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AWS DevOps Sample Resume

 Certified AWS Solutions Architect having very good IT experience with good exposure on Devops, Cloud computing
practices, Build/Release, Software Development and System administration.
 Hands on experience in Amazon Web Services (AWS) provisioning and good knowledge of AWS Services like EC2, S3,
Glacier, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, SNS, SWF, lambda, EMR, Glue, EKS, ECS, Redshift, Beanstalk, DynamoDB,
Elasticache, CloudFormation and EBS  
 Maintained high availability clustered and standalone server environments and refined automation components with
scripting and configuration management
 Performed Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools: GIT 
 Extensively worked on Jenkins by installing, configuring, and maintaining for continuous integration (CI) and for End-
to-End automation for all build and deployments 
 Created the AWS VPC network for the Installed Instances and configured the Security Groups and Elastic IP's
 Configured Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) with EC2 Auto Scaling groups
 Automated cloud deployments using python, and AWS Cloud Formation Templates
 Performed Patch management to upgrade the application's infrastructure to have latest OS and configuration
 Created Lambda functions to upload code and to check changes in S3, Dynamo DB table 
 Implemented systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing on the AWS platform
 Created IAM policies for delegated administration within AWS and Configure IAM Users/Roles/Policies to grant fine-
grained access to AWS resources to users
 Customized Amazon Machine Images (AMI) & deployed these customized images based on requirements
 Build servers using AWS: Importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating/maintaining security groups, Auto-Scaling,
AMI, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined VPC’s
 Creating alarms in Cloud Watch service for monitoring the server’s performance, CPU Utilization etc.,
 Created Cloud Watch alerts for instances and using them in Auto scaling launch configurations
 Created multiple DNS using Route 53
 Worked on building architecture for the POC from end-to-end
 Worked with AWS Code Star in order to build the entire CI/CD process for the application
 Experience in building the entire infrastructure in AWS using Terraform
 Experience with Configuration Management automation tools like Ansible, Puppet
 Experience with container management tool Docker and having knowledge in kubernetes
 Implemented Docker containers for creating various environments to deploy the applications
 Configured the Route 53 DNS and load Balancers for the VPC and the NACL with inbound and outbound Rules
 Developed Python Scripts for the purpose of manual deployment of the code to the different environments
 Good knowledge in CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) methodologies
 Experience with networking, storage devices
 Experience in creating alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch
 Knowledge on VPC creation with appropriate subnets and also provisioning appropriate Security Groups and NACL's in
order to provide appropriate level of security
 Solid understanding of Python, Linux Shell and Perl scripting, UNIX, Windows, build and release engineering principles
 Experience in working with Code Pipeline, Code Build, Code Deploy for deploying the application
 Expertise in using build tools like Maven and Ant for building and deployable artifacts in Artifactory and Nexus
 Proficiency in Performance Testing Tools like HP LoadRunner, JMeter, Visual Studio.
 Exposure to Application Performance Monitoring using Dynatrace, Splunk or other enterprise tool.
 Configured S3 versioning and lifecycle policies to and backup files and archive files in Glacier
 Managed notifying S3, ASG, Email notifications using SNS
 Excellent experience in traditional Waterfall, V-model and Agile methodologies

Cloud Environment

Amazon Webservice: EC2, VPC, EBS,

AMI, SNS, RDS, ELB, Cloud Watch, Cloud
Formation AWS Config, S3, Cloud Trail,
IAM, Azure, OpenStack, VMWare, auto
scaling Servers, Glacier, Storage
Lifecycle Rules, Elastic Beanstalk, Route
53, Data-Pipeline, EMR, Code Commit,
Code Deploy, Direct Connect, Lambda,
RedShift, Kinesis
Version Control Tools GIT, Perforce, Subversion, Bit Bucket

Repositories Nexus and Artifactory

Virtualization VMware, Vagrant

Windows 98/XP/NT/2000/2003, UNIX, LINUX, RHEL 7, SOLARIS,
Operating Systems
Databases Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Mongo DB, PL/SQL

