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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 June 14, 2022 – The Donald’s BD

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART DXLXII] – Another News-Update

Again, each title [or group thereof] is self-explanatory and worth taking pause.

Column A – Speech Freedom/Disinformation

Brandon’s Homeland Secretary lied About Disinformation Board

Column B – Musk/Twitter

Column C – Durham/Hillary
Handwritten FBI And DOJ Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge
Mueller Has Name Of Hitman’ Who Killed Seth Rich
Bill Barr NOW SAYS Hillary Clinton Was Guilty of Sedition
Sedition. What Does It Really Mean?
FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress’s ‘Gang of 8’ Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals

Column D – Hunter/Brandon
Nude Hunter Biden Recklessly Brandishes Illegal Firearm With Prostitute In Leaked Video
As Brandon Demands Gun Control For Law Abiding Americans
Hunter Biden’s Favorite Las Vegas Hooker Got $20,000 Federal PPP Loan for ‘Female-
Owned Sole Proprietorship’ After Brandon Took Office

Column E – J6 Rigged-Committee/Political-Prisoners
Latest J6 Committee Revelations Are Likely to Do in the Dems
January 6th Committee Chair Says No Criminal Referrals Will Be Made
Liz Cheney Throws a Tantrum After January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out
Trump Criminal Referral
Trainwreck: Ratings Are in for Jan. 6 Committee Production
U.S. Rep. Scott Perry asked about presidential pardon after attacks on Capitol, Select
Committee leader asserts’: PennLive reports that “U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican
from Wyoming, stated that midstate Congressman Scott Perry, R-York County, inquired
about a presidential pardon in the weeks after the attack on the Capitol by supporters of
former President Donald J. Trump that was aimed at halting Congress’s final certification
of the electoral college votes that would have finalized Trump’s defeat.”
Judicial Watch Forces Release of DOJ Memo Declining Criminal Prosecution For Ashli
Babbitt Killer Michael Byrd: Babbitt Shooting Evidence Missing!
Jan. 6 Committee Liars EDITED OUT FOOTAGE of Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland’s
Kash Patel Calls Out FBI Over Jan. 6: “What Were They Doing with Plainclothes
FBI Admitted to Running Operatives in the Crowd at the US Capitol – IT WAS A SETUP
Sham Jan 6th Panel Paying Staffers Double What Regular House Staffers Make – Here Are
Their Salaries
January 6 Show Trials: Liz Cheney Plays Recording of Trump Advisor Claiming Rudy
Giuliani Was Drunk on Election Night (VIDEO)
“Bill Barr, We’re Coming for you, Bro!… We’re going to Come After You Legally” – Steve
Bannon ON FIRE After Bill Barr Chuckles About Ballot Harvesting at Jan. 6 Hearing to Bill
Jan. 6 Hearing Liz Cheney Says “2000 Mules” Was Debunked — Bill Barr Laughs at Movie
During Questioning — Wireless Services CEO Sets Barr Straight

Column F – J6 Backstory/McCarthy
Capitol Police Gassed and Beat Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland til She Died — Then
The Government Cremated Her Body So Her Family Could Not See Her Bloody Wounds
Peter Navarro was arrested for contempt of Congress, resulting from the January 6th
Committee's efforts. Instead of asking Mr. Navarro to turn himself in, he was arrested,
cuffed, and put into leg irons at a public airport.
Rudy Giuliani: “Five Days After Riot I Submitted Evidence to FBI that Antifa Was Involved
in the Death of Ashli Babbitt”
After almost two years, the DC Bar is targeting Rudy Giuliani's license to practice law.
Patriot Front Member Was Arrested in Idaho Carrying Megaphone Marked with “FBI” On
Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group – Arrested 31
in a Uhaul on Way to Protest

Column G – RINOs/GOPe
Traitor and Former Trump Ed. Sec. Betsy DeVos Trashes Trump While Simultaneously
Funding Campaign of GOP Governor Candidate Gunning for Trump Endorsement

