Chapter 1: Motion in A Plane 1.1 Two-Dimensional Motion

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Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 1


1. If an object moves in a plane, and it may move in both the x and y directions
simultaneously, then the motion of the object is said to be a two-dimensional motion.
2. In order to describe the motion of an object in two dimensions, vector concept must be used.
3. The object moves along a curved path between points P and Q as shown in Figure 1.1. The
 
displacement vector of the object from P to Q is r . The perpendicular components of r
 
are x and y .

path of motion
y-axis at t2
at t1 r

x-axis x
   
The vector equation of r is, r  x  y

The magnitude of r is, r  x 2  y 2
 ∆ ∆
The direction of r is, tan 𝜃 ∆
(OR) 𝜃 𝑡𝑎𝑛

Average velocity is, 𝑣⃗̅


∆⃗ ⃗
Instantaneous velocity is, 𝑣⃗ lim
∆ → ∆
Average acceleration is, 𝑎⃗

∆⃗ ⃗
Instantaneous acceleration is, 𝑎⃗ lim
∆ → ∆

4. An object moving with constant speed along a curved path is accelerating as the direction
of the velocity is changing.
5. The direction of the velocity of the object is tangential to its path.
6. An object is accelerated whenever the velocity changes in magnitude, direction, or both.
2 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

Chapter 1: Exercise 1.1

R003: Draw the diagram to show the direction of velocity of an object which is moving along a
curved path and then draw the vector diagram to show the velocity components in x and
y directions at a starting point P.

y-axis at t2
Ans: at t1 path of motion
P vx

E01: A stone is thrown from the cliff of a mountain upward at an angle of 30° to the
horizontal with an initial speed of 20 m s-1. Calculate the x and the y components of
its initial velocity.
Ans: v0 = 20 m s-1, 0 = 30
Horizontal components of initial velocity,
v0x = v0 cos 0 = 20 cos 30 = 20  0.866 = 17.32 m s-1 v0
Vertical components of initial velocity, 0 = 30
v0y = v0 sin 0 = 20 sin 30 = 20  0.5 = 10 m s -1 v0x x-axis

E02: A soccer ball is kicked at an angle with the ground. The ball traverses the horizontal
distance of 10 m and the vertical distance of 3 m in 3 s. Find the displacement and the
average velocity of the ball in 3 s.
Ans: the horizontal distance is, x = 10 m,
the vertical distance is, y = 3 m y

the magnitude of displacement is, x
∆𝑟 ∆𝑥 ∆𝑦 10 3 = 10.44 m

the direction of the displacement is, 𝜃 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑛 0.3 16 42

∆ .
the magnitude of the average velocity is, ∆𝑣 = 3.48 m s-1

The direction of average velocity is the same as the direction of the displacement.
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 3


1. A projectile is any object thrown into space upon which the only acting force is the
gravity. The path followed by a projectile is known as a trajectory.
2. The motion of an object moving in both horizontal x direction and vertical y direction
simultaneously is called the projectile motion.
3. Examples for the projectile motion are water fountain, the motion of cannon ball, the
motion of the football as shown in Figure 1.2.

4. In the projectile motion, the path of motion is a curve.

5. If air resistance is neglected, an object moves along the horizontal x direction with a
constant velocity and in the vertical y direction with constant downward acceleration. In
such case, only gravitational force is acting on it.
6. The downward acceleration is the acceleration due to gravity g which is a constant over
the range of motion.
7. The vertical motion of projectile is a free fall motion.
8. In Figure 1.3, the initial velocity
of projectile is v0. If the initial
velocity makes an angle θ0 with
the horizontal, the x and y
components of the initial
velocity are
v0x = v0 cos θ0 and v0y = v0 sin θ0.
4 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

