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Clin Physiol Funct Imaging (2007) 27, pp67–90 doi: 10.1111/j.1475-097X.2007.00722.


Lung protective ventilatory strategies in acute lung injury

and acute respiratory distress syndrome: from experimental
findings to clinical application
Serge J. C. Verbrugge1, Burkhard Lachmann2 and Jozef Kesecioglu1
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, and 2Department of Anesthesiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Dr. Molewaterplein
50, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Correspondence This review addresses the physiological background and the current status of
Dr S.J.C. Verbrugge, Laan van Moerkerken 20, evidence regarding ventilator-induced lung injury and lung protective strategies.
3271 AK Mijnsheerenland, The Netherlands
Lung protective ventilatory strategies have been shown to reduce mortality from
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We review the latest knowledge on the
Accepted for publication progression of lung injury by mechanical ventilation and correlate the findings of
Received 4 November 2006;
experimental work with results from clinical studies. We describe the experimental
accepted 20 November 2006
and clinical evidence of the effect of lung protective ventilatory strategies and open
Key words lung strategies on the progression of lung injury and current controversies
haemodynamics, mechanical ventilation, open lung surrounding these subjects. We describe a rational strategy, the open lung strategy,
strategy, positive end-expiratory pressure, tidal to accomplish an open lung, which may further prevent injury caused by mechanical
volume, ventilator-induced lung injury. ventilation. Finally, the clinician is offered directions on lung protective ventilation
in the early phase of ARDS which can be applied on the intensive care unit.

severe hypoxaemia, reduced lung compliance and diffuse

Introduction endothelial and epithelial lung injury (Ashbaugh et al., 1967;
In Greek mythology, Scylla, once a beautiful nymph, was turned Ware & Matthay, 2000). The criteria for ALI are an acute onset,
into a dangerous six-dog-headed sea monster with 12 paws and a P/F ratio (PaO2/FiO2) < 300 mmHg (40 kPa), bilateral
a fish-tail by Circe, the daughter of the sun god, out of jealousy. pulmonary infiltrates on a chest X-ray and a pulmonary wedge
Charybdis, once a sea nymph, was turned into a sea monster by pressure 618 mmHg if known or no clinical signs of increased
Zeus after flooding her father’s kingdom. She soaked up and left atrial pressures. For ARDS the criteria are the same except
spitted out enormous amounts of sea water three times a day for the P/F ratio which is <200 mmHg (26Æ7 kPa) (Bernard
causing enormous vortexes in the sea. These two creatures et al., 1994). Regarding these criteria the following remarks can
where housing on both sides of a narrow sea strait. Six sailors be made. The PaO2 in ARDS and ALI patients and thus the P/F
from Ulysses’ boat, caught between Scylla and Charybdis, are ratio is directly dependent on the level of positive end-
amongst the most famous victims of Scylla. However, Captain expiratory pressure (PEEP) used for mechanical ventilation. A
Jason and his Argonauts led by Thetis could pass this strait and recent study by Ferguson et al. (2004) in intubated and
survive by sailing as much into the middle of these two evils as ventilated patients meeting ARDS criteria demonstrated that a
possible. As has been described before, intensivists wishing to standard ventilator setting with standardized PEEP (FiO2 ¼
oxygenate and ventilate patients with adult respiratory distress 100%; PEEP ¼ 10 cmH2O; tidal volume 7–8 ml kg)1) for
syndrome (ARDS) and acute lung injury (ALI) have become the 30 min had impact on the P/F ratio and therefore the ARDS
argonauts of modern intensive care medicine (Dreyfuss & prevalence. Of the 41 patients enrolled, 24 patients primarily
Saumon, 1994). They have to navigate between the danger of classified as ARDS did not meet ARDS criteria after ventilation
overdistension of relatively healthy non-dependent lung regions with standardized PEEP for 30 min (Ferguson et al., 2004). This
and repeated alveolar collapse and re-expansion of basal demonstrates the relative uselessness of the American-European
consolidated lung regions (Froese, 1997). With this article, Consensus conference (AECC) definitions for ARDS and shows
we hope to be of some help like Thetis was for Jason. the need for the inclusion of standardly applied ventilator
Acute respiratory distress syndrome and ALI are clinical settings in defining the disease state of the lung and in the
syndromes characterized by inflammatory pulmonary oedema, definition of ARDS.
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68 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

Irrespective of these facts mortality from ARDS varies from

30% to 70% (Vincent et al., 2003; MacCallum & Evans, 2005;
Perkins et al., 2006). However, mortality from primary
respiratory insufficiency is <20%; the highest mortality is
caused by dysfunction of other organ systems (Ferring &
Vincent, 1997; Esteban et al., 2002; Vincent et al., 2003;
MacCallum & Evans, 2005). In the last 30 years it has become
more and more established that mechanical ventilation itself
can induce and worsen pulmonary pathological changes that
cannot be discerned from the pathophysiological changes in
ARDS (Dreyfuss & Saumon, 1998; Anonymous, 1999). As we
will see, such ventilation-induced changes do not remain
Figure 1 P–V diagram of a normal airfilled lung and an adult respiratory
confined to the lung itself. Harmful forms of mechanical distress syndrome (ARDS) lung. von Neergaard (1929) showed that
ventilation can induce, e.g. changes in pulmonary and much larger pressures are required to expand an air-filled lung than a
systemic inflammatory mediators (Dreyfuss & Saumon, lung filled with fluid. In RDS even higher pressures are required to
1998; Slutsky & Tremblay, 1998; Haitsma et al., 2003), expand the lung, due to the high surface tension at the air–liquid
interface in the alveoli caused by a diminished surfactant system.
bacteraemia and endotoxaemia (Nahum et al., 1997; Verb-
rugge et al., 1998a,b,c; Murphy et al., 2000) and cell apoptosis
in other organ systems (Imai et al., 2003). Protective forms of It was not until 1959 that von Neergaard’s findings became
mechanical ventilation may result in lower serum cytokine clinically relevant, when Avery & Mead (1959) published
concentrations (Ranieri et al., 1999; Anonymous, 2000), a direct evidence linking absence of the surface-active material
reduction in organ dysfunction (Ranieri et al., 2000) and a to the appearance of stiff lungs in newly born premature
reduction of mortality in patients with ARDS (Amato et al., babies with RDS. This surface-active material is called
1998; Anonymous, 2000). As a consequence, in recent years pulmonary surfactant. Surfactant is synthesized by the alveolar
there has been a shift in the goal of mechanical ventilation in type II cells and secreted into alveolar spaces (Van Golde et al.,
ALI/ARDS patients from maintaining a normal gas exchange 1988). The pulmonary surfactant system can be divided into
to protection of the lung against ventilation-induced lung active and non-active subfractions by differential centrifuga-
injury (VILI) by protective ventilatory strategies (Fan et al., tion (Veldhuizen et al., 1993). The active subfractions, which
2005). We will now first discuss the experimental data on the represent tubular-myelin-like forms of surfactant, are the
physiological changes induced by mechanical ventilation. metabolic precursors of the non-active components which
represent small vesicular structures (Magoon et al., 1983).
Conversion of active to non-active surfactant subfractions is
What did we learn from animal experiments on
dependent on cyclic changes in surface area (Gross & Narine,
ventilator-induced lung injury?
Basic physiology of the alveolus-capillary membrane: Adult respiratory distress syndrome was mentioned in an
pulmonary surfactant historic article by Ashbaugh et al. (1967). They described 12
patients with severe dyspnoea, tachypnea, cyanosis, loss of
Historic considerations
compliance and diffuse alveolar infiltration seen on the X-ray.
Laplace, a French mathematician (1749–1827), was the first to They observed and reported several clinical and pathological
draw attention to surface-active forces in general and described similarities with neonates with respiratory distress syndrome,
the relationship between force, surface tension, and radius of an notably surfactant dysfunction (Ashbaugh et al., 1967).
air–liquid interface of a bubble: P ¼ 2c/r (P ¼ pressure to
stabilize a bubble; c ¼ surface tension at air–liquid interface;
Mechanical stabilization of lung alveoli
and r ¼ radius of a bubble). Almost one century later, von
Neergaard (1929) applied this law to pulmonary alveoli by The integrity of the surfactant system of the lung is a
demonstrating that the pressures required to expand an air-filled prerequisite for normal breathing with the least possible
lung were almost three times that required to distend a lung effort. The surfactant system acts by decreasing surface
filled with fluid. In this way, the surface tension effect at the air– tension of the interface between alveoli and air. This provides
liquid boundary was eliminated (Fig. 1). From the findings, he an explanation as to why we have to generate a ‘negative’
concluded that: (i) two-thirds of the retractive forces in the lung pressure by muscular effort of only 3–8 cmH2O during each
are due to surface tension phenomenon which act at the air– inspiration; in the absence of surfactant the surface tension at
liquid interface of the alveoli, and (ii) the surface tension at the the air–liquid interface would be that of plasma and the
air–liquid interface must be reduced by the presence of a pressure needed to maintain lung aeration would be 25–
surface-active material with a low surface tension to allow 40 cmH2O (depending on the radius of the alveoli) for
normal breathing (von Neergaard, 1929). which much more muscular effort would be necessary. This
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Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al. 69

is a well-known problem in patients with respiratory failure

(Ashbaugh et al., 1967).
In alveoli with different radii an equal lowering of surface
tension would not, however, produce stabilization of the
alveolar system. It would instead, according to the Law of
Laplace, lead to the collapse of the smaller bubbles or alveoli,
and to their emptying into the larger bubbles/alveoli. As alveoli
in vivo do not exhibit such behaviour, one can conclude that the
second quality of the alveolar lining layer is that it can change
the surface tension in a manner related to the size of the alveoli
(Lachmann et al., 1972) (Fig. 2). It will prevent end-expiratory
collapse by reducing the surface tension to almost zero at small
alveolar sizes. By prevention end-expiratory alveolar collapse
Figure 3 Simplified schematic diagram representing the factors influ-
surfactant will prevent the development of shear forces between encing fluid balance in the lung. See text for details.
open and closed alveoli due to pulmonary interdependence
between alveolar units (see also section ‘Surfactant changes as an
explanation for…’ below). hydrostatic pressure of 15 cmH2O, and by the surface tension-
conditioned suctioning of 4 cmH2O (Fig. 3).
In general, alveolar flooding will not occur as long as the
Protection against lung oedema
suction force in the pulmonary interstitium exceeds the pressure
Another function of the pulmonary surfactant system is gradient generated by the surface tension in the alveolar air–
stabilization of the fluid balance in the lung, and protection liquid interface. As this pressure gradient is inversely related to
against oedema (Fig. 3) (Guyton et al., 1984). The normal the radius of the alveolar curvature there is, for each
plasma oncotic pressure of 37 cmH2O is opposed by the oncotic combination of the interstitial resorptive force and average
pressure of interstitial proteins of 18 cmH2O, the capillary surface tension, a critical value for surface tension and for
alveolar radius, below which alveolar flooding occurs (Fig. 3)
(Guyton et al., 1984).

