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Fundamentals of Management & Organization


Final Project
Course Instructor: FAIZA AKHTAR

Section: C, D Program: BBA Date: 19 May 2022

Time Allowed: 16 June 2022 Maximum Marks: 10

Program Objective: PO1, Course Objective: CO3, Course Learning Objective: CLO6,
Student Name: Registration No: Sr. No:
Choose any two local organizations of similar industry (for example gourmet bakery and
bundu khan bakery)
 Explore the social media presence of your favorite company. Like them on Facebook
and follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and/or any other social media outlet the
company uses.
 Research the companies’ websites and find examples of goals they have stated. (Hint:
A company’s annual report is often a good place to start.) Evaluate these goals.
 Interview managers of each organization and ask them the following questions:
o What are the best and worst parts of being a manager?
o What’s the best management advice you ever received?
o and also ask them for suggestions on what it takes to be a good decision-
o Discuss the organizational hierarchy, levels, chain of command, and a span of
control with their manager.
o Discuss their culture and how do new members learn the culture
 Observe their culture and highlight elements
Instructions: Presentation Schedule Will Be Decided in Class (16 21 & 23 June 2022)-All group
members will present

Honda started Automobile business operations in 1963 with the T360 mini truck and the
S500 small sports car models. In 1970 Honda subsequently launched a series of mass-
production models including the Civic and the Accord, which established a base for its
Automobile business.
In 1982, Honda became the first Japanese automaker to begin local automobile production in
the United States (with the Accord model) and later conducted local development and
expanded production activities to include light truck models. In 1986, the Acura Brand was
established and an exclusive sales network was launched in the United States.
vision statement
We first clarified the two key elements of the vision - the "Universal passion of Honda " and
the "Strength of Honda"
From the first perspective of “Creating the Joys,” Honda will work on “creating value for
'mobility' and 'daily lives.” The Company will focus on three areas, namely mobility, robotics
and energy, in order to provide people with the “joy and freedom of mobility” and “joy of
making their lives better.”
Honda's primary goals are originality, innovation and efficiency, resulting in high quality
products at affordable price, and environment friendly. It has wide network of production and
manufacturing facility internationally.


Toyoda Sakichi founded the Toyota Motor Corporation in 1933, It released its first
production car, the Model AA sedan in 1936. This vehicle kicked off the company’s move
into the automotive world, During the aftermath of World War II, Toyota had to put its
automotive production on hold, but came back full force after the war. Since then the brand
continued to grow globally, expanding beyond Japan.
Two years after its introduction to Canada, Toyota introduced what would become one of the
most popular cars around the world: the Corolla. This compact car helped Toyota establish its
identity as an innovative, reliable carmaker throughout the world. Now, Toyota continues to
create tech-savvy and durable vehicles.
Constant innovation Our goal: “Always better cars.” We continually reinvent ourselves,
introduce new technologies and stay ahead of our competition. Enriching lives around the
world Through the concept of monozukuri, we will create jobs, develop people and
contribute to society.
Statements are as follows: Mission Statement: "To attract and attain customers with high-
value products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America."
Global vision
Toyota will lead the future mobility society, enriching lives around the world with the safest
and most responsible ways of moving people. Through our commitment to quality, ceaseless
innovation, and respect for the planet, we strive to exceed expectations and be rewarded with
a smile.


 Leading the way
Toyota as a frontrunner, seizing opportunities and investing in the future.
 Creating the future mobility society
Develop new forms of transportation and pursue new ways of connecting technology
with people.
 Enriching lives around the world
Through the concept of monozukuri, create jobs, develop people, and contribute to
 Moving people safely and responsibly
Safety is our top priority, both for our customers and for our employees.
 Commitment to quality
Continuously raise our standards for reliability and customer satisfaction.
 Ceaseless innovation
In pursuit of making ever-better cars, continually re-innovate within ourselves, create
new technologies, and stay ahead of the times.
 Respecting the planet
In everything we do, demonstrate consideration of the planet. Persistently research,
develop, and promote eco-friendly systems and solutions.
 Challenging goals
We aim high and work together―that's who we are.
 Customers
Our customers are the reason and the source of our business. It is our joint aim with
our dealers to ensure that the customers enjoy the highest level of satisfaction from
use of Honda motorcycles.
 Quality
To ensure that our products and services meet the set standards of excellence.
 Local Manufacturing
To be the industry leader in indigenization of motorcycle parts.
 Technology
To develop and maintain distinct business advantages through continuous induction of
improved hard and soft technologies.

 Shareholders
To ensure health and viability of business and thus safeguarding shareholders’ interest
by maximizing profit. Payment of regular satisfactory dividends and adding value to
the shares.
 Employees
To enhance and continuously update each member’s capabilities and education and to
provide an environment which encourages practical expression of the individual
potential in goal directed team efforts and compensate them attractively according to
their abilities and performance.
 Corporate Citizen
To comply with all Government laws, rules and regulations and to maintain a high
standard of ethics in all operations and to act as a responsible member of the society.
Quality Policy:
1) Commitment to provide high quality motorcycles & parts.
2) Right work in first attempt and on time.
3) Maintain and continuously improve quality.
4) Training of manpower and acquisition of latest technology.
5) Safe, clean and healthy environment.
6) Market leadership and prosperity for all.

 Commitment to quality
Each Member is responsible for the quality of work and aims never to pass on poor
quality to the next stage. If anything, unusual is noticed the process stops and then they
allow time to investigate and confirm the quality before continuing. To confirm our
process each day a number of cars will be selected at for further testing on our test track
 Ceaseless innovation:
They have new technologies and innovations in their cars to make them better and
innovated. For example, Radar cruise control system, Lane departure warning system,
Lane assist and many more innovative technologies
 Moving people safely and responsibly:
They are providing their customers with safety features such as Airbags and ABS
(Antilock Braking System)
 Respecting the planet:
We emphasize recycling at all of our locations, from the largest manufacturing site to the
smallest office. We even recycle waste when we build a new facility. Each one of our
team members plays a role in making sure material stays out of the trash.
They have reduced CO2 (carbon) emissions from their vehicles through improved fuel
efficiency and they are moving towards hybrid technology as well as electrification.

1: What are the best and worst parts of being a manager?
 Decision making
Managers take part in the decision making of an organisation, which is the best part of
being one.
 Influence & Authority
Also, a person can get to know majority of the things that are helping in running an
organisation, and he has an authority over his subordinates which means a manager can
lead his subordinates up to his will and create a better and healthy environment in an
 Blame
In case anything goes wrong or not according to the polices of an organisation, then a
manager is also the one, who is to blame.
 Workload
When a person becomes a manager, he has too much things to look over. That means his
responsibilities gets higher similarly his risks.
2: What’s the best management advice you ever received?
Being a manager, you get to learn a lot of things on daily basis and you receive. So, in
my tenure here, I have been advised by one of my seniors to work hard and think of
the impact, and not to worry about the success and failure.
3: Any suggestions on what it takes to be a good decision-maker?
In the path of becoming a manager, a person is challenged with a lot of responsibilities
and workload where he usually makes a lot of mistakes. And learning from those
mistakes is what makes him a good decision maker.
 Firstly, always learns from past experiences.
 Never rely on anyone in an organisation.
 Live a professional life in an organisation.
 A good manager is one, who is not dependent on anyone.
 One more thing, a good manager always leads an organisation with ownership.
Whatever task is assigned to him, he does it with full ownership, and that is what
makes him a good leader.

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