Y10 Silver Practice Letter

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2nd June 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child is currently completing their Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. This letter details the
information for their practice expedition. For those students still requiring a Bronze Qualifying
expedition, this will also meet that requirement.

The practice expedition will take place in the Clwydian Ranges near Mold in Wales and the
itinerary is detailed below.

Expedition Date English Teaching Group

Monday 11 – Tuesday 12 July 2022 Archimedes/Aristotle/Euclid

Thursday 14 – Friday 15 July 2022 Hippocrates/Herodotus/

Day Time Location Action

Day 1 08:15 - Senior Yard Students arrive in school, meet on the Senior
(Monday/Thursday) 09:00 Yard. Kit check.

Day 1 09:00 - Coach Students depart from school to Loggerheads

(Monday/Thursday) 10:00 Country Park

Day 1 10:00 - Loggerheads Groups depart on expedition

(Monday/Thursday) 11:00

Day 1 17:00 - Campsite Students finish day one and prepare camp
(Monday/Thursday) 18:00 and evening meal

Day 2 07:00 - Campsite Students wake up, cook breakfast, strike

(Tuesday/Friday) 08:00 camp and depart for day 2 of the expedition.

Day 2 15:00 - Moel Famau Students complete practice expedition, board

(Tuesday/Friday) 15:30 coach, depart back to school

Day 2 16:30 School Students arrive back to school, return used

(Tuesday/Friday) kit and leave to go home.

All students will be under the supervision of staff, however, this will be remote in order to promote
self-reliance within teams. Supervision of groups will be maintained with the use of checkpoints, a
GPS tracker and each group will have an emergency mobile phone within the group, as methods
to ensure the group’s safety.

All students are to behave in line with the ethos and values of the school, should they be unable to
do so, parents will be required to collect their child from the expedition.

King’s Leadership Academy Warrington – A free, independent 11-18 school in the state sector
Hillock Lane, Woolston Warrington WA1 4PF www.kingswarrington.com
Personal mobile phones will not be allowed on the expedition, with the exception of one nominated
person for emergency use only, and should either be left at home or handed in to staff at the start
of the expedition.

Parents can contact staff in an emergency by using the following number: 07949357821.

Attached is a kit list and nutrition guide. Whilst some items may be loaned from school, this is done
on the proviso that they will be returned in the same condition as they were loaned. Charges will be
incurred for kit damaged through reckless behaviour.

There is a limited amount of kit available to borrow from school and items which are available to
reserve are marked on the kit list in bold and with an 2sterix (*). In order to reserve items of kit,
please email dofe@kingswarrington.com with the date of your child’s expedition, along with their
name and this will be put aside. Tents, maps, compasses and any other navigation materials are
provided for all students without reservation.

Should you have any questions regarding the expedition, please contact your child’s tutor in the
first instance.

Yours sincerely,

Mr D Doherty
Personal Development Officer
Kit List

Item Needed Got It? Packed It?

1 x Pair of Walking Boots (broken in)

Walking Socks (1 pair per day)

Waterproof Jacket*

Waterproof Trousers*

Fleece top (to act as a warm layer)

T-shirt (1 per day)

Trousers for walking (not jeans)

Shorts (thigh length) (optional)



Flip flops / trainers (for campsite) (optional)

Warm hat / Sun hat


Large rucksack (min 45L)*

Rucksack liner (or strong bin bag)

Sleeping bag*

Sleeping bag liner (optional)

Sleeping mat / roll mat*


Torch (with spare batteries)

Personal First Aid Kit (plus any medication)


Cutlery (knife, fork, spoon / spork)

Matches / lighter

Wash kit / personal hygiene items

Sun cream


Notebook & Pen / Pencil

Camping stove*

Fuel for stove (this must be screw on)

Cooking pan / Mess tins*

Scourer & Washing up liquid

Rubbish bag

Toilet roll

Water container (minimum 2 litres)

Sunglasses (optional)

Insect repellent (optional)


Firstly, it is a common misbelief that walking is non-strenuous and requires little extra calories, in
fact for those taking part in a DofE expedition, it is reasonable to expect 3500 calories per day to
be used, and so it is very important for participants to consume the correct nutrition before, during
and after the expedition.

There are many varieties of foods available to buy from both supermarkets, and from outdoor
shops, however some are expensive and impractical.

Please click the following link for more information regarding your child’s expedition food
requirements. In the helpful resources section, you can find a meal planner to help your child work
out what they will need for each day of their expedition. Expedition food - The Duke of Edinburgh's

Here are some suggestions for food, followed by guidance from the DofE.

MAIN MEALS (carbohydrate based)

• Any kind of dried Pasta in Sauce.

• Couscous
• Noodles – good filler but definitely need something adding to them, avoid pot noodles as
bulky and expensive.
• Quick cook rice – either the microwave variety or boil in the bag type available from most
• Dried mashed potato mix
• Ration packs – Often more expensive, but very simple

Add :

• Pitta Bread, Naan Bread, Fajitas - already squashed so won't come to any harm in you
rucksack and can be warmed up on top of a pan lid whilst cooking the base meal.
• Stir in sauces from packet mix
• Flavoured stock cubes or pots – too add flavours
• Herbs, spices, pesto – all add flavour and colour to the dishes


• Anything that can go off easily, meats, soft cheeses, milk etc.

FOR DESSERT [Or snacks]

• Flapjack – why not make your own

• Crunchy Cereal bars or crunchy cereal / mini weetabix type stuff
• Jamaica ginger/chocolate/golden syrup cake and custard - very fast and
• Rice pudding
• Angel delight
• Dried fruit or fruit and nuts/Trail Mix/Bombay Mix/Seed mix – check to see if anyone in your
group has a nut allergy.

• Porridge – pre-mix this with milk powder or UHT and sugar to taste or use honey.
• Jordan’s Crunchy Cereal or other kind of cereal which won't squash – pre-mix with milk
powder or bring UHT milk.
• Ration packs


• Hot Chocolate etc. instant drink sachets

• Tea
• Warm fruit squash


• Packed lunches and things that are easy to eat and go. The lunch break shouldn’t be more
than 20 – 30 minutes so cooking for lunch is impractical.


• Take what you need to, don’t waste weight on unnecessary packaging or quantities of
food/sauces/mixes etc.
• Make sure you eat a large carbohydrate-based meal the evening before your expedition to
load your muscles with starch.
• To clean pans - take a small bit of green pan scrubber in a small plastic bag & put a squirt
of washing up liquid on it.
• For burnt food - boil up a handful of gravel with water in your pan/tin, the boiling action will
clean it.

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