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Pulse tube refrigerator- an alternative

R.N. Richardson

Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3P J,


Received 2 January 1986; revised 12 March 1986

The pulse tube refrigerator may offer an alternative to cryocooler designs such as those based on
the Stirling cycle or of the Gifford--McMahon type. In the pulse tube, refrigeration is produced
without the use of active components operating at low temperature thus obviating a major source
of unreliability. Despite this potentially significant advantage pulse tube refrigeration apparently
has never been exploited in a practical cryocooler design. Although the coefficient of performance
of a pulse tube refrigerator is likely to be lower than that of alternative systems it is not apparent
why this should be sufficient to account for the relative lack of interest in the device given its
obvious advantage of inherent reliability. This Paper reviews previous pulse tube research and
presents both theoretical and experimental results from a new investigation which help explain
the nature of the device. The analysis includes a method of predicting optimum pulse rate. It is
possible that a better understanding of pulse tube refrigeration may provide an insight into the
non-ideal behaviour observed in other types of cryocooler.

Keywords: cryocoolers; refrigerators

N o m e n c l a t u re 7 Ratio of specific heats (cp/cv)

Cp Specific heat at constant pressure ~Q Ratio of heat transferred
en Particular element of gas 8 Transformed temperature
f Frequency of pulsation k. Eigen value (roots of J0[knRl = 0)
Jo Bessel function of first kind, order 0 p Gas density
Jl Bessel function of first kind, order 1 (~,- l)/~,
P Pressure v Time period
O Quantity of heat r(r) Initial radial temperature distribution
r Radius ~b Angular displacement about axis z
R Radius (of pulse tube)
rp Pressure ratio
T Temperature
t Time c Cold
W Quantity of work g Gas
Z Coordinate direction normal to r h High (pressure), hot (temperature)
a Thermal diffusivity 1 Low

t~ Transformed Eigen value (hnR) w Wall

In recent years considerable effort has been devoted to electronic components and sensors which typically
the development of miniature closed cycle refrigerators~. dissipate less than a few watts of heat and operate at
These devices find wide application in the cooling of temperatures in the range 150-4K or below. To

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© 1986 Butterworth Et Co (Publishers) Ltd Cryogenics 1 986 Vol 26 June 331
Pulse tube refrigerator R.N. Richardson
distinguish this particular class of refrigerators, fluid of the- machine is transported directly between the
sometimes called cooling engines, from other types of compression and expansion spaces as would be the
cooling system the term cryocooler has been generally case in the ideal cycle. Thus, as in a G - M machine,
adopted. each element of gas in a practical Stifling cryocooler
In many applications the cryocooler is envisaged will undergo a slightly different series of processes.
as an alternative to the use of stored cryogens or Joule- This reinforces the view that it is necessary to look
Thomson coolers which are, in general, of limited beyond the ideal cycle to explain the operation of these
endurance. Unfortunately miniature closed cycle cryocoolers.
refrigerators have so far failed to demonstrate the The influence of dead volume on cryocooler
desired levels of reliability despite considerable performance has been conclusively demonstrated in
development. It is in this respect that the pulse tube experimental investigations 6. However, the precise
refrigerator may offer considerable potential since it is nature of this effect and, in the case of Stifling
an inherently simple device. machines, the actual, rather than ideal, mechanism of
The most successful cryocooler are based on the heat pumping is still unclear. The pulse tube
Stirling2 and Gifford-McMahon (G-M) 3 cycles which refrigerator, in common with other types of cryocooler,
employ a minimum of active components, particularly executes a regenerative cycle but unlike either G - M or
moving parts at low temperature, and include periodic Stifling machines it has no moving parts at low
flow heat exchangers known as regenerators. The G - M temperature. It is particularly significant that the
cycle is particularly interesting in that it is not possible mechanism of heat transport in the pulse tube is such
to describe the cycle on a thermodynamic property that refrigeration may be produced despite the fact that
diagram in the usual way since each element of the no element of gas is displaced sufficiently during the
working fluid (gas) undergoes a slightly different series cycle to transport heat directly from the low tempera-
of processes 4. This leads to extreme difficulty in ture region of the device to the ambient temperature
analysing the heat and work transfers of the cycle, heat exchanger. It is possible that an understanding of
Whilst it might be assumed that similar difficulties are the heat pumping mechanism which occurs in a pulse
unlikely to be encountered with a cryocooler based tube refrigerator may help provide a more complete
upon the well known Stifling cycle, this is in fact not explanation of the behaviour observed in other types of
the case. In practice the thermodynamic cycle executed cryocooler.
by the working fluid in a 'Stifling' cryocooler bears
only limited resemblance to that of the ideal reversed
Stifling cycles. This is due, primarily, to the influence Essential elements of the pulse tube
of dead volume in the machine. At this scale the refrigerator
volume of the cryocooler occupied by flow passages, A pulse tube refrigerator is shown schematically in
heat exchangers and the regenerator is a significant Figure 1. The pulse tube itself is simply a slender thin
proportion of, or perhaps even greater than, the volume walled cylinder with a heat exchanger located at each
of the compression and expansion spaces. The conse- end. Heat is rejected via the closed end heat exchanger
quence of this is that very little, if any, of the working and a thermal load may be supported at the heat
exchanger linking the pulse tube and regenerator.
Eompressor Other geometric configurations may be devised inclu-
ding compact coaxial designs and multi-stage pulse
tubes which may reach very low temperatures. One of
the simplest configurations is presented here in the
interest of clarity.
It is in the region at the base of the pulse tube
that the lowest temperatures in the system are attained
and as such the cold end heat exchanger might be
considered analogous to that in the expansion space of
a G - M or Stifling cryocooler. This is in fact not strictly
• / Qh correct since in the pulse tube, as will be explained, the
w°m ,od refrigeration effect is distributed in terms of both
location and the temperature at which it is produced.
The pulse tube is supplied with gas from a compressor
assembly. Pressure pulses are produced by the action
of valves which alternately fill and exhaust the pulse
tube. The pulse rate is dictated, primarily, by the
dimensions of the device. The pressurization/depres-
F'ul;o tube
surization results in displacement and near isentropic
compression and expansion of gas within the pulse
Re tube. This results in the transport of heat from the
open to the closed end of the pulse tube, against a
temperature gradient, by a mechanism that has come
to be known as surface heat pumping. In common with
• Cold end
the G - M cycle each element of gas in a pulse tube
L heot exchnnger refrigerator undergoes a slightly different series of
processes and as such it is not possible to plot a cycle
for the bulk gas on a properly (T-S) diagram. The
G - M cycle has been described, somewhat misleadingly,
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of a pulse tube refrigerator as a no-work cycle since none of the work of expan-

