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Corp. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.


MM : 720 MOCK TEST Time : 3.00 Hrs.


Answer Key
1. (2) 41. (3) 81. (4) 121. (3) 161. (3)
2. (4) 42. (3) 82. (2) 122. (3) 162. (3)
3. (2) 43. (2) 83. (4) 123. (4) 163. (4)
4. (3) 44. (1) 84. (1) 124. (1) 164. (1)
5. (4) 45. (4) 85. (3) 125. (2) 165. (3)
6. (3) 46. (4) 86. (4) 126. (2) 166. (2)
7. (2) 47. (4) 87. (1) 127. (1) 167. (3)
8. (1) 48. (4) 88. (3) 128. (1) 168. (1)
9. (1) 49. (4) 89. (2) 129. (2) 169. (2)
10. (2) 50. (2) 90. (2) 130. (2) 170. (4)
11. (3) 51. (4) 91. (2) 131. (3) 171. (1)
12. (3) 52. (2) 92. (1) 132. (2) 172. (2)
13. (3) 53. (2) 93. (1) 133. (1) 173. (2)
14. (4) 54. (3) 94. (4) 134. (1) 174. (2)
15. (4) 55. (2) 95. (1) 135. (2) 175. (3)
16. (4) 56. (3) 96. (2) 136. (4) 176. (4)
17. (2) 57. (3) 97. (1) 137. (1) 177. (3)
18. (3) 58. (2) 98. (1) 138. (2) 178. (2)
19. (4) 59. (3) 99. (4) 139. (1) 179. (3)
20. (1) 60. (3) 100. (4) 140. (2) 180. (2)
21. (3) 61. (3) 101. (3) 141. (3) 181. (3)
22. (4) 62. (2) 102. (3) 142. (2) 182. (3)
23. (4) 63. (3) 103. (3) 143. (2) 183. (2)
24. (2) 64. (4) 104. (4) 144. (4) 184. (2)
25. (1) 65. (3) 105. (2) 145. (4) 185. (2)
26. (2) 66. (2) 106. (1) 146. (3) 186. (1)
27. (1) 67. (3) 107. (2) 147. (4) 187. (2)
28. (3) 68. (3) 108. (2) 148. (3) 188. (2)
29. (4) 69. (4) 109. (1) 149. (3) 189. (4)
30. (3) 70. (4) 110. (3) 150. (4) 190. (2)
31. (2) 71. (4) 111. (1) 151. (3) 191. (2)
32. (2) 72. (2) 112. (3) 152. (3) 192. (1)
33. (4) 73. (4) 113. (2) 153. (2) 193. (2)
34. (3) 74. (4) 114. (1) 154. (4) 194. (2)
35. (1) 75. (4) 115. (4) 155. (1) 195. (3)
36. (4) 76. (1) 116. (2) 156. (3) 196. (2)
37. (1) 77. (1) 117. (1) 157. (2) 197. (3)
38. (3) 78. (4) 118. (2) 158. (4) 198. (2)
39. (3) 79. (3) 119. (2) 159. (1) 199. (4)
40. (2) 80. (2) 120. (1) 160. (4) 200. (3)

Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

30/04/2020 CODE-D

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456

MM : 720 MOCK TEST Time : 3:00 Hrs.


Hints and Solutions

1. Answer (2) 6. Answer (3)
r r
a  b = ( 3iˆ + jˆ – 4kˆ )  ( 6iˆ + 5 jˆ – 2kˆ ) Over the block will be (consider horizontal surface
= 18i – 18j + 9k
Maximum value of friction is fmax = mAg
r r
ab = 18 + 18 + 9 =
2 2 2
729 = 27 fmax = 0.6 × 2 × 10 = 12 N
2. Answer (4) Block B moves due to friction. Therefore
r fmax 12
F = kr 2rˆ amax = = = 6 m/s2
mB 2
MLT −2
k= Hence, Fmax = (mA + mB) amax = 4 × 6 = 24 N
7. Answer (2)
k = ML−1T −2
3. Answer (2)
r v R – 0
aavg = = = 1 m/s2
t R
4. Answer (3)
dy dx
y = kx2  = 2kx.
dt dt
d 2y  dx  d 2x Fs cos53 = mg
 = 2k.   + 2kx. 2
dt 2
 dt  dt
5 mg
Fs =
 a = 2kv x2 + 0 3

a After cutting the string spring, force remains

 vx = same. Hence
5. Answer (4)  5 mg  5 mg
Fnet = (mg )2 =   + 2  mg  cos(127)
 3  3
u 2 sin2 
H=  HB > HA 4 mg
2g Fnet =
2u sin 
T=  TB > TA
Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

