74-June 2011

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Issue No.

74June 2011

PO Box 2008, Hazeldene 3658

Saturday 14th May saw a bus load of U 3 A folk off for a fun day out at Kilmore Races. We arrived about one hour before the first race and settled in on our long table set behind full glass windows overlooking the finishing post, what more could you ask for on a winters day. Some opted to place a bet on the races, some went in to tickle the pokies and some just sat back and unwound from the hustle and bustle of everyday life enjoying seeing the jockeys mount up and horses lead out onto the race track for the next big race. A beautiful lunch of either lasagne, chips and salad or chicken parma chips and salad was next up on the agenda followed by strawberry baskets with ice-cream or cheesecake and cream warmed the cockles of our hearts. A lot of musical chairs went on throughout the day with lots of laughter, especially when Jan Newton couldnt read the print in the race book so she opted for a mystery bet only to win $50 on one the next race, and 5 other women pooled their money into a kitty for the days betting, picking the horses by their names and not on form guide, to come out with their money back was fun. We did hear of one BIG win at the pokies but wont mention names and believe this win is going towards a holiday north? Well done S..ah and B..yl . Thanks to Dennis Hodge who was our Bus Driver his smooth trip home gave Peter Luke time for a wee nap, and to Odette Hunter thanks again for giving us this opportunity to share time together and have a laugh. Max & Judi Clarke

Inside this issue:

Tennis Opening Flowerdale Primary School Junior Youth Group Kinglake Scouts MSC Local Tradies Flowerdale Community House Contact Numbers 2 3 4 5 14 20 22 24

Distribution: 500 copies to Silver Creek Rd., Silver Parrot Rd., Creekside Drive., Riverside Cres., Service Road, Moore s Rd., Spring Valley Rd. Upper King Parrot Rd, and the Main Road as far as Minto Rd. Also the Hazeldene Store, Flowerdale Hotel, Strath Creek Store and Glenburn Roadhouse. Articles, advertisements, etc. can be left at the store, posted to PO Box 2008, Hazeldene, or emailed to the Community House at fch@internode.on.net

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FLOWERDALE Tennis Clubs new courts were finished with less than 24 hours to spare for their official opening earlier this month. Finishing touches were added to the four new synthetic grass courts a day before the May 7 opening which attracted more than 180, including members of the Yea Tennis Club, Glenbervie Tennis Club in Essendon, representatives of the NSW Malua Bay Tennis Club, Murrindindi Shire representatives, VicSport and the Flowerdale community. Ms Kamar said 56 people participated in a round-robin before the official opening by the Member for Seymour, Cindy McLeish. Junior winners were Bryn Thomson, 10, of Fairfield and Sarah Kielbaska, 12, of Flowerdale. Senior winners were Fiona Henson and Chris Adshead. Adults and juniors later enjoyed trying out Tennis Victorias radar gun that measured serving speed and Flowerdales coach Colin Grace joined with Tennis Victoria in taking about 20 juniors through their paces on the hot shots program Flowerdale Tennis Club president Jeannette Kamar said that the club looked forward to seeing maximum use of the courts. These courts are not just for the tennis club but for the whole community, Ms Kamar said. Ms Kamar said there were many to thank for the courts, including the state and federal governments, Murrindindi Shire and Tennis Victoria. Ms Kamar said the Glenbervie Tennis Club provided wonderful moral support to the club in the aftermath of the fires and over the past two years and donated $15,000. Malua Bay Tennis Club also made a special donation after hearing of the clubs efforts. Id also like to thank the Flowerdale Cricket Club and the Spring Valley Recreation Reserve committee of management who have both provided enormous support to our club, Ms Kamar said. Ms Kamar said the Flowerdale community has also provided financial and moral support, enabling the club to raise $65,000 towards the $240,000- plus project. Ms McLeish said the courts added to the opportunities provided by the Spring Valley Recreation Reserve. What a fabulous facility this is now becoming, Ms McLeish said. Flowerdale has always been a strong community and even more so since the fires. The Victorian Government is committed to continuing to support fire affected communities such as Flowerdale. Thankyou to Samm our local photographer who took the pictures on the day & night

