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Oil Hol&ens
Basic Game Adventure

by Carl Sargent

Table of Contents

Introduction 2
Adventure 1: The Wizard's Dungeon 4

Area Map 15
Credits: Ready-to-Play Characters 16
Design: Carl Sargent
Editing: Jim Lowder
NPC Profiles/Diary Page 18
Cover Artist: John and Laura Lakey
Interior Artist: Karl Waller
Cartographer: Diesel
Typographers: Angelika Lokotz Adventure 2: Harvest of Death 19
Kathleen C. MacDonald
Keyliner: Stephanie Tabat New Monsters/Letter 32
'1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Primed in U.S.A.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D arc registered trademarks MAPS

owned by TSR, Im.
The TSR logo is a trademark owned by TSR. Inc.
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random Area Map 15
House. Inc., and in Canada by Random House ol Canada, Ltd.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Dis-
tributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd.
Map 1: The Wizard's Dungeon left inside cover
This module is protected under the copyright laws of the United
Map 2: The Queen's Keep right inside cover
States ol'America Any reproduction or other unauthorized use ol'
tile material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express Map 3: Dungeons of the Queen's Keep left inside cover
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ISBN 0-88038-768-8 9261


Welcome to the adventure! This module

contains two adventures, one for 5-7 travel the twelve miles or so down the If the PCs accept, Aralic hands them a
player characters (PCs) of first or second Duke's Road to his home. Aralic sug- bone tube sealed with wax that bears the
level, and a follow-up adventure for PCs gests that the PCs take the note to Kavor- imprint of a signet ring. He asks them
of second or third level. If you are going quian at once, since the matters referred not to open the tube. You should discour-
to be a player in these adventures, please to seem very important! age the PCs—especially Lawful
If you have not played King's Festival, characters—from going against the cler-
do not read any further! The material
then you should begin the adventure by ic's wishes. What is in the note is shown
presented here is for the Dungeon Mas- having the PCs arrive in Stallanford. If on page 32 of this module.
ter (DM) to read and use in setting up you do not have suitable PCs (no char- Whether the PCs have played through
the game for you. acters of 2nd level), you can use the pre- King's Festival or not, you should give the
Queen's Harvest is best enjoyed after generated characters listed on page 16 players a copy of the map found on page
playing the adventure module B l l , and 17. 15 to show them where Stallanford and
King's Festival. However, they can easily PCs can be lured to Stallanford by Penhaligon are.
be played as a pair of stand-alone adven- vague rumors of ore raids, treasure, and In fact, the whole middle section of
tures. plunder. When they get to Stallanford this product is a special pull-out section
they will discover that the ores have been of helpful material for the players and the
Preparing for Adventure slain, but the town cleric, Aralic, is inter- DM. Detach pages 15-18 by lifting the
ested in meeting them. A full profile for staples, taking out the middle leaves, and
If you have played King's Festival, the Aralic is given on page 18. pressing the staples flat again. You can
PCs will have a note addressed to photocopy any or all of these pages for
Aralic asks the PCs to act as couriers.
"Kavorquian." They will also have met personal use if you prefer not to cut up
They are to take a private letter to the
Aralic, a cleric, who will have told them the central pages.
home of Kavorquian the wizard, who
that he has heard of Kavorquian the wiz-
lives in a hillside mansion about a mile The first adventure begins on page 4,
ard. This adventure begins with Aralic
northeast of Penhaligon. He offers the as the PCs approach the town of Penhali-
telling the PCs that Kavorquian lives in a
PCs 5gp each for this service. This isn't gon, carrying the letter for the wizard.
hillside mansion about a mile northeast
much, but then it's only half a day's The adventure's background is fully de-
of Penhaligon, and the PCs can easily
walk! tailed, but you should read through the

entire module and be familiar with its play through the module. Note what XPs Abbreviations
contents before running any part of it. the characters earned, along with where The following abbreviations are used in
in the dungeon they earned them. This
this module:
If You're a Novice Dungeon Master will also allow you to see at a glance
which locations the PCs have visited. #AT Number of Attacks
If you haven't played King's Festival prior AC Armor Class
to this adventure, you really should! AL Alignment
That module is packed with many useful Monsters
C Chaotic
hints for the novice DM, covering all as- When a monster is described in an indi- Cha Charisma
pects of D&D® game adventuring, to- vidual location, its abilities are given in CL Cleric
gether with helpful play-aids which may abbreviated form. The following infor-
Con Constitution
be photocopied for personal use. mation is covered:
cp Copper Piece
However, Queen's Harvest has been
Name (number); Armor Class; Hit Dice D Dwarf
written with the inexperienced DM in
(or Class and Level for an NPC); hit d Type of Die
mind, too. One thing that should be
points; Movement per turn (and per Dex Dexterity
noted is that, because there is a lot of ad-
combat round in brackets); Number of Drag Damage
venture crammed into this package,
attacks per round; THACO (special—see E Elf
boxed text (for the DM to read to play-
material later in the Introduction); Dam- ep Electrum Piece
ers) is not always used, and when it is
age per attack; Special attacks (poison, F Fighter
given, only the main details of locations
etc.); Save as (Class and Level); Morale; gP Gold Piece
are described.
Alignment; XP value for overcoming H Halfling
You can and should embellish this monster (if there are several of the same HD Hit Dice
boxed text slightly, adding dusty floors, creatures, the number shown is per indi- hp Hit Points
cobwebs, distant hoots or moans, and vidual monster); and Other abilities (if Int Intelligence
similar appropriate details. Customizing any).
rooms to frighten or alarm certain PCs L Lawful
N Neutral
helps to make modules like this one more
Ability Checks NM Normal Man
ML Morale
An extra rule is used in these adventures,
the Ability Check. When the text calls for
MV Movement Rate per Turn
Locations and Mapping (and per round in brackets)
such a check to be made, it will specify
For both adventures, the map on page 15 the Ability (e.g., Charisma Check, Dex- PP Platinum Piece
shows the general area of Penhaligon and terity Check, and so on). The player SA Special Attacks
Stallanford. The location of Kavor- must roll the specified Ability score or (poison, paralysis, etc.)
quian's mansion is marked on it for the lower for his character (on a d20) to suc- Save Save As (Class and Level)
players. ceed in the check. The text explains what sp Silver Piece
Other parts of the module are keyed to will happen if the PC succeeds or fails Str Strength
specific maps. For example, the mod- each Ability Check. T Thief
ule's first adventure takes place in the W Wisdom
basement of the house the PCs will XP Experience Points Earned
visit—shown in Map 1, which can be for Overcoming Monster
found on the left hand side of the mod- THACO is an acronym for "To Hit Ar-
ule's inner cover. mor Class 0 (zero)." It is the minimum
Individual areas on the maps are number needed on a d20 roll to hit an en-
called locations, and when PCs enter emy of AC 0. To find if the creature has
them you should provide basic details of hit its opponent in combat, simply sub-
what the characters see, hear, smell, and tract the opponent's AC from the
so on. Some of this information can be THACO given, and if the d20 roll is
found in the text of the adventure by equal to or greater than that modified
matching the number on the map to the number the creature has struck its en-
number in the text. Remember, you can emy. For example, a monster with a
always add material of your own to the THACO of 17 hits AC1 on 16 or better,
boxed text, too. AC5 on 12 or better, and so on.
It will be useful for you to keep a re-
cord of Experience Points (XPs) earned
by PCs on a spare sheet of paper as you
the wizard's dungeon

The PCs begin by setting off from Stal- is visiting him shortly. In the meantime,
lanford, headed for Kavorquian's home. An elegantly attired butler opens the in reward, how about some dinner?
They need to cover about 12 miles, door and apologizes for your wait. He
which they can do in a day. During the ushers you in through the hall to a Answering Questions
morning the weather is awful—rainy lounge, and offers you glasses of a
very fine white wine while you wait This is done over a delicious dinner,
and windy—but it becomes calmer by
for the new master of the house. served up in Kaerin's dining hall (spa-
early afternoon. The PCs cannot buy
cious and tastefully decorated). How-
horses or mules in Stallanford as none
You can have a little fun role-playing the ever, Kaerin asks as many questions of
are available, so they must go by foot.
butler and fending off questions from the the PCs as they ask of him. You can role-
Read the following to the PCs after play a mutual question and answer ses-
they set out: PCs here; the "master" will tell all. The
butler looks disdainfully at anyone who sion here. Of course, the PCs' answers
wears armor and with considerable sus- will depend on whether they have played
There is little pedestrian traffic on the picion at anyone wearing leather. If you King's Festival or not.
road, but no wagons or horses. The like, he will count the silver items in the
bad weather seems to have made most room while looking up at any PC thieves Kaerin's Questions: Kaerin will, of
people leave travel until tomorrow. from time to time. course, want to know how the PCs got
So, it's peaceful enough. the note. He will ask for details about
The butler will want the PCs' names.
After about six hours or so, toward their adventures in finding it (if there
Then the butler leaves, and after a min-
early evening, you find yourself have been any).
ute or so he reappears with a young man.
standing at the bottom of a path lead- If the PCs have played through King's
He gives the PCs' names to the man, and
ing to several large houses atop a Festival and mention Aralic's rescue,
then announces his master as "Lord
slight hill. Walking up the path, you Kaerin will look very pleased. He also
Kaerin Penhaligon," and leaves.
soon see a notably fine house with perks up at the mention of the Chaotic
some marble statues in its grounds. cleric's defeat or any other actions the
The iron gates have some interesting, You can find a full description of Kaerin
on page 18, and you should give the PCs PCs have undertaken against evil.
unusual designs wrought on them. Kaerin also subtly interjects queries
a good description of what he looks like.
The first thing they'll notice, of course, is about whether the PCs are actively seek-
A PC magic-user or elf can recognize ing adventure.
his missing right arm.
that these designs are actually runes used
by spellcasters, so this is probably The information below covers what
Kaerin will say and how he will reply to Questions by the PCs: Kaerin's replies
Kavorquian's home. The gates can be to the most likely questions are:
opened easily enough, so read on: the questions PCs are most likely to ask.
1. Kavorquian died from natural causes.
The Letter The old wizard was nearly 90 years old,
Your boots crunch on the gravel as
you make your way up to the house. The PCs may offer the letter to Kaerin and unlike some wizards, didn't want to
As you arrive, a liveried manservant right away—or not. Kaerin will, of live forever.
steps on to the porch outside the front course, ask the PCs what brings them to 2. Kaerin honestly doesn't know any-
door to light the lamps on the lintel. the house. If they give some foolish an- thing more about the contents of the
swer, he asks them politely but firmly not note. He will not disclose its contents if
The PCs will presumably ask the man- to waste his time. the PCs have not read it.
servant if this is Kavorquian's home (or, If the PCs do not produce the letter or
if they're feeling confident, ask to see the a reasonable excuse for the visit, they will 3. The butler called him "Lord," so the
wizard). The man will frown slightly, be asked to leave. If this happens, a mes- PCs may suspect he's royalty. Kaerin
and then drop the bombshell that the senger from Stallanford arrives at looks a little uncomfortable and says the
wizard died in his bed three weeks ago. Kaerin's later that night to see if the PCs title is really only honorary. He tries to
However, he quickly adds that, if they got to the house safely. Then a group of change the conversation. However, the
would just like to wait outside for a mo- watchmen from Penhaligon itself will go PCs may persist in this line of question-
ment, someone will speak to them. He and get the PCs and the note and bring ing. Kaerin will admit that he is related
goes back into the house and shuts the them to Kaerin. to the noble family which rules the Es-
door. Allow the players enough time to When Kaerin reads the letter, he will tates of Penhaligon, an area around the
wonder what to do now that the man be alarmed and concerned. He does not town.
they've come to deliver a letter to is dead, know exactly what it means, but says 4. Kavorquian had a wife, but they sepa-
and then read the following to them: that he will take advice from a cleric who rated some years ago.
the WIZARD'S dungeon

5. Kaerin is Kavorquian's only child, The Offer of Adventure

and he realizes that his father was quite sword with an unmistakable gem-set
After the meal, brandies are offered. hilt and pommel. Also, there is a dia-
old when he sired him.
Kaerin does not drink. Then, he will say mond tiara that I know is there, be-
6. To queries about his wounded arm, the following to the PCs, deflecting ques- cause Kavorquian told me about it. I
Kaerin says truthfully that it was torn tions during this little speech, answering want the sword and tiara—you get
away by a monster—a slicer beetle them only when he's finished speaking. everything else you can find.
(which the PCs won't have heard of)— "The problem is, the old man fitted
about a month ago. "I think you might be suitable people the basement with traps and magical
for helping me with a problem I have. guardians. Nothing meant to be le-
Really persistent PCs may keep asking I've only just moved in, having come thal, but it could be dangerous—
about Kaerin's name, relations, his "fa- from Specularum, and I'm still taking possibly very much so, because some
ther," and the like. If this happens, have stock of the whole house. It looks won- of his guardians might be out of con-
the butler appear and serve another derful—apart from the basement." trol now. My problem is simple."
course (which should put a stop to it). If Kaerin shifts in his armchair and Kaerin ruefully points to the missing
the PCs continue, the butler clears his leans forward, looking at each of you arm. "I'm not in a position to go
throat loudly and looks extremely disap- in turn. "I haven't told you every- down myself and get what I want. I
proving. If they still persist, move on to thing of importance. That note is wor- was just about to advertise for adven-
"The Offer of Adventure" below, since rying me because it could concern turers to help when you showed up."
Kaerin won't want to be pumped for in- important people. I can't tell you Kaerin pauses and smiles. "Well?"
formation on the topic of his family. everything, but I will promise to be he asks. "Are you interested? Before
\bu'U have to deal with other ques- wholly truthful in what I do tell you. you say yes or no, though, remember
tions, improvising on the basis of "Kavorquian's basement holds that you can have everything other
Kaerin's profile (page 18) and the infor- some of his magical items and also than the sword and tiara you find in
mation below. some treasure. I want you to find the basement. You must promise to
something down there for me—a deliver those two items to me. I will
the WIZAR&'S fcunqeon