9. In order to analyze the projectile motion, the motion can be considered into two parts,
horizontal motion (x direction) and vertical motion (y direction).
10. In x direction, ax = 0 and vx = v0x = v0 cos θ0 = constant.
11. The horizontal displacement of projectile can be written as a function of time;
x = v0x t = (v0 cos θ0) t.
12. In y direction, the equations and concepts are based on linear motion of free fall.
13. In solving the free fall problems, we are going to use one
dimensional coordinate system with origin taken as the initial h=+
position of the body under consideration. v, v0 = +
14. The upward velocity (vy) and the displacement (y) above the g=-
origin are positive. origin
15. The downward velocity (vy) and the displacement (y) below h=-
the origin are negative. v, v0 = -
16. Since the acceleration due to gravity g is always directed g=-
downwards, its value will be negative.
17. In y direction, v0y is the initial velocity and ay is - g.
18. We have taken the upward direction to be positive.
19. Since the acceleration along the vertical y direction is downward direction, g can be
taken as negative sign.
20. The velocity and the displacement of projectile in time t are given by the following equations.
Linear motion projectile motion Using ay = -g, ax = 0
v = v0 + a t vy = v0y + ay t vy = v0y - g t
vx = v0x + ax t vx = v0x
v2 = v02 + 2 a s vy2 = v0y2 + 2 ay y vy2 = v0y2 - 2 g y
s = v0 t + ½ a t2 y = v0y t + ½ ay t2 y = v0y t - ½ g t2
x = v0x t + ½ ax t2 x = v0x t
21. The magnitude of the velocity of the projectile at any instant of time is, 𝑣 𝑣 𝑣
22. The direction of the velocity of the projectile at any instant of time is,
tan 𝜃 (OR) 𝜃 𝑡𝑎𝑛
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 5

23. Let the time taken by the projectile to reach the highest point is t1,
The vertical component of the velocity at the highest point is zero. (vy = 0)
vy = v0y + ay t
0 = v0y - g t1

The time of flight (T) is twice the time to reach the maximum height (t1).

T = 2 t1 =

24. Let the maximum height be H,

Using the equation, y = v0y t + ½ ay t2 Using the equation, vy2 = v0y2 + 2 ay y
when y = H, t = t1 when y = H, vy = 0
H = v0y t1 - ½ g t12 0 = v0y2 - 2 g H

H =v0y - ½ g( )2 = -½ H=


25. The horizontal range R is the horizontal distance from the starting point to the point
where the projectile returns to the same height as shown in Figure 1.4.
26. The horizontal range R is obtained using x = R and t = T
x = v0x t

R = v0x T = 𝑣

Since, 2 sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 sin 2𝜃

6 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

27. The projectile may be thrown

horizontal velocity, v0
horizontally as shown in Figure 1.5.
28. There is no vertical component to its
initial velocity; that is,
v0y = 0, v0x = v0, x = v0x t = v0 t
29. The vertical velocity of the object in x
the time t is,
Fig 1.5: Projectile motion of
vy = v0y + ay t = 0 – g t = -g t an object thrown horizontally
30. The vertical displacement of the object in the time t is, y = v0y t + ½ ay t2 = – ½ g t2
Chapter 1: Exercise 1.2
R006: (i) Why is the horizontal motion of the projectile taken as uniform motion?
Ans: Because the horizontal acceleration is zero. (ax = 0)
R006: (ii) Under what conditions can you have the two-dimensional motion with a one-
dimensional acceleration?
Ans: Projectile motion, when air resistance is neglected or there is only gravitational force
acting on the object in motion.
Formulae for Calculation
Linear motion projectile motion Using ay = -g, ax = 0
v = v0 + a t vy = v0y + ay t vy = v0y - g t
vx = v0x + ax t vx = v0x
v2 = v02 + 2 a s vy2 = v0y2 + 2 ay y vy2 = v0y2 - 2 g y
s = v0 t + ½ a t2 y = v0y t + ½ ay t2 y = v0y t - ½ g t2
x = v0x t + ½ ax t2 x = v0x t