Kerry Sullivan celebrating her birthday on the night with the local community
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No excursions to report this month as we are still waiting to see if funding has been approved. On 14th May we held a 2 hour session at the Flowerdale Hall with 20 groupies They enjoyed a sports session with lots of running and fun. A special thanks to Julie and Sharon for helping with the cooking. On 28th May we held a games night at the Flowerdale Primary School, with 13 groupies. Hangman, Celebrity Heads and homemade pizzas were a hit. Thankyou to the Flowerdale Primary School for allowing us to use their multi-purpose room on the day. We will be introducing our inaugural Photo Exhibition for youth aged from 5-12 years old. Registration papers will be available soon from your primary school or at the store. All hands on deck will be required to assist with the preparations for this exhibit. Please watch this space and at store for more details on exact date and location for the exhibition. If you want to help volunteer in preparation and on the day please contact Tanya for details 0408333953. On 25th June we will be having an excursion to the Melbourne Ice House. Cost will be $17.50 per child and must be paid at least 2 weeks prior to excursion to secure your childs booking. Times of leaving Flowerdale and return will be advised shortly. Look forward to seeing you all at the next fortnight activity 11th June. Venue will be advised prior to date.

Flowerdale Youth Groups


Needs Volunteers with Working with Childrens Check

Have you got a spare few hours to come & help with Youth Groups. We need as many parents as possible to assist, the more we have means you wont have to attend every session. Contact Community House on 57802664

Volunteers needed for a monthly sausage sizzle at the Flowerdale Market to help raise funds to buy equipment, allow youth to continue activities and go on excursions. Volunteer drivers for bus with HR truck licence and working with children check to help with excursions. Please contact Tanya ASAP 0408333953 if you can help with any of the above so we can continue to provide as many activities as we can for our children.

FLOWERDALE SENIOR YOUTH GROUP NEED DONATIONS FOR FUNDRAISER The Senior Youth Group are doing a fundraiser for the group and asking for donations of items for a future raffle details will be announced in the near future. If you can help out with donations please leave at the Hazeldene Store.


Surf Clinic,Paint Ball/Skrmish & other Activities. Please call Community House to register your interest 57802 664

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June 2011

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1st Kinglake Scout Group

Cub News Last term the Cubs managed to squeeze in some outdoor activities before the long winter nights started to draw in; including a 2km hike to Mount St Leonard a 7km bike ride to Kinglake West. Well done to all Cubs keeping up the pace to try and arrive before dark. We also had a walk to collect flowers and leaves to press for mothers day gifts. Special thanks to Sarah and Steve for bringing their instruments on the last night to provide a very entertaining evening for all. We would also like to welcome four new Cubs Miles, Aidon, Jamieson and Joel. Yours in Cubbing, Rikki. Scout News The old clich doing a good deed may sound a bit corny but it has and always should be an important part of Scouting. Our Scouts and Venturers have been out in the community lately doing there bit. The Venturers have been assisting at the Kinglake West Uniting Church dinners; our Scouts have been helping at the Kinglake market and were part of the Good Friday Appeal at Kinglake. Some of our group also attended the recent Lions Club ANZAC day service at Kinglake and as usual we were invited to hoist the flag. Venturer Peter Johns did the honours this year. Community service and the development of leadership skills is a significant part of the Scout program, which ultimately helps todays youth become tomorrows leaders. Committee News Our group raised a whopping $1542.00 from this years Monster Scout raffle. The funds go towards the term fees of the families that participated. Congratulations to Mel Ennis for coordinating the record effort.

Thinking of Joining? If you are interested in joining as a Cub, Scout or Venturer, or you are an adult looking for a rewarding outlet as a leader or an assistant please contact: Group Leader Ray Bartlam Phone: 5786 1529 or by e-mail chriscobern68@hotmail.com If would like to find out more about Scouting visit www.vicscouts.asn.au


If you can help once a month to distribute please contact 0418 589 072

May 2011 (to 24th May) Total for April 2011 Year to Date to 24th May 2011 to 31st May 2010 Total 2010 Regards Virginia
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The Silver Creek and Silver Parrot Communities remember, with love and a smile, our friend Adolf Deitz (1932 2008). Three years have passed, but we will not ever forget Adolf who added colour and interest to our lives. Our love goes to his daughter Anne and her partner Scott. Always remembered