Fnet 4g 1 3 M R 2 13MR 2
anet = = = MR 2 – =
m 3 2 2 4 4 32
8. Answer (1) 14. Answer (4)
r r Applying energy conservation
W =  f .dl =  x 3dy +  ydx
1  GMm  GMm
mv 2 +  – =–
0 2  R  r
 2 dy + 2x dx
1 2GM GMm GMm R
2 1
 m.K 2 . – =–
0 0
2 R R r R
1 y2   x4 
=   + 2.   = –1.5 J –R
2  2 2  4 1  K2 – 1 =
9. Answer (1) R
 r =
1– K 2
1 2 1
kx = mv 2  x= v 15. Answer (4)
2 2 k
Stress is developed in case (2) and (3).
 f = kx = v  k 16. Answer (4)
By pumping more air into the bottle, pressure of
f k k inside air increases equally top and bottom of
 a= = m v =v wooden piece.
m m m
17. Answer (2)
10. Answer (2)
Centre of mass of system will not move. E= m2 A2 …(i)
3L F = m2A …(ii)
Distance moved by the plank =
4 From (i) and (ii)
Distance moved by man relative to ground E A
 =
3L L F 2
= L– =
4 4 2E
 A=
11. Answer (3) F
18. Answer (3)
Centre of mass of the object will lie on the line
joining the centre of the ring and mid points of Fnet = ma
chord AB. k(x cos) cos = –ma

12. Answer (3) k cos2 

 a= – x
Applying conservation of angular momentum
about any point on surface k cos2 
2 v 2 v
mv 0 r + mr 2 . 0 = mvr + mr 2 .
5 2r 5 r 2 m
 T=
cos  k
6mv 0 r 7 6
 = mvr  v = v 0 19. Answer (4)
5 5 7
13. Answer (3) Here (K)max =
Iremain = Imain – Icut Hence for collision to be inelastic

 1 R2 ( K )max  40.8 eV
1 R2 
= MR 2 –  M  + M 
2 2 4 4 

Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

4K 26. Answer (2)

 40.8 eV
5 q q
VA – –E – = VB
K  51 eV C1 C2
20. Answer (1) 1 1
Maximum displacement at x = 5 VA – VB – E = q  + 
C1 C2 
 5  
y = 4 sin   = 4 sin = 4 cm 40
 10  2 q=– C
21. Answer (3)
27. Answer (1)
Intensity due to a point source I  x2
kQ kQ –kQ kQ
I V1 = – , V2 = +
Loudness L = 10 log r1 d r2 d
I1 I Q Q 40
 L1 – L2 = 10 log – 10 log 2 C= = =
I0 I0 V1 – V2 kQ + kQ – 2kQ 1 1 2
+ –
r1 r2 d r1 r2 d
I  I
120 – 100 = 10 log  1   1 = 10 2 28. Answer (3)
 I2  I2
Let potential of junction is V
= 100  x2 = 30 m V – 18 V – 2 V – 8 V – 4
x12 + + + =0
10 8 4 6
22. Answer (4)
V V V V 18 2 8 4
PV PV PM P M P P + + + = + + +
1 1
= 2 2  1 = 2  1 = 2 10 8 4 6 10 8 4 6
T1 T2 1T1  2T2 1T1  2T2
(12 + 15 + 30 + 20)V
P P T 70 ( 273 + 27 ) 70 300
 1 = 1. 2 =  =  = (18 × 12 + 2 × 15 + 240 + 80)
P2 P2 T1 76 ( 273 + 7 ) 76 280
77 V = 566
= 566
76 V=
23. Answer (4)
T = 300 + 2V 18 –
Hence current in 10 , I = 77 = 82 A
Work done W =  pdv 10 77

PV = nRT  29. Answer (4)