Column H – Surveillance/Deep State

Jim Jordan Alleges The FBI Is Purging Agents With Conservative Views Related To January
Our Nation is Being Run by Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
Google Suspends Engineer For Sounding Alarm On The Company’s Dangerous ‘Sentient’
AI LaMDA Robot
Column I – Inflation/Recession
11 Months Ago, Biden Said ‘No Serious Economist’ Believed Inflation Was Coming
New Inflation Numbers Completely Counter White House Narrative
Sen. Kennedy Perfectly Punctures Brandon for Giving Up on Inflation and Gas Prices
“How Can You be Confident That Government Spending is Not the Cause of Inflation?” –
Yellen Ignores Reporters as Her Staff Runs Interference
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen finally admits she was ‘wrong’ about inflation
Inflation Is Punishing Most Americans
“Real Inflation for the Vast Majority of Americans is Far Higher” Than What’s Being
Reported: Steve Cortes Breaks Down Massive 25% Increase in “Necessities” Like Gas,
Food and Utilities
“I Think There Is Certainly a Risk of Recession in the Next Year” – Former Dem Secretary
of Treasury Larry Summers Refutes Janet Yellen
A Majority of Americans Believe America Is Already in a Recession
“All the Gains from Biden’s Time in Office Have Been Wiped Out” – Peter Doocy Fact-
Checks Biden’s Stock Market Claims in Real Time

Column J – EPA/Energy
Poll: Most Believe Biden Admin Allowing Gas Prices to Rise to Get Americans off Fossil
New Poll Finds Most Americans Believe Biden Administration Is Intentionally Letting Gas
Prices Rise
This Is Brandon’s Price Hike, Even If The White House Continues To Blame Russia For Its
Own Incompetence

Column K – Culture/Prejudice War

Will The FBI Do Anything About The Alarming Number Of Attacks On Pro-Life Centers
Following SCOTUS Leak?
State Laws That Will Govern Abortion If Roe Is Overturned
Most people support abortion staying legal, but that may not matter in making law
Illinois No Longer Requires Parental Notification for Abortion
Overturning Roe V Wade Impacts Other Rulings, It Doesn’t!
State Laws That Will Govern Abortion If Roe Is Overturned

Column L – Brandon-Senility/Kamala-Adolescence
"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more
closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of
the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a
downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun Editorial, July 26, 1920
H.L. Mencken (born 1880 - died 1956) was a journalist, satirist, critic and registered
Democrat. A 94-YEAR-OLD PROPHECY IS FULFILLED - truly sad.

Column M – Past/Future Politics

List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Brandon Destroyed

Column N – K-12/College Education

The Left Has Chosen To Prioritize Sex Over Solidarity, With Tragic Consequences
The left’s abandonment of the working class is epitomized by a plan to take school
lunches away from the poor in order to push an LGBT agenda.

Column O – Media/Big-Tech
CNN Blames Republicans For Attempted Left-Wing Assassination Of Supreme Court
Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Fox Dominates, as MSNBC Plummets to Its Lowest Ratings in Over 20 Years
Fox News Pushes Transgender Surgery For Your Kids
Sean Hannity dissed election challenge by Trump

Column P – Covid-19/Domestic
CDC ‘Follows The Science’ Recommending Masks For The Non-Airborne Monkeypox Virus
Demand the FDA Answer Questions Before Expanding COVID Shots for Kids
Follow the Patents to Understand COVID
Restrictive Public Health Lockdowns Likely Caused 170,000+ NON-Covid Excess Deaths
Among Working-Age Americans, New Study Shows

Column Q – Covid-19/China
Chinese Social Media Personality Vanishes After Displaying Tank Cake on Tiananmen
China Claims U.S. Currently Has 50,000 Slaves
China Threatens Brandon and Will ‘Not Hesitate to Start War’ Over Taiwan
China warns US it ‘won’t hesitate to start a war’ over Taiwan

Column R – Trump/GOP Persecution

Trump Says Bill Barr “Was Played” and Did Nothing About “THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY”
– Now with Unselect Committee ” Our Country is in Such Trouble”
SDNY Political Witch Hunt Against ‘We Build the Wall’ Ends in Hung Jury
a toxic material hiding inside the COVID vaccines [graphine oxide] may be causing blood
AG Garland’s Ominous Warning to Trump: I’m Watching the Jan. 6 Hearings… and Jan. 6
Prosecutors are Watching as Well

