bonds, € 5.0
 Foreign bonds, $ 7.5
 Long-term bonds @ AA+ 10 000
 Subordinated debt @ AA+ 15 000
 Share issue (+) / repurchase (-), K shares 0
 Dividend payment 1 000

In this round, we made our lending terms loose and decided to give loans to C grade corporates. This
was done in not any business sense but to improve our ranks and scores in simulation. As
anticipated, this didn’t work, we made the biggest losses. We ended up last

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