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Product Value Chain Cloud

Using Product Development

Release 9
Oracle® Product Value Chain Cloud Using Product Development

Part Number E55777-02

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Author: Landis Gwynn

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Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud
Using Product Development


Preface i

1 Introduction 1
Product Development: Overview ............................................................................................................................... 1
Product Development and Innovation Management .................................................................................................. 1

2 Item Management 3
Processes for Managing Items and Structures .......................................................................................................... 3
Creating Development Business Objects .................................................................................................................. 3
Searches ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Information Tiles: Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Named Item Details Tile ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Named Item Changes Tile ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Named Item Structure Tile ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Named Item AML Tile ............................................................................................................................................... 6
New Item Request Process ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Releasing an Item Structure to Manufacturing .......................................................................................................... 7
FAQs for Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud
Using Product Development

3 Change Management 9
Creating Change Orders ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Change Order Information Tiles: Overview ................................................................................................................ 9
Named Change Order Details Tile ............................................................................................................................ 9
Named Change Order Changes Tile ....................................................................................................................... 10
Named Change Order Impact Analysis Tile ............................................................................................................. 10
Named Change Order Workflow Tile ...................................................................................................................... 10
Defining Change Orders .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Impact Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Workflows: Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Defining a Workflow ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Approving or Rejecting a Workflow ......................................................................................................................... 13
Editing a Released Item with a Change Order ........................................................................................................ 13
FAQs for Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Preface
Using Product Development

This Preface introduces the guides, online help, and other information sources available to help you more effectively use
Oracle Applications.

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You can access Oracle Applications Help for the current page, section, activity, or task by clicking the help icon. The following
figure depicts the help icon.

If you don't see any help icons on your page, then click the Show Help icon button in the global area. However,
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You can add custom help files to replace or supplement the provided content. Each release update includes new help
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Guides are designed for specific audiences:

• User Guides address the tasks in one or more business processes. They are intended for users who perform these
tasks, and managers looking for an overview of the business processes.

• Implementation Guides address the tasks required to set up an offering, or selected features of an offering. They
are intended for implementors.

• Concept Guides explain the key concepts and decisions for a specific area of functionality. They are intended for
decision makers, such as chief financial officers, financial analysts, and implementation consultants.

• Security Reference Guides describe the predefined data that is included in the security reference implementation
for an offering. They are intended for implementors, security administrators, and auditors.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Preface
Using Product Development

Common areas are addressed in the guides listed in the following table.

Guide Intended Audience Purpose

Using Common Features All users Explains tasks performed by most


Using Functional Setup Manager Implementors Explains how to use Functional

Setup Manager to plan, manage,
and track your implementation
projects, migrate setup data, and
validate implementations.

Technical Guides System administrators, application Explain how to install, patch,

developers, and technical members administer, and customize the
of implementation teams applications.

For other guides, see Oracle Cloud Documentation at

Other Information Sources

My Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http:// or visit if you
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Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product area. You can search for release-specific
information, such as patches, alerts, white papers, and troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks, guided
lifecycle advice, and direct contact with industry experts through the My Oracle Support Community.

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications provides details on service-oriented architecture assets to help
you manage the lifecycle of your software from planning through implementation, testing, production, and changes.
You can use Oracle Enterprise Repository at for:

• Technical information about integrating with other applications, including services, operations, composites, events,
and integration tables. The classification scheme shows the scenarios in which you use the assets, and includes
diagrams, schematics, and links to other technical documentation.

• Other technical information such as reusable components, policies, architecture diagrams, and topology diagrams.

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Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Preface
Using Product Development

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Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 1
Using Product Development Introduction

1 Introduction

Product Development: Overview

Product Development tracks the early development phases of products that are going to be built. Product Development uses
items and manufacturer parts, and structures (the Bill of Materials) to describe the full assembly or full content of the product.
Change orders are used to track changes on the item or product being built.
Product Development lets you accomplish these tasks:

• Introduce new items to the enterprise and add information and data to them with easily defined attributes and

• Find development items with simple or customized searches, and manage them with simple procedures that have
immediate results;

• Allow users to differentiate between items or parts that are evaluated to be suitable for use by using a calculated

• Manage change orders formally and centrally on items, and analyze the impact of each change;

• Incorporate concepts or early Bills of Materials (BOM), designs, and other documents from sources such as
Innovation Management applications or external Product Lifecycle Management applications;

• Manage manufacturer parts with an Approved Manufacturers List (AML) that is associated with any item or part;

• Release items to manufacturing with recommendations on sourcing (recommendations on manufacturer items), and
additional documents.