332 Cryogenics 1986 Vol 26 June

P u l s e t u b e refrigerator: R.N, R i c h a r d s o n

sion at low temperature is recovered. A similar mechanism which has come to be known as surface
argument might be applied to the pulse tube refri- heat pumping. This provided a much better qualitative
gerator. Clearly, if no work is done by the working explanation of pulse tube operation although the
fluid there can be no cooling. In fact work is done on behaviour observed during the initial stages of cooling
the gas leaving the working space by the gas still may not be adequately described by this model.
remaining and expanding. The unconventional nature Longsworth i° acknowledged the difficulty in
of this process has led to difficulty, to an even greater deriving a quantitative theory of pulse tube operation
extent than in G - M machines, in analysing the heat and reference was made to the problem of isolating the
and work interactions in a pulse tube refrigerator. It work input to the device although the point was not
will be clear, however, that if the cycles followed by elaborated upon. An extensive experimental prog-
each element of gas in the system could be plotted the ramme was reported in which a wide range of geome-
sum of the enclosed areas would represent the thermo- tries, pulse rates, and pressure ratios were investigated.
dynamic work input to the device. On a macroscopic It was reported that operation of the pulse tube was
scale the overall coefficient of performance (COP) will characterized by the Fourier number and an empirical
be given by (referring to Figure 1) the net refrigerator correlation derived for the heat pumping rate.
capacity, Q~, divided by the input to the compressor, I41. Gifford and Kyanka H returned to the problem of
This practical work input will be much greater than the the reversible pulse tube and attempted to compare
ideal represented by the work equivalent of the operation with that of a valved pulse tube, although it
difference between the heat rejected in the warm end would seem that this experimental comparison was
heat exchanger and that absorbed at the lowest based on limited data. It was concluded that other
temperature in the system, given by (Qh - QI), because factors being equal the base temperature, and hence
of the irreversibilities in the cycle which are caused, refrigeration capacity, of a reversible pulse tube is
primarily, by the throttle (pulse control) valves. inferior to that of the valved variety.
Subsequent to the initial work under Gifford,
various other workers have investigated the pulse tube
Review of pulse tube research refrigerator but no further sustained investigation is
recorded. Thornton iz and Lechner and Ackerman 1~
The pulse tube refrigerator was first described by independently, suggested the concentric (or co-axial)
Gifford and Longsworth 7 in 1964. It seems likely that pulse tube design. Those researchers who published
the device developed from the work on G - M refrigera- work of an essentially theoretical nature include
tors which had commenced a few years earlier. In this Hrycak and Levy~4, Seleznev~s, Rauh x6, Yani ~7 and
first paper Gifford and Longsworth suggest that only Mikulin et al, 18. Further experimental investigations of
those elements of incoming gas travelling between the pulse tube refrigerators were reported by Colangelo et
cold and warm end heat exchangers are responsible for al. ~9, Shnide z° and Narayankedkar and Mane 2~. A
the refrigeration effect. This led to the concept of a recent report of research by Radebaugh et al. 22 would
critical pressure ratio below which the pulse tube appear to indicate a resurgence of interest in what have
would not function as a refrigerator. In an attempt to previously been called 'reversible' pulse tube refri-
describe the nature of the flow processes a 'gas-piston' gerators in which pressure pulses are produced by the
model was developed and a relationship derived for oscillation of a piston or diaphragm.
the temperature of the gas flowing out of the pulse tube
Despite past interest in pulse tube refrigeration
based upon the temperature of the closed end heat the phenomenon remains poorly understood. Although
exchanger and the dimensions of the device. This earlier work, particularly that of Gifford and
model predicted temperatures considerably lower than Lo.ngsworth, has helped to explain various aspects of
those observed in practice. A temperature of 173 K is
pulse tube operation, correlation with experimental
reported for a two-stage pulse tube operating on helium
observations remains poor. In particular the precise
although a pressure ratio is not quoted. It is suggested
manner by which a temperature gradient is established
that 60 K could be reached in four stages.
along the length of the pulse tube during the initial
In a second paper, published only months after transient period of operation would not appear to have
the first, Gifford and Longsworth 8 reported useful
been adequately explained. This behaviour during
refrigeration in a pulse tube operating well below the,
'cooldown' is clearly fundamental to the operation of
previously supposed, critical pressure ratio. It became
the device. Research has been conducted z3 which
apparent that elements of gas not considered in the
demonstrates how a significant temperature difference
earlier discussion do in fact contribute to the heat
may be established, and is maintained, along the pulse
pumping mechanism. The possibility of a 'reversible'
tube. The distributed nature of the refrigeration effect
pulse tube in which pressure pulses are produced by a
has also been demonstrated. It is hoped that an
reciprocating piston was introduced. It was suggested
understanding of this behaviour may provide further
that by reversibly raising and lowering the pressure in
insight into the operation of other types of cryocooler.
the pulse tube the losses due to irreversible free
expansion through the exhaust valve could be elimi-
nated and the overall efficiency of the device increased. Temperature stratification
It is not clear whether a reversible pulse tube was It is likely that limited surface heat pumping occurs in
constructed, no results were presented for such a many systems subject to pressure oscillations although
device. The results of further experiments using valved the magnitude of this effect will probably be such that
pulse tubes were reported, temperatures of 123 K and it is not readily apparent. To exploit the effect to
85 K being reached in two and three stages, provide a useful cooling capacity it is necessary to
respectively. optimize the geometry of the system.
Having concluded that a significant heat Consider the process of pressurization and
pumping effect may be produced even at very low subsequent depressurization of a slender cylinder as
pressure ratios Gifford and Longsworth 9 described a found in the pulse tube refrigerator. The cylindrical