Language(s) Python, Ruby, Shell, Java script, Bash, Perl

IBM Web sphere, Apache Web Server, Apache Tomcat, Sun ONE Web
Web/Application Servers
Server & IIS Web Server, Web logic
Network Protocols Cisco Routers, LAN

ANT, MAVEN, JENKINS, HUDSON, Bamboo, TeamCity, Salt

Build/ CI Tools

Monitoring Tools Nagios, Splunk, ELK

Containerization/ Orchestration Docker, Kubernetes

Infrastructure and Configuration
Ansible, Chef, Terraform
Tracking Tools JIRA, Remedy


Role: Cloud DevOps Engineer


 Worked on gathering requirements from business users and integrate them in AWS to meet the business
 Worked on migrating the data from on-premise to cloud
 Created the entire infrastructure in AWS using multiple IAAC tools
 Collaborated with the cross functional teams to integrate various features of the application to deploy in AWS
 Wrote templates for various services in AWS
 Worked in Operations team to ensure entire environment to be protected
 Performed patch management every alternate weeks for all the servers in all the regions and in all the environments
 Built the whole Infrastructure using CFT automation
 Responsible for entire IAM Setup and Configuration
 Responsible to work, and close the tickets in ServiceNow related to AWS OKta access, AWS service access, issues from
teams, connection issues, network issues, server issues etc., and report the tickets after closure to cloud operations
team(i.e., Our team)
 Responsible for security group configuration AWS in entire LI whoever needs to enter or communicate to and fro to
the server
 All security groups will be automated and uploaded to global S3 bucket in Prod account where Lambda can be used
as a trigger for the automation
 Working in Operations team to build out automation templates in Cloud Formation in support of the managed
services platform
 Working with AWS Services like S3, IAM roles, policies, SSM, SNS, KMS, CloudTrail, CloudWatch etc.,
 Responsible for log trace using CloudWatch Logs if someone having issues with connecting to the AWS servers
 Responsible for weekly/monthly AWS patches and restores
 Rigorous use of EC2 Snapshots and AMIs during patching of the Instances
 Responsible to maintain all AWS servers operations based on the business requirements
 Responsible for rebooting the Instances on daily basis based on the business Operations
 Tracing all the production systems with CPM backups which determines the failed Instances using N2WS alerts
 Responsible for Maintenance of Active Directory Users and Computers which is used to maintain access level
 AD Users and Computers shows the access level for each user in each individual AWS federal accounts within the
 Responsible to manage IAM policies and set permissions to the users if business requests particular service to specific
ADFS role
 Responsible for Remote Desktop Connection which is used as a VMWare for regular server builds using CFT and
also the individual AWS server login once RDP login has been completed
 Worked in Migration project with Cognizant team for migrating On premise Application and DB servers to Our AWS
 Proficient working with RDS service in AWS for migrating both Oracle and SQL servers where
SQLSERVERBACKUPRESTORE Option was a challenging during the time
 Responsible for the maintenance of DB servers in RDS like updates during the maintenance window
 Co-ordination with developers working with the AWS console for providing the access for the Development services
they use for their Application Deployment
 Co-ordinating with business and vendors for cost cutting of the Applications that need to be deployed in AWS
 Responsible for pulling up and maintenance of the AWS reports for all the services like Instances, Databases, Cost
reports everything related to AWS in CloudHealth
 Responsible for maintaining the DataDog Agent which is used for AWS monitoring
 Following Agile principles and used ServiceNow tool for project planning purposes
 Tracking the bugs in project using ServiceNow followed by a sprint for every 3 weeks with grooming sessions, user
stories, Retro sessions in the sprint planning
 24/7 On-call support for troubleshooting production issues.