Down In The Basement Lighting, Doors, and Ceilings

also pay you 250 gold pieces each for
finding those two items. And I must Map #1 shows the layout of the basement. All locations are unlit unless the text
have them in 48 hours." Check for wandering monsters only specifies otherwise, but there are brack-
once per hour of game time; a wandering eted wall torches along the corridors
Kaerin can be bargained up to 300gp monster appears on a roll of 1 on Id6. which PCs can use. Doors are unlocked
each if the bargaining PC makes a Cha- Use the table below to determine the unless the text says otherwise. A locked
risma Check. Kaerin does not know ex- monster type (roll Idl2). door can be opened by a thief making an
actly what may be in the basement, and open locks roll or by using the set of keys
he doesn't have keys to rooms there ei- found in location #8. Rooms are 15 feet
ther. He does know that Kavorquian WANDERING MONSTERS high unless otherwise noted.
protected his basement with enchanted
monsters, traps, and some special magi- A Complication
cal creature that can travel through 1-7: Phase Stinger (1). AC4; HD
Although the basement is supposed to be
walls. He also knows that Kavorquian 2 + 1**; hp 10 each; MV 15' (5')/ 15'
deserted, there are some NPCs there.
performed magical experiments with (50') flying; #AT 1 sting; THACO 17;
One group is there on specific business
monsters, and that there might be a few Dmg 1 hit point; SA Paralysis; Save
and is only encountered in a specific set-
failed experiments loose in the basement. MU7; ML 12; AL N; XP 45. See New
ting (location #21).
If the PCs have played King's Festival, Monsters.
However, two other NPCs are mo-
they will probably have a magical staff of 8: Wood Golem (1). See New Monsters. bile; you can place them wherever you
healing. However, if your PCs do not like (before location #21). They have
have such an item, Kaerin possesses one 9: Giant Rats (2d6); AC 7; HD ; hp 3
managed to sneak into the basement in
which he will lend to them if they agree to each; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 bite; THACO
the hope of looting it. They are thieves
gather the two items for him. 19; Dmg Id3; Save NM; ML 8; AL N; after all!
Kaerin is adamant that he must have XP 5. These rats do not carry disease.
These two NPCs are smart. They will
the sword and the tiara in 48 hours, and 10: Shadows (Id4); AC7; HD 2 + 2*; hp not attack a sizeable PC party, and they
if pressed, he will say that he needs them 10 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 touch; may own up to being thieves trusting to
for a social function. He will admit no THACO 17; Dmg Id4 + special; SA tem- Erren's Charisma to get away with this
more, but says that if the PCs can't de- porary Strength drain; Save F2; ML 12; open admission.
liver the items in time the reward is for- AL C; XP 35. Shadows are only hit by Indeed, if the thieves have entered one
feit (although they can keep any treasure magic weapons and are immune to charm or two rooms, there may be signs of their
from the basement). and sleep spells, surprising on 1-5 on Id6 recent work, and you may wish to alter
If the PCs agree, Kaerin notes that it is roll. some of the location descriptions accord-
late and the PCs must be tired (which ingly. For example, Sarrah has a bad cold
they are; if the heroes want to start to- 11: Fire Beetles (Id4); AC4; HD 1 +2;
hp 7 each; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 bite; and tends to drop one or two of her
night, say they really must rest). He ar- scented handkerchiefs now and then.
ranges for his butler to show them to THACO 18; Dmg 2d4; Save Fl; ML 7;
AL N; XP 15. These two NPCs will try to steal from
comfortable guest rooms. the PCs if they can, but they may well try
They are awoken with a good break- 12: Illusory monster! PCs are "at- to help the PCs with a fight or two—so
fast early the next morning, and after tacked" by phantom cabinet, wardrobe, that they look brave and helpful. They'll
bathing and dressing, they will be taken table, and so on, which does no damage flatter the egos of tough male fighters so
to the wine cellars of the house, where the and vanishes after 4 rounds. they can be assured protection. They'll
door to the basement is. Kaerin will ex- stay with the PCs and pick a pocket or
tract a promise from each character that Timekeeping two, then escape.
he will do his very best to retrieve the
items by the evening of the next day. This This is crucial. The PCs start at 8 A.M.
gives the PCs two game days to find the on one game day and must deliver the
goods by 8 P.M. the following day. With NPC MINI-CAPSULE
sword and tiara. Allowing for rest, sleep,
meals, and relearning spells, a game day 12 hours sleep and rest, they have only
is 12 hours long. two 12-hour days to attain their goal.
Keep careful track of time! Erren and Sarrah
The PCs, of course, will expect to be Thieves
able to move to and from the house with (Erren 3rd Level/Sarrah 2nd Level)
ease. Are they in for a surprise!
the wizard's dungeon

Erren: Str 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Dex 16, 3. CONCEALED PIT If one or more PCs are in location #2
Con 11, Cha 18; AL N; Hit Points 10; at the time, allow them to run forward to
AC4 {leather armor + / ) , magic items This 10'xlO' pit can not be detected, join the others. If they don't do this, they
owned: potion of invisibility. Erren has a
even by a dwarf. The pit is 6' deep and a will be trapped at the bottom of the stairs
backpack with normal equipment, and fall into it causes Id4 points of damage. It and won't be able to open the doors to
has a short sword and dagger. is concealed by stone-covered metal join their friends!
plates that slide laterally and are trig-
Erren is 22 /ears old, 5'6", with gered as described below in "Mayhem in
shoulder-length strawberry-blonde hair (ii) The pit in location #3 opens, and any
the Basement."
and big blue-green eyes. She likes to play PCs standing on it are dumped down for
being a dumb blonde, but she is smart Id4 damage. The pit plates instantane-
3a. SECRET ALCOVE ously close again, sealing them in! The
and highly manipulative. From Specu-
larum, she is worldly and fairly cynical. There is a tiny secret door here, one foot only way to rescue anyone trapped is by
square, 5 feet above ground level. If using the lever in location #3a.
Sarrah: Str 13, Int 13, Wis 7, Dex 18, opened, there is a 1 cubic foot recess
Con 13, Cha 13; AL N; Hit Points 9; which has a lever within it. If the lever is (iii) In the distance (the PCs can't tell ex-
AC4 (leather armor), magic item owned: pulled down, the pit in location #3 will actly where), a bell rings loudly. The
short sword +2. Sarrah has a backpack open; if the lever is pushed back up, the door to location #4 opens, and the magen
with normal equipment, and also carries a pit closes. steps out. This action has the usual
dagger and light crossbow with 15 bolts. chance of 2 in 6 to surprise the PCs.
Sarrah is 20 years old, 5' 8", and of Combats
stronger build than the slender Erren. This chamber is dusty, cobwebbed, and
dirty. There is a little junk (worthless Two combats will now take place. First,
She is quite tough, tanned from outdoor
small furniture items, a moldy carpet or those outside the pit battle the magen.
work, and, while unwise, is not foolish.
two) stacked against the east wall, and a The caldron magen can stretch its arms
She leaves the talking to Erren when she
caldron magen (see New Monsters) lurk- 20' to attack. However, because the mag-
can. Sarrah is also from Specularum,
ing within. ical creature has been uncontrolled by a
fairly new to thievery, and somewhat in
mage for some time, its grasp is not as
awe of the more self-confident and as-
Caldron Magen: AC5; HD 4*; hp 14; firm as usual. Its hit causes normal
sertive Erren. Away from Erren, she is
MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 grasp and acid; (ldlO) damage, but the magen cannot
reserved but friendly if talked to kindly,
THAC0 16; Dmg ldlO; Save F4; ML 12; continue to hold its enemy after a hit. In-
and she could become a trusty and brave
AL N; XP 125. stead, it must make a fresh to hit roll
companion for the PCs if they can get her
every time it strikes.
to separate from Erren.
Again, the magen's actions are detailed A second fight begins in the pit, for on
below in "Mayhem in the Basement." the round after anyone has been dumped
KAVORQUIAN'S BASEMENT down it, a phase stinger (see New Mon-
Mayhem in the Basement! sters) appears through the wall of the pit,
1. SPIRAL STAIRCASE surprising PCs on a roll of 1-5 on Id6.
When any PC stands over the pit in loca-
Beyond the door in the cellar is a stone tion #3, the PCs hear a small voice ap-
spiral staircase, descending into dark- Phase Stinger: AC4; HD 2 + 1**; hp 10;
parently coming from the east wall! It MV 150' (50') ); #AT 1; THAC0 17;
ness. PCs must have a light source to go says simply, "What's the password?"
down the steps safely. Keep a careful note Dmg 1 hit point + special; SA Paralysis;
Obviously the PCs have no idea at all Save MU7; ML 12; AL N; XP 45. See
of who is carrying what light source. This what the password is, so whatever they
will be crucial shortly. New Monsters.
say is wrong. Whether the PCs guess or
not, on the round after the voice is heard The stinger causes paralysis for 2-8 turns
2. BASEMENT LANDING the following things occur: or until a cure light wounds spell is cast on
The staircase descends 60 feet, terminat- the victim. Phase stingers do not con-
(i) At the points marked " X " in location tinue to attack paralyzed opponents. If
ing in this bare chamber. The floor is #2, 10' thick stone slabs that reach to the
dusty, and no tracks or marks are visible. the stinger paralyzes all the PCs in the
ceiling suddenly slide outward and meet pit, it departs.
The points on the walls marked " X " on in the center of the room. The southern
Map #1 (where secret sliding doors are half of room #2 is totally blocked off (and
located) do not appear unusual and PCs the PCs can't get back to the staircase).
will not be able to detect them.
the 's dungeon

Any characters caught without a light junk (broken pipes, small pottery as they stay in this room.
source during combat must fight with a dwarves holding fishing rods, and so on): The chandelier can be disabled by in-
penalty of - 4 to hit (unless they have a crystal bird (75gp) and a sandalwood flicting 10 hit points of damage (consider
infravision). box with mother-of-pearl inlay (75gp). as AC9); it is 15' off the ground, so it
When the fight is over, the PCs will The liquor cabinet contains a set of six may be hard to reach. Award 50 XPs for
want to check the stone walls in location silver goblets worth 25gp each and a disabling the chandelier.
#2. Make it plain that there is no way of crystal decanter worth 50gp. The crystal
dealing with them; they are an impen- items are fragile and will smash if the PC 8. KITCHENS
etrable barrier. PCs may look for secret carrying them falls down. The ornamen-
doors or search for a lever like the one in tal spears have blue, undetailed pen- This chamber contains work tables, cop-
location #3a, but there aren't any to be nants, but are otherwise quite normal per utensils, pots, bowls, a stove with a
found. and of no combat value. magical fire within it, and other cooking
The zombies the wizard used for do-
5. GUEST ROOM 7. DINING ROOM mestic servants are not exactly the tops
The door to this room is locked. If the PCs will see under this room's doors if for hygiene, so they wear thick leather
PCs get in, read the following: they make a successful Intelligence gloves to hold the meat cleavers they em-
Check. When the PCs enter, read the fol- ploy as weapons. Kavorquian was not
This is a comfortably decorated room, lowing: evil, but he had no objections to animat-
with fair carpets and furnishings and a ing particularly evil enemies of his as
pair of beds. Beside each bed is a small This is clearly a dining room. There is zombies to serve him.
table with a lamp, a goblet, and an a large table with six chairs around it, Three of these zombies wait mind-
urn. The west wall has a tapestry and six place settings of silver and lessly here, but will attack if this area or
showing elves frolicking in the wood- china. A painting of an imposing old location #7 are entered. Note that zom-
lands. There is a brass gong on a wizard hangs on the west wall. A side- bies that are turned by a cleric in the
stand by one bed. table with glasses, a bowl, and vases of basement only stay turned for 1 turn (10
long-dead flowers rests under the rounds). After this time, they will hunt
The tapestry is valuable (worth 200gp), painting. A splendid crystal chande- the PCs if they are have not been slain.
as are the silver goblets (25gp each). If lier that glows with a soft, magical
the beds are carefully searched (takes 1 light is mounted on the ceiling above Zombies (3): AC8; HD 2; hp 5, 7, 12;
turn), a small silver ring with a blue- the table. MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 meat cleaver;
green gem is found under the pillow THAC0 18; Dmg Id8; Save Fl; ML 12;
(value 75gp). The gong is too heavy to The place settings are each worth 25gp, ALC;XP20.
carry. If it is struck, immediately make a but have an encumbrance value of 25 en.
wandering monster check. The crystal bowl is worth 70gp. There is no treasure here, but there is a
The painting is of Kavorquian, al- large set of keys—some 20 in all—on the
6. LOUNGE though there is nothing on it to show this. wall by the north door. These keys open
The painting shows a man in his seven- all the doors in the basement, but 2-12
When the PCs enter, read the following: ties, wearing blue and cream robes. He is rounds must be spent each time a door is
thin, almost 6' tall, with graying brown to be opened, looking for the right key!
This is a rather agreeable lounge, with hair and brown eyes—very different
armchairs, a flickering fire in a grate, from Kaerin. The painting is too heavy 9 & 10. STORES
rugs, mahogany furnishings—not well to carry and has no value.
maintained, alas—and a liquor cabi- These storage chambers contain dried
One round after the PCs enter the fruit, sacks of grain, moldy cheese, rot-
net. There is a pair of spears mounted room, the chandelier glows brightly and
above the fireplace, and a mantel with ted meat, bottled fruits, dried and
casts a light spell at the eyes of one PC smoked fish, and a supply of kitchen
some ornaments. Very cozy! (choose at random); the PC must make a linen and spare dishes. The bottled and
Saving Throw versus Spells or be dried fruit is edible, so PCs can stock up
The fire is magical and burns apparently blinded for 4 rounds. if they brought no food with them. A
without wood. Any PC foolish enough to On the same round, the door to loca- very careful search in location #10 (3
put his hand in the flame takes Id8 points tion #8 opens and the monsters there turns) turns up a forgotten silver sugar
of damage. (zombies) enter and attack. The chande- bowl that has exceptional filigree work
The mantel holds two valuable orna- lier will also continue to cast light spells at and is worth 50gp.
ments along with a bunch of worthless PCs at random, one per round, as long
the wizard's dungeon