Would you like to announce birthdays, marriage, engagements, deaths, or other personal advertisements in the Flowerdale Flyer? Please contact Flowerdale Community House : fch@internode.lon.net or jabateman@y7mail.com


The Flowerdale Environment Work Engine would like all residents of the area to participate and have their say in where the money being funded should be spent. Attached to back of this months flyer is an information sheet and survey. Survey is due back by 24th June. If you know of anyone who may not be currently living back in the area but still own properties or who may be rebuilding please forward on information. You may also receive survey through the Shire. Thankyou Flowerdale Environment Work Engine

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Mayors Comment At its May meeting Council resolved to grant a notice of decision for a permit for the replacement of the Glenburn Community Hall. This is a community owned and run facility, the redevelopment of which has had considerable community involvement. At the same meeting Council also gave notice of decision to grant a permit for the construction of a restaurant on the corner of Margaret Street and Kinglake-Whittlesea Road, Kinglake West. Both of these applications appeared before Council as objections had been received. Council can only consider planning issues when considering applications and in both matters the majority of councillors believed that all planning requirements had been met. At a Special meeting held on the same day Council resolved to put on public exhibition and call for comments on its Council Plan, which incorporates the Strategic Resource Plan and Draft Budget. Submissions will be taken up to Friday 1 July. A Special meeting of Council will be held on 6 July to hear any submissions received and Council will then make a decision of all matters on 13 July. Community Information sessions will be held at Yea, Alexandra ,Marysville and Kinglake through June to assist the public in understanding the documents. Submissions can be made in writing or via email to msc@murrindindi.vic.gov.au . All of the documents can be found onCouncils website at www.murrindindi.vic.gov.au with hardcopies at all of Councils Offices at Alexandra, Yea and Kinglake from Thursday. Please feel free to contact the council offices if you require further assistance and Councillors are available to also assist. Our contact details are available from Council Offices or on Councils web site. Plan outlines Councils objectives for 2011-12 The key document supporting the development of Murrindindi Shire Councils draft 2011-12 Budget, is the Council Plan, which also incorporates the Strategic Resource Plan. In releasing the 2011-12 draft Budget for public comment, Mayor Peter Beales said the Council Plan highlighted the major objectives for the Council during the next 12 months. Our updated plan aligns with Councils policies, strategies, budget and other corporate documents. It is no easy task in developing a Council Plan. We have many challenges in an effort to support our diverse and wide-spread shire, Cr Beales said. We have taken into account the need to support our business community, the continued focus on major infrastructure maintenance and upgrades, and those essential community services that are vital in assisting an ageing population. We have certainly set high standards for the next 12 months in delivering the key objectives of our plan. There is a significant focus on community and youth services, the environment, recreational services and local economy. Cr Beales said the Council Plan highlighted Councils key role in advocating for its community. Now more than ever we need to continue to build on our relationship with the new State Government, he said. Our Strategic Resource Plan makes it extremely clear that there is a growing gap in Councils ability to meet future maintenance and renewal costs, while the Council Plan also highlights the need for greater public transport opportunities, aged-care services and support for public housing. Cr Beales said the Council Plan told a good story of a proactive organisation whose workforce was committed to delivering for its community. We value input from the community and both the draft Budget and Council Plan will be open for public submissions from Thursday 2 June and closing on Friday 1 July 2011. Written submissions on any proposal within the draft Budget and Council Plan can be made via email to msc@murrindindi.vic.gov.au or posted to Murrindindi Shire Council, PO Box 138, Alexandra, 3714. Submissions will be accepted until 5pm Friday 1 July 2011. By working with our community, businesses and key stakeholders, we have the right framework to continue to deliver for the Murrindindi Shire and enhance our reputation as a great place to life, work, invest and visit, Cr Beales said.
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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Draft Budget highlights challenges ahead Murrindindi Shire Council has released its draft 2011-12 Budget which highlights a proposed $11.84 million capital works program, a level of operating expenditure that ensures a continued effort to maintain the existing range and level of service provisions, and provision for establishing an infrastructure maintenance reserve. In releasing the draft Budget and Council Plan, which also incorporates the Strategic Resource Plan (SRP), Mayor Peter Beales said there were clear and significant challenges ahead in meeting future maintenance and renewal costs. We have taken the significant step of looking at Councils finances across a 10-year timeframe and it shows that we are facing a significant gap on future asset and maintenance cost projections, Cr Beales said. As a result of the key findings in the Strategic Resource Plan we are proposing a rate increase of 8 per cent of the rate in the dollar for 2011-12. Growth of 1 per cent in the rate base has also been allowed for and together with waste management charges, contributes to the total rate revenue of $13.714 million. The percentage increase of the rate in the dollar, combined with the increase in waste management charges, equates to an increase in revenue of rates and charges on the previous year of 10.07 per cent or $1.254 million. Two per cent of the rate rise will be directed to the infrastructure maintenance reserve to meet future demands on buildings across the shire. The increase will also be applied to the municipal charge. Municipal waste collection charges will rise by 8 per cent to meet State Government levies. This will allow Council to meet its existing services levels, fund some new initiatives, but importantly continue to allocate additional funds to renew the municipalitys infrastructure, Cr Beales said. Our decision to support the infrastructure maintenance reserve will see $207,000 allocated in 2011-12. It is important that our community is aware that we face a massive challenge in meeting future operating and maintenance costs as a result of Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority (VBRRA) assets coming under Councils control. We are facing additional annual costs over the next decade of $1.8 million, comprising maintenance and operating costs of $1.2 million and $600,000 in depreciation of the new assets. Failure to meet that objective will see Murrindindi Shire Council facing an $18.9 million renewal gap at 2021-22. Cr Beales said Council had opted for a 10 year approach to its Strategic Resource Plan, so that future Councils would be aware of the need for prudent budgeting and financial strategies. If we follow the principles of our SRP, we will go a long way in achieving financial stability. We are in a position where we can enjoy a range of new and enhanced assets, but we must be smart in terms of taking on new projects into the future, Cr Beales said. As a Council we are also continually exploring opportunities to reduce demands on Councils longer term finances. This has included a request to the CEO to report options including asset sales, policy changes and operational efficiencies to assist with revenue and saving opportunities to reduce further rate burdens on ratepayers. It is important that we also have the support of the State Government and we will continue to advocate and lobby to obtain long-term external funding to meet the future costs of renewal and maintenance of our assets. Cr Beales said it was important people made time to review the documents. While they show tough times ahead, the documents also highlight our strategies to continue to support our community. It is important that the quality of life and Council services that are enjoyed by communities across the shire are maintained and enhanced and in a way that does not place a massive rate burden on households, landholders and businesses. As a Council we believe that we can provide a financially strong organisation with the support of our community.

