YD Handbook

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Youth Development (YD) Handbook

Version 1

Table of contents
I. YD Mission and Vision………………………………………………….……….……………2
II. Membership …………………………………………………………………………………...2
III. YD Policies…………………………………………………………………..……………….2-3
IV. YD Common Terminology ………………………………………..………………………..3-4
V. Directors…………………………………………………………..………………………….4-5
VI. Admin………………………………………………………………………………...……….5-6
VII. Officer Positions…………………………………………………………..…………………6-8
VIII. Breaks ……………………………………………………………………..………………...8-9
IX. Starting a new Team and Projects………………………………………...…………………9
X. Hiring Process for new Batches………………………………………………………….9-10
XI. Part-time in a different Department………………………………………...………………10
XII. Transferring Departments………………………………………………..………………10-11
XIII. Resigning from Position……………………………………………………………………..11
XIV. YD Partnership…………………………………………………...……………………….11-12
XV. Amendments ………………………………………………………….……………………..12

I. Mission And Vision

- To help Zomi become a developed nation with a high Human Development Index. And to
help Zogam to be a land with Rule of law that promotes Freedom, Peace and Justice.
- To preserve and enhance the literature, language and the culture of Zomi.

- Zomi Picing
- To educate Zomi youth to contribute in our community with time, energy and
other resources as needed to reach our vision.
- To become excellent followers as well as outstanding leaders for the community
as needed.
- Siamsin Picing
- To educate Zomi Youth to become open-minded, great learners and thinkers in
their pursuit of formal education as well as other venues of learning.

II. Membership

Section 1: Eligibility for Membership

- Completed and passed the basic training program.
- Abide by the YD Handbook.
- Membership must be approved by the Hiring Committee

Section 2: Membership shall last until the member leaves or membership is terminated by
HR with the consent of the Directors.

Section 3: Member’s duties and responsibility

- Members must attend all associated meetings on time unless notice is given ahead of
time to the Meeting lead..
- Members must prioritize their Home Department.
- Members are expected to always be on task.
- Be responsible and demonstrate respect to others.
- Must contribute an average of 2 hours per week.

III. YD Policies

● YD will not tolerate any form of discrimination including but not limited to: gender, age,
country, township, tribe, clans, religion or political views.
● YD will not tolerate any form of harassment including but not limited to: Cyberbullying,
making sexually explicit comments, offensive or derogatory jokes, power harassment,
sexual harassment.
● Using YD name and workspace for casual talk and flirting will not be tolerated.
● No Meeting shall take place during these holidays:
○ Zomi National Day
○ Zomi Khuado
○ New Year
○ Christmas eve/Christmas
○ Thanksgiving
● All Meeting attendees must have their cameras on unless excused by the meeting
● No personal conflict shall be brought into meetings.

IV. YD Common Terminology

● Home Department
○ There are 5 Departments as follows: Training, Research, HR, Creative, and
■ Teams that do not yet belong to an existing Department shall be placed in
the Special Department.
■ Some teams may eventually establish their own Department by the
consent of the Directors.
● Part-Time Department
○ A secondary Department in which a member works part-time in. There shall be
no limit on how many Departments a member can work part-time in.
● Team
○ A set of members working on continuous duties/tasks in a specific Department.
● Project
○ A set of members working to accomplish an end objective in a specific
● Interdepartmental Guest
○ YD members attending meetings outside of their affiliated Departments shall be
considered a guest.
● Interns
○ New Graduates and Transferring Members Exploring the Departments During
Hiring Season (Lasting 3 Months that will be coordinated by Hiring Coordinator)
● Official Meeting Time
○ Meeting Time used for YD Related work
● Overtime

○ Additional time to work beyond one's scheduled working hours.

● Social Time
○ Socializing after the meeting
● Admin Intern: Potential future Admin member.
● Admin Guest: Department members attending Admin meetings with the purposes of
listening or presenting where required.
○ They have the option to stay after, but may be asked to leave if so required.

Meeting types:
● All Hands
○ A meeting with all YD members.
● Department General Meeting
○ A meeting with all members of the department.
● Team/Project meetings
○ A meeting where the members of the Team/Project do their work.
● YD Basic Training
○ A meeting where trainers give basic training to trainees.
● Admin Meeting
○ A Meeting of Admin Members to Report and Discuss Departmental affairs.
● Department Focused Directors Meeting
○ A meeting that focuses on a specific Department.
● Directors Meeting
○ A meeting of the Directors to discuss YD affairs.

