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Edges of the Pit

An Alternity Adventure
Background Information
983 AU (5 light-days) from the edge of Hammer’s Star, assumed lost. Follow-up expeditions found no trace of
which is located at the edge of the Verge, is an area the ship or her crew, and sensors could not detect any
known only as ‘The Pit’. An area shrouded in dark, traces of the tachyon particles, which should have
empty space, it is one of only a few known places illuminated the Blacklight’s exit from drivespace. All
containing what is commonly referred to as a black hole. indications were that the ship erroneously exited starfall
Because of its unique nature and close proximity to well beyond the black hole’s event horizon, and was thus
civilization, the Pit was a logical choice for the gathering destroyed by the massive gravitational forces. With the
of like-minded scientists who had braved the Verge onset of the Second Galactic War the following year,
during its early settling. StarMech abandoned its search and its interest in the
StarMech, feeling bested by the Borealis Republic system.
colony that settled the Hammer System, began funding Nearly 160 years later, Kendai Station has
a project known to the inner circles of power as “The X- transmitted a transponder code; the code believed to be
ray Project”. Together, with six of the top astrophysical that of the SMSS Blacklight. StarMech has a vested
research minds in the Verge, StarMech engineers interest in this discovery, for obvious reasons, and wants
designed a highly specialized science vessel. Launched to know details. Others are interested as well, some for
in the latter half of 2344, the SMSS Blacklight, a sleek the purely academic and scientific reasons, and some
research craft designed to bring her crew closer to the for the not so aesthetic.
event horizon than ever before, entered the Hammer The heroes are assigned the task of investigating
System. From there, after ‘juicing up’, she entered the signal. Being brought to the system by the SMSS
drivespace- and was never heard from again. Lyra, a stealth-class scout vessel, they are to discover
Captain E.L Hedrig, spacefarer, starship the source of the signal, and, if possible, return the ship
commander, explorer for over 40 years, and veteran of intact to StarMech labs. Of course, should anyone else
10 Galactic War Campaigns, had apparently entered gain control of the ship, StarMech would rather not let
too close to the black hole. He and his crew were anyone else get a chance to plagiarize their designs.