Functional changes due to a disturbed surfactant system

Disturbance of the surfactant system can result from different

factors. Damage to the alveolar-capillary membrane leads to
high-permeability oedema with wash-out or dilution of the
surfactant and/or inactivation of the surfactant by plasma
components, such as fibrin(ogen), albumin, globulin and
transferrin, haemoglobin and cell membrane lipids (Seeger
et al., 1993; Lachmann et al., 1994). These components are
known to inhibit pulmonary surfactant function in a dose-
dependent way (Lachmann et al., 1994). Furthermore, the
pulmonary surfactant may also be disturbed by the following
mechanisms: breakdown of surfactant by lipases and proteases;
phospholipid peroxidation by free radicals; loss of surfactant
from the airways caused by mechanical ventilation with large
tidal volumes and disturbed synthesis, storage, or release of
surfactant secondary to direct injury to type II cells (Stinson
et al., 1976; Seeger et al., 1993; Verbrugge et al., 1998a,b,c).
Figure 2 The surface tension behaviour of lung surfactant, serum, Diminished pulmonary surfactant has far-reaching conse-
perflubron and water. Lung surfactant shows dynamic surface tension
quences for lung function. Independent of the cause, decreased
behaviour, with low surface tension for lower surface areas and higher
surface tension for higher surface areas. In adult respiratory distress surfactant function will directly or indirectly lead to decreased
syndrome, the lung surfactant at the air–liquid interface is replaced with pulmonary compliance, decreased functional residual capacity
serum, which displays much higher surface tensions for each surface (FRC), atelectasis and enlargement of the functional right-to-left
area when compared with lung surfactant. Water does not display shunt, decreased gas exchange and respiratory acidosis, hypo-
dynamic surface tension behaviour and neither does perflubron. They
xaemia with anaerobic metabolism and metabolic acidosis, and
both show a constant surface tension for different surface areas, which
will predispose the lung alveoli to end-expiratory collapse and peak pulmonary oedema with further inactivation of surfactant by
inspiratory overstretching. plasma constituents (Lachmann, 1987).
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70 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

Ventilation-induced lung injury (VILI) (a)

Surfactant changes caused by mechanical ventilation
Pioneering work of Mead & Collier (1959) showed that
mechanically ventilated dogs had a progressive fall in pulmonary
compliance (Mead & Collier, 1959); such mechanical changes
were related to the pulmonary surfactant system as shown by
Greenfield et al. (1964) who demonstrated increased surface
tensions of lung extracts in dogs ventilated at peak inspiratory
pressures of 28–32 cmH2O for 1–2 h. A subsequent report by
Sladen et al. (1968) showed that also patients ventilated for long
periods suffered from an increased alveolar-arterial oxygen
gradient, and a fall in respiratory system compliance (Sladen
et al., 1968).
Early studies by Benzer (1968) demonstrated that rabbits
ventilated with an open thorax at a peak inspiratory pressure of (c)
30 cmH2O with 5 cmH2O of PEEP or with a closed thorax
without PEEP had a better preserved surfactant system at the end
of a 75-min ventilation period than animals ventilated with an
open thorax without PEEP; these observations were extended in
a subsequent report by Woo & Hedley-Whyte (1972) who
observed pulmonary oedema foam in the airways of open-chest
dogs ventilated with large tidal volumes, whereas the same Figure 4 (a) Balance between synthesis, release and consumption of
surfactant in the healthy lung. The pressure values given represent the
ventilator settings in closed-chest animals induced no such
intrapulmonary pressure needed to open up the alveolus. At the surface
abnormalities. and the hypophase (micelles), there are sufficient molecules of
Two primary mechanisms of surfactant inactivation by surfactant. These micelles deliver the surfactant necessary to replace the
mechanical ventilation have been described. First, mechanical molecules squeezed out during expiration. (b) Imbalance between
ventilation was shown to enhance surfactant release from the synthesis, release and consumption of surfactant caused by artificial
ventilation. At the beginning of inspiration, there is an apparent
pneumocyte type II into the alveolus (Faridy et al., 1966;
deficiency of surfactant molecules but there is a respreading of molecules
Forrest, 1967; McClenahan & Urtnowski, 1967; Massaro & stored in the hypophase of the surfactant layer. At the end of inspiration
Massaro, 1983). This material is subsequently lost into the small there is, in principle, enough surfactant on the surface. (c) With the next
airways as a result of compression of the surfactant film when expiration, surface-active molecules are squeezed out and no surface-
the surface of the alveolus becomes smaller than the surface active molecules are left in the hypophase for respreading, creating the
situation where a serious surfactant deficiency follows.
occupied by the surfactant molecules (Wyszogrodski et al.,
1975; Faridy, 1976) (Fig. 4). A second mechanism to describe
the surfactant changes associated with mechanical ventilation is
based on the observation that the alveolar surface area changes
associated with mechanical ventilation, result in the conversion
of surface-active large surfactant aggregates into non-surface
active small surfactant aggregates (Veldhuizen et al., 1996,
2001; Ito et al., 1997; Verbrugge et al., 1998a,b,c) (Fig. 5).
Surfactant changes caused by mechanical ventilation are
reversible as a result of a metabolically active process, involving
de novo production of surfactant (McClenahan & Urtnowski,
1967). It probably involves a balance between secretion and
production of large aggregates, and uptake clearance and Control 7/0 45/10 45/0
reconversion of small aggregates in the pneumocyte type II Figure 5 Ratio of non-active to active phosphorus (P) (non-active to
(Magoon et al., 1983). active surfactant) in rats ventilated for 20 min with peak inspiratory
pressures/positive end-expiratory pressures of: 45/0; 45/10; 7/0 and
non-ventilated controls. Group 45/0 had a significant conversion of
Consequences of surfactant changes for fluid balance and active to non-active total phosphorus during the ventilation period
compared with controls.
solute permeability of the alveolo-capillary barrier
The hypothesis proposed by Pattle (1955) and Clements (1961) by demonstrating increased transmural filtration pressure, in
that loss of active surfactant with an increase in alveolar surface experiments in which surfactant impairment was induced by
tension results in a decrease in pericapillary pressure was proved cooling the lung and ventilation with large tidal volume (Albert
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Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al. 71

et al., 1979) or by aerosolation of detergent (Bredenberg et al., above. Injury at such pressures is not limited to the endothelial
1986). cells but also causes breaks in type I cells (Tsukimoto et al.,
However, surfactant dysfunction has also been shown to 1991).
increase the permeability of the alveolo-capillary barrier to small 2 Surfactant inactivation caused by mechanical ventilation
solutes, e.g. technetium-99m-labelled diethylene triamine results in loss of the supportive ‘hoop’ function by surfactant
pentaacetic acid (99mTc-DTPA) in the absence of other substan- on the capillary wall. An increase in surface tension therefore
tial changes in the function of the alveolocapillary unit (Evander causes a reduction in perivascular pressure, with an increase in
et al., 1988), and increased surfactant content in healthy distending pressure on the capillary. Nieman et al. (1981)
ventilated rabbits was shown to reduce the permeability for showed that the number of alveoli with continuous blood flow
the same molecule (Bos et al., 1992). Surfactant is not only rate (zone III conditions) increases after lung lavage with a detergent
limiting for the transfer of small solutes; studies in both solution elevating surface tension.
premature animals (Jobe et al., 1983) and adult surfactant- 3 Longitudinal tension on the capillary due to lung overin-
depleted animals (Robertson et al., 1985) have shown that flation. Fu et al. (1992) have shown that increasing lung
surfactant treatment before starting mechanical ventilation volume by increasing transpulmonary pressure from 5 to
substantially reduces the transfer of albumin over the alveolo- 20 cmH2O at a constant capillary pressure of 32 cmH2O
capillary barrier. resulted in a significant increase in the number of endothelial
These studies indicate that surfactant has a primary role in the and epithelial type I breaks. The increase in the number of
regulation of the permeability of the alveolo-capillary barrier to endothelial breaks produced by equivalent increases in
small solutes and protein. This may be due to both a direct transpulmonary pressure and capillary transmural pressure
action of surfactant on the alveolo-capillary barrier and a was similar. Thus, vascular pressures too low to affect
reduction of the structural damage caused by mechanical microvascular permeability at low lung volume may increase
ventilation due to the presence of surfactant. microvascular permeability when the lung volume is suffi-
ciently increased.
Disturbed fluid balance over the capillary barrier caused by
mechanical ventilation Surfactant changes affect endothelial susceptibility to
breaks by mechanical ventilation
Functional integrity of both the endothelium and epithelium is a
prerequisite for maintaining a normal fluid balance at the Many studies in open and closed chest animals using different
alveolo-capillary membrane. Both increased capillary filtration approaches have shown that lung overinflation is associated
pressure and altered microvascular protein permeability have with changes in microvascular permeability (Webb & Tierney,
been shown to contribute to pulmonary oedema after lung 1974; Dreyfuss et al., 1985, 1988; Hernandez et al., 1989;
overinflation. Studies in open-chest large animals, which Carlton et al., 1990; Parker et al., 1990). The existence of a
indirectly calculated the capillary filtration pressure from pressure threshold above which microvascular permeability
measurements of mean pulmonary artery and left atrial changes occur has been suggested (Parker et al., 1984),
pressures after lung overinflation at peak inspiratory pressures although others suggested the absence of a well-delimited
of around 60 cmH2O, demonstrated a mild increase in mean pressure or volume threshold (Tsuno et al., 1990). Independ-
transmural microvascular pressure as a result of overinflation ent of this, it has become clear that microvascular injury
when compared with normal conditions (Carlton et al., 1990; secondary to ventilation occurs at much lower airway
Parker et al., 1990). However, any increase in transmural pressures and volumes in isolated perfused lungs with
microvscular pressure will have a dramatic effect on oedema inactivated surfactant, when compared with ventilation of
formation when the microvascular barrier has altered sieving healthy lungs (Coker et al., 1992). These studies suggest that
properties (Huchon et al., 1981). The three basic forces acting lungs with an impaired surfactant system are more susceptible
on the capillary wall which can eventually result in loss of its to overinflation than healthy lungs and that minor surfactant
functional integrity have been reviewed by West & Mathieu- alterations, such as those produced by spontaneous ventilation
Costello (1992). during prolonged anaesthesia (Huang et al., 1988; Ward &
1 An increase in the circumferential tension (which is directly Nicholas, 1992) are sufficient to synergistically increase the
proportional to the transcapillary wall pressure and the capillary harmful effects of overinflation on permeability of the
radius, and inversely proportional to the wall thickness). It may endothelial barrier (Dreyfuss et al., 1995).
be speculated that ventilation-induced surfactant impairment Similarly, whereas either oleic acid or mechanical ventilation
with alveolar collapse, hypoxic vasoconstriction and redistribu- in isolated lungs did not significantly affect capillary permeab-
tion of blood flow to selected capillaries, may increase ility, the combination of the two did (Hernandez et al., 1990).
transcapillary wall pressure and thus circumferential tension in Similarly studies in intact animals suggested a synergism rather
those capillaries. In principal, this will result in hydrostatic than additivity between lung injury induced by mechanical
oedema, but it may be speculated that it becomes of the ventilation and chemical substances (Dreyfuss et al., 1995) in
permeability type if transcapillary pressure reaches 40 mmHg or inducing endothelial permeability.
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72 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