V. Directors

Section 1: The Directors shall be responsible for overall policy and direction of YD. It may
delegate responsibilities to the Departments. The Directors shall be made up of the YD Director
and Assistant Directors.

Section 2: The Director may appoint up to 3 Assistant Directors with the Consent of both
Admin and ZIUSA Board.

Section 3: All of YD's Major decisions and proposals must be passed through the Directors.
The Directors shall have 2 weeks to make a decision on any proposal presented to them.
- The Directors may pass the proposal and decision to Admins hand if it finds it more
- In the case the Directors fail to make a decision in the given amount of time, the
proposer may give notice to an Admin member. The decision on that proposal will be
automatically handed to Admin.

Section 4: A quorum must be present to make any decision in the directors. Director and 1
Assistant Director shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5: When making decisions, the Director shall get 2 votes. The Assistant Directors
shall get 1 vote.
- All decisions made by the Directors must be reported in the next Admin meeting. (Admin
shall reserve the power to challenge a Directors decision)

Section 6: Responsibilities of the Directors shall include but not limited to the following:
(Bold = YD Director Only)
- Report to ZIUSA Board
- Report and communicate with the ZIUSA Executive Director and Board as
required by them.
- Lead Directors meeting and Admin meeting.
- Record Directors/Admin meeting hours and Decisions made.
- Update Calendar for Directors/Admin Meetings/All Hands Meetings
- Public Relations
- Create a Monthly YD Newsletter that Must Include But not Limited to the Following
- Admin Report/Decisions/Agenda
- YD Department Reports
- Visit all department/team at least once every month to check on progress
- May Write Recommendation Letter if asked

Section 7: The Directors shall have the ultimate security clearance. (Access to all YD
Documents) The Directors shall have the right to enter any YD meetings as desired.

Section 8: The ZIUSA Board shall act as a court of appeal when necessary.

Section 9: The Directors may create, terminate or merge any Department as needed with
the consent of the Admin.

Section 10: The Directors may appoint/terminate a Manager for a Department with the
consent of the Admin.

VI. Admin

Section 1: Admin shall serve as the main reporting body.

Section 2: Responsibilities of Admin Shall include but not limited to the following:
- Plan and lead All Hands Meeting

Section 3: Normal Decision making in Admin.

- A Quorum must be present to make decisions.
- 70% attendance of Admin with at least 1 of the Directors shall constitute a Quorum.
- All Admin members shall get 1 vote regardless of their position in YD.
- To pass a decision, votes must be won by a simple majority.

Section 4: Decision Making on Proposals for Amendments.

- A Quorum must be present to make decisions.
- 90% attendance of Admin shall constitute a Quorum.
- All Admin members shall get 1 vote regardless of their position in YD.
- Votes must be won by a ⅔ Super Majority

Section 5: Admin shall have the right to challenge a decision made by the Directors.
- When a Directors decision is reported in an Admin meeting, 2 Admin members shall be
enough to challenge the decision.
- When a Directors decision is challenged, Admin will discuss and take a vote on that
- For the challenged decision to be rejected:
- A Quorum must be present to make decisions.
- 90% attendance of Admin excluding the Directors shall constitute a Quorum.
- All Admin members excluding the Directors shall get 1 vote each regardless of
their position in YD.
- Votes must be won by a ⅔ Super Majority
- This decision shall be final and unchangeable until 100% of Admin agrees to do so.

Section 6: All Admin members must be members of ZIUSA. Qualifications to become an

Admin Member must include at least one of the following:

Qualification to become Admin Member : One must be a member of ZIUSA and also include in
at least one of the followings positions/roles:

- YD Department Director
- Assistant Directors
- Managers
- Assistant Managers
- ZIUSA Board members in YD
- Special Department Team Leads
- Admin Interns Promoted by Admin Decision

Section 7: Admin Intern

- Managers may bring in Interns from their Department into Admin Meetings when allowed
by the Directors.
- Managers may propose to promote that member into Admin. Decision on that shall be
discussed and decided by the Admin.

VII. Officer Positions

Section 1: Department Manager:


Every Department shall have one Manager with the exception of the Special Department.
Department Managers shall have full authority on how their Department will run and function
within to work towards YD Mission and Vision with the oversight of the Directors.