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Council making prudent and responsible budget decisions Asset sales, operating efficiencies and policy changes are among a range of items that will be considered in reducing demands on Councils longer term finances. Mayor Peter Beales said significant initiatives included a review of its rating strategy, a review of Council assets, its property portfolio and its fees and charges. We are advanced in making further savings in expenditure and developing business cases to realise increases in nonrate revenue, Cr Beales said Council has asked for the CEO to report on options for asset sales, policy changes, operating efficiencies, staff reductions, changes in fees and charges and changes in services that will ensure the establishment of an infrastructure renewal reserve sufficient to rectify the current infrastructure gap faced by Council, and provide a sustainable cash flow while limiting further rate increases in the following 10 years to 6 per cent of less. This report will determine what strategic approach Council will need to take in reviewing our budget planning with the goal of reducing the rate burden on ratepayers. We are committed to reducing expenditure and operational costs. We have met some significant targets with keeping operational cost levels below the Municipal Association of Victoria cost index of 4 per cent and our future commitment is to meet or better this benchmark. There has been a reduction in staff numbers with the Kinglake Early Learning Centre becoming a community managed service and we have decided against any new operational initiatives being funded in 2011-12 to achieve our longer term objective of reducing our infrastructure renewal gap. There will be a review of our services by October this year, with plans to implement those findings during the 2011-12 financial year. Cr Beales said the long term financial sustainability of the Council was the clear priority for the current Council and had been emphasised through the impact of significant ongoing operating costs from bushfire assets taken on by Council from the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority. . Tough decisions have to be made. We are being upfront about our longer term challenges both for the Council and the community, he said. Our ratepayers can be assured that while we have proposed an 8 per cent increase in rates in 2011/12, this has been decided through a significantly prudent budget process that is also delivering savings and exploring methods for alternative income. A key factor will also be our continued strong advocacy to the State Government for continued financial support. Public information sessions to outline draft Budget details Four public information sessions will be held across Murrindindi Shire during the draft Budget exhibition period. Mayor Peter Beales said the sessions were a good opportunity for people to get an overview of Councils budget process, information and objectives contained within Councils Plan, incorporating Strategic Resource Plan. The two documents will be available for comment from Thursday 2 June 2011 and while I encourage people to take the time to read the publications, the information sessions will outline some of the more pertinent details contained in those documents, Cr Beales said. People will also have the opportunity to talk with our finance staff at these sessions. They will be held: Tuesday 14 June: 5.30pm 7pm Yea, the Semi Circle, Yea. Wednesday 15 June: 5.30-7pm at the Rebuilding Advisory Centre (RAC), 5 Murchison Street, Marysville. Thursday 16 June: 7pm-8.30pm at the RAC, 2970 Kinglake-Heidelberg Road, Kinglake. Wednesday 22 June: 5.30-7pm at Alexandra Council Chambers, Perkins Street, Alexandra. Written submissions on the draft Budget can be made via email to msc@murrindindi.vic.gov.au or posted to Murrindindi Shire Council, PO Box 138, Alexandra, 3714. Submissions will be accepted until 5pm Friday 1 July 2011.
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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Capital works program targets old and new