Cryogenics 1986 Vol 26 June 333

Pulse tube refrigerator: R.N. Richardson
tube is not recovered and the minimum temperature
limited to that achieved in a single expansion. This
minimum value will be attained for isentropic expansion
ini f i01 gas ' J"
of the gas and will depend, for a given pressure ratio, on
the temperature of the gas immediately prior to expansion
and its thermodynamic properties. To maximize the effect
a high value of,/, the ratio of the specific heats, is required
and for this reason a monatomic such as helium is most
l_ extrcz gas _ini'fial g a s ' suitable. If a regenerator is employed the refrigeration
potential accumulated during earlier cycles is used to cool
the 'extra' gas before it enters the tube. The peak gas
temperature at the end of pressurization should therefore
reduce and consequently the temperature at the end of the
subsequent expansion process should also be lower than
in the previous cycle. This progressive reduction in
temperature with each cycle continues until the cooling
effect is balanced by the imposed and parasitic heat

Heat pumping cycle

ATi TcI Temperature stratification results in the establishment of
a temperature gradient along the pulse tube which is
maintained by the surface heat pumping mechanism. It is
necessary to consider heat exchange between the stratified
gas column and pulse tube wall to see how thermal
PO transport against the temperature gradient is achieved by
surface heat pumping.
S Although the heat exchange between the gas and the
Figure2 Graphical illustration of temperature stratification wall takes place along the length of the pulse tube it must
be emphasized that only in the region of the warm end
heat exchanger can heat be rejected from the system. At all
other locations the wall absorbs heat during the high
geometry is such that mixing of the gas during pressure half of the cycle and gives up heat at low pressure.
compression and expansion is minimized. It will be This mechanism of heat exchange between the gas and
assumed that the entire system is initially at ambient the wall takes place in isolation from the surroundings
temperature. If the filling process occurs rapidly .the and may be regarded as a regenerative effect wholly within
gas occupying the tube at low pressure, the 'initial' gas, the system. It is important to note, therefore, that it is
may be compressed isentropically whilst being dis~ impossible for an element of'extra' gas, or indeed 'initial'
placed towards the closed end of the tube. The
temperature resulting from isentropic compression of I
the 'initial' gas will be considerably higher than the
-_ ¸ .... El, '
average gas temperature 24.
The degree of compression experienced by the gas ee ei
that flows into the tube, the 'extra' gas, will depend on the
point at which it enters during the filling process.
Referring toFigure2 the element of'extra' gas immediately
following the imaginary boundary with the 'initial' gas •