Disturbed fluid balance over the epithelial barrier caused by

mechanical ventilation
It is known that the epithelium is more rate limiting for solute
and fluid movement between blood and alveolus than the
endothelium or interstitial spaces (Gorin & Stewart, 1979; Effros
et al., 1986). Effects of overinflation on epithelial permeability
have been studied in fluid-filled in situ lobes, to exclude the effect
of surface tension. As the epithelium is progressively stretched
during static inflation there is a non-reversible opening of
water-filled channels between alveolar cells resulting in free
diffusion of small solutes and even albumin across the epithelial
barrier (Egan et al., 1976; Kim & Crandall, 1982; Ramanathan
et al., 1990). Such changes were shown to occur only at high
distending pressures and have been attributed to peak inspir-
atory epithelial overstretching which occurs as a result of
inflation in the supra-physiological range only (Kim & Crandall,
1982). Experimental studies with small solutes like 99mTc-DTPA
have shown that the rate of clearance of this tracer from the
alveolar space increases with increases in lung volume, whether
caused by large tidal volume ventilation (Evander et al., 1990) or
PEEP (O’Brodovich et al., 1986).
As a result of damage of both the epithelial and endothelial
barrier, surfactant components may be lost into the blood-
stream (Winsel et al., 1976; Doyle et al., 1995; Robertson
et al., 1995). More importantly, protein will accumulate intra- Figure 6 Shear forces are caused between open and closed alveoli due
alveolarly which results in dose-dependent inhibition of to pulmonary interdependence of alveoli. This figure shows the
surfactant (Said et al., 1965; Seeger et al., 1985; Kobayashi difference between mechanical ventilation of normal alveoli (upper
et al., 1991; Lachmann et al., 1994). As surfactant is rate panel) and mechanical ventilation of the same alveolar unit after
limiting for the transfer of proteins over the alveolo-capillary surfactant inactivation (lower panel), which results in end-expiratory
collapse. In the normal situation the tissue between equally expanded
barrier, loss of surfactant function will lead to further protein alveoli (upper panel) will be much less stretched than in a situation in
infiltration. This may result in a self-triggering mechanism of which alveoli are not equally expanded (lower panel).
surfactant inactivation.
Important evidence for this mechanism comes from the
Surfactant changes as an explanation for epithelial breaks findings that ventilation at low lung volumes can also augment
caused by mechanical ventilation: repeated alveolar lung injury in lungs with an impaired surfactant system
collapse and re-expansion (Robertson, 1984; Muscedere et al., 1994). A study in a model
of subtle surfactant perturbation showed that surfactant changes
As discussed above, endothelial and epithelial overstretching
make the lung vulnerable to lung parenchymal injury by
with widening of intracellular junctions is considered the basic
mechanical ventilation (Taskar et al., 1997). These studies
mechanism for loss of alveolo-capillary barrier function.
confirm earlier work of Nilsson et al. (1980) in ventilated
However, one idea of VILI and epithelial stretching goes back
premature newborn rabbits with a primary surfactant deficiency.
to the pioneering work of Mead who demonstrated that because
Foetuses treated with surfactant before receiving mechanical
of pulmonary interdependence of alveoli (Fig. 6) the forces
ventilation had less bronchiolar epithelial lesions in comparison
acting on the fragile lung tissue in non-uniformly expanded
with nonsurfactant-treated controls.
lungs are not only the applied transpulmonary pressures, but
rather the shear forces that are present in the interstitium
between open and closed alveoli (Mead et al., 1970). An alveolus Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
with surfactant impairment would be predisposed to end-
Effect of PEEP on ventilation induced lung injury
expiratory alveolar collapse and prone to be affected by such
‘shear forces’. Shear forces, rather than end-inspiratory over- Initial studies have investigated the effect of increasing levels of
stretching, may well be the major reason for epithelial PEEP at constant tidal volume ventilation, which resulted in
disrupture and loss of barrier function of the alveolar epithelium higher end-inspiratory pressures and volumes. Such studies
and considerable increases in regional microvascular transmural found that increasing levels of PEEP reduced shunt (Caldini et al.,
pressure. 1975; Toung et al., 1977) and improved oxygenation and lung
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Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al. 73

mechanics (Hopewell & Murray, 1976) which was attributed to artery pressure or cardiac output was not recorded in that study
reopening of flooded alveoli with redistribution of oedema fluid (Dreyfuss & Saumon, 1993) and loss of the endothelial and
from flooded alveoli into the interstitial spaces (Permutt, 1979; epithelial barrier function was not differentiated. Moreover,
Pare et al., 1983; Malo et al., 1984). Such studies, however, also despite similar arterial pressures, the animals ventilated with
demonstrated that the use of high PEEP levels did not reduce PEEP that received dopamine had less oedema than animals
(Caldini et al., 1975; Hopewell & Murray, 1976; Hopewell, ventilated without PEEP, suggesting that reduced filtration by
1979) or even increase oedema formation (Toung et al., 1977; capillary compression is not the only reason for the reduction in
Demling, 1993). These findings have been reported in both oedema by PEEP and that other mechanisms are acting. These are
isolated perfused lungs (Caldini et al., 1975) and in closed-chest discussed below.
healthy animals (Hopewell & Murray, 1976) and closed-chest
animals with different forms of lung injury (Toung et al., 1977;
PEEP and the surfactant system: reduced filtration due to
Hopewell, 1979; Luce et al., 1983) or hydrostatic oedema
surfactant preservation
caused by lobar venous occlusion (Demling et al., 1975).
Overinflation caused by PEEP is probably the explanation for Experiments in the same rat model of overinflation have shown
the lack of reduction or even worsening of oedema reported a significant conversion of active into non-active surfactant
with PEEP during such experiments (Bshouty et al., 1988). aggregates compared with non-ventilated controls after lung
However, it has now been unequivocally demonstrated in overinflation; 10 cmH2O PEEP was shown to prevent a
different animal models that ventilation with PEEP at lower tidal significant conversion of large aggregates into small aggregates
volumes results in less oedema than ventilation without PEEP compared with non-ventilated controls (Verbrugge et al.,
and a higher tidal volume for the same peak or mean airway 1998a,b,c). This latter study suggests that the beneficial effect
pressure (Webb & Tierney, 1974; Bshouty et al., 1988; Dreyfuss of PEEP in reducing protein infiltration after overinflation at
et al., 1988; Corbridge et al., 1990) and that, more specifically, peak inspiratory pressure of 45 cmH2O without PEEP in rats is
PEEP prevents alveolar flooding (Webb & Tierney, 1974; partially attributable to a reduced filtration by surfactant
Verbrugge et al., 1998a,b,c). preservation (Verbrugge et al., 1998a,b,c).
Studies by Dreyfuss et al. (1988) in rats ventilated at peak Two basic mechanisms have been described in literature
inspiratory pressure of 45 cmH2O have shown that damage which explain the surfactant-preserving effect of PEEP during
caused by mechanical ventilation begins at the endothelial side mechanical ventilation. Wyszogrodski et al. (1975) have shown
after 5 min and rapidly progresses to the epithelium after that PEEP prevents a decrease in lung compliance and surface
20 min (Dreyfuss et al., 1988). A subsequent study showed a activity of lung extracts, indicating a prevention of loss of
reduction of endothelial injury and the preservation of the alveolar surfactant function during lung overinflation (Verb-
structure of the alveolar epithelium by use of 10 cmH2O of rugge et al., 1998a,b,c). It was suggested that PEEP prevents
PEEP, which was accompanied by a lack of alveolar flooding alveolar collapse and thus keeps the end-expiratory volume of
(Dreyfuss et al., 1985). alveoli at a higher level, thereby preventing excessive loss of
surfactant in the small airways by a squeeze-out mechanism
during expiration (Fig. 4) (Tyler, 1983; Houmes et al., 1992).
Reduced microvascular filtration due to capillary
Successive studies by Veldhuizen and colleagues have shown
compression by PEEP
that the rate of conversion of surfactant large into small
Several experiments in closed-chest animals have suggested that aggregates is dependent on tidal volume and on time (Veldhu-
PEEP reduces microvascular filtration pressure due to a decrease izen et al., 1996); changing the respiratory rate (Veldhuizen
in cardiac output (Caldini et al., 1975; Hopewell, 1979; et al., 1996) or the level of PEEP (Verbrugge et al., 1998a,b,c)
Colmenero-Ruiz et al., 1997). It was shown in rats ventilated did not affect surfactant conversion. These studies suggest that
at peak inspiratory pressure of 45 cmH2O that the main the preservation of the surfactant system by PEEP comes from
determinant of lung oedema formation is the end-inspiratory the reduction in cyclic changes in surface area by PEEP (Fig. 5).
lung volume independent of the level of PEEP (Dreyfuss & It should be noted, however, that at a higher FRC, comparable
Saumon, 1993). Infusion of dopamine to correct the drop in changes in tidal volume are accompanied by smaller surface area
systemic arterial pressure that occurs with PEEP was shown to changes compared with the same volume changes at lower FRC.
partially abolish the reduction in pulmonary oedema by PEEP Another study further tested the hypothesis that reduced
(Dreyfuss & Saumon, 1993). The effect of PEEP in reducing filtration as a result of surfactant preservation is responsible for
protein infiltration and permeability of the alveolo-capillary the reduction of oedema by PEEP. In this study, a high peak
barrier was attributed to a decrease in lung capillary hydrostatic inspiratory pressure ventilation without PEEP was preceded by
pressure and, therefore, filtration pressure (Dreyfuss & Saumon, administration of high amounts of exogenous surfactant
1993). Such a mechanism occurs at supraphysiological PEEP (Verbrugge et al., 1998a,b,c). Surfactant-preserved oxygenation
levels, higher than the level necessary to compensate for the and lung mechanics after 20 min of overinflation at peak
retractive forces of the alveolus, and is attributable to compres- inspiratory pressures of 45 cmH2O without PEEP and reduced
sion of the capillary by adjacent alveoli. However, pulmonary intra-alveolar accumulation of Evans blue dye (Verbrugge et al.,
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74 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

Alveolar injury caused by mechanical ventilation associated

with atelectasis occurred in remote non-atelectatic lung areas
and not in atelectatic areas. Non-injurious ventilation using high
PEEP prevented both alveolar and distal airway injury (Tsuchida
et al., 2006).