11. WEAPONS ROOM venture. After all, the agreement was to

Its skin is made of stone, and it streaks take the sword to Kaerin; it's fine to use
When the PCs can see the door to this through the air straight at you! the weapon to help you return it!
chamber, read the following to them:
If a detect magic spell is used, one of the
Gargoyle: AC5; HD 4*; hp 14; MV 90' crossbows radiates magic. This is a cross-
The door here is unusual. It is made (30') or 150' (50') flying; #AT 2 claws/ bow + 1, and a PC using it adds + 1 to all
of a glossy black wood with iron 1 bite/1 horn; THACO 16; Dmg Id3/ hit rolls made when firing bolts from this
hinges, and there is a plaque affixed to Id3/ld6/ld4; Save F8; ML 11; AL C; weapon.
it, bearing an etched warning: "Do XP 125.
not enter! Guardian is hostile and 12. ARMOR CACHE
very dangerous! K." This gargoyle is large enough to attack
two PCs at once, striking one with a claw The secret door to this chamber is locked
The PCs have been warned, so they and the other PC with its other three and must be opened in the usual way. In-
should be at full strength to enter this attacks. side the bare chamber are two suits of
area. They will have to pass through this If the PCs defeat the creature and chain mail, one suit of dwarf-sized plate
room at some stage, since the sword search the room, they find 12 long mail, and four shields, on stands. The
Kaerin wants is within. The door is swords, 3 two-handed swords, 4 short dwarf-sized plate mail is plate mail +1;
locked, of course. swords, 1 longbow, 3 crossbows, 1 mace, nothing else is magical, but it is all in
When the PCs enter, read the follow- 30 arrows in a quiver, a box of 60 cross- good condition.
ing to them: bow bolts, and 6 spears. Only two of
these weapons are unusual in any way. 13. BATHROOM
Many weapons line the room on One of the two-handed swords has If the PCs open the door to this locked
shelves and in racks. The guardian is gems set into the hilt and pommel, and is room, read the following:
a horrid thing, a horned and fanged obviously the sword Kaerin wants. It is a
winged monster with raking talons. magical two-handed sword + 2. It is per- This is a splendid bath chamber! A
fectly permissible for a PC to use the sunken bath of marble dominates the
sword if he wishes to do so during the ad-
the WIZARD'S dungeon

room, and the walls are covered with

14. SMALL STUDY This room appears to be largely filled
blue and green enameled tiles. A This room is lit by a chandelier similar to with coal. A pair of large shovels are
quilted bathrobe hangs on a peg, and that in location #7, which is not going to half-buried in the stuff, which is
you see copper urns, a table with soap attack, however. The door is locked. heaped up toward the eastern end of
and some vials, and a pile of towels. There is a 50 % chance that the monsters the room. There are squeaking noises
There is a commode in the southeast- here will be in the room when the PCs coming from under a pile of empty
ern corner of the room. enter (giving the stingers the usual 2 in 6 sacks in the north.
surprise chance), and a 50% chance that
The first PC to enter the room is in for a they sense the PCs beginning to open the The giant rats here are desperately hun-
nasty surprise. Above the door is a col- door and phase through the wall to attack gry and unless the PCs throw food to
ony of green slime, which will drip on the the second rank of the party, giving them them (which keeps them busy for 2
PC as he enters. A hit roll is needed, but a surprise chance of 5 in 6. The study has rounds per set of rations thrown) they at-
every PC trying to enter is subject to this a couple of reading tables, a desk, several tack with the frenzied desperation of the
attack, and any AC bonus from shield or chairs, a ratty old wolfskin rug, and starving.
Dexterity is negated. shelves of books.
Giant Rats (10): AC7; HD 7; hp 3 each;
Green Slime: AC can always be hit; HD Phase Stingers (2): AC4; HD 2 + 2 ; hp MV 120' (60'); #AT 1 bite; THACO 19;
2**; MV 3' (1'); #AT 1 drip (but see be- 18, 8; MV 150' (50') ; #AT 1; THACO Dmg Id3 + special; ML 11 (unfed) or 8
low); THACO 18; Dmg see below; Save 17; Dmg 1 hit point + special; SA Paral- (after eating); AL N; XP 5(x8), 6(x2).
Fl; ML 12; AL N; XP 30. Note that due ysis; Save MU7; ML 12; AL N; XP 45.
to a printing error this monster is incor- Rats #3 and #8 carry a disease; let the PC
rectly detailed in the Dungeon Master's The books cover various subjects—herb know this if bitten ("the rat which bit you
Rulebook. lore, astrology, dwarven kinship rituals, had a disgusting foam around its
childrens' games—and are worth be- mouth"). In fact, this disease can be
The slime gets one attack at anyone who tween 20 and lOOgp each. There are 100 avoided if a Saving Throw against Poi-
enters the room or attacks it (it splashes books in all, but each PC should only be son is made, and even if this is failed the
when struck). It can only be damaged by able to carry two or three, as they are PC will not die for 4 days.
fire. It dissolves wood or leather in- rather heavy volumes. PCs may wonder what on earth a coal
stantly. It dissolves metal in 6 rounds. On top of the desk are sheafs of vellum hole is doing down here since the fires
When the slime penetrates armor, it and inks which are valuable (80gp for the use no coal. It's just a ruse, of course.
will then start to affect flesh: 1-4 rounds lot), and some quill pens. The area in front of the secret door has a
after contacting flesh it turns the victim The desk has two drawers, both of little coal in front of it. The secret door is
to slime! This can only be stopped by which are locked. The lower drawer con- locked and trapped, with the trap being a
burning the stuff off, which causes half tains two magical potions (one is a potion 10' cube of paralyzing gas whose effects
the damage inflicted to the slime and half of healing, the other, of invisibility), and a last for Id4 hours unless a Saving Throw
to the PC. pouch with three red-orange gems worth versus Poison is made. The passage be-
Green slime is very dangerous if PCs 50gp each. yond the secret door is only 4 feet wide,
don't know that it is only vulnerable to The upper drawer is also locked, and and PCs must walk in single file along it.
fire. If they have no idea what to do, wait has a trap; if the trap is activated by
until the slime is in contact with flesh, opening the drawer without unlocking it, 16. ZOMBIE GUARDS
then allow the wisest cleric PC a Wisdom yellow-green gas fills the room in one
Check to remember that fire burns round, and anyone inside must make a This bare chamber contains only four
slime. They may just save a PC that way! Saving Throw versus Poison or be para- mindless guards. One stands before each
lyzed for Id4 hours. This drawer con- of the southern doors, and two stand in
If the PCs get into the bathroom, the
tains a bag with 60pp and 50gp. the center of the room. When the PCs
four crystal vials are empty (smelling
enter, those in the middle approach to at-
faintly of soap) and are worth 25gp each.
tack. Unless the PCs attack from both di-
The bathrobe is worth 20gp but has an 15. THE COAL HOLE rections, one of the zombies (nearest a
encumbrance value of 75 en; inside one
The steps to this chamber lead down 10' door) will head down the corridor to the
pocket is a small aquamarine gem worth
to a locked door. If the PCs open it, read southern secret doors and attempt an at-
the following: tack on the party's rear.

the wizaRd's dungeon

Zombies (4): AC8; HD 2; hp 14, 12, 6, AL N; XP 35. This manlike statue is un- 21. KAVORQUIAN'S CHAMBER
9; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 fist; THACO 18; affected by sleep or charm spells.
Dmg Id8; Save Fl; ML 12; AL N; When the PCs get within 5 feet of this
XP20. door, read the following to them:
It will take time to search here. Each
turn, PCs can collect small gems, bottles
of rare substances, brass and bronze ves- A thick, heavy oak door bars your
sels small enough to carry, and parch- way, but even through the thickness of
The door to this chamber is locked; read ment bearing alchemical recipes, to the the wood you can hear the clang of
the following when the PCs enter: value of lOOgp (encumbrance value 20 metal and shouting.
en per 100 gp value). They can keep this
This small chamber is decorated in up for 6 turns, grabbing a total of up to This gives the PCs time to make prepara-
azure and sky blue, and has chairs, 600gp worth. tions, for they are going to have a tough
footstools, and a large brass bowl on However, each turn there is a 1 in 6 fight in this room. The door is locked,
the east wall. The carpets here are chance that their search creates some re- but when they open it they have a 3 in 6
thick and quite luxurious; the whole action involving chemicals and the magi- chance of surprise on the NPCs inside,
room smells slightly spicy and sweet. cally sustained fire, causing something to and the PCs cannot be surprised them-
explode, shooting hot liquid over one PC selves, since they have heard the noise. If
The brass vessel is an incense burner, (choose at random from those who are the PCs hear the battle and go away, re-
and the strong smell comes from the searching) for Id4 points of damage. turning later, the noise will have died
small amount of incense within. If the down and they will only have the usual 2
burner is checked carefully, the PC can in 6 surprise chance when they enter.
find a small catch in the front and open a 20. MONSTER PENS When they do enter, read the following:
compartment in the bottom of the vessel In this chamber, Kavorquian kept mon-
which has a small mahogany box (worth sters that he used for magical experi- This huge chamber must have been
lOgp) with six blocks of sweet, fragrant ments. Most of them—including a luxurious once, for the carpets, fur-
incense (worth 25gp per block). carrion crawler and a giant lizard—died nishings, books, and paintings look of
from starvation some time ago, and their high quality. But this isn't your con-
18. CONNECTING CHAMBER corpses litter the floor. One of the crea- cern now. There is a pile of shattered
tures remains alive, however, having es- iron on the ground and four people in
This small antechamber has no decora- caped from its wooden cage and eaten the room. A dwarf in plate mail is in-
tions, only a pair of valueless gray robes the metal ones. It is now extremely specting his hand axe, while a tough-
on pegs and a tattered pair of old slippers hungry. looking fighter in chain mail is
on the floor. If the smartest PC makes an
dragging his blade out of the mass of
Intelligence Check, he can see splash
Rust Monster: AC2; HD5*; hp 20; MV iron. A dark-haired man with chain
marks (of liquid, now dried) on the floor.
120' (40'); #AT 1; THACO 15; Dmg mail and a mace is touching the shoul-
special; Save F3; ML 7; AL N; XP 300. der of a robed, blond man who has a
19. LABORATORY dagger in a scabbard and a bone tube
Both doors to this chamber are locked. The PCs can delay the creatures with at at his belt, from which a scroll has
When the PCs enter, read the following: least 6 iron spikes (or more) for 1 round, been half-extracted.
but unless they do something amazingly
Glassware, brass and bronze vessels, clever like luring it into another room These NPCs have just destroyed an iron
and similar things clutter this room. with a trail of spikes and then shutting it living statue. They will attack the PCs
There are flickering flames from sev- in that other room, they will have to fight immediately; if the PCs waste time try-
eral iron burners, and the atmosphere it. If they are smart enough to do some- ing to negotiate, they have a - 1 to the
is heavy and warm. There are many thing as clever as luring it away, award Initiative Roll in combat. If the PCs
tables and cupboards, and the glint of full XPs for overcoming it. don't have surprise, but attack at once,
strange and rare substances— A hit from the monster destroys metal then the fighter has a - 2 penalty to Ini-
sulphur, mercury, gems, and crystals. armor or shield, although magical metal tiative, since he is retrieving his weapon.
But there is also a guardian in the has a chance to survive— 10 % per magi-
room, and it immediately attacks you! cal plus (e.g., a shield +3 has a 30% Gurdrot, Dwarf: AC2 (plate mail and
chance of not being turned to dust by a shield); D l ; hp 6; MV 60' (20'); #AT 1
Crystal Living Statue: AC4; HD 3; hp rust monster). Metal weapons striking hand axe; THACO 18 with Strength bo-
12; MV 90' (30'); #AT 2 fists; THACO the monster are likewise subject to cor- nus; Dmg Id6 + 1 (Strength bonus);
17; Dmg Id6/ld6; Save F3; ML 11; rosion. Save D l ; ML 11; AL C; XP 10.

the wizaRd's dungeon

Hargrinn Coogan, Fighter: AC3 (chain If there are no PC magic-users who if you have photocopied it or write out a
mail and shield +1); F2; hp 11; MV 90' can cast a knock spell, it is important that longhand version for them.
(30'); #AT 1 sword; THACO 18 (with the players get the scroll from the NPCs. Chest #2 contains bags of platinum
Strength bonus); Dmg Id8 + 1 (Strength The tiara that Kaerin wants is located be- and a fabulous tiara, made of gold and
bonus); Save F2; ML 11; AL C; XP 20. hind the southern door, but the door is set with diamonds, rubies, and pearls. It
held closed by a wizard lock spell. is obviously the one Kaerin sent you af-
Katzani, Cleric: AC3 (chain mail,
If the PCs manage to take the NPCs ter. It is of exquisite workmanship and
shield, Dexterity bonus); C3; hp 13; MV
prisoner, they will not talk. They hope worth 10,000gp—but the PCs do not get
90' (30'); #AT 1 mace; THACO 18 with
that powerful friends will get them out of to keep it, and XPs are not awarded for
mace; Dmg Id6 + 1 with magical mace
trouble later, and they will give nothing this. The bags of gold contain a variable
+ 1; Save C3; ML 10; AL C; XP 50.
amount. The total sum is 200 pp per PC
Katzani has used one cure light wounds away about what they have been doing
here. Not even a charm person spell will do in the party.
spell, but has not used the other. He
keeps it for himself! the trick! At the first opportunity, the
NPCs will leave via the open trap door in Getting Out
Mordrain, Magic-User: AC7 (ring ofpro- the ceiling, using tables and chairs to
tection + 1, Dexterity bonus), but see be- climb up to it. The PCs can leave by the trap door in lo-
low; MU3; hp 8; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 cation #21. They do have to get 15 feet
In this main chamber, small items (or- up to the ladder, though. A thief can
dagger; THACO 19 (melee) or 18 (with naments, trinkets, and the like) can be
missiles); Dmg Id4; Save MU3; ML 9; climb the walls to get up and tie a rope to
taken to the value of 200gp; other items the ladder or PCs can stack furniture un-
AL C; XP 50. Mordrain has already cast are too heavy or bulky to carry. None of
his shield spell, which gives him AC2 in til they can climb to the exit. In either
the books are of major interest or value. case, a Dexterity Check must be made
melee and AC0 against missiles. He has
the spells magic missile and levitate.
for a PC to successfully reach the ladder.
The dwarf will try to attack an elf PC if The door is locked and also has a wizard CONCLUDING
possible; he hates elves ("take that, you lock spell on it. If the PCs can enter the THE ADVENTURE
pointy-eared pile of pig's droppings"). room, read the following:
You will need to modify the ending below
Otherwise, he attacks a fighter-type. The if the PCs do not get out on the second
fighter, Hargrinn, will head for the You see a small, barren, chamber.
Virtually nothing worth mentioning day: there will be no extra payment and
toughest-looking PC fighter. Katzani is a no evening visit by Kaerin.
mean and cowardly sort, and tries to at- in here, except for two chests standing
on the floor by the opposite wall. The PCs climb the ladder and emerge
tack a thief or magic-user with his mace through a secret trap door in the butler's
(but other PCs should easily be able to cut pantry. Kaerin is present with several
him off). Mordrain tries to cast his levitate The chests are both locked, and both are
trapped with a paralyzing gas trap (per- chain mail-clad fighters, and a tall, im-
spell, then his magic missile spell against a posing, man in his 60's who has gray-
PC, and throws daggers (he has 5 of these) son opening chest unless the trap has
been defused must Save versus Poison or white hair and pale blue eyes. Kaerin
at PCs who are not in melee combat. introduces him as Baron Sherlane.
These NPCs are Chaotic, but not be paralyzed for Id4 hours).
Chest #1 contains several magic PCs will immediately note that Kaerin
fools. They will not fight if their deaths
will obviously ensue and will do almost items—a pair of blue elven boots, a wand of now has two arms and is wearing plate
magic detection with 10 charges, asling + 1, mail. There is blood on the floor, and in
anything, even offer their magic items if the room beyond two men are carrying a
they must, to stay alive. a sword, and three leather-bound books.
The sword is magical: it is a long sword coffin out. Kaerin looks grim and tells
+ 1, +2 versus spellcasters. the PCs that the bandits they have just
When the dust settles, the PCs can see faced were almost certainly let in by the
one additional detail of the room; the Two books are spellbooks! The first
butler, since he has now disappeared.
trap door in the ceiling, which is open. It contains the spells floating disc, light, con-
Kaerin has no idea what they were up to.
is dark beyond, but there is a 60' high tinual light and invisibility. The second
They did, however, quietly kill three of
shaft that has an iron-rung ladder on contains the spells magic missile, protection
his servants.
each side. from evil, knock, and mirror image.
The third book is a notebook. Most of If there are any NPCs with the PCs
Searching the NPCs, the PCs can find (Erren, Sarrah, or any of the Chaotics)
little treasure—Katzani has a gold brace- the entries are of no importance—
jottings about alchemy and astronomy— Kaerin will want to know exactly who
let worth 60gp and the magic-user has a they are and what they have been doing.
scroll in a bone tube with two knock spells but the last page is of interest to the PCs.
Give the players the handout on page 18 He will not allow any of the thieves to get
written on it.