will experience the full pressure change whilst the very last
element of gas which enters the tube as pressure equili- t
Woil temperature Tw
brium is reached will have undergone no compression
and hence the ambient temperature will prevail. There-
fore, at the end of the filling process a significant
temperature gradient will exist in the gas. This pheno-
menon is known as temperature stratification and has
been shown to occur in practice by Schmidlin ~5, although
this work was not connected with pulse tube refrigeration.
If filling is followed by a quiescent period at high pressure ,,'P1
the temperature of the gas will fall as a result of heat
transfer to the surroundings. It follows that on expansion
the temperature of the gas will be reduced further. If the
__. .'J
expansion process is isentropic, or at least polytropic with Tw
an index equal to that of the compression process, the gas
remaining in the tube when the exhaust process is
complete will be at a temperature below that at the S
beginning of pressurization,, i.e. below ambient. ELement ell Element ei
In the absence of a regenerator the refrigeration
potential of those elements of cold gas that flow out of the Figure3 The surface heat pumping cycle

334 Cryogenics 19 8 6 Vol 26 June

Pulse tube refrigerator: R.N. Richardson

gas, that never reaches the warm end heat exchanger to placement, is transferred to the wall to be re-absorbed half
reject heat directly to the surroundings. It is undoubtedly a cycle later by another element of gas. Thus, at each
this fact that led to the minimum pressure ratio successive level the quantity of heat transported increases
concept. until finally the heat absorbed at the lowest temperature
Figure 3 shows a pulse tube refrigerator which is near the base of the pulse tube is rejected along with the
operating at an equilibrium condition with a temperature heat equivalent of the work required to effect the
gradient established along the wall and through the transport.
regenerator. Two particular elements of gas are identified,
one 'initial' gas e i and the other 'extra' gas e e. This is the Tube wall energy balance
most general case, the same argument could be applied In most refrigeration systems the physical boundaries
where both elements were either 'initial' or 'extra' gas. The serve only to contain the working fluid, in the pulse tube
elements are chosen such that for the given pressure ratio refrigerator the containment vessel itself is crucial to the
the position occupied by element e i at low pressure is the operation of the device. However, whilst the wall of the
final position ofe e at high pressure. It should be noted that pulse tube is essential to the regenerative heat pumping
for each wall location there will be associated a different mechanism it is at the same time the factor that ultimately
pair of such elements. By following each element through limits the lowest temperature that the system may attain.
a complete pressurization/depressurization cycle it is Inseparable from the cooling effect is the establishment of
possible to plot the individual processes on a temperature- an adverse temperature gradient along the tube wall
entropy diagram. which acts to restore temperature equilibrium and
Consider first the element of 'extra' gas. In its diminish the base temperature.
passage through the regenerator the gas will cool whilst at Reception and rejection of heat at the tube wall takes
the same time its pressure will increase. At some place at different times in the cycle whilst conduction
intermediate pressure the element will enter the pulse tube along the wall will occur continuously. Although the
and from this point onwards the compression will be, temperature change at the inner surface of the wall will
ideally, isentropic. During the quiescent high pressure follow that of the gas closely, the thermal capacity of the
period some of the heat of compression will be transferred wall will be such that the rate of change of 'bulk' wall
to the tube wall and the temperature of the gas will fall at temperature will be slow compared with the pulse period
constant pressure. During the exhaust process the element and may be difficult to detect when superimposed upon a
will follow an isentropic expansion path until it re-enters steady reduction of temperature as the system cools down.
the regenerator after which the gas temperature increases An average wall temperature may therefore be assumed
as heat is absorbed from the regenerator and pressure is over the period of a single cycle. To maintain the
reduced to the initial value. temperature of the wall at any point in the pulse tube the
The path followed by the element of 'initial' gas is heat removed from that section must equal the sum of the
more straightforward since the entire cycle takes pl'ace in heat rejected at this section by gas which originated at a
the pulse tube. The heat of compression is again point lower in the tube and the net heat flow by
transferred to the wall but because the gas has been conduction along the tube wall into this section. This
displaced into the isothermal region of the tube the heat of balance assumes that convective and radiative heat
compression is rejected directly to the cooling medium of exchange with the surroundings is negligible as would be
the heat exchanger. On expansion the element finally the case for a pulse tube refrigerator operating in vacuum,
comes to rest close to the original location but with a the usual practice for cryocoolers. If the heat flow terms
temperature lower than that of the adjacent wall. The heat are not in balance the temperature of the wall will rise or
absorbed by the gas during the quiescent low pressure fall, as appropriate, to restore equilibrium. Hence, the
period causes its temperature and volume to increase equilibrium temperature distribution describes the condi-
slightly and restores the element to its original position. tion at which the net heat flux in any section of the wall is
The series of processes executed by the element of 'initial" zero.
gas are those of the Brayton cycle. The overall action of the heat pumping mechanism
The heat pumping mechanism of the pulse tube is should now be clear together with the distributed nature of
shown to be an essentially regenerative process in which, the refrigeration effect. Heat being conducted down the
over the period of a complete pressurization/depressuri- tube wall is intercepted by the action of the heat pumping
zation cycle, the wall alternately receives and gives up heat mechanism and transported back to a higher level.
to (different) elements of gas. The displacement of these However, in the region of lowest temperature at the base of
elements which accompanies the pressure excursions the pulse tube an additional load is imposed due to
results in the transport of heat from the open to the closed conduction along the regenerator and regenerator in-
end of the pulse tube. Although in the example chosen the efficiency. This load together with any heat that is not
pressure ratio assumed was such that element e i was intercepted at a higher level in the pulse tube must be
displaced directly into the warm end heat exchanger thi s supported by the heat pumping mechanism. This thermal
is not necessarily always the case. The heat pumping effect load supported at low temperature must ultimately be
is distributed along the length of the pulse tube. At very dissipated in the warm end heat exchanger. However, heat
low pressure ratios heat transferred to the wall at some that would flow by conduction into the low temperature
location near the pulse tube entrance may be rejected and region in the absence of the heat pumping mechanism is
re-absorbed at a number of successively higher levels being intercepted at a higher level and must also be
(higher both in terms of physical distance from the dissipated in the warm end heat exchanger. Therefore,
entrance and also temperature) until finally reaching the although it is very difficult to isolate the thermodynamic
warm end heat exchanger. In this way heat may be work input to the pulse tube, that is the sum of the work
transported the length of the pulse tube in a number of terms represented by the areas of the T-S loops for all the
discrete steps, dictated by pressure ratio but without gas elements in the cycle, it is possible to demonstrate that,
critical limit. At each level the heat transported, together as in a more conventional cryocooler, the heat rejected at
with the heat of compression which accompanies dis- high temperature exceeds that absorbed at low tempera-

