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Coach Carter

Starring: Samuel L. Jackson

Director: Thomas Carter

Main Story: Talking about the main story of the movie –Coach Carter, it revolves around the
game of basketball, put a light on the hardwork put up by the players of “Oilers Basketball
Team” and their coach “Ken Carter”.

So telling about the story in detail, movie starts when Coach Carter take the post of basketball
coach at his old high school. In initial days of his training, all the athletes and players were
arrogant towards, Coach Carter observed that there was lack of team spirit between the players.
Due to which he came with an individual contracts with all the players in which it was made
necessary for all the players to give respect by saying sir, attend all the classes, to wear proper
uniform in the academics and games, he put a minimum criteria for academic grades for playing

He was so serious about this that he made all the academic staff to report him regarding the
report of the players --which show that Coach Carter was a responsible and one of the good
coach that follow the basic idea –both academics as well as game is equally important. When he
realizes that students are not paying attention towards studies so, he made a lockdown for the
gyms as well as basketball.

With all these individual steps he developed such a team that made “Oilers Basketball Team” a
team of champions.

If we would conclude about the positive and the lessons that one can learn from the movie are as:

 First of all it teaches about the team spirit, as until the players were not realized about
their strength and the strength of their togetherness they never won a match. But when
they realized about the team spirit, they were the team that won seasonal tournament of
 Second most important lesson that is drawn from the movie is balance between the
studies and sports, as mentioned above he made necessary for each player to score
minimum grade to enter into the game, this shows that Coach Carter was equally serious
about the academics as regarding sports.
 One of the most important lesson, more important than two of them mentioned above is:
Hard Work. The whole movie is about the hard work of the players, academics teachers,
students, school faculties, Coach Carter –whose all those steps made it possible to win
the match.
 Fourth is “RESPECT”, as when he made it necessary to call him by saying “SIR” (way
of giving respect).

There are many more lessons that one could draw.

I would recommend everyone to watch this movie and about the movie rating I give it 8.5/10.

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