Time to reach the highest point = 𝑡 , Time of flight = T = 2 t1

Maximum height reached = H = Horizontal range = R =

v0x = v0 cos 0, v0y = v0 sin 0, ax = 0, ay = g

Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 7

E03: An object is projected upward with a 30 launch angle and an initial speed of 40 m s-1.
How long will it take for the object to reach the top of its trajectory? Find the
maximum height of its trajectory.
Ans: v0 = 40 m s-1, 0 = 30, ay = g = 9.8 m s-2, y
v0x = v0 cos 0 = 40  cos 30 v0
= 40  0.866 = 34.64 m s-1
o H
v0y = v0 sin 0 = 40  sin 30 x
= 40  0.5 = 20 m s-1
Time to reach at the highest point is,
𝑡 = 2.04 s

Maximum height is,

H= = 20.41 m

E04: A bomb is dropped from an airplane moving horizontally with its speed of 50 m s-1.
If the bomb will reach the ground in 5 s, find the altitude of the plane. The air
resistance is negligible.
Ans: The plane velocity is the initial velocity of the bomb.
v0 = v0x
v0x = 50 m s-1, v0y = 0, ay = g = 9.8 m s-2, t = 5 s
The displacement of the bomb, y
y = v0y t + ½ ay t2
= 0 – ½ g t2
= – ½  9.8  52
= 122.5 m (downwards)
The attitude of the plane is 122.5 m
8 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

E05: A stone is thrown with a speed 20 m s-1 and at an angle of 30 above the horizontal.
Find (i) the horizontal range (ii) the maximum height reached (iii) the time of flight
of the stone.
Ans: v0 = 20 m s-1, 0 = 30, ay = -g = -9.8 m s-2,
v0x = v0 cos 0 = 20  cos 30 = 20  0.866 = 17.32 m s-1
v0y = v0 sin 0 = 20  sin 30 = 20  0.5 = 10 m s-1
(i) R = = = 35.35 m
(ii) H = = 5.10 m o H
(iii) T = = = 2.04 s

Q01: A cannon ball is shot with initial velocity 141.4 m s-1 with 45 angle of inclination.
Find the position and velocity of the cannon ball at 5 s.
Ans: v0 = 141.4 m s-1, 0 = 45, ay = -g = -9.8 m s-2, t = 5 s
v0x = v0 cos 0 = 141.4  cos 45 = 141.4  0.7071= 99.98 m s-1
v0y = v0 sin 0 = 141.4  sin 45 = 141.4  0.7071 = 99.98 m s-1
At t = 5 s,
vx = v0x = 99.98 m s-1
vy = v0y + ay t = 99.98 – 9.8  5 = 99.98 – 49 = 50.98 m s-1

The magnitude of the velocity is,

𝑣 𝑣 𝑣 = √99.98 50.98

99.96 25.99 10 √126.0 10 = 112.2 m s-1

The direction of the velocity is, 𝜃 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑛 0.5099 = 27 1

x = v0x t = 99.98  5 = 499.9 m

y = v0y t + ½ ay t2 = 99.98  5 – ½  9.8  52 = 499.9 – 122.5 = 377.4 m
The cannon ball will be at a point of coordinates (x = 499.9 m, y = 377.4 m)
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 9

Q02: A stone is thrown horizontally from a cliff 100 ft high. The initial velocity is 20 ft s-1.
How far from the base of the cliff does the stone strike the ground?
v0 = 20 ft s-1, 0 = 0, ay = g = 32 ft s-2, y = 100 ft (downwards)
v0x = v0 = 20 ft s-1, v0y = 0
y = v0y t + ½ ay t2
–100 = 0 – ½  32  t2
𝑡 = 2.5 s

Horizontal distance = x = v0x t = 20  2.5 = 50 ft

Q03: A ball is thrown horizontally with an initial speed of 10 m s-1 from an 80 m cliff. How
long does it take to reach the ground?
v0 = 10 m s-1, v0x = v0 = 10 m s-1, v0y = 0ay = -g = -9.8 m s-2, y = 80 m (downwards)
y = v0y t + ½ ay t2
–80 = 0 – ½  9.8  t2