Cryogenics 1986 Vol 26 June 335

Pulse tube refrigerator. R.N. Richardson
ture and conventional interpretation suggests that the Separating'variables and introducing a product solution
difference between these two quantities should be a leads to a general solution. Invoking the initial condition
measure of the work input to the cycle. leads to a Fourier Bessel series for r(r)which substituted in
the general solution may be shown 23 to give the solu-
Analysis of the heat pumping cycle tion
Since each element of gas in the pulse tube refrigerator
undergoes a slightly different series of processes the device
is not amenable to conventional cycle analysis. As in the { ~ rr(r)J°(~nr)dr} exp(--a~2nt)J°(knr)
case of the Gifford-McMahon cycle it has not, as yet, o=2 0
proved possible to devise an analytical expression for the n=l R2J1 (;knR)
heat pumping rate although, as will be shown, the nature
of the heat pumping mechanism and validity of our (4)
qualitative model may be demonstrated by experiment It
is, however, likely that a numerical solution may prove With the assumption that the predominant mode of heat
feasible and in developing this approach it is possible to transfer in the pulse tube is radial conduction and that the
demonstrate that the assumption is correct that heat tube wall may be considered isothermal over the period of
transfer between the gas and the wall during the quiescent a single cycle, Equation (4) may be used to predict the
periods is the controlling factor in the cycle whilst not radial temperature distribution in the gas at the end of a
necessarily needing to derive the complete numerical quiescent period for a given initial temperature distri-
solution. bution r(r). In principle it is therefore possible to use the
A general expression of the conduction equation for equation as the basis of a 'marching' solution in which the
a homogeneous isotropic medium, written in cylindrical pulse tube is divided into a number of elements and the
coordinates, is initial condition is one of uniform, ambient, temperature.
Taken to its conclusion, and allowing for regenerator
l aT _ 1 a --T-T
o + (1) losses and viscous effects this could provide a method of
0-7 r ar r + r 2 O~2 az 2 predicting the steady state temperature distribution,
Because of the considerable computational effort
required it has not yet been possible to pursue this
For the case of an axisymmetric system in which solution and indeed such an approach may not be
longitudinal conduction is small compared with that in appropriate until further experimental work has been
the radial direction, as assumed for the pulse tube, this completed. However, by developing the result of Equation
reduces to (4) further it will be shown how the optimum pulse rate for
a given pulse tube configuration may be accurately
I OT _ I O (OT) predicted thus accomplishing the prime objective at this
at r ar r ~- (2) stage of validating the qualitative model.
The result of Equation (4) may be differentiated to
give the temperature gradient at the gas/wall interface for
Separate expressions should be written for the radial a given initial condition and combined with appropriate
temperature distributions in the gas and through the pulse values of thermal conductivity and heat transfer area (in
tube wall which are linked by a heat flux continuity this case the wall area for a particular element) to give the
condition at the gas/wall boundary. However, since the heat flow by conduction across the interface. By inte-
thermal capacity of the wall will be much greater than that grating with respect to time over a complete half cycle the
of the gas the simplification may be introduced that the heat transferred per unit length of tube may be shown to
wall is essentially isothermal during the period of heat be
exchange with the gas. Having calculated this heat
transfer the small temperature change for a given wall (exp(-ax r)- 1)
element may be calculated on the basis of its thermal QR = --4~rR2pgcpTw(r~ - 1) (s)
capacity and a correction term introduced. By making the n=l
transformation 0(r, t) = Tg--Tw the problem may be
reduced to one involving two homogeneous boundary For long time periods where r --" oo we arrive at the
conditions and a non-homogeneous initial condition. The theoretical maximum amount of heat that could be
formulation of the problem in terms of the transformed transferred from the gas for the given conditions. Thus
variable O(r, t) is QRmax is

