Pertemuan 2 Read The Following Explanation About Expressing Advice or Suggestion. The Important of Learning Expressions To Make Advice or Suggestion

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Pertemuan 2

Read the following explanation about expressing advice or suggestion.

The important of learning expressions to make advice or suggestion
Error is human. This does not mean that we have absolute freedom in life. We life in a
civilized society. We are civilized. We have customs, tradition, law, and regulation. We
sometimes make mistakes, do something wrong , and even break rules. To make our life better,
we need advices or suggestions when we do something wrong.
Life long educations, this means that we learn and learn as long as we live. We may
make mistakes in learning. To broaden our knowledge and to meet more skilful, we need advices
and suggestions.
As religious people, we must obey every God’s command. To make our spiritual life
better, we need advice and suggestion when we do something wrong.
God commands us to help and advise each other. God does not like us to let others do
something wrong. So, it is our responsibility to make suggestions to those who make mistakes.
That’s why it is important for you to study, learn, and practice how to make suggestion and

Task 1. Underline the expression of suggestion used in the following dialogue then classify them

Riyan : What’s your plan for the next a month vocation?

Muchlis : My father suggest me to have a part time job. But my mother has a
different opinion. She advises me to spend my vocation for taking a
music course. And I think I agree with father. What’s your opinion?
Riyan : If I were you, I’d take your mother’s suggestion.
Muchlis : But I can take a music course while doing my part time job.
Riyan : You’d better choose only one of them, working or studying. Don’t you
think that working takes most of your time?
Muchlis : Well, I can arrange that. I plan to do the part time job in the afternoon to
the evening and take my music course in the morning.
Riyan : It means that you’ll take your father’s suggestion, won’t you?
Muchlis : Yes, I will.
Riyan : I hope you’ll be successful. And I suggest that you are able to use your
time wisely.

No. Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestions Respond to Suggestions

1 My father suggest me to But my mother has a
have a part time job. different opinion.
2 She advises me to spend I think I agree with father.
my vocation for taking a
music course.
3 What’s your opinion? If I were you, I’d take your But I can take a music
mother’s suggestion. course while doing my
part time job.
4 You’d better choose only Well, I can arrange that. I
one of them, working or plan to do the part time
studying. job in the afternoon to the
evening and take my
music course in the
5 I suggest that you are able Yes, I will.
to use your time wisely.

Task 2. Choose one of these pictures and compose a simple dialogue used ”Asking / giving
Suggestion and responds”!

Picture 1
Randy: I don’t know how to solve this question. What ought I to do?

Hannah: I suggest that you should check it up again on page 13. It’s right there.

Randy: Ok. I will. Thanks

Picture 2

Josh: There are no trash can available around here. Shall I just throw this garbage here?

Roland: Why don’t you keep it, until we found one?

Josh: That’s a good idea.

Picture 3

Linda: I’ve caught an influenza. What should I do?

Selena: You'd better go to the doctor immediately.
Linda: Ok. I will.

Picture 4

Jack: It’s raining. Do you have any suggestion?

Mom: It might be a good idea to find a shelter and wait until it stops raining.
Jack: It sounds good to me

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