Product Development and Innovation Management

Product Development's functionality can be broadened by Innovation Management, a suite of Oracle Fusion Cloud or on-
premise applications that promotes the abilities of the enterprise to build the right products. The Innovation Management suite
includes these three solutions:

• Product Requirements and Ideation Management supports and simplifies the innovation process with ideas,
requirements specifications, and feature sets.

• Concept Design Management supports defining a product in its conceptual phase, using concepts and

• Product Lifecycle Portfolio Management gathers product concepts and proposals into a portfolio, and
assembles the portfolio team. Portfolio scenarios are modified based on analyses of value, balance, strategy,
resources, and product mix.

This documentation can be found on the Oracle Fusion Cloud source:

• Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Using Product Requirements and Ideation Management

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 1
Using Product Development Introduction

• Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Using Concept Design Management

• Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Using Product Lifecycle Portfolio Management

• Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Using Product Information Management

• Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Implementing Innovation Management and Product Development

• Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Getting Started with Your Implementation of Oracle SCM Cloud

• Securing Oracle SCM Cloud

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 2
Using Product Development Item Management

2 Item Management

Processes for Managing Items and Structures

The building blocks to managing the development of products are: development items; manufacturer parts and their
manufacturers; structures; and change orders. Change management and the change control process are covered in the next
Development Items
Design engineers and product managers create development items in Product Development to represent the parts and
assemblies of a product. A development item is created from an item class, from which the new item inherits its template of
attributes. The attributes describe the characteristics of the part and, taken together, the particular product. In this way, the
item objects that are generated in the application carry the necessary technical and engineering information of the product.
Design engineers also set technical specifications that are required for approval of a new item. The required approval is
gathered by submitting a New Item Request (NIR), which routes the proposed item to key team members for their review and
input of enriching information. The NIR process is applicable depending on the item class. Submit to NIR can be executed
only if the NIR process is enabled for that item class, otherwise the item is approved right away.
The NIR process can be set up to use an approval workflow to ensure that all stakeholders sign off any item being
introduced. This workflow process is different than the workflow that routes a Change Order.
Items can be associated with a structure of items. A structure shows all the items that make up an assembly or
subassembly; a structure may contain only one item.
Manufacturer Parts and Manufacturers
Manufacturer parts (manufacturer items) can belong to items with or without structures. Any structure may contain parts that
are provided by manufacturers from an approved manufacturers list (AML). An AML is a set of manufacturers that have
been approved to provide a particular part. Parts that are manufactured by these AML are identified with a manufacturer part
number (MPN).

Item grade is calculated for development items only, not for manufacturer parts. But the configuration of item
grade may allow the AML situation to be considered in the calculation of the item grade.

Change Orders
The change control process includes all procedures that manage changes to any development item in your company's
manufacturing process. Once approved, an item can only be changed via a change order. All change orders are initiated in
Product Development.

Creating Development Business Objects

The top of every page in Product Development displays the fields to set up searches and the global icon to create objects.
This lets you create business objects or search for objects regardless of any specific task in which you are engaged in the
user interface. The Create icon has a drop down menu to select and create an Item, Manufacturer Part, Manufacturer,
or Change Order. You can add information to any object while you are creating it, or you can save the object in simple form
and add more data later.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 2
Using Product Development Item Management

In the Search For drop down menu, select one of the Product Development business objects, enter a complete or partial
object name in the open field, and click the Search arrow button. From the returned list, click an object to open it on its own

Fields Considered in Quick Searches

The system searches on Name and Description fields for all objects of the specified type. More specific information is as

• Items: Item Name and Description;

• Manufacturer Parts: Manufacturer Part number (MPN) and Description;
• Manufacturers: Manufacturer Name and Description;
• Change Orders: Change Order Number, Name, and Description.
Wildcard characters can be used in Quick searches. The Percentage character % represents a sequence of characters. The
Underscore character _ represents a single character. The earch string must contain at least three characters including the
wildcard sign.

Refining Searches
To add parameters to your search, click the Refine button. This brings up a list of Search Criteria parameters. The list
changes when you select another type from the Search For drop down menu. Click the Advanced button to select from
various parameters, for example, Starts With, Equals, or Contains, and enter a string for any attribute of the object you
want. The Advanced button is a toggle, and clicking Parametric returns you to the list of Search Criteria parameters. In
either interface, when you have filled in one or more fields, click the Search button to run the search.