Environment: S3, Kafka, IAM roles, policies, SSM, SNS, KMS, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, ServiceNow, AWS CLI, Yaml,
Cloud Formation Templates, Visual Studio Code

Role: Cloud DevOps Engineer

 Responsible for complete CI/CD process using Terraform as an Infrastructure as a Code
 Involving in Pilot implementations and strategic engagements for customers who are adopting cloud for setting up
their data platforms.
 Building the whole Infrastructure using Terraform automation
 Responsible for entire Bitbucket Setup and Configuration
 Responsible to create tickets in JIRA related to Bitbucket access, Okta access, Repository builds, issues from team etc.,
and report to operations team
 Responsible for entire CI/CD pipeline and the source code development followed by DevOps Methodologies
 Worked with Operations team to build out automation templates in Terraform in support of the managed services
 Worked and deployed AWS Services like S3, Lambda, IAM roles, policies, API Gateway, Elastic Beanstalk, SSM,
SNS, KMS, CloudTrail, CloudWatch etc.,
 Deployed applications with complete security perspective in AWS using security groups, load balancers,
autoscaling groups, route 53 etc.,
 Worked with local and remote repositories and branches to make sure code check in’s are happening as expected
 Migrating Terraform from infrastructure repository to application repository with all the applications, unit
testing(test scripts), pip files(req.txt) in the repo
 Converted multiple packages to requirement files followed by pipfiles with pipfile lock
 Created multiple setup files under each repository related to specific application which can be used for one time
 Wrote yaml templates for building the pipeline& the manifest files as part of the pipeline which is used to define the
deployment accounts, repository names, application names etc.,
 Deploying into Higher environments using both Infrastructure and Application Repositories
 Co-ordinated with developers working with the console manually which components and what to be deployed to
higher environments going forward
 Followed Agile principles and used JIRA tool for project planning purposes
 Tracking the bugs in project using Jira followed by a sprint for every 2 weeks with grooming sessions, user stories in
the sprint planning
 Experience in cloud-native database design, migration, and implementation experience required
 Experience with CDC tools to move data from On Premise data sources
 Worked on customer engagements and responsible for delivering scope identified and assigned as part of the

Environment: S3, Lambda, IAM roles, policies, API Gateway, Elastic Beanstalk, SSM, SNS, KMS, CloudTrail,
CloudWatch, JIRA, Terraform, AWS CLI, Yaml, Cloud Formation Templates, Bitbucket, Visual Studio Code, GIT GUI.

Role: Cloud DevOps Engineer

 Installed and configured Jenkins, installed plug-in, configured security, created a master and slaves for
implementation of multiple parallel builds
 Expertise with the configuration in Ansible Tower using Bitbucket and Git Gui
 Automated the front-ends platform into highly scalable, consistent, repeatable infrastructure using high degree of
automation using Ansible, Jenkins, and Cloud Formation
 Responsible for integration of Jenkins with GitLab, Artifactory and XLDeploy to automate the build deployment
 Installed and maintained Jenkins for Continuous Delivery as well as automate Ansible Playbook runs against
production infrastructure
 Created Jenkins file to set up CI/CD pipelines
 Created a Jenkins pipelines for several scenarios
 Expertise in scripting using shell, Python
 Wrote Python, Shell scripts to automate the build process
 Good experience working with Nagios APIs and plugins
 Worked with AD groups and setting up the users
 Responsible for creating Cron/Autosys jobs to automate system admin tasks
 Worked with Lambda function using cloud formation templates and python scripting
 Monitoring resources and Applications using AWS Cloud Watch, including creating alarms to monitor metrics such
as EBS, EC2, ELB, RDS, S3, SNS and configured notifications for the alarms generated based on events defined
 Involved in migrating physical Linux/Windows servers to cloud (AWS) and testing
 Build servers using AWS: Importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating security groups, Auto-scaling, AMI, load
balancers (ELBs) in the defined VPC
 Maintaining the user accounts (IAM), RDS, Route 53, SES and SNS services in AWS cloud
 Worked with SNS notification and used while setting the Cloud Watch alarm
 Worked on creating AD Groups and enabling MFA with OIF SAML Federation, created roles and policies as needed
 Worked on configuring security groups in AWS, launching auto scaling groups based on cloud watch metrics
using AMI’s
 Worked on S3 storage services creating buckets, enabling versioning& cross region replication, using lifecycle
policies to move the content to S3-IA, Glacier etc..
 Wrote Lambda function in python scripts for AWS lambda which invokes python scripts to perform various
transformations and analytics on large data sets in EMR clusters
 Worked on setting up S3 bucket policies, IAM console management activities
 Worked on creating NAT instances, NAT Gateway in public subnets behind security group and configured routing
 Experience in Linux/Windows/MAC different environments
 Profound experience in the field of Data warehousing and Business Intelligence implementation with expertise in
AWS Glue, EMR, AWS S3, IAM etc..
 Worked with business partners and key stakeholders to identify business needs and delivered high-exposure
reoccurring and ad-hoc reports to answer business questions
 Used data-driven approach to improve the response rate of the customer experience
 Created DynamoDB schemas for the architecture appropriates
 Installed, tested and deployed monitoring solutions with Splunk
Environment: VPC, VPN, EC2, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling, JIRA, IAM, RDS, DynamoDB, S3, Git GUI, GIT
CMD, GIT Hub, CloudWatch, Python, SNS, Yaml, CloudFormation, AD groups, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Ansible
Tower, Bitbucket

