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Difficulty level: C1 / advanced

This activity helps with part 1 of the Reading Use of English paper. You should complete this activity in 15 minutes.

Read the text below. Use the word given in (CAPITALS) to form a word that fits in the gap next to it.

Second Language Learning

There has been much debate in recent times about when young people should take up a second
language. This has been especially fuelled in recent times by the increasing (IMPORTANT)
………………….placed on the English language. It is now commonplace to see parents providing a
substantial amount of (FUNDING)…………..on additional tuition on language lessons to give their
children every (COMPETITION)…………………….edge. In the past decade, language institutes
have sprung up in numerous centres, all claiming to provide rapid (ADVANCED)………………..in
English. There has been a push by many parents to expose their children to English in their formative
years. This, many claim, will make the language more(INSTINCT)………………..and ensure that all
pronunciation errors can be avoided. There is some evidence which points to youngsters who have been
raised in bilingual families, where the language spoken at home is different to the one that they
(CONVERSATION)……………………...with in their external environment. While these children
can switch between two languages with greater (EASY)…………….., it remains to be seen whether
this is (ADVANTAGE)…………………..when learning additional languages.
Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.
You have read an online article about changes in the types of subject taught at secondary schools. The
article says that some traditional subjects may no longer be taught at school. Four of the subjects
discussed are mentioned below, along with some of the readers’ comments.
Which subjects may no longer be taught at secondary school?
Music  ‘Most students who are interested in music take lessons out of school.’
Geography  ‘Why do we need to know the names of rivers and mountains around the world?’
History ‘It’s all about the past. At schools, we need to be focusing on the future.’
Art ‘Art lessons allow kids to explore their creativity.’

Write an essay discussing TWO of the subjects mentioned above. You should explain why you think
these subjects should continue to be taught at secondary schools, giving reasons to support your
You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed by other readers, but you should use your
own words as far as possible.

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