- Responsibilities of Manager shall includes but not limited to the following:

● Manages and oversee their respective department
● Coordinate and lead Department General Meetings
○ All Departments must have at least 1 General Meeting every
● Develop Strategies for a better work environment
● Execute Department Decisions
● Staff and assign positions to members
● Monitor and report progress to YD Directors and Admins during Admin
● Attend any ongoing project meetings in their Department at least once a
● May write Recommendation Letter if asked
● Update Calendar for Department General Meetings
● Give Admin report to Members
● In the case of Team Lead stepping down, Manager will choose a process
to choose the new Team Lead
- Powers:
● Voting power in Admin
● Able to direct all members in their respective department
● Design the process to pick a Department Assistant Manager
● Start or Approve a new Project in their respective Department
● Access to YD Official Email
● Join any Meetings in Their Department

Section 2: Department Assistant Managers:

Every Department is encouraged to have one Assistant Manager.

- Responsibilities shall include but not limited to the following:

● Assist the Managers in all the roles
● Carry out manager responsibilities in the absence of the Manager

- Power:
● Voting power in Admin
● Able to direct all members in their respective department with the
oversight of the Manager.
● Join any Meetings in Their Department.

Section 3: Team Lead/ Project Leaders


- Responsibilities shall include but not limited to the following:

● Lead the team to achieve the goals of the team
● Coordinate Team meetings
● Update meeting times on Google calendar
● Delegate Tasks and Responsibilities to Members.
● Set a goal/game plan (agenda) and make a timeline (Update as needed)
● Make sure meeting note are taken (when necessary)
● Make sure Attendance are recorded
● Report progress to Manager

- Power:
● Have the final say in their team/project
● Request to Recruit/Remove Team Members to Manager. Manager will
communicate with Hiring and Firing.

Section 4: Team Lead Qualification

- Only Home Department members have the authority to lead or initiate teams/projects
within that department.

VIII. Meetings

Section 1: Meetings may be created and called by any person in position. This includes
Directors, Managers, and Team Leads. All Meetings are encouraged to be notified within at
least 24 hours.

Section 2: Non YD Members shall not be allowed to attend any YD meetings. Any outside
Guest may join with the permission of the Meeting Chairman.

Section 3: Official meeting time shall not exceed 2 hours. If necessary, the meeting leader
can opt for overtime to keep working as needed. Overtime will not be mandatory for members to

Section 4: Meetings longer than 2 hours must have a 10 minute break.

Section 5: Recording Time. Official Meeting Time and Overtime shall be Recorded in the
Work Hour. Social Time Shall not be Recorded in the Work Hour.

IX. Breaks

Section 1: Members
- Members Desiring to take a Break may give notice to their respective Manager and
Team Leads. Notice must include: how long of a break, starting date, and from which
Teams. Authority of approving Breaks shall be given to Managers. In the case the

Manager approves a break, they must notify HR. HR must report this in the next Admin

Section 2: Team Leads

- Team Leads Desiring to take a Break may give notice to their respective Manager.
Notice must include how long of a break and starting date. Authority of approving Breaks
shall be given to Managers. In the case the Manager approves a break, they must notify
HR. HR must report this in the next Admin Meeting.

- While Team Leads are on break (with the consent of the Manager) the Team Lead may
either assign a temporary Team Lead, or choose to put that Team/Project on hold.

Section 3: Managers
- Managers Desiring to take a Break may give notice to the Directors. Notice must include
how long of a break, and starting date. Authority to approve Breaks shall be given to the
Directors. In the case the Directors approve the break, they must notify HR. HR must
report this in the next Admin Meeting.

- While Managers are on break, Assistant Managers will temporarily hold Manager
positions. In the case there is no Assistant Manager, the Directors and the respective
manager shall assign a Temporary Manager.

Section 4: Directors
- The YD Director desiring a break may make a request from the ZIUSA Executive
Director. In the case that the ZIUSA Executive Director approves the break, the YD
Director Must Report this to HR. HR must report this in the next Admin Meeting.

- Assistant Directors desiring a break may make a request from the Director. In the case
the Director approves of the break, the Assistant Director must report to HR. HR must
report this in the next Admin meeting.

Section 5: Break Lengths

- Members may take a break for up to 3 months.
- Managers and Team Leads may take a break for up to 2 months.
- Directors may take a break for up to 1 month.
- Breaks beyond the allowed amount shall not be granted.
- If anyone needs to take a break for longer than the allowed amount, they may leave YD
and Join back another time.

Sections 6: Any persons on break shall be temporarily stripped of all powers and
responsibility until the break period is over.

X. Starting New Projects and Teams


Section 1: Any Department Member can Propose to Start a new Project or Team to their
Respective Manager.
- Manager can approve or reject the proposal.

Section 2: Projects and Teams that will affect more than one Department must be Presented
to, and Approved by the Directors.

