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The story of TALLER Ics been bought, sold, closed, resuscitated, saved, damned and saved again. The course of Tatler never did run smooth. Since its beginnings as the must-read of the day among the coffee houses of St James’, in the reign of Queen Anne, it has been a rocky but rollicking road. Here is the tale of Tatler. there appeared 0 strets of exniral London welL known wit and man-about- town. His equally urbane phAdalson = they hod been at ther mos fame contributor, hat chen it was reprinted in facsimile 1877, 168 yor Tales AC On end noxehere was better torepotfromthan White for thelotest word on mannersand Wilsforiterature hile the Grecian Coflee House waswhere notesofscholiey interest weretaken and newscame romtheSt James Cote House ‘The Tatler wasthe braincildofthe Inshwnterand dramatist Richard Stole, amember ofthe howseholdof Prince George ‘of Denmark, the Queen'sonsort Stele had tecenty mated his second, an ‘lderheiresswhomhetdmet athis ist wife’ funeral [sephAddison—Stecleandhe were pals from Charterhouse quickly became contributor they were laterto found The Sector together) adi Jonathan Swit shoe Addison had met in eand According toitsopening paragraph politics weretobe lnftothenewspapers Yer both tesleand Adklison were dchard Whigswhowanted to frm the aristocracy alter the percived ‘excesses ofthe Restoration and used The Tater to promote Whiggish propaganda, The magazine wasfull oFkindlyand wit essays (someofwhich canbe read inthe Penguin (Chasse Slt from Tae Talo and The Specie), meant to appeal tothe middle lass inthe coffeehouses, Whateermen door orthink ordream/Ourmotey poperseizes forts theme's the epigrapintheistssue Stele’ Tera an immensely ried cocktailainewsgossip,poltics entertainment, ‘eviaand controversy. Anorymositems ‘worried about ladies etting wrinklesand Giscusselthemertsaloghing Ito the Stories of two society ladies fosohom ‘all hearst present pant andof avery pretty gentleman fromanoble family whose love Sfayoungwoman wasnot returned land who sankintoadeplorabledebauch of Grunkenness,Anditwasan instaneané sensational hit. Nothing ikeithad been sconbefore.IsaacNewion became subvert a did the Duke of Marlborough, ‘whohad recently thrashed the Frenchat ‘theBattleofBlenheimandhad putthe Queenseelton the “Whate’er men ~ ae fay towinng te ro Sah iremecettivesmess. do, OF Say, OF teSpanansacenon 1ZOy-17 11 sie olinatiye hin % Bott lstiong just Trusiowandseuys- -thANK, OF ap menacing tie deat tere chage deletions raced Thewinuroli7wanscoleneinte.t —ievicecseatinges _ ATeam/Our — Sercisieneers _ Mmingincoparieceamena flownengtete motley paper Yinadte te 2) mateckictindnasiicnacd Gmcdyemnttadten nag heh tty etry f Eteste oiniaimasiy paninyenpcee” —S1ze9 fOr ts pentatCaony F somnintetetvanded ‘Rieter py Remaetinca wea § “Tiprngemeandththefounding, —wascninethne andthe theme caleatpo mon $ atelurvopacteticcmsclie’ cafchaseeSaressweetiein Thepseulag noe Deke veren 3 puloftiedspusscfcmingrantyand pactosecantbesenThectntoncf_indindes00jaateralhogh woe 2% ktonandtowcommendegerealitletatierathatel goes andwoinat——sianjone gion. > roeered Thetelanch of Ther (Val, Not, dated July 1901, picesipence) ~which The Daily Tegraph dubbed 3 remarkably god rst number ~wasallaboutsocietyitha ews edge anditcame tthe dawn othe Fdwardkan age The sombre Queen Viconla had died, thenation had mournedand then they goton with havingajoly good time Aristo edinavray that wold be inconceivable today and there were mor syalbousesin Europe thanasane man could count Theyhadyettobe magia and obliterated by twoworkdwars.The magazine 3='an lustratedjournal of Socetyand the Stage and kicked with eon Who's described aballatSuthe Who tJames Mar olwasat Nos the Nor Nonfolk Hot Wiliam rooks milion isu of20May ‘Dishes othe Day ingbutthe con ation of beauty pages with tested Beautiful Hands ~theSecret and covering prodtliceNowena SumprofCrime, Protection against, tein the Fist World War wasall about bigtitesbighats big December 19Seoner was ofa gang ofsoiesinthe sine's Christmas namber somevserein France ~ Weare ‘sends The Tver ~sai the picture caption fllosed by ballsand big guns. The ches tein the feupitn thevwar nes portraits of the new commander, Field Marshal Halg and toffs who were‘usefulas sell as omamentalin war, The Duchess of Westminster in her Red Cross nurse Gniorm snapped at thehospital she wasrunningon the font Thetheatrical portraits and stores were therein force andthe fashion pages, The Highway of ashio’ ull ot discounts tobe hadat the inst shops during these svatened times. he Prince of Wales (ater King Edward fumed Duke of Windsor already the Itboy ofhis generation was the 3 December 1919 cover-Therewasa picture of Lady Astor whobad just been elected Boars woman MPriding abouther new ‘constituency of Plymouth nacarsage-The pa {Opera all troness Lady Cunard Lady Cunard ener weslangely to hermerican blood! the reader wastold before tuming over onto the Christmas Cit (Guide The war was done anddustedmillons were dead, bute partyhadtogoon.