0tg at r Or r- (3) QRmax=-41rR2pgcpTw(rt~-l) ~(~) (6)


with initial condition Dividing Equation (5) by Equation (6) we arrive at the
ratio (t/Q) of the actual heat transferred from the gas in a
0 = Tg(r)-Tw=r(r) O<r<R.t=O given period to the maximum amount of heat that could
be transferred given sufficient time. Assuming equal
and boundary conditions periods of high and low pressure, the time period, r, is one
half the reciprocal of frequency of pulsation,fi It will be
00 appreciated that depending on the frequency of pulsation
- 0 r=0;t>0
Or the amount of heat transferred to the wall may be
considerably less than the total stored in the gas.
0 =0 r=R;t>O To demonstrate the significance of the result we will

336 Cryogenics 1986 Vol 26 June

Pulse tube refrigerator: R.N. Richardson

Figure 4 Pulse tube used in the experiments described

substitute variables appropriate to the pulse tube shown in alone and takes no account of the resistance to flow
Figures 4 and 5, experimental data for which are presented imposed by the regenerator and incidental pipework. The
in the following section. The value o f t is for the pulse tube actual pressure rise time, which is limited by viscous
effects, has been measured for a range of pressure ratios.
As the pulse rate increases the pressure rise (or fall)
occupies a proportionally greater part of each half cycle.
Consequently, the quiescent periods, during which the
Woler majority of heat transfer is presumed to occur, are actually
/ i f
.... much shorter than the pulse rate would suggest.
transducers Ultimately the pulse rate may become so great that the
time required for pressure equilibrium to be achieved in
the system exceeds the duration of the half cycle. Under
these conditions depressurization will be initiated before
the pressure in the pulse tube can reach the supply value
which obviously sets a limit to the useful operating
frequency. By modifying the value o f t to take account of
t : this effect the optimum pulse rates for a range of pressure
ratios may be calculated using Equations (5) and (6). The
results of these calculations for pressure ratios in the range
2-6 are shown in Figure 6. The working fluid is helium gas.
The optimum pulse rate corresponding to each pressure is
clearly seen. It must be emphasized that this solution gives
a relative measure of heat transferred at a particular
pressure ratio to the maximum that could be transferred,
at the same pressure ratio, given sufficient time. It does not
enemtor give an absolute measure of heat pumping rate and it is
not therefore valid to con]pare values of t/Q for different
pressure ratios.

Pulse Experimental verification and results

A considerable number of pulse tube refrigerators of
various sizes and configurations has been investigated.
Cold end The results of this work, which are more fully documented
heat .
V OCUUilrt elsewherez3 together with a comprehensive description of
Vessel the apparatus, have enabled the qualitative description of
pulse tube operation to be developed and have provided
performance data by which the practical potential of the
devices may be evaluated and the model validated. By way
SinterKI of example we will present here typical data for the pulse
flow sfra i(
tube, already referred to, shown in Figures 4 and 5. All the
0 SO results are for helium as the working fluid.
mm This pulse tube assembly is of the most straight-
forward design with the pulse and regenerator tubes
Figure 5 Schematic diagram of experimental pulse tube fabricated from thin walled stainless steel and arranged in

Cryogenics 1 9 8 6 Vol 2 6 June :337

Pulse tube refrigerator." R.N. Richardson
2"0 r- 2~.0






o_ 20O _ /



v 180
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pulse rate Hz E

Figure 6 Prediction of optimum pulse rate using Equations (5) and Q,I
(6). r/o = Ratio of heat transferred, reference (low) pressure = 1 bar. I/$
Pressure ratio: O, rp = 2; r-I, rp = 3; A, rp = 4; II, rp = 5; ~n 160
XT, rp= 6

