Arduino Based Automatic Irrigation System: Monitoring and SMS Controlling

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4th Scientific International Conference – Najaf – IRAQ (4th SICN-2019)

Arduino Based Automatic Irrigation System:

Monitoring and SMS Controlling
Hajar M. Yasin Subhi R. M. Zeebaree Ibrahim M. I. Zebari
IT Dept. Duhok Polytechnic University IT Dept.
Technical College of Informatics - Akre Duhok, Iraq Technical College of Informatics - Akre
Duhok Polytechnic University Duhok Polytechnic University
Duhok, Iraq Duhok, Iraq ibrahim.

Abstract - Nowadays, there is speed and diversity in scientific Environmentally friendly that aim to preserve the water, since
innovations that enter into the way of an individual’s life and the initial test proved the possibility of providing more than
make the life easier. There are many inventors of irrigation two-thirds of the water used for irrigation [5]. It is also
systems that rely on the control system which facilitates the way economically important in reducing costs and expenses by
towards a solid system of irrigation. In this research, a new
reducing agricultural labour, and shortens the time and effort
system is designed to monitor and operate the irrigation system.
The system uses the Arduino mega 2560 enhanced with Global through the irrigation process remotely without the need to be
System for Mobile communication (GSM) technology so that in under-watering place [6]. The traditional automatic
Arduino platform allows to receive/send SMS to/from the mobile irrigation machine is to modernizing agriculture technology by
of farms/homeowner according to soil needed for water or the means of programming components and built the essential
instructions sent by the user. The system is equipped with issue for the system [7]. in the modern span of economic
moisture sensors that are inserted in the soil to irrigate the plants growth, agriculture is the key area that resolves the economic
automatically if the ground is dry or controlled by mobile using development of the country [2]. Due to the human activities,
SMS messaging. The mobile of farms/homeowner can inform him rapid industrialization and climate change are raising the lack
if soil needs watering and in turn the farmer/householder sends
of rain and scarcity in water level. Irrigation is the method of
an SMS message to the controller to start irrigation, and then
send another SMS message to stop the irrigation after receiving the artificial application of water to the land or soil at a regular
an SMS message from the microcontroller that the soil saturated interval of time, that helps us to grow agricultural crops. An
with water. There are probabilities to take into consideration, automatic irrigation system is used to control and monitor the
one of them is if the water tank is empty, which in this situation irrigation process [8]. The main aim of this research is to
the moisture sensor inserted in the tank to inform the homeowner produce a proposed Arduino based automatic irrigation
there is no water if empty and in turn the homeowner has sent system. This proposed system will reduces the water
the SMS message to microcontroller to turn ON the water pump consumption and monitoring the irrigation process. One
to provide the tank with water. Another probability is rain fall; advantage of the proposed system is reduce labor and time,
in this state, the rain drop sensor module is added to the system
where the home owner is not required to monitor and irrigate
to stop the irrigation via SMS sent by homeowner.
the plant by himself the system is automatically does it and the
Keywords – Irrigation System, Arduino, GSM, Soil Moisture, home owner make the watering process in anywhere, whether
SMS, Rain Sensor, Water Pump. outside or at home, and when plant need water. Also reduce
costs for vehicles used in for irrigation is one of the
I. INTRODUCTION advantages of the system. The disadvantage of the system is
highly Cost, there are costs in purchasing, installing and
We watch the technological development in the world and maintaining automatic equipment of irrigation systems.
are entering the scientific technology in all aspects of life and In [9] author has design system to convert manual
they measure the quarterly evolution of nations and irrigation into an automated irrigation which with the help of
advancement because of their role entrance in various soil moisture sensor will detect dankness content of soil
scientific fields of health, education, industry and agriculture leading to turn ON/OFF of pumping motor. The author use
[1]. So we have to always think how to invent and to fill a 8051 family micro-controller to collects the input signals
vacuum through the proper understanding and interpretation of converted into values of moisture in the soil via soil moisture
circumstances to meet the needs of society [3]. The stress on sensors, and it creates an output to turn on/off the water pump
the water distribution system is increasing and therefore the motor. The water level sensor is used in his system to detect
importance of water management has raised thanks to the the level of tank so that tank contains efficient water to
property irrigated farming [4]. Therefore, the idea of this transfer into crops. In [10] author designs system for
research to contribute to the provision of water through design monitoring and operation of irrigation system for smart
an automatic irrigation system to work without wasting water. garden, which depends on the microcontroller
The research comes as the Kurdistan region’s need for ATMEGA328P-PU. The system works with two cases, in the
agriculture being contributed to a sufficient level of national case of a lack of water into the soil or run the cooling fan in
income. An intelligent system for watering plants is