Plot Synopsis
The heroes arrive in Hammer’s Star system, where they black hole itself present a number of tricky obstacles.
land at New Spes to meet with StarMech Heroes had better be on their toes!
representatives. Scene I gives the player’s a chance to Scene III presents the greatest challenge of all. The
interact with the local population as they try and rebuild SMSS Blacklight lies just on this side of the event
their colony, and meet the StarMech agents who will horizon, in the accretion disk. From the player’s
layout their task. Toward the end of Scene I, however, an standpoint, she appears to be at a dead standstill, and
explosion rocks the building just after the heroes leave. a bright red in color. Skill checks against knowledge
Meant to be a warning, this is the first indication that the (with a -1 step) tell the heroes that the Blacklight is
heroes are not welcome. undergoing what is known as red shifting. The light
VoidCorp, always eager to line its own pockets, has reflected is being drawn back into the black hole, and
hired a gang of pirating thugs to capture the prize for only the ‘red spectrum’ is able to escape. This means
itself. Nothing is to stop Darius Prime from his goal. that the ship is very close to the event horizon.
Things just have a way of happening to those not careful Fortunately, the means exist for the ship to be retrieved
(especially in a region as deadly as the Pit), is the way from its entrapment, but the heroes must first voluntarily
VoidCorp sees this rivalry. ‘go after’ the ship, and risk ‘falling over the edge’. It is a
Scene II has the heroes arriving at the edge of the tough decision indeed. Realistically, the heroes could
Pit. Leaving drivespace, they could potentially cross the just sit and watch her disappear with a good conscience
horizon and never be heard from again. There, they that they have completed their mission.
meet Darius Prime and his pirating band. In an all-out Scene IV is an epilogue, which has the players
blast fest, the heroes not only need to worry about the arriving back at New Spes with (hopefully) the Blacklight
pirates, but the occasional asteroid being drawn in tow.
through the system as well. Lastly, the dangers of the
GM’s Information Area
This area contains all of the added information needed The Singularity
to run this adventure. In particular: the technical At the center of a black hole lies the singularity, where
information pertaining to this area of the galaxy. To matter is crushed to infinite density, the pull of gravity is
begin with, the following information is derived from an infinitely strong, and space-time has infinite curvature.
outstanding presentation by the University of Illinois (Go Here it's no longer meaningful to speak of space and
Illini!!) time, much less space-time. Jumbled up at the
Black holes are thought to form from stars or other singularity, space and time cease to exist, as we know
massive objects if and when they collapse from their them.
own gravity to form an object whose density is infinite: in
other words, a singularity. During most of a star's
lifetime, nuclear fusion in the core generates
The Limits of Physical Law
electromagnetic radiation, including photons, the Newton and Einstein may have looked at the universe
particles of light. This radiation exerts an outward very differently, but they would have agreed on one
pressure that exactly balances the inward pull of gravity thing: all physical laws are inherently bound up with a
caused by the star's mass. coherent fabric of space and time.
As the nuclear fuel is exhausted, the outward forces At the singularity, though, the laws of physics,
of radiation diminish, allowing the gravitation to including General Relativity, break down. Enter the
compress the star inward. The contraction of the core strange world of quantum gravity. In this bizarre realm
causes its temperature to rise and allows remaining in which space and time are broken apart, cause and
nuclear material to be used as fuel. The star is saved effect cannot be unraveled. Even today, there is no
from further collapse -- but only for a while. satisfactory theory for what happens at and beyond the
Eventually, all possible nuclear fuel is used up and singularity.
the core collapses. How far it collapses, into what kind of
object, and at what rate, is determined by the star's final Cosmic Censorship
mass and the remaining outward pressure that the It's no surprise that throughout his life Einstein rejected
burnt-up nuclear residue (largely iron) can muster. If the the possibility of singularities. So disturbing were the
star is sufficiently massive or compressible, it may implications that, by the late 1960s, physicists
collapse to a black hole. If it is less massive or made of conjectured that the universe forbade “naked
stiffer material, its fate is different: it may become a singularities.” After all, if a singularity were “naked,” it
white dwarf or a neutron star. could alter the whole universe unpredictably. All
singularities within the universe must therefore be
Black Holes “clothed.”
By definition a black hole is a region where matter But inside what? The event horizon, of course!
collapses to infinite density, and where, as a result, the Cosmic censorship is thus enforced. Not so, however, for
curvature of spacetime is extreme. Moreover, the intense that ultimate cosmic singularity that gave rise to the Big
gravitational field of the black hole prevents any light or Bang.
other electromagnetic radiation from escaping. But
where lies the “point of no return” at which any matter or Science versus Speculation
energy is doomed to disappear from the visible We can't see beyond the event horizon. At the singularity,
universe? randomness reigns supreme. What, then, can we really
“know” about black holes? How can we probe their
The Event Horizon secrets? The answer in part lies in understanding their
Applying the Einstein Field Equations to collapsing evolution right after they form.
stars, German astrophysicist Kurt Schwarzschild
deduced the critical radius for a given mass at which Journey into a Black Hole
matter would collapse into an infinitely dense state Imagine a trip into a black hole. This tantalizing thought
known as a singularity. For a black hole whose mass has excited much creative speculation.
equals 10 suns, this radius is about 30 kilometers or 19 There are two ways to consider the issue. One is to
miles, which translates into a critical circumference of “watch” someone or something -- say a small robot
189 kilometers or 118 miles. Beyond this point, not even spacecraft -- fall into the black hole. The odd thing is it
light escapes. So the event horizon acts as a kind of never seems to get there. The closer it approaches the
“surface” or “skin” beyond which we can venture but black hole's event horizon, the slower it seems to travel.
cannot see. Imagine what happens as you approach the But for the crew inside, there would be no warning
horizon, then cross the threshold. of its impending doom.
An accretion disk (A disk made up of matter swirling These two types of black holes have become known
around the outer edge of an event horizon. The matter is as Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, respectively.
being drawn in, but it thus forms a visible area around Both types of black holes are “stationary” in that they do
the black hole) might warn of an event horizon beyond, not change in time, unless they are disturbed in some
but the horizon itself would remain invisible. And for the way. As such, they are among the simplest objects
crew, time seems to flow normally. known in General Relativity. They can be completely
Nevertheless, to you, the observer, the spacecraft described in terms of just 2 numbers: their mass M and
appears to halt, seemingly forever suspended at the their angular momentum J.
boundary of the black hole. The spacecraft begins to Theoretically, black holes may also possess electric
turn orange, then red (this is known as red-shifting. The charge, Q, but it would quickly attract enough charge of
light reflected to the observer loses energy because now the opposite sign. The net result is that any “realistic” or
even the light is being drawn in), then fades astrophysical black hole would tend to exhibit zero
imperceptibly from view. Though it is gone, you never charge. This simplicity of black holes is summed up in
saw where or how it disappeared. the saying “black holes have no hair,” meaning that,
Now brace yourself! Imagine that you are venturing apart from its mass and momentum, there is no other
into the black hole yourself. As you travel toward it you characteristic (or “hair”) that a black hole can exhibit.
may notice nothing out of the ordinary, except an Though we cannot “see” a black hole itself (since
inability to steer yourself in any but one direction -- not even light can escape the black hole's gravitational
which is toward the “invisible” hole. You would never field), we may see the black hole's effects on nearby
know when you had crossed the event horizon were it not matter. For example, if gas from a nearby star were
for the increased gravitational tugging that draws your sucked towards the black hole, the intense gravitation al
body longer and longer, squeezing in from the sides. energy would heat the gas to millions of degrees. The
You wouldn't last long. Which is too bad, because resulting X-ray emissions could point to the presence of
theorists believe that inside a black hole time and space the black hole.
are scrambled up strangely, such that even time travel, Or, if a massive black hole were surrounded by
or travel to different universes via so-called “wormholes” large amounts of orbiting material — gas, dust, even
might become possible, if (and a big IF!) you could stars — their rapid motion close to the hole could be
survive the extreme gravity inside the hole. observable via shifts in the energy of the radiation they
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity predicts emit. Evidence along these lines is mounting, suggesting
that though the gravitational field around a massive that black holes may not be that rare in the universe.
black hole is stronger on the large scale, it will exert If scientists could build gravitational wave detectors
weaker tidal forces than its smaller counterpart, at least of sufficient sensitivity, they should be able to measure
outside the event horizon. These forces are what would the vibrations in space-time generated by black holes as
stretch and squeeze you into spaghetti. So, if you insist they form from a collapsing star, when they ingest large
on exploring the vicinity of a black hole and want to play amounts of matter, or if they interact, even collide with a
it safe, pick a big one! second black hole or another massive object, such as a
What happens to a black hole after it forms? neutron star. Certain patterns of gravitational waves
Does it vibrate? Radiate? Lose mass? Grow? emitted would reveal the “smoking gun.”
Shrink? So far, the wavelike disturbances in space-time
have eluded detection. In a relativistic universe, there
Partial solutions of the Einstein equations point to two should be no shortage of places in which to hunt for
possible outcomes: black holes. Much larger and more sensitive detectors
• A non-rotating, spherically symmetric black hole, are now under construction. With luck, soon gravitation
first postulated by Schwarzschild. scientists may be shouting “Eureka!”
• A rotating, spherical black hole, predicted in 1964
by the New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr. Copyright © 1995, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois NCSA.
Game Specifics
This area shall attempt to present some logical results to From the GMG, page 63, the following effects are
the area surrounding the black hole, including effects on imposed for high gravity and radiation areas.
heroes, ship’s systems, and in particular, weapons

Range .1 AU .2 AU .4 AU .6 AU .8 AU 1.0 AU 1.2 AU

Gravity 7G 6G 5G 4G 3G 2G 1G
Radiation R5 R4 R4 R3 R2 R2 R2
Physical Mod +5 +5 +5 +3 1 - +1
Move Mod -100% -100% -100% -75% -25% - +50%
Fall Mod +5 Grades +4 Grades +4 Grades +3 Grades +1 Grade - -1 Grade
Exhaust Check 3/min 2/min 1/min 1/hr 1/day - -
Con Feat Mod +3 penalty +1 penalty +1 penalty - -1 bonus -1 bonus no check
Con Feat Freq. 1/min 1/hr 1/hr 1/day 1/week 1/week none