XI. Hiring Process for New Batches

Section 1: Hiring Coordinator will arrange/coordinate and communicate this process.

Process will be as follows:
○ A Department Fair will take place.
■ Departments will present their projects
■ First round of Active Member Application Form (AMAF) Survey will
be given to graduates
○ Internship will take place for 3 months
■ Graduates will be going into meetings as interns.
○ Second round of AMAF survey will be given
○ Interns will be placed into a Department. The Hiring Committee will have
the final decision on the placement of members.

Section 2: A detailed process can be requested from the Hiring Coordinator

XII. Part-time in a different Department.

Section 1: Process for working Part-time in a Different Department will be as follows:

● Members Desiring to work part-time in a different Department may give notice to both
Managers involved.

● Managers will communicate with each other. With the agreement of the 2 Managers
involved, a member can work part time in a Department Project/Team.

● All changes must be reported to the Hiring Coordinator. Hiring Coordinator must report
this in the next Admin Meeting.

● Incase of a disagreement between Managers, the Hiring Committee will have the final

Section 2: Managers and Team Leads shall follow the no-poach agreement which states:
- Departments cannot Recruit or Persuade a member from a different Department to Work
part-time in their Departments without the consent of the Department the member is
currently in.

XIII. Transferring Departments

Section 1: Transferring process for members will be as follows:

○ Any member desiring to transfer their Home Department will give notice to the
Hiring Coordinator
■ Members will be given a Transfer Form to fill out
○ The Hiring Coordinator will communicate with the member, the old Home
Department Manager and new desired Department Manager.
○ With the agreement of Both managers and the Hiring Committee, the member
will be officially transferred to the new Department starting the beginning of the
next month.
■ In case Both Managers disagree, the Hiring Committee will have the final
○ All news and updates will be communicated by the Hiring Coordinator. Hiring
Coordinator Must report all Changes and updates in the next Admin Meeting.

Section 2: Managers and Team/Project leads may not transfer Departments while in

Section 3: Managers and Team Leads shall follow the no-poach agreement which states:
- Departments cannot Recruit or Persuade a member from a different Department to
transfer in their Departments without the consent of the Department the member is
currently in.

XIV. Resigning from Position/Membership

Section 1: Team/Project Leads Resigning

- Team/Project leads desiring to step down from leadership may give notice to their
Manager 1 month ahead of time.

- With the approval of their Manager, they will officially resign from their leadership starting
the beginning of the next month.

Section 2: Managers Resigning

- Managers desiring to resign from their position will give notice to the Directors at least 3
months ahead.

- With the approval of the Directors, the person will Officially resign at the end of June or
at the end of December.

- In the case a Manager resigns from position, the Directors will appoint a new Manager
with the consent of Admin.

- Until the Next Manager appointment, the Assistant Manager will temporarily hold the
Manager Position.

Section 3: Leaving YD
- Any person desiring to leave YD may give notice to the Hiring Coordinator 1 month
ahead of time.

- Members are subjected to a short interview by the Hiring Committee before leaving.

XV. YD Partnership

Section 1: YD may create partnerships with any organizations/individuals that support YD

mission and vision.
- All partnerships must be approved by the Directors.

Section 2: Partners of YD may attend the respective meetings required of them.

Section 3: YD and Partnerships will not tolerate any form of discrimination including but not
limited to: gender, age, country, township, tribe, clans, religion or political views.

XVI. Amendments
Section 1: Proposals.
- Any YD member may propose an Amendment to the Directors during the Proposal
Period. The Proposal Period shall be open during the month of October and November.

- The Director may propose an Amendment to Admin within 1 month of their new

Section 2: Ratification
- Decision on YD members proposal must be made by the end of January

- Decision on Director’s proposal must be made within 1 month of the proposal.

- Decision on Amendment proposal will be made in the Admin.

Section 3: The Directors will coordinate all processes or choose to create a temporary Team
to coordinate this process.

Handbook written by the following members: Dal Lam Thang, Siam Za Khai, Niang Sian Siam,
Mary Cing Lian Siam, Cing Hau Man, Dal Sawm Tung, Khawm L Mung Tawng, Pau Lian Mung,
Pum Thian Thang

Handbook Reviewed by the following people: Cing Muan Kim, Nang Khan Dong, Dim San
Nuam, Mary Mang Nuam, Cing Hawm Lian.

Approved by: 2021-2022 YD Administration on 05/27/2022

Approved by: 2021-2022 YD Directors on 06/03/2022

Approved by: ZIUSA Executive Director on 06/03/2022

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