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Companion Game Adventure

Earthshaker !
David "Zeb" Cook



H ow to Use This Module .. ..... . . .. . ..... ... . ... . . • .. . . ... . .. .... . .. .. . .. . . . . 2
A Matter of Size . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. .... . .. .. . .. ...... .. ... . . . .... .. . . .. ....... 2
The Patriarch's Audience ...... . ... . .. . .. .. ...... . .. ... .. .. .. . . ... .. . . . .. • .. . . 5
The Chief Magistrate's Audience . ... ...... . .. . ... . ... .. ......... . . ...... . . .. . . . 5
The Traveler's Audience . . . . .. ..... . . . . . . . .. . .. . ..... .. ..... • . • .... • . • . ....... 6
THE COMING OF EARTHSHAKER ........ . .... .......... .. . .... . ... 8
THE TRAVELING EXHIBITION OF WONDERS ........... . .. .. . .. . ... 9
History, Operation, and Security ... .. . . . .. . .. ... . . . . .. .... . ...... ... .. . . . ..... 10
Cover Artist: Clyde Caldwell General Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Interior Artist: Ben Otero Legs ............ .. .. . ......... . .. . .. ... . .. .. . ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . ...... . 12
Graphic Designer: Ruth Hoyer Living Quarters, Waist Deck ..... . ..... . .. . ... ....... . . . .. . . . .... • ..... . ..... 12
Cartographer: Dave " Diesel" Laforce Furnace, Boiler, and Engine Decks .. .... . .. . ....... . .................... ...... 14
Typography: Kim N . Lindau Arm, Head Decks ... . .. .. .. . . . . . . . ... . .. • .... . . .. . . . . ... . .. .... . ..... . . ... . 15
DUtribufcd to the book trade by Random House Inc. and in Canada The Plan .. . .. . ... . ............ .. .................. .. . ......... . .. ... ...... 17
by Random House of Canada, Ltd . Disuibu1cd to the toy and
hobby ;nd...,ry by regional discributcm. Distributed in the Unired EARTHSHAKER TRIUMPHANT
K;ngdom by TSR UK ltd. Earthshaker in Motion .. . . .. . ... . ..... .... . . ... .. . . . ..... . . ... . . .. .... . ..... 19
DUNCEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, PRODUCTS OF YOUR The Swath of Destruction ... . . .. .. . .... .. . ... . .... , . ....... . ..... • . .. . .. ..... 19
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0copyright 1985 TSR Inc. All R;ghts Re.,nted. Printed in rhe THE AMBASSADOR'S AUDIENCE ...... ... . .. .. . . .. . . . .... . ... . . ... 23
U.S.A. THE FATE OF EARTHSHAKER ....... .. .. . . ... . . ......... . . . ... .... 24
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express wriucn pcrmi$aion ofTSR Inc. Pre-Rolled Characters ............. . ... . ............ . .. . . ... . .... . ...... .. . . .. . Il
The Dominion of Vyolstagrad ..... . . ..... . ...... . ... . . ...... . .... . ...... . . . ... . I3
TSR Inc. TSR UK Ltd. Milo's Contract and Handbill . . . ... . .. .. . ... . .. . . . . . ... . ................ .. .. . .. I4
POB 7.56 The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva Cambridge CB14AD Generic Maps .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . ... ... . .. I5
WI 53147 United Kingdom Head Swivel, Speaker, and Command Deck Maps . . ....... . . .. .. .. . . •.... .. • . ..... I6
NPCs .. . .. .. .. . ................ .......... ... . .. . .... . .. ... .. . .. .... .. .. . . ... I7

An adventure for character levels 18 to 22.

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Thought your characters would never settle
down? That they would never learn to appre- The Player Characters court to oversee the preparations for the
ciate the finer things of life? With Earth- crusade! He is set upon leading our great
At the center of this module is a list of pre- knights in an expedition against the hea-
shaker!, you can remind them of all the
rolled characters. If your players' characters thens of the wild country. This is serious
pleasures offered by civilization. This
are not of high enough level, or the players business and the king has placed his per-
module can be played by 4-6 characters of
don' t want to use their normal characters, let sonal seal on the writ of summons. I can-
18th to 20th l.evels. It is designed for use with
them use the PCs provided. not refuse to attend. So, Alphonso, I call
the D&D® Companion Set.
The pre-rolled PCs are designed especially upon you, my most trusted adviser, to act
If your PCs have their own dominion(s),
for this adventure. They are not entirely seri- as Seneschal. You must attend to the
all the events described here can take place on
ous characters (as this is not an entirely seri- duties of the dominion until I return. You
their lands. This is the easiest way to splice
ous adventure). Each has some feature or are the one who will keep my interests
the adventure into your high-level campaign.
characteristic that makes him noticeably less close to his heart.
The sun rises on a new dawn, but a shadow
than perfect. However, their abilities are not " Mind the peasants and see that they
hangs over the land. Earthshaker, mightiest
hampered by this. If your players use these plant the manor fields first, and see that a
mechanical wonder of ages past, towers
'odd' characters, with all their quirks and new grindstone is ordered for the mill. Do
above the castle. Its iron grasp holds the
imperfections, the adventure will be lighter not let Rurynva grow soft on his discipline
power for great good or incalcuable evil. Who
and ·more humorous. However, do not force of the Guard. Be sure that the Warden of
will gain control of the monstrous machine,
players to use these characters. the North Hills keeps the shepherds from
If your players don't want to use the pre- the lower pastures. Finally, Baron Sov-
rolled characters, let them use characters of anya has been grumbling loudly about his
How to Use This Module their own or high-level characters provided taxes again. His payments are due in a
Earthshaker! is divided into several major with other Companion modules. If your month and my spies report he has been
sections, starting with "Springtime in Vyol- players are currently using characters from a dropping serfs from his census rolls so he
stagrad" and ending at "The Fate of Earth- previous module, let them continue using can pay less. If I am not back in three
shaker." These sections contain encounters, those characters. If one of the PCs rules a weeks, make a grand tour of his lands and
descriptions, playing aids, and adventure. dominion, let this adventure occur in that take the reeves with you . If he pays short,
You should plan on spending more than one PC's dominion. place 100 lances across the ford to remind
playing session on this adventure, but don• t him who his lord is.
worry about finishing a set number of sec- The Dominion "Remember, Alphonso, l place my
tions per evening. faith with you. Never lightly break your
An important part of the story of Earth-
Before playing any section of Earth- oath to me. I will return."
shaker! is the dominion that serves as its set-
shaker!, read the module thoroughly, making With that interview, Duke Nevik
ting. Mighty events can take place in this
notes where necessary. If you don't have time placed his command with you. All who
adventure-castles are razed, swamps
to read the entire bookJet, at least read the serve him were instructed to heed your
drained, lakes formed, villages crushed, even
sections you plan to play in the next session. voice as the voice of their lord. Since then
the course of rivers changed! If the player
The action in this adventure centers a week has passed. It has been very quiet
characters truly care about the dominion and
around a giant automaton called the Earth- and pleasant in the time you have looked
what happens to it (especially if they have a
shaker. Since this machine is mobile, the after your lord's affairs-thankfully so,
financial interest at stake), the drama and
events of this adventure can take place any- for the Duke is kind and generous, but
tension of the adventure will be that much
where in your campaign where all your also hard and exacting on those who fail
greater. If it is their castle that could get
player characters can meet. him.
crushed flat , the player characters will be
much more likely to worry about it!
The Setting Give the player the map of Duke Nevik's
If possible, use the dominion of a player
While Earthshaker has no particular set- character. Do not be afraid to wreak a little dominion (on page 13) and let him study it,
ting, it is assumed in the text that characters destruction and havoc on his lands. He will answering any questions about the land.
are adventuring in the land of Norwold. The survive and rebuild. In fact, he probably will (Don't let the players look at the back of the
sample dominion described in this adventure need to do some exciting adventuring to raise map.) When the player feels familiar with
is somewhere near the Wyrmsteeth Range. the cash he needs to repair the damages done the lay of the dominion, begin the adventure.
Norworld is part of the world that appears by Earthshaker!
in the D&D® Companion Set (Book One, If you are using the characters designed for A Matter of Size
page 32) and is described in CM 1, Test ofthe this module, read the following to Alphonso An important thing to understand before
Warlords. No rwold is the northernmost (and the other players): you begin playing this adventure is just how
shaded area on the Companion Set map. It is big the Earthershaker is. It helps the adven-
a region that is slowly being settled; all types It was only one week ago when your lord, ture if your players are constantly aware of
oflands, from wilderness to the beginnings of Duke Nevik, called you to his side. "Ah, the sheer size of the problem that Earthshaker
civilization, can be found there. Alphonso! My most faithful knight and presents to their dominion.
If you do not have Test of the Warlords, companion, I have news for you. King Earthshaker stands 1, 280 feet tall. Below
you can still play this adventure. Simply set Ericall has summoned me to appear at his are some comparisons you can use to show
the story against a land in your world or use what this means to the player characters.
the Dominion of Vyolstagrad.


1. Imagine the length of a football field. Now wonder. father is expected to train his children before
imagine four football fields stacked end to If the player characters return to an area he dies. Each gnome knows how to operate
end on top of each other. Earthshaker is where a specific geomorph had been used, do only a small portion of the machine. Should a
still taller than this. not worry about trying to use the same father die before he can pass on his knowl-
2. Earthshaker stands taller than the highest geomorph in the same position. lfthe players edge, Gryzix (through his god) completes the
dam in the modern world. complain, explain that the characters were training.
3. Earthshaker is taller than the Empire mistaken-that they arrived on a level 10' The gnomes also know that each piece of
State Building (102 stories tall) or the Eif- below the one they were on or 30' to the side. machinery and each worker's job is vital to
fel Tower. the overall operation of Earthshaker. They
~- If you have a 25mm metal miniature, set Operating Earthsbaker will not wiJlingly kill another gnome or
it on the floor. Now, take a tape measure destroy any item of machinery onboard,
Earthshaker is a gigantic, fantasy machine.
or yardstick and measure off 17' 6 N. (This since this could bring Earthshaker to a halt.
As a machine, many workers are required to
may take two rooms, or you might have to The machinery onboard is quite ancient and
fuel, oversee, and maintain it. These workers
do it outside.) Place another metal minia- many of the skills needed to repair or build it
are a clan of gnomes who permanently live are now lost. For the purposes of the adven-
ture at the end of this line. The space
inside. Earthshaker is their clan stronghold, ture, once an item is damaged, it is unusable
between the two miniatures is the size of
so all the normal accouterments of the clan
Earthshaker in 25mm scale (the same size for the rest of the adventure.
are found here, including their Relic.
as the figure) . If your players still have Since tours of Earthshaker are sold as a
The Clanmaster and the Keeper of the money-making attraction, the gnomes have
trouble visualizing this, point out that in
Relic share the responsibility of managing all been instructed to be pleasant and helpful
25mm scale, Earthshaker's head would
Earthshaker. The Clanmaster, Krazmos,
come up to about the second-story win- a t all times. However, to keep a determined
handles the day- to·day operations of Earth·
dow of a normal house. foe from learning how to operate the automa·
shaker and the clan. He settles disputes
ton by patiently and carefully questioning
Furthermore, most everything inside within the clan, grants leave, provides fuel
each gnome during casual visits, the Keeper
Earthshaker is gigantic and oversize. Use and water for Earthshaker, and handles all
has devised a jargon that can be used when
vivid descriptions to convey this-all pistons dealings with the circus owner, Milos For-
answering any questions about the machine.
are huge, gears massive, cables as thick as miesias. The Keeper of the Relic, Gryzix, is
Whenever a player character asks a gnome
arms, etc. Only those things that are used by responsible for his normal duties of the reli- what he is doing or how something works, use
characters (ladders, stairs, etc.) are not on gious life of the clan. In addition, he super·
the jargon lists to create a reply. For each
this gigantic scale. vises the training of the workers for the
blank space in the sentences below, choose a
Use these examples (and any others that various machines that power Earthshaker. word from the appropriate list.
you may discover) to give your players a true This knowledge is granted to him by his god
understanding of the size of Earthshaker. ( and the Relic) as it is needed. Thus, I . "Well, this (List 1) connects to the (List
Once they are aware of how big it is, they will although he trains the others, Gryzix really 1), by which l (List 2) the (List 3) before it
treat the automaton with a great deal more doesn't know how to operate Earthshaker gets to the (List 1)."
respect. They will quickly realize that Earth- himself. Krazmos, Gryzix, and Milos are 2. "I (List 2) this (List 1) so that when we
shaker, if maliciously used, could flatten any described on the NPCs page. (List 4) the (List 1) will stay within proper
building in the dominion, even the largest The gnomes are keenly aware of the awe- limits."
stronghold. some power of Earthshaker and of their 3. "Each time he (List 2) the (List 1), l (List
importance as its operators. This has made 2) the (List 1) so that the (List 1) will (List
The Maps them intensely secretive about how the 2) the (List 3) when we (List 4)."
machine works. Children are expected to
Because the adventure takes place inside of
assume their father's post when he dies. The
Earthshaker, there are many maps for the
critical areas of the machine. These maps are
List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4
located on the inside of the module cover and
valve regulate water pressure bend
on the central pull-out pages. However,
pressure feed watch steam pressure take a step
much of Earthshaker is empty space filled reach
furnace open temperature
only with catwalks, elevators, ropes, ladders,
piston close gear ratios stop
pipes, and girders. Instead of giving maps for
coolant line balance torque speed twist
every inch of Earthshaker, two geomorphic
governor cut-in coolant speak
maps of the empty areas have been included .
gearbox override forward impetus move a finger
Whenever the characters have an encounter
cable haul up energy constant kneel
in an unmapped area, you can use either of airflow nod
take-up drum shut off
these geomorphs. None of the geomorphs are safety valve kinetic thrust run
marked with north and south, so you can
intake fan increase internal tension raise an arm
choose which side of the geomorph will be
bellows pump density
north, etc. Furthermore, if the characters
pump prime
find the catwalk they are on leads off to empty
piston lower
space, don't worry. The interior layout of
Earthshaker does not always need to make
drain port
sense to the players. It is, after all, a great