the WIZAROS dungeon

away without being punished and will talking now. His voice is authoritative
have constables from Penhaligon sum- and commanding. PCs should be aware ne whose rulership he does not care
moned to cart them off to jail. Only im- that this man is powerful, wise, and for. Either way, the result would be
passioned pleading by a PC (e.g., if someone of importance, although they bad for the land. And the duke has
Sarrah helped the PCs a lot) on behalf of will not know exactly what position he much else to worry about.
an NPC will change Kaerin's mind. holds in the land as yet. "Further, I do not think you will be
Kaerin will be delighted by the sword Read Sherlane's speech below to the safe here. The killers you overcame
and tiara—the tiara is the crucial item. players: must have friends; they had an agent
He pays the PCs the agreed reward in in this very house. \bu must leave and
platinum pieces. He will excuse himself, go to the last place on earth these peo-
"I think I should first explain the im-
saying that he has to attend to the ple would expect you to go—to the
portance of this household. Kaerin is
house—there are dead folk to deal with. keep of this self-styled "queen," Il-
the son—adopted, to be sure—of Ka-
Sherlane gives him a nod at this point. yana, to strike a crippling blow at her
vorquian the wizard. That old man
there. She cannot yet have raised a
Later, Kaerin will meet with the PCs was the brother of Lord Arturus
large force—but it will grow with each
again (after their wounds have been Penhaligon, who died some four years
passing week.
tended to and so on). He presses the PCs ago. It is his daughter, Lady Arteris,
about whether they found anything in who is the ruler of the Estates of Penha- "You can accomplish much if you
Kavorquian's basement that could ex- ligon and directly responsible to Duke have the bravery and strength. A
plain why the raiders went to such Stefan Karameikos himself. I am, shall larger force would be seen too early;
lengths to get into the cellars. we say, an old family friend. The note surprise would be lost. A capable,
you brought from Aralic is fairly cryp- small group could use hit-and-run
If the PCs don't offer Kaerin the note-
tic, but it makes sense now that we tactics, striking a blow and retreating,
book (which they should), Sherlane will
have Kavorquian's notebook." returning and striking again, finally
ask about the books they are carrying.
overcoming this evil woman and
Kaerin will leaf through it, get to the last
bringing peace to the land. If you do
page, and look anxious. He gives it to At this point, if the PCs have not previ- not, there will be war and you will not
Sherlane to read. Sherlane then tells the ously seen the last page in the notebook, be safe wherever you go. The enemy
PCs politely that he would be very grate- give them a copy of it as shown on page knows you now."
ful if they would stay. They have become 18. If the PCs have not seen the note
involved in something of great import, Aralic sent, give them the handout from
and for their own protection, they should The PCs should take up this challenge;
page 32. Sherlane then continues.
know what may be going on. Sherlane their adventure against the "queen" is
says he wishes to speak with advisors the next stage of this module! If they do
"The queen referred to in the note not, have them attacked regularly by
about the notebook entry. Kaerin notes you brought is known to me. Her
that he has a social engagement that small groups of NPCs like the one the en-
name is Ilyana, and she is a fighter of countered in the basement until they de-
evening. some merit. She is intensely Chaotic, cide to do the right thing.
Kaerin and Sherlane then leave for the and a vicious and evil person. She is
evening. The PCs get the food and rest \bu may need to deal with PCs' ques-
also the illegitimate daughter of the
they need. This is a convenient place to tions here. The most important is: where
old Lord Arturus.
award XPs, share magic items, and let is the queen's keep to be found? Sherlane
"It is clear that Ilyana is raising a will point out the keep's general location
players amend character sheets. XPs are force to attack Penhaligon itself. Al-
not awarded for the reward payable by on a map similar to the Area Map on
though she is illegitimate, only Arteris page 15 of the module.
Kaerin; this counts only as money. There stands between her and the rightful
is also a bonus of 100 XPs per PC if they If the PCs accept, the final adventure
claim to the rulership of the estates.
got the sword and tiara within the 48 will soon be upon them! However, they
Kaerin, being adopted, would not
hour deadline. may have some other questions, and a
have a claim.
role-playing conversation with Kaerin
"If she should take the estates, and Sherlane over brandies—after they
Later That Same Evening . . . Duke Stefan might have to accept her have agreed to help—should be informa-
Kaerin and Sherlane return to talk to the claim. If he did, the place would be tive and fun for the PCs.
PCs. Kaerin's face is slightly flushed and ruled by chaos and evil. If he did not
The following topics of conversation
he looks very happy. Sherlane has a pa- and took the estates back by force,
may arise. You can let the PCs have some
tient smile on his face, but when they many other local rulers would say that
or all of the information below as you see
meet the PCs their expressions become the duke feels free to overthrow any-
fit, either in response to PCs' questions
more serious. It is Sherlane who does the or as comments by the NPCs.

the WIZARD'S dungeon

Kaerin's Arm: Kaerin says that Sherlane

has been able to help him with this prob-
lem. If pressed, Sherlane says that magi-
cal help was necessary.
The Sword and the Tiara: Kaerin
wanted the sword in order to look dash-
ing and the tiara as a gift. He has just
dined with Lord Desmond Kelvin II,
ruler of the great town of Kelvin, and his
daughter Alerena. He has been paying
court to her, and after his resplendent
gift, Desmond softened and agreed to
Kaerin becoming engaged to his daugh-
ter. PCs will need to ask tactful questions
to get this information.
Baron Sherlane: The PCs may ask what
he is a baron of, or words to that effect.
Sherlane smiles, and Kaerin mutters
something about not introducing people
by titles again. Sherlane says he is the
ruler of Threshold, a major town west of
the River Shutturgal, some 40 miles
northwest from Penhaligon.

Kaerin and Sherlane will have much to

do, and the PCs should move on to the
next adventure quickly. Sherlane insists
that Kaerin must stay with Lady Arteris
for safety. Sherlane himself has other
problems; Threshold is under attack
(goblins, ores, and worse!) and he has
certain political worries at the present
time. In other words, the PCs should
quickly realize that they are making their
trip to the queen's keep alone.
Still, the PCs are being sent on a tough
mission, so the NPCs will give them
some help before they leave. If the PCs
did not have a staff of healing until Kaerin
lent them his, he now gives this to them.
Sherlane will cast a spell to cure a disease
if there is a rat-bitten PC, and if a Lawful
PC has been killed during the adventure
he will read a scroll that will return that
PC to life! He says that this is a boon
which can only be granted once.
Soon, however, the player characters
find themselves on the road again, this
time in search of the queen's keep!

i l?ex = 4 Miles T
Ready-to-pLay chaRacteRS

PC #1: Fighter, 2nd Level

Strength: 16 ( + 2 bonus to melee Hit rolls and
damage, + 2 bonus to opening doors)
Intelligence: 7
Wisdom: 8 ( - 1 penalty to Saving Throws against
Players may use their own PCs for this module, but they should Dexterity: 13 ( + 1 bonus to missile fire Hit rolls,
not be significantly more powerful than the ones shown here. - 1 bonus to Armor Class)
These pregenerated PCs should be used in the order shown here Constitution: 16 ( + 2 bonus to hit point rolls)
if there are fewer than 7 players. If there are only 4 players, the Charisma: 10
DM should play PC #6 as an NPC who is known to the PCs and
has agreed to adventure with them. Armor Class: 1 (includes Dexterity bonus, wears plate
mail and shield)
Certain details of these characters—their name, age, sex,
Hit Points: 14 (includes Constitution bonus)
personality, and so on—have not been filled in so players may
Money: 700gp
personalize the characters. It is strongly suggested that most of
XP: 2,035
the PCs be Lawful, and none should be Chaotic. If two clerics
are being played, both should be of the same alignment (prefer- Bonus to earned XPs: 10 %
ably Lawful) to avoid discord in the party. XPs needed for 3rd level: 4,000
Magic item owned: (normal) sword + 1

PC #2: Cleric, 2nd Level PC #3: Elf, 1st Level

Strength: 13 ( + 1 bonus to melee Hit rolls and Strength: 13 ( + 1 bonus to melee Hit rolls and
damage, + 1 bonus to opening doors) damage, + 1 bonus to opening doors)
Intelligence: 9 Intelligence: 13 ( + 1 language of player's choice)
Wisdom: 16 ( + 2 bonus to Saving Throws against Wisdom: 9
Magic) Dexterity: 15 ( + 1 bonus to missile fire Hit rolls,
Dexterity: 14 ( + 1 bonus to missile fire Hit rolls, - 1 bonus to Armor Class)
- 1 bonus to Armor Class) Constitution: 14 ( + 1 bonus to hit point rolls)
Constitution: 9 Charisma: 9
Charisma: 12 Armor Class: 2 (includes Dexterity bonus, wears chain
Armor Class: 1 (includes Dexterity bonus, wears plate mail + 1 and shield)
mail and shield) Hit Points: 6 (includes Constitution bonus)
Hit Points: 9 Money: 700gp
Money: 650gp XP: 1,943
XP: 2,035 Bonus to earned XPs: 5%
Bonus to earned XPs: 10 % XPs needed for 2nd level: 4,000
XPs needed for 3rd level: 3,000 Spells usable: 1 lst-level
Spells usable: list-level Spells in spellbook: magic missile, read magic, shield, sleep
Magic items owned: mace + 1, staff of healing

ReaOy-to-play chaRacteRS

PC #4: Thief, 2nd Level PC #5: Magic-User, 3rd Level

Strength: 9 Strength: 5 ( - 2 penalty to melee Hit rolls and
Intelligence: 11 damage, - 2 penalty to opening doors)
Wisdom: 10 Intelligence: 17 ( + 2 languages of players choice)
Dexterity: 18 ( + 3 bonus to missile fire Hit rolls, Wisdom: 13 ( + 2 bonus to Saving Throws against
- 3 bonus to Armor Class) Magic)
Constitution: 13 ( + 1 bonus to hit point rolls) Dexterity: 16 ( + 2 bonus to missile fire Hit rolls,
Charisma: 13 ( + 1 bonus to reactions) - 2 bonus to Armor Class)
Constitution: 13 ( + 1 bonus to hit point rolls)
Armor Class: 3 (includes Dexterity bonus and ring,
Charisma: 9
wears leather armor)
Hit Points: 8 (includes Constitution bonus) Armor Class: 7 (includes Dexterity bonus)
Money: 750gp Hit Points: 11 (includes Constitution bonus)
XP: 2,035 Money: 700gp
Bonus to earned XPs: 10 % XP: 5,200
XPs needed for 3rd level: 2,400 Bonus to earned XPs: 10%
Magic item owned: ring of protection + 1 XPs needed for 4th level: 10,000
Spells usable: 2 lst-level, 1 2nd-level
Spells in spellbook: read magic, magic missile, shield, sleep,
Thief Skills
knock, locate object
Open Locks 20% Move Silently 25% Magic item owned: potion of levitation
Find Traps 15% Hide in Shadows 15%
Remove Traps 15% Pick Pockets 25%
Climb Walls 88% Hear Noise 1-3