NOTE 1: If the players fail their CON check due to NOTE 2: PL7 Ships provide complete radiation
radiation, the following affects occur: protection, except that in the R4/R5 areas,
they receive an R2/R3 dosage respectively.
CON Check Effects Onset For each 25% of damage a ship takes, it is
Critical Failure Terminally Ill 10/20/30 Minutes recommended that the radiation levels
Failure Extremely Ill 1/3 hour absorbed be increased by a factor of 1.
Ordinary Ill 6 hours
Good Ill 12 hours
Amazing None --

Ship Combat
For determination of ship-to-ship combat, the following +1 step modifier to the attack roll. Additionally, missile
optional rules are provided. weapons receive an added +3 to the attack roll, and
When the ships first engage, normal combat there is a 15% chance of the radiation affecting the
ensues. No bonuses or penalties other than those missile’s guidance system.
caused by individual characters will apply. The scene is When a ship enters the 6G/R4 area which is from
‘normal’. This holds true also for combat taking place the .2 AU - .4 AU range, missile attacks receive a +4 to
within the 2G area, or 1.0 AU - 1.2 AU area. the attack roll, along with the +2 step the player already
When a ship enters the 3G/R2 area, which is from has and the 15% chance of radiation affecting the
the .8 AU - .1.0 AU range, heroes begin to suffer missile’s guidance system.
penalties to their skill check. A +1 step modifier is When a ship enters the 7G/R5 area, which is from
added to all skill checks. Projectile weapons, such as the .1 AU - .2 AU range, players receive a final +3 step to
torpedoes and such, have an additional +2 (not step... their attack roll, and projectile weapons receive an
just a +2) added to the attempt to simulate the gravity added +5 to the attack roll. Additionally, there is a 20%
‘pulling’ the missile in. chance that the severe radiation from the black hole will
When a ship enters the 4G/R3 area, which is from adversely affect the missile’s guidance system.
the .6 AU - .8 AU range, the players receive a +1 step to The above rules are all completely optional, and it
all skill checks. Projectile weapons receive a +3 added can be assumed that PL7 and greater systems are
to the attack roll. Additionally, there is a 10% chance unaffected by the black hole’s radiation. At a minimum,
that the high radiation may affect the missile’s however, some form of adverse affect due to gravity
guidance, sending it into the event horizon. should be used to make the player’s experience the
When a ship enters the 5G/R4 area, which is from might and mystery of this space anomaly.
the .4 AU - .6 AU range, the players receive an additional
Players begin in the Algemron system, aboard the robotics. The Weren, in particular, make for a good
SMSS Lyra, a Stealth-Class Drive Scout. They have all peacekeeping force.
been assigned to this ship, as part of the crew sent to The heroes meet their StarMech contact here. Kylie
explore the mysterious signal, which has been Arten, a young female Agricultural specialist is assigned
broadcast from Kendai station. The heroes are to report here to help New Spes re-establish their terraforming
to New Spes, a settlement on the planet of the same sites. Without them, the colony has little chance of
name located in the Hammer’s Star system. supporting itself. She is a loyal StarMech employee, and
Their contact at new Spes is an agent of StarMech will help the heroes as much as she can in the way of
who was dispatched recently from the SMSS Monitor, information about the system, mission, etc.
which passed through these systems on a post-war fact- Kylie can provide the heroes with any of the
finding mission. Discovering an alien race had information in the background brief that the GM chooses
destroyed the original colony, StarMech means to keep to disclose. In particular, she directs them to ‘The Pit’.
a close eye on this area. Placing informants and She emphasizes the seriousness of the mission, as the
information gathering specialists in New Spes seems the drive and engine modifications to the Blacklight could
perfect way to accomplish that task. be a source of industrial power for those who got their
The trip to Hammer’s Star is but one starfall away hands on it. StarMech, to say the least, is eager to have
for the Lyra, so player’s have an opportune time to its return, or at the very least its destruction. She also
discuss plans upon arrival, gather information about the knows that ‘others’ want the ship also, though just whom
SMSS Blacklight, etc. she does not know. She has heard of the Protégé, and if
Arrival at Hammer’s Star can be uneventful, but for the players relate the encounter with the pirates, she will
those GM’s who desire immediate action in their games, inform them that Darius Prime is most likely behind the
a brush with Darius Prime and his crew aboard the assault. However, she cannot confirm whether or not he
Protégé is outlined here. is seeking the Blacklight. Darius is a pirate, and all
The pirate and his group have received inside ships are open game as far as she knows.
information about the arrival of the StarMech Leaving Kylie Arten, the player’s must decide what
investigative team, but as to where and when the group to do next. Most likely, they will be eager to head to the
would arrive, the pirates do not know. So, the encounter site of the Blacklight’s last known location-The Pit. Upon
should be a fairly typical meeting, with the conditions leaving The Spessian Mine, however, the entire place is
being of the ‘Normal’ variety (DMG p157). The hero’s rocked by an explosion. Metal and glass fly everywhere,
vessel, the Lyra, has an IR Detector with dedicated and players are sent sprawling for 2d4s damage. This
computer. This gives the sensor operator a -2 step to his encounter is not meant to hurt, only to let the heroes
skill check. The sensors sweep automatically, so a check know that something is wrong. Kylie is assumed killed in
should be made regardless if player’s state that they are the blast.
actually doing so (although in this case, the -2 step is VoidCorp is behind the explosion. Nearby, a
NOT added, as the system will be acting alone). The persistent group of heroes will discover that a mining
proximity alarm will alert the heroes of the Protégé’s company has had a recent break in. All that was stolen
presence if the check succeeds. The Protégé and her was some explosive charges. Quite trivial, the company
Mass Detector should make a similar check. The sensor feels, considering the amount of mineral wealth that was
operator of the Protégé receives a -3 step to his skill available. Further investigations reveal that a worker for
check, as he WILL be actively searching with a the mines, Trip Tudorman, was recently ‘laid-off’ due to
dedicated computer of Good quality. excessive problems with drink and gambling. He had
The Protégé will not want to remain engaged in also been seen with some of the more seedy types of the
combat for long, if possible. Darius Prime is intelligent system, including known accomplices of Darius Prime.
and cunning. If he cannot gain a decisive victory with in The company is very closed-mouth about employees,
a couple of rounds, he will abort the attempt and run. past or present. Nothing short of stealing the information
On New Spes, the heroes find the colony a hub of from a computer system will give the heroes any
activity. Robotic construction machines are tearing down answers.
old structures, and new ones are nearly completed. Players will have better luck by using local
There is a population of almost 1000 here at New Spes, authorities for information on the employee. Diplomacy
the majority of which are engineering, tech op and and outright hacking a mainframe are two options
mining types. The central colony itself has several new available, though getting caught stealing the
structures, one of which is called ‘The Spessian Mine’, information is almost guaranteed to bring a 15 year term
an entertainment facility. Here the heroes can relax to on a penal asteroid. Although local investigators frown
some good food, drink, and music. The local races are on anyone interfering in their case, if the heroes can
mostly human, though there are the occasional Fraal convince them that the more help they have the sooner
and Weren, with a rare Mechalus seen maintaining the the case is solved, the investigators will give them the
name of an establishment known for its less-than-prolific that his friends had a meeting with some ‘suits’ who are
clientele. The man can be easily located in one of the believed to work for VoidCorp. The GM is encouraged to
seedier dives on the edges of New Spes, a place called flesh this area of the adventure out as much as desired.
‘Primes Tyme’. Turning Trip Tudorman in to authorities earns them
Interrogation of Trip will reveal that he knows only a reward from the locals. Free embarkation of their ship
that some friends of his paid him a lot of cash to look the here at New Spes for a month. It also gives the players
other way while at the storage facility. He also knows inside help with local police during future adventures.


