English Essay

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Malaysia is a country with religious diversity.

There are sorts of different languages,

cuisine and cultural which are came from many types of religious in Malaysia, such
as, Buddha, Islam and Kristian. Well, mutual respect from people can help others
which is from different religious belief coexist harmoniously in different ways.
First of all, we can show respect by learning other's religions. When we put aside
every prejudices and bias, we listen, talk and learn about their cultures. In addition,
we can increase our horizons about multireligion and have better communication with
people to strengthen good relationship with others. For example, we can do some
research online about different religions from reputable sites to increase our different
religious belief knowledge.
Furthermore, avoid talking or discussing sensitive issues obviously is a foremost
mutual respect between religions citizens. To give an illustration, you may offend
someone without knowing when you appear to harass or discriminate against
someone based on their religious beliefs.
Moreover, school authorities can educate students from the early age to teach
conscious of respecting others with different religions. For example, ministry of
education can educate kindergarten, primary and secondary students. Subjects such
as Moral can be one of the channel to educate students. Students can learn to be
tolerance and respectful to others. However, teachers in school can also be the role
model for students hence the community will be more harmony and well educated.
In conclusion, respect for religious diversity is an essential element of any peaceful
society. Religious freedom is a universal human right that all states have a
responsibility to uphold. As a Malaysia citizen, i highly implore all states in Malaysia
to live up to their obligations and responsibility and to hold accountable those who
seek to restrict the freedom of religion.

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