Inflammatory mediator release due to mechanical


Control 45/0 S100 S200 S400 Tremblay et al. (1997) demonstrated that injurious ventilation
Figure 7 This figure shows Evans blue dye recovery after 20 min from strategies could induce cytokine release. Using an isolated non-
the broncho-alveolar lavage fluid after intravenous injection of perfused rat lung model they demonstrated that ventilation with
30 mg kg)1 Evans blue in non-ventilated control rats (control), and rats high volumes (40 ml kg)1 body weight, BW) and no PEEP
ventilated with peak pressure/PEEP of 45/0 which received resulted in increased levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a,
100 mg kg)1 (S100), 200 mg kg)1 (S200), 400 mg kg)1 (S400) or no
interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-6, macrophage inflammatory protein
intratracheal surfactant (45/0) prior to mechanical ventilation.
(MIP)-2, interferon (IFN)-c and IL-10, both in the presence of
an inflammatory stimulus (lipopolysaccharide induced) or in a
1998a,b,c), have been shown to have a good correlation with non-stimulated lung (Tremblay et al., 1997). Ventilation with a
extravasation of 125I-albumin (Rogers et al., 1989) (Fig. 7). lower volume (15 ml kg)1 BW) without PEEP, resulted in only
These data provide strong evidence that besides peak inspiratory a significant effect on the above-mentioned cytokines in the
overstretching after lung overinflation, surfactant inactivation preinflamed lung (Tremblay et al., 1997). Addition of PEEP of
plays a key role in ventilation-induced intra-alveolar oedema 10 cmH2O almost prevented this increase of cytokine release.
formation and that the effect of PEEP in reducing lung The observation that ventilation-induced cytokine release is
permeability to protein is at least partially attributable to its dependent on the level of ‘priming’ of the inflammatory milieu
effect on preservation of the surfactant system. In a subsequent is corroborated by other studies (Verbrugge et al., 1999; Ricard
study, it was also demonstrated that exogenous surfactant can be et al., 2001). Ricard et al. (2001) (in a similar set of experi-
used to treat VILI once it is established (Vazquez de Anda et al., ments) failed to show any effect of ventilation on cytokine
2001). releases without a prestimulus. Similarly release of any TNF-a
during different ventilation strategies could not be demonstrated
in vivo in healthy lungs (Verbrugge et al., 1999). In contrast,
Splinting open alveolar lung units with an increased
ventilation of an ‘inflamed’ lung has been shown to result in
collapse tendency by PEEP
release of cytokines (Tremblay et al., 1997; Chiumello et al.,
The utilization of PEEP to splint open the airways and alveoli at 1999; Ricard et al., 2001). One of the proposed mechanisms for
end-expiration in surfactant-deficient lungs may markedly increased mediator levels found in injuriously ventilated lungs
reduce lung injury (Fig. 6). Studies in both saline-lavaged or in the serum of these animals is the loss of compartmen-
isolated perfused rat lungs (Muscedere et al., 1994) and saline- talization (Nelson et al., 1989; Haitsma et al., 2000, 2002). The
lavaged intact animals (Argiras et al., 1987; Sandhar et al., 1988) concept of compartmentalization states that the inflammatory
have shown that ventilation strategies which keep the alveoli response remains compartmentalized in the area of the body
open throughout the respiratory cycle by sufficiently high levels where it is produced, i.e. in the alveolar space or in the systemic
of PEEP induce significantly less morphological injury (Lach- circulation (Nelson et al., 1989; Haitsma et al., 2000, 2002).
mann et al., 1982a,b) with better preservation of pulmonary Compartmentalization of TNF-a (a proinflammatory cytokine)
compliance than strategies in which alveolar collapse is allowed is lost after ventilator-induced lung injury (Haitsma et al., 2000).
at end-expiration. Although healthy lungs do not seem to be This loss of compartmentalization is dependent on the amount
damaged when terminal units are repeatedly opened or closed of active surfactant present at the alveolar-capillary membrane
for short periods by negative end-expiratory pressure [which (Haitsma et al., 2002). Preserving the endogenous surfactant
nevertheless reduces compliance and alters gas exchange (Taskar system with PEEP will (further) reduce this loss of compart-
et al., 1997)], it does become clear from what is discussed mentalization (Haitsma et al., 2002).
above, that early surfactant changes, which may be induced by Imai et al. (2003) in a rabbit acid-aspiration lung injury
mechanical ventilation itself, predispose lungs for VILI by model demonstrated that ventilation without PEEP and high
repeated opening and closure of alveolar units (Taskar et al., tidal volume resulted in increased levels of end-organ epithelial
1997). In a rat model of surfactant deficiency, a recent study by cell apoptosis (injurious ventilation 10Æ9%; non-injurious
Tsuchida et al. (2006) showed that distal airway injury caused 1Æ86%). Kidneys are amongst the first organs to fail during
by injurious mechanical ventilation using low PEEP does not multi-organ failure (Wardle, 1994). In the study of Imai et al.
remain confined to atelectatic lung areas but instead is (2003) especially renal tubular epithelial cells showed increased
generalized to both atelectatic and non-atelectatic regions. levels of apoptosis linking injurious ventilation with possible
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Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al. 75

course of infection in terms of reducing bacterial counts

recovered from the lung tissue after prolonged mechanical
ventilation of lungs inoculated with bacteria (Tilson et al.,
1977). Moreover, avoiding high peak transpulmonary pressures
and preserving end-expiratory lung volume with PEEP has been
shown to reduce translocation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Tilson
et al., 1977), Escherichia coli (Nahum et al., 1997) and Klebsiella
pneumoniae (Verbrugge et al., 1998a,b,c) from the lung into the
bloodstream. In addition, reducing the degree of atelectasis by
naturally modified surfactant and/or open lung ventilation, has
been shown to decrease bacterial growth and translocation in a
piglet model of group B streptococcal pneumonia (van Kaam
et al., 2004). Exogenous surfactant before instillation of strepto-
cocci attenuated both bacterial growth and translocation, and
Figure 8 Organ–organ interaction, which can perpetuate the secondary
multiple organ failure. The inflammatory lung as seen with adult prevented clinical deterioration. This goal was also achieved by
respiratory distress syndrome is the initiating focus, which may be a reversing atelectasis in lavaged animals via open lung ventilation
source of inflammatory mediators, endotoxaemia and bacteria. GI, (see below). Combining both exogenous surfactant and open
gastrointestinal. lung ventilation prevented bacterial translocation completely,
comparable with group B streptococci instillation into healthy
organ failure as observed in many patients with ARDS. Plasma animals (van Kaam et al., 2004). These experiments showed that
obtained from the rabbits that underwent the injurious a reduction in atelectasis, thus preventing repeated opening and
ventilation strategy induced higher levels of apoptosis in collapse of atelectatic lung units (atelectrauma) during mechan-
cultured renal cells in vitro, suggesting that circulating soluble ical ventilation, is at least partially responsible for the decrease in
factors associated with the injurious mechanical ventilation bacterial growth and translocation (van Kaam et al., 2004). We
might be involved in this process (Imai et al., 2003). Fas:Ig, a have to keep in mind that ventilation should be set to the
fusion protein that blocks soluble Fas ligand (a pro-apoptotic individual need of the lung. Ventilation with end-expiratory
molecule), attenuated this induction of apoptosis in vitro. In pressures higher than required for optimal gas exchange also
plasma samples from patients included in a previous random- promotes bacterial translocation in terms of time to bacteraemia
ized controlled trial (Ranieri et al., 1999, 2000) lower levels of and absolute numbers of colony forming unit (CFUs) found in
soluble Fas ligand were found in the group ventilated with a arterial blood (R. Lachmann, unpublished data).
lung protective ventilation compared with the conventionally The same principle of translocation applies to endotoxin
ventilated group (Imai et al., 2003). These data link together derived from the lung, which may translocate as a result of
distant organ changes/failure and mechanical ventilation. detrimental forms of mechanical ventilation (Murphy et al.,
Injurious ventilation strategies besides inducing an inflamma- 2000). These data suggest that ventilation-induced changes in
tory response in the lung, also downregulate the peripheral the barrier function of the lung epithelium and/or endothelium
immune response (Vreugdenhil et al., 2004). Vreugdenhil et al. to bacteria may, to a certain extent, contribute to the
(2004) observed a decrease in MIP-2 and IL-10 production, development of bacteraemia and endotoxaemia as it is seen in
splenocyte proliferation, splenic natural killer cell activity and multiple organ failure.
IFN-c production during injurious ventilation (Vreugdenhil
et al., 2004). Again demonstrating that besides a local effect on
Lung protective ventilation in ARDS: the open
the lung itself, injurious ventilation also affects other cells and
lung strategy
organs (Vreugdenhil et al., 2004) (Fig. 8).
Lung protective ventilation
Endotoxaemia and ventilation-induced bacterial Introduction
translocation from the lung
In an ARDS lung or a lung that is susceptible to develop ARDS a
Based on the observation that mechanically ventilated ARDS higher level of inflammation is present. Although ARDS is
patients often develop pneumonia (Fabregas et al., 1996) and characterized by a P/F ratio in the AECC on ARDS (Bernard et al.,
septicaemia the question may be raised whether damaging 1994), patients do not die from hypoxaemia but rather die from
mechanical ventilation can promote bacteraemia and/or sepsis multi-organ failure (Ferring & Vincent, 1997; Esteban et al.,
(Fig. 8). It is conceivable that bacteria more readily gain access 2002). Increased levels of inflammatory mediators correlate
to the circulation from damaged lung parenchyma than from with the development of ARDS (Donnelly et al., 1993) and high
previously normal lung tissue (Johanson et al., 1985; Seidenfeld bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) levels of these mediators in ARDS
et al., 1986). It has been established that preserving end- lungs have been described extensively (Chollet-Martin et al.,
expiratory lung volume with PEEP has a beneficial effect on the 1993; Goodman et al., 1996; Park et al., 2001). Furthermore,
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76 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