Information Tiles: Overview

The information tiles organize the information held by an object, and let you easily find additional data on the item, structure,
or associated change orders. Click the tile's bottom bar to drill down to all the information in that tile. The large text in each
tile's display, and often the numbers, can be a live link to a list for the specific category.
The Overview page gives you information about items and changes. Specific, or named, items and named change orders
have their own pages with their own set of "info tiles".

Information Tiles on Overview Page

This is the main landing page in Product Development. The information tiles are Notifications, Change Status, Cycle Time, and

• Notifications: you receive all your notifications in this information tile. For example, you may be notified to review a
change order, and you can approve or reject the change order from here. s that have been sent for your review or
approval. This info tile can be set up for various notifications, such as new object assignments.
• Change Status: lists how many change orders are in Open, Pending Approval, or Approved status.
• Cycle Time: depicts how many change orders have been open for a short, acceptable period of time, or a longer
time that needs your attention.

The standard open time for each type of change order can be configured.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 2
Using Product Development Item Management

• Structure: lists your top three recently marked favorite items, rated for readiness of the item and its structure to be
released to manufacturing.

Information Tiles on Named Item Pages

This page is displayed whenever a new item is created or an existing item has been opened. The information tiles are Details,
Structure, Changes, and AML.
• Details: gives Item Grade details, as well as item attributes, attachments, and team members who are working on
the item.
• Structure: two representations include a flat list of all component items in a structure by lifecycle, and a tree view of
the multilevel structure.
• Changes: lists change orders that this object and its child items is being routed on.
• AML: lists manufacturer items, manufacturer details, and AML attributes for the components within this item.

Named Item Details Tile

When an item is created, its Details tile holds information that is added to as it becomes known or pertinent.

General Information
When you click the Details information tile, the General Information tab is displayed. Fill in attributes for the item. The
fields may be out-of-the-box or they may be extensible fields that were added by your administrator. The extensible fields
are defined in the item classification; so, available fields are derived from the item class hierarchy and respective attribute
assignments. You can add a thumbnail or graphical image of the item on the General Information tab.

Click the Attachments hyperlink, the Attachments tab is displayed. Files can be associated with this Item using the + Add
icon or Actions > Add. If there are any attachments associated, the X Delete icon and Actions > Delete are enabled.

Click the Team hyperlink, the Team tab is displayed. Members of the team are listed.

Item Grade
Click the Grade hyperlink, the Grade tab is displayed. The system provides an out-of-the-box computation of grade for the
item, using standard rules from the industry.
Grading is computed for all the Items from the entire item structure. It takes into account certain risk conditions of the item
and its structure to compute the grade. Risky conditions include the following:

• a child item at leaf node that has no AML;

• a child item that has an unapproved AML;
• a child item that has a lower lifecycle than its immediate parent item or the structure's top-level item.

Grade computation can be configured to ignore or take into account some of the rules. You can select one to five of these
issues that are involved in item grading:

• Lifecycle Mismatch

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 2
Using Product Development Item Management

• Unapproved AML
• Inactive Items
• Unreleased Items
• No AML

These are the default grading standards:

• An item with 0 issues that has an Approved status is graded A.

• An item with 1 issue is graded B.
• An item with 2 issues is graded C.
• An item with 3 issues is graded D.

It can also be configured to use a numerical grading system, so that the number 5 corresponds with the letter grade "A", 4
with "B", and so forth.
Click an element on the Grade tab to discover what issues are affecting its grade.

Named Item Changes Tile

The Changes information tile displays a list of all items that are part of the current item structure, which is displayed in the left
panel. Select an item in the left panel, and the right panel displays the list of changes that exist for the selected item.
Manage item revisions by submitting the item for approval via a change order. This is the only way an approved item's
structure or its attributes can be changed.
Attachments and AML can be edited directly.

Named Item Structure Tile

The structure contains all the items required by the parent item for manufacturing the parent product or part. The items can
be added from existing items, or by creating the item dynamically. Fill in data for the item structure. The structure can be built
up by either selecting and adding existing items, or creating items dynamically ("on the fly") in this panel itself.
You may select a "tree view" of the components describing the item structure hierarchy and the important aspects of these
line items:

• Quantity, Item Sequence, Reference Designator;

• Additional structure attributes;

... or a list view (flat view) of all the components in the structure.
Each item on structure indicates if it has attachments, where-used information, or AML associations, or whether a (child) item
is assigned to a change order. Pending Changes information is also included.