Capital works across Murrindindi Shire in 2011-12 will total $11.8 million and will see a mix of projects that will be beneficial to communities and the shire as a whole. Mayor Peter Beales said the program had been divided into three categories; new works, renewal and upgrade. This will see: $5.55 million expended on renewal investments $3.42 million expended on new assets $2.87 million expended on upgrades. Once again we have set a challenging works program that will see a considerable focus on roads, streets and bridges. The program will also see a continuation of major projects in fire affected communities, Cr Beales said. Our capital works program funding comprises rates monies, grants, insurance monies and carry forward funds, and in some cases loans. In 2011-12 $4.7 million has been set aside for works on local roads, footpaths, bike paths and street lighting. A further $148,000 will be expended on drainage projects. We will see a number of exciting projects start in 2011-12 which include the $1.12 million Yea Saleyards development and the $1.75 million Yea Wetlands Visitor Information facility, Cr Beales said. These projects will have significant benefits across the shire. The upgrade of the saleyards will continue to enhance the reputation of the Yea facility as one of the best regional complexes in the state while the wetlands tourist facility will help promote all great tourism aspects associated with our shire. Cr Beales said the shires libraries had again been supported in the budget process with $116,000 set aside for new library book stock. Our libraries and mobile library provide outstanding services and they are extremely well patronised. This proposed funding will allow those services to continue to be enhanced. Cr Beales said it was important people took the time to read the draft Budget, Strategic Resource Plan and Council Plan. Our capital works program presents challenges in meeting needs across our large shire. I believe we have come to a good mix of projects and renewal programs that will continue to provide safe and serviceable assets for our community. Council will borrow $900,000 in 2011-12 with a further $500,000 per annum for the life of the Strategic Resource Plan to assist funding of long term assets. The 2011-12 borrowings include $400,000 for the construction of the roof at the Yea Saleyards, which will be repaid from future saleyard earnings. The draft Budget will be open for public comment from Thursday 2 June. Written submissions on the draft Budget can be made via email to msc@murrindindi.vic.gov.au or posted to Murrindindi Shire Council, PO Box 138, Alexandra, 3714. Submissions will be accepted until 5pm Friday 1 July 2011. Projects to be supported in the draft 2011-12 capital works program included: $1.75 million Yea Wetlands Visitor Information facility $1.27 million bridge renewals and rebuilds, shire-wide $1.12 million Yea Saleyards development $993,000 gravel road re sheeting, shire-wide $990,000 sealed road programs, shire-wide $698,000 Gallipoli Park Pavilion rebuild, Marysville $300,000 Toolangi all purpose track $278,000 Kinglake Memorial Park facilities $65,000 Buxton Streetscape $50,000 Eildon Swimming Pool $49,000 General pool maintenance and clubroom facilities $45,000 Marysville Caravan Park amenities $20,000 Taggerty picnic area $20,000 Pheasant Creek Streetscape $15,000 Alexandra Leisure Centre
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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Kinglake pool study results go on public display Public comment is being sought on the findings of the Kinglake Ranges Aquatic Feasibility Study findings that have been presented to the Kinglake Ranges Community Building Initiative (CBI). Murrindindi Shire Council supported the CBI steering committee in establishing the feasibility study following a successful bid by the committee to secure $50,000 through the McPherson Smith Community Alliance. Mayor Peter Beales said the findings for the development of an indoor heated aquatic facility in Kinglake would be important for the Kinglake Ranges community as it provided a comprehensive analysis of the market, demand, capacity to pay as well as the detail required infrastructure costs to support such a facility. The CBI has been a key driver behind this project. They will now take the findings to the Kinglake Ranges community for dissemination. It will be important that the community is fully aware of the options, costs and on-going maintenance of any pool proposal, Cr Beales said. I would encourage the community to take part in any future consultation and engagement processes set up with the CBI. The CBIs Fiona Leadbeater said a pool had been a long standing desire of the community and the study provided much needed analysis in determining what course of future action was needed. Kinglake Ranges CBI plans to undertake a community feedback seminar in the coming months. The study will be presented at this seminar, which will give the community an opportunity to provide feedback on the study, Ms Leadbeater said. For further information about the Community Building Initiative and the study people are asked to contact Buffy Leadbeater on 0458 722 853. The study will be available to view at: Kinglake West, Kinglake Middle and Kinglake Primary Schools Kinglake Rebuilding Advisory Centre Kinglake District Service Centre Murrindindi Shire Council website www.murrindindi.vic.gov.au Kinglake Ranges News Website www.kinglakerangesnews.com.au