persistent high levels of inflammatory mediators in the lung protective ventilation? Especially ventilation with large tidal
over time correlate with poor outcome (Meduri et al., 1995). volumes combined with end-expiratory alveolar collapse and
Similarly, plasma levels of inflammatory mediators correlate the subsequent appearance of shear forces should be minimized.
with severity of ARDS and subsequent outcome (Meduri et al., However, additional guidelines could help to reduce mortality
1995; Headley et al., 1997). Headly investigated the role of even further. In 1982 and 1992 Lachmann suggested such a
inflammatory plasma cytokines during infections and systemic ventilation strategy (Lachmann et al., 1982a,b; Lachmann,
inflammation, and the subsequent development and progression 1992). In the 1992 editorial entitled ‘Open up the lung and
of ARDS (Headley et al., 1997). The final outcome of ARDS keep the lung open’ he explained his lung protective guidelines.
patients correlated with the magnitude and duration of the host There are three steps to open the lung as described by
inflammatory response in the serum and was independent of the Lachmann:
precipitating cause of ARDS or the occurrence of infections. 1 a critical opening pressure must be overcome during
Similar observations were made in multiple trauma patients in inspiration;
which high concentrations of cytokines correlated with the 2 this opening pressure must be maintained for a sufficiently
development of ARDS and finally multi-organ failure (Roumen long period of time;
et al., 1993). In healthy patients no effect on plasma levels of 3 during expiration, no critical time that would allow closure of
mediators were observed during 1 h of mechanical ventilation; lung units should pass, by using intrinsic PEEP or applying
even ventilation with high tidal volumes on zero end-expiratory sufficiently high PEEP levels which prevent alveolar collapse.
pressure did not result in higher cytokine levels compared with
lung protective ventilatory strategies (Wrigge et al., 2000).
What is an open lung and why should it be opened?
Previous lung damage seems to be mandatory to cause an
increase in plasma cytokines after 1 h of high tidal volume When a lung is ‘open’ it is characterized by an optimal gas
ventilation (Wrigge et al., 2000). In addition, Ranieri et al. exchange (Lachmann, 1992) and a low rate of intrapulmonary
(1999, 2000) linked increased levels of serum inflammatory shunting (ideally <10%) corresponding with a PaO2 of more
mediators to organ failure in patients suffering from ARDS. than 450 mmHg (60 kPa) on pure oxygen (Kesecioglu et al.,
These increased serum levels of inflammatory mediators were 1994a). At the same time, airway pressures are at the minimum
observed in patients ventilated with conventional ventilation; in that ensure the required gas exchange; haemodynamic side-
contrast, a lung protective ventilatory strategy (high PEEP, low effects are thus minimized (Lachmann, 1992). All alveoli are
tidal volume) minimized the inflammatory response and almost equally expanded, minimizing shear forces reducing any
subsequently had a lower incidence of organ failure (Ranieri further damage or progression of lung injury. An open lung
et al., 1999, 2000; Stuber et al., 2002). corresponds with the ‘normal state of a healthy lung’. All alveoli
The concept of loss of compartmentilization of cytokines are expanded and although they change size during respiration
from the lung was also demonstrated in patients with ALI by no alveoli collapse. Ashbaugh et al. (1967) already described the
Stuber et al. (2002). In their study, plasma and BAL cytokines consequences of closed lung units: hypoxaemia, intrapulmonary
were measured in patients initially during lung protective shunt and atelectasis, with a high risk of infection, multi-organ
mechanical ventilation (PEEP of 15 cmH2O; tidal volume failure and finally death. Thus an open lung has no (or minimal
5 ml kg)1). Thereafter, ventilation was changed to a more numbers of) collapsed alveoli. In ARDS/ALI atelectasis is a
conventional ventilatory setting (5 cmH2O PEEP and a tidal hallmark of the disease (Bernard et al., 1994), so the first step in
volume of 12 ml kg)1) for 6 h and switched back to protective an open lung is to open up the atelectatic areas.
ventilation again. It was demonstrated that plasma cytokines
increased when switching from protective to conventional
Recruiting the lung
ventilation and decreased again after switching back
to protective ventilation. In contrast, BAL cytokines continued To recruit the collapsed alveoli to improve gas exchange a high
to increase even when mechanical ventilation was switched back opening pressure is needed. The rationale behind the high
to protective ventilation again. Thus, in patients with ALI opening pressure to recruit the lung and the need for lower
initiation of low PEEP high tidal volume ventilation is associated pressures to keep the alveoli open can be deduced from the P–V
with cytokine release into the circulation and this loss of curve of an individual alveolus (Fig. 9). The behaviour of an
compartmentalization of cytokines can be reversed by protective alveolus is quantal in nature; it is either open or closed (Bond &
ventilation with high PEEP despite further increased production Froese, 1993). A critical opening pressure has to be reached
of cytokines in the lung (Stuber et al., 2002). before previously collapsed alveoli can be opened. Once open,
These facts demonstrate that when lungs of ARDS patients are alveoli remain open until the pressure drops below a critical
mechanically ventilated, ventilation that will increase the level and immediate collapse occurs. Re-opening again requires
inflammation response should be minimized and the barrier the high recruiting pressure. Any state between open and closed
function of the lung should be preserved. Using a lung is unstable and impossible to maintain. After opening of the
protective ventilation, the outcome of these patients can be alveoli, they should be kept open by using a ventilator setting
improved. So what guidelines or rules should we use in lung which will keep the pressure above the critical closing pressure
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Monitoring an open lung: visual imaging techniques
A cumbersome technique to define the state of openness of the
lung is the use of computer tomography (CT) or magnetic
resonance imaging. These techniques allow optimal visualization
of individual lung areas and can even produce almost movie-like
images of the lung in motion during ventilation (Gattinoni et al.,
1994). However, both these techniques are not readily available
on the intensive care ward and demand transportation of the
Figure 9 Physiological behaviour of the alveolus. The pressure–volume patient to other wards resulting in a less convenient and expensive
(P–V) relationship is shown on the xy axes. On the right side, the technique to find out whether a lung is open.
status of the broncho-alveolar unit; its radius (r) reflects the P–V A relatively new technique which can be used at the bedside of
relationship (I–IV). Surface tension in pathological (T1) and normal patients to visualize the aeration of lung is electrical impedance
conditions (T2) is shown. The arrows indicate the direction from closed
(bottom) to open (top) states and vice versa.
tomography (Kunst et al., 2000). In this technique changes in
impedance caused by lung volume changes in a 2D image plane
of the alveolus, i.e. with a sufficient high PEEP level. Because the are registered and plotted against time. Using this technique the
alveoli are open during the whole ventilation period no collapse lower inflection point and upper deflection point can be
of alveoli occurs, reducing shear forces to a minimal level. determined which correspond with traditional P–V curve points
which help determine the total amount of lung recruited (i.e.
Open lung strategy open) (Kunst et al., 2000). Although this latter technique shows
great promise as a bedside tool to characterize an open lung, it is
The open lung strategy describes the steps and methods used to now only used experimentally and needs further development and
safely open the lung and how to keep it open. Figure 10 shows the validation to obtain its rightful place as a bedside tool. A similar
predetermined sequence of therapeutic phases, each with its technique is the use of optoelectric plethysmography; in this
specific treatment objective (Lachmann, 1992; Bond & Froese, technique thorax volume changes are recorded by reflective
1993). As shown in Fig. 10, the goal of the initial increase in markers positioned on the body and recorded through cameras on
inspiratory pressure is to recruit collapsed alveoli and to determine an automatic motion analyser (Aliverti et al., 2000). This
the critical opening pressure. Then, the minimum pressures that technique has shown to accurately register volume changes
prevent the lung from collapse are determined. Finally, after an during respiration. However, markers are placed on the body
active re-opening strategy sufficient pressure is applied to keep the requiring accurate positioning and the line of site of these markers
lung open. After opening the lung and finding the lowest pressure and the registration cameras should not be interrupted (by sheets
to keep it open, the resulting pressure amplitude is minimized and or other registration devices, etc.) (Aliverti et al., 2000). Besides
at the same time pulmonary gas exchange is maximized. A the direct methods, a number of indirect methods exist which can
reduction of the total level of support is generally possible after a help determine the state of the openness of the lung.
successful alveolar recruitment (Boehm & Lachmann, 1996).
Should a renewed collapse of alveoli occur, often caused by
intrapulmonary suction or disconnection, a fall in PaO2 indicates Monitoring an open lung: non-visual imaging techniques
that a re-opening strategy has to be performed in the same way as In strain gauge plethysmography, a mercury strain senses
previously described. changes in lung volume indirectly by measuring changes in
chest circumference through a change in electric resistance
(Sumner, 1985). After calibration with a known volume with
the gauge in situ, changes in lung volume can be measured as
accurately as in millilitres (Sumner, 1985). This technique can
be used to determine the upper and lower inflection point of the
P–V curve of the lung (Kunst et al., 2000), but this technique
cannot define the state of openness of the lung.
Arterial oxygen tension is a traditional tool used to obtain
indirect information on the lung function. When using 100%
oxygen an arterial oxygen tension above 450 mmHg (60 kPa)
characterizes an open lung. The registration of PaO2 by
continuous online intra-arterial measurements facilitates this
Figure 10 Schematic representation of the opening procedure for
collapsed lungs. Note: The imperatives (!) mark the treatment goal of each process (Fig. 11). Because direct intra-arterial measurements
specific intervention. The bold words mark the achieved state of the lung. quickly respond (seconds) to changes in oxygenation, this
At the beginning the precise amount of collapsed lung tissue is not known. allows rapid adjustment of ventilation. Furthermore, when
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78 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