Its very name should give the players an indication that oranges and red as it moves in toward the pitch
something bad can happen if they are not careful. The blackness beyond the event horizon.
Pit itself is called that for one reason. It is a literal rift in Darius Prime and his crew of the Protégé are here
space, a black hole to the layman. Unlike many black waiting for the heroes, and another combat will result.
holes, this particular item, labeled NGC1533, is what is This time, Darius will not run, unless he is completely
known as a ‘rotating’ or Kerr black hole. Most are found unable to win. This means that he looses his stardrive
to be stationary. That is what drew StarMech scientists to system or falls below 50% of his ship’s durability. If he is
the area in the first place. Modern mathematics showed able to, he will use his tractor beam to push the Lyra into
that a rotating black hole would allow an object to reach the accretion disk, so as to make them think about that
the very core of the black hole intact. Theoretically, of threat as well as the threat from him.
course. For the purposes of the combat, all navigation and
Before the scene is described, it is first necessary to encounters are in the “Crowded” condition. Checks must
educate the GM on black holes themselves. It is still be made for passing debris once every three combat
recommended that the section entitled GM’s Information rounds. After two combat rounds, the ships move into the
be reviewed for clarity of this area. accretion disk and the gravity moves to 2.0 G. For every
The ship’s systems will allow the SMSS Lyra to 2 rounds of ship-to-ship combat thereafter, it is assumed
safely enter realspace. She will not wind up in an that the ships have moved .2 AU closer (unless they have
asteroid or some other dangerous spot. However, once actively taken precautions against doing so). At each
the ship’s sensors have made their initial sweep, the stage, the gravitational forces go up a factor of one. The
heroes will discover just what kinds of problems are GM’s Information area details what the level of gravity is
facing them. for each location within the accretion disk, as well as
The area the ship exits is considered Crowded. This any effects imposed on the heroes and the ships
takes into account that a lot of stellar matter is being systems. Currently, the SMSS Blacklight is at the .4 AU
drawn into the black hole ahead. Periodically, around area, so even if the SMSS Lyra wins, the heroes face a
every 20 minutes, navigators must make a successful monumental task in saving her.
check in order to avoid a passing chunk of matter. These As said earlier, the heroes can just wait and watch
checks are made at a -1, normally, assuming the the Blacklight fall over the edge of the horizon, and feel
navigator is actively searching for navigation hazards. If secure in the knowledge that they have completed their
not, the computer will automatically sweep the area, but task- until, that is, a radio communication breaks the
at a +1 vice a -1. silence.
The Pit is an incredible sight to behold. A compact “This is the SMSS Blacklight. Captain E. L. Hedrig
piece of matter of 15 solar masses, it has an event commanding. If anyone can receive this message, let it
horizon of 100 km, and an accretion disk out to 1 AU. be known that we fought to the last. Without the ability to
When the heroes arrive, they immediately feel the recharge our stardrive systems there is no escaping the
effects, as the ship rocks and yaws in an attempt to gravitational pull of the star. Pray for our souls. E.L.
adjust. The gravitational affects are 1.5 G at this point, Hedrig out.”
just outside the accretion disk at 1.2 AU. The accretion Nothing the players can do will raise the SMSS
disk looks like a giant, slowly swirling pool, whitish-blue Blacklight back on the channel. They have apparently
at the edges, slowly fading through greens, yellows, turned the radio off. If the players are to save the ship,
they must board her.
Having successfully navigated the hazards of the local to her and her crew, of course. Realizing their danger,
area, engaged and defeated the pirate Darius Prime Captain Hedrig had messages sent to StarMech asking
and his warbird the Protégé, the last thing that the for help. Slowly, they have been getting closer and
heroes may want to do is take an even greater risk. closer to the event horizon of the Pit.
However, at the end of Scene II a radio message from As one can well imagine, insanity, panic and terror
the SMSS Blacklight was received, stating that they had are running amok on the vessel. The crew has literally
given up hope of being rescued. This leaves the heroes snapped, blaming the Captain for their predicament. All
with a moral dilemma. Do they dare risk themselves as but four crew members, Captain Hedrig, his engineer
well as the Blacklight in what seems like a no-win Cyrus Calm, Executive Officer Daniel Ortmann, and a
situation? Or do they allow the SMSS Blacklight to pass space-medic Alysha DeNoire, have ravaged the ship,
over the Event Horizon and into history, as it should have many of her systems, and each other. Together, the four
done years ago. If the heroes return empty handed, remaining survivors have barricaded themselves in
proceed to Scene IV: Alternate Ending. Otherwise, the Forward Engineering, where they have re-routed
climactic struggle occurs here in Scene III. computer control, life support, and can access the
The SMSS Blacklight never entered the event stardrive systems in the adjoining auxiliary space. Time
horizon of NGC1533. She went with her scheduled and weapons grow short, however. In 3 hours, the ship
experiment, and entered drivespace at roughly the 2.5 will cross the horizon. In 2, the captain and party will run
AU point. Here the gravitational effects were ideal for the out of ammunition and be subject to the whims of the
test, and the ship (though stressed) was in no real remaining six crewmembers.
danger of becoming lost. Unfortunately for the crew, the Should the heroes attempt to board the Blacklight,
best-laid plans never seem to materialize as expected. they will be forced to endure a 4.0G system for the
The SMSS Blacklight powered up her sensor array duration of their visit. After 1 hour, they will have slipped
and stardrive system and began to enter drivespace. As into the 5.0G limit. The situation should be as dire as
she did, a random act, which can quite literally be can be.
called a ‘one-in-a-million’ shot, occurred, and a large The interior of the ship is a flood of red emergency
chuck of space debris came crashing in with them. Too lighting, with the occasional arcing and sparking of
late to reverse the process, she had to first completely loose electrical connections, torn conduit, smashed
submerge into drivespace before she could attempt re- panels, and all forms of graffiti line the ships interior. Of
emergence. the original crew of 18, 10 remain, and four are still
The space matter significantly threw the fine sensor coherent enough to listen to reason- the Captain and his
readings all out of alignment, as it struck the ship and three supporters holed up in Forward engineering.
then the net of sensors laced all around her. The result Bodies, or parts of them, can be found lying
was a random configuration of readings that caused a about, victims of gunplay or worse. The six
warping of the bubble in which the SMSS Blacklight sat. crewmembers loose are unaware of the heroes’ arrival,
The space twisted, elongated, and battered the vessel as they are busy trying to get into the Engineering
for what seemed like an eternity before the navigator space. The gunplay and shouts will alert the heroes as
and helm could regain control. Exiting drivespace, the to the location of the action. Once the crew discovers the
Blacklight found herself 180 degrees on the other side of heroes, they forget Captain Hedrig and attempt to board
the Blackhole. A single, 5 LY starfall, and only 8 AU the SMSS Lyra to escape.
traveled? The scientists could not believe what they were Once the situation is resolved with the crew, the real
reading on the computer’s analysis: The Blacklight had trouble begins. The heroes have a choice: save the
been ‘bent’ around the outer edge of the Blackhole, only Blacklight or her crew at least. Captain Hedrig refuses to
to appear on the other side. leave the ship, feeling that it is his fault this all came to
A quick check revealed that the ship’s stardrive had pass. Given his resolve, much diplomatic discussion can
been completely shorted out by the sensory overload as be wasted.
the matter crashed into her and her sensory net. Worse Fixing the ship is not an easy matter either. The Lyra
still, the mass reactor was disabled, leaving her with but must scavenge parts from one of her mass reactors to
bare emergency power for marginal sensors and allow the reactor on the Blacklight to power up. Heroes
computer core. What the member’s of the Blacklight do must make a check versus intelligence. Marginal=1
NOT know, is that during their ‘transition’ from one spot hour to get the required parts, Ordinary=45 minutes,
to the other, they passed so near to the event horizon, as Good=30 minutes, Amazing=20 minutes. Regardless,
to become nearly stationary in the space-time field. the time required to reinstall the necessary parts into the
Realspace-time was flowing normally all about, but the Blacklight’s system is 15 minutes. If the Blacklight’s
SMSS Blacklight was caught in a severe curvature of engineer is still alive, he can add a -2 step to the heroes’
space. Time, in essence, stood still. Thus, when she check, provided he can help.
exited drivespace, she exited 160 years later- unknown
Note: The Engineer is a very touchy man when it Once the mass reactor is up online, in but a few
comes to his systems. If he is helping the minutes the induction engine will be powered up, and
heroes, he will insist upon being the lead repair she can get underway; headed for the safety of the
man, and will use his Engineering and Jury-rig Hammer’s Star system. As a note, the stardrive is in very
skills to their fullest. A problem will arise if the poor shape, requiring the cannibalization of many other
Engineer and/or heroes fail a skill check for parts and systems to make it work. All skill checks for the
repair. He is rather egotistical (and rightly so!) stardrive system are at a +1 step, and failure means
about his knowledge of the ships systems. He is that she must hobble all 983 AU. This is a trip of 40 days,
not used to failure. A failed skill check sends and the heroes may want to ‘jump ahead’ and bring
the man into a raging fit, where he kicks, hits, back the needed parts for repair. This being the case, at
and screams at the “blasted archaic garbage least 15 days will transpire jumping back and forth. If
heap” of a system. His rage lasts quite a while, the players decide not to, then 40 days is how long the
incurring the ‘Temper 3” flaw penalty described slow crawl back to Hammer’s Star will be. Of course, this
in his stat sheet. can always lead to further intrigue should Darius Prime
or his crew escaped, or, for interests sake, just how much
food do the heroes have anyway?