Flowerdale Community House and Mitchell Community Health Service

New Office hours are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Wed 9am-3pm Thursday Closed Friday (Bushfire Community Support) 10am-2pm Please see back page for contact numbers.

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We Want You

Only $5 a month Name Expertise Phone number Is all that is needed

Must be prepaid (leave at the Store) Marked with Payment: Flowerdale Flyer Tradies List & Contact Address

And Watch the jobs flow in

New Contact: 0418589072 or email jbateman@y7mail.com for further information


All non-ferrous metals *We pay up to $100 a car* more for trucks *(conditions apply)* Melb Metro daily (MSIC) Wharf acc. 24 hours service, 7 days Trade Towing Metro/Country, Twin Car, Car Capacity Caravan Relocation, Tractor, Bobcats Equipment (up to 5 tons)

Cabinet Maker Renzo UkosichNew kitchens & renovations 5780 2278 Landscaping Alex Jones-PavescapePaving, Concreting, Bobcat Hire, Excavator, Post Holes 0409 338 130 Maintenance Handyman Wayne MoermanCommercial & Residential 0431 180 168 or 0415 187 979 Painting & Decorating Adam ThomasPainter/Decorator, Roof Painting & Pressure Cleaning 0420 991 834 John KymePainter & Decorator 0418 564 851 Home: 5780 2569 Plasterer Peter KissNew Buildings, Renovations, Repairs No Job Too Big or Too Small 0413 741 396 Plumber Tom SimpsonTLS PlumbingSeptics, Water Tanks etc 0433 309 559


Phone Eddy 0407849252 or 0357978220 3877 Melba Hwy, Glenburn, 3717 Fax 57978520 www.eddystowing@harboursat.com.au

Wood Splitter available Full Time in Flowerdale

As part of the Tool Library in Flowerdale we now have a permanent Wood Splitter available. To book you need to contact Henry 0427 808 435

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Open Open Tuesday & Wednesday 10am3pm Tuesday & Wednesday 10am3pm Phone: 5780 2664 2664 Phone: 5780 (For all bookings and enquires please phone the Flowerdale Community House)

Flowerdale Community House INC INC Flowerdale Community House

Whats on at your Community House?