Damaging Earthshaker
Once the action begins in The Earth-
shaker, the characters will undoubtably try to Machinery Type
stop the mechanical monster by damaging
the internal machinery. ln some cases, the Dice Non-
result is specified in the Key. In many places, Roll essential Typical Cri tical
however, the result is not specified. Use the
following rules to handle these situations. 01-10
Using weapons and spells against the outer 11-20
hull, decks, and various girders of 21 -30 A
Earthershaker is not particularly significant. 31 -40 A
Earthshaker automatically makes its saving 41-50 A B
throw against any attack where a saving 51-60 A B
throw is allowed. In addition, even on attacks 61-70 B c
that have no saving throw, Earthshaker has a 71-80 B D
saving throw value of8. These attacks cause 81-90 A B D
only half their normal damage or, in the case 91-00 E E E
of all-or-nothing spells, no damage. There-
fore , consider the results as having no or very The action has no effect on the opera-
limited effect. tion of Earthshaker.
Even on things that can be damaged, A There are sparks, steam, an explosion
weapons and spells may have less than the (or whatever is appropriate) and all
desired effect. All machines on Earthshaker within 10 feet suffer 3-30 points of
are made to withstand great heat and pres- damage (save vs. Breath for half dam-
sure, so fire-based spells have no effect. Dis- age). Earthshaker takes l damage
integrate spells can only destroy a limited point.
area (10' x 10' x 5'). Likewise, weapons B All the effects of A apply, except that
of + 2 or less will not accomplish anything the item damaged is badly broken and
against the machinery and will only get dull Earthshaker takes 5 damage points.
from being bashed around. C There is a massive explosion of
If a character uses a spell, weapon, bare steam, fire , and flying metal. All
hands, or whatever to successfully damage within 30 feet suffer 5-50 points of
Earthshaker, consult the Earthshaker Dam- damage (save vs. Breath for half dam-
age Table to find the result. age) and Earthshaker suffers I 0 dam-
age points.
D All the effects ofB take place. In addi-
EARTHSHAKER BREAKDOWN tion, the damage may have caused a
TABLE chain reaction. Roll once more on the
same column and apply the result.
Damage Effect E All the effects ofC take place. In addi-
Pts. tion, a serious chain reaction may
occur. RoJI once on the next highest
1-30 No breakdown. column and apply the result.
31-50 One arm no longer works.
51-70 Neither arm works. NONESSENTIAL machinery includes
71-90 Earthshaker cannot bend over. random pipes, gears, cables, and whatever
91-99 There is a 20% chance each else you desire or can think of.
turn that result A from TYPICAL machinery includes gear
The Earthshaker Damage Table boxes, cable drums, valves, governors, and
will occur, except that Earthshaker the like.
docs not acquire any additional CRITICAL machinery includes control
damage points. panels, banks of valves or levers, or other
100 Earthshaker is immobilized. items that you decide are important to the
operation of Earthshaker.
As the PCs damage Earthshaker, it will
start to suffer damage points. You should
keep track of the total damage points Earth-
shaker has taken and compare them to the
Earthshaker Breakdown Table to find the
overall effect.


It's springtime in Vyolstagrad! Indeed, ic patriarch makes a slight bow and extends "May Vyolstagrad grow a nd prosper
is a glorious spring morning. The sun his hand . under the guidance of your hand in the
shines brightly through the windows of absence of its sovereign lord, and may you
the audience chamber. Starlings and mar- The patriarch expects some type of recog- always receive the blessing of he who is
tins land at the windows and flutter away nition of his high position from the player supreme above all things." The onlookers
again. Across che cown, smoke drifts character. You should decide what is appro- make the response and with these words
lazily. Peasants clamber on their roofs, priate, but nothing as slight as a handshake the patriarch's entourage turns and leaves
tying down new bundles of thatch and will do. If the character fails to make the the audience hall.
repairing stork nests in anticipation of the required gesture (or something similar to it), As the group files out of the hall, the
birds' arrival. Matrons shoo geese out of the patriarch will be put out and offended for heraid steps forward agai n. "The Honor-
the garden plots while the men yoke the the rest of the conversation . able Baron Aethelwulf, son of Ealhmund,
oxen for work in the fields. Only in the The patriarch has come to announce two chief magistrate of Vyolstagrad!" With
shadowed glades do the patches of snow things. The first is that he has been called to this he steps aside and the chief magis-
linger, crocuses and lily-of-the-valley his religion's main temple to take part in the t rate, d ressed in blac k, fur-trimmed
pushing up through the icy cruse. All annual spring ceremonies. These duties will robes, enters the chamber. Coming to the
seems good and well in Vyolstagrad. keep him out of Vyolstagrad for several foot of the dais, he kneels, bowing his head
Unfortunately, you cannot join in this weeks, but during that time the lower clerics before you.
relaxing pastoral scene for you have the will tend to the needs of the dominion. Of
business ofVyolscagrad to attend to. This course, he will be in occasional contact and Baron Aethelwulf will not begin his audi-
morning is devoted to audiences. First the will receive complete reports of what has hap- ence until ordered by the PC seneschal to rise
patriarch of the town has requested audi· pened . and speak. It is expected that this command
ence. Then there is a matter of murder the Secondly, he has come to remind the court will come quickly. Should the PC force
chief magistrate has referred to you. that it is springtime and it is customary for Aethelwulf to kneel very long, the chief mag-
Lastly, a traveler has petitioned the court the duke to a rrange a planting holiday for the istrate takes it as a deliberate slight, putting
for special audience concerning a matter peasants. He points out that the last winter him in a bad mood for the rest of the audi-
for a special trade charter. These tasks cer- was particularly harsh and the harvest poor ence.
tainly will occupy your entire morning. before that. Already the holiday is overdue The chief magistrate has come to present a
and the peasants are beginning co grumble. case of murder to the PC, since the nature of
Let the PC seneschal decide who will be He certainly cannot look after their spiritual the case is such that he cannot render a judg-
present at the audiences and who will not. welfare if their lord will not attend to their ment himself. As final arbitrator of justice in
Obviously, he must attend a nd any other PCs temporal needs. the dominion, the PC must make the disposi-
who wish can remain, since none of the dis- Always in the past the du ke has held gener- tion on the case.
cussions are of a secretive nature. If player ous holidays, arranging for entertainments, As the chief magistrate explains it, che facts
characters do not want to attend, they can feasts, and generous alms-giving. Should the of the case are this:
spend the time in the town, attending to holiday this year be any less, the patriarch One week ago, a knight of Stamtral (or a
minor affairs of their own. After these deci- warns, the people will begin to lose faith and neighboring dominion from you r campaign)
sions have been made, the herald announces love for the lord. With the evil forces of the was in the lands of Vyolscagrad. Although
the first audience. mountains not too distant, this could create Vyolscagrad now holds an uneasy peace with
serious troubl.e. He strongly suggests that the Stamtral, relations in the past have not
The Patriarch's Audience holiday be held soon, within the next few always been good. Indeed, in previous years,
weeks. chis same knight led several raids against the
The doors of the audience chamber swing If the players check the information that borders of Vyolstagrad. This knight,
open and the herald, standing in the cen- accompanies the dominion map, they will Heimgarlson by name, was noted for his sav-
ter of the doorway, calls loudly for all to find that the hard winter has also seriously agery and prowess.
hear. "His Eminence Alexis Vatutin, depleted the financial resources of the domin- During his travel through the dominion,
patriarch of Vyolstagrad of the kingdom ion. However, the patriarch's warning about the knight had cause to stop for the night in
of Norwold!" Turning, he bows in the the need for a splendid holiday is serious. If the village of Stryna. There he was set upon
di rection of the procession coming asked, the duke's advisers concur with the by R uva Kolchitsky, a burgomeister of the
through the doors. patriarch to impress the gravity of the situa- village, and slain. Although this Kolchitsky
Leading this group is a white-robed tion on the player characters. Should the attempted to flee co the wildlands after the
cleric, bearing the staff-mounted holy player characters refuse to hold the holiday, deed, the sheriffs were swift in the execution
symbol of the patriarch. Behind him is the Dominion Confidence level drops 20 of their duty and captured him.
Alexis Vatu ti n, the patriarch, dressed in points within a week. T hat Kolchitsky had done the deed there is
his white and gold robes, his thick black no doubt, as many of the villagers were wit-
beard reaching to his stomach. Beside him The Chief Magistrate's nesses. Under threat of torture, Kolchitsky
is a young acolyte, bearing parchment, Audience readily confessed to the crime. In his defense,
ink, and a quill. however, Kolchitsky offered evidence that
The group stops before the dais and the The door swings open and the patriarch Heimgarlson had been responsible for the
raises his hand to invoke a benediction . death of Kolchitsky's parents, wife, and chil-
dren during one of his previous raids. These


statements were proved truthful by the local sion until then. white hair falling over his eyes. Standing,
clergy and Heimgarlson's own dead lips con· he puffs his cheeks from this sudden ~er·
THE T RAVELER'S AUDIENCE tion and wiggles his broad, black, oiled
firmed them.
Normally, the question of punishment mustache. Darting his bright eyes about
would not be in doubt-the murderer would Concluding his presentation of the case, the court, he awaits leave to speak.
be executed. However, the burgomeister is a the chief magistrate bows to you and
popular, respected, and influential man i~ his leaves the chamber. As he leaves the Milos Formiesias is the owner of the Trav·
village and those who heard the case, parocu· chamber, the herald steps forward once cling Exhibition of Wonders, of which Earth·
larly the villagers of Stryna, were moved by more. shaker is a part. He has come to seek a
his defense. The duke of Stamtral, however, "Presenting Magister Formiesias of temporary charter allowing him to set up his
is demanding that the killer be turned over to Thyatis, son of Marcos the Trembler, spe· tents and open his exhibition to the people of
him. cial procurer for their Royal Highnesses, Vyolstagrad. .
If Kolchitsky is allowed to go free, relations the Princes of Glantri, ambassador-at· Milos describes his exhibition in glowmg
with Stamtral will be further strained, and large, Impresario-of-select-wonders;' he terms but gives only mysterious hints about
they are already not good. If Kolc~itsky is loudly announces. Entering the audience his prime exhibit, Earthshaker. Examine the
given to the duke of Stamtral for punishment, hall behind him is a short, portly man, list of exhibits on the pullout handbill to con·
there is a chance the village of Stryna and the dressed like a poppinjay. He wears a short coct your own description for the players.
surrounding districts will revolt. Even if this riding cloak, brilliant red and trimmed Since you are playing Milos, be sure to
revolt is quickly crushed, the love of the with white fu rs. H is emerald-green dou· phrase everything in flowery and marvel!o~s
dominion for its ruler will be greatly reduced. blet is puffed and slashed with orange rib· descriptions. Do not lie about the exh1b1ts
Either way, the situation could lead to serious hons and topped with a high, lace ruff. but, like M ilo, don' t be afraid to stretch the
consequences. . Yellow and blue cross-gartered hose cover truth.
If the character consults with any advisers, his legs and lead to leather, oversize boots. If the PCs have not realized by this point
they tell him that the du ke of Stamt ral .can U nder o ne a rm is tucked a broad· that Milos's exhibition solves a major prob·
raise a large enough force to present a senous brimmed hat, its gold and white plumes Jem (entertainment) for the ?ucal holida~,
threat to the dominion. The outcome of any trailing to the floor. Under his other arm you may have to prod them a httle. The van·
war with Stamtral would be uncertain . T he are three gold-capped scroll cases. ous advisers can bring this point to the PCs'
duke of Stamtral is sending ambassadors to Striding to the dais, he makes .a sw~ep· attention. Ultimately, the player characters
hear the PC's decision. They will arrive in ing bow to you and the others, his stringy should want Milos's exhibition to arrive.
five to ten days. T he PCs can delay their deci·