𝑡 = 16.33

t = 4.04 s
Q04: A footballer kicked a ball with an initial velocity of 20 m s-1 at an angle of 60. (i) How
long is the ball in the air? (ii) What are the range and maximum height of the ball?
v0 = 20 m s-1, 0 = 60, ay = g = 9.8 m s-2,
v0x = v0 cos 0 = 20  cos 60 = 20  0.5 = 10 m s-1
v0y = v0 sin 0 = 20  sin 60 = 20  0.866 = 17.32 m s-1
(i) T = = = 3.53 s
(ii) R = = = 35.35 m

H= = 15.31 m
10 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX


1. Circular motion is a specific type of a two-dimensional motion.
Circular motion: Circular motion is a movement of an object along the circumference of a
circle, or rotation along a circular path.
2. If a ball is tied to the end of a string and whirl it above the head in a horizontal circle, the
ball is undergoing the circular motion as shown in Figure 1.6 (a). We can experience a
pulling force (known as the tension) exerted on the ball by the string.

3. Other examples of the circular motion are a satellite orbiting the earth [Fig 1.6 (b)], the
motion of a wheel [Fig 1.6 (c)] and the turning of a car around a curved path [Fig 1.6 (d)].
4. If an object (rigid body) rotates about an axis, each particle consisting of the object
moves in a circular motion.
5. Although an object moves in a circle at a constant speed, its velocity is not constant.
6. The direction of the velocity is tangential to the path.
7. Velocity is constantly changing as the direction of the velocity is changing continuously.
8. The velocity in circular motion is also called the tangential velocity.
9. Fig 1.7 shows an object moves along a circular path. y-axis
10. The object undergoes the circular motion about O.
11. Since the object is on the reference line, its angular r s
position is zero. O x-axis
12. After time t, it has moved to a new position.
13. In this time interval, it has rotated through an angle Fig 1.7: The angular displacement of
an object in circular motion
 with respect to the reference line and through a
distance s measured along the circumference of the circle, called an arc length.
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 11

Angular displacement: Change of the angular position is called the angular displacement θ.
14. The angular displacement is the ratio of the arc length to radius.
15. The magnitude of angular displacement (θ), measured in radian (rad), is given by
𝜃 (OR) s = r

= angular displacement, s = arc length, r = radius of circle

16. Angular displacement can also be expressed in degree and revolution (rev).
1 rev = 2 rad = 360, ½ rev =  rad = 180,
17. One radian is defined as the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc whose
length is equal to the radius of the circle.
If s = r, then  = 1 rad

90° 90° rad, 60° 60° rad, 30° 30° rad

° ° °

Average Angular Velocity and Instantaneous Angular Velocity

18. Fig 1.8 shows angular displacement of an
y-axis 
object; θ1 at time instant t1 and θ2 at time t2
instant t2.  t1
 
Average angular velocity is the ratio of the O x-axis
change in angular displacement to time taken.
𝜃 𝜃 ∆θ Fig 1.8: Change of angular displacement
𝑡 𝑡 ∆𝑡 with time in circular motion
where, 𝜔 = average angular velocity,  = angular displacement in time interval t.
19. If the time interval Δt approaches zero, the instantaneous angular velocity is,
∆θ dθ
𝜔 lim
∆ → ∆𝑡 d𝑡
Instantaneous angular velocity is defined as the time rate of change of angular displacement.

20. At constant angular velocity, 𝜔 𝜔 and 𝜔 ,

where ω is angular velocity, θ is angular displacement and t is time taken.

21. Angular velocity is measured in radian per second (rad s−1), revolution per second
(rps, rev s-1) and revolution per minute (rpm, rev min−1).
12 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