Read the epilogue to the heroes: remain aboard the Lyra. The systems evaluation will
take a few days. At that time you can tell me of your
The past (5/15/40) days have been one of almost destinations.”
constant struggle, but it seems to coming to a close, as Turning to leave, the man leaves you wondering if
the giant Hammer’s Star looms visible ahead. Around you have been applauded for your efforts, or forewarned
the sun, orbiting slowly, like a tiny rock in a black void, of things to come. No matter, a weeks paid leave; now
Spes spins silently on her axis. where shall we go, hmmm?
Moving slowly through the outer asteroid belt, the
Lyra’s communication station lights up with a crackle, as EPILOGUE
a commanding voice booms through. “This is Major The StarMech, after finding very little they can use
Alexei Dreyiv, StarMech Collective. We have you on our aboard the Blacklight, decide that the ship is better
sensors. Continue to a 400km orbit above the planet destroyed than attempting to bring her back intact. Her
Spes. Stand-by for boarding.” hull is damaged, the support systems have been
The communications station goes silent, as the cannibalized, and she is barely able to get underway.
ships creep along to the ordered spot above Spes. The heroes are to pilot her to the nearby Hammer’s Star
There, a large, StarMech Escort meets you. Within for a one-way ticket to oblivion. This is an opportunity for
moments of docking, Major Dreyiv meets with you on the a GM to ad lib encounters, such as a Klick ship, a
bridge. A slight man, his pale blue eyes command VoidCorp hired hand, or a greedy pirate.
attention. It is obvious he is used to command. After its destruction, the StarMech is true to its word.
“I have been sent to convey the StarMech The players are given free leisure time at the system of
appreciation of your efforts. Your task shall not go their choice. Of course, VoidCorp and the Concord will
unnoticed, I will assure you; the first of which is a weeks want to know everything the heroes have to say, so
paid leave in the spot of your choice. Take your time agents might try to contact them. But that is another
deciding, for we must search the Blacklight’s computer adventure...
systems for any useful data. Then... well, then” he
pauses cryptically, “if we need your services again, you
shall be available, won’t you. Until that time, you are to
Supporting Cast
Captain E. L. Hedrig Kylie Arten, PhD.
Male Military Officer Female Explorer
Level 4 Human Combat Spec Level 1 Human Free Agent (Agriculturist)
STR 11 [+2] dmg +1 INT 14 [+2] STR 9 INT 8
DEX 7 WIL 9 DEX 14 [+3] WIL 13 [+2]
Durability: 10/9/5/5 Action Check: 14+/14/7/3 Durability: 9/9/5/6 Action Check: 12+/12/6/3
Move: sprint 18, run 12, walk 4 #Actions: 2 Move: sprint 22, run 14, walk 4 # Actions: 2
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 Last Resorts: 2 Reaction Score: Ordinary/0 Last Resorts: 0