MONDAY Yoga Every Monday, Tutor: Val Tepper $10 (discounts apply, please ask at time of enrolment) 9.30-11.00am. Lighten UpWeight Loss Group designed with you in mind all welcome. Incentives, menu ideas, weigh in from 6pm. Classes will recommence shortly. Please register your interest by

phoning Community House.

Kims Fitness and FunStay on for Fitness and Fun with Tutor: Kim from 7pm $5. TUESDAY All Day Morning TeaEvery Tuesday from 10-2.30pm. Come and connect with your community enjoy a cuppa, cake and a chat, casual and relaxed atmosphere and everybody is welcome. Chi BallTutor: Gemma Wakefiled, $10 (discounts apply, please ask at time of enrolment) 1011.30am. Classes will recommence shortly. Please register your interest by phoning

Community House.
Massage/Chiropractic/Osteopathy/AcupuntureEach Tuesday, 1-4pm. Thanks to Hands on Health Australia professionals, RMIT students and clinician Helen. Acupuncture on first Tuesday of the month with Marta. Bookings must be made through Community House. Quilting & CraftFirst Saturday of each month from 10.30am-3.30pm Cost $5. WEDNESDAY PlaygroupWednesdays from 10-12.30, $2 per family. From newborn to preschool. Please bring a piece of fruit to share. Art GroupA self led group from 1-3pm, Cost $5 bring your supplies and project to this social group. THURSDAY Yoga Every Thursday, Tutor: Val Tepper $10 (discounts apply, please ask at time of enrolment) 7.30pm9pm FRIDAY Clinical Hypnotherapy/Counselling/NaturopathyAlan Stubenraugh, Senior Practitioner provides a truly holistic and caring approach to personal issues and health. Appointments can be made through Community House.
Kids Music GroupWill be advised when recommencing.

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Open Tuesday & Wednesday 10am3pm Phone: 5780 2664 (For all bookings and enquires please phone the Flowerdale Community House)

Flowerdale Community House INC

Whats on at your Community House?

FRIDAY cont....
Community DinnersAdults $5, Children $3 and under 5 are free. Club bar opens at 6pm. Meals are from 6-8pm. We meet at the Recreation Reserve to enjoy a meal together, all welcome. . Please

Note: Community Dinners will be once a month, first Friday of the Month. For Month of May there will be no community dinner it will be combined with Tennis Opening Event on the Saturday May 7th.


Life DrawingIf you would be interested in joining this class, please call the Community House to register your interest. Classes will be at 7pm in the evening (our tutor Lou will advise of date shortly). Cost $10. Flowerdale Seniors GroupCome in and help develop the exciting Calendar of events for the year of activities (anyone over 55 welcome to join). Come in on Tuesday mornings to help with planning with Trish, Max, Judy and Jan. Flowerdale Seniors Gardening GroupDrop in on Tuesday or please call Community House to register your interest. Physical range of including training, involved, charge. Activity GroupFor over 55s an exciting classes are planned with Rickie Nuske Thi Chi, Yoga, Pilates, walking strength aerobics etc... Please come and get begins shortly and all sessions free of

SATURDAY Quilting & CraftFirst Saturday of each month from 10.30am-3.30pm Cost $5. Japanese CookeryWill resume again when Hiroko is feeling better, we wish all the best with her recovery. SUNDAY ChurchGreen Valley Church, - Church is not like it used to be, come and check it out. 10am Flowerdale Hall every Sunday except Flowerdale Market day.

Community BusTo use the community bus contact 0429801312 details. Op ShopCall in and have a browse you may pick up a bargain. Volunteers are always needed so if you have a spare few hours please call the Community House. Flowerdale Food ShareThanks to the ongoing partnership with Berry Street and the Victorian Food Bank. Phone or come and speak with Odette. FirewoodIf you are in desperate need of firewood, please call the Community House. Annie on UGFMEach Saturday Morning at 9.30am on 88.9/98.9UGFM. Annie gives the Flowerdale Report, Good Morning Murrindindi and has a wide listening audience.

