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Text for Master of Ceremony (MC)

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Tengku Nayla Az Zahra, and i’m Rayhan Vikry
Aditama. It’s a wonderful and precious chance for us to be your Master of Ceremony.

First of all, let’s pray and thanks unto Allah SWT, who has been giving us some blessings, happiness,
healthy, and mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any troubles and

Praise and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW the last messenger, the best figure of
this universe, the person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah era to the Islamiyah era namely
islamic religion that we love.

Well, in this beautiful moment, we would like to say”. On this special time we have several agendas,
so allow us to read several sequences of our agendas.

1. The first is the opening

2. The second is reciting Holy Qur’an and followed by translation

3. The third is speech by some speakers

4. The fourth is correction of grammatical

5. Next is correction of pronunciation

6. After that is some entertainment from our friends

7. And the last is tutor’s time

Well, to take advantage of the time, Let’s start this agenda by reciting “Basmalah” together.

Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an which will be recited by our friend
Syaskia Azzahra followed by an English translation by Rahmatul and Bahasa translation by nailah
syafiqah. . (Time is yours). Thanks to Kia, atul and nailah, Who have recited the Holy Qur’an for us,
May Allah always give guidance and help for us. Aamiin ya rabbal alamin..

The third agenda is speech by some speakers. Guys, do you want to know who is the first speaker?
Please welcome,the beautiful girl from 10 science one amellia nainggolan. ( The Stage is yours).
Thank you for your nice speech, it was very useful to all of us. Let’s give applause for Amel.

The second speaker is the sweetest one in our class, Dian andri yani. (Golden time is yours)., thank
you for your wonderful speech Dian , may it be useful for us, Aamiin ya rabbal alamin..

The third speaker is one of the cutest girl in our class, Ghinanda Nasywa. (Stage is yours).
The next speaker is our ngabers, please welcome Naufal Ferdiansyah Putra. (Golden stage is yours).
Thank you for your speech, hopefully it can be useful for all of us, Aamiin.

The last speaker is our vice

Next agenda is correction of grammatical. To the , {The floor is yours). Ok, thank you very much for
your correction, hopefully we can improve our gramatical next time.

Let’s keep on to the next agenda, that is correction of pronunciation. To the smartest one in our
class,. (Time is yours). Thank you for your nice correction, it’s really useful to all of us. Hopefully we
can improve our pronounciation next time.

Okay guys! Next agenda is what we have been waiting for, entertaiment time!!!!!

There will be 2 entertaiment from us.

The first is roleplay and the second one is singing. So we will start by role play. Role play team, (the
golden time is yours). Thank you so much for your performance, guys. It was very comforting for all
of us. Hopefully the moral value will be useful for everyone here.

Okay, next is singing time. Special for (The golden stage is yours).

The last agenda as the final agenda is tutor’s time. To close the program, Let’s recite “Hamdalah”

Finally, from the deepest of our heart we do apologize for our mistakes in presenting this event.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and the last we say..

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh..

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