978-1-7281-4425-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 109

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4th Scientific International Conference – Najaf – IRAQ (4th SICN-2019)

the case of high temperature and humidity around the plant. signal from sensors and send/receive SMS to/from mobile
Use the Bluetooth device with mobile device to control the through GSM Shield.
temperature and humidity. In [11] author proposed automatic
irrigation system to decrease the effort spend by farmer form
monitoring the watering plants and keep records about the
changes in soil humidity. The author also used Raspberry
device to process the humidity levels and time stamps that
recorded in CSV (Comma Separated Value) file and then store
it over the internet. In [12] author has designed an irrigation
system which is site explicit in which watering system device
is controlled electronically by a program which update the
geographic area of sprinklers from a GPS and convey that
wirelessly to base station. In [13] author presented the
Agriculture System mansion based on cloud. Cloud
implemented as Software as a Services so that the Android Fig. 1. Arduino Mega 2560
smart phone used as a remote control to switch on/off the
drive motor, this phone connected to Arduino UNO through B. SIM900 GSM Shield
HC-05 Module. In [14] author described the automatic In fig. 2, the SIM900 GSM Shield is an ultra-compact and
watering system depended on Arduino platform with moisture wireless module. It is a shield board and a minimum system of
sensor, the communication between them established via SIM900 Quad-band GSM/GPRS module [16]. In this system
Zigbee protocol and the automatic watering process will be the GSM Shield connects to Arduino boards to send and
start according to value of moisture sensor. receive the SMS to/from home owner mobile using GSM
Table I illustrates a comparison of some hardware parts library.
features used in some closest previous works with the
proposed system.


Fig. 2. SIM900 GSM Shield

C. Soil Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor as shown in fig. 3 is one of analog
sensors. It is an easy-to-use sensor, and it works on two copper
rods that increase the contact between them by increasing the
water in the soil. It is suitable for monitoring soil humidity in
plants and controlling the amount of water for irrigation [17].
In this system this sensor connected to Arduino and inserted in
the soil to send the signal to Arduino when soil wet or dry to
star/stop irrigation.


A. Arduino board Fig. 3. Soil Moinsture Sensor
Arduino is an open scores electronic platform based on
ATmega microcontroller, Arduino software can work on D. Relay
Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems which is Relay Module is an electrically operated switch of mains
based on C programming language and can be expanded voltage, it can be turned on or off, letting the current go
through C++ libraries [15]. The depended microcontroller in through or not, the relay depended relay module is shown in
this paper is shown in fig. 1. All other hardware components fig. 4. In the proposed system, relays used between the
in this system are connected to Arduino in which is receive the Arduino board and the water pump, which operate by
supplying 5V DC and work as a switch for 220V AC by


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4th Scientific International Conference – Najaf – IRAQ (4th SICN-2019)

getting a trigger from an Arduino board [18]. The relay can be

controlled by the I/O pins of the Arduino board which in turn
controls the Water Pump.

Fig. 4. Relay Module

E. Water Pump
Small water pump motor 220V as shown in fig. 5 is a device
Fig. 7. Block Diagram and Proposed System
that moves water through pipes by mechanical action. So, it is
used to supply the soil with water. Hence, it is connect to
Fig. 8, illustrates the mechanism of the system in terms of
Arduion through the relay module. This device operate
sending SMS from the Mobile Phone (MP) to the Arduino
acordong to SMS command sent by mobile the home owner to
Board (AB) for controlling the Water Pump (WP), as well as
Arduino for irrigation the greenn area or tur it off to fishlize
receiving alert messages from the AB.
the irrigation process.
All hardware componets are connected to Arduino Mega via
wires, and the arduino platform supplied by 5V DC adapter.

Fig. 5. Water Pump Motor

F. Rain Drop Sensor

The proper usage of water is very important part in the
proposed system. Therefore, using Rain Drop sensor is an easy
method which will give the alarm when there is rain, so the
homeowner can make some actions to stop irrigation. It is one
of the analog sensors and suitable for outdoor use. It is detect
both rain and snow [19]. The depended rain drop seneor in the
proposed system is shown in fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Rain Drop Sensor