Attacks Attacks
Unarmed Attack 5/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O Unarmed Attack 5/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O
Laser pistol 13/6/3 d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m En/O 11mm charge pistol 14/7/3 d4+2w/d6+2w/d4m+1 Hi/O
Defenses Defenses
CF coat: d6 (LI), d6 (HI), d6-1 (En) CF short coat: (Li) d4-1 (Hi) d4-1 (En) d6-3
Ordinary Body Plating: d4 (LI), d4 (HI), d4-1 (En)
Skills Athletics [9]; Ranged Weapons-Modern [14]; Vehicle
Athletics [11]-Throw [12]; Armor Operation [11]-Combat Operation [14]-Space [15]; Movement [9]-Trailblazing
armor [13], Powered armor [13]; Heavy Weapons [11]- [10]; Stamina [9]; Survival [9]; Life Science [8]-Botany
Direct fire [12], Indirect fire [12]; Modern [7]-Rifle [8], [10]; Knowledge [8]-Agriculture [12]; Navigation [8];
SMG [8]; Vehicle Ops [7]; Stamina [9]-Survival [9]; Awareness [13]; Interaction [7]
Knowledge [14]; Tactics [14]-Infantry [15], Starship [16];
Interaction [13]; Leadership [13]-Command [16]; Perks
Awareness [9] Reflexes (+1 bonus on dexterity resistance, applied)
Vigor (mortal, fatigue) (1 bonus point on mortal and
Perks fatigue ratings, applied)
Heightened Dexterity (applied) Flaws
Heightened Will (applied) Obsessed #1 (+1 penalty on all actions when triggered)
Heightened Personality (applied) Powerful Enemy #1
Obsessed #3 (+3 penalty on all actions when triggered) Gear
Old Injury #3 (3w prim, 1s secondary, when triggered) Orbital uplink, com. gear, professional Botany and
Agricultural Instrument kits, Agricultural/Botany
Achievements Computer Gauntlet, GPS receiver, binoculars, portable
Action Check Increase x1 (applied) cabin, e-beacon, first aid kit, jumpsuit, fatigues, goggles,
Mortal Rating Increase (applied) long coat, used (very) skycar.
Stun Rating Increase x1 (applied)
Tough as Nails (applied)
Darius Prime Commander Daniel
Human Male Pilot (Mutant) Ortmann
Level 3 Male Tech Op Male Military Officer
STR 9 INT 15 [+3] Level 3 Human Diplomat [Combat Spec]
DEX 14 [+2] WIL 9 STR 10 INT 13 [+2]
CON 9 PER 8 DEX 9 WIL 13 [+2]
Durability: 12/9/4/5 Action Check: 15+/15/7/3 CON 9 PER 12
Move: sprint 22, run 14, walk 4 # Actions: 2 Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action Check: 14+/13/6/3
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 Last Resorts: 2 Move: sprint 18, run 12, walk 4 # Actions: 2
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 Last Resorts: 2
Unarmed Attack 5/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O Attacks
Laser pistol 13/6/3 d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m En/O Unarmed Attack 5/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O
Defenses Quantum Rifle 9/4/2 d4+3w/d6+4w/d6 En/O
CF coat: d6 (LI), d6 (HI), d6-1 (En) Defenses
Ordinary Body Plating: d4 (LI), d4 (HI), d4-1 (En) Cerametal Armor 10/5/2 d6+1/d8+1/d6

Skills Skills
Athletics [9]; Modern [14]-Pistol [16]; Vehicle [14]-Air [16], Athletics [10]; Armor Op [10]-Powered [12]; Ranged
Land [16], Space [16]; Stamina [9]; Knowledge [15]- Weapons-Modern [9]-Pistol [10], Rifle [10]; Vehicle Ops
Computer ops [16]; Navigation [15]; Astrogation-system [9]; Stamina [9]-Resist Pain [11]; Knowledge [13]-First Aid
[16]; Awareness [9]; Interaction [8] [14]; Spaceship Ops [13]-Communications [14], Weapons
[14]; Tactics [13]-Infantry [15]; Administration [13]-
Ordinary Mutations Bureaucracy [14]; Awareness [13]; Interaction [12];
Improved Durability (3 pts to stun rating already added) Leadership [12]-Command [14]
Improved PER (1 point already added)
Improved STR (1 point already added) Perks
Ordinary Drawbacks Zero-G Tolerance
Sound Sensitivity Flaws
Code of Honor
Heightened Dexterity (applied) Achievements
Heightened Intelligence (applied) Action Check Increase x1 (applied)
Zero-G Tolerance Increase Will #1 (applied)
Cyrus Calm - Engineer Alysha DeNoire - Med Tech
Level 3 Human [Mutant] Tech Op - Male Level 2 Human Tech Op - Female
STR 8 INT 14 [+3] STR 8 INT 14 [+3]
DEX 14 [+2] WIL 9 DEX 14 [+2] WIL 9
CON 10 PER 8 CON 10 PER 8
Durability: 10/10/5/5 Action Check: 16+/15/7/3 Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action Check: 16+/15/7/3
(-4 total modifier) Move: sprint 22, run 14, walk 4 # Actions: 2
Move: sprint 22, run 14, walk 4 # Actions: 2 Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 Last Resorts: 0
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 Last Resorts: 0
Attacks Unarmed Attack 4/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O
Unarmed Attack 4/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O Pistol, Mass 16/8/4 d6w/d6+2w/d6m En/G
Pistol, Laser 7/3/1 d4+1w/d6+1w/d4 En/O SMG, Stutter 14/7/3 d6+2s/d8+2s/d8 LI/O
SMG, Laser 7/3/1 d6w/d6+2w/d4m En/O Defenses
Defenses CF Softsuit d6/d6/d6-1 O
CF Softsuit d6/d6/d6-1 O
Deflection Harness Skills
Athletics [8]; Ranged Weapons [14]-Pistol [16]; Vehicle
Skills Ops [14]; Movement [10]-Swim [11]; Stamina [10];
Athletics [8]; Vehicle Ops [14]; Stamina [10]; Knowledge Knowledge [14]-First Aid [17], T’sa Language [15];
[14]-Computer Ops [17], Deduce [17]; Security [14]; Medical Science [14]-Forensic Medicine [15], Medical
Spaceship Ops [14]-Engineering [17], Sensors [15]; Knowledge [15], Surgery [15], Treatment [17],
Technical Science [14]-Juryrig [17], Repair [17], Technical Xenomedicine T’sa [17]; Awareness [9]; Interaction [8]
Knowledge [17]; Awareness [10]-Perception [11];
Interaction [6]-Taunt [7]. Perks
Fortitude (-1 step on stamina/endurance check)
Perks Great Looks
Concentration Heightened Will (applied)
Photo Memory -1 to all awareness perception checks) Flaws
Flaws Bad Luck (19 or 20 is a critical failure)
Temper 3 (+3 penalty to all actions when triggered.
Ordinary Mutation Bio Watch- Good
Improved Reflexes (-1 on action check)
Enhanced Will (2 points added)
Achievements Level 1 Human Tech Ops
Action Check Bonus (applied) STR 9 INT 10
Concentration DEX 11 WIL 6
Durability: 8/8/4/4 Action Check: 10+/10/5/2
Move: sprint 18, run 12, walk 4 # Actions: 2
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 Last Resorts: 0

