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Historical notes: Carausius, a Menapian of humble birth, rose through the ranks of the Roman military and was appointed to a
naval command at Bononia (Boulogne), tasked with clearing the English Channel of Frankish and Saxon raiders. However, he
was accused of collaborating with the pirates to enrich himself, and the western Augustus, Maximian, ordered him to be put to
death. Carausius responded by declaring himself emperor in Britain. His forces comprised not only his fleet, augmented by
new ships he had built, and the three legions stationed in Britain, but a legion he had seized in Gaul, a number of foreign
auxiliary units, a levy of Gaulish merchant ships, and barbarian mercenaries attracted by the prospect of booty. In 293
Constantius Chlorus, now the western Caesar, isolated Carausius by retaking the territory he held in Gaul. He besieged the port
of Bononia, building a mole across the harbour mouth to prevent the rebels from escaping by sea and ensure they could not
receive maritime aid, and invaded Batavia in the Rhine delta, securing his rear against Carausius's Frankish allies. However, it
was impossible to mount an invasion of Britain until a suitable fleet could be built. Carausius, who had been in power for
seven years, was assassinated by his subordinate Allectus, who assumed command.
Three years later, in 296, the reconquest of Britain began. With Maximian holding the Rhine frontier, Constantius divided his
fleet into several divisions. He led one division himself from Bononia; another, sailing from Le Havre, was commanded by
Asclepiodotus, prefect of the Praetorian Guard. They set sail in poor weather, but fog allowed Asclepiodotus's ships to pass
Allectus's fleet, stationed at the Isle of Wight, unseen. They landed in the vicinity of Southampton and burned their ships. The
rebels were forced to retreat from the coast, but in doing so, fell into the hands of another division and were routed. Allectus
himself was killed in the battle, having removed all insignia in the hope that his body would not be identified. Archaeology
suggests that Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester) was the site of his defeat. A group of Roman troops, who had been separated from
the main body by the fog during the channel crossing, caught up with the remnants of Allectus's men, mostly Franks, at
Londinium (London), and massacred them. Constantius himself, it seems, did not reach Britain until it was all over, and the
panegyrist claims he was welcomed by the Britons as a liberator.

Start: March, 293 A.D.

Historical Conclusion: October, 296 A.D.
Players: 2


Carausius & Allectus (Blue)

Type: Roman faction; trained army & navy
Treasury: 15
Force Pool: 1 LG, 1LC, 1 LI
Controlled Provinces & Set Up:
Isca 1 LE, 1 LI
Eburacum 1 LE, 1 LC
Londinium 1 LE, 4 supply wagon units, Leader “1” (Carausius/Allectus), Imperator
Belgica (not controlled)
Gesoriacum 1 LE, 2 LG

Costantius Chlorus (Red)

Type: Roman faction; trained army & navy
Treasury: 10
Force Pool: 1 LG, 2 LC, 2 LI
Controlled Provinces & Set Up:
Burdigala 1 LI, 2 LG
Augusta Treverorum 1 LE, 1 LI, 1 LC, 4 supply wagon units, Leader “1” (Costantius), Imperator
Durocortorum Control marker
Germania Romana
Colonia Agrippina 2 LE, 2 LI, 1 LC, 4 supply wagon units, Leader “1”
Argentorate 2 LE, 2 LI
Lugdunum 1 LE


Franks (Yellow)
Type: barbarian, neutral
Replacements: 3
Controlled Provinces & Set Up:
In the province Village hex 9 BI

1) Franks are controlled by Carausius & Allectus but are not his client state.


1) Play is limited to the provinces listed. No unit may enter an unlisted province. Only listed
provinces may be taxed.
2) Limitanei exist in Germania Romana.
3) Costantius Chlorus may purchase warships in Aquitania.


Carausius & Allectus: Control of no cities.

Costantius Chlorus: Control of one province.
Franks: All units in the force pool.


The game ends on the historical date or when Costantius Chlorus has achieved his victory conditions.
Costantius Chlorus: Control all starting provinces, plus Britannia.
Carausius & Allectus: Prevent Costantius Chlorus’ victory conditions.

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