Named Item AML Tile

Create or search and add manufacturer parts to the approved manufacturers list (AML) and indicate the status of that
relationship, for instance, Pending or Approved. Manufacturer parts can be created per manufacturer: the manufacturer is
always created first, and every manufacturer part is associated with a manufacturer.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 2
Using Product Development Item Management

Additional attributes can be described on the manufacturer part. Custom attributes are displayed in a pop-up dialog when
you click the Additional Information icon. Manufacturer parts can be added against each item in the structure of the item.
This relationship can be marked Approved or Pending to indicate Preferred Manufacturer Parts that can be sourced from
manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and so forth.
There are no statuses for manufacturer part or manufacturer.

New Item Request Process

A new item may be required to be submitted to the New Item Request (NIR) process, depending on its item class assignment
in Fusion Setup and Maintenance (FSM). An NIR is set up as an approval workflow in FSM. This helps prevent creation of
items in the system without checking with Procurement and other stakeholders

Submit to NIR action

When a development item is created, it can be in Draft (as per the Item Class type set up in FSM). If it is in Draft, after you
finish adding information to it, you have to submit it to a New Item Request process from the item's Actions > Submit to
NIR in order to change the status to Approved.
When the NIR process is triggered, the item is routed to all concerned users, and each of them must sign off the approval.
Not all development items are governed by the NIR process. Users can set up some items with an NIR workflow, and others
without workflow. Those items that are set up without an NIR workflow can be set to Approved automatically without being
routed for approval by reviewers.

Releasing an Item Structure to Manufacturing

After the item structure has been built up, enriched, and approved, the downstream manufacturing processes need to
consume the information and data contained by the structure. You hand over the development item structure data to the
downstream processes by selecting Actions > Release to Manufacturing.
At this point, the new structure is copied to the Primary Structure. The primary structure can be further adapted in the
downstream processes to consider, for instance, manufacturing aspects. Finally, the primary structure can be used to
manufacture the product. The development item structure remains unchanged; it always represents the approved item

FAQs for Chapter 2

What's the difference between an item and a manufacturer

An item is tracked using an internal part number (IPN). Eventually it is mapped to a real item or part that is manufactured by
the manufacturer. A manufacturer part is entirely produced by an outside manufacturer, with a manufacturer part number

How can I delete an item?

If an item is in Draft status, it can be deleted via the Delete Group. An item can be deleted only when it is still in Draft status.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 2
Using Product Development Item Management

Once the deletion is approved, and is placed on a Delete Group, a PIM administrator can delete that group.

How do I create a structure?

Users can add items or other subassemblies to the top-level item. After the items are added, the grade of the top-level item
must be refreshed, resulting in display of a newly calculated value of the grade.
The grade of the entire top-level assembly or item takes into account various statuses of the child items within the structure.
The grade and the release readiness statuses are reflected in the information tiles of the parent Item.
Structure can be examined further to see which items do not have an AML or which ones have pending changes. Based
on all these conditions, the user can then eventually decide to improve the grade, and then publish the Item to PIM for
manufacturing readiness.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 3
Using Product Development Change Management

3 Change Management
Creating Change Orders
Users can search for change orders using the same tools as described for items. Product Development offers simple search,
as well as refined and advanced searches incorporating many other attributes.
When you click a change order hyperlink in the returned results, or anywhere in the application, the change opens on its own
dynamic tab or page.
To create a change order, click the Create icon and select Change Order from the drop down menu. Select one of the
predefined change order types. Define Priority, Reason for Change, and Need-by Date. Assign attachments to provide
more detailed and relevant information. You can input other information to the new change as part of the create process, or
save it and add more data later.

Change Order Information Tiles: Overview

The following sections describes the information tiles found on all named change orders, that is, the layout of the page
whenever the link to an existing change order has been clicked and opened.
The information tiles found on change order objects are Details, Changes, Impact Analysis, and Workflow.
• Details: Edit this change order and its attachments.
• Changes: Add items to be changed. Click Affected Objects or Change Operations to view and work with those on
this change.
• Impact Analysis: Lists products impacted by this change order.
• Workflow: Shows details of this change order's approval process, and lets you submit the change to the next

Named Change Order Details Tile

When a change order is created, its Details tile holds information that is added to as it becomes known or pertinent. You can
edit the change order general information and its attachments.