Unarmed Attack 5/2/1 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O
Laser Pistol 11/5/2 d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m En/O
Pulse Baton 10/5/2 d8s/d4+2w/d6+2w

Athletics [10]; Ranged Weapons, Modern [11]-Pistol [12];
Vehicle Ops [11]; Stamina [8]; Knowledge [10]; System
Operation [10]; Spaceship Operations [10]; Technical
Science [10]; Awareness [6]; Interaction [8]

Note: The low Will is due to the situation on board the

SMSS Blacklight. The morale and fatigue have worn the
crew down considerably.
Stealth-class Drive Scout
Compartments: 5 Dur: 30 As her later Javelin-class sister ship, this vessel serves a
Maneuver Rating: -1 Acc: 3 Mpp single-minded purpose: get in and out with as much
Cruising Speed: 2 AU/hour Berthing: 6 accumulated information as possible quickly and
Armament: 1 Mass Cannon quietly. With her Light Neutronite armor, twin mass
Defenses: Deflection Inducer reactors and incredible array of sensing equipment, the
Jammer Stealth was once the jewel of the fleet. Slower than the
Light Neutronite armor: newer ships, the Stealth class does not rely on her
d6 (LI), d6 (HI), d6-1 (En) ability to out run and out gun her enemies. Rather, she is
Computer: Good computer core, Navigation (G), Sensor virtually impossible to get near enough to be threatened,
(G), Communication (G) and her incredible array of powerful, dedicated
Engines: Induction Engine computers can sweep a system and then disappear
Power: 2 Mass Reactors rated for 30 power factors back into drivespace before anyone knows she was
Drive: 10 light-years per starfall there.
Cost: $6,570,000 Should an enemy ship manage to get close enough
to the scout to actually pose a threat, she is by no means
Roll Comp’t Systems (Dur/Pow) Dur defenseless. With a mass cannon mounted on a turret,
1-4 Command Mass Tranceiver (1/1) 12/12/6 she has complete coverage forward, port and starboard,
Deflection Inducer (1/2) and her Deflection Inducer provides added protection for
Computer Core (G) (2/0) her already excellent armor.
Navigation Computer (G) (0/0)
As impressive as her sensor systems are, so too
Comm Computer (G) (0/0)
does her Engineering System warrant respect. Twin
Sensor Computer (G) (0/0)
Mass Reactors rated at 30 power factors allow for the
Lt Neutronite Armor (0/0)
Spectroanalyzer (1/1) possibility of losing one reactor and maintaining the
IR Dtector (0/0) ability to power all systems. An 8 factor Induction
Jammer (0/1) Engine, and a Stardrive system capable of an
Crew quarters (1/0) outstanding 10 light year starfall allow this ship to
Reentry Capsule (0/0) rapidly conduct surveys of even hard to reach, out of the
5-10 Auxiliary Mass Reactor (15) (6/0) 12/12/6 way systems.
Auto Support Unit (0/1) Designed for a crew complement of 6, she includes
11-13 Fwd Engineering Induction Engine (6/6) 12/12/6 a captain, an engineer, a Tech Op who specialize in
14-17 Weapons Mass cannon (2/3) 6/6/3 computer system and sensor operation, and two general
Turret (1/0)
space hands who usually are responsible for ship
17-20 Aft Engineering Stardrive (3/*) 18/18/9
navigation and communication.
Mass Reactor (15) (6/0)
Airlock (0/0)

