G Fge.I U1R :L Iir Ci:' F ? D. (Fbi R: (BFT/LF

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The value of"\l'K;, is given in Fig,C5,11a. Fig,5,14b is for('- plate in. bending
F~g. AU.: gives F~cr (='tcrl f,or se~eral aQli compression (not tension), with the
,COII)lllOn materials .and includes the effect .ccimpr9ssion (upper} edge' ,free and the
of plasticity, . Note that "cut-ciff" lines ·other three edges simply supported, This
are used, These are at ·shear stresses of can also be useful, for example, in esti-
approximate.~:f • 5Fo,, mating the buckl,i~ stress,.,.ror the up-
7 (or "":5Fcy),, This is
a fairly co,mmo.n c9nservat1ve practice. ' stan~ing free edg~ of a r.'.'.be.f<.ru in bending
wi.th the Upper edge in compression,. The
,F0 r qther:m"ct.enals Fif,c5,1J can be 'buc)<lirig s~ress i~ ca.'.).cuJ11-ted,.as
usecl.:.:.entering ·witl'CK8E(t/1')9i<0 , 7 .,..tNit~ E/ Ii. -;i
(bft\lf<,5 )?/0.. 7 ~ ,ob.tairiihg.. Fsc;.r/Fo 7 and c:.a,1- Fccr = l'..'efEc/12!1-v"jCt/b{
culating Fscr =e.FO,f:~,l'.sc,;rt:Fo,7)., SJ,n~~,
n and Fa, 7, a,r,e ,lieelie.<i: t.o do this th<1y' are..I f Fer is in· the 'piitstic ril.h~e' it is· cor-
obta~ned from 'Tabl,e Bl,l, or for other ''rected as discussed for the previous case
IIiateri,al~... n cari .. be' calculated .peir Art, Note that the figure shows cases ranging
, Bl.1 .. or read from .Fig, B1.1J (Obtaining from pure bending to pure compression
, Fa, 7 ·,17nd,,.F0,.85 fj::.om,,the wa~erial' s stress lb/h = 2 to b/h = 0), For tension and
strain: ,curve per Fig, B1;:12; b8nding b/h > 2 and is not covered by the
, dat"c in th(l figure. .h. is the distance
c5.,6a .Bu~k:lins·. ~i -:riat:·. ·Re.ctanguiar Plat6s f;rqm the. free edge to tl:le li:g_e, of z8ro
Uiider Bendi'.ng
. ,., Loli.dB $"tress

tisefui data for two cases of plat~s

subject to bending stresses are shown fn
Fig,5.14a 1;tnd Fig.5.14b, That in (a} is
for all edges simply support!!d·wit)'I KB
being the value k1t'Ec/12(1-'ll'}. The
buakling stress is calculated as FBor =
KBEc(t/b}", where Ee is the compressive
value c;>f Young'sM()dtilus, If FBcr is in
the plastic rai\ge one' cialqulates
F:scr/Fo, 7 ·

e.nt;er~, ,J;:ig.• C5, 8 wi tl} this. !\nd obtains · ,

~g~~Fge.i~u1r~:l iir~ci:';~ F;~?~d. ~{ FBi~r is
a/b values less than ,JO, KB can be
calculated as


" ' "

" '


"' ·.J .4 .5 q_, b .• ·' ••

Fig,C5.14a Flat Plate Compression
Buckling Coefficient, ·KB

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