( 300 + 2V )
=  Rdv  
V P = RT 
 V 
= 300 R ln(4 – 2) + 2(4 – 2)R
= 300 R ln2 + 4R
24. Answer (2)
Under steady condition
Heat released to the room = heat dissipated out
of the room RCD =
Hence  – 20 = [20 – (–20)]
and  – 10 = [10 – (–40)] RDB =
on solving we get  = 60°C
1 11
25. Answer (1) RAB =  RAB = R
1 1 18
B r
r +
VA – VB =  E.dr 4 4R + R
A 7
Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

30. Answer (3) P02 P P2

I=  = 0
The charged particle is moving in straight line at 2 v 4 r 2
speed v w.r.t the observer in backward direction.
50  1 330
31. Answer (2)  P0 = = 5 Nm–2
r 2  330
r r
F = q(v  B) 38. Answer (3)
= q{(9 − yz)iˆ + (z − 6) jˆ + (2y − 3)kˆ} ...(i) nh h
r Angular momentum = = {n = 1}
Given F = −iˆ + 2 j − kˆ ...(ii) 2 2

On comparing both (i) and (ii) and solving 39. Answer (3)
y = 2 and z = 4 Work function w = hth = (4 × 10–5 × e) 2 × 1014
32. Answer (2) = 0.8 eV
 0.2 dx 40. Answer (2)
e =  vBdx = v 0 i 
2 0.01 x
0.01 40ln2
T1 = = 152 minutes
 0.2  6
e = 2  10−7  5  10log e  2
ln  
 0.01 5
= 10–5 × 2.303 log1020 41. Answer (3)
= 29.96 × 10–6 V
9D D
; 30 V − = 7  10−2
2d d
33. Answer (4)
D 7
As there is no current in circular loop, So, no  = 7  10−2
force is required to move it. d 2
34. Answer (3)   50  10−2
= 1 10−2
Inet = I12 + I22 + 2I1I2 cos  30  10−6

3  10 −6
 –1 = ;  = 6  10−7
= 4 + 4 + 2  2  2  5
 2
=2  = 600 nm
2 42. Answer (3)
Irms = = 2A
2 Here direction of light is given by vector
35. Answer (1) r
 = i + 2 j + 3k
Less equation r
Hence angle made by  with y-axis is
1 1 1
= −
f v u 2  2 
cos  =   = cos –1  

f f
− =1
14  14 
v u
43. Answer (2)
1 1
 − =1 In inverse active mode emitter base junction is
(v /f ) (u /f )
reverse biased while collector base junction is
36. Answer (4)
forward biased.
1 1 3
For mirror + =  v = –4 44. Answer (1)
v ( –2 ) –4
Hence, thickness of lens should be 3 cm V
Electric field E =
37. Answer (1) x
= = 106 v/m
5  10–7
Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

45. Answer (4) 1.2 n − n = 1.2

All expression are for XNOR gate. n=6
46. Answer (4)  n −1 = 5
mgh 49. Answer (4)
= mc 
J neA
i = neAv = v1
gh 4
 =
JC v1 = 4 v
47. Answer (4) 50. Answer (2)
p r 4
Using conservation of energy
8l 1 2
K1 + U1 = K2 + U2  O = I  − MB cos0
 Qr4 2
48. Answer (4) i B
( n − 1) 1.44 = n  1.00 m

1.2 ( n − 1) = n

51. Answer (4) 6.626  10−34
 45  y =
60 4  3.14  0.040  1.46  10−33
xC H = = 2 mol
2 6 30  y = 0.02
1 mol C2H6 : 2 mol CO2
Hence, within 2% accuracy
2 mol C2H6 : 4 mol CO2
55. Answer (2)
= 4 × 44 g CO2 = 176 g
Un un nillium
52. Answer (2)
Z =1 1 0  110
According to law of definite proportion, given
56. Answer (3)
compound always contains exactly the same
proportion of elements by weight. ln H2S, net  0, therefore, a polar molecule.
53. Answer (2) 57. Answer (3)
Mg : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 In BrF5, Br has 5 bond pairs and 1 lone pair so
l = 1, m = 0  p orbital = 2 electron shape of molecule will be square pyramidal.
58. Answer (2)
54. Answer (3)
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle Species O2 O2+ O2− O22−
Bond order 2 2.5 1.5 1
x × p =
4 59. Answer (3)
h Dipole-dipole interaction energy between
x  (mv) =
4 stationary molecule 
 v = 60. Answer (3)
4m  x
nRT 32  R  300
V= = = 300 R
P 16  2

Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

61. Answer (3) 69. Answer (4)

Surface tension is force acting per unit length. 2KO2 + 2H2O → 2K+ + 2OH– + H2O2 + O2
62. Answer (2) 70. Answer (4)
Vf The thermal stability increases with increasing
Wrev = −2.303nRTlog
Vi cationic size.