parallel configuration, the two being connected by the
cold end heat exchanger assembly. Pressure pulses are
produced by a rotary valve (not shown in the diagrams)
lz, O I l I I I I I t I I
which is connected to the regenerator inlet by a short
length of flexible tube. The regenerator consists of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
approximately 800 stainless steel gauze discs 11 m m in
diameter and of 100 mesh. In operation the pulse tube/ Pulse rate Hz
regenerator assembly is surrounded by radiation shields Figure 7 Optimum pulse rate - experimental results. Reference
and contained within a vacuum vessel so that heat leak (low) pressure = 1 bar. Pressure ratio: O, rp = 2; A , rp = 3;
from the surroundings should be minimized. Not only is n, rp = 4; ~7, rp = 5; e, ro= 6
this important to maximize the useful cooling potential of
the pulse tube but also to ensure accurate measurement of
the heat pumping rate and temperature profile along the
pulse tube. Heat is rejected at the closed end of the pulse almost exactly with that predicted by Equation (5) as
tube via a water cooled coil which forms an integral part of shown graphically in Figure 6. The variation in this
the warm end heat exchanger. A thermal load may be optimum with pressure ratio (and hence mean and
imposed at the cold end via an electric resistance heater m a x i m u m pressure) is caused primarily by the
wound around the heat exchanger. dependence of the thermal diffusivity of the gas (working
Thermocouples are used to measure the pulse tube fluid) on pressure and temperature. Since there is very
and regenerator wall temperatures and the cooling water good agreement between the predicted and actual results
temperature rise. Pressure transducers are installed at the it seems appropriate to conclude that the model based on
closed end of the pulse tube and at the inlet to the system transient radial conduction as the dominant mode of heat
above the regenerator. The outputs from these sensors transfer, which leads to Equation (5), is substantially
pass through signal conditioning amplifiers and then to a correct. This would seem to confirm Longsworth's '0
microcomputer-based data logging system. empirical findings that heat transfer in the pulse tube is
Figure 7 shows the temperature of the cold end heat characterized by the Fourier number.
exchanger as a function of pulse rate for different pressure The transient behaviour of the pulse tube is
ratios. It is immediately apparent that a significant illustrated in Figures 8 and 9 for a pressure ratio of 5 at the
refrigeration effect is produced even at pressure ratios optimum pulse rate for imposed thermal loads of 0
below that required if gas is to be displaced the length of and ~ 3 W, respectively. These data are typical of those
the pulse tube (i.e. there would appear to be no minimum recorded for a wide range of pressure ratios, pulse rates
pressure ratio). For each pressure ratio there exists a well and imposed loads. The temperature histories at seven
defined optimum pulse rate which is seen to correspond locations along the length of the pulse tube, as measured

338 Cryogenics 1 9 8 6 Vol 2 6 June

Pulse tube refrigerator: R.N. Richardson




~- 250 p-


.. I i I I I I
0 10 20 )0 L,0 50 60
Time (rains}

150 t- Figure 9 Transient behaviour. O I = 3 . 3 6 W , rp = 5, f = 2.8 Hz,

reference (low) pressure = 1 bar. Distance from cold end heat
| 1 I ._ I I I t exchanger as in Figure 8
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 8 Transient behaviour. O I = 0 . 0 0 W , p = 5, f = 2.8 Hz,

reference (low) pressure = 1 bar. Distance from cold end heat accumulated by the regenerator and used to pre-cool the
exchanger: O, 2 0 0 mm; [], 1 6 0 mm; A, 120 mm; II, 8 0 mm; incoming gas on the subsequent cycle. The 'initial' gas
V, 40 mm; 0 , 20 mm; &, O m m comes to rest at a lower position (relative to that
occupied at high pressure) and is now colder than the
adjacent wall. Obviously, only if the heat absorbed at a
particular location at low pressure exceeds that deposited
by the thermocouples, are plotted from the time when at high pressure can a net fall in wall temperature occur at
pressure pulses are initiated until equilibrium is approached. that location. During the initial cycles this condition will
It will be immediately apparent that during the initial only occur close to the entrance to the pulse tube. As the
stages of operation the wall temperature near the closed number of cycles increases the gas entering the pulse tube
end of the pulse tube rises very rapidly. In fact irrespective via the regenerator becomes progressively colder. It
of pressure ratio, pulse rate or imposed load it has been follows that the peak gas temperature generated as a result
found that only in the region within 100 mm of the cold of pressurization will also fall with each cycle. However,
end heat exchanger, almost three-quarters of the pulse the temperature of the sink to which the heat of
tube length distant from the closed end, is any fall in compression must ultimately be rejected (the warm end
temperature observed during the first few hundred cycles heat exchanger) remains essentially constant, whilst the
of operation. This behaviour accords with the predictions temperature of the wall at all locations remote from the
based upon temperature stratification and the process of warm end heat exchanger will be determined by the net
heat exchange between the gas column and tube wall due heat flux to the wall during the previous cycle. Therefore,
to surface heat pumping. at all locations the gas-to-wall temperature difference falls
Since at the end of the first pressurization process and the amount of heat transferred to the wall during the
the temperature of the gas at all locations beyond the quiescent high pressure period decreases. A point is
entrance to the pulse tube will be higher than that of the reached at which the lower temperature achieved on
adjacent wall it follows that the wall temperature must depressurization results in the absorption of more heat
increase during the subsequent quiescent high pressure from the wall during the quiescent low pressure period
period at all locations outside the warm end heat than was deposited at the same location half a cycle earlier
exchanger whilst that of the gas is reduced. On at high pressure. This corresponds to the turning points of
depressurization, the temperature of the gas in the pulse the curves of Figures 8 and 9. The temperature will then
tube falls. The cooling potential of the 'extra' gas is continue to fall until equilibrium is reached at which the

Cryogenics 1986 Vol 26 June 339

Pulse tube refrigerator:. R.N. Richardson
150 irreversibili~ in the system and isolate the ideal thermo-
dynamic work input to the pulse tube. However, from the
practical viewpoint it is the acceptability of actual
performance data, such as presented in Figure 10, that will
determine the potential of pulse tube refrigerators.