When negotiating, Milos makes the fol-

lowing points.
He needs several acres of land for his show.
He suggests that he could set up on the shore
of Marsh Lake outside the town of Vyolsta-
RAID.Ill El•IDll • W•EIS!
grad, since there is a rocky outcropping the re
that is necessary for the protection of one of
his exhibits.
Man-Eating Monsters subdued
He must, in order to survive, charge an
admission to various exhibits. If he is not
by the fairest Maidens of the Land!
allowed to charge admission, he must secure
a retaining fee from the court (his starting
price is 10,000 gp).
Ifnecessary to seal the contract, he offers to
Fantastical Wonders from the
turn over 10 % of all profits to the local clergy,
as a tithe. (This will immediately secure his
far Corners of the World!
favor with the cha plain of the court.)
He requests permission to perform one ~~
major landscaping project for the du ke. He
suggests draining the swamp, but it could
Creatures from the Edge
equally be re-routing a river, clearing a for-
est, etc. Ifhe can get money for this task, he
of the Foul Pit!
If the PCs agree to these terms (or anything
similar), Milos pops open a scroll case and
produces the contract. This is a long roll of
Awesome Displays of
parchment covered with crabbed wri ting. He
asks for the seneschal's signature on this,
Might and Power!
explaining it is his standard contract to
· ensure the safety of both parties. If the char- ~
acters insist on reading it, give them the pull-
out contract from the center of th is booklet.
Come see Thrills and
Once Milos has concluded his business, he
leaves the court with the same puffery and
Wonders unheard of!
pomp that marked his arrival. At the door, he
turns, bows once more, and says, " My Lord,
you shall not regret the wonders that I bring
for your amusement a nd education! T he
name of Formiesias as showman extraord i- As a huge black m an drives the wagon
naire is reknowned throughout the world! In through Vyolstagrad, M ilos stands on the
four days Magistcr Formiesias' Traveling scat, shouting for attention and tossing hand-
Exhibition of Wonders will be open to do fuls of leaflets to the crowds gathering in the
business in Vyolstagrad!" With these words streets. There is a copy of this leaflet on the
he leaves. pullout sheet. Once he has left town, he con-
Waiting outside for Milos is his wagon. tin ues shouting his announcemen ts as long as
Rolling up tarps that cover the sides, he anyone is in sight, until he finally crosses the
reveals signs that state: border to the east.

his exhibition to appear.
Three days have passed since Milos For- panic! Striking a light in the darkened The panic Earthshaker's appearance has
miesias had his audience with you . In room, you stumble to the door. What hor- caused in the castle is nothing compared to
anticipation of his arrival, you have rible fate has struck your dominion in the what is happening in the town of Vyolsta-
announced a ducal holiday. Wandering dead of the night? Casting the door open, grad. Merchants and peasants are busily
minstrels, possibly hearing of the holiday, you duck as the chamberlain swings a loading their possessions for a hasty depar-
have been arriving. Many have been heavy spear butt for another thump on the tu re from the town. T he streets are jammed
extolling the virtues of the Traveling Exhi- door. with laden ox-carts, bewildered guardsmen,
bition of Wonders. Leaflets announcing "My lord, have you seen it? What does and religious fanatics convinced that the end
the impending arrival of the Traveling it mean? What have we done that the gods has come. At the main gate, trying to force
Exhibition of Wonders have cropped up should bring this fate onto us?" The his way into town, is Milos Formeisias on his
everywhere, almost, it seems, from thin chamberlain, panting in panic and his wagon. As he passes through the streets, he
air. The peasants, caught up in t he eyes bulging in fear, rushes into the room shouts assurances that Earthshaker will cause
increasing excitement, are busily prepar- and pulls you lO a window. What can you no harm, that it is only a part of his Traveling
ing their best foods and clothes for the possibly see in the middle of the night? Wonders. In his wake he leaves an amazed
coming revel. But wait, looking to the north and south, but substantially relieved populace.
It is the night of the third day and the you see sunshine! There, dead ahead, If the PCs have not already sought him
fair is to open tomorrow, yet there has standing in the field you authorized for out, Milos now requests an audience. He has
been no sign of Milos or his exhibition. the fair is a giant! More than a giant, it is a come to explain that Earthshaker is a part of
No tents have been set up in t he land colossus! Towering above the castle is an his exhibition and that it is totally harmless.
assigned. There has been no sign of awesome metal man! It's broad shoulders In addition, he offers to give the PCs a per-
Milos. If his circus does not appear on blot out the rising sun, casting a shadow of sonally guided tour of the inside of the great
time tomorrow, you are going to have a darkness over Vyolstagrad. machine before opening his show to the gen-.
problem. But now, it is very late and dark As you watch it, it makes no movement eral public. He repeatedly assures the player
and there is nothing you can do until nor does it show any signs oflife. But at its characters that no harm will come to them or
morning. feet you see brightly colored tents and Vyolstagrad, at least not by his doing. He
Thump! Thump! Thump! You spring scurrying movement. Could this possibly promises that they will see wonders like they
awake, eyes wide open, sitting upright in be Magister Formiesias' Traveling Exhi- have never seen before. If the PCs insist, he
bed. The panels of your door quiver from bition of Wonders? allows himself to be scanned by any type of
heavy pounding on the other side. "Arise, detection spells they care to use. He is not
my lord! We are doomed! Oh, come The scene that greets the characters is lying, he is not evil. Essentially, he is perfectly
quickly, d isaster and death are upon us!" Earthshaker and the Traveling Exhibition of innocent, although he is a huckster through
The voice of the speaker is filled with Wonders. Just at dawn, with the 'small' and through.
magics that he possesses, Milos has caused


whose predictions are always utterly

The breeze flutters the brightly colored jovially to your group, he booms out, incorrect, but who is compelled to make
pennons that grace the tent tops of the "Welcome! Welcome, noble lords and them.
Traveling Exhibition of Wonders. The ladies, to the most magnificent collection 4. The Mirror of Nabros, which reflects an
tents, gaudy and opulent at a distance, of wonders, marvels, oddities, and antiq- image showing the true, secret natu re of
look worn and patched on closer inspec- uities of the land of man and of the secret any person looking into it.
tion. Set up between the feet of Earth- places where men dare not go! Come and 5. Morphiras, the Immortal Woman, a
shaker, they are dwarfed by the immense enjoy the bizarre and enlightening sights beautiful young girl who is supposedly
piUars ofEarthshaker's legs. The tents are we present for you!" immortal, but is actually a fake.
aU sizes and shapes-a handful of colors 6. Perdu the Marvellous, a low-level MU
strewn across the ground. Some quiver Milos then proceeds to take the PCs on a who amuses the peasant crowds with his
and tremble with resounding roars and tour of the different sights and shows his ex.hi- tricks.
shrieks. Others seem grim and forebod- bition has to offer. His many exhibits are 7. The Brothers Hargest, a trio of excep-
ing, hiding terrible mysteries within. listed here. If you wish, you can take the tionally fine tumblers and clowns.
Gilded wagons form a wall across the back player characters through these, describing 8. Nimble Dava, a quick-witted minstrel
of the encampment. each in glowing details. As Milo you can who will compose a ballad on any topic
Moving in and about the tents are gaily stress che horror of this thing, the great rarity in one minute or less.
dressed clowns, strolling minstrels, hawk- of that, the utter perfection of another, and so 9. The Choir of Evil, a sextet of charmed
ers waving roasted onions and strips of on. At the same time, he laces his descrip- harpies who sing their seductive songs
dried meat, and bare-chested fellows tions with flattering comments w the PCs- for the crowd, entrancing for a short per-
casually swinging wooden mallets. Tum- mentioning their bravery, courage, iod many who listen.
blers and acrobats practice graceful leaps knowledge, worldliness, etc. By doing so, he 10. The Wizard's Dance, a ballet/folk
and rolls on the greensward while animal wants to make the player characters feel good dance. All the dancers and musicians are
trainers lead strange creatures to the about themselves and, thus, feel good about animated objects, and there are no living
water's edge. his exhibition. actors.
As Milos enters the camp, he becomes a
flurry of activity-ordering tents straight- 1. A live medusa, viewed throu gh an And, of course, there is his best item, saved
arrangement of mirrors. for last-Earthshaker.
ened, sending hawkers into town, hustling
incredible creatures out of sight, and set- 2. The animated skeleton of a gargantuan
ting performers to practicing. Turning gargoyle.
3. Mangire, the Cursed Seer, a sad man

After showing all of the various marvels he Without his soul, Morag hardened and they are with his exhibition-Milos never
has in his tents, Milos Formiesias invites the became a mountain of iron. tries to conquer anyone. Third, when in
characters to take a tour of the inside of Milos discovered Earthshaker on one of his operation, Earthshaker uses an incredible
Earthshaker. Jn fact, he graciously offers to collecting expeditions for the princes ofGlan- amount of coal and water. Once out of fuel,
let them take the tour free of charge! In addi- tri, deep in the wild mountains far to the Eartbshaker is helpless. Fourth, Milos,
tion, he will personally guide them. Again, west. He persuaded the gnomes living in the because he entertains with such great and
he has no intention of harming the PCs and behemoth to return with him to Glantri. marvelous wonders, has powerful and impor-
does not want any harm to come to them . Once there, the princes, in their wisdom (and tant friends th roughout the known lands,
To conduct the Grand Tour, you will need fear of each other), refused to buy the device, including the Princes ofGlantri, the Emperor
to use the Key to Earthshaker (pages I 1-16). ordering him instead to take it from their ofThyatis, and the Great Khan. They would
Boxed descriptions have been prepared for lands. He did manage to bargain for a way of be very upset if anyone was to take Earth-
only the most important sections inside magically transporting it, so as not to cause shaker away from Milos. Finally, if someone
Earthshaker, so you must play the part of destruction and ruin as he traveled. did manage to control Earthshaker, machines
Milos creatively, inventing extravagant and would eventually break. Since the secret of
overblown descriptions yourself. The tour Operation these machines is one of the mysteries of the
can follow any route you choose, but must gnomish clan's god, the part would be unre·
Milos really doesn't know how Earth-
start in the foot and should end in the control pairable until control ofEarthshaker was per-
shaker works, except that it uses a lot of coal
room. manently returned to the gnomes.
and boiling water to do things and that it
No doubt the player characters will have
makes a horrendous noise when it moves.
many questions concerning Earthshaker, its The Plot Thickens
The whole thing has been run for centuries
operation, and its history. Below are Milos's
by a clan of gnomes living inside, bur chey While the characters are taking their tour
answers to some of the more standard ques-
won't tell anyone anything useful about of Earthshaker, their real adven tu re will
Earthshaker. begin. Unknown to them and Milos, a group
of powerful, evil NPCs has managed to infil-
Security trate the insides of Earthshaker. Since the
Milos doesn't know who built Earthshaker, arrival of Earthshaker in this domininion,
Milos is aware that many unscrupulous
but he knows that it was built at least 3,000 this evil group's leader has arrived with the
types would like to gain control of Eartb-
years ago, probably by a race of evil gods sim· gem of Morag. He plans to seize the control
shaker, but he really isn't worried. First,
ilar in skill to dwarves or gnomes. Legends room and set the gem back into its proper
when the entrances are sealed, Earthshaker is
tell of an evil giant named Morag who threat- place. This will allow him to control Earth-
nearly invulnerable to outside attack. Sec-
ened to conquer not just the world, but the shaker without needing coal or the gnome
ond, the gnomes are vital to the operation of
sun and the moon also. These gods sired the operators. This attack is described in The
the machine and they are steadfastly neutral
hero Zarka, who defeated Morag by trickery Villains A ttack! (pages 17-18), following the
in all things. As such, they will refuse to oper-
and stole away the gem containing his soul. key to Earthshaker's interior levels.
ate the machine for good or evil. This is why

