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Council Meeting

March 7, 2022

Present: Mayor Ellwanger, MP Krieger, CP Ellwanger, CP Bratton, CP Williamson, Clerk Elisa

Rowe, Attorney Joe Reitman
Citizens: Denise Spitler, Susan Oliveto, Woody Woodworth,

I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ellwanger called the meeting to order at 7pm

III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Lead by Mayor Ellwanger


February 7th council meeting: CP Ellwanger made a motion to approve the February 7th
Motion: CP Ellwanger Second: CP Bratton Approved: 4-0-0

~ Swearing in of Cain Williamson to fill the vacancy of Council Post #3:

Attorney Joe Reitman swore in Cain Williamson who will be stepping in for Wayne
Sams post.


A. Bid on ramp at schoolhouse from Joe Clark: Build wheel chair ramp, pour side
walk and drain to ramp, remove old wheel chair ramp, take out front door and
replace with handicap door and reattach iron handicap rail: $35,000 (money will
come from SPLOST) The bid amount is using Trex Composite flooring on ramp,
if Mayor & Council would prefer wood, bid would be less. Mayor Ellwanger
stated that we received a bid that is about $8000 less then the previous bid and the
best thing is this bid included the trex composite wood instead of plywood and will
last so many more years (some have up to a 40-year warranty). Mayor Ellwanger
added that the money will come out of SPLOST funds, and we have been talking
about getting the ramp done on and off for about two years now. Citizen Susan
Oliveto asked if the town citizens had a say in this decision. Mayor Ellwanger stated
that SPLOST funds are dedicated to certain areas that the money can be spent on, and
that is where the funding will go for the ramp. Mayor Ellwanger added that the old
ramp needs to be replaced because it is a liability. Susan stated that she does not
remember it ever coming up and then the Town states they are going to spend
$35,000 on a project, seems like a lot is being done at the schoolhouse and there are
other areas in town where things could be done.
MPT Kreiger stated to Susan that SPLOST money can only go toward certain things,
and Attorney Joe Reitman agreed that the money is legally earmarked for specific
things. Clerk Elisa Rowe stated that the Town’s SPLOST money is earmarked for,
Building, Roads, Safety, and Park. Mayor Ellwanger stated that this is money that
needs to be spent because if not, it will go back to the County. Mayor Ellwanger
asked for a motion. CP Ellwanger made a motion to approve the bid for the building
of the ramp by Joe Clark in the amount of $35,000.
Motion: CP Ellwanger Second: CP Bratton Approved: 5-0-0

B. Invoice #850.11542 for Lambert, Reitman & Abney in the amount of $630.00:
A motion was made by CP Bratton to approve the invoice for Lambert, Reitman and
Abney in the amount of $630.00
Motion: CP Bratton Second: CP Ellwanger Approved: 5-0-0

VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Susan Oliveto: Questioned when the next Town election is and
if it coincided with the 2024 presidentail election. Clerk Elisa Rowe stated no, that she believes
the next one is 2025, but she will check and let her know.
VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Ellwanger adjourned the meeting at 7:20pm
Motion: CP Bratton Second: CP Ellwanger Approved: 5-0-0

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