Fig. 8. Flow Chart for Proposed System
The proposed system consists of nine hardware parts.
As shown in Fig. 8, after initializing AB&MP the system
These parts work together to apply the operations of watering
passes through three phases: Irrigation controlling phase,
planets as steps of automate irrigation or by home owner via
Rain-Monitoring phase and Water tank-Monitoring phase. In
SMS. Fig.7 represents the hardware architecture of the
the Irrigation controlling phase, the homeowner can control
proposed system.
the WP #1 (allotted to irrigate the garden) by sending special
commands from his mobile as an SMS to AB to turn it
ON/OFF after his receive SMS from AB to do it when the
Moisture Sensor value reach to threshold. While In the Rain-
Monitoring phase, if there is any detection of Rain Drop


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4th Scientific International Conference – Najaf – IRAQ (4th SICN-2019)

Sensor (RDS) in outdoor the AB will send alarm message to depended. such command means that; the system alerts the
the MP. Therefore, in the Water Tank-Monitoring phase, the homeowner that the plants needs for watering. The command
homeowner can get the current status of Water Tank (WT) via will be sent from AB to MP. Fig. 10 (a), shows a screenshot
the value of two Moisture Sensors, one of them located in top for sending SMS “The planets need watering” as a command
of WT and another located in the bottom of the tank, the from AB to PM for begins the irrigation process, the
homeowner control the WP #2 (allotted to fill the tank with command received at the MP. In turn, the homeowner sends a
water) via sending special commands according to the sensors SMS “Start Irrigation” from his MP to AB for to operate the
values at any time. WP and start the irrigation process, as shown in Fig. 10 (b).
After the plants became saturated with water, the AM will
The Control Board (CB) for proposed system consists of
send SMS “Irrigation Finished” to MP, the home owner can
ten main parts, these parts and the sensors are illustrated in
send SMS “Stop WP” to turn off the water pump motor, as
Fig. 9, which are: Arduino Mega 2560, Two Relays Shield,
shown in fig. 11.
Three Moisture Sensor, Rain Drop Sensor, Two mini water
pumps 220V and SIM900 GSM Shield.
The first moisture sensors are connected to Arduino A0
pin for analog input to get the humidity value that present in
soil, Vcc (+) pin is connected to 5V Arduino pin; GND pin is
representing ground to connect all components. While the
second moisture sensor connected to A1 to get the water level
in the bottom of tank, and the third moisture sensor connected
to A2 for getting the critical value when the tank is full with
water. A3 port connects to Rain drop sensor through analog
pin. D2 and D3 are known as a digital pin, so it connected
with relay models and in turn connects with two water pumps.
The GSM Shield connects to D18 and D19 for receive and
send SMS from/to mobile phone homeowner.


Fig. 10. Sending irrigation system controlling command: (a) MP after receive
alart SMS for irrigation from AB. (b) MP after sends SMS to turn ON the WP.
Fig. 9. Archeticture Diagram


The implementation results obtained by this Paper can be
categorized into three main parts: Irrigation process
controlling, monitoring raining at outdoor and monitoring the
water level in tank.

A. Irrigation Process Controlling

To illustrate the mechanism of irrigation process controlling, a
certain command such as “The planet needs watering” will be


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4th Scientific International Conference – Najaf – IRAQ (4th SICN-2019)

Fig. 11. Receiving/Sending SMS for finishing the irrigation process and stop

B. Rain Monitoring
In this system, the homeowner can monitor the raining at
outdoor at any time during watering plants process through the
RDS that connected to AB. Fig. 12, shows a screenshot for
sending SMS “there is rain” as a command from AB to MP to
alert the homeowner to stop the watering process if it is work, Fig. 13. Receiving/Sending monitoring and controlling SMS from/to AB for
in other hand the homeowner inquiring about the status of WP tank status.
motor via SMS to turn off the WP if it works.
D. Determine Resualt
The proposed system was applied in a garden house where the
water pressure reaches 1 liter in every 3 seconds i.e. 20 liters
per minute. So, the garden is irrigated in 18 minutes to be
covered with water, this mean to calculate number of liters
needed by the garden for each watering process, use the
following equation:
y=a+b (1)

Fig. 12. Receiving/Sending monitoring and controlling SMS from/to AB for

raing status.

C. Water Tank Monitoring Fig. 14. Water Spends With/Without Using Proposed System
During the watering process there is a possibility of the
influence of the tank of water, so the AB sends an SMS to the In “Eq. 1”, a: is the number of liters that are pressed by the
homeowner to inform him. Fig. 13, shows a screenshot for water motor device every minute, and b: is the number of
such possibility. minutes the garden needs for watering. While, the y: is the
number of liters needed by the garden in the watering process.
i.e. that, the garden needs (20 * 18 = 360) liters for on
watering process. So, if the homeowner forgets to end the
watering process for 15 minutes he spent 300 liters without


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4th Scientific International Conference – Najaf – IRAQ (4th SICN-2019)

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