recruitable lung areas are still available a further recruitment sensor, but transcutaneous saturation sensors messengers can
procedure will result in an additional rise of PaO2 (Fig. 11). serve as a non-optimal online alternative.
When the maximal recruitment has been reached a further If offline arterial blood gases are used, this will require
increase of inspiratory pressures will not lead to a further rise in frequent sampling during the establishment of an ‘open lung’. It
arterial oxygenation, indicating that the lung is open. When the is also mandatory that arterial blood gas sample handling should
inspiratory pressures are increased even further this will lead to a be strictly adhered to prevent any air bubbles in the sample.
decrease in PaO2 because of V/Q mismatching. With this very Because high oxygen values will rapidly equilibrate to the partial
sensitive technique even small areas of atelectasis can be actively oxygen tension of the room, this leads to misinterpretation of
recruited. When searching for the minimal pressure needed to results, and thus unnecessary adjustments of the ventilation.
maintain an open lung, a decrease in pressures below the critical Besides arterial oxygenation the determination of the FRC can
closing level will result in an immediate decrease in arterial help establish how ‘open’ a lung is. The interpretation of this
oxygenation (Fig. 11). measurement should not be made without a corresponding
In principal one can use any FiO2 that one deems safe, but arterial blood gas measurement. Because an increase of FRC will
especially in critically ill patients (ARDS) this could lead to a not always be due to an increase of recruitable lung area (e.g.
(temporary) period of severe hypoxia, when searching for the atelectasis), it can also be due to overinflation of a still reduced
closing pressure. Furthermore at a high FiO2 level it is easier to FRC. The corresponding PaO2 will immediately differentiate
recognize small atelectasis which could be missed at lower FiO2 between recruitment or overinflation. The PaO2 would immedi-
levels due to the inherent margin of error of every machine. To ately increase during recruitment but not during overinflation.
avoid such complications, one could use an FiO2 of 100%. The Another simple method, which is very effective in opening larger
use of this technique is easier with an intra-arterial oxygen atelectatic areas, is the use of the physician’s best friend ‘the
stethoscope’. When listening to the lung the presence of crackles
and crepitant rales indicates that during ventilation alveoli are still
collapsing and actively reopening in the subsequent inspiratory
phase (Ploysongsang et al., 1989). It does not tell if the lung is
open or not. If one would hear crepitant rales however, it will
indicate that fluid moves into the airways, which means that the
applied PEEP is too low. In an ‘open lung’ these sounds will not be
present. These crackles can best be heard in the dependent lung
Figure 11 Original registration of on-line blood gases of an experi- areas; it can however be difficult to distinguish the crackles in a
mental animal model of acute respiratory failure. The lungs of a pig were mechanically ventilated patient from other sounds.
lavaged and ventilated in a volume controlled mode with positive end-
expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 5 cmH2O, tidal volume of 15 ml kg)1 BW
and a respiratory rate of 15 bpm, obtaining a PaO2 < 50 mmHg P-V curves
(6Æ7 kPa) at an FiO2 ¼ 1Æ0. Thereafter, the lung was opened by a peak
airway pressure of 40, 50 and 60 cmH2O successively, which resulted in As mentioned before, the behavior of an individual alveolus is
a PaO2 above 500 mmHg (66Æ7 kPa) (1). After this opening-up quantal in nature, either open or closed. The P–V curve of a lung is
procedure, the lungs could be kept open at a peak airway pressure of the accumulation of millions of these alveoli. Looking at a P–V
31 cmH2O with a total PEEP of 18 cmH2O (1). The animal was than
curve a distinct inflation and deflation curve can be seen.
disconnected and the alveoli were left to collapse. Peak inspiratory
pressures of 40–60 cmH2O were now insufficient to re-open the alveoli Figure 12 shows the pressure–volume (P–V) relationship of the
(2). During period (3) several attempts were made to treat the sick lung lung, representing the cumulative behaviour of all alveoli. When a
with more conventional ways of mechanical ventilation, which all failed lung is collapsed the remaining volume will be almost zero and
to restore arterial oxygenation. Thereafter, an increase up to 75 cmH2O increasing the pressure will lead to a rise in volume. The inflation
peak inspiratory pressure, followed by a peak inspiratory pressure of
limb of the P–V curve shows the changes in lung volume during
65 cmH2O with total PEEP levels of 15–20 cmH2O, was not able to
restore arterial oxygenation to >500 mmHg (66Æ7 kPa) at an FiO2 ¼ incremental airway pressures and usually contains a so-called
1Æ0 (4). During period (5) the lung was step-wise recruited by lower inflection point. Above this point lung volume suddenly
increasing peak inspiratory pressure up to 100 cmH2O. A increases. As lung volume approaches total lung capacity (TLC)
PaO2 > 500 mmHg (66Æ7 kPa) was achieved with full lung recruitment. the inflation limb flattens off. The deflation limb represents the
The animal was than disconnected again from the ventilator. In period
changes in lung volume during decremental airway pressures
(6), The lung was recruited with a peak airway pressure of 100 cmH2O
with a total PEEP of 24 cmH2O, and the lung could be kept open with a starting at TLC. Lung volume is initially maintained (increased
peak inspiratory pressure of 48 cmH2O and a total PEEP of 21 cmH2O radius) as pressures are lowered but eventually decreases due to
thereafter. The animal was disconnected again, fully recruited at a peak progressive alveolar collapse.
pressure of 100 cmH2O, but peak pressure was than reduced to Thus, when a P–V curve is obtained during ventilation
40 cmH2O, which was insufficient to keep the lung open. Period (8)
(most common) a period of active recruitment of collapsed
indicates the start of a new recruitment manoeuvre after the last
disconnection. Note: Repeated disconnection of a sick lung results in a more severe stage alveoli will lead to an increase in volume as can be observed
of respiratory failure which requires higher opening pressures [compare period (1) with by an increased slope of the inflation limb. Finally the slope
periods (6–7)]. of the inflation limb will flatten which can be interpreted as
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et al., 1998; Brower et al., 1999). These studies used tidal

volumes of 7 ml kg)1 in the low tidal volume study groups
and tidal volumes of 10 ml kg)1 in the control groups. A
study by the ARDS network group using a tidal volume of
6 ml kg)1 lean body weight and a peak inspiratory pressure
<30 cmH2O in a protective ventilation group and a tidal
volume of 12 ml kg)1 BW and a maximum peak inspiratory
pressure of 50 cmH2O in a control group, showed a reduced
mortality (Anonymous, 2000). Explanations given for the
difference in outcome between this trial and the other three
trials included the larger difference in tidal volume between
the study groups in this trial, the power of the study (the
ARDS Network used 861 patients, while the other studies
Figure 12 Pressure–volume relationship of the lung showing the used a maximum of 120 patients) and the aggressive
inflation (solid line) and deflation limb (dashed line). Note the clear treatment/prevention of acidose in the ARDS Network study.
difference in lung volume between both limbs at identical pressures. Furthermore, in the ARDS Network study only 12% of the
screened patients were randomized while the mortality in the
maximal recruitment, and subsequent deflation will lead to excluded group was higher than those included in the trial
the characteristic deflation curve. As shown in Fig. 12, (Suchyta et al., 2001; Esteban et al., 2002). Increased levels of
however, it is possible that not all recruitable lung tissue IL-6 proinflammatory cytokine in the serum were observed
has been recruited at the pressure used at the lower inflection after 3 days of ventilation in the control arm of the study
point, and a further increment of the pressure could result in when compared with the reduced tidal volume group.
an additional increase of arterial oxygenation and a recruit- Another randomized controlled study by Amato et al.
ment of still collapsed alveoli. Translating this to the P–V (1998) showed a reduced mortality in 53 patients by using
curve means that increasing the pressure on this lung even a lung protective ventilation strategy. Their study used a tidal
further would lead to an additional increase in volume (e.g. volume of 12 ml kg)1 BW in a control group and a tidal
recruitment). Thus, there is still ongoing recruitment above volume of 6 ml kg)1 BW in a study group with permissive
the lower inflection point. If this second recruitment hypercapnia up to a pH of 7Æ2. In the study group, a low
procedure with higher pressures had not been performed, tidal volume was combined with a high PEEP level, a
the original P–V curve would be considered as the represen- recruitment manoeuvre and maximum pressure amplitudes
tative curve of this lung, without obtaining the P–V curve above the PEEP level of 20 cmH2O. A more recent similar
corresponding with an ‘open lung’. study was conducted by Villar et al. (2006) in 103 patient
Mathematical models and animal experiments have shown that with demonstrated persistent ARDS 24 h after initially
adequate recruitment of collapsed alveoli followed by optimal meeting ARDs criteria while on standard ventilator settings
stabilization with adequate levels of PEEP, will place ventilation on (Villar et al., 2006). Their study used a tidal volume of 9–
the more steeply sloped deflation limb of the P–V curve 11 ml kg)1 predicted body weight in a control group and a
(Rimensberger et al., 1999; Hickling, 2001). By only using the tidal volume of 5–8 ml kg)1 predicted bodyweight in a study
P–V curve though, it may be difficult to differentiate between group. In both groups ventilatory frequency was adjusted to
alveolar collapse or a general decrease of lung volume. These two maintain pCO2 between 35 and 50 mmHg (4Æ7–6Æ7 kPa).
phenomena will be differentiated by measuring the PaO2. When compared with conventional ventilation, the protective
strategy was associated with improved ICU mortality (32%
versus 53Æ3%), improved hospital mortality (34% versus
What did we learn from human studies on
55Æ5%) and a higher number of ventilator-free days at
mechanical ventilation?
28 days (6Æ02 versus 10Æ9). The mean difference in the
Limiting peak inspiratory pressures/volumes number of additional organ failures postrandomization was
higher in the control group (Villar et al., 2006).
Clinical studies
Ranieri et al. (1999, 2000) showed a correlation between an
Hickling et al. (1990) demonstrated that limiting peak increased concentration of inflammatory mediators in the serum
inspiratory pressures to <30–40 cmH2O during mechanical of ARDS patients and non-pulmonary organ or system failure
ventilation of ARDS patients by reducing tidal volumes and (circulatory, coagulation and renal). The increase in serum levels
allowing permissive hypercapnia [up to a arterial CO2 of of inflammatory mediators was found in patients ventilated with
70 mmHg (9Æ3 kPa)] could reduce mortality from ARDS high tidal volumes (average of 11Æ1 ml kg)1 BW). Patients
(Hickling et al., 1990). However, three subsequent controlled ventilated with protective forms of mechanical ventilation with
trials using permissive hypercapnia could not demonstrate an low tidal volumes (average of 7Æ6 ml kg)1) and maximal peak
improved patient outcome (Brochard et al., 1998; Stewart inspiratory pressures of 35 cmH2O had lower concentrations of
 2007 The Authors
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80 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

