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ENG101: Assignment Worksheet Page 1

Assignment Worksheet:

For your Compare and Contrast Essay, complete the outline below by responding to all prompts.

Introduction Paragraph

Provide an overview of 3 sub points you will discuss in your essay:

1. Cost.

2. Quality.

3. Similarities of homemade and fast food.

Your thesis statement is the main point, located as the last sentence of your Introductory paragraph.

Thesis: Food is an essential and fundamental human need. Food is something we put in our body
that provides nutrient to our body. In this essay, I will talk about the similarities and differences
between homemade food and fast food, which is the cost, quality, and flexibility.

Body Paragraph 1:

Using sub point 1 (listed above), write your Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1:


Now, elaborate with three supporting details:

1. Homemade food is cheaper prepared than buying fast food.

2. When you make homemade food, you will have leftovers that can be eaten the next day, or
whenever you want to, but with fast food, you don’t get leftovers.

3. Homemade food helps you save money, while fast food cost a lot and leaves you with no

Body Paragraph 2:

Using sub point 2 (listed above), write your Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2:


Now, elaborate with three supporting details:

ENG101: Assignment Worksheet Page 2
1. Homemade food gives you the opportunity to decide what you want in your food, and you
get to use good and unexpired products to cook, but with fast food, you are not sure of what type of
ingredients are being used.

2. Making a homemade food, you are sure of cooking a clean environment, and using clean
utensils, but in fast food, you aren’t sure of how clean the kitchen is, and if the cooked washed their

3. When you make homemade food, it is done in a timely manner, but in a fast food, dur to
their high demand, it may take them longer to prepare your meal.

Body Paragraph 3:

Using sub point 3 (listed above), write your Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 3:

Similarities of homemade and fast food.

Now, elaborate with three supporting details:

1. Both homemade food and fast food can be eaten anywhere and anytime.

2. Homemade food and fast food can be enjoyed alone and with family or friends.

3.Homemade food and fast food serve the same purpose to our body, which is to nourish the
body with nutrients and quench hunger.

Conclusion Paragraph

Restate in different words the thesis statement as first sentence of conclusion:

Homemade food and fast food are one of human’s basic needs, because we can’t survive for so long
with it. They have similarities and differences, which can influence the choices we make when
deciding what kind of food to eat.

Now, summarize the main points discussed in your body paragraphs.

1. The cost effect and benefits in both homemade and fast food.

2. The standard and quality of homemade and fast food.

3. The similarities of homemade and fast food.

ENG101: Assignment Worksheet Page 3

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