PC #6: Dwarf, 1st Level PC #7: Cleric, 2nd Level

Strength: 18 ( + 3 bonus to melee Hit rolls and Strength: 9
damage, + 3 bonus to opening doors) Intelligence: 9
Intelligence: 6 Wisdom: 18 ( + 3 bonus to Saving Throws against
Wisdom: 11 Magic)
Dexterity: 7 ( - 1 penalty to missile fire Hit rolls, Dexterity: 17 ( + 2 bonus to missile fire Hit rolls,
+ 1 penalty to Armor Class) - 2 bonus to Armor Class)
Constitution: 13 ( + 1 bonus to hit point rolls) Constitution: 10
Charisma: 7 ( - 1 penalty to reactions) Charisma: 10
Armor Class: 2 (includes Dexterity penalty, wears plate Armor Class: 2 (wears plate mail and shield)
mail and shield + 1) Hit Points: 7
Hit Points: 7 (includes Constitution bonus) Money: 700gp
Money: 700gp XP: 2,035
XP: 2,035 Bonus to earned XPs: 10%
Bonus to earned XPs: 10% XPs needed for 3rd level: 3,000
XPs needed for 2nd level: 2,200 Spells usable: 1 lst-level
Magic item owned: potion of healing

npc pRof iles/Oiapy page

Aralic of Stallanford THACO: 15, 13 with sword +2

Cleric, 3rd Level Dmg: ld8 + 4
Magic item owned: Chaotic sword +2, gives power of absolute
Strength: 11 command over up to 40 HD each of goblins and hobgoblins.
Intelligence: 10 When she wields the sword, Ilyana and all allies within 60'
Wisdom: 16 are immune to charm and sleep spells.
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 9 Ilyana is 5'10", strongly built, with brown hair and brown-
Charisma: 14 hazel eyes. She has a cruel smile and very pale skin. She is the
Alignment: Lawful illegitimate daughter of Lord Arturus Penhaligon. Her mother
Hit Points: 11 died in childbirth, and Arturus did not know of her existence for
Armor Class: 3 (chain mail and shield, Dexterity bonus) some years. By then she had already become firmly committed
Spells: 2 lst-level (usually cure light wounds(x2)) to Chaos and evil. Bitter about her father's desertion (as she saw
Magic item owned: mace +1 it), she vowed to take her "birthright" by force.
Aralic is 44 years old, 5'8" tall, of medium build. He has curly Bernal
brown hair and green-hazel eyes. He is a kindly, friendly man,
Cleric of Chaos, 4th Level
whose days of active adventuring are over; now he prefers to
tend to the needs of the villagers of Stallanford. Strength: 13
Intelligence: 7
Kaerin Penhaligon Wisdom: 18
Fighter, 4th Level Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 13
Strength: 16 Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 14 Alignment: Chaotic
Wisdom: 9
Hit Points: 21
Dexterity: 10 Armor Class: 1 (chain mail +2, ring of protection + 1, Dex-
Constitution: 13
terity bonus: does not use shield)
Charisma: 15
THACO: 18(16with.rtaJ5f +2)
Alignment: Lawful Dmg: ld6 + 3
Hit Points: 25
Spells: 2 lst-level, 1 2nd-level. Usually: cure
Armor Class: 6 (ring of protection + 2; can wear his plate mail light wounds, darkness, silence 15' radius
+ 1 for A C -1)
Magic items owned: scroll with the spells cure light wounds
Magic items owned: (normal) sword + 1, staff of healing
(x2), potion of gaseous form
Kaerin is 26 years old, 6'1" tall, strongly built. He has brown Bernal is 27 years old, 5'9", rather pudgy, with short-cropped
hair, worn over the collar, and dark brown eyes. He is the
blond hair and blue-gray eyes. He is a long-time associate of Il-
adopted son of Kavorquian the wizard. Kavorquian, in turn,
yana. He is wickedly evil, sadistic, and brutal.
was the uncle of the current ruler of Penhaligon, Lady Arteris
Penhaligon. Kaerin is given the honorary title of "Lord" by
courtesy of Arteris, and is both friendly and loyal to her. He is Last page of Diary
missing his right arm. . . . is puzzling. Haradraith 's Keep seems to be where this force is
assembling. It is still weak, but growing. The leader is a self-styled
Ilyana Penhaligon, "The Queen" warrior queen and has an evil spellcaster with her. It seems she is mad,
Fighter, 4th Level but is cunning enough to raise this rabble and prepare for—what?
It may be that Arturus's first-born is this "queen." She was always
Strength: 17 an evil bandit, and she may have stumbled upon some item of evil
Intelligence: 9 power. I may have confirmation from a trusted servant soon.
Wisdom: 13 The "queen " may try to take what she madly thinks is her birth-
Dexterity: 10 right by force. Even if she cannot take Penhaligon—and I do not
Constitution: 14 know how long she will wait, how great her force will grow—she
Charisma: 14 could destroy Stallanford and wreak havoc along the Duke's Road.
Alignment: Chaotic She MUST be stopped. If only Kaerin were here—/ must get word to
Hit Points: 24 him about this. . . .
Armor Class: - 1 (plate mail + 1, shield + 1, Dexterity

harvest of death

The PCs now stand between the vengeful their lair, and how far this is from the There are no wandering monsters in the
"queen," and the harvest of death she keep. Mark it on the Area Map. keep, only patrols. A patrol will be ran-
threatens to bring down on Penhaligon. When PCs sleep there, make sure you domly encountered on a roll of 1 on Id6,
This adventure begins as the PCs leave get an "order of watch." Each rest period made each hour of game time, until the
Kaerin's home and head northward. The is usually 12 hours long, during which PCs have slain or driven off the keep a
obvious route to take is to Stallanford (a any single PC must sleep for at least 6 defenders. Patrols will be (roll Id4); 1:
half-day), cross the river there, and hours. It is vital to know who is on watch Id6 ores; 2: 2d4 goblins; 3: Id4 hobgob-
strike out for the Black Peak Mountains. at what times in case a wandering mon- lins; 4: Id4 hobgoblins and Id4 goblins.
Before they go, PCs can safely cache ster comes along in the night! Use statistics from those given below for
their treasure from the last adventure guards (duplicate for patrols).
with Kaerin. Wandering Monsters After all defenders have been slain, use
In Stallanford, the PCs can renew die wandering monster table above, check-
In the hills and mountains, check for
their friendship with Aralic and get sup- ing once per 4 hours. There are no wan-
wandering monsters once per 4-hour
plies. They can also get a mule to carry dering monsters in the lower dungeon.
period. On a roll of 1 on Id6, a wander-
spare supplies. They will have to pay
ing monster turns up. Roll ldlO and se-
20gp for the beast. The mule allows them Adding Detail
lect the monster from the table below.
to carry extra equipment and food, but if
they are attacked by monsters a Morale You should add details to the adventure
Check must be made for the beast or it script given. For example, when the PCs
will flee. WANDERING MONSTERS are traveling outdoors, tell them about
the weather. There are no rules for
weather here—if you want this, buy the
Movement Across Land 1-2: Wolves (2d4): AC7; HD 2 +2; hp D&D® Expert Set—but sunny days,
The PCs have some distance to travel in 10 each; MV 180' (60'); #AT 1 bite; pouring rain, and a foggy night or two
the wilderness after they cross the river at THAC0 17; Dmg Id6; Save Fl; ML 8 add atmosphere to the trip.
Stallanford. On your Area Map (page (6 after half killed); AL N; XP 25. Likewise, in the keep itself many loca-
15) three types of terrain are marked: tions are not described in full detail. This
3: Stirges (ldlO); AC7; HD 1*; hp 5
civilized (farmlands), hilly, and moun- has deliberately been left for you to add.
each; MV 30' (10')/180' (60') flying;
tainous. In civilized territory, they can You can add small flourishes—sacks of
#AT 1; THAC0 19 (17 on a dive); Dmg
cover 18 miles per day. In hilly terrain, food, utensils, dice and cards, a dead rat,
Id3; SA drain blood for Id3 hp/round
this is reduced to 12 miles per day. In the dirty clothing in baskets, flagons of foul
automatically after hit; Save F2; ML 9;
mountainous areas, this is reduced fur- ale, and so on.
A L N ; X P 13.
ther to 9 miles per day. The mountains— In some locations, it is stated that "in-
the Black Peaks—in which the PCs travel 4-5: Goblins (2d4): AC6; HD 1-1; hp 4 cidental treasure" can be found, and the
aren't sheer peaks, just tough climbs, each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 short sword or value is given. Such treasures should be
and no special gear like crampons and ice 1 crossbow bolt; THAC0 19; Dmg Id6; little knickknacks—small crystal orna-
picks are needed. Save NM; ML 7; AL C; XP 5. ments, ivory-handled combs, silver mir-
6: Hobgoblins (Id6): AC6; HD 1 + 1; hp rors with fancy filigree, and the like. Use
Finding the Keep 6 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword or 1 your imagination and have fun filling in
crossbow; THAC0 18; Dmg Id8 or Id6; these little extras.
The PCs have been slightly misinformed
as to the exact location of the keep, but Save Fl; ML 8; AL C; XP 15.
The Story of Ilyana's Madness
once they find the trail noted on the Area 7-8: Ores (2d4): AC6; HD 1; hp 6 each;
Map it should be easy to locate the struc- MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 spear (have spares Exactly what is going on in the keep? II-
ture. The keep stands in a 200-yard-wide for throwing); THAC0 19; Dmg Id6; yana and her Chaotic cleric friend Bernal
gorge and can be approached to within Save Fl; ML 6; AL C; XP 10. are raising a force of bandits, merce-
100 feet under absolutely safe cover. naries, and monsters to attack Penhali-
One thing that is crucial to the PCs is a 9: Mountain Lions (Id2): AC6; HD gon (after decimating Stallanford first).
safe base. They have been briefed to use 3 +2; hp 14 each; MV 150' (50'); #AT 2 Ilyana is coming to claim the rulership of
hit-and-run tactics, and of course they claws, 1 bite; THAC0 16; Dmg Id3/ld3/ Penhaligon by violence.
should have a safe place to retreat to. Id6; Save F2; ML 8; AL N; XP 50. Ilyana is insane. Always an outcast and
They can find a dry cave anywhere 10: Mountain Goats (Id4): AC 7; HD 2; bandit, on a recent adventure she found a
around the keep—the Black Peaks have hp 8 each; MV 240' (80'); #AT 1 butt for magical and Chaotic sword that once be-
many such hideaways. Be sure to make males (50% are male) only; THAC0 18; longed to a warrior-queen, Elendorath,
an exact note of where the PCs make Dmg Id4; Save Fl; ML 5; AL N; XP 20. who ruled the local lands in terror and

harvest of oeath

misery hundreds of years in the past. In the keep's dungeons, matters will Two ores reluctantly emerge from loca-
This horrid weapon magically controls be different. The characters and mon- tion #5 to fight.
goblins and hobgoblins, causing them to sters therein will not emerge to attack. Troops from the battlements who
obey Ilyana's will (and giving them a su- They will be highly vigilant at all times. came down the stairs last round get into
perior Morale). These monsters are to- After a first attack there, all surviving the melee. More troops move to, and
tally loyal to Ilyana and will never help creatures will be pulled into a tighter de- down, the steps. Doors to locations #8, 9,
the PCs in any way. Ilyana, as the holder fensive ring around the throne chamber & 10 open and occupants who were ini-
of the sword, can converse in goblin and (location #32). Corridors will have tially awake emerge. Guards in the gate-
hobgoblin. No details are given of Elen- guards after a first attack, who will shout houses' two lower floors (#2a, 2b, 3a, &
dorath here, since the PCs have no way a warning if they have any time to do so. 3b) who were initially asleep now
of finding out about this during the ad- The PCs will need to be cunning and emerge, armed and ready to fight.
venture (see "Concluding the Adven- fight well before they get to the throne
ture" for further discussion of this). chamber from which Ilyana and the mad Round 5: Assume that all previously
Chaotic cleric Bernal will not move. sleeping defenders have now been
woken. Hobgoblins emerge 2/round
A "Living" Dungeon from location #4. Ores emerge 2/round
Tactics for PCs and Defenders from location #5. Goblins emerge 2/
The occupants of the keep will not just
stay in their rooms waiting for the PCs to If the PCs head for the gates first— round from location #7 to fight. Goblins
come back again and again to kill them. possibly after using one round to fire at in location #6 enter pens and saddle up
They are going to react to PC incursions. archers atop the gatehouses—what hap- the dire wolves. Goblin and hobgoblin
As DM, you have work to do here. pens? Below is a suggested outline for the leaders from areas #8 & 9 enter the fray.
The first time the PCs attack, the peo- actions of defenders.
The dire wolves ride out with their gob-
ple in the keep will not take special pre-
lin riders on round 6, and other monsters
cautions against a second attack. They Round 1: The defenders at the front leave their barracks at a rate of 2 per
are Chaotic and disorganized, and with gates shout the alarm. Sleeping guards in round. Archers from the battlements
ores, goblins, and bandits in the moun- the gatehouses (#2 & 3) are woken. Ar- continue to descend. Forces from loca-
tains, these things happen. row fire from top of towers (#2c & 3c). tions #16-21 do not come out to attack.
However, the gatehouse and battle- Round 2: Defenders who were already They protect their inner lair area.
ments will be replenished. Fighters and awake in the towers (#2a, 2b, 3a, & 3b) Retreating PCs will be chased for 6
monsters who have been killed by the move to the gates. Those asleep begin to rounds and then the defenders will head
PCs will be replaced on guard. Take re- wake. Alarm cries reach locations #4 & back to the keep.
placements from the barracks areas (lo- 5. One archer nearest each set of stairs
cations #4, 5, 7, & 18) to keep guard (#12a-d) moves to the top of the stairs,
strength up. Don't forget that these rein- Hunting Parties
drawing a hand weapon.
forcements will not be in their original After a second attack, you may have a
barracks locations any more. Round 3: Assuming the PCs are in the force from the keep come out looking for
After a second attack, matters will be gates by now, defenders on top of the the PC raiders. This force should be no
different. The keep's defenders will gatehouses draw hand weapons and move more than 25% of the remaining keep
know that someone is out to get them. down, but do not arrive in combat yet. occupants, although one of the dire
What you do now is simple. Take all the Door to location #4 opens and two hob- wolves ridden by the goblins will be used
monsters and defenders of the keep, goblins come out. One gets to fight, the for tracking spoor.
place approximately one-third of them in other runs off to the north to warn the Will they find the PCs? Roll ld20.
the gatehouses and on the battlements, leaders. On a roll of 10 or higher, they find the
and the rest will be in their barracks. Of Alarm reaches location #7. Goblins or PCs' lair. However, subtract 1 from the
those in the barracks, half will be asleep gnolls from the battlements descend the dice roll for each full half mile between
at any given time and will need 2 rounds stairs (#12a-d). They do not reach the the keep and the PCs' lair. There is an
to waken and get ready for combat. The fight yet. Other archers on the battle- additional - 2 penalty if the hunters do
creatures in the gatehouse will have two ments (#15a-15e), now afraid of hitting not have at least 1 dire wolf with them
large gongs that they will bang immedi- their own troops, draw hand weapons (i.e., the PCs have killed them all). So,
ately when the PCs attack. and head for the steps. if the PCs cave is 2 miles from the keep,
Unless the PCs manage to mount an the hunters only find it on a roll of 14 or
Round 4: Two more hobgoblins emerge better.
amazing surprise attack, the third time from location #4 to fight. The door to lo-
they attack the keep, they'll have a ter- cation #7 opens and four goblins come If the hunters fail to find it, they will
rific showdown on their hands. out, running to the doors to location #6. return to the keep. Of course, the PCs