General Information
When you click the Details bar, at the bottom of the information tile, the General Information tab is displayed. Fill in
attributes for the change order. The change order ID can either be filled by the user or is automatically numbered, depending
on the configuration.
The Change Order Type is assigned during the create process and cannot be modified later.
By default the Priority is set to Low. Priority can be defined during initial creation or later.
Customer-specific attributes for the change order are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Click the Attachments icon, the Attachments tab is displayed. Files can be associated with this change order using the +
Add icon or Actions > Add. If there are any attachments associated, the X Delete icon and Actions > Delete are enabled.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 3
Using Product Development Change Management

Named Change Order Changes Tile

The Changes information tile on any change order reports the number of affected objects, the number of change operations,
and the number of redlines.

Affected Objects
Affected Objects are the items that will be changed by the fulfillment of the change order, that is, its approval and release.
The Affected Objects panel gives an overview of the affected objects, the change operations that are involved, and the
information type, such as item or item structure, that is changed. This results in a condensed overview of the change.
Use the Summary of Changes to understand the details of the change. The summary displays detailed redline information
for a specific affected object.

Change Operations
Changes may be applied to the metadata of an item or to an item structure. Change operations are the actions being
performed on the item to change the item.
Change operations for item itself can be Change revision, Modify, or Withdraw.
Change operations that are available for an item structure are Add, Withdraw, or Modify.

Redlines are the individual changes on the items that show marked up, and therefore recommended, modifications. Any
modification to a single item attribute is counted as one redline. The same is true whether you are adding or withdrawing an
item structure element.
Modifications to an existing item structure attribute counts as a single redline, So, modifying the content of the reference
designator attribute is one redline, and changing a second attribute counts as a second redline.
Redline information for item EFF attributes are shown in the Additional Information tab, next to the Summary tab. The
Additional Information tab appears only when EFF redline information exists.

Named Change Order Impact Analysis Tile

Impacted products are detected by a where used query, which operates on multiple levels for each affected object. The
where used query will collect all top-level items. You can drill down into an impacted product to see the details of the product
itself, its item structure, and its constituent items.
Affected objects are highlighted in the item structure, making it clear why a product is impacted by the change.
It is also possible to start impact analysis from a specific affected object. The report shows all products that are being
impacted by this single affected object.

Named Change Order Workflow Tile

The Workflow information tile shows a condensed view of the workflow. It also illustrates the current status of the workflow.
The Summary panel displays the history of status transitions, that is, which status change was performed, when it was done,
and by whom.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 3
Using Product Development Change Management

The Reviewers panel defines the list of mandatory and optional reviewers. You can see if a change is awaiting approval by an
approver, and see whether a particular approver has approved or rejected the change order.

Defining Change Orders

The tasks below use change operations such as Add, Withdraw, Modify, or Create Revision to define changes to an item
or item structure. Assign affected objects to the change, and view the Summary of Changes showing all change operations
and redline information for an affected object.
Here are the steps to define and approve a change:

1. Assign affected objects.

2. Optional: Create new revision of the item.
3. Edit item and modify its definition:
◦ Update the item attributes; or,

◦ Modify the structure, in these ways:

• by adding new structure components;
• by withdrawing existing structure components; or,
• by editing structure attributes.
4. Check the impact of the change by analyzing the impacted products.
5. Adapt the change, to make only the intended products being impacted.
6. Define the list of approvers for the change.
7. Submit the change order for approval.
8. Approvers review and then approve or reject the change.
9. If rejected, rework the change and resubmit for approval.
10. Send the item or structure to production or manufacturing.

To add affected objects:

1. Open the Affected Objects panel.

2. Click Actions > Add or the + Add icon.
3. Search for appropriate items.
4. From the returned search results, use the green arrow to assign an affected object.
5. Save your changes.

To change revision of affected item:

1. Select the affected item.

2. Click Actions > Change Revision.
3. Specify the new revision. Save your changes.

To change item metadata attributes:

1. Select the affected item. Click Edit action, the item's detail page is displayed.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 3
Using Product Development Change Management

2. Modify item attributes as desired. Save your changes to the item.

3. Click Edit action, a new item's detail page is displayed. Switch to the item structure by clicking the corresponding
side tab.
4. Add new item structure component. Or, Modify or Withdraw an existing item structure component. Again, save
your changes to the structure.

