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English –I Grammar & Comprehension

Activity Worksheet
A) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Risks are an inevitable part of success. If you are afraid of taking risks,
you may not be able to accomplish what you want. Remember that there
is a risk associated with every goal. If a boy wants to be an athlete, he
may have to compromise on his studies. And if he loses his legs at
twenty–two, he cannot remain athlete any more. At the same time, he
may not be able to secure another job immediately due to the lacunae in
studies since he spent more time practicing to be a successful athlete.
Similarly, when a person chooses to be a Pilot, one runs risk of an
accident, which can even claim one’s life.
1. Why is the risk taking necessary?
2. What did the writer want to prove through examples?
3. “Risks are inevitable part of success.” Do you believe? Justify your
B) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Education is not an end but a means to an end. In other words we do not
educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is
to fit them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that
it is very important to choose a system of education that will really

1 Asst. Prof. Sonali Dudihalli

English –I Grammar & Comprehension

prepare children for life. It is not enough to leave the choice to those in
power since they may well have an ulterior motive. Often those in
power select education which stresses obedience. Education in a
democracy is viewed differently. The student must learn to think
independently. To choose the first system we find, or to continue with
one’s old system of education without examining it to see whether it is, in
fact, suitable or not is a crucial decision. In a democracy students have a
right to appeal against the education decided for them.
1. What does the writer mean by saying that “education is not an end”?
2. Why do we educate children?
3. Why is it necessary to examine the system of education which we want
to adopt or which we really have?
4. Why shouldn’t the choice of education be left to the government?
5. What is the purpose of education in a democracy?
6. Which students would not be able to appeal against the education they

2 Asst. Prof. Sonali Dudihalli

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