hARvest of death

may spy on the keep and attack when the Can it be Done? entrance to the dungeons. They tend to
hunting party is away. avoid the non-humans—except for the
Assaulting this keep looks like a formida-
If the hunters find the PCs, roll Id6. gnolls, with whom they have to share
ble task. There are well over 100 monsters
On a roll of 1-3, they attack at once. On their area. Their leader, Merkul, is
inside. But they are disorganized and the
a roll of 4-6, they go back to the keep and crafty and evil. Normal morale applies to
ores are cowards; the gnolls don't have
come back with extra muscle. Creatures these men. The magic-user with them,
great morale; waiting for a hunting party
from the dungeons will not be in a hunt- Tarrayo, is detailed below. Each fighter
to leave the keep means fewer defenders
ing party. hasId6gp.
left inside to overcome; hit-and-run tac-
tics do work. If the players can handle a Gnolls: This is a small group, lured to
Adding to the Keep's Defense
fundamentally different type of tactical the keep by the promise of looting and
The PCs can't take forever to get into the play to dungeon adventuring, they will pillage. They are very greedy and might
keep. Each week of game time, extra de- relish the challenge here! be amenable to being "paid off" by PCs.
fenders arrive at the keep: Id6 ores, Id6 They generally ignore the other non-
goblins, and Id4 hobgoblins. When is the Adventure Over? humans, but sometimes bully them if
they meet. Normal morale rules apply.
A Few Hints When Ilyana Penhaligon is slain. How- Each gnoll has Id6gp.
ever, it is possible that the PCs may get
The PCs have already been told to use into such trouble that they feel they have Hobgoblins: These tough creatures rule
hit-and-run tactics, but there are other to give up without being able to do this. the roost in the non-humans part of the
tactical twists they can use. The keep If so, then that is where the adventure keep. They are mean, tough, and have
contains ores, goblins, and hobgoblins. ends. "Concluding the Adventure" superior morale due to the magical con-
Only the latter two types of monsters are (page 31) deals with this possibility. trol. They are wholly loyal to Ilyana, al-
magically controlled by Ilyana. The ores though they may surrender to save their
are extremely unhappy about being skins if a Morale Check is failed. Each
Awarding Experience Points
bossed around by hobgoblins, and hav- one has Id4sp.
ing to watch the goblins strut around is Experience Points should really only be
really intolerable. given when the PCs finish their adven- Goblins: These mean little creatures also
If the PCs can take an ore prisoner and ture. However, at the start of the adven- have superior morale due to Ilyana's
talk with it, they might be able to con- ture you might have one or more PCs control, and while they are ordered
vince the ores to help them kill goblins very close to the 3rd Experience Level about by the hobgoblins they are (unusu-
(although the ores are fearful of the (or even only 2nd for an Elf)—within ally) above the ores in the pecking order.
tougher hobgoblins). Offering the ores a 100-150 XPs. If this happens, you might They have an exceptionally tough leader,
share of the spoils would certainly in- allow one intermediate awarding of XPs, trained wolves, and a tribal spellcaster,
crease the PCs' chances. The ores will after a tough wandering monster so they are confident and aggressive.
not be prepared to fight any other mon- encounter in the mountains. They are totally loyal to Ilyana. Each one
sters, though. Whether the ores come has Id4sp.
through on any bargains or turn on the THE QUEEN'S KEEP Ores: These are the lowest of the low in
PCs is up to you, but, remember: ores the keep. They are not magically con-
are cowardly by nature! Locations for the keep are shown in Map
#2. The locations and forces in the keep trolled, they have to do menial work, and
If the PCs make a really bold, effective are detailed first. With later PC attacks, they get bossed by goblins. They have
strike you might also consider having you can use these tactics as guidelines, wretched morale and would defect quite
one or two of the human mercenaries but, of course, the defensive forces will quickly given the chance. They would
surrender and defect to the PCs. The be weakened and regrouped, so you will love to kill the goblin chief before run-
mercenaries will want gold, for sure, and need to make modifications. ning off, though. As noted earlier, wise
they may well leave if the fighting gets re- play by PCs could exploit this. Each ore
ally tough. They will not take silly risks has only Id6cp.
for the PCs. The Forces in the Keep
There are many possibilities here: re- There are five types of intelligent crea- 1. ENTRANCE GATES
ward good play by PCs, make it sticky ture present in the keep, and it is useful
for them if they do something silly. The to know their individual backgrounds. These heavy wooden gates are 2' thick,
text for the adventure notes one or two and are barred. A knock spell would be
Fighters: These are evil mercenaries very useful in opening them.
NPCs who are ready to change sides, but and ne'er-do-wells, save for a few Neu-
you can decide who would be likely to see trals, who go where the pay is. They pro-
the PCs as the probable victors in the tect the area of the keep close to the
battle for the keep.

haRvest of death

2a & 3a. GATEHOUSE: and 2 goblins, with the same sleep rota- Splintered Skull tribe, and they wear frag-
GROUND FLOOR tion. Stats for these veterans and gob- ments of skulls about their necks. Their
lins are exactly the same as for locations leader and his lieutenants wear whole
There are always two veterans and two #2a/3a. skulls on thick silver chains (chains worth
goblins in each of these chambers. Dur- 30gp each). At any given time, 6 of the
ing the day, the goblins sleep; during the hobgoblins in the room will be asleep, and
night, the men are asleep and the goblins
need 2 rounds to wake and get weapons
are awake. There are two archers atop each tower ready to fight. Their leader lives in loca-
roof. During the daytime, these are vet- tion #9 with one of his lieutenants.
Veterans (4): AC 7 (leather armor and erans; during the night, goblins (who
shield); HD 1; hp 5 each; MV 120' (30'); have infravision). Both the humans and
Hobgoblins (14): AC6; HD 1 + 1; hp 6
#AT 1 sword; THACO 19; Dmg Id8; the goblins use crossbows. During their
each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword;
SaveFl; ML 9; A L C ; X P 10. sleeping hours, archers will return to
THACO 18; Dmg Id8; Save Fl; ML 11
their quarters in locations #7 and #16.
(9); A L C ; XP 15.
Goblins (4): AC6; HD 1-1; hp 4 each; Stats for the veterans and goblins are,
MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 short sword; once again, exactly the same as for those
in locations #2a/3a above. Hobgoblin Lieutenants (2): AC5; HD 2;
THACO 19; Dmg Id6; Save NM; ML hp 10 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword;
11 (9); A L C ; XP 5. Because of cover from the battle- THACO 18; Dmg Id8; Save F2; ML 11
ments' crenelations, AC for those on the (9); A L C ; XP 20.
2b & 3b. GATEHOUSE: tower is - 4 against missile fire from out-
side the keep.
SECOND FLOOR The lieutenants each have a pouch with
These rooms are reached from the spiral 17gp and 3pp, plus a small green gem
4. HOBGOBLINS worth 20gp in addition to the skull-
staircase up from the ground floor, and
the doors in each chamber open onto the This large barracks-style building has 20 chain. Incidental treasure in this build-
battlements (#15a & 15b). There are re- bunks, tables and chairs, and military or- ing is worth a total of 60gp.
serve guards in these rooms, 2 veterans namentation. The hobgoblins are of the

hARvest op death

5. THE ORCS Dire Wolves (4): AC6; HD 4 + 1; hp 27, There is a locked chest here (Klossarek
23, 10, 14; MV 150' (50'); #AT 1 bite; has the key in a pouch), which contains
This large barracks chamber is home to
THACO 15; Dmg 2d4; Save F2; ML 8 sacks and bags with 350cp, 400sp,
the ores, who are disaffected and misera-
(9 with goblin rider); AL N; XP 125. 200ep, 75gp, and a pouch with 16pp and
ble and have rotten morale. The ores do
three chunks of quartz worth 20gp each.
a lot of menial work, and the same num-
ber is always present here. These ores are 7. THE GOBLIN HORDE
members of the Dark Web tribe and This large barracks has bunks in ranks of
dress entirely in black. The beds and fur- military precision and is fairly clean and This well-maintained and comfortable
niture are dirty and unkempt, and tidy. Several trophies of the Wolfmaster lair (incidental treasure worth 130gp) is
squabbling and arguments are common. clan decorate the walls—a pair of halfling home to Skrakkbak, the ferocious hob-
Their leader lives with them. feet, two dwarf skulls, the scalps of two goblin leader, and his personal body-
As noted earlier, the ores might well be Lawful clerics, and several similar hor- guard. One of these two is always awake.
incited to revolt against others, especially rors. The goblins here are evil types in-
the goblins. It is particularly important deed! Their number varies. During the Skrakkbak, Hobgoblin Leader: AC3
for the PCs to appeal to Dyarr-Dakk's night, most are on guard on battlements (wears chain mail, shield + 1); HD 3 + 3 ;
pride as the leader; if they do this, their and towers (40 in total), so only 10 re- hp 18; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword;
chance of getting the ores on their side— main here. During the day, all 50 will be THACO 16 (Strength bonus); Dmg
even if only temporarily—will be consid- here, with 40 of them asleep, needing 2 Id8 + 1 (Strength bonus); Save F3; ML
erably improved. rounds to prepare for combat. 11; A L C ; X P 7 5 .

Ores (18): AC6; HD 1; hp 4 each; MV Goblins (10 or 50): AC6; HD 1-1; hp 4 Hobgoblin Lieutenant: AC5; HD 2; hp
120' (40'); #AT 1 sword or 1 throwing each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 short sword or 10 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword;
axe; THACO 19; Dmg Id8 or Id6; Save 1 crossbow; THACO 19; Dmg Id6; Save THACO 18; Dmg Id8; Save F2; ML 11
Fl; ML 6 (5); AL C; XP 10. N M ; M L 10(9); A L C ; X P 5 . (9); A L C ; XP 20.

Dyarr-Dakk (Ore leader): AC5; HD There is incidental treasure worth lOOgp Skrakkbak has the key to the locked chest
2 + 1; hp 11; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 two- here; the leader is in location #8. in the room, which contains the accumu-
handed sword; THACO 18; Dmg ldlO; lated loot of the hobgoblins. The chest is
Save F2; ML 8; AL C; XP 35. 8. LEADER OF THE GOBLINS trapped, though: the key must be turned
twice (once to open the lock, once to de-
Two nasty, tough goblins share this well- fuse the trap).
Dyarr-Dakk keeps all the meager trea-
decorated room (incidental treasure
sure of this group in a small wooden cas- A thief making a find traps roll will
worth lOOgp). Klossarek—the chieftain
ket that is locked (he has the key in a know this and can open the chest safely
—is a muscular brute wielding a two-
pouch, together with a 8gp and a pilfered (no remove traps roll needed). Other-
handed weapon with his exceptional
silver ring worth 20gp). The casket con- wise, 6 darts fly out striking PCs in front
Strength. He wears a wolfs fur cape,
tains bags with 125cp and 200sp. of the chest (THACO 15), each for Id4
with the animal's skull on his helmet. His
points of damage. Each of the hobgoblins
bodyguard, Ratgrobb, is a masterful
6-6f. THE WOLFMASTERS has a small skull on silver chains (chains
fighter who also has the ability to cast
worth 25gp each) about their necks.
Doors line this dark, musty hallway. In clerical spells. This is a tough pair, and
four of these rooms are laired dire wolves one of them is always awake.
that are ridden by goblins (one each in the
pens, location #6a-6d). Their trainer, an Klossarek, Goblin Chieftain: AC5; HD This is a simple eating area with trestle ta-
old, scarred, one-armed goblin who can 3*; hp 15; MV 90' (20'); #AT 1 two- bles and stools. Roll Id6. If the roll is 1-2,
still use a short sword, lives in #6e. The handed sword; THACO 15 (Strength bo- there will be Id4 goblins eating here; if the
small chamber (#6f) is a storage room, nus); Dmg l d l 0 + 2 (Strength bonus); roll is 3-4, there will be Id6 ores eating
with harness for the wolves, two whips, SaveF3; ML 11; A L C ; X P 5 0 . here; if the roll is 5-6, there will be Id4
meat for the animals, and so on. hobgoblins eating here. Use the statistics
Ratgrobb, Lieutenant/Shaman (spell- above for whichever creature type is
Goblin: AC6; HD 1-1; hp 6; MV 90' caster): AC6; HD 2*; hp 10; #AT 1 staff; present. Do not subtract the creatures
(30'); #AT 1 short sword; THACO 19; THACO 18; Dmg Id6; Save C2; ML 11 here from the numbers shown in their
Dmg Id6; Save NM; ML 11 (9); AL C; (10); AL C; XP 25. Ratgrobb can cast barracks. Eating creatures need 1 round
XP5. the spell cure light wounds. to ready their weapons and fight.

hARvest of death

11. KITCHENS 14. WELL PUMP Gnolls (8): AC5; HD 2; hp 9 each; MV

90' (30'); #AT 1 sword or 1 longbow;
This is a large cooking area with stoves, This is a simple faucet-pump with a
THACO 18; Dmg Id8 or Id6; Save F2;
utensils, and the like. There are also wooden handle that is used to pump wa-
ML 8; A L C ; XP 20.
abundant stores of food—barrels of salted ter from an underground stream. There
fish, bottled and dried fruits, breads, are a half-dozen wooden buckets around
At the points marked " X " on Map #2,
grains, and so on. The "staff' are totally it.
there are copper containers with wooden
demoralized menials who will surrender
handles that hold the equivalent of 8
immediately if they can, and will not fight 15a-e. THE BATTLEMENTS flasks of oil. Some 5 feet away from each
at all unless commanded to do so by a
Each wall (#15a-15e) is 20' high and has copper vessel is a bundle of torches with a
goblin or hobgoblin from location #10.
4' high crenelations that provide a - 4 tinderbox. The oil can be lit and the ves-
bonus to AC against missile fire from sel emptied over the battlements, splash-
Ores, Kitchen Menials: AC6; HD 1; hp ing out over a 10-foot radius below.
outside the keep. There will always be
4 each; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 ladle or
archers on duty, who also have hand Two creatures must be carrying the
kitchen knife; THACO 19; Dmg Id4;
weapons. During the night, there will be copper vessel to do this. Within 5 feet of
Save Fl; ML 5 (2); AL C; XP 10.
4 goblins on each section of wall, #15a- the center of the oil attack, normal burn-
15e. By day, the guard is somewhat ing damage (2d8 for one round, Id8 the
12a-d. BATTLEMENT STEPS weaker: there are 8 gnolls, 2 each on sec- next) will be suffered by any creature hit.
These 10' wide stone stairs have a steep tions #15c, 15d, and 15e, and only one From 5-10 feet away, damage is only half
gradient and require 1 round to climb. each on sections #15a and 15b. this much (2d4, then Id4). A Saving
Throw against Breath Weapon is permit-
13. LATRINES Goblins (20): AC6; HD 1-1; hp 4 each; ted to halve the damage.
MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 short sword or 1
The foul smell from these simple dug-pit
crossbow; THACO 19; Dmg Id6; Save
latrines is detectable 20' away.
NM; ML 10 (9); AL C; XP 5.