Impact Analysis
View the list of impacted products, and analyze why the product is impacted. Understand how many affected objects impact
the product. Adapt the change definition in order to achieve the intended list of impacted products.
You can start the impact analysis from impacted product (called "top down") or from affected object (called "bottom up").

• Top down: use the Impacted Product panel and look into the details for a specific impacted product.
• Bottom up: go to the Affected Object panel, select a specific affected object, and start Impact analysis from Actions
menu or toolbar icon.

You will see all products that are impacted by the affected object.
When using the top-down impact analysis, you can filter the multi-level item structure of the product, to see only that part of
the item structure that is impacted by the change. Thus, it is easier to focus on the relevant part of a larger item structure.

Workflows: Overview
Workflows are the mechanism to submit change orders for review and approval. The type of the change order determines the
kind of workflow. Define entry criteria for the workflow to enter a particular status, and exit criteria for advancing to the next
status. Workflow Summary documents the events of the workflow. Define and view the list of reviewers.
Once edits are made to attributes and structure, the change order can be submitted to a formal workflow to be approved.
Once the change order is approved, the item's Revision is changed according to the user's instructions on the change order:
there is a choice whether or not the user wants to bump up the Revision of the item

Defining a Workflow
The definition of the change order Type includes also the definition of the workflow. You can design a specific workflow per
change order type by defining the sequence to status and default approvers.

Define the Sequence of Statuses

Although you can define individual status to be used in the workflow, each status must be derived from standard status

• Open
• Interim Approval
• Approval
• Scheduled
• Completed

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 3
Using Product Development Change Management

Every workflow has at least the following statuses by default:

• Open
• Scheduled
• Completed

You can define multiple status of the types Open and Interim Approval. However, the statuses of type Approval, Scheduled,
or Completed can each occur only once in a workflow.
Also be aware that a workflow of a change order always begins in Draft status after it has been created.

Transition of Status
To execute a status transition either use the Change Status icon at the top of the page or use the Status Change icon in
the workflow graphic section.

Hold and Cancel Statuses

A workflow can be put on Hold and later be resumed. You can cancel a workflow, but be aware that once the Cancel status
is used to cancel the workflow, it cannot be resumed.

Approving or Rejecting a Workflow

To approve or reject a change, click the Approve or Reject button at the top of the Workflow page.
Note that these buttons are displayed only if the opened change order is waiting for approval. If a change order is eligible
for approval, you will find a task notification in the Notifications panel on your Overview page. The notification provides the
Approve and Reject buttons.
When you open the task details from the Notifications panel, you will see more details about the change order. You can
approve and reject the change there, as well as when the change itself is opened.
There is a workflow status in which you can assign approvers, which provides a hyperlink of the name of the status in the
workflow graphic panel. Click this hyperlink to open the Reviewers panel for this status, so that you can edit the Approvers list
for this status. You must finalize the list of (optional) approvers before the workflow enters this status.

Editing a Released Item with a Change Order

You can edit the AML or attachments of an item at any time, even if the item is approved and released. The item must be
added to the Affected Objects list. You can then edit the details of the item, as well as any structure it is in. (A change order
will be required to edit as released item in the next product release.)

FAQs for Chapter 3

How can I control access to a change order?

All users that are entitled to see the change orders will see it, while others will not see it. No specific teams or anything govern
the change order.

Oracle Product Value Chain Cloud Chapter 3
Using Product Development Change Management

How do I add an attachment to a change?

Add attachments on the Attachments tab.

How do I approve an item change?

Approve the item change order via the configured workflow that is associated with the change. Notification appears on the
worklist of all approvers or reviewers. Once they take action, the change moves to the next set of approvers, and so on until it
is completed. Once completed, the Revision of the item being changed is incremented, assuming the user has selected that

How do I release an item to manufacturing?

Once the Item and its structure are ready, for instance, the AML is available, there are no further issues with any items
on the BOM, all child parts are approved, then the top-level item can be published to PIM using Actions > Release to
Manufacturing. This copies the Development Structure to the Primary Structure, which can be further adapted in the
downstream processes to consider for instance manufacturing aspects.
Once it is copied, it cannot be republished. If you want to republish it, you must save the item as a New Item, with a new part
Number (IPN or MPN), and then republish it.


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