Average Angular Acceleration and Instantaneous Angular Acceleration

The average angular acceleration is the ratio of change of angular velocity to time taken.
22. The average angular acceleration is given by
𝜔 𝜔 ∆ω
𝑡 𝑡 ∆𝑡
where, 𝛼 = average angular acceleration,  = angular velocity in time interval t,
1 = angular velocity at time instant t1, 2 = angular velocity at time instant t2,
23. If the time interval Δt approaches zero, the instantaneous angular acceleration is,
∆ω dω
𝛼 lim
∆ → ∆𝑡 d𝑡
The instantaneous angular acceleration is the value of the angular acceleration at a
specific instant of time. Instantaneous angular acceleration is the time rate of change of
angular velocity.
24. When a body is moving with a constant angular acceleration, 𝛼 𝛼.
𝜔 𝜔
𝛼 𝛼
where,  = angular acceleration,  = final angular velocity,
0 = initial angular velocity, t = time taken
25. Angular acceleration is measured in radian per second squared (rad s−2) and revolution
per second squared (rev s-2).
Relation between Angular and Linear Quantities
26. The magnitude of the angular velocity (angular speed) is related to that of the tangential
velocity (tangential speed) as follows,
𝑣 (because s = r)

𝑣 𝑟 (because r = constant)

𝑣 𝑟𝜔 (because 𝜔)

27. Figure 1.9 shows the direction of the linear velocity and the angular velocity.
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 13

28. The relation between the angular acceleration α and the tangential acceleration a is
𝑎 (because v = r)

𝑎 𝑟 (because r = constant)

𝑎 𝑟𝛼 (because 𝛼)

29. Angular velocity and angular acceleration are vector quantities.

30. The direction of linear acceleration a is tangential to the path. It is called the tangential
31. The unit of  is rad s−1 and the unit of  is rad s−2.

Chapter 1: Exercise 1.3

Linear motion Circular motion Relation
v = v0 + a t  = 0 +  t s = r
v2 = v02 + 2 a s 2 = 02 + 2   v = r
s = v0 t + ½ a t2  = 0 t + ½  t2 a = r
14 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

R010: Calculate the angular speed of the second hand and the minute hand of a clock in
terms of rad s-1.
Ans: For second hand,
 = 2 rad, t = 60 s

𝜔 𝜔 rad s-1

For minute hand,

 = 2 rad, t = 60 min = 3600 s

𝜔 𝜔 rad s-1

E06: Express the angular velocity of a 45 rpm (revolutions per minute) record turntable in
units of radians per second.

Ans: 45 rpm = 1.5  rad s-1

E07: The angular velocity of a rotating disc increases from 2 rad s−1 to 5 rad s−1 in 10 s.
What is the average angular acceleration?
Ans: 0 = 2 rad s−1,  = 5 rad s−1, t = 10 s, 𝛼 =?

𝛼 = 0.3 rad s−2

E08: A particle in disc rotating with a uniform angular speed of 2 rev s-1 is 0.2 m from the
axis of rotation. What are (i) the tangential speed of the particle and (ii) the angle
through which it rotates in 3 s?
Ans: Since a particle rotates with a uniform angular speed, the motion of particle is uniform
circular motion.
 = 2 rev s-1 = 2  (2 rad s-1) = 4 rad s-1, r = 0.2 m
(i) the tangential speed = v =?
v = r = (0.2)  (4) = 0.8 m s-1 = 0.8  (3.142) m s-1 = 2.514 m s-1
(ii) t = 3 s, the angle through which it rotates =  =?
 = t = (4)  (3) = 12 rad = 6 rev
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 15

E05: A circular disc rotates initially at rest experiences a uniform angular acceleration of
0.25 rad s−2. What is the angular speed after rotating 10 s?
Ans: 0 = 0 rad s−1,  = 0.25 rad s−2, t = 10 s,  =?
 = 0 +  t = 0 + 0.25  10 = 2.5 rad s−1
Q06: A disc rotating at angular speed of 10 rad s−1 is slowed down by a uniform angular
acceleration to a speed of 4 rad s−1 in 3 s. What is the angular acceleration?
Ans: 0 = 10 rad s−1,  = 4 rad s−1, t = 10 s, 𝛼 =?

𝛼 𝛼 = -2 rad s−2

Q07: The tips of the blades in a food blender are moving with a speed of 21 m s−1 in a circle
that has a radius of 0.053 m. How much time does it take for the blades to make one
Ans: v = 21 m s−1, r = 0.053 m,  = 1 rev = 2 rad, t =?
v = r

𝜔 = 396.2 rad s-1


Assume the blander is rotating with constant speed,

 = t
𝑡 = 0.01586 s

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