serum and BAL inflammatory mediators. The decrease in Lachmann et al. (1982a,b) applied total PEEP levels of
concentration of inflammatory cytokines was correlated with an 20 cmH2O in six patients with ARDS and demonstrated
decrease in multisystem organ failure (MSOF) especially in the markedly improved oxygenation ratios and optimalized carbon
number of patients with renal failure. dioxide removal using more intrinsic PEEP, which generally
allows better control of CO2 removal when compared with static
PEEP. In sharp contrast to these two studies, a recently published
Limitations and controversies
multicentre European study reported survival rates of only 32%
An increase in arterial CO2 concentration during permissive in patients with ARDS and found that ARDS patients initially
hypercapnia can induce vasodilatation, an increase in pulse received PEEP levels of only 8 cmH2O (Brun-Buisson et al.,
frequency, blood pressure and cardiac output (Sevransky et al., 2004). Thus, the initial proof of the beneficial effects of high
2004) and a decrease in renal blood flow (Kuiper et al., 2005). The PEEP levels in patients with ARDS of the earlier days of
use of permissive hypercapnia is limited in patients with pre- ventilatory research unfortunately seems to have been left again
existing metabolic acidosis and contraindicated in patients with in the years thereafter. In recent years, there has been a renewed
increased intracranial pressures (ICPs) (Tasker & Peters, 1998). interest in the concept of higher levels of PEEP in ARDS. The
Considering hypercapnia and lung function, it has been suggested studies by Amato et al. (1998) and by Villar et al. (2006) showed
that hypercapnia by itself may have protective effects (Kavanagh & a significantly lower mortality in ARDS patients when combi-
Laffey, 2006) which are not related to reductions in lung stretch. ning low tidal volume ventilation with high levels of PEEP (17
However, in mechanically ventilated animals hypercapnia, as and 13Æ4 cmH2O respectively) using PEEP levels of 1–2 cmH2O
opposed to eucapnia, was shown to aggrevate the amount of above the lower inflection point of a static P–V curve when
protein infiltration across the alveolo-capillary membrane and compared with mechanical ventilation with high tidal volumes
increase the lung tissue wet/dry ratio in response to lipopoly- and lower PEEP levels (8 and 9Æ8 cmH2O respectively). When
saccharide exposure (Lang et al., 2005). We have to realize that the compared with three negative studies using low tidal volumes
incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia may be as high as (Brochard et al., 1998; Stewart et al., 1998; Brower et al., 1999)
71% and that, thus, hypercapnia may aggrevate the disease state of the level of PEEP in Amato’s study and Villar’s study was higher
the lung in a majority of ventilated patients with ARDS (Chastre & (Fig. 13).
Fagon, 2002). Further, considering hypercapnia and/or hypoxia, In the ARDS Network trial the low tidal volume group had a
even small and short-lasting disturbances of PaCO2 and PaO2 may slightly higher set PEEP of 9 cmH2O compared with a set PEEP
lead to impairment of cognitive function in ICU patients such as of 8 cmH2O in the control group (Anonymous, 2000).
delirium (Truman & Ely, 2003) which has been shown to be a However, the increased respiratory rate (to help prevent
predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated ICU patients (Ely acidosis) used in the low tidal volume group may have resulted
et al., 2004). in intrinsic PEEP which contributed to a higher total PEEP
Protective ventilatory strategies that lead to hypercapnia may (16 cmH2O) in this group (Lee et al., 2001; de Durante et al.,
be clinically acceptable, provided the clinician is primarily 2002) compared with the 12 cmH2O in the traditional tidal
targeting reduced tidal stretch (Laffey et al., 2004). There are no volume group. This higher total PEEP could help explain the
clinical data that support the practice of buffering hypercapnic decrease in mortality observed in this group (Fig. 13).
acidosis (Laffey et al., 2004). Clinical trials using lung protective
ventilatory strategies have accepted pH limits of up to 7Æ2
(Amato et al., 1998). PEEP (cmH2O)


There is clinical evidence that during mechanical ventilation in 12
ARDS patients tidal volumes should be limited to <6 ml kg)1 if 10
possible. Peak inspiratory pressures should be limited to 30– 8
35 cmH2O or the pressure amplitudes above PEEP should not be
higher than 15–20 cmH2O and hypercapnia could be prevented 4
by higher respiratory rates.
Brochard Brower Stewart Amato ARDSNet Villar

Using PEEP in ARDS patients Figure 13 Total positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) levels applied
in studies on protective mechanical ventilation. Studies used are by
Clinical studies Brochard et al. (1998), Brower et al. (1999), Stewart et al. (1998), Amato
et al. (1998), the ARDSnet with intrinsic PEEP modification from de
Kirby et al. (1975) already used total PEEP levels of 30 cmH2O Durante et al. (2002) and Villar et al. (2006). Gray bars represent the
in 28 patients with ARDS and demonstrated an overall survival PEEP levels in the lung protective strategies and the white bars represent
rate of 61% in this group of ventilated ARDS patients. Similarly, the PEEP levels in the control arms of the corresponding studies.
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Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al. 81

In 2004, the ARDS Network published a follow-up study, 1638 ventilated ICU patients studied had a PEEP level above
investigating whether increased PEEP levels combined with low 15 cmH2O. It is known that high PEEP levels in the range of
tidal volume ventilation affects outcome compared with the low 15 cmH2O and above are necessary to prevent repetitive
tidal volume ventilation used in their previous study (Brower collapse of alveoli and thus reduce shear forces in ARDS patients
et al., 2004). The data and safety monitoring board stopped the (Gattinoni et al., 1995). Furthermore, only studies using PEEP
trial at the second interim analysis, after 549 patients had been levels above 13Æ5 cmH2O in their protective arm have demon-
enrolled, on the basis of the specified futility stopping rule. strated a reduction in mortality (Amato et al., 1998; Ranieri
Although in this study no benefit in outcome was observed et al., 1999; Anonymous, 2000; de Durante et al., 2002; Villar
between the patient groups, the mortality rate in both study et al., 2006) (Fig. 13).
arms was reduced [24Æ9% lower PEEP (average 8Æ3 cmH2O) and
27Æ5% higher PEEP (average 13Æ2 cmH2O)], again confirming
that adjusting the ventilatory settings decreases mortality in
ARDS/ALI patients. Unfortunately, patients randomized to the There are profound clinical grounds that suggest that higher
higher PEEP group also had at baseline more characteristics that levels of PEEP should be used in ARDS/ALI. An initial PEEP level
predict a higher mortality; adjustments for these differences in in patients with ARDS for lung protection could be in the range
baseline covariates did not alter the final outcome but did favour of 15 cmH2O (Fig. 13). One should realize that it is not the
the higher PEEP group (Levy, 2004). A follow-up study by absolute level of PEEP that is important. It is the effect of PEEP
Grasso et al. (2005) concluded that the PEEP protocol used in that counts: an adequate level of PEEP results in a permanent P/F
this ARDSNet study lacked a solid physiological basis and did ratio above 450 mmHg (60 kPa).
not frequently result in alveolar recruitment in ARDS. Moreover,
the study group with low PEEP settings in the ARDSNet study is The use of recruitment strategies in ARDS patients
likely to have had a higher level of intrinsic PEEP and thus the
Clinical studies
difference in the total level of PEEP may have been much lower
than the difference of 5 cmH2O reported (Anonymous, 2000). The use of PEEP can prevent collapse of open and perfused
Therefore, the study may have been underpowered to demon- alveoli but PEEP itself does not recruit collapsed alveoli because
strate a significant difference in mortality. recruitment is an inspiratory phenomenon (Lim et al., 2003).
In the studies by Ranieri et al. (1999, 2000), a protectively However, PEEP can indirectly create a higher end-inspiratory
ventilated patient group received higher levels of PEEP when pressure in volume-controlled mechanical ventilation. By
compared with a control group (14Æ8 cmH2O versus creating a higher end-inspiratory pressure, PEEP can indirectly
6Æ5 cmH2O). This resulted, in combination with lower tidal reopen collapsed lung areas and reduce the amount of
volumes, in reduced serum concentrations of inflammatory intrapulmonary shunting and improve oxygenation (Richard
cytokines and a lower MSOF score. et al., 2003).
There are only limited data available on open lung ventilation
in patients. Amato et al. (1998) reported on a trial using a setting
Limitations and controversies
similar to the open lung concept (OLC). Patients (53 with early
It has been suggested that too high levels of PEEP could possibly ARDS) were randomly assigned to conventional or protective
induce overdistension of relatively healthy lung units in ARDS/ mechanical ventilation. Protective ventilation involved a recruit-
ALI (Levy, 2004; Gattinoni et al., 2006). As previously des- ment strategy, end-expiratory pressures above the lower
cribed, there is evidence from animal studies, however, that inflection point on the static P–V curve, a tidal volume of
high levels of PEEP may serve to prevent the conversion of active <6 ml kg)1, driving pressures of <20 cmH2O above the PEEP
forms of pulmonary surfactant into non-active forms by value, permissive hypercapnia, and preferential use of pressure-
preventing cyclic surface area changes. Such studies would limited ventilatory modes (Amato et al., 1998). When compared
suggest that PEEP would serve to preserve normal function of with conventional ventilation, the protective strategy was
the alveolar-capillary membrane in relatively healthy lung units associated with improved survival at 28 days (38% versus
during the use of high peak inspiratory pressures (Verbrugge 71%), a higher rate of weaning from mechanical ventilation
et al., 1998a,b,c). (66% versus 29%), and a lower rate of barotrauma (7% versus
Positive end-expiratory pressure levels currently employed in 42%), in patients with ARDS (Amato et al., 1998). Although
intensive care units around the world are below 6 cmH2O in several guidelines of the open lung strategy were followed,
78% of the patients receiving mechanical ventilation (Esteban lungs of the patients were not totally recruited (as indicated by
et al., 2000). Considering the fact that patients with healthy the P/F ratio) this is in part due to the uniformly applied
lungs receiving general anaesthesia in the operating room recruitment pressure of 35–40 cmH2O of continuous positive
already need PEEP pressures in the order of 5–10 cmH2O to airway pressures for 40 s, which is insufficient for more severe
prevent alveolar collapse (Neumann et al., 1999), the applied atelectatic areas to open (Schreiter et al., 2004). Moreover, this
pressures were certainly too low for ARDS patients. Even more study used the lower inflection point of the P–V curve where
disturbing is that in the same study only three patients of the alveolar decruitment is shown to occur (Maggiore et al., 2001).
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82 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