General Descriptions source of a sound by listening only, roll 1D6. Bearings Linkage
If the die roll is a one, the character has cor- Belt Piping
Many of the things that appear inside
rectly guessed the source (or direction) of the Boiler Piston
Earthshaker can be found in many different
sound. Otherwise, the echoes confuse the Brake Pulley
places. Instead of repeating these descrip-
character so that he thinks the sound came Camshaft Pump
tions over and over, a general description is
from an entirely random direction. Clutch Raichet
given here. Use these general descriptions as
Materials: Virtually everything inside Cogwheel Rod
a basis for describing many of the items the
Ear thshaker is metal. The builders of the Counterweight Roller
PCs find inside Earthshaker.
machine had little desire or taste for orna- Crane Spring
It is importani to always remember that
mentation; hence, everything is very func- Drum Switch
Earthshaker is a gigantic machine, not a
tional. The overall effect is one of great Fan Trip Hammer
magical construction . While it is quite
mechanical power. The outside is covered by Filter Tube
fantastic simply because of its size, it does not
metal plates, fastened together with huge riv- Flywheel Turbine
rely on any magical principles to make it
ets. No attempt is made to hide these on the Gauge Valve
operaie. Where possible, seemingly realistic
inside. M ost things are not decorative but Gear Wheel
devices are described to explain many of
practical. Nonetheless, the lack of ornamen- Governor Whistle
Earthshaker's abilities, such as moving an
tation does not mean the inside is plain. The Hook Windlass
arm, bending, etc.
girders, lattice catwalks, support arches, Lever
However, this is a fantasy, so you shouldn't
machinery frames, cables, steam pipes, rail-
feel pressed to explain how everything works.
ings, and ladders have been given small deco- Steam Pipes: These metal pipes are hot to
If players, trying to be clever and trip you up,
rative touches that blend into the the touch. Any pipe that takes 20 or more
argue that Earthshaker cannot do this or that
background. points of damage will rupture, spraying
because of science, technological limitations,
The most common colors are black, dark steam 10 feet in a random direction. Anyone
or whatever, kindly listen to their arguments
blue, and rust. Layers of oil, soot, and grime hit by this steam takes l ·20 points of damage.
and then tell them they are wrong. Like
cover many surfaces, making them dull Elevators: These are one-person eleva-
magic (which doesn't exist in the real world),
black. Frequently used areas and machines tors. They consist of a constantly moving belt
Earthshaker's science and technology exist
have been blued or oiled to a shiny dark blue (one side going up and the other down) with
because you say they exist.
or brilliant steel color. Many places, espe- handholds and small platforms to stand on.
Light: The interior of Earthshaker is lit
cially lesser-used areas, are streaked with To use, a character simply grabs a handhold
gloomily at best and is pitch-black in many
rust. and steps on the platform as it goes by. The
places. Any area where there is no significant
Creatures: Officially, nothing but the elevators move at the rate of 10 feet per
machinery or activity is unlit. Areas where
gnomes live inside Earthshaker. However, as round. The elevator belt can be broken by 30
the gnomes live and work are lit by fires or
in all cases, small vermin have found the points of damage to a single spot.
flickering torches. The only natural sunlight
machine a convenient home. In dark corners Ventilation Shafts: These shafts are l foot
that enters comes through the eyes, mouth,
characters may notice large rats, escaped in diameter and covered with a wire screen .
and ears.
housecats, owls, mice, common salaman- All the shafts lead to fast, whirling fans, mak-
Air: The air throughout Earthshaker is
ders, squirrels, and in rare instances, small ing them unsuitable as a means of getting
breathable, but it is not always fresh or pure.
monkeys. In the cavernous areas, bats are from one place to another.
It is best on the command deck and the living
often seen and heard. None of these creatures Girders: These are metal supports, 2 feet
quarters. In the unoccupied areas, it is very
present any threat to the player characters. wide. They can be walked on or climbed.
stale with little breeze. On decks filled with
Machinery: There are large numbers and Ladders: These are made of welded iron.
machinery, the air is filled with soot, steam,
varying sizes of machines in Earthshaker. The The rungs are spaced for gnomes and so are
smoke, and oil fumes. Characters who stay
functions of some arc obvious; others will be closer together than on normal human lad-
on these decks for any length of time will be
a bsolutely incomprehensible to the player ders.
covered with oily black grime which takes
characters. All are whirling, clicking, hissing, Catwalks: The catwalks are all 2' 6 *wide
considerable scrubbing to get off.
pumping, vibrating, and clanging devices. suspended metal walkways that tend to
Sounds: With cavernous spaces and hard
Some are masses of gears, cog-wheels, and squeak and sway alarmingly when walked on
metal walls, echoes abound within Earth-
camshafts. Others may be spinning gover- or when Earthshaker is in motion. The walk-
shaker. In areas of little activity even the
nors, pistons, and ratchets. Included here is a way surface is an iron lattice (allowing char-
slightest whisper will rebound several times.
list machine parts you can use to make your acters to see through it) and there are short (2
Where machinery is operating the racket is
own descriptions for the different machines of feet high) metal railing on both sides.
incredible. Characters will have to shout to
Earthshaker. For example, you might describe Speaking Tubes: All the decks are linked
make themselves heard over the noise. Typi-
a machine as "a mass of whirling gears with by a system of speaking tubes (much like
cal noises include metallic crashes from
ratchet hammers rising and falling on steam those used on old-time steam ships). Next to
gears, groaning squeaks from iron plates, the
valves." It is up to you to add color and feel to each is a bank of switches labeled with the
singing of wind passing through cables,_
the descriptions and make Earthshaker come names of different areas. Flipping the switch
explosize hisses of steam, the regular thump-
alive for your players. for the desired deck pumps a blast of steam
ing of pistons, whistles of safety valves, the
All the machinery inside Earthshaker is through a high-pitched whistle at the other
creaking of shifting girders, and the roar of
operated by steam or muscle power. There is end. Conversations can then be held by
blazing furnaces .
no use of electricity anywhere within Earth-
Whenever the characters try to locate the


shouting and listening through the tube. For The floor at the heel of the foot is a huge 11. WAIST DECK
many standard messages, the gnomes don't turntable, again steam powered. A system of
bother with conversation, but use a code of gears and ratchets allows the foot to pivot Smoke and steam hang heavy in the air,
timed whistles instead. slightly to each side. casting the deck into a squalid gloom.
Gnome Crew: There are 327 gnomes liv- Leather-aproned gnomes stand at vast
ing and working aboard Earthshaker. Statis- DECKS 3-8. LEGS banks of machines, ducking blasts of
tics for workers, supervisors, and the leaders steam while shouting to each other above
These decks have only small platforms for
can be found on the NPC Roster. You should the noise.
floors and no ceilings. If the player characters
keep track of the number of gnomes killed (if
have any encounters on these decks, use the
any). All gnomes are armed with clubs and The machines on this deck are used to
Generic Maps.
daggers, and supervisors have swords. There bend Earthshaker at the waist. The machines
is one supervisor on each deck. marked A on the deck are huge pneumatic
pumps which provide the push to raise or
LEGS (Maps 1-9) lower different sides of Earthshaker. There
The deck is brightly lit by flickering
Obviously, Earthshaker has two legs. Only torches. Occupied at various tasks are are 20 gnomes on this deck.
the maps for the left leg are shown; the right many gnomes, perhaps 30 to 50 or more.
leg layout is identical to the left. If you want Gnome children are playing games while 12. LOWER FURNACE DECK
to be exact about the shape of the right leg their mothers sweep and cook. Gnome
and foot, be sure to remember the differences men scuttle back and forth, going to and The air is a haze of smoke and ash, sti-
between left and right. For example, the door from their jobs. flingly thick and hot. A ruddy glow comes
to the outside which is on the outer or left from the back of the deck, d iffused by the
edge of the left foot is on the outer or right These decks are the living quarters of the dark clouds of ash and live steam. A coal-
edge of the right foot. gnomes. At any given time there are approxi- black gnomish figure, dressed in heavy
mately 50 gnomes, mostly females and chil- leather suit and a thick goggled hood,
DECK 1. THE SPRING FLOOR dren, on each deck. peers at you through the dirty air. He
A. Family Quarters: Each chamber frantically gestures to you, pointing to
The deck is unlit and the air is stale and houses five to eight gnomes, all of one family. your eyes and mouth. Within seconds you
fouJ. The floor is coated with damp, oily Each is fitted with bunkbeds, chairs, and at begin coughing on the dust, tears stream-
slime. Set in orderly rows are huge coil least one table, all built to gnome size. Each is ing from your face. It almost as if you
springs, reaching from the floor up to the decorated with items the family has collected. have entered the darkest and most infer-
JO-foot-high ceiling. ln addition to normal items found here, there nal reaches of the Netherworld.
are one to three gnome-sized swords and suits
The springs, 5 feet in diameter, act as of chainmail. This deck holds the bellows that pump air
shock absorbers whenever Earthshaker takes B. Bachelor Quarters: Each small cham- to the furnaces. Across the back are the bot-
a step. Each time the machine steps down on ber is home for three unmarried gnomes. toms of the furnaces where the ashes collect to
a foot, the pressure collapses that leg's deck to There is a three-tier bunkbed, three chairs, be hauled away. The air is extremely foul on
a 2-foot height. Anything that cannot fit in and a table in each. These chambers have this deck, filled with coal ash, steam, and heat
this 2-foot height (by lying down, collapsing, fewer decorations than the family quarters, from the furnaces. The 20 gnomes who work
etc.) is hopelessly crushed. Neither charac- but each includes a complete set of gnomish this deck all wear protective leather suits, fit-
ters nor magical items are allowed any saving arms and chainmail armor. ted with hoods. These hoods have thick cot-
throw from the 500,000 tons coming down C. Communal Kitchen: This large, open ton breathing filters and thick-lensed goggles.
upon them. area is used by the gnomes to prepare meals Characters can see only 10 feet through the
for the clan. The women do the cooking, pre- gloom. Any character who remains here
DECK 2. THE ANKLE paring mostly roasted or boiled potatoes, without goggles for more than one turn will
parsnips, onions, turnips, and rutabagas be temporarily blinded by the ash. This
This cavernous deck has a sloping ceiling, mixed with dried or salted meats. The food is blindness disappears one turn after the char-
15 feet high near the toe and rising to 45 mostly bland. The area is strewn with baskets acter leaves the deck. In addition, any char-
feet at the point where it joins the leg. of vegetables, barrels of salted meat, cleavers, acter who remains two turns without a
Near the outer end of the foot is a large knives, cauldrons, firewood, and coal. Some- breathing filter suffers 1-10 points of damage
one is always cooking here. When Earth- each turn from breathing the ash.
drum. Cables 12 inches thick wrap
shaker is in operation, the gnome workers eat A. Bellows: At each end of the deck are
around this, pass along the roof, run
through a pulley system and disappear up in shifts. two huge, round, accordion-like bags-the
the tube of the leg. Near the heel is a huge D. Storerooms: These are piled high with bellows that pump air into the furnaces.
machine, a collection of gears and vegetables, dried meats, barrels of salt, dried Huge beams run across the tops of these, con-
fish, and other victuals. necting to steam pistons that pump the bags.
ratchets. The air is hot and stuffy. Jets of
steam intermittently shoot from the E. Latrines: These have working plumb- These in turn are connected to the banks of
machines. Ten gnomes, sweaty and strip- ing and are kept scrupuJously clean. machinery that surround each bellows.
B. Ash Carriers: Set in the floor are iron
ped to their pants, stand about, occasion-
ally pulling on levers or yelling into tracks, like those used to guide ore cars in a
speaking tubes. mine. These run across the floor, through