Weapon Data
System Acc Range Type Damage
Mass cannon 0 5/10/15 Li (p) 6+2s/d6+1w/d6+3w
The Protegé
Modified System-Class Light Freighter
Compartments: 6 Dur: 32 One thing that can be said about the pirates of the
Maneuver Rating: 0 Acc: 2 Verge- they play to win. Combining maximum output
Cruising Speed: 1.5 AU/hr Berthing: 12 with minimal required input, there’s is a rag-tag fleet of
Armament: Plasma Cannon on a Turret early model craft. Unfortunately for those who test the
Tractor Beam mettle of these space rogues, what is outside is not
Defenses: Light Cerametal Armor necessarily what one will find inside. Example: The
d6-1 (Li)/ d6-1 (Hi)/ d6-1 (En) Protegé, a System-class Light Freighter.
Computer: Good Core, Good Navigation, Good Defense Modified and maintained by Darius Prime and his
Engines: 6 factor Induction Engine with stabilizers crew of 10, the Protege is far from what her original
Power: 2 Mass Reactors rated at 10 power factors each designers intended. Originally meant for small jaunts
Drive: Stardrive system rated at 5 LY Starfall about the local solar system, her primary mission did not
Cost: $5,060,000 even include any real weapons systems. Completely
defensive and passive in nature, this ship was a pure
Roll Comp’t Systems (Dur/Pow) Dur merchant vessel.
1-3 Command Laser Transeiver (0/1) 10/10/5 Heavy modifications to her engines, the addition of
Mass Dectector (1/0) a drive system, and a ‘slight’ addition of some weaponry
Multiband Radar (0/0) however, have made this craft into a warbird capable of
Computer Core (G) (2/0) inflicting massive damage at blazing speed. Darius and
Navigation (G) (0/0)
his crew gain a decided advantage in the ‘surprise’
Defense (G) (0/0)
factor. Most find the beat up ship unassuming, until her
Light Cerametal Armor (0/0)
sensors, guns and tractor beam rapidly overwhelm the
2x Crew Quarters (2/0)
Reentry Capsule (0/0) opposition. A quick boarding and looting, the space-hulk
4-8 Fwd Engineering Mass Reactor (10) (4/0) 18/18/9 lumbers away. If any try pursuit, they are stunned to
Stabilizer (2/0) watch this ancient, hulking, tortoise-of-a-ship blast into
Star Drive (3/*) drivespace.
9-10 Auxiliary Mass Reactor (10) (4/0) 8/8/4 The cargo capability of the ship is much smaller
Autosupport Unit (0/1) than her original design allowed for, but Darius Prime
11-12 Cargo Cargo Space (48 m3) (2/0) 4/4/2 prefers to have a stardrive overload capability. Still, her
13-16 Weapons Plasma Cannon (3/3) 12/12/6 48 cubic meter hold is plenty big for the operations he
Turret (1/0) takes on. With the recent addition of two stabilizers
Tractor Beam (2/*)
(which Darius refuses to explain WHERE he acquired),
17-20 Aft Engineering Induction Engine (6/6) 12/12/6
the Protege’ has the added ability to make rapid
Airlock (0/0)
Auto Support Unit (0/1) direction changes easily and efficiently, making her
maneuverability comparable with newer ships.
Weapon Data
System Acc Range Type Damage
Plasma Can. 0 4/8/16 En (e) d6+2w/d8+2w/d6+1m
Tractor Beam -1 3/6/9 En (e)
.25Mpp/3 power factors channeled
SMSS Blacklight
Scientific Research Platform
Compartments: 8 Dur: 48 In late 2344, scientists from across the Verge gathered
Maneuver Rating: +1 Acc: 1 Mpp around to choose who the lucky crew would be to begin
Cruising Speed: 1AU/hour Berthing: 15 the maiden voyage of the SMSS Blacklight. A research
Armament: Plasma Cannon (port/Starboard/Aft) vessel specifically designed to withstand high
4/8/16 En(e) d6+2w/d8+2w/d6+1m gravitational forces, she was outfitted with the latest
Matter Torpedo (forward) 2/5/10 En(e) computer sensing arrays, astrogation modules, and a
2d6s/2d6w/d6+3m) science lab with dedicated computer that would make
Defenses: Light Neutronite Armor the most elegant Terran facility green with envy.
d6 (LI) d6 (HI) d6-1 (En) Tasked with deep research about ‘The Pit’, a
Computer: Amazing computer core, Navigation (A), collapsed star nearby the Hammer’s Star system, she
Sensor (A), Communication (A), Science (A) was to conduct intensive investigations on the effects of
Engines: Induction Engine the star’s gravity on the stardrive systems. Some
Power: Mass Reactor rated at 20 power factors researchers had hoped that with the right modifications,
Drive: Stardrive capable of 5 LY starfall the Stardrive system could use the star’s massive space-
Cost: Classified warping capability to elongate the field around the ship,
and thus double, triple, or even quadruple the distance
Roll Comp’t Systems (Dur/Pow) Dur of a single fall.
1-3 Command Computer Core (A) (3/0) 6/6/3 The ship boasts the size of a light freighter, but most
Navigation (A) (0/0) of her spare space is occupied by the massive reactor,
5-6 Auxiliary Stardrive (3/*) 8/8/4 induction engine and dedicated research facility. If one
Auto Support Unit (0/1)
looks at the ship’s mass reactor and stardrive systems,
Recycler (1/1)
their sheer size would mark them for one much more
7-9 Fwd Eng Mass Reactor (20) (8/0) 16/16/8
powerful, but in fact this is not true. They have been
Auto Support Unit (0/1)
10-12 Weapons Plasma Cannon (Aft) (3/3)18/18/9 highly modified. The ship’s entire sensor array, including
Matter Torpedo (Forward) (5/4) the remote net when deployed, pours information into
Turret (port/starboard/aft) (1/0) the dedicated computer, which in turn feeds
13-15 Crew 3x Crew Quarters (3/0) 14/14/7 gravitational wave algorithms to the Stardrive system
Sick Bay (2/0) based on the sensor indications. A secondary signal is
Lab Section (2/0) then fed back to the mass reactor, which adjusts the
Airlock (0/0) power output to what is needed by the stardrive. In this
16 Electronics Sensor Computer (A) (0/0) 6/6/3 way, researchers had hoped to compensate the
Tech Science Computer (A) (0/0) gravisphere around the Blacklight to make it capable of
Comm Computer (A) (0/0)
safely crossing the event horizon, and perhaps even to
Remote Net (2/2)
the first Einstein Ring. Should they succeed, eventually
Mass Detector (1/0)
17-18 Aft Eng Auto Support Unit (0/1) 12/12/6 the gravisphere in which the ship sits could be reshaped
Induction Engine (6/6) however the scientists wanted, thus literally harnessing
19-20 Cargo 48 cubic meter Bay (2/0) 16/16/8 the power of a black hole. No one ever found out if the
3x Escape Pods (6/0) experiment worked, for shortly after the ship’s second
starfall, she disappeared.
The ship, while primarily a research vessel, has an
impressive array of weapons. After all, she was
supposed to be alone in her research, with no military
escort. With a plasma cannon on a turret, she has
coverage Port, Starboard, and Aft. Up forward, she has a
deadly Matter Torpedo, which can blast open any who
would try to impede her travels. Rounding out with light
armor, comfortable crew spaces, and a recycler unit to
help extend her missions, the Blacklight was the promise
of a new future in space flight.

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