> tobeseen at was the Tatler’ XC On “TAT TL c RL dampen Ter’: the ch were r | “Ve terrible decade ofthe Thirties dit lech nil partied and ll the Mitford ergageme ter Rood he tur ‘entataining conversational Fashion, of ‘course, wn aly tothe forin 1950 ad ‘ome the announcement that The Tater vil publish every month an origina fashion ‘esgn by Gordon Conuayfor the season! Rolkskingroyal pres cominsed for ‘one of thei matemal randiathor Lord Strathmore pos in Welwyn. The ation ch Try st. aay oom and depressing weather fame ahead and King EdvardVI bicated'~ didn seem to do too much tostill the royal fervour December 1936 screamed: perbap Een es than impressed by a 1939 cover of Tatler’s The one Madame Antenor Patio (wile of Bolivian minister and tycoon, which Second, was the lst person to hold this tile and the Duchess of Ket i considered the third bes dressed in the world’ And soit went on. Madarne Patios hasbard Bourbon herself wasnt an exiled duke and exking, but rather the ith inthe werd Money was starting io make sel heard above beeing hiscoverslot a foreign who had inherited the mantle ‘magazine had ridden out the General Stike and then the Great Depression and the secting ferment inthe ntemationa cao that own at them, the inhabia Vege Bat this Boppy state of wr sat that b Tales JC On THE TATLER fve-mingteintenal wor tselout h She wasconsiderda oe On i, tuk ‘ TAT. Le ER Sei nose cr Perec rer) vith the infant Prine cuore inside an image of Loc Tovsedomuit with on eightand-atalpoundsalmon > Tatler’s atest pone Sere th the Festal of Britain, the Royal Coronation and Winston Churchill ‘lected prime minister hope wasn restored and Tatler eee ris fhe dy Inthe fanny 19 ise, avec {orm of satin commentary by Gordon Beckles about pariament ants des take asc week rs Fim reviews by Freda Bruce Lockhart showed renewed pasion in the industry shedcling light on Orson Wells Pla Magicard thanking heave or Danitle Delorme' performance Gigs a proud Sic Salford Cripps, Chancellor of ‘the Exchequer. was papped making a speech a the Sader’ Wal Balin Covent Garden totonat the dancer tumphant retum othe tage. feature AtThe Ccuscelebrated ‘thejossofthebig top the newest MG Midget spor. panes preci was tall ollwed by ahion ig tends from Connoisseur Fur to’ Tabulous Cottons: Royals dominated RCRA ssuehad Ms Winston Guest on the cover. She was Ameristar Avenue Piers eden shopping day and entering by night and 'egarded asamong he tre best dressed peidlealeieley hesessesin Ameri! Bester il Lady Heriot Paget. 18- month-old deughter ofthe pe aise Marquess and Marcioness of Anglesy,on the7 March cover must be the youngest penepiaet plano player fall sme thane the attude necessary forthe concer plato Bukit ul long before such notable achievements were one more overshadowed by royally and, by 16 May 1951, Princesses Flzabeth and Margate! nested to dominate the Festal. lly toppled by worthy contenders The 8 eb Blain when the cover showed them anivng there wh acapton describing eos mamentns events fhe day! By he ime the Rey Corcration 1953,putrtsm had reached izing heights and an ene magazine was dedicated to» the Queen paviioned with splendour and girded wth praise! Decorative society remained Sn focus wth Mis Cian Klan Sth appearing onthe 28 uly 1954 cover as'one of ‘the most arctiveof his sesons debutantes fellow by pages of elegant desed punters at Ascot and Goodwood, Lady Eden appears ‘hex to ney appointed prime minster St Anthony or he cover of20 Ape 195, whe Jnsie concentateson the important business ‘ofthe most ‘vivacious china forthe casual met ‘By 1956, colour sil in se on covers anda November issue showsa sarle-dad theton Mis ugh ase (Antonia) followed by a review of Maryn Meorwoe stopping aficin Bas Span aly winning her bate for recognition as an actress “Around ths time there was shit in ‘lita and etaes began examine soil ‘lemmas Clad Cacham debate howe tomemorse telephone numbers when they ‘crease om our lorie digits Keeping telephone dnecores handy icons, coming fom people who lead absurdly shoteredlives Bema Keelan discussed ‘whether women shuld pnthe Lords esching: "Women MPsare not, perhaps, natural candidates for promotion to enmin, because ‘hey tend tobe aggressive With this appeared ance column by Lady