heavy iron doors, and into the bottom of each B. Drive Engines: These machines con-
furnace. The other end of the track ends at a metal. G nomes are scattered all about, vert the power of steam into physical motion.
sliding doorway to the outside. On each track wads of cotton stuffed in their ears, work- Each engine is a massive collection of pistons,
is a pushcar used to haul ashes out of the fur- ing by lantern light at control panels, steam lines, gears, and drive shafts. Each
nace. These ashes are then dumped out of scurrying to and fro with oil cans, chalk- stands taller than a two-story house.
Earthshaker through the doorways. ing out notations on slates, shouting into C. Drive Shafts: The main drive shaflS
C. Loading Crane: T his is one of several speaking tubes, and waving dripping run from the engines to gigantic transmission
swive.I cranes found on Earthshaker. It can be grease pots. Some even dangle by ropes gear boxes. Each shaft is 10 feet in diameter.
extended through the small doorway directly over black voids, daubing grease or tight- When operating, these spin at tremendous
in front of it. It is used for loading and ening bolts with heavy spanners. The a ir speeds, creating a high-pitched and painful
unloading various supplies. is filled with the smell of oil and soot. whine.
D. 'lfansmission Gears: Like everything
13. MAIN FURNACE DECK This deck contains the top ends of the boil- else on this deck, these machines are huge.
ers, steam engines that drive pistons and Each is a collection of gears and shafts set at
A constant, throbbing roar swells through gears to power the arms and legs, huge all different angles. The gears range from the
this cavernous deck. Where the deck just torque mechanisms, and gearboxes. The size of a large man (the smallest gears) to
below had been foul and stifling, this one noise level is so great that even shouted con- gears three stories high. Anything (including
is smoky and roasting! Across the back versations are impossible at ranges greater a character) that falls into these while they are
stand huge furnaces, their doors flung than 10 feet. turning is instantly and utterly crushed .
open. Casting huge shadows in the ruddy A. Boilers: A boiler tank can be ruptured Should a player character slip and fall into
light are more than two-score gnomes, by 100 points of damage, but if it happens, one of these, you should allow a saving throw
stripped to their loincloths and sweating the results are devastating. A broken boiler vs. Death Ray. Ifthe character makes the sav-
heavily. Cheerfully singing and chanting, will explode in 1-3 rounds, causing 200 points ing throw, he has managed to catch a girder,
they are heaving shovelfuls of coal into the of damage from the roiling steam and hot pipe, or other metal outcropping, but his toes
furnaces, taking their scoops from heaped water. This damage is reduced by 1 point for are dangling iriches from the mangling teeth
piles at the front of the deck. Looking up, every foot of distance between the character of the gears.
you see only cavernous blackness. and the exploding boiler. There is no saving E. ShoulderJoints: Like the transmission
throw for this damage. Note that since there gears, these are huge collections of gears and
are two boilers, the destruction of one auto- driveshafts. Unlike other sections of the deck,
There are 50 gnomes on this deck, tending
matically ruptures the other, causing a sec- there is no flooring under these areas.
the furnaces. All are soot-streaked and drip-
ond explosion of the same intensity. Instead, whirling shafts and thigh-sized
ping sweat. The mounds of coal tumble down
In addition, the explosion totally destroys cables extend int0 the blackness of the arms.
from the front of the deck, some rising to
the deck, floods the lower levels, and blows As a safety measure, all the gnomes working
heights of 40 feet or more. T he heat is
off the chest and shoulders of Earthshaker, in these areas are roped to safety lines, to pre-
intense, and within seconds all characters
scattering debris across a half-mile radius vent a missed step from becoming a deadly
begin to sweat heavily. Characters in metal
(2,640 feet). Everything in that area, includ- plunge into the darkness.
armor quickly notice the temperature as their
ing buildings, animals, people, and trees, has
suits begin to warm up. Characters so attired
a 40% chance of being damaged by this blast. 17, 18, 19, 20. ARM DECKS
suffer 1-4 poinlS of damage per turn from the
For simplicity, you can assume that 40% of
hot metal if they remain on the deck for more There are no maps for these decks, nor are
the area within half a mile of Earthshaker is
than one turn. they part of the tour Milos gives the charac-
destroyed. Damage will be worst immedi-
ately around Earthshaker and will become ters. Like the leg decks, these are mostly
14, 15: BOILER DECKS empty space with platforms at various points.
gradually less the further away one gets. For
T here are no maps for these decks, since example, should this disaster occur while Running down the length of the arm are spin-
nearly all the space is taken up by the bottoms Earthshaker is standing outside the walls of ning shafts and cables connecting to gears
of the huge boilers that generate steam pres- Vyolstagrad, nearly all of the town and the and cable drums. If the players have an
sure for E~rthshaker. If the characters have castle will be leveled by the force of the explo- encounter in these areas, use the Generic
an encounter on these decks, use one of the sion. If any characters are outside of Earth- Maps provided with the module.
Generic Maps provided with this module. shaker and the explosion occurs, check to see
The decks are very hot and h~mid, moisture if they are struck by wreckage ( 40% ). If they 21. HEAD SWIVEL DECK
dripping from nearly every surface. are, they suffer 20-80 points of damage
(2Mxl0). Set in a circle around the walls are rows of
16. ENGINE DECK The magnitude of the disaster described thick cables. Massive U-bolts anchor
above does not take into effect any aftereffects these to the walls. Like a spiderweb, the
Of all the decks you've been on, this is by to the surrounding land. These include fires cables run through a system of pulleys to a
far the noisiest. Giant pieces of machinery burning out of control and the fact that the winch set in the center of the floor. A
loom over you; shafts thicker than your remains of Earthshaker will undoubtably fall smaller platform filled with levers, valves,
waist lead to gears taller than two men . on something. Whatever it falls on will be and gauges rests atop this winch. Six
Whistles and bells seem to sound con- destroyed and the resulting shockwave will gnomes are lounging up there, awaiting
stantly, barely heard above the squealing have the effect of an earthquake on the sur- orders to activate their machines.
bursts of steam and grinding groans of rounding area.


The winch and cable system that fills this roll of 1-5. Deafness can be cured with a
deck is used to tum Earthshaker's head from chamber is an a rrangement of tubes, cureall spell.)
side to side. Along the front and back walls speaking trumpets, bells, whistles, drums, B. J aw Motors: To increase the illusion of
are a series of small (only as big as a man!) and chimes . Standing in the midst of all Earthshaker's aliveness, the builders of
steam jacks that tilt the head forward and these instruments and pipes is a small Earthsha ker have fitted it with pistons to
back. cluster of earmuffed gnomes snickering work the lower jaw of the machine. These can
Unlike many of the other decks, this one is and mischieviously grinning at their be triggered to raise and lower the jaw in uni-
relatively well-lit and clean. It is not very grand joke. son with any words spoken through the voice
quiet, however, since a great deal of noise and mechanism. T his jaw is t remendously strong
vibration rises from the engine deck below. This deck is the voice of Earthshaker. It and can cut through any standard magical or
contains the mechanisms for working Earth- non-magical object that might get caught in
22. SPEAKER DECK shaker's jaw and creating its voice. There are it.
l 0 gnomes standing in the group watching
··1 II UlllllllU!!!!! .. you. 23. COMMAND DECK
A. Voice Mechanism: T his is a forest of
As you step onto the deck, these words tubes, musical instruments, voice trumpets, This deck is best lit of all on Earthsha ker,
boom and roar all around you, crashing and other noisemakers. All are arranged such sunlight from the great eye-ports making
against your eardrums and shaking your that when one speaks into the proper tube or everything cheery and bright. Arranged
body right down to your liver. Caught plays an instrument, the sound is amplified a a long all the walls are banks of levers,
unawares, your eyes unfocus and then thousand-fold . A huge, flaring horn directs speaking tubes, and gauges. Gnomes,
snap back to clarity. As the raging echoes this sound out th rough the mouth of Earth- perched on high stools, lean over these,
subside, you hear the light hysterical guf- shaker. intently shouting orders, pulling levers,
faws of a gnome from somewhere on the Whenever the voice of Earthshaker is acti- and studying dials. In the center of the
deck. vated, all characters without some type of ear deck is a massive metal chair, even by the
Sunlight streams across the deck from protection (or silence spell) must make a sav- massive standards of Earthshaker. Stand-
the gaping opening of Earthsha ker's ing throw vs. Paralysis or be stunned for one ing on this, since it is far too big for him to
mouth. Here the view is one of d izzying rou nd. In addition, any character standing sit in, is a grizzled and authoritative look-
heights; far below are miniscule huts, d irectly in front of the main speaker horn will ing gnome, issuing commands to those at
fields, and streams. At the back of the be permanently deafened if the saving throw the various control banks.
is failed . (A deaf character is surprised on a


There are 20 gnomes working at the vari· Clock of T imelessness. T he elderly gnome is another equarion of time) or fade into non-
ous control banks. The gnome on the com· Gryzix, the Keeper of the Relic (see NPC existence. Anything that fades disappears
mand chair is Krazmos, the clanmaster (see sheet for his statistics); the other gnomes are utterl y and totally from the Multiverse as ifit
NPC sheet for statistics). This deck is the his aides (again, the statistics for these had never existed (although any possessions
command center of Earthshaker. Each con- gnomes are on the N PC sheet). T hey will not or previous deeds of a character do not
trol bank is connected to and monitors one allow anyone to approach their treasured change).
area or function of Earthshaker. All com· relic too closely. The pedestal in front of the clock once held
mands for the movement of Earthshaker are The clan's relic, the C lock of T imelessness, the mind gem. gem (now in possession
issued from he re. Krazmos decides what is a 5-foot dock with a skeleton movemen t of the villain Boyar Viktor Zhucharnov) pro·
Earthshaker will do and then the gnomes at (the inner works can be seen clearly). Unlike vided power to Earthshaker, freeing it from
the consoles inform the other decks of what Earthshaker, the relic is ornately decorated; its steam engines, and allowed it to operate its
they must do a nd when they must do it. gears are filigreed, a rmatures sculpted, and machinery without the aid of living workers.
Because of its importance, everything on this jewels are lavishly set in the clock's face . The When set in place, Earthshake r follows ver-
deck is considered critical machinery should relic has all the standard powers of a relic as bal commands from the master of the mind
the characters attempt to damage it. described in the Companion Rules. gem.
In addition, the relic can be used to fashion
24. BRAIN DECK the rare equation of time. The equation 25. OBSERVATION DECK
allows time travel to any specific point in
Soft metallic echoes fill the room, as if time. First the keeper selects the date (down The cold, clean air sweeps across the open
some ghostly presence was whispering to the second) the equation will derive. Then deck, singing through the railings. Tucked
softly from the corners. There are no the keeper and his aides must study and into quiet nooks are the nests of hunting
bells, no whistles, no grinding roars and record the movements of the clock in perfect birds, now deserted for the day's hunt.
squeals of machinery. All is qu iet. In the detail for one year. With this data, they must
center, a slim pedestal rises from the floor, perform thousands of complex, magical, The observation deck is simply a huge
ending in a cup-shaped socket. Behind mathematical formulae in their heads. Noth· open platform on the top of Earthshaker's
this stand six gnomes, tense and ale rt, ing of this can be written on paper and the head. Run ning a round the outer edge is a
their weapons half-drawn. At the edge of slightest error will cause the end resul t to be simple railing, 3 feet high. Any character
the light is an elderly, bent gnome, his imperfect. Performing these calculations looking down from the edge must make a sav-
back to you, fiddling over a baroque a nd takes 20 years. ing throw vs. Paralysis or suffer from vertigo.
gilded machine. When the final formula has been com· C haracters who are affected cannot do any·
pleted, th¢ keeper and the clanmaster can thing until they move away from the edge,
T his deck was once where the "brain" of correccly set the clock. When the clock is set, and cannot move closer to it again unless they
Earthshaker was connected to the body of the one person or object is instantly transported make a successful saving throw vs. Paralysis
machine. Now, the brain long missing, it is through time to the chosen date. The trans· (with a -2 penalty on the die roll).
the position of the clan's revered relic, the ported object remains there for 24 hours a nd
then must either transport again (by use of

This section forms the heart of the adventure All that was required was patience and cun- Zhucharnov, magically transports him and
for the PCs. You should begin this attack at ning. Now Zhucharnov is ready to strike! the mind gem onto the boiler deck of Earth·
some point while the PCs are on the grand shaker.
tour of Earthshaker. The Plan
Siep 2: Moving Out
Zhucharnov's attempt to conquer Earth-
Background on the Villains
shaker is presented as a sequence of events Location: Boiler Deck, Righ t Leg Deck 4,
The villains (listed on the NPC sheet) are given below. Each step takes place at a spe· Left Arm Deck 19
trying to gain control of Earthshaker so that cific place on board Earthshaker and there
Time Elapsed: 1 Turn
their leader, Boyar Viktor Zhucharnov, can are set amounts of time that will pass between
use it to overthrow the rule of King Ericall. each step. These steps do not take into NPCs Present: All
Whereas this would normally seem to be an account the actions of the player characters io
Zhucharnov, using the speaking tubes,
impossible task, the group has been stop the takeover. The sequence of events will
contacts his two groups of agents and orders
extremely patient, awaiting the moment be followed until it succeeds or it becomes
them to prepare to move out. Group 1 (which
when conditions are perfect to make their obvious that, because of the player charac·
he is with) is on the boiler deck, Group 2 is on
move. ters, something different must be done.
right leg deck 4, and Group 3 is on left arm
Boyar Zhucharnov is a greedy and grasp- The part of the player characters in this
deck 19. All have orders to rendezous on the
ing noble in the court of King Ericall. For a stage of the adventure depends entirely on
command deck. Anyone listening on a speak-
long rime he has been looking for a method to the cleverness and initiative of the players. If
ing tube to communications from the boiler,
gain control of the lands claimed by his king. the player characters, confused or simply
leg 4, or arm 19 decks overhears this conver-
A direct coup d'etat was not possible, since unresponsive, do nothing to stop Zhu-
Zhucharnov, evil through and through, knew charnov, he will succeed. To win, the player
that he could never command the support of characters must hunt down Zhucharnov and
Step 3: Action on the Engine Deck
Ericall's vassals. Therefore, he was forced to try to stop him-he will not come to them!
look for a more underhanded way. During this attack, remember that Zhu- Location: Engine Deck near Left Arm
His opportunity came to light several charnov wishes to control Earthshaker so he
Time Elapsed: 3 Turns
months ago when Zhucharnov learned of the can defeat King Ericall. To do this he needs a
existence of Earthshaker. He instantly saw complete, working Earthshaker, not a dam· NPCs Present: Group 3
that he could conquer Ericall's forces if only aged, immobile one. Therefore, he and his
This group, led by the fighter Dimitri, is
he could gain control of Earthshaker. Attack- henchmen will not intentionally damage any
discovered by the gnomes near the opening to
ing the machine was out of the question and of the machinery in Earthshaker. If the player
the left arm on the engine deck. This was for-
so was trying to bribe the gnomes who oper· characters begin damaging equipment, Zhu·
seen and Dimitri, following plans, begins to
ate the machine. Likewise, he knew that even charnov will be all the more determined to
fight a delaying action. He does not try to
if he were able to get inside Earthshaker, he dispense with them quickly.
break through the gnomes, but keep them
would never be able to force the gnomes to his Zhucharnov's plan is outlined below. It is
occupied. Meanwhile, Zhuchamov and his
will. He quickly realized that what he needed divided into a series of discrete steps. T he
group await a chance to slip across the deck
was the mind gem of Earthshaker. With this steps will be carried out in the order listed,
returned to its position on the brain deck, he unless the actions of the player characters
Several reports come in from the engine
could control the machine with or without the make this impossible. Each step lists where it
deck reporting a major attack by hordes of
help of the gnomes. takes place, when it takes place, what NPCs
unknown enemies. Later reports give the
Tu this end Zhucharnov devoted his ener- are involved, and any special effects it may
number at 20 to 30 attackers and state that
gies and his fortune. Now, finally, after con- have on fu ture events.
they are being contained, but more help is
sulting vile sorcerors, spending vast sums, Again, if the actions of the player charac-
needed to defeat them.
and sacrificing the lives of evil hirelings, Zhu- ters disrupt Zhucharnov's plan, you as ref-
charnov has obtained what he needs: the eree must improvise the most likely response
Step 4: Hostages!
mind gem of Earthshaker. for Zhucharnov. Remember that his main
Even while he was pursuing the mind gem, goal is to gain control of Earthshaker and he Location: Living Quarters Deck 9
Zhuchamov was planning for the next step of will sacrifice anyone to obtain his goal. Also
Time Elapsed: 1 Turn
his plan. From the moment he first saw bear in mind that he is not fully informed
Earthshaker, Zhuchamov had his henchmen about the player characters or their where· NPCs Present: Group 2
following it from land to land. One by one he abouts. He doesn't know what they are capa·
This group, led by Kurochkin the Cleric,
has ordered these henchmen to infiltrate the ble of until they start demonstrating their
invades Deck 9 at the entrance to the right leg
machine. Entering with various tours, these abilities.
and begins taking hostages. The gnomes on
henchmen have managed to slip away and
the deck use the speaking tubes to send an
secrete themselves in different places Step 1: Zhucharnov's Arrival
alarm to all other decks. After 4 rounds of
throughout the machine. All this they have
Location: Boiler Deck fighting, Kurochkin and his group manage to
done without revealing themselves to the
secure the deck. Of the 50 gnome women and
gnomes or Milos. Actually, it was easier than NPC's Present: Group 1- Schrodt (magic·
children on the deck, 20 are captured and
it seemed; the spaces inside Earthshaker are user), Ivan (fighter), Voroniev (fighter), Zhu-
held hostage.
so vast that a small group of daring souls charnov (thief)
Kurochkin uses the speaking tubes to
could easily avoid notice for many months.
Schrodt, having received a signal from demand the surrender of the gnomes.