Ladies & Mens Chainsaw ClassesDue to popular demand another series of workshops will commence shortly. |See flyer in this months edition for further information. Enormous thanks to Peter Auty. Please call Community to register your interest. Mens Cooking ClassesAll Ages. Please call Community House to register your interest. Senior Youth Group ActivitiesSurf Clinic,Paint Ball/Skrmish & other Activities. Please call Community House to register your interest
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June 2011

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Ambulance 000 Bee Swarm Removal 0400 337 556 Berry Street 5772 3383 Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 Bushfire Building Advice Line 1300 360 320 Bushfire Case Management Service 1800 050 400 CFA Emergency 000 Consumer Affairs Victoira 1300 558 181 DHS Child Protection 1800 650 227 (After Hours) 13 12 78 Flowerdale Hub 5780 2704 Dial Before you Dig 1100 DoctorYea 5736 0444 Direct LineDrug & Alcohol Counselling 1800 888 236 Flowerdale Community Hall (Bookings) 5780 2027 Flowerdale Community House (Hall) 5780 2664 Flowerdale Hotel 5780 1230 Flowerdale Kindergarten 5780 2020 Flowerdale Primary School 5780 1264 Hazeldene Store 5780 1202 Green Valley ChurchFlowerdale 0434 357 730 Griefline (12noon-Midnight) 9596 7799 Help for Wildlife 0417 380 687 HospitalYea 5736 0400 Housing for people with drug/alcohol issues 5784 5555 Insurance Ombudsman 1300 728 228 Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House 5786 1301 Lands Titles 8636 2026 Lifeline 13 11 14 JP (Lyn Gunter) 5780 2382 (G Atkins) 5786 2038 (K Stewart) 5786 1557 Maternal & Child Health Emergency (AH) 1800 134 883 Mensline 1300 789 978 Mental Health Advice Line 1300 280 737 Mitchell Community Health Services 1300 773 352 Murrindindi Shire Council Alexandra 5772 0333 Yea 5797 2209 Kinglake 5786 1522 Home Based Child Care 5772 0362 Aged Care Services 5772 0360 Local Law Emergencies * 0419 572 425 Engineering Emergencies * 0407 509 413 Local Law Enforcement 5772 0333 *These numbers must only be used in the case of an emergency. If matter is not urgent please contact MSC during office hours. Nurse-On-Call 1300 606 024 Office of Housing (Seymour DHS) 1800 680 694 Open Family Youth Outreach Worker 0417 160 598 PoliceKinglake 5786 1333 Yea 5797 2630 Emergency 000 Poisons Information 13 11 26 Red Cross REDiPlan 8327 7700 Regional Information & Advocacy Council 1800 221 944 Relationships Australia 1300 364 277 Rural Financial Counselling Service 5735 4342 Rural Housing Network 5735 2000 SES 13 25 00 TRU Energy Power Failure 13 17 99 VetYea 5797 2333 Whittlesea 9716 2495 Victorian Aids & Equipment Program 5832 2200 Vision Australia 5831 3555 Yea Community House 5797 3070 Wildlife Victoria 1300 094 535


Captain: Glenn Woods Station: 5780 2179 Meets: 7.30pm 1st Tuesday of Month Emergency: Training: 000

2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 9am

1/16 Page 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Classified Ads Personals $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $45.00 $90.00 $1 per line Free

Email the Flowerdale Community House at fch@internode.on.net or post to: PO Box 2008, Hazeldene 3658

Mobile Library Visits: Hazeldene Bus Stop1.30 to 4.30pm 1st & 3rd Thursday of month. If you have internet access at home you can reserve books at the Yarra Plenty Regional Library website (www.yprl.vic.gov.au) and collect them from the Mobile Library.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO USETHE FLOWERDALE COMMUNITY BUS?????? For details & costs phone Annie Roberston 0429801312

Flowerdale Flyer

June 2011

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Flowerdale Flyer

June 2011

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Flowerdale Flyer

June 2011

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