A recent study by the same group showed that higher traumatic brain injury. Increasing PEEP levels from levels
recruitment pressures of up to 60 cmH2O could permanently below 5 cmH2O to levels as high as 15 cmH2O led to
recruit 95% of atelectatic lung tissue as measured by arterial decreases in ICP and improvements of cranial perfusion
oxygenation and CT scans in almost all (26/28) studied patients pressure (CPP) (Huynh et al., 2002). Similarly, Georgiadis
with early ARDS (Borges et al. 2006). et al. (2001) found that an increase in PEEP level of up to
In a recent retrospective analysis of patients with ARDS due to 12 cmH2O did not significantly influence ICP in 20 ventilated
pulmonary contusion Schreiter et al. (2004) showed that patients with acute stroke. The observed changes in CPP
mechanical ventilation according to the open lung strategy induced by PEEP in this study were mediated through
dramatically improved oxygenation and lung aeration. This changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP). Thus, PEEP
results in low tidal volumes of 3Æ5 ml kg)1 BW (Schreiter et al., application should be safe, provided that the MAP is
2002). Schreiter et al. carefully monitored lung recruitment by maintained. It is our opinion that an open lung strategy to
both arterial oxygenation and thoracic helical CT scans before improve oxygenation is safe in patients with intracranial
and after ventilation according to the open lung strategy. The pathology and cerebral complications should not be used as
recruitment reduced atelectatic areas from 604 to 106 ml and an excuse not to apply an open lung strategy in patients on
increased the normally aerated volume from 1742 to 2971 ml mechanical ventilation.
(Schreiter et al., 2004). Furthermore, arterial oxygenation levels Another possible side-effect of lung recruitment and open
were stable after the recruitment procedure thus minimizing the lung ventilation could be cardiac impairment by high mean
cyclic opening and collapse which augments cytokine release airway pressures and redistribution of blood flow (Villagra et al.,
(Muscedere et al., 1994; Tremblay et al., 1997; Tremblay & 2002). As the open lung strategy is a method of ventilation
Slutsky, 1998). The severity of the injury in the patients studied intended to maintain end-expiratory lung volume by increased
by Schreiter et al. is illustrated by the Acute Physiology and airway pressure, this could increase right ventricular afterload.
Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) of 23 (range 11–26) An open lung strategy is accompanied by elevated intrathoracic
points. The predicted mortality of the APACHE II score was pressures and since the work of Cournand et al. (1948), elevated
49Æ7%, and the adjusted APACHE II had a predicted mortality of intrathoracic pressures are associated with a decrease in cardiac
22Æ4%. These rates correspond with the respective mortality rate output. This idea could not be confirmed in experimental work
observed in ARDS patients (42%) and in ARDS due to in animals applying an open lung strategy (Kesecioglu et al.,
pulmonary contusion (20%). However, all patients in the study 1994b). Reis Miranda et al. (2004) recently studied the effect of
by Schreiter et al. (2004) survived and were alive up to 14– the open lung strategy on right ventricular afterload in patients
60 months after treatment for ALI/ARDS. The same group after cardiac surgery. Patients were randomly assigned to OLC or
recently published a case report describing protective mechan- volume-controlled ventilation with a PEEP of 5 cmH2O. To
ical ventilation using low tidal volume ventilation and high PEEP achieve an open lung, recruitment attempts were performed
in a 17-year-old trauma patient with pulmonary contusion and with a peak pressure of 45Æ5 cmH2O. To keep the lung open, a
substantial bilateral atelectasis (Reske et al., 2006). Protective PEEP of 17 cmH2O was required. Compared with baseline,
mechanical ventilation alone (low tidal volume, high PEEP) did pulmonary vascular resistance and right ventricular ejection
not improve oxygenation and pulmonary mechanics, whereas fraction did not change significantly during the observation
these parameters did improve after alveolar recruitment. period in either group. No evidence was found that ventilation
Aeration of the entire lung after recruitment was confirmed according to the OLC affects right ventricular afterload in
by CT (Reske et al., 2006). These findings underscore the normovolemic patients. These studies demonstrate that applying
importance of the use of recruitment manoeuvres next to low open lung ventilation is feasible in cardiac patients (Reis
tidal volume and high PEEP in the concept of protective Miranda et al., 2004). Findings from other authors confirm that
mechanical ventilation. recruitment strategies do not result in important haemodynamic
disturbances (Lim et al., 2001; Dyhr et al., 2002; van den Berg
et al., 2002; Johannigman et al., 2003). An increase of right
Limitations and controversies
ventricular afterload, however, can be compensated by an
One of the limitations of recruitment strategies may be increase of contractility without affecting cardiac output.
increases in ICPs. Wolf et al. (2002) applied an open lung Indeed, an increase of airway pressure was associated with an
strategy in 11 patients with known intracranial pathology and increment of right ventricular afterload and a decrease in RV
concomitant ARDS. The P/F ratio in these patients was ejection fraction in other studies (Biondi et al., 1988; Dambrosio
markedly improved and mean PEEP levels as high as et al., 1996; Spackman et al., 1999; Schmitt et al., 2001). It has
15 cmH2O were applied. In contrast to the general idea that been demonstrated that it is not PEEP but high tidal volume that
PEEP increases ICP, these authors found that the ICP even is the main factor in increasing right ventricular afterload
declined non-significantly after a recruitment manoeuvre (Poelaert et al., 1994; Vieillard-Baron et al., 1999, 2001).
when compared with the ICP values before recruitment, this Thus, a large amount of investigations have been conducted
despite a moderate increase in PaCO2 (Wolf et al., 2002). on the effect of PEEP on haemodynamics but most of these do
Such findings were confirmed by data in patients with severe not exactly describe their methodology (Pinsky, 2005).
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Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al. 83

Although positive results of manipulation of the Startling (Grasso et al., 2005). Moreover, lung recruitment may be more
equation have been suggested (Lewis & Martin, 2004), many efficient in secondary ARDS (of extrapulmonary origin) in
negative effects of striving for a negative fluid balance in ARDS which a great part of collapsed lung is due to compression
patients have been described (Schuster, 1993). In contrast, atelectasis; in primary ARDS (of pulmonary origin) in which an
studies that reported adequate fluid management prior to lung important reason for lung collapse in intrapulmonary oedema
recruitment did not report any deterioration with PEEP levels of and inflammation, recruitment can be more difficult (Gattinoni
10–15 cmH2O (Miranda et al., 2003, 2005). Adequate fluid et al., 1998; Pelosi et al., 1999; Lim et al., 2003). However, this
loading and haemodynamic stabilization is thus a prerequisite distinction in response between primary and secondary ARDS
for conducting an open lung strategy. Some reservedness might could not be demonstrated in a recent paper by the Amato
be in place though in performing recruitment manoeuvres in group (Borges et al., 2006). Patient categories in which a lung
patients with severe cardiac compromise or with a depleted recruitment strategy should probably be conducted with great
circulatory volume. reserve include patients with severe airway obstruction/chronic
Recruitment pressures in clinical studies have been limited to a obstructive pulmonary disease and patients with large pulmon-
maximum of 40–45 cmH2O (Amato et al., 1996, 1998; Lim et al., ary infiltrates of lung abscesses.
2001; Villagra et al., 2002; Brower et al., 2003; Johannigman et al.,
2003; Oczenski et al., 2004). This is most likely caused by a fear of
peak inspiratory overstretching with the risk of causing harm to
relatively healthy lung units. Recently, high inspiratory pressures Data from animals and limited data in humans demonstrate that
(Boussarsar et al., 2002) and elevated PEEP (Eisner et al., 2002) applying open lung ventilation is feasible in patients. Recruit-
levels were correlated with an increased rate of pneumothorax, ment pressures should probably be in the high range and may
although Boussarsar studied high inspiratory pressures applied for well be above those of maximally 50 cmH2O currently
a prolonged period. In contrast, Weg et al. (1998) in a large employed in most clinical studies. The safe use of recruitment
prospective study in 725 patients suffering from ARDS found no pressures of up to 80 cmH2O has been reported and has resulted
significant correlation between high ventilatory pressures and the in a lower than predicted mortality from APACHE II scores
development of pneumothorax or other leaks. Schreiter found no (Schreiter et al., 2004). If one performs a recruitment man-
increase in pneumothoraces in patients with severe chest trauma oeuvre, to prevent possible complications recruitment should
ventilated with an open lung strategy (Schreiter et al., 2002) using not last longer than 2–3 respiratory cycles or 5–15 s.
mean peak inspiratory pressures of 65 cmH2O (up to 80 cmH2O)
during recruitment. Re-expansion of atelectasis during general
Clinical guidelines for lung protective ventilation in early
anaesthesia in patients with healthy lungs already requires peak
phase ARDS
inspiratory pressures of 40 cmH2O to fully reexpand atelectatic
lung tissue (Rothen et al., 1993). Limiting peak inspiratory From the findings of the clinical studies described above, we
pressures in patients with ARDS will certainly prevent recruitment would like to suggest the following guidelines for lung
of the most severely affected alveoli and therefore may result in protective ventilation in early phase ARDS. A standard procedure
ongoing shear stress from repeated alveolar collapse and ventilatory protocol (FiO2 ¼ 100%; PEEP ¼ 10–12 cmH2O;
reexpansion. Gattinoni et al. (2006) conducted a CT-controlled target tidal volume 5–7 ml kg)1; respiratory rate 25–30 per
study on alveolar recruitment in ARDS patients using maximum minute using pressure controlled ventilation) is set and
recruitment pressures of 45 cmH2O. From their findings they sufficient haemodynamic stabilization is provided (both fluid
concluded that 24% of lung tissue in ARDS cannot be recruited. loading and initiation of inotropic support). If, after application
However, it is likely that such alveoli are recruitable but that the of the standard ventilation protocol for 30 min, the P/F ratio is
used recruitment pressures of 45 cmH2O may have been to low to >200 mmHg (26Æ7 kPa), PEEP is set at 15 cmH2O; if the P/F
open them up (Slutsky & Hudson, 2006). Similar to the findings ratio <200 mmHg (26Æ7 kPa); PEEP is set at 20 cmH2O.
described by Schreiter et al. (2004) using recruitment pressures up Thereafter, PEEP is titrated on the basis of the P/F ratio
to 80 cmH2O, a more recent study by the Amato group using [>450 mmHg (60 kPa)]. Tidal volumes should be 6 ml kg)1 or
multislice CT and continuous blood-gas monitoring to confirm preferably lower. If possible a pressure amplitude <15 cmH2O
recruitment, demonstrated that recruitment pressures of up to above PEEP should be applied. Permissive hypercapnia has been
60 cmH2O could permanently reverse hypoxia and collapse in accepted in clinic, but considering our previous discussion, it
more than 95% of the lung units in 24 of 26 patients with early should be accepted with great reluctance. If hypercapnia is
ARDS (Borges et al., 2006). The findings of Schreiter and Amato’s present the respiratory frequency should simply be increased
group confirm that peak recruitment pressures higher than (Schreiter et al., 2002). In the haemodynamically stable patient,
40–45 cmH2O are necessary to fully recruit the lungs of ARDS a recruitment pressure of 50 cmH2O should be applied for three
patients. breaths or 5–15 s at maximum. After this recruitment man-
Recruitment strategies in a late phase of the disease process, oeuvre the maximum airway pressure should go down to 30–
when collapsed alveoli are being organized and infiltrated with 35 cmH2O. If the latter procedure results in P/F ratios above
fibroblasts are usually not possible and increase the risk of injury 450 mmHg (60 kPa) and remains stable for at least 10–15 min,
 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd • Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 27, 2, 67–90
84 Lung protective ventilatory strategies, S. J. C. Verbrugge et al.

we would call this an open lung. If the P/F ratio would not be intensivist and reduce mortality caused by mechanical ventila-
stable, one should consider to increase the PEEP further by tion from ARDS just like Thetis helped Jason and his Argonauts.
1–2 cmH2O. If the P/F ratio <450 mmHg (60 kPa), apply
another recruitment manoeuvre increasing the recruitment
pressure by 10 cmH2O (in this case to 60 cmH2O). This cycle
should be repeated until the P/F ratio is >450 mmHg (60 kPa). Albert RK, Lakshminarayan S, Hildebrandt J, Kirk W, Butler J. Increased
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Optoelectronic plethysmography in intensive care patients. Am J Respir
Although not yet published in adults, a similar procedure can Crit Care Med (2000); 161: 1546–1552.
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