Although the gnomes refuse to surrender, Step 6: Regrouping their final attack on the command deck. The
their morale automatically drops by 3 points gnomes there, having had some warning,
Location: Engine Deck and Head Swivel
because of the hostage situation. Kurochkin make a spirited defense but ultimately lose.
and his grou p set up a barricade in the center However, in the battle, th ree of the villains
of the deck. They do not move for the rest of T ime Elapsed: 2 Rounds (other than Zhucharnov or Dimitri) are slain.
the assault, unless Zhucharnov is defeated. If As referee, you should choose which three are
N PCs Present: Grou ps I and 3
he is beaten, they try to fight their way down removed.
the leg and out of Earthshaker. Having secured the swivel deck, Zhu-
charnov uses t he speaker tubes to order Step 8: Earthshaker Unleashed!
Step 5: Further Gains Dimitri to break through and join him on the
Location: Brain Deck
swivel deck. Dimitri and his group change
Location: Head Swivel Deck
from token resistance to a full-scale attack. Time Elapsed : 1 Turn
Time Elapsed: 3 Rounds Unless the player characters can stop them,
NPCs Present: Groups 1 and 3
they succeed in joining Zhuchamov .
NPCs Present: G roup I
In a quick strike, the villains gain control of
U sing the diversions created by Dimitri Step 7: The Final Assault the brain deck. Zhucharnov places the mind
and Kuroc hkin, Zhucharnov manages to slip gem on the pedestal. With a groaning stir,
Location: Command Deck
his group across the engine deck unnoticed . Earthshaker comes to life ! Zucharnov then
In a sudden assault he captures the head Time Elapsed: 2 Tums orders Earthshaker to begin the march on
swivel deck before any alarms are raised. All Alpha!
NPCs Present: Groups I and 3
communication with this deck is cut off.
Zhucharnov and his assorted villains make

This section is used only if Boyar Zhu- The Stride (When Inside Earthshaker) climbing skill, can add 2 to the saving throw.
chamov has successfully placed the mind
Just as Earthshaker's footsteps are danger- Falling Over: The most calamitous event
gem in position in the brain room of Earth-
ous to those outside the creation, the shock of that can happen for Earthshaker is if it falls
shaker. If Zhuchamov has been defeated
the steps also affects t hose inside t he over. If it falls, it is the last thing Earthshakcr
before this, t hese events will not occur. In this
machine . Each time Earthshaker takes a step, ever does.
case, you should skip this section and go
two things happen inside. First, warning First, Earthshaker, with all its mass and
directly to "The Ambassador's Audience."
whistles and bells automatically sound one momen tu m from the fall , will be destroyed,
This section is divided into two main parts:
round before the step actually occurs. When smashed apart at the joints. This in turn will
Earthshaker In Motion and The Swath of
these alarms sound, every gnome grabs the destroy the boilers, causing them to explode
Destruction. Read the first part carefully,
nearest secure handhold. Those that must (see the K ey for the effects of an explosion).
since it contains rules and instructions about
operate some machine dur ing the step have In addition, the furnace will split open,
the abilities and effects an active Earthshaker
small harnesses they can clip to a hook. strewing flaming coals and hot ash all over
has. After you are familiar with this section,
When the step takes place, a shock wave the surrounding area (and starting a great
you can play the events described in The
passes through the entire machine. All char- many fires).
Swath of Destruction. These events can occur
acters not secured or holding onto something Second, anything Earthshaker lands on is
in any order you desire.
are automatically flung 5- 10 feet ( l d6 + 4) by d estroyed, as the force of impact drives the
the resulting bounce. Those that are gripping robot 40 feet into the ground (or 20 feet into
Earthshaker In Motion
something (railing, girder, etc .) must make a solid rock).
When Earthshaker walks, it is not j ust a saving throw vs. Dragon Breath or have the Third, all characters inside Earthshaker
simple matter of saying it moves from here to same happen to them. Characters flung are flung about violently by the fall. Each
there; many important events must be taken about suffer 1-6 points of damage and are character must make a saving throw vs.
into account with each step. The information knocked off th eir feet for the next round. In Death. Characters who fail the save suffer 10-
and rules below arc used whenever Earth- addition, there is a 1 in 6 chance the character 100 points of damage (ldlOxlO) from falling
shaker is moving. will drop some item he is carrying in his machinery, shock waves, fire, minor explo·
hands. Note that these rules also apply to any sions, etc. Characters who make the saving
Speed NPC villains the players encounter. th row still roll ldlO, but suffer one-half dam-
age. Everyone inside is knocked unconscious
Earthshaker covers 500 feet with each
Other Actions for 10-60 minu tes.
stride and takes one step every three rounds.
Fourth, the shockwave sent through the
He covers 1,000 feet per minute, 10,000 feet There are two other movements Earth-
ground will be tremendous. The fall of Earth -
per turn (which can be r ounded to 2 miles per shaker can make that significantly affect
shaker is roughly equivalent to a force of 6 on
tum), and 12 miles per hour. characters inside or outside.
the Richter scale. Everything within 500 feet
Bending: Earthshaker has a limited ability to of Earthshaker will be reduced to rubble.
The Stride (When outside Earthshaker)
bend a t the waist, but when it does so, it Cliffs will fall, riverbanks split and crack , and
Several things occur each time Earth- affects all decks above the waist. Like the hillsides slide away. Characters on the ground
shaker takes a step. These are described stride, any bending action is preceeded by will be hurled 10-60 feet with tremendous
below. alarm whistles and bells to warn the gnomes. force, suffering 1 point of damage per foot .
Again, they secure themselves as best as pos- There is no saving throw for this. Again, this
Damage: Obviously, whatever Earthshaker
sible as soon as the alarm sounds. damage is in addition to any suffered from
steps on is d estroyed; 500,000 tons is enough
When Earthshaker bends, all the affected the explosion of the boilers. Between a radius
to crush anything. When it steps down, its
decks tilt down toward the direction of the of 501 feet and 1 mile, the entire area will suf-
foot sinks in to the ground: 5 feet on solid rock
bend. If the bend is slight (in your opinion), fer the effects o f an earthquake spell. Every-
and 15 feet on normal soil. Because of its
this has no additional effect except that any- thing beyond this out to a 5 mile radius will
weight, it will not even enter soft or marshy
thing dropped rolls in that direction. If, how- suffer the effects of a half-st rength earthquake
ever, the bend is extreme, characters can spell, as explained above.
When it takes a stride, the bottom ofEarth-
move across a deck only by 'climbing' across However, for all this, Earthshaker will be
shaker's foot is raised 20 feet off t he ground.
the floor. This requires two hands and can be permanently stopped.
It is quite possible for Earthshaker to step
assisted by ropes, thief abilities, etc.
entirely over groups of people or small build-
Fighting and spell-casting are impossible The Swath of Destruction
ings. However, in areas like forests, each foot
for any character not in a well-braced posi-
cu ts a swath of destruction through the trees. The activation of Earthshaker is not an
tion. Characters who slip slide down the
More devastating than this, however, is t he automatic event. The simple mind of the
floor, suffering 1-4 points of damage per 10
shock wave that occurs each time Earth - machine, trapped inside the mind gem for
feet slid. The character slides 60 feet per
shaker sets its foot down. The shock wave has centuries, needs time to restore and reorient
round until he runs in to something or man-
the effect of an earthquake spell with a radius itself to its body. One turn passes before it can
ages to catch himself. Once per round the
of 60 feet and is equivalent to a half-strength regain control of its body. During this tum,
character can make a saving throw vs. Poi-
earthquake (small buildings damaged but not Earthshaker begins to babble, twitch, and
son . If successful, he ma nages to grab some-
collapsed, larger structures cracked but still make ma ny small, uncoord inated move-
thing and stop sliding. This occurs at the end
relatively sound, no cracks in the earth) in a ments. Internally, machines start and stop,
of the round (or just before the character runs
radius from 61 feet to 200 feet. speed up, slow down, and act erratically by
out of space). Thieves, because of their
themselves. The gnomes, suddenly unable to