haRvest op death

16a-c & 17a-c. REAR TOWERS ing the night, there are 14 gnolls plus event, stuck here now, so she is making
their leader here; by day, there are only 2 the best of it.
The two towers have identical layouts, as gnolls and Hastrissek here. This bar-
shown on Map #2. However, unlike the racks building is dirty and untidy, but Merkul, Swordmaster: AC1 (chain mail
gatehouses, the only guards here are there is incidental treasure worth 80gp + 1, shield + 1, Dexterity bonus); F3; hp
archers at the towers' tops. By day, there here. 20; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1; THACO 16
are 2 gnoll archers with longbows on (Strength bonus and magical weapon);
each tower; at night, there are 2 goblins Dmg l d 8 + 3 (sword +1, Strength bo-
Gnolls (2-14): AC5;HD 2; hp 9 each;
with crossbows. nus); SA F3; ML 10; AL C; XP 50.
MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword or 1 long-
bow; THACO 18; Dmg Id8 or Id6; Save Abilities: Str 17, Int 14, Wis 9, Dex 13,
Goblins (4): AC6; HD 1-1; hp 4 each; Con 16, Cha 14.
F2;ML8; ALC;XP20.
MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 short sword or 1
Merkul is 6' 1", strongly built, with
crossbow; THACO 19; Dmg Id6; Save
Hastrissek, Gnoll Leader: AC4; HD 3; black hair and light blue eyes. He has the
NM; ML 10 (9); AL C; XP 5.
hp 16; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword; expressionless face of the true psycho-
THACO 16; Dmg Id8 + 1 with magical path.
Gnolls (4): AC5; HD 2; hp 9 each; MV
(normal) sword +1; Save F3; ML 9;
90' (30'); #AT 1 sword or 1 longbow;
A L C ; XP35. Tarrayo, Conjurer: AC6 (ring ofprotection
THACO 18; Dmg Id8 or Id6; Save F2;
+ 1, Dexterity bonus); MU3; hp 10;
ML 8; ALC; XP 20.
Hastrissek has a gold ring with striated MV 120' (40'); #AT 1; THACO 18; Dmg
tiger-eye gem settings worth 70gp, and a Id4 + 1 (dagger +1); SA MU3; ML 9;
18. THE MERCENARIES pouch with 22gp and a key that opens the AL N; XP 50. Abilities: Str 9, Int 16,
These human ne'er-do-wells are a rabble small chest in this room. The chest con- Wis 9, Dex 16, Con 11, Cha 13. Spells
of bandits who regularly attacked traders tains the gnolls' treasure: 250cp, 150ep, memorized: light, magic missile, levitate.
along the Duke's Road. Their leader, 230sp, and 145gp in loose coins. These Tarrayo is 5' 2", slim and petite, with
Merkul, has been recruited and given a coins are mixed up with lots of junk and curly blond hair and green-hazel eyes.
"gold piece hello" by Blackmaer, the need a lot of sorting out. Right at the bot- Tarrayo carries a potion of invisibility that
thug who leads Ilyana's troops in the tom of the pile of coins and junk is a she keeps for a fast escape. In addition,
dungeons. These men are untrustworthy wooden case which contains 8 crossbow she has a scroll with the spells light and
and brutal, the scum of the earth. This quarrels +1. magic missile.
barracks area has pallet beds, simple fur-
nishings, and a handful of spare weap- 20. THE ARMORY In any fight, Merkul will make sure that
ons, military trophies, and the like he has his warriors and Tarrayo nearby.
(incidental treasure worth 70gp here). A large cache of spare weapons is kept Tarrayo will use her levitate spell to get out
here. In total, there are 40 swords, 24 of melee range, and then use her magic
short swords, 6 staffs, 18 longbows, 25 missile spells to attack and light spells to
Veterans (12): AC7 (leather armor and quivers each of 30 arrows, 10 quivers
shield); Fl; hp 5 each; MV 120' (30'); blind the PCs.
each of 20 crossbow quarrels, 16 cross-
#AT 1 sword; THACO 18 (Strength Incidental treasure here is worth
bows, 4 two-handed swords, 4 maces,
bonus); Dmg Id8 + 1; Save Fl; ML 8; 200gp, and there is a locked chest under
and 11 daggers. Absolutely nothing is
ALC (10), N ( 2 ) ; X P 10. the large wolfs skin covered bed shared
magical. There are also 4 kegs of fuel oil,
by Merkul and Tarrayo (the skins are
each of which contains the equivalent of
Warriors (3): AC4 (chain mail and worth 150gp). Merkul has the key to this
20 flasks of the liquid.
shield); F2; hp 9 each; MV 120' (30'); chest.
The armory is kept locked; Merkul Inside the chest is the bandit treasure:
#AT 1 sword; THACO 18 (Strength (see below) has the key to this cache.
bonus); Dmg Id8 + 1; Save F2; ML 9; three rolls of silk worth lOOgp each; a
A L C (2), N ( l ) ; X P 2 0 . bale of dyed and hand-embroidered cot-
21. COMMANDER OF THE ton worth 180gp; a large sack with
19. GNOLLS KEEP l,200sp; a smaller sack with 650gp; a
In this well-decorated room, Merkul— third sack with 400ep; a small jade figure
The gnolls that dwell in these barracks of a swan worth 200gp; a pair of silver
leader of the human mercenaries—lives
are members of the Faceslasher tribe. daggers with small gem settings in the
This is a small, mercenary group, which with Tarrayo the magic-user. Merkul is
swinish and brutal, but he has the knack hilt, and scabbards inlaid with ivory and
has relatively low morale and is only con- jet, worth 300gp; a pouch of 14 assorted
cerned with money and the chance of of acquiring lots of money, which Tar-
rayo finds agreeable. Tarrayo is, in any gems (10 worth lOgp each, 3 worth 50 gp
killing. Their leader is with them. Dur- each, 1 worth 150gp).

haRvest of 6eath

Tarrayo's spellbook is also hidden in yana or Bernal—her cleric friend—what As noted, this dungeon level is danger-
the chest. It contains the following spells is happening in the keep. Why not? Be- ous, but your PCs should be smart and
in addition to those listed for her above: cause he hopes to gain something from strong enough to deal with it, and in the
hold portal, read magic, ESP, wizard lock. the attack. If the keep's defenders win prisoner, Sarala, they have a potential
The trap door in the floor here leads and kill the PCs, it shows that he had ally. It is up to their wit and sinew to ac-
down to the dungeons. everything under control. If the PCs quire the splendid treasures Ilyana has in
win, Blackmaer is confident that he and her throne chamber!
THE DUNGEONS his men can kill the PCs. A final note: dungeon areas are lit by
OF THE KEEP Still, Blackmaer realizes that the in- oil-burning lamps.
truders must have been tough to get
The keep's dungeon level is extremely through the keep, and they will have loot 22. STONE STEPS
dangerous! There are not many enemies and magic from "upstairs," as well as
there, but those present are strong and magic items of their own. Blackmaer These steps descend a total of 40 feet. It is
utterly ruthless. Map #3 shows the layout plans to take whatever plunder he can disturbingly quiet in the dungeons, and
of the keep's dungeon. from the PCs, then desert Ilyana. The any Lawful cleric will get a disquieting
It may seem odd that these dungeon treasure the PCs bring to him will be sense of evil here.
dwellers don't attack the PCs when they worth a fortune. Blackmaer is no fool; he
are decimating the keep. There are good is vicious and scheming, and he will not 23. BARE CHAMBER
reasons for this. At the first sign of a pro- pass up the chance to acquire the PCs' The only notable features of this cham-
longed attack, Merkul—the leader of the money and magic. ber are several long streaks of old, dried
mercenaries—will try to enlist the aid of Of course, it's unlikely that the PCs will blood leading to the door to location #24.
Blackmaer the Swordmaster. Blackmaer find out about this. However, if your play- It's almost as if a bloodied body had been
will take some time to get back to ers find it odd and illogical that those in dragged along. . . .
Merkul, and will say that Ilyana wants the dungeons don't help those in the keep,
the keep's defenders to do their duty and you could consider leaving a diary in
kill the intruders. Help will not be given. Blackmaer's quarters (location #30) with
Actually, Blackmaer will not tell Il- notes on this strategy for the PCs to find.
hapvest of death

24. SERGREB THE OGRE mostly barren lair he has a sack with 27a-f. THE CELLS OF THE
450sp and 75gp. In a large bowl is his fa- DUNGEON
The ogre here is wily and cunning. He will vorite food—smoked thigh joint of
have the door to location #23 ajar slightly, dwarf—with a handful of candles that he These six cells each have peephole shut-
and when he hears the PCs he will wedge a eats as an hors d'oeuvres. ters in the corridors, but nothing can be
chair under the door handle, making it im- seen through them since it is dark inside
possible to open. He then will go to his each cell (infravision shows nothing, as
pet's iron-barred pen and unlocks it with a 25. OWL BEAR PEN well). Each cell contains a filthy mat-
massive iron key he carries. This pen contains only a mass of matted, tress, manacles and chains set into the
Sergreb will then send the owl bear into filthy straw, a large bowl of water, some walls, and the like. The only "occupied"
location #23. Next, he will move into loca- gnawed bones, and Sergreb's well- cell is #27e, which has a (harmless) skele-
tion #25, open the locked door there, and trained and horrendous pet, an owl bear. ton in the manacles and chains.
head south and west through the hallway.
He plans to have the owl bear attack the Trained Owl Bear: AC5; HD 5; hp 22; 28. STORAGE CHAMBERS
rear of the party while he attacks the other MV 120' (40'); #AT 2 claws/ 1 bite;
side, pincering them. If he does this, he THACO 15; Dmg Id8/ld8/ld8; SA if These two stores are currently in use.
will roar out for "guards," but none will both paws hit in same round, hugs for ex- Location #28a has foodstuffs, vessels,
arrive during the combat. See location tra 2d8 damage; Save F3; ML 9; AL C; and utensils. Location #28b has oil,
#29 for further details on the guards. XP 175. ropes, iron spikes, and similar items (but
no weapons). Allow PCs to take any rea-
Sergreb the Ogre: AC5; HD 4 + 1; hp sonable items they may need if they wish
26. OLD STORES to do so.
18; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 large club;
THACO 15; Dmg Id8 + 2; Save F4; ML This storage chamber contains only ut-
10; A L C ; XP 125. terly rotted food, sacking, and some 29. WARRIOR GUARDS
smashed glass and earthenware. There is
nothing of interest or value in here. This chamber contains three pallet beds,
Sergreb carries a thick gold chain about a small chest under one of them, and
his neck worth 200gp, and within his rough furnishings and trappings. It is the
home of Blackmaer's three warriors,

harvest op death

each as evil as their leader. If Sergreb the 9; #AT 1 sword; THACO 18 (Strength has a metal lock. There is a single pris-
Ogre cries for help in battle, these three bonuses); Dmg Id8 + 1; Save F2; ML 9; oner in the cell.
will ready themselves for the fight, but ALC;XP20. Blackmaer's tactics are these: he listens
they will not come out until there has at the secret door, and two rounds after
been one round of silence. The treasure these men have is partly on the PCs pass he pulls a lever by that door.
If they do emerge from the room, they their persons (2dl0gp each), partly inci- This opens the pit at location #31 and may
will assume that the ogre has been killed dental treasure in their room (70gp to- dump PCs down it. Blackmaer then
and the PCs should be weakened by the tal), and partly in their (unlocked) chest, emerges from the secret door with his pet
conflict. They expect their leader— which has bags with 350cp, 200ep, and lizard to attack the rear of the party.
Blackmaer—to follow them, but he is as 180gp, plus a magical potion of healing that
treacherous as they are and plays exactly they have forgotten about in the excite- Blackmaer, Swordmaster: AC1 {plate
the same trick on them that they played ment of the combat! mail +1, Dexterity bonus); F3; hp 20;
on Sergreb! MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 two-handed sword
If the warriors fail a Morale Check and 30. THE SWORDMASTER + 1 , +2 against lycanthropes; THACO 16
one or more surrenders, they will tell the (Strength and magical sword bonuses);
This chamber is very comfortable. Dmg ldlO + 3; Save F3; ML 11; A L C ;
PCs about the secret door to Blackmaer's
Blackmaer has a down mattress on his XP 50. Abilities: Str 16, Int 14, Wis 10,
lair and about his pet hunting lizard, in
bed, with silk and fur covers (total value Dex 15, Con 14, Cha 9.
exchange for their lives. They also know
400gp), a pair of armchairs that have
where the doors to the throne chamber Blackmaer is young (23), 6' 2" tall,
been patched up with ill-fitting leather
are, although they have never been in- with wavy brown hair and dark brown
patches, a goatskin rug, and the like. He
side it. They know that Blackmaer has a eyes. He has a broken nose, and his front
also has a large table on which is a copper
prisoner in his room, a caged girl, al- upper teeth are missing.
bowl full of water, an oil burner, a silver
though they think she is an ordinary per- He has a gold signet ring worth 25gp, a
mirror, a razor, and similar items.
son he captured. gold bracelet worth lOOgp, and a potion of
The segregated area in the corner is a
healing (in his belt). He also has a pair of
cell, surrounded by iron bars, 1" thick,
Warriors (3): AC3 (chain mail, shield, keys—one to his treasure chest, one to the
spaced 6" apart, with a small door that
Dexterity bonus for each); F2; hp 7, 13, cell—and a bunch of wolfsbane. Lastly, he