Role: Cloud DevOps Engineer

 Configured, monitored and automated Amazon Web Services as well as involved in deploying the content cloud
platform on Amazon Web Services using EC2, S3 and EBS 
 Created highly available and scalable infrastructure in AWS Cloud by using various AWS services like EC2, VPC,
VPN, Auto Scaling, ELB, RDS, Route53
 Migrated corporate Linux servers from physical servers to Amazon AWS virtual instances
 Experience with Open Source technology Linux Operating system
 Worked on AWS Elastic load balancing for deploying applications in high availability and AWS Auto Scaling for
providing high availability of applications and EC2 instances based on the load of applications
 Worked with Cloud Trial, Config, Cloud Foundry, Cloud Front and many other services
 Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of corporate servers/storage using AWS CloudWatch to
ensure reliability of applications, developed and deployed stacks using AWS Cloud Formation templates which
also used with Lambda function
 Worked with IAM service creating new IAM users & groups, defining roles and policies and Identity providers
 Setup users based on the business requirements in Active Directory
 Installed JIRA and confluence on Tomcat Server
 Good Knowledge in Bash (Unix Shell) and exposure to Python Scripting
 Experience in branching, tagging and maintaining versions across the environments, using SCM tools like GIT,
Subversion (SVN), CVS
 Worked with SNS to notify through emails whenever instances got terminated or cancelled
 Defined AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one or
more AWS EC2 instances
 Extensively worked on Developer tools—Code Commit, Code build, Code deploy etc.,
 Automated and implemented the cloud Formation Stacks (JSON Scripts) for creating/administrating the
AWS resources like VPC, Subnets, Gateways, Auto-Scaling, Elastic-Load-Balancers (ELB), creating DB Instances
and many others across different Availability Zones 
 Expert in installing and using Splunk apps for Linux (Splunk nix)
 Used Ansible Playbooks to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes. Run Ansible Scripts to provision Dev servers
 Implemented CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, Ansible Playbooks and Ansible Tower
 Worked on containerizing Open stack services in Docker using Ansible
 Managed Ansible Playbooks with Ansible modules, implemented CD automation using Ansible, managing existing
servers and automation of build/configuration of new servers
 Involved in deployment of applications on server’s link Apache, Tomcat and nginx
 Good experience writing Cookbooks and Recipes using Best practices for deploying automations.
 Administered Jenkins continuous integration server installation and configuration to automate application
packaging and deployments
 Installed and configured Jenkins for Automating Builds and Deployments through integration of Git into Jenkins to
automate the code check-out thus providing an automation solution
 24/7 On-call support for troubleshooting production issues.
Environment: VPC, VPN, Subnets, Gateways, EC2, EBS, ELB, Auto Scaling, IAM, RDS, DynamoDB, S3, GitHub,
Route 53, CloudWatch, Lambda, AD groups, Python, JIRA, Jenkins, Yaml, SNS, CloudFront, CloudTrial,
CloudFormation, Docker.