control the actions of the machine, are first tion, Earthshaker pursues the horsemen, try- 3. TugofWar
confused, then frantic, and finally panicked ing to stomp them nat. This the horsemen are
With the dawn, Zhucharnov and the oth-
as they gradually realize what is happening. able to avoid. Frustrated, Zhucharnov has ers aboard Earthshake r discover the ropes
From this point onward, the gnomes are of Earthshaker bend over and bat at them with that were placed by the local population.
little use to the party members. its huge hands (the effects of Earthshaker
Unknown to the player characters, this prep-
The mind of Earthshaker is an extremely bending over are described under "Earth·
aration is not enough to hold Earthshaker in
simple thing. It does not have a will of its shaker in Motion"). Doing this, it manages place by itself. However, there arc two
own; rather, it has enough self-perception to to kill or incapacitate 1-10 horsemen each results. First, the unexpected action of the
be aware of all its internal machines and its turn. The horsemen have a morale of9. The locals has created some consternation and
surroundings. It readily accepts orders from horseman continue fighting until all are slain
confusion on the command deck. The guard
the Master of the Gem (the person who or the company breaks. Each turn the horse-
against attack from inside is lowered, giving
placed it on the pedastal). It will execute these men harry Earthshakcr draws the machine 1 any characters onboard a better chance to
orders as faithfully as possible, unless the mile further away from Vyolstagrad.
storm the command deck.
actions would obviously lead to Earthshak- By the end of the pursuit, dusk begins to Second, there is a slight chance that Earth-
er's destruction. fall. Earthshaker is not fitted with any outside shaker can be tipped over. Allow the player
However, being pent-up in the mind gem lights and cannot see in the dark. Therefore, characters (regardless of whether they are
for 3,000 years has distorted its perceptions. Zhucharnov will cease operations for the
inside or outside) to make the choices on this
What little personality it has is now twisted night.
operation. There are 20 cables wrapped
and vengeful. Thus, not only will it carry out
around Earthshaker's legs, extending out in
its evil and destructive orders, but it also will 2. The Call to Arms
all directions. Only three of the cables (which
cause as much random destruction as it can
During the night, while Earthshaker extend to the rear) have any chance of doing
while carrying out its orders. Earthshaker
stands immobile, the army ofVyolstagrad is the job. Available to help pull on the cables
will take great primitive delight in demon-
busy. Again, if the player characters are not are 1,000 peasants and l 00 oxen. Each per-
strating its awesome power.
present, these actions are supervised by the son counts as 1 and each ox counts as 3 for fig-
Zhuchamov plans to storm Alpha with
captain of the guard. If any player character uring the amount of pull on a rope.
Earthshaker and to do this, he must first cross
is present, the captain of the guard suggests To tip Earthshaker over, the peasants and
the dominion of the player characters. Zhu-
the following preparations. oxen must pull two ropes connected to the left
charnov does not intend to destroy t he
First, the captain orders a call to arms, foot. Each rope must have a pull value of at
dominion, but as mentioned above, he can-
mobilizing the peasant levy and stripping all least 600 (from peasants and oxen). In addi-
not prevent Earthshaker from causing inci-
the soldiers from the border patrols. This tion, all other ropes connected to the left foot
dental destruction.
increases the number of soldiers available to (10 total) must be cut the instant Earthshaker
If the mind gem is removed from the ped-
l ,500. However, it leaves no patrols on the begins its step. If these conditions are met
estal or suffers 10 or more points of damage in
border, a fact that does not go unnoticed to exactly, the peasants will drag the foot back·
a single attack, it explodes, causing l 0-40
Duke Stano's forces. ward as it raises into the air. Expecting to step
points of damage to all within a 20-foot
Second, using the spade of digging (found forward, Earthshaker's body will be leaning
radius. A saving throw vs. spells will reduce
in the BOOK OF MARVELOUS MAGIC) forward . The result will be that Earthshaker
this damage to half. With the destruction of
and a levy of local peasants, work will be overbalances and falls forward.
the mind gem, Earthshakcr immediately
started on a pit 10 miles from Earthshaker's If the conditions above are not met exactly,
returns to the control of the gnomes. (The
current position. This excavation takes two Earthshaker is not stopped. Instead, it begins
mind gem automatically reforms l ,000 years
days (48 hours) to complete. When the work- to march, uprooting the anchor trees and
after exploding. This is how Zhuchamov was
ers are done, they will have a pit 100 x 100 dragging the ropes along with it. Be sure to
able to recover it.)
x 4-0 feet. Working quickly, they cover this describe the tragic consequences of the scene
with a roof of branches, enough to hide its to the player characters-the peasants
1. The Attack thrown violently about by the snapping
presence from those on the command deck of
As soon as Earthshaker starts moving, the Earthshaker. During the time they are work- ropes, the bellowing of the yoked oxen as they
troops of Vyolstagrad also begin mobilizing. ing, Earthshaker cannot be allowed closer are dragged behind, the heroic desperation of
This happens whether the player characters than 5 miles to the site or those on board will the peasants as they try to cut the oxen free,
are present or inside Earthshaker. The first be able to see the work underway. etc. Remember that if the attempt to tip over
concern of Rurynva (the captain of the Third, during the night, the citizens have Earthshaker fails, the damage it causes while
guard) is the safety of the town. He will sug- gathered every piece of rope and cable in breaking free will be disastrous.
gest (if the Sencschal is present) or order (if he Vyolstagrad and the surrounding area. With If Earthshaker breaks free, it continues its
is in command) that a company of 100 these, 1,000 people have woven strong, thick march toward Alpha. The pit is on a direct
mounted men ride out and harry Earth- hawsers. The troops, under the cover of dark- line from Earthshaker's current position to
shaker, attempting to lure it away from Vyol- ness, have crept forward and wrapped these Alpha. Since the work is not done yet, Earth-
stagrad. ropes around the legs of Earthshaker, making shaker must be diverted from its path for at
The company rides out and manages to a spiderweb of thick ropes. Each hawser is least another day. Have the player characters
draw Earthshaker's attention. Zhuchamov fastened to a large tree. The people hope that decide what steps the forces of Vyolstagrad
decides to make an example of these troops. these ropes will hold Earthshaker here or, will take to effect this. Possibilities include
Booming out threats of death and destruc- even better, tip it over. harrying it with riders who try to fasten more
ropes to the legs; setting the forest in front of


it on fire; using magical devices and spells to ants. If peasants are on the far side of the pit characters. They can, however, continue
create traps and landmines in front of it; or making a demonstration, the chance of notic- their attempts to stop Earthshaker. In this
having the peasants bribe the operators with ing the pit is reduced by 10%. If there are they will be joined by the lords of other
massive amounts of food and supplies. Zhu- people actually standing on the roof of the pit, dominions threatened by the great machine.
charnov, being slightly mad, is in no particu- the chance of noticing the pit is reduced by Of course, there will be suspicion and accusa-
lar hurry and delights in watching his giant 30% . tions against the player characters that they
machine destroy anything. Therefore, if the If those on Earthshaker notice the pit, the are the ones who are controlling Earthshaker.
players can come up with a reasonable plan to machine does not step into it and the effort of Player characters must allay these suspicions
distract Earthshaker, it will work. the peasants is wasted. However, if the pit is or leave quickly.
unnoticed, Earthshaker does step into it. Regardless of the actions of the player
4. The Pit There is a 70% chance that it falls over (see characters, Earthshaker will be stopped
"Earthshaker In Motion" for the effects of a before it reaches Alpha. If the characters do
To start this episode, Earthshaker must be not follow Earthshaker's path, they eventu-
lured to the area of the pit. Like distracting
ally hear how it was defeated and how some
Earthshaker, this is basically a matter of
5. Aftermath local noble became rich selling the scrap iron.
devising a reasonable plan. If the players can
If the player characters pursue, they can join
describe an interesting event or action that If the above measures fail to stop Earth-
forces with other nobles and eventually some-
would catch the notice of those controlling shaker and the player characters inside can-
one (possibly the player characters, if they
Earthshaker, the machine wiU follow. not stop Zhucharnov, Earthshaker continues
can come up with a good plan) will defeat
When Earthshaker reaches the pit, there is its march through Vyolstagrad and beyond.
Earthshaker. The events that happen in this
a 50% chance that those on board notice The Dominion Confidence level drops by 10 part of Eanhshaker's march are left up to
something odd about the ground and do not points automatically. Once it leaves the
you, as referee.
enter the area of the pit. This chance can be boundaries of Vyolstagrad, Earthshaker is
reduced by actions on the part of the peas- technically beyond the concern of the player

demonstration of its power by digging a
The allotted time has passed and the channel and draining the swamp outside of
ambassadors from Duke Stamtral have town. This work, which normally would take
arrived at your court. T hey await an audi- months, takes Earthshaker about 3 hours.
ence with you to hear your judgment con- The ambassadors will be suitably impressed.
cerning Sir Heimgarlson. Outside you Secondly, if the player characters defeated
can hear the growing noises of a crowd- and destroyed Earthshaker, they can show
the peasants, gathered outside the gate to evidence of the prowess of Vyolstagrad by
hear the same judgment. pointing out the destruction of Earthshaker.
The herald opens the doors and calls The ruins of the machine also will suitably
out, "Sir Vorinice of Stamtral and Sir impress the ambassadors.
Klytos of the Black Rock, ambassadors of If the ambassadors do declare war, the
Stamtral." They enter, striding to the dais player characters must fight it out. Should
and stopping abruptly. They do not bow they have, for any reason, Earthshaker still
or make any signs of respect. In stony intact, the matter will be decided quickly.
silence they wait to hear your judgement. Earthshaker has enough coal for three days of
activity. This is more than enough to force the
If the player character decides in favor of Duke of Stamtral to sue for peace!
Stamtral on this case, the Confidence Level If the issue is to be settled without Earth-
of the dominion drops by 30 points. If the shaker, the result can be decided by using
player character decides in favor of the peas- The War Machine rules (Dungeon Masters
ants, the Duke of has advised his Companion, page 12). T he Duke of Stamtral
ambassadors that this will mean war between is fielding 6,000 soldiers. Their rating is Fair
the two lands. and their BR is 74. The force is entirely
However, a crafty player character can human. The player characters can choose the
avert this war in one of two ways. First, if the ground where the battle will be fought (the
player characters have defeated Zhucharnov first battle, anyway; the enemy plans to d rive
in his attempt to seize Earthshaker and have from the borders of Stamtral to the town of
not destroyed Earthshaker in the process, Vyolstagrad).
they can use it to call the ambassadors' bluff. If the Duke of Stamtral is defeated in com-
O f course, the ambassadors will not be bat, the Confidence Level of the dominion
impressed unless they see Earthshaker in rises by 10 points. If the Duke can be forced
action. Milos, for the help given him in to make peace without going to war, the Con-
regaining Earthshaker, will gladly give a fidence Level rises by 15 points.


As referee, you do not want the player char- goal is to gain control of the machine. They shaker's hulk can be considered a mineral
acters to control Earthshaker for the rest of will do anything necessary to achieve this resource for one month.
their lives. At the same time, you do not want goal. This should keep things lively for the Finally, the ruins of Earthshaker will be an
to arbitrarily take Earthshaker away from player characters. oddity, attracting all manner of people and
them. Here are various considerations for creatures. Evil creatures will make lairs in the
getting the giant machine out of their hands. Milos's Departure vast, dark hollows; sages and curiosity-
seekers will come to see the great wonder and
Fuel: Currently Earthshaker has only After the adventure is over and Earth-
study it. Each year, for the next two years, the
enough coal for three days of operation. After shaker has done what it can to set things right
Dominion Confidence Level automatically
this it is out of fuel and cannot move. Earth- (repaired damage, done some civil engineer-
increases by 5 points as the locals bask in the
shaker requires an enormous amount of fuel, ing, etc.), Milos is ready to depart. If the
glow of all this attention.
more than the characters can provide in one player characters don't stop him, he leaves
area. Once it is out of fuel, the characters will the same way he came-mysteriously. With
The Return of Duke Nevile
have a hard time getting enough to start it him goes Earthshaker and the Traveling
again. Exhibition of Wonders. His parting words to Several days after the players have finished
the player characters will be, "Wait until you with Earthshaker, Duke Nevik returns. He
Gnomes: First, the gnomes will not cooper-
see what I'll bring next year!" heard there was trouble in his land and has a
ate with any attempt to shanghai Earth-
If the player characters try to stop Milos, rough idea of what happened . He hurried
shaker. Second, even if the gnomes arc
he protests greatly and tries to get away with home as quickly as he could.
somehow forced to work Earthshaker, they do
as much of his exhibition as possible (includ- If the player characters have defeated
gradually die off. There is a 5 % chance per
ing Earthshaker). This action, of course, filt- Earthshaker without letting it destroy his
week that a gnome will die without a replace- lands, Nevik is greatly pleased. All the player
ers back to Alpha and other places, bringing
ment. The keeper of the relic will not train a
all types of pressure down on the player char- characters will be offered titles (knighthood at
replacement. Each gnome lost gives a 5%
acters. least). In addition, all will be welcome in his
cumulative chance that the machine will fail.
dominion in the future. If the player charac·
Once it fails, it does not move again. ters have also defeated Stamtral, Nevik is
Earthshaker Destroyed
Politics: Milos was not kidding when he said ecstatic. He gives them everything men·
If Earthshaker is destroyed, the player
he had powerful friends. These include King tioned above and offers a life-long treaty of
characters are stuck with a huge amount of
Ericall, the Princes ofGJantri, several power- mutual friendship and aid. He will never
scrap iron in their backyard. Although
ful lawful magic-users, and one or two nota- break this treaty of his own free will.
unsightly and unpleasant, this is actually an
ble clerics. All of these people trust Milos If Earthshaker was stopped, but only after
asset. First, dwarves, gnomes, and magic
completely (only after testing him in various causing extensive damage, Nevik is unhappy
users from the area begin arriving, offering to
and magical ways, of course) and would but not angry. He dismisses his seneschal
buy various bits of machinery that survived.
much prefer that Milos retain control over without blame and resolves never to leave his
If the site is unguarded, there will also be a
Earthshaker. They know that he has no ambi- dominion again. The player characters will
good deal of looting. With guards, the player
tion to rule others or interfere in local affairs, be assigned the task of repairing the damage
characters can generate 10,000 gp from the
and he knows they would come after him ifhe done, which guarantees them jobs for several
sale of parts over the course of six months.
did. Therefore, by mutual understanding, months.
Without guards, they earn only 2,000 gp.
this great power is left in Milos's care. Should If Earthshaker laid waste io the land,
Even after all the useful machinery is
this arrangement be upset by the player char- Nevik is very angry. The player characters
taken, a large amount of scrap metal still
acters taking over Earthshaker, the various will be exiled from the court in disgrace.
remains. Each month a merchant offers to
NPCs would use every resource they have to They must leave hastily, since the peasants
buy 1-3 loads of this metal, hauling it away at
correct the situation. wiJI be openly rebellious and ready to tar and
his own expense. Prices paid per load will
feather them.
Villains: Something as powerful as Earth- vary from 100-600 gp. There is enough useful
shaker will attract evildoers of all types. Their metal. to last one year. Alternately, Earth-

9128XXXI501 24
: Alfonso R od iphino " B oy"
•• Lawful 18th-level fighter Neutral l st level magic-user
••• Strength 17 Strength 13
••• Dexterity IO Dexterity 10
•• Intelligence 11 Intelligence 14

•• Constitution 18 Constitution 15
M •
Wisdom 13 ~ : Wisdom II
Charisma 7 Ill! • Charisma 12
Armor Class -3 ~ : Armor C lass 9
Hit Points 88 .=u :• Hit Poin1s 3
Weapons: sword + 2, dagger
Armor: plate mail + 4, shield + 1
er: ••
!I> •
.:. Wea pons: none
Armor: none
M ag ical Items: none