harvest op death

has at his belt what appears to be a simple 31. COVERED PIT affected PC for 12 turns (2 hours!) unless
small sack. This is actually a bag of hold- a Saving Throw versus Spells is made.
ing, and Blackmaer keeps his treasure in This pit is opened (covering plates drop
Next, Bernal will attack with his staff
it—500sp, 430gp, 25pp, and small jew- inward) by the lever in location #30. The
+ 2 in melee, trying to pick on a weak PC
elry items worth a total of 450gp. pit is 13 feet deep, and a fall into it causes
(a thief or such). Still, Bernal is rather
Id6 + 1 points of damage.
cowardly. If he is reduced to 8hp or be-
Hunting Chameleon Lizard: AC2; HD low, he will try to cast his cure light wounds
5*; hp 19; #AT 1 bite/1 horn; THACO 32. THE THRONE CHAMBER spell on himself (and he has a scroll with
15; Dmg 2d4/ld6; Save F3; ML 8 This grand chamber is lit by chandelier, this spell inscribed twice on it just to be
(trained); AL N; XP 300. and a red carpet leads from the doors to a sure!) before returning to the fight.
The lizard has a third, additional, at- massive wooden throne set on a platform. Bernal will not surrender while Ilyana
tack with its tail at anyone attacking it Portraits of Ilyana and her father, Ar- is alive, but if she is killed Bernal will try
from behind: if this hits, no damage is turus, decorate the west wall, together to escape using his potion of gaseous form.
suffered, but the PC is knocked down with two black-edged tapestries that show The zombies do not surrender, of
and cannot attack that round. repellent scenes of torture and murder. course, but if a war dog fails a Morale
Ilyana sits on her throne with Bernal at Check, it will flee to a far corner of the
Within the cell, huddled behind a pile of her right hand. Her servants are zombies room, yelping all the way.
dirty sacking, is a young female. She is in livery. One stands before each of the Ilyana will attack the strongest-
20 years old, with auburn hair and green three eastern doors, two before her, and looking fighter in the PC party. She will
eyes, and is streaked with dirt and two by the entrance door. Ilyana's vi- fight to the death; treat her as having a
scratches. She eyes the PCs with suspi- cious war dogs sit by her feet and will Morale of 12.
cion and fear. She can converse in the spring to attack any who approach their
common tongue, but initially will be mistress. If Sarala is with the PCs, this is What if the PCs Run?
wary of any conversation. where they will get a further shock as the
If the weretigress is with the PCs, she will
The first PC getting within 5 feet of the "girl" transforms into a muscular, pow-
attack the dogs (she hates dogs) and then
cage area is allowed a Wisdom Check erful tigress.
the zombies. If she is reduced to 5hp or
and, if this is successfully made, that PC
below, she will flee.
will smell that the cage has a feline scent. Complete profiles for Ilyana and The PCs might just be forced to run
The girl says that she is a shepherdess, Bernal can be found on page 18. Statis- away after a few rounds of combat, hav-
Sarala, kidnapped by ores and dragged tics for the other monsters follow. ing suffered severe damage. A tactical re-
down here. Blackmaer has ill-treated her
treat to use cure light wounds spells and
(which is obvious). Zombies (7): AC8; HD 2; hp 10 (by east their staff of healing could be a wise ploy.
Make a Reaction Check for her here; if doors: 3) or 15 (main entrance doors: 2); Should the PCs do this, the dogs will cer-
the PCs have treated her well (letting her 7 (before Ilyana: 2); MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 tainly chase them wherever they go.
free at once, offering food, a cloak for claw; THACO 18; Dmg Id8; Save Fl; However, whether Ilyana and Bernal will
cover, etc.), add + 2 to the dice roll. If the ML 12; A L C ; X P 2 0 . follow them is another matter.
result is Friendly, Sarala says that she will
If Ilyana and Bernal have suffered 15hp
help the PCs. She asks for no weapons or War Dogs (2): AC6; HD 2 +2; hp 8, 11; or more of damage between them when
armor, and does not answer if asked ex- MV 150' (50'); #AT 1 bite; THACO 17; the PCs run, they will wait while Bernal
actly what she will do. She simply states Dmg Id6; Save Fl; ML 10; AL N; XP 25. casts his cure light wounds spells (1 spell per
that she wants revenge for her ill-
round, so this could take up to 3 rounds).
treatment. Tactics of the Chaotics Only then will they pursue the PCs.
Any other result on the Reaction Roll
The zombies (save for two) and dogs will Use the standard pursuit and evasion
means that she simply wants to be let
attack the PCs fairly randomly, since rules if the PCs are running away with no
free. She will not attack the PCs what-
they are not intelligent. intention of coming back for some time.
ever the dice roll is.
Bernal is the one who commands the This will at least give the PCs time to do
Sarala is, of course, no ordinary girl. some healing, although only one PC can
undead, and he will keep two zombies by
She is a weretigress! touch the staff of healing each round.
him as bodyguards. He will first cast his
silence 15' radius spell at a PC magic-user At some time, however, there proba-
Sarala, Weretigress: AC 3 (9 in human bly will be a fight to the finish, unless the
or elf to stop that PC from spellcasting.
form); HD 5*; hp 30; #AT 2 claws/1 bite;
Then he will cast his darkness spell at the PCs totally abandon their quest. If the
THACO 15; Dmg Id6/ld6/2d6; Save
eyes of anyone heading for him. Darkness PCs return another day, Bernal will have
F5; ML 9; AL N; XP none—Sarala is all his spells back and will certainly use
is a reversed light spell, and it will blind an
not hostile.

harvest op death

his healing abilities to restore hit points the room. There is also a wardrobe with sacks: one has 2,000cp, one has 2,000sp,
lor himself and Ilyana. Further, Bernal fine cotton and silk robes (300gp value), one has 2,000ep.
will retrieve and most definitely use the and a dressing table with vials of per- The middle chest has two sacks. The
magic items he has cached in his casket fume, silvered ornaments, tortoise shell- first of these contains l.OOOgp per PC in
(location #33). backed brushes, and similar luxuries the party; the second contains 200pp
(total value 400gp). per PC in the party (so, if there are 6
33. BERNAL'S CHAMBER A very large silver mirror is bolted to PCs, there are 6,000gp and l,200pp
the eastern wall. The mirror can be taken here in total).
Bernal's bedroom also contains an as- off the wall, but it takes two PCs to do it. The third chest contains magic items
sortment of clerical items devoted to the In addition, the PCs must make a Dex- not usable by Ilyana or Bernal, or not use-
Chaotic god he worships. Two silver can- terity Check against the average Dexter- ful to them. These are: dagger +2, crystal
dlesticks (worth 25gp each) with tallow ity of the two PCs doing attempting to ball, potion of gaseousform, a scroll of magic-
candles rest on an altar. Underneath take the mirror. If the check is failed, the user spells (magic missile, levitate, web, fire-
Bernal's bed is a secret trap door 1 foot mirror falls and breaks; otherwise, it is ball), a sword + 2, and a short sword +2.
square; it opens into a 1 cubic foot recess. worth 150gp, but has an encumbrance If Sarala has fought with the PCs and is
Inside this area is a small wooden casket value of 200cn. present, she should receive a share of the
containing the cleric's treasure.
treasure. She will be delighted with some
The casket contains a pouch with 4 or- perfume vials, small gems, and the like, to
ange gems each worth 50gp, a second 35. ILYANA'S TREASURE
CHAMBER the value of 250gp per PC. This must be
pouch with 70pp, apotion of healing, and a deducted from the PCs' treasure.
scroll of clerical spells: darkness, light, Here, at last, is the supreme reward for
bless, and hold person (see the Basic Set's your heroic PCs! The walls here are
Dungeon Master's Rulebook, p. 17). sculpted with bas reliefs and strange si-
gils and runes, and three chests stand by
34. ILYANA'S BEDCHAMBER the east wall. All are unlocked and not
A sumptuous king-sized bed covered in
The northernmost chest contains three
silks and furs (value 600gp) dominates

concluding the adventure

The PCs can set off with their splendid Where Do You Go From Here?
treasures, headed back for Stallanford Your PC party will now certainly include
(probably) and Penhaligon. With Black- 4th-level characters, so if you want to
maer's bag of holding, they should be able have further adventures with this same
to carry almost all of their treasure, al- group (and your players will surely want
though they might have to leave a few this), you should acquire the D&D® Ex-
coppers behind. They should have a fair pert Set, which details experience levels
store of magic items, and several PCs 4-14. That should certainly keep your
(notably clerics and thieves) should have players going for a long time!
sufficient XPs to raise them to the 4th ex-
If you want to continue adventuring in
perience level!
the land of Karameikos, you should ac-
quire the sourcebook GAZ 1, The Grand
Back to Penhaligon Duchy of Karameikos. This excellent pack-
The PCs should be encouraged to head age gives you plenty of information
for Penhaligon, more specifically about all aspects of life and adventuring
Kaerin's home. Aralic of Stallanford will in Karameikos, a land which—for all
certainly urge them to do this. When their exploits—your PCs have hardly ex-
they arrive, Kaerin will be at home with plored at all yet!
Alerena, his bride-to-be, and Lady Ar- GAZ 1 gives further details, amongst a
teris Penhaligon, ruler of the Estates of great deal of other material, of Lady Ar-
Penhaligon, together with 10 fighters in teris (a fighter of 9th level) and Baron Pa-
her service. Lady Arteris is 5' 11". An trick Sherlane—a cleric of no less than
imposing woman in robes of dark blue 14th level, and a man with many political
and silver, Lady Arteris has brown hair concerns. . . .
and eyes, and is 29 years of age. For further adventures, you have sev-
Lady Arteris will commend the PCs eral options. You can write your own if
on their actions if they have slain Ilyana. you wish, and given the friends the PCs
If they were forced to retreat, she will now have—Aralic, Kaerin, Baron
look grave and at once send a messenger Sherlane, and Lady Arteris—they cer-
to Baron Sherlane in Threshold. At a tainly have contacts in high places who
later time, you can have gossip feed back trust them and could readily point them
to the PCs that another group of heroes to grand adventures.
overcame Ilyana and her forces at the You can also use the adventure outlines
keep. The same NPC heroes who de- and locations in GAZ 1 as a source of in-
feated the mad "queen" might encoun- spiration for your own adventures. In ad-
ter the PCs later, if you like. dition, the D&D® Expert Set briefly
Assuming that the PCs did their best, details the known lands of the D&D®
they will be warmly greeted by Lady Ar- game world. The Gazetteer series of mod-
teris, but her special attention will only ules, all similar to the one detailing Kara-
be granted if the PCs were successful in meikos, describes many exotic lands.
their mission. If they were, a public holi- Using these guides, your PCs can explore
day will be declared in Penhaligon itself. an entire world of adventurous locals.
The PCs will be greeted as heroes by the Alternatively, you can purchase one of
people of that town, and a feast night will the X-Level modules produced by TSR
be declared in their honor. and run the adventure therein. What-
They may have experienced this type ever you decide to do, though, your play-
of treatment in Stallanford if they suc- ers will be looking for fresh challenges,
cessfully concluded King's Festival, but nastier monsters, and greater, more
this celebration will undoubtedly over- splendid treasures!
whelm them. Penhaligon is a large place And with a little imagination, the ad-
(with nearly 4000 inhabitants), and there venture can last forever.
will be elven mime artists, gnomish jug-
glers, even dusky dancing maidens from
the far land of Ierendi!

new monsteRs/LetteR


Armor Class: 7 Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 2+2* Hit Dice: 2 + 1**
Move: 120' (40') Move: 15'(5')
Attacks: 1 fist Flying: 150'(50')
THACO: 17 Attacks: 1 sting
Damage: Id8 THACO: 17
No. Appearing: 1 Damage: 1 hit point
Save As: Fl No. Appearing: 1-2
Morale: 12 Save As: MU7
Treasure Type: Nil Morale: 12
Alignment: Neutral Treasure Type: Nil
XP Value: 35 Alignment: Neutral
A golem is an enchanted monster created by a powerful cleric or XP Value: 45
magic-user, although the wood golem is the weakest sort. The wood Phase stingers are magical guardians created by Kavorquian to
golem is usually about 3' tall. It has a crudely carved man-like fig- protect his lair. They are small brass spheres that travel by flying,
ure and moves stiffly (penalty of - 1 to the golem's Initiative roll). and they can magically pass through walls. In combat, a small brass
Golems are immune to magic missile, charm and sleep spells, and also spike protrudes from the sphere, and strikes for 1 point of damage.
to the more powerful hold spells, gases, and cold-based attacks. It also injects a magically enhanced mild poison that causes paraly-
However, they burn easily, saving at - 2 versus magical fire attacks sis for 2-8 turns, or until a cure light wounds spell is cast on the victim,
and suffering an extra 1 point of damage per die of fire damage (in- unless a Saving Throw against Paralysis (not Poison) is made.
cluding burning oil). Phase stingers are not intended to kill, although they may do so;
as soon as a character has been paralyzed, the phase stinger will at-
tack another character. If phase stingers successfully paralyze all of
MAGEN, CALDRON a PC party, they will not attack further.
Armor Class: 5 If a phase stinger appears through a wall, it surprises on a roll of
Hit Dice: 4* 1-5 on Id6. It will attack a party member chosen at random. Phase
Move: 120' (40') stingers have no minds, and are immune to charm and sleep spells.
Attacks: 1 (see below)
Damage: ldlO Two of the monsters above have Saving Throws better than Basic-level charac-
No. Appearing: 1-4 ters. Saves for an F4 (caldron magen) may befound on the inside back cover of
Save As: F4 the Dungeon Master's Rulebook. Savesfor an MU7 (phase stinger) are found
Morale: 12 by subtracting 2 from the Saving Throws for MU1-5, except for Rod/Staff/
Treasure Type: V Spell, where the Saving Throw is three lower (i.e., 12 or better).
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 125
Dear Kavorquian:
Magen ("Gens Magica" or "Magical People") are beings created
by powerful magic-users. They are human in form, but are not ac- 1 must tell you of an unsettling happening. Recently a young warrior
tually living beings. The caldron magen is one example of this type rode into our village, badly injured and beyond my ability to heal. But
of creature. his life was not what concerned him; he was desperate to give me a mes-
The caldron magen has the bizarre ability of stretching its limbs sage, which he begged me to pass on to you.
(usually arms) up to 20', and if it hits the victim it secretes acid that He raved of Penhaligon 's nemesis—a dark queen who promised a har-
causes 1-10 points of damage. This damage is suffered each round vest of death in the land. She's a madwoman who is drawing together
until the victim is freed, which is usually accomplished only by kill- forces of Chaos in her citadel. "Magic and madness bringforth cold steel
ing the magen. and blood," he said with his last breath.
The caldron magen isn't affected by charm and sleep spells and
Do you know this queen? Does this nemesis, this "harvest," mean any-
gases. It needs no air, food, water, or sleep. When destroyed, its
thing to you? That poor young man died in the belief that it would.
body dissolves in a burst of flame and smoke (this does not cause
Ever yours,

MAP #2: ri7€ QU€€N'S
ON€ SQuaue = i o feet

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