2V 71. Answer (4)

= −2.303  1 R  300log
V 3B2H6 + 6NH3 → 3[BH2(NH3)2]+ [BH4]–
Use R = 0.0821 L atm mol–1 K–1 
⎯⎯ → 2B3N3H6 + 12H2
Wrev = –17.1 L atm
72. Answer (2)
63. Answer (3)
1 mol H2O = 18 g H2O : 6 kJ heat
6 kJ  36 
36 g H2O :    mol = 12 kJ heat
mol  18 
Alphabetical order of numbering.
64. Answer (4)
IUPAC name
For CO2 (g) + C(g) 2CO(g)
ng = 0  K p = K c (RT)o = K c 73. Answer (4)
65. Answer (3) Negative charge is more stable on sp hybridised
carbon atom.
[OH− ] = 2  10−2M
74. Answer (4)
pOH = 2 – log 2 = 1.7
pH = 14 – 1.7 = 12.3 CH3COONa ⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ CH4 ⎯⎯⎯

CaO,  h
66. Answer (2) CH3Cl ⎯⎯⎯
→ CH3 − CH3
Fe3 + (aq) + SCN− (aq) [Fe(SCN)]2+ (aq)
yellow colourless deep red 75. Answer (4)
Cyclic planar species having (4n + 2)  electrons
Addition of Effect
in complete delocalisation is aromatic.
(1) H2C2O4 Fe3+ is removed as 76. Answer (1)
Nitrate concentration greater than 50 ppm can
(2) Potassium More SCN– cause blue baby syndrome.
thiocyanate (KSCN) 77. Answer (1)
(3) aq. HgCl2 SCN– is removed A NB 2N CN  ABC
as [Hg(SCN)4]2– 2

67. Answer (3) 78. Answer (4)

O nx 10 1 2
II xx = = = ;x y =
Structure of H2SO5 is HO − S − O − O − H nx + ny 10 + 20 3 3
O Psol = Pxo  x x + Pyo x y
68. Answer (3)
1 2 400
 =  200 +  100 =
Mg(HCO3 )2 ⎯⎯ →Mg(OH)2  + 2CO2  3 3 3

Ca(HCO3 )2 ⎯⎯ →CaCO3  + H2O + CO2 

Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

79. Answer (3)

m = ZQ

40  Q
80 =
2  96500
80  2  96500
Q= = 4F
90. Answer (2)
80. Answer (2)
Cannizzaro reaction
Slowest step is the rate determining step.
r = k[H2O2][I–]
Order of reaction with respect to H2O2 is 1
81. Answer (4)
In whipped cream, dispersion medium is liquid
and dispersed phase is gas. 91. Answer (2)
82. Answer (2)
In liquation, a low melting metal like tin is made
to flow on a sloping surface. The higher melting
impurities are left behind.
83. Answer (4)
92. Answer (1)
NH2 CONH2 + 2H2O → (NH4)2CO3 Sucrose is made up by glycosidic linkage
2NH3 + H2O + CO2 between C1 of -D-glucose and C2 of
84. Answer (1)
93. Answer (1)
2NaOH + Cl2 → NaCl + NaOCl + H2O
Nylon 6, 6 is a fibre.
(Cold and dilute)
94. Answer (4)
85. Answer (3)
Veronal, Amytal and Nembutal are barbiturates.
SF4 is a gas, SeF4 liquid and TeF4 a solid.
95. Answer (1)
86. Answer (4)
o-Nitrophenol (pKa = 7.2)
Atom Fe Co Ni Cu
p-Nitrophenol (pKa = 7.1)
Enthalpy of 416 425 430 339
m-Nitrophenol (pKa = 8.3)
(kJ mol–1) Phenol (pKa = 10)

87. Answer (1) 96. Answer (2)

In Lanthanoids basic character of hydroxide V  10−1 + V  10−2 + V  10−3 + V  10−4
[H+ ]final =
decreases from left to right due to lanthanoid 4V
[H+ ]final = 2.78  10−2 M
88. Answer (3)
Complex like M[a3b3] can show facial and 97. Answer (1)
meridional isomers. Vapour pressure of liquid does not depend on
89. Answer (2) surface area of the liquid.

Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

98. Answer (1) [V(CO)6]– follows 18 electron rule and is stable.

Metal Density (g cm–3)

Li 0.53 100. Answer (4)
Na 0.97
K 0.86
Cs 1.9

99. Answer (4)

Na + V(CO)6 ⎯→ Na+ + [V(CO)6]–

101. Answer (3) 109. Answer (1)
Whorled phyllotaxy is seen in Alstonia.
Centrosome is an organelle usually containing
two cylindrical structures called centrioles. 110. Answer (3)
Twisted aestivation is seen in china rose.
102. Answer (3)
111. Answer (1)
Golgi apparatus and ER form the endomembrane
A tissue is a group of cells having a common
system. Hence, their functions are coordinated
origin and usually performs a common function.
with each other.
112. Answer (3)
103. Answer (3)
Sclerenchyma is usually dead and without
Each centrosome radiates out microtubules protoplast.
called aster. The two asters together with spindle
113. Answer (2)
fibres form mitotic apparatus.
In bryophyte, dominant phase is gametophyte.
104. Answer (4)
114. Answer (1)
105. Answer (2) Marchantia is a bryophyte and its plant body is
Hierarchial arrangement of taxonomic categories differentiated into thallus or foliose structure and
in ascending order : rhizoids.
115. Answer (4)
Species → Genus → Family → Order → Class →
Phylum or Division → Kingdom Net flow of water is zero between Cell-A and
106. Answer (1)
116. Answer (2)
Horsetails belongs to pteriodophytes and sole
The loss of solute from the medium produces a
members of kingdom monera is bacteria.
high water potential ( w ) .
ICBN – International codes for botanical
nomenclature. 117. Answer (1)
ICNB - International codes for nomenclature of Ammonia is first stable product of nitrogen
bacteria. fixation.
107. Answer (2) 118. Answer (2)
108. Answer (2) Dentrification is carried by bacteria
Kingdom protists includes diatoms and their walls Pseudomonas and Thiobacillus during nitrogen
are embedded with silica and thus walls are cycle.

Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

119. Answer (2) Heterozygous alleles for blood group ‘A’ = IA IO

Biosynthetic phase does not directly depends on Hence to have child with genotype IA IO,
the presence of light but is directly dependent on
Parents genotype should be of either
the product of light reaction, i.e., ATP and

120. Answer (1) IA IO  IO IO IA IA  IO IO

The stage of reduction in C3 cycle involves  
utilisation of 2 molecules of ATP for IA IO IA IO
phosphorylation and two of NADPH for reduction
per CO2 fixed. The fixation of 6 molecules of CO 2 IA IB  IO IO IA IO  IA IO
and 6 turns of cycle are required for removal of  
one molecule of glucose from the pathway. IA IO IA IO

121. Answer (3) 130. Answer (2)

In glycolysis, ATP is utilised at two steps : First in Failure of cytokinesis after telophase stage of cell
conversion of glucose into glucose-6-phosphate division results in an increase in whole set of
and second in the conversion of fructose-6- chromosomes in an organisms and, the
phosphate to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. phenomenon is known as polyploidy.
131. Answer (3)
122. Answer (3)
According to question,
For each ATP produced, 2H+ passes through F0
A typical mammalian cell contains 6.6 × 109 bp.
from the intermembrane space to the matrix
down the electrochemical proton gradient. Since, a typical nucleosome contains 200 bp of
DNA helix (= 2 × 102 bp)
123. Answer (4)
Therefore, number of nucleosome
Differences in shapes of leaves produced in air
6.6  109 bp
and those produced in water in buttercup = = 3.3  107
represent the heterophyllous development due to 2  102 bp
environment. 132. Answer (2)
124. Answer (1) Chromosome 1 has most gene (2968), and the Y
has the fewest (231).
125. Answer (2)
133. Answer (1)
Life span of various organisms : Crow – 15
In inducible operon system, i codes for repressor
years, Parrot – 140 years, Horse – 60 years,
Cow – 20-25 years, Dog – 25-30 years.
134. Answer (1)
126. Answer (2)
135. Answer (2)
Bryophyllum – vegetatively reproduce through Bitter gourd is vitamin ‘C’ enriched vegetable
leaf. crop released by IARI, New Delhi. While,
127. Answer (1) spinach, pumpkin and carrot are vitamin ‘A’
enriched vegetable crops.
Non-albuminous seeds have no residual
136. Answer (4)
endosperm as it is completely consumed during
embryo development. Ex: Pea, ground nut, etc. Leuconostoc and Streptococcus are the bacteria
used in making dosa and idli.
128. Answer (1)
137. Answer (1)
129. Answer (2) Monascus purpureus produces statins.
Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