M agical Ite ms: rod of inertia 0

: : Tagus Fi reb reath
: F ie rlas Diaz :
•: • Neu tral Dwarf
Neutral 19th level thief : Strength 16

• Strength 9 ]

: Dex terity 14
Dexterity 17 ~ lntclligenc;: 11
Intelligence 9 ~ Constitution 17
Constitution 11 ': Wisdom 9
Wisdom ll ~ Charisma 8
Charisma 12 °'~ Armor Class .4
Armor C lass H it Points 67
Hit P oints A ttack R an k: J
Weapons: short bow, 2 arrows of biting, dagger (2,000,000 XP)
Armor : leather armor + 2 Weapons: war hammer + 2 (returning, + 3 vs. spell users)
Magical Items: ring ofprotection + 2, egg of wonder Armor: plate mail + 3, shield of reflection + 4
M agical Item s: none
: H ier a Leaf-Sp ear
Bart olo m e d e Tramalcos ••• Lawful Elf
Lawful 18th level cleric ••
Strength 5
•• Strength 15
• Dexterity 12
1i1 :: Intelligence
Constitution 9 ci:
• Wisdom 10
•• W isdom JS
~ =• C harisma 18
••• Ch.arisma 15 ci:

< :•
Armor Class 0
• Armor Class -1 Hi t Poi nts 25
H it Points 39 ] : Attack Rank H
Weapon s: mace + 2 Ill!. : ( 1,850,000 XP)
~ : Weapons: long bow, 10 arrows + 1, sword + 2
Ar mor : plate armor of flying + 5, shield + 1
~ ::
Magical Items: staff of healing ~ Armor: banded mail + 4
" •
M a gical Items: staff ofparrying, elven cloak
.......•.....•....•...•.............•.•....••.•...•.•••... •.........................................................
: M c Vay t h e Mighty •
••• Neutral 18th level magic-user
•• Streng1h 7
•• Dex1erity 12
• Intelligence 15
••• Constitution 6
•• Wisdom II

••• Charisma 13

Armor Class 3
Hit Points 27
•• Weapons: dagger
•• • ..5
Armo r: none
••• Magical I te ms: ring of protection + 4, ring of protection + 2,
staff of dispelling, l>room of flying
•• 11
••• . •
Boy is a cheerful youth who understands his true duty and genu- Alfonso is a gigantic fellow with bulging muscles. He is extremely
inely cares for his master. His principal task is to keep McVay out good-natured, gentle, and kind, and would much prefer to be a
of trouble and see to his needs, which McVay would otherwise cleric. However, his parents and friends, seeing only his phy·
forget. sique, pushed him onto the path of a fighter, an occupation he
cares little for but remains in because he doesn' t want to disap-
point his family. He is extremely sensitive about the size of his
nose (which is approximately the size of a casaba melon), and
becomes morose and depressed when he is teased about it.

("Boy" should be controlled by the same pla yer as McVay.)

Tagus stands 2' 6" tall, short even for a dwarf. H e is often mis- Fierlas has one quality indispensible to a thief-she looks utterly
taken for a gnome, which pleases him little. Tagus is pouty, irrita- average and normal. Indeed, she is so average that nothing about
ble, and generally unlikeable. Years of being bullied as a youth her stands out at all. She manages to keep her extraordinary dex-
have given him the habit of obtaining revenge through practical terity well concealed. Now middle-aged, she is portly (like a peas·
jokes and tricks. However, he is a competent, if somewhat sulky, ant matron), gossipy, and when it suits her, painfully boring. Her
adventurer. utter lack of distinguishing featu res has enabled her to rise high
in he r profession.

Hiera is a tall, handsome elf. While still young for an elf, he Father Bartolome is a tall, beanpole of a man without an ounce of
already has earned a reputation as a gallant and noble adven· fat (or muscle). Although often in poor health, exhausted by
t.urer. He embodies all characteristics of heroism and good, and physical labors, and unsuited to the hard life of an adventurer, he
believes in them absolutely. His mere appearance is a shining has an inborri affinity for his calling. Recognizing his talent early
example of everything perfect and true. Unfortunately, he also on, he entered the church to escape the hardships of life. How·
has the brains of a potato. He is naive, rash, and stubborn. Once ever, this has not been his lot, as his superiors, seeing the strength
he sets his mind to a course of action he is virtually unstoppable. of his faith, have often sent him on dangerous adventures. He
He has an utter disregard for safety, caution, and planning. His dislikes adventuring and complains about it. He would much
adventuring career, up to now, can be described as incredibly rather spend his time teaching in a seminary.

In his youth, Mc Vay the Mighty was a great and formidable wiz-
ard. Now balding, white-bearded, and stoop-shouldered, he has
long since forgotten his age and passed his prime. Advancing
senility has not affected his magical powers, but it has touched
every other part of his life. At times he is perfectly lucid, but in
other moments he has trouble remembering the simplest facts-
his name, what he is doing, the time of day, what he had for
breakfast. H is thoughts ramble around in his head and he nostal·
gically remembers the "old days." His friends, saddened by bis
condition, have provided him with a faithful apprentice to watch
over their declining master.

The following non-player characters appear power possessed by all keepers. He is not Serge Schrodt
in &rthsbaker and are important to the play overly talkative and is very secretive and sus-
A thin, pock-marked man, Schrodt is Vik-
of the module. All statistics, abilities, equip- picious of any who display undue interest in
tor's toady and hanger-on. A whining weasel
ment, and general descriptions appear here the clan's relic.
of a man, he always supports Viktor. Viktor
so that you can reference these when needed Gryzix's aides all have the same statistics
often abuses him and humiliates him in front
during the course of the adventure. as Gryzix. They are armed with swords. Like
of others, but this does not alter Schrodt's
their keeper, they are devoted to the Relic
slavish devotion to the boyar.
Milos Formiesias and will sacrifice their lives to protect it.
Weapons: none
Neutral human showman
Gnomes Armor: ring ofprotection + 4, ring ofprotec-
Strength 9
Dexterity 12 Workers Supervisors tion + 3, scarab of protection
Intelligence 16 Armor Class 5 5
Magical Items: disintegrate scroll, scroll o(
Constitution 8 Hit Dice 1 2
seeing, scroll of fireball delay. potion of forti-
. Wisdom 18 Hit Points 5 10
tude, staff oflire
Charisma 17 Move 60' (20') 60' (20')
Attacks 1 1 Spells:
Armor Class 9 Damage by weapon 1-8 1st level: magic missile (x4), light (x2)
Hit Points 5 Save As Dwarf 1 Dwarf 2 2nd level: detect invisible, ESP (x3), knock
Milos is a sharp-witted, smooth-tongued Morale 8 10 3rd level: fireball (x3), haste, dispel magic
huckster and pitchman. He is fond of "taking Alignment Neutral Neutral 4th level: confusion, ice storm, wall of fire,
the rubes" and the comforts of life. For all The gnomes are generally cheerful and wizard eye
this, he does have a sense of honor concern- pleasant toward outsiders. They are not par- 5th level: dissolve, teleport, c/oudkill, wall of
ing the responsibilities placed on him and for ticularly warlike and will avoid comb at when stone
those under him. 6th level: projected image, death spell, anti-
possible. However, they do not react well
when anyone tries to destroy m achinery magic shell
Krazmos inside Earthshaker, no matter what the rea- 7th level: magic door, statue
son. Thus, they will do their best to prevent 8th level: power word blind
Clanmaster of the Earthshaker Clan
Neutral gnome any PC or NPC from damagi ng Earthshaker.
Ivan Beria and Voroniev Lukin
Armor Class 4
Hit Dice 4
NPC Villains These two are Viktor's hatchet men, the
Hit Points 18 Given below are personality descriptions, ones who go out and do Viktor's dirty work.
Move 60' (20') magical items, and spells for the various vil- Both are extremely competent, but very bru-
Attacks 1 lains that appear in this module. Statistical tal and lacking finesse. Their manners are
Damage 1-8 + 1 information on each villain appears on the low-bred and Viktor seldom allows himself to
Save As Dwarf4 Roster Card found on the module cover. be seen in public with either of them.
Morale 10 Weapons: sword + 4 (draining), 10 arrows
Krazmos is a middle-aged gnome, Boyar Viktor Zhucharnov +2
extremely clever and sharp in his dealings Viktor is a true villain; a scheming, decei.t- Armor: plate mail + 2, shield + 2
with outsiders. It is he who negotiated the ful, treacherous, and black-hearted man.
current arrangement with Formiesias and Like all villains, he is courageous and boast- Yuri Kurochin
convinced his clan to accept the idea. He is ful when he has the upper hand and cowardly
friendly and outgoing but, like Milos, will try and treacherous when he is outnumbered. Kurochin is Viktor's personal cleric,
to take you for everything he can get. Viktor h as expensive tastes, preferring fine wholly ded icated to the cause of evil.
clothes, medals, and ornately decorated Although both Viktor and Kurochin 's superi-
Gryzix equipment. He is proud and haughty and is ors think they control him, he actually serves
totally devoid of moral scruples. He is also a only himself in a mad pursuit of power.
Keeper of the Relic
Neutral gnome quite charming man in social situations. Weapons: mace + 2, staff of harming
He does not want to be identified in the
Armor Class 5 Armor: plate mail + 4
course of this caper, so he hides his face under
Hit Dice 3 a heavy hooded cloak any time he is encoun-
Hit Points 12 Magical Items: ring ofseeing, scroll of com-
tered. munication (matching one of Viktor's)
Move 60' (20')
Attacks 1 Weapons: sword + 4 Spells:
Damage 1-8 1st level: cure light wounds (x6), resist cold
Armor: leather armor + 4, ring ofprotection
Save As Dwarf3 2nd level: find traps, hold person (x4), resist
Morale 12 fl re
Gryzix is an elderly, bent, and grizzled Magical Items: elven boots, potion of ele- 3rd level: darkness (x2), cause disease (x2),
gnome, devoted to his life as the Keeper of mental form, potion of elasticity. 2 scrolls of curse
the Relic. He has the standard domination communication (forming a complete pair) 4th level: animate dead, dispel magic (x3)


5th level: insect plague, commune, cure criti- Forgest Armor: leather armor + 4, ring ofprotection
cal wounds (x2) +3
This thief, one of Viktor's proteges, is
6th level: barrier (x2), cureall, word of recall
assigned to this group to ensure that none Magical Items: potion of diminution
7th level: holy word, life drain (x2)
betray him. He will watch the others of the
Varma, Melchia, Tuva, and Yelna group as closely as he watches for enemies. Maggione
Weapons: bola + 2 (returning), dagger + 3 A wanderer from a foreign land, Maggione
These mercenary adventurers have been
has fallen in with Viktor's band of plotters.
promised wealth and position by Viktor. He Armor: ring ofprotection + 3, leather armor
He is not really aware of what is going on
considers them little more than extra bodies of etherealness + 5
here or what Viktor intends to do; he only
and would be pleased if none survived.
Magical I tems: potion of blending, antidote knows that he gets paid for his work. If any
Weapons: sword + 1, 4 arrows of disarming potion, scroll of spell catching character can talk to him for 30 minutes and
explain Viktor's true intent, there is a 30%
Armor: plate mail + 1, shield + 1
D imitri and Budenny that Maggione will change sides. (Add or
Magical Items: potion of speed subtract 5 % for each point of the persuading
These fighters are the muscle of this group.
character's Charisma adjustment, if any.)
Although Dimitri is in command, he has very
Roskosov Weapons: dagger of speeding + 1
little sense of tactics and takes most of his
This impoverished evil wizard has joined " suggestions" from Ushankov.
Ar mor: ring ofprotection + 4, ringofprotec-
the group for money only. The others con-
Weapons: sword + 2 cion + 3
sider him only useful for his added firepower.
Ar mor: banded mail + 3 Magical Items: potion ofluck, potion of ele-
Magical Items: ring of protection (x2), staff
mental form, rope of climbing, wand ofpara-
of commanding Magical Items: boots of traveling and leap-
ing, potion of freedom, scroll of creation
(only 1), scroll of communication (only 1, Spells:
1st level: magic missile (x3), sleep
matches one ofViktor's scrolls) 1st level: charm p erson (x2), magic missile
2nd level: invisibility, knock, web, wizard
Ush ankov 2nd level: detect invisible, web (x2), mirror
3rd level: hast, lightning bolt (x2), clairvoy-
image, levitate
ance Again, Ushankov has been assigned to
3rd level: haste, fly, fireball (x2), hold person
4th level: polymorph other, confusion, wall of watch over this group and make sure they do
fire 4th level: polymorph self, confusion, ice
what they are supposed to do. His job is rela-
storm, remove curse
5th level: pass-wall, feeblemind tively easy, since he is really the tactical
5th level: dissolve, feeblemind, cloudkill
6th level: flesh to stone brains of the group.
6th level: wall of iron, death spell
Weapons: sword of deceiving + 2, 3 arrows 7th level: power word stun, reverse gravity
of blinking, 2 arrows of penetrating, 1 arrow
of screaming


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