It has been shown that transient radial heat transfer is the
dominant effect in the pulse tube refrigerator. An
analytical solution which enables optimum pulse rate to
be calculated has been developed and the result verified
by experiment. The research has enabled a more
comprehensive explanation of the heat pumping
mechanism to be presented. The possible relevance of
2 surface heat pumping to the non-ideal behaviour
o 5
observed in certain types of cryocooler has been
highlighted. It would seem that this connection has never
g~ before been suggested. Although the data presented here
were intended, primarily, to support and validate the
qualitative and quantitative explanations of pulse tube
:z: 3 refrigeration they may also prove a useful indicator of the
practical potential of a pulse tube refrigerator. Despite a

relatively low coefficient of performance it seems likely
that the pulse tube's inherent simplicity and absence of
vibration could prove particularly attractive in certain
applications and should warrant further investigation of
the device.
O 150 200 250

Bose temperature K References

1 US Department of Commerce NBS Special Publication 508
Figure 10 Energy balance, rp = 5, f = 2.8 Hz, reference (low) (1981)
pressure = 1 bar. r-I, Work input to compressor; A, heat rejected at 2 Walker, G. Cryocoolers Plenum Press, USA (1983)
2 9 0 K; ©, net refrigeration capacity at base temperature 3 Gifferd, W.E. and MeMahon, H.O. Proc lOth Int Cong Ref
4 Gifford, W.E. Adv Cryo Eng (1965) 11 52
5 Orlowska, A.H. D Phil Thesis University of Oxford, UK
net heat flux at each wall location over a complete cycle is (1985)
6 Orlowska, A.H. Private communication
0. However, even at a condition of equilibrium the 7 Gifford, W.E. and Longsworth, R.C. Trans ASME J Eng Ind
continuous flow of heat by longitudinal conduction (1964) 63 264
through the tube wall means that at each location the gas 8 Gifford, W.E. and Lengsworth, R.C. Int Adv Cryo Eng 10
must absorb more heat from the wall at low pressure than (1964) 69
it rejects at high pressure. This is, of course, the essence of 9 Gifford, W.E. and Longsworth, R.C. Adv Cryo Eng (1965) It
the heat pumping mechanism. 171
10 Lengsworth, R.C.Adv Cryo Eng (1966) 12 608
By analysing the equilibrium operating state for a 11 Gifford, W.E. and Kyanka, G.H. Adv Cryo Eng (1966) 12 619
range of imposed thermal loads it is possible to determine 12 Thornton, G.K. unpublished, University of Oxford. UK
the performance of the pulse tube refrigerator as a (1979)
function of base temperature. Such an overall energy 13 Lechner, R.A. and Ackermann, R.A. Adv Cryo Eng (1972) 18
balance is presented in Figure 10. There is, of course, no 467
shaft work input to the pulse tube itself but a high pressure 14 Hrycak, P. and Levy, M.J. Proc 1st Int Cryo Eng Con.[ (1967)
gas supply must be maintained (or pressure pulses 15 Seleznev, Yu.V. lzvestia Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavendenii
generated by oscillation of a piston in the case of the Macshinostr (1977) 536.1:612.5 95
'reversible' pulse tube) which will require a work input. By 16 Rauh, M. Kaltetechnik (1967) 19 62
defining the system so as to include the gas compressor it 17 Yani, M. Cryo Eng (Japan) (1968) 3 201
becomes clear that the actual work input to the system, 18 Mikulin, E.I., Tnrnsov, A.A. and Shkrebyonock, M.P.Adv Cryo
rather than the ideal thermodynamic work input to the Eng (1984) 29 629
19 Colangelo, J.W., Fitzpatrick, E.E., Rea, S.N. and Smith Jr., J.L.
pulse tube in isolation, depends on the mean gas flow rate Adv Cryo Eng (1967) 13 494
and pressure ratio. It will be apparent that for the work 20 Smide, I.M. Proc Int lnst Rcfrig Commission Ili (1969) 59
input defined in this way the coefficient of performance 21 Narnyankhedkar, ICG. and Mane, V.D.ASME Conf72- WA/PID-
(COP) of the pulse tube is very low. The major part of the 2 (1973)
work input to the system will be accounted for by the 22 Rndebaugh, R., Smith, R.S. and Louie, B. CEC/ICMC, August
irreversible processes inherent in the system with only a 1985, MIT, USA (To be published as Adv Cryo Eng 31/32)
23 Richardson, R.N.D. Phil Thesis University of Oxford, UK
very small part of the total accounted for by the difference (1982)
between the heat absorbed at low temperature and that 24 Bun'el, G.3. Bull Mech Eng Educ (1965) 4 115
rejected at high temperature. Further research will be 25 Sckmidlln, A.E. Sc. D Dissertation Stevens Institute of
required to identify more precisely the sources of Technology. New York, USA (1962)

340 Cryogenics 1986 Vol 26 June

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