138. Answer (2)

139. Answer (1) 145. Answer (4)
The interaction in which one species benefits and Troposphere has pollutants which harms plants
the other is neither harmed nor benefitted is and animals.
commensalism (+, 0).
146. Answer (3)
Ex: Barnacles growing on back of whale, orchid
Family has a group of related genera with still
growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch.
less number of similarities as compared to genus
140. Answer (2) and species.
Grass – Primary producer
147. Answer (4)
Cow – Primary consumer
Algae – Stored food
Wolf – Secondary consumer
(A) Chara – Starch
Lion – Tertiary consumer (or top carnivore) (B) Fucus – Laminarin, Mannitol
141. Answer (3) (C) Polysiphonia – Floridean starch
142. Answer (2)
148. Answer (3)
143. Answer (2)
Deficiency of N, S, Mo delay flowering.
144. Answer (4)
149. Answer (3)
Biomagnification refers to increase in
concentration of the toxicant at successive Stable population has bell shaped age pyramid.
trophic levels. 150. Answer (4)
Wasp and fig show mutualism.

151. Answer (3) connecting the cytoplasm of adjoining cells, for
Aschelminthes (Ascaris, Wuchereria, rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and
Ancylostoma) are bilaterally symmetrical and sometimes big molecules. Basement membrane
possess false coelom i.e, Pseudocoelom. is a delicate non-cellular layer over which the
152. Answer (3) basal surface of epithelial tissue lies.
The body of hemichordates is cylindrical and is 156. Answer (3)
composed of an anterior proboscis, a collar and a The smooth muscle fibres do not show striations.
long trunk. Excretory organ is proboscis gland. 157. Answer (2)
153. Answer (2) The squamous epithelium is made up of a single
Hisardale is a new breed of sheep developed in thin layer of flattened cells.
Punjab by crossing Bikaneri ewes and Merino 158. Answer (4)
rams. The chitinous exoskeleton of arthropods is
154. Answer (4) formed by the polymerisation of N-acetyl
In cephalochordates like Branchiostoma glucosamine.
(Amphioxus or Lancelet) notochord persists 159. Answer (1)
throughout their life. In Urochordates like Ascidia,
In B-DNA model, the rise per base is 3.4 Å . One
Salpa and Doliolum, notochord is present only in
larval tail. full turn of the helical strand would involve ten
155. Answer (1) steps or ten base pairs, thus the pitch is 34 Å .
Tight junctions help to stop substances from 160. Answer (4)
leaking across a tissue. Gap junctions facilitate
Chlorophyll is a primary metabolite in plant cell.
the cells to communicate with each other by

Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

161. Answer (3) 172. Answer (2)

Each tooth is embedded in a socket of jaw bone, Cornea is the anterior portion of sclera. The
this type of attachment is called thecodont. aperture surrounded by the iris is called the pupil.
162. Answer (3) The diameter of pupil is regulated by the muscle
Sucrase acts on sucrose, maltase on maltose fibres of iris.
whereas nucleases breakdown nucleic acids into 173. Answer (2)
nucleotides. The hindbrain comprises pons, cerebellum and
163. Answer (4) medulla. Three major regions make up the brain
TLC = IRV + TV + ERV + RV stem, mid brain, pons and medulla oblongata.
VC = IRV + TV + ERV 174. Answer (2)
IC = IRV + TV Grave’s disease/exophthalmic goitre is a form of
EC = ERV + TV hyperthyroidism.
164. Answer (1) 175. Answer (3)
Low pO2, high pCO2, high H+ concentration and Steroid hormones (e.g, cortisol, testosterone,
higher temperature favour dissociation of oxygen estradiol and progesterone) and iodothyronines
from the haemoglobin. interact with intracellular receptors of target cells.
165. Answer (3) 176. Answer (4)
Neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils are The body of endoparasite is externally covered
granulocytes. Lymphocytes and monocytes are with a thick tegument, a protective layer that
agranulocytes. protects the parasitic worms from the digestive
166. Answer (2) juices of host. Calcareous ossicles are not
The P-wave of ECG represents electrical present.
excitation of the atria. Volume of blood pumped 177. Answer (3)
out by each ventricle per cycle is termed as
Diploblastic animals – Physalia, Adamsia, Sea
stroke volume and per minute is called cardiac
anemone, Pennatula, Gorgonia, Meandrina
167. Answer (3) Triploblastic animals – Fasciola, Taenia,
ANF results in vasodilation.
178. Answer (2)
168. Answer (1)
Frog and humans are ureotelic. Pigeon, lizards, The most distinctive feature of echinoderms is the
cockroach are uricotelic. presence of water vascular system which helps in
locomotion, capture and transport of food and
169. Answer (2)
Fibrous joints do not allow any movement.
Water transport or canal system is seen in
170. Answer (4) poriferans.
Tetany results due to hypocalcemia.
179. Answer (3)
11th and 12th pair of ribs → Floating ribs. Normal cells show a property called contact
Pubic symphysis is formed ventrally. inhibition by virtue of which contact with other
171. Answer (1) cells inhibits their uncontrolled growth.
Each half of pectoral girdle consists of a clavicle 180. Answer (2)
and a scapula. Labeo belongs to class Osteichthyes with bony
endoskeleton, gills which are covered by an
operculum on each side and air bladder which
regulates buoyancy.
Mock Test Code-D For NEET-2021

Carcharodon – Class Chondrichthyes 190. Answer (2)

Hyla – Amphibian Atmosphere of primitive earth was reducing and
Petromyzon – Class Cyclostomata did not contain oxygen.
181. Answer (3) 191. Answer (2)
Heart is three chambered in chameleon while The brain capacity of Homo habilis was between
four chambered in crocodile. Salamandra is 650 – 800 cc.
viviparous tailed amphibian.
192. Answer (1)
182. Answer (3)
Disarmed retroviruses are now used to deliver
Thymus and bone marrow are primary lymphoid desirable genes into animal cells.
organs. 193. Answer (2)
183. Answer (2) Bt plants make their own insecticidal protein. The
Mushroom gland (in male cockroach) – 6th to 7th activated toxin binds to the surface of midgut
abdominal segments. epithelial cells and create pores that cause cell
184. Answer (2) swelling and lysis and eventually cause death of
the insect.
During fertilisation, a sperm comes in contact with
the zona pellucida layer of the ovum and induces 194. Answer (2)
changes in the membrane that block the entry of GM plants have
additional sperms. • More resistance to abiotic stresses
185. Answer (2) • Decreased reliance on chemical pesticides
• Increased efficiency of mineral usage by
LH surge induces rupture of Graafian follicle and
plants (this prevents early exhaustion of
thereby release of ovum (ovulation)
fertility of soil).
186. Answer (1)
195. Answer (3)
Fertilisation induces the completion of the meiotic
Meloidogyne incognita is a nematode which
division of the secondary oocyte. The fertilisation
parasitise the roots of tobacco plants and causes
takes place in the ampullary region of fallopian
a great reduction in yield.
196. Answer (2)
187. Answer (2)
The volume of blood pumped out by each
Condoms are barriers made of thin rubber/latex ventricle per minute is cardiac output (5000 mL)
sheath that are used to cover the penis in the 197. Answer (3)
male or vagina and cervix in the female just
(a) – Mucosa
before coitus.
(b) – Circular muscle
188. Answer (2) 198. Answer (2)
Oophorectomy – Removal of ovary/ovaries Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus →
Mastectomy – Removal of mammary glands Australopithecus → Homo habilis → Homo
erectus → Neanderthal man → Homo sapiens
189. Answer (4)
199. Answer (4)
When more than one adaptive radiation appeared
Mammalian cleavage is slowest, asynchronous
to have occurred in an isolated geographical area
and rotational in nature.
(different habitats), one can call this convergent
200. Answer (3)
Stilbesterol is a nonsteroidal estrogen medication
which can induce lactation even in sterile cows.

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