Role: DevOps Engineer


 Worked with AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes EC2, VPC, VPN, EBS, SNS, RDS, Cloud Watch,
Cloud Formation AWS Configuration, Auto scaling, S3
 Experience in AWS using EC2, Dynamo DB, S3, AWS VPC, and IAM services
 Created IAM policies for delegated administration within AWS and Configure IAM Users/Roles/Policies to grant
fine-grained access to AWS resources to users 
 Docker images includes setting the entry point and volumes, also ran Docker containers
 Setup Continuous Integration environment using Jenkins for building jobs and to push the Artifacts into
artifactory repository on successful builds
 Created multiple DNS and controlled over DNS using Route 53 and configured the name servers using master
 Troubleshooting in deployment of the application
 Experience with algorithms, data structures, complexity analysis and software design
 Experience with Lambda function using Python scripting
 Enabled/Created multiple alarms using Cloud Watch to configure in ASG, S3 notifications etc,. to monitor multiple
 Established SNS notification to enable alerts whenever S3 bucket got new files uploaded etc.,
 Written Cloud Formation template to provision environments using Yaml Template
 Scripted Linux repository database comparisons using Python, Shell
 Designed cloud formation template for the IAM roles and policies
 Designed cloud formation template to create nested stack
 Written shell script to automate the download process ROM AWS S3 bucket
 Proficient knowledge in Networking with different protocols like TCP/IP, UDP, DNS, IP Packets
 Designed shell script to automate the host name
 Followed Agile principles and used JIRA tool for project planning purposes.

Environment: VPN, VPC, EC2, EBS, SNS, RDS, IAM, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation AWS Configuration, Auto
scaling, Route 53, S3, Lambda, Python, Yaml, Jenkins, Docker

Role: Application Developer


 Experienced in Installation, configuration, tuning, security, backup, recovery

 Design highly available, cost effective and fault tolerant systems using multiple EC2 instances, Auto
Scaling, Elastic Load Balancer and AMIs
 Worked on version control tools like subversion and GIT and utilized Source code administration customer
apparatuses like GitHub
 Work with team to build out automation templates in Terraform and AWS Cloud Formation in support of the
managed services platform 
 Created Docker images and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain
 Worked with Developer Tools like Code Commit, Code Build, Code Deploy etc
 Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing Directory
structures and managing containers
 Developed high-scalable container environment using Docker
 Used Packer, Ansible and Vagrant for creating AMI's with required configuration for the Application
 Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test
Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to provision Dev servers
 Instituted Ansible for configuration management and automation across all the environments
 Monitor and maintain the automated build and CI process to ensure correct build execution and facilitate
resolution of build failures using ticketing tools like JIRA
 Tracking the bugs in project using Jira
Environment: VPN, VPC, EC2, EBS, SNS, RDS, IAM, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation AWS Configuration,
Terraform, Auto scaling, Route 53, S3, Lambda, Jenkins, Docker

Role: AWS Engineer


 Installed and configured Jenkins, installed plug-in, configured security, created a master and slaves for
implementation of multiple parallel builds
 Expertise with the configuration in Ansible Tower using Bitbucket and Git Gui
 Automated the front-ends platform into highly scalable, consistent, repeatable infrastructure using high degree of
automation using Ansible, Jenkins, and Cloud Formation
 Installed and maintained Jenkins for Continuous Delivery as well as automate Ansible Playbook runs against
production infrastructure
 Created Jenkins file to set up CI/CD pipelines
 Created a Jenkins pipelines for several scenarios
 Monitoring resources and Applications using AWS Cloud Watch, including creating alarms to monitor metrics such
as EBS, EC2, ELB, RDS, S3, SNS and configured notifications for the alarms generated based on events defined
 Involved in migrating physical Linux/Windows servers to cloud (AWS) and testing
 Build servers using AWS: Importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating security groups, Auto-scaling, AMI, load
balancers (ELBs) in the defined VPC

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