Column S – Targeting Trump’s Mercurial/Prescient Behavior

D'Souza said FNC Is Not Covering His Documentary '2000 Mules' because Murdoch hates
Give it up, Mr. President — for your sake and the nation's
Murdoch 'fears for his legacy' after supporting Trump with Fox News
Trump 'refuses to accept reality': Murdoch newspaper says it's time for GOP to move on
“Our Nation is SUFFERING. Our Economy is in the Gutter – What is the Democrat Congress
Focused On? A Kangaroo Court” – Trump Delivers 12-Page Rebuttal to Jan. 6 Committee’s
Latest Lies, Smears and Omissions
Trump Predicted All of What We’re Seeing Today from the Brando Before It Happened

Column T – Law-and-Order/Scandals
Brandon Is Just Fine With Defunding the Police
Brandon hosted several ‘defund the police’ subversives over the past year
Antifa Members Who Brutally Beat, Robbed Two Latino Marines Will Get No Jail Time –
All Felony Charges Dropped by Soros-Backed Philly DA
Soros-Funded State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Slapped Husband Across the Face During
Domestic Disturbance: Police Report
mental health experts accuse politicians of focusing on mental health following multiple
mass shootings to avoid taking action to address gun violence.
Blockbuster Report: Soros Spent Over $40 Million To Install Pro-Crime District Attorneys
And Unleash Violent Criminals Endangering Communities
San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin Recalled
San Diego Grand Jury Indicts 11 Antifa Militants For Attacking Trump Supporters During
“Patriot March” in Pacific Beach
The Clinton-era assault weapons ban worked after-the-fact
Uvalde Police Chief Tells New Story on School Shooting

Column U – Reverse-Racism/Purposeful-Divisiveness
BLM Chapter Co-Founder Arrested After Hundreds of Cockroaches Released in New
York Courthouse

Column V – Foreign Policy Turmoil/Surcease

The United States Has Joined the Ranks of Shithole Countries
The critical battles for Ukraine and for America are being fought right here, right now
Brandon Tosses Zelenskyy Under the Bus
Zelenksyy Takes Victory Lap as Russia Retreats AGAIN
Brandon To World: Russia, Oil Sheiks, And China Control The U.S. Economy
Iran Has 18x More Enriched Uranium Than Obama Deal Allowed, Nukes Now 'Weeks
Putin’s new war crime: starving world’s poor by blocking Ukraine’s grain exports
NATO nations and the U.N. must break Russia's blockade of Ukraine's Black Sea ports,
and rebut its efforts to blame the global food crisis on Ukraine.
The killer—Ramón Mercader—was a Spanish communist and probable agent of Soviet
leader Joseph Stalin.
The Brandon Doctrine: Violent Marxists Attack Venezuelan Opposition Leader Juan
Guaido, Push Him, Beat Him and Rip His Shirt Off at Restaurant
Iran and Venezuela Sign a 20-Year Agreement – Will Confront the US Together
U.S. warns Israel not to move on Sudan normalization

Column W – Dem Philosophies/Policies

When Dems Keep Choosing Name-Calling Over Debate, Violence Becomes Inevitable

Column X – Illegals/Border
Illegal Aliens Set to Receive Driver’s Licenses in Massachusetts After State Legislature
Overrides Governor’s Veto – 17 States Now Allow Illegals to Get Gov’t Issued Photo ID
Supreme Court Rules Jailed Immigrants Are Not Entitled to Bail Hearings

Column Y – Entertainment/Sports
‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Proves Hollywood Can Succeed Without Kowtowing To China

Column Z – Resources Trusted/Doubted

The Gateway Pundit, Red State, Breitbart, the ZOA, The Ace of Spades, PJ Media, Pamela
Geller, Powerline, The Federalist [but be aware of its neoisolationism], Legal
Insurrection, The American Spectator, Claremont, Babylon Bee, The Liberty Daily, The
Citizen Free Press, The Populist Press, The Conservative Treehouse, and Hoover.

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