Osbome advising how tovsuprise your guests with an evening la {range with loisof handy ips on howto propre the table and ita ting For those son to travel further ald there was ane travel column called Psspet explaining how toskiand make one’ ist sqquaintance wth ‘hisstrenousarta sucess LONG LIVE THE QUEEN Tatler’s Takers 3 Ow. er was relaunched ava monthly in MUI arch 1968, anc by May 1969 the cover vas BPE picture ofthe Queen inthe White Drawing Room at Buckingham Palace “Adlsons Soda ny people of the upper classes asifthey were told an od frend was about PENSE 0 come back into their ves PEE ain lod with debutantes roles onthe dukes thelr acreage, ‘Eton College and Longa “Marquess of Bath, April 1968 save th of Wales and Princess Anne at their fis a vst othe Royal Opera House foe Nurgyev’s The Nuoracker, and inside more beats a the Lord Mayor of Westminster reception at the Dorchester followed by ‘Noel Coward at Home’ The fashion page concentrate on Elegant Clothes for Comfort ts seen on Margaret, Duchess of Argyll one ofthe most beaut women of her {generaton’~ on the june 1969 cover wth siant black poodle (the fist of many dogs to find their way ino the magazine) By 21 July 1968, Neil Armstrong had landed lon the moon, Woodstock was being planned, yet Tatler August issue cover featured the Quee inside were stores my and fashion pages praising the trouser sult with a pleading letter that the chaleman ofthe Savoy Group change his policy and allow ladies in trosers to be served. Equally daring aber 1969 cover ofthe Begum t wha had married m las the Aga Khan, leader of 20 milion Moslems. > i i i : i i i : i Takers 3 Orn R | Tatler’s er Ball withthe Duchess of Kent and Lady the Ea and more deta Jubieein june Byte time a and her hsb Colour with coverines ke tures on Heney Kesingee The crowning gly othe Queen ‘Australian Gary Bogard in 1978 Princess Margaret of Snowdon had divorced Covers began to appear in tease mariage matitin the wk Ti Tat’ an People sen int power the fi prime mintr and Bogard appoint Tin Brown athe etr of Tate ae Tatler’s eo, Koo Stark el extras he aught g-eting ‘ T ‘pital igs wth gto Mage Tattered up toher ela on Lady by showing te Argentines sb ad mete at haa sgn a the | peer fein Br, Covrfouletes ae tplomted neopt of edad Tater OUR Cine . Pure the pong 2 ear bere j Shebecamea sensation on anne 43 The ite-The courg and subsequent mariage ol the ince of WakstoLady Dane Spence wal couse osu fens ection fre We covered tal rm the Pret Amacing’ pce “an indepth okt taco Dl suchas er nds the wedges nde ata nest =o Cnn ack ana by the-then Tr young gut Nias Coli ho eported {Rhyl weigh res pwn Staats btalthe yal prince ve es modeler gpd ong. Pree aches Sl tend Koo Stark gored te coverla brary 1980-we een aed about her Cockato Cand wo tes onthe ack inthe backorherbgce ht Tater vastal abou yas ata aqeces ry Halland Nai Haba wee {Naty Dai ayn Seeder 985 for thecoverolh waxing eal abot ei forcing opal Tn these koe we fanapeeedlod Cinna alvey romp create Glmes family whch we have ples ou x pp 8 Ter ied te great obo ton October 185 thee wa shot of he atone net Tatler’s Iewoule have been very tal ho if ofthe Duke of Rutland, hadnt been Tiler id feature Bona fide rock tars too, In March 1986 the ba git of pop hers ut fom a curtain in a whit urban fr Herb Ris here leu ssh asekcid io er hr tem office in ver featuring the Thatchet It was by photographing an Duke and Duchess ful carer a8 mode independent ad not Tatler’s mea telltale E ™ heal eth a is wom FX Zu ‘es ltwasa coup de foudre for Chaes Spencer wins had wooed the model ofthe 380, we pictured her laughing white shades ofl. In tre fom the Shy Dy Slope fr the Tories bat not for Tt In January 1996 we predicted it woul be The ear of the Divore and how right we were In july, Charles and Diana were divorced. By Tatler’s cl again the rie iit ethers st Downing Se all the rag, but so were a band charts wth theca tunes inched Prince Chick’ bottom an ited. ter world thes ald i with the I ctor and she Keith, Tamra Beckth and Lad Victoria Hervey leggy girs ebouttowm dazzled in the limelight enioying tints. Tier was there with them, partying ket was 199%, : 3 Model Nac acres Tatler’s embraced money pew grouring edhe new sci et town, Ter lapped them up whether twas Jimny Choo wedding toAmercan bank two young of about he The cosergits wer in your face toa They tooked spoiled and artgant Sophie Dah Tier had found es Noughties cove Royalty stills plein ler in a hack the cover in [November 200. Tal ssue embodied the > Tales JC Orn Are youbeng ous byvourchiren? The superdiets change yourli » 2000s

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