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Arcallana Vincent

Activity#1: Reflect Yourself

1. Is collaboration needed all the time in education?

Collaborative learning has been shown to not only develop higher-level thinking skills in students, but
boost their confidence and self-esteem as well. Group initiatives can maximize instructional revel in
with the aid of using demonstrating the material, whilst enhancing social and interpersonal talents.
Studies which have been posted imply that collaborative studying is an powerful manner of enticing
college students in studying, so long as it's far properly dependent and properly communicated.

Activity #2: Reflect Yourself

1. How are you going to teach your students in becoming SSCC users with the help of technology?

-We have gadgets now, but students still dont know how technology is important in studies, SSCC is a
best guide for students to become a users of information. Searching is way of gathering data from
internet, helps you to gain your knowledge, ideas, interest through finding data in the computer. This
will help you to identify the unimportant information through Sorting. It utilized the information to
develop the student in a clear way. And communicate to exchange ideas towards people, like debating ,
a way of exchanging ideas and thoughts about an issue, happening, fact, fake news, and other topics
that will helps you to have a better understanding.

Activity #3: Reflect Yourself

1. As a future teacher will you consider being active in joining organization of learning?

Joining such an organizations offer the opportunity for educators to mingle with and learn from other
educators in their field or even in more diverse fields, which will open unknown possible opportunities
for collaboration, lead to new discoveries, and help all educators improve by comparing methods.

2. What do you think are the reasons of the educators why they are joining various organization windy
are already occupied with the busy work of teaching?

This only means that not only educators can learn from each other to find out how to get better leaders
inside and outside the classroom, but they can also get more leadership experience by adding specific
roles within the organization. They still have rights to learn from others not just because they are
teachers ,but no if they feel lacking to themselves and wants to learn something